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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jun 1930, p. 9

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TT = ESES88.-55 « aan action, 23% K'ng th : heb SESS SE os ¥ | i | E PAGE NINE B.A ' i auis 5 Jv . A id Sone Manor 10 loan 4 FIsStarth, I'bote' 67, Residence GREER AND TUMPHREYS BAT. {sters, Simeoe St. " Ne Phone ito. i Money to loan. ALEX 'U, HALL, B.A. BARRIS ter, ete. Conveyancing and general St. Bast. A B. . tte. Money to ey Alger Bids. op ue. W Pour Office. Phane 16 161 | ste. Alger Bldg. "Phone 2996 | me---- : ; { DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone "050, Office hours' a.m, to 8.30 pm, Dr, B. J. Jazlewood, special atvention to Surgery and X- y. Jr. B. H. Har- per, special attention to children's and Obstetrics. Sunday and night calls 2416 or 122, Dit yy PH CIAN, SUR. cher, © and resis ac. Kinw St. Er 1 coro Victoria 2 G ANT ZRRY, PHYSICIAN Dk z seta ses of Office and 409 Pond East, Phone 1155 ARCHER. M.D. CM. DR. DAVID ARCHER. M.D. CM. Physician, 2 Surreon Obstetrician. : N.. Phon reside ad wr Saatino. Ave, North, Phone 31650. . W. CARE, PHYSICIAN, DR. © Obstet: Oftice and ps po o 513 oe street north. Phone 2415. OF [ARCHIE 8X cian, Suntan a d and North, phone DR. SHIRLEY, VEIng NARiA Bpecialist Diseases 1 mals, Cat and dos iy King W. Tel. 629. (June 2-1 mo) specialize lameness, 17 yoars' ox | M perience, Fees moderate. Phong 202r2 (May 12-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat. Specialist DR.F.T, OF 160 BLOOR Street We ) will be at his 4 ors for consulta ion and ji sym for , nose. and only. sates of ear mav bs mad~ at drug store, Phone 97. DE. £-¥ RICHRRDSOR OFFICE i Di 1 Hours fuer Mischelrs AH hu Evealoes by by us rig TI Hoditene Ban of oe eth rE 8. Eye, ear, nose and Shrost, rs 9 to 11,30, 2 to 6, HE Phones, office, 167; 3 dence, 596. (June 13-1 mo,) =7 | Phone 2806W. S. ute : sobit ENHOUS nis Simcoe Ao hE io ! somal 1 ori] Author, Strain, Ds. Post Ottice. LUKE KE BURIAL SOL coe stremt. B idence 210 210W, \ Insurance N, INS ™ ro Oshawa, The old. Cuhava, 30 Re 0 King St est Pire Agen table Fire t RN. Johns, 80 Simcoe sorth, Your insurasce wants at jones to sad your interests pro~ tec TT Transportation HAG man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware house und moving van equipment. Phone 812. GaANTAG nd ard Gade an A one is.ance uling. Smith Phone a 10 Bond St. X hs OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ ESTAB- lishe! furn'ture: moet. Park Road car age. Local and long distance, Erank ke. yg 65 Park RY Li "(May 19-1 mo) SUDBURY, IT PAYS TO MOVE-- Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle. ville, anywhere cheapest in the city, Eagle Cartage, phone 290. (May 29-1 mo) 90c AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled, long distance moving. Cheap. Phone Local June 11-1 mo) Beauty Parlors Shop... Special.sts in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Ver. manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $15; All other ines of Beauty flulture, ¥hone 2008, Apply sb Simcoe street ak MAR a Warcel Perman- and shame sass J vy 9 Celina St. We spe- in: ladies' hair cutting, mar. facials. Marcel ments phone May 16-1 mo) Oe. HN. Wi Clarke, 14 Agnes street, hone 5 (May 20-1 m») 0 Parislens Beauty Parloup Ahncun. ces the ptice of marcelling, 60¢, Finger Waving 76¢c, durlpg. the summer months, Commeneing from June first, Phone (May 21.1 mo.) Music HERBERT ©. TRENEER, OR- nist and choir master of King treet United Church will accept pupils io plano, organ and Yosss usic. For particulars ADDL BY Willlas street east. Phone 2896, (June 2-31) Dt Ht oho Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC cossories for sale, repairs on Be iin and batted sets, tubes and roe ro~ barged. rota) supplied. $1, Phone 33504. Charles Wales, Esta i 101 2 reasonable, charged 50¢, Teutals Pi Geo. 'Radlotriclan, x (May 17-1mo, with tal $1.00, paired ang rebuilt, Called for Pry delivered, cnarged, 76¢ called for and de livered. Radio service, airials erect. ed. Platt, Phone 15068J, © (May 21-1 mo) torch, | Pn Burroughs, '{ Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone\ 1880W, (Ma, 19-1 mo) fscriininating woman Mrs. | alterations. ld 27-1 mo) GOOD 0 1] A J. Park: poly fe BETTY LOU PERNANGNT WAVE | slabs. I] [CFS body 2 rm ge Ts hours. and miss, |' latter for demos , All Classified 'Advertising {72 Coming E ' vents, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of loss arising from handling a large number of of this nature, Ror ith convenience of cultomens who. isd i inssavenienk nally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a 'messenger who will receive the advertisement to some perso ond collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT ® and accounts Work Wanted TO INORETE WORK, CELLAR and garage tloors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris Graham, Phone 2621M, (May 20-1 mo) T automobiles and = furniture, The best in workwanship at the lowest prices. Note vew address, 4561 Sim. coe South. G. A. Constable. Phone 3432W, (May 13-1 mo) Lawn Mowers, Saws, " Phone 421W. We call and deliver, 139 Celina St. E. Bottan, {June 9-1 mo) FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY DONE Phone 1284M. {May 31-1 mo) WOMAN WOULD LIKE WORK BY day. Phone 3249J, (138¢) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD ANG $077 W s D our low d. Also bone woot. ond. Meek ra Phone | (Aor. 26¢ FOR BALR--ABINTZMAN © Ltd., pianos, new and used plancs, 1148) FOR SALE -~ PAINTS, re ahaa, uy have the largest assort of paints, varnishes, ete. In int the olty, - The Paint Store, 80 Kin west. (Ape. 86 tf SAND GRAVEL, STONE, OIN ders, black loam. $1.50 per yard, For quality and services phone Es scry Bros. 838 r 1d (May 3-11) ALL KINDS OF USED FURNI! ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oll stoves, conl stover, bicycles, ete, 174 Ritson road éouth, (May 20-1 mo) TRY RITSON AUTO WRECKERN, at 12 Athol street west, for your guto parts and tires, Phone 3476W, Residence 2183, {May 30-1 mo) DIAMOND RINGS, WATCHE! all kinds of jewelry on easy pa ments, Terms from 60 cents per week. , 0. H. Dell, agent for Peo- plos' Credit Jewelers, 263 Simcod South, Oshawa. (May 31-1 mo.) NEW AND SECOND HAND FURS niture bought and goa. 186 igo St. BE. Phone 1617 (June 4-1 mo) R SA 1 ) most new, in good condition, Pri reasonable for quick sale. Shens 2308W, "Phe » A 111 8st, (187b sonable, $170M. A CARRIAGE, FIRST condition, Cheap. Phone 2810W, 647 Christie Avenue, (18% used bicycles $12 up. New and terms, O.C.M. joycycles and fish. ing taekle, 12 Richmond Bast Phone 2774. (June 12-1 mo hy ? ware offer the following used } stov 2 Quebec cook stoves, two cook stoves, three 23 Wilson Hardware, King Wests Phone 46, Dancin SOF of aang ana "physica Sut 169 Church Street. Lessons gl h evenin from BA and on o ay 21-1 mo WINDOW WN NGS = PO erhanger, aint d grain rices a 81, pouting Boy Pine _! _bhone 1065w or a Pape ri My hors writing. {[Eam given on' "work. Phone 1367J. -- {June 51 mo), * | BRIGHT , f months, ) § ranges, 2 electric' rangon. Harry Li} (138e | OUL | 11 all | . For Rent (Y) A ern suites including electric reLrig eration, stove, Iaundry, eonveni apces, ole, continu' s hot Water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone ¥671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Uo, Ltd, manage; for owner, Toronto, (270 APARTMENT TO LEZ, CENTRAL convene, Apply Bradley bros. twood th APARTMENT, CEN. tral, four rooms, bath, efeotric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession immediately, Apply Box 665 Times, (1121) TO RENT--ONE LARGE FRONT oom, suitable for business man, #0 one small room, $3 per weel, 94 Willlam street east, " (May 28-1 mo) FOR NT----BATHROOM FLAT D| partly furnished, conveniences, gar- age If desired, Phone 2038) (186¢) OF 8 0 SE FOR rent, $16, Conant hot Apply Oke Furniture Store, 40 King St. west, (136¢) 0 3 funished rooms. All conveniences. 44 McLaughlin Blvd, (1360) LAT TO LET, FOUR LAROE rooms, all conveniences, kitchen with sink, Wired for eleattic stove, 67 Patricia Avenue, f (18%7¢) TR §8 ON HIGHWAY, garage, garden planted, fruit, Pos. sessiof in July, Phone 1588W, (187b) extra large rooms, furnished, all conveniences, in central location, downtown, rent reasonable, Phone 622). (187¢) T0 LET--GARAGE, OENTRALLY located. Apply to Dr, Hols. (188s) LANGE 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSI, newly decorated, all conveniences, large. garden and garage, Bloor street west. Apply Rutherford, 134 | Celina street. Phone 689), (1881) T slon street, $25 per month, Ail conveniences, Apply 485 Masson street. Phone 1620, (1880) A A= APT: hy 1 161 King east, 5 rooms and bath. Imm possession. Prices reas. onable, (138¢) furnished, light housekeeping or 4 board, Phone 1402M, (138b) 0 .venlences, including garage, cen: tral location, reasonable rent, Phone 19567, (188¢) TOR REN [] roomed home for the next few Modern in every way, Tenant must be select. Phone 169, (1800) Wanted to Rent WANTED -- TWO OR THREN furnished rooms, central, Box 728 Times, (137 Rates for | Classified Ads. | I {| First insertion --1 1% cents |i per word, | Misimem charge 30c. Each subsequent oconsecu. 'tive insertion 10 per tions tor pric oi tiret [Phone 1 eR -- Fernhill Blvd, off King street west, (1840) A house, splendid location, Simcoe Bt, north, Apply Box 724, iy ¢ FOR SALE---LARGH BUILDING lots in Oshawa's best residential district, Must g~ ot once. Apply Box 726 Times, (136¢) AL o awa. Must be sold at once. No reasonable ' offer refused, Apply 242 John St, (136¢) Motor Cars HAVE YOUR CAR OR TRUOR repaired at 49 Bond st, West, Body and. fender work done st shortest ' notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W, Fry 3895, (May 23-1 mo) PA done promptly, Apply 102 Wood Btreet, (1876) 20 CHEVROLET COACH, $600, for quick sale, Phone 7117), (136b) Help Wanted=-Female WANTED--EXPERTENCED GEN: pie One willing to work out ot city, Apply Box 728 Times. (136¢) EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL, competent and reliable, Apply 8 Buckingham Manor, Phone 26087, (138¢) WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework, must have references, Apply 496 Simcoe north, (138Lf) Help Wanted---Male FARDER WANTED AT ONCE must be first class, Vidkery & Ashton, 12 King St, Wost, Oshawa, Phone 209. (186¢c) N~ FOR position of trust, neat appearance and fair education eshentinl, good pay and every apportunity for advancement. Apply , 239 Dear borne Street, (1370) Nursing "| al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 505. (May 23-1mo,) LACTICAL » ity or general nursing. For infor mation phone 320W, (June 3-1 mo) Baby Chicks BABY CHICRE,-- FROM HIGH class breeding pens, backed LY males from dams o° 287 egg rec ord, lmmedinte shipment, Barrea Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 pet hundred; White Leghorns, $14, 100 per cent, live arrival guaran teed. Modern Hatchery, 3205 Dan: forth Ave, Toronto, (June 4-1 mo) Live Stock. Ay bred, male, with pedigrees, for sale, Phone 2214, (187¢) t I" library, Jou nil enjoy reading the intest Fictioh at minimum cost Phone 1478. 37 Cimeos St. North (T-F-8 tI Loan Wanted ' I brick house, good locality, mortgage. Box 730 Times, (3k) e Auctioneer PHONE 716 W. J. SULLEY AUC: tioneer. 346 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa, t ecial attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements, Your Patron: Age anlicited Theronoid aliments shoud take advantage of the special free 'reatments offered by-heronold of Oshawa, 1568 Wil. lam St. East. Phone 209. (May 22-1 mo) first CEMENT BLOCKS, SAND, AND gravel for sale~To insure prompt delivery, place Ni in advance of del LH ats, Borrpwante. Tlospital WHITBY PRIVA Byron Street, reopens June 21, J. M, McKee, "R.N,, superintendent, Phone 350, Whitby, June 13-1 mo.) | je Board TWO BRIGHT SINGLE ROOMS with board in private: home, Quite central. Gentlemen preferred. 254 Atha) St. EB. Phone 1350W, ("-8-June 21) AND THEN WHAT? ' (Farmer's Advocate) Just to reciprocate, country ple might try picking a few tlow- Ara on oity lawns and breaking off me branches in the park, -------- TAY HOME ( or Cities Star) Oritle declares that' old-timers were mors courlqous than moderns, Oh, well, they had no place io go, #0 why nott Boy. Scout Activities News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead. ers. Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent to the Times office SCOUT EDITORIAL In the last Issue of the Scout Leader the following story appears; Speaking ret yecently to the Water looville, ngland/ Brotherhood, Commander Saunders, in illustrat. ing his statement that a "fed up' fosling shows a lack of self seit copie, told a story of a Beoutmadter\ who had 17 boys in camp. Only. three of the boys were able to afford a uniform, 'I mention this," sald Commander Saunders, "to let you kpow what kind of boys they were," The Bcoutmaster sent the hoys out for five minutes to do a good turn, When they returned they report. od the various good turns they had been able to carry out, One boy hung back until the last and when asked what he had donw, said, "None sir. I only saw a gent looking sad, so I just smiled at him." The sequel of the story came Inter when the "gent" called on the Scoutmaster and told him that he met one of his Scouts while on the way to throw himself into the rlv- er, "I should have been in by now," he added, "but for the smile your Scout gave me,' "That man is alive today," sald Commander Saunders, "and my story is not a yarn, but plain, hon- ost facts." This story proves that: however paltry and small a good turn can be, or however trifling the keeping of a Scout law may seem, the effects may be terrific compared with the size of the action It would be well for us to ve- member these things when we go about our daily duties, LJ LJ . On Tuesday of last week the prizes for the Bridge Building Con- test wore awarded to the winners of the th Troop competition, The first prize won by Beout J, Chappell, was a Scout Ring, The second prise won by Seout ©, Patterson was a Silver Medal and the 'third prise won by Scout A. Pennel was a Bronze Medal, Sooutmaster Rigg made a few fit. after the presentation and also arranged Yor a meeting of the patrol leaders to tell them of his Montreal trip, Notice was also given that mem. bers of the Troon so desiring, could attend Camp Fifosh again this year, as the Troop would be unable to run a camn themselves, Ll . * On Monday of last week, the Troop Committee of the Bth Troop held their usual monthly meeting, A new Recretary Treasurer Mr, To. J. Austin, was apnointed te All the vacancy left by Mr. P, B. Me Ewan, who has-gone to Regina. Arrangements for Camp wera discussed, and two extra meetings provided for hefore the Camping period, not later than Tuesday Several Troops will be assisting at the Rotary Fair which is sched- uled fof Wednesday and Thursday of next week, The Rotary Club deserves the un- qualified support of every Scout in the city and every boy who has the privilege of helping them will con sider it an honour: as well as a pleasure, dl * LJ Mr, Gilbert, of the Oshawa Lum~ ber Company, was out to Camp Fie fosh last Wednesday advising the Sth Troop Committees as to the Bank way to put a floor in Jambores ut, The Troop is indebted to Mr, Gilbert for his services, LJ . » The bth Troop held their first open-air meeting of the year on Friday last at North Mary St, Fret Ald work was taken by Second Class' Scouts, and Tender- foot work by the recruits, During the evening the Camp ap- plication forms were distributed with the request to have them re- turned not later than Friday, June 18th 1980, On Saturday, A, 8, M, Hutcheson, A,B, M, Blles with Scouts W, Bridges and H, Bathe cycled out to the camp for the week-end. The sides of the hut were banked to prevent water from flowing through In heavy rainstorms, * * . The Troop is sorry to hear that ASM, Biles is once again depart. ing for Hamliiton, It hopes that he will return again in the near future when busipess prospects are a little brighter, . M LJ ficout Notices Sth Troop:~--The 6th Troop will meet on Friday next at the outdoor meeting place on Mary Bt. north, (opposite 680 Mary St), It weather conditions are bad, the "meeting will be held in the Y.M.C.A, Court of Honour (at 680 Mary Bt), 7.00 pm Troop Meeting, 7.30 p.m, Boys should bring thelr Good Turn Slips and Leather Work with them, LJ . L 4th Oshawa Troopi=~The ¢th Oshawa Troop will meet on Friday, June 13 1930, at Headquarters at 7.80, A court of honour will also be held on that night at 7.00 pm, sharp, at which the Troop Commit. tee 13 expected to be present, June 16, 1930, marks the date of the hegloning of & new year in the 4th Oshawa Troop's history, Ita 7th birthday, I understand a very good hike was held 'on Saturday last, Information regarding a hike for next Saturday will be given out at Friday evening's meeting. Another strenuous game qf ball was participated in on Friday last, BAFFLING NURDER CASE IS REOPENED Alleged Gem Ring Member May be Implicated in Slaying + Hot Springs, Ark.---Belief that George Cole, held In New York City in connection with the selaure of a large store of jewelry, may have been implicated in the rope bery and murder of Preston Aus tin, millionaire Texas cattleman and banker, who was slain in hix room at the Arlington Hotel herd Boptember 28 last, was expressvd by Chief of Police Joe Wakelin, Chief Wakelin has requested Commissioner Mulrooney of New York to forward photography and dencriptions of Cole at once In or der that o check may be made here, The murder of Austin was one of the most baffling mysteries ever 10 eenfiont Hot Springs police, He was found tied to his bed with a ®ag in bis mouth, He had been dead 18 hours when his body was discovered, A diamound ring had been taken from lis finger aud & wmall sum of money was missing, A description of the ring bas been sent to New York in tha hope that | it may be found among the selsed welry, Relatives of Austin have spent thousands of dollars in an effort to find the 'murderer, Rewards totalling $22,000 are still standing for his captura and conviction, Brown Eggs Spurned 1 in New York, White Ones by Bostonians | New York, ==The most populur dish for New Yorkers is eorned beef: hash, Philadelphians lik uerapple, but you cannot well @ plate of it in' New York, Residents of New Orléans like their food 'tighly sploed, but in 'the Middle Went it must have very little seas. baked beans are: popular every where, Thess are a few of the gastrie vagaries encountered in the United States by restaurant proprietors, and related by F, B, Van Dorn, operation manager of a chain of 5d nationally-known restaurants, + Van Dorn, who has charge of making out the menus for several thousand people every day, made & careful study of the things which people order and those about which they complaln, and thus has evolved & good outline of menus to sult them, "Sausage, soups, steaks and chops are what people want In winter," he sald, "In summer they must have lighter foods, like mal ads, sandwiches, and cold meats, "The story about the White and brow egas in true," he sa Yorkers won't eat brown egss, and Bostonians won't eat white ones We have to be c.reful about the colors in those cities." 'The Chala ui in New. York dally about 4,600 ples, most of them apple, he said, Apple is the most popular ple everywhere, ex: cept in the fall, when pumpkin ging heavily, The two a t popular pla x for neatood are Boston and Philadel phia, Ven Dorn said, KEEP HIM BUSY (Tampa-Tribune) There's practioally nothing left for Admiral Byrd to hunt now, Unless he drops a aol a collar button, MANY 8UC SUCKERS Our own straw Jolt on prohibi- tion seems to indicate that more straws than ever are being uved, oning. Minnesota likes hteaks, but ~ California prefers salads, Boston | Central Meat Market We Lead the Followers High Class Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, ote, 154 Bimeoe Ht. South Phone 05 Phone Us, We'll fend It TO BINT SUMMER COTTAGES Bonnlebrae Point, Oshawa, Al conveniences. Apply to ap, CONANT! Oshawa Drink Deliciows # | | Kara Coffee | Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, 01d 'loos' finished like new, Ge.er | Contractors, B: W, HAYNES 101 King St. West |. Phone 481 « idence S078W Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave, Phone 16018 Ye CARLY Lump (© DURANT COUPE 1928 Model Price $450.00 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 9 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop ON SIMCOR NORTH For $6,600.00 ~~ Real home, brick, 7 rooms and bath, gar® Age, shrubbery, lawns ete, $1,600 down, balanced ar ranged, The good ones are nearly all gone, Why not ask about this? DISNEY, 20 King East Lb i Boys' Broadcloth Wash Suits, Special KYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalio Diener es PRS Otfey "Good Weather Ahead! ==D0 nOt lose your caf Let me finance you--Addts tional Cash Given, 'G. R. Holden rs LOANS Roows 6, 144 King St. Bam.

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