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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jun 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY 'IMES,- FRIDAY, JUNE: 13,1930 ). PAGE THREE am of Barley is Fine Asset Park Is Second To None In Bowmanville And Haven - Of Rest For Tourists Throngs| | Cream of Barley Camp, A haven of rest for tired tourists and a nark second to none for the people of Bowmanville, Through the gen- arosity of Mr, J, Lake Morden, President of the John McKay Company of Bowmanville this park was made possible nnd its wonder ful expansion in the seven years of its existance has bey little short of wonderful, There are forty-five and one half acres of land in this beautl- ful park with a natural'stream of water running through it the year round, There is wulso a splendid service station, lunch and dining rooms and twenty-one cottages which needless to say are filled practically every nigLt during the summer. season, Mr, Morden wt Areat expense to himself, hus placed in this park for the educa tion and amusement of the child. ren a fine zoo, There are hears, coons, timber wolves, muskruts, ferrets, monkeys, porcupines, fiu- set of pidgeons, golden pheiisants, peacocks, guinea fowl, turkeys, buff bantams, butterfly rabbits, shotland ponies, an owl, a golden cugle, and a pair of Angora goats, imported direct from Angora, For the amusement of the children also he has installed on the grounds two ocean waves, a giant slide, a gymnasium outfit, six 1arge swings and four small ones for the little tots, and' two. small slides, There are tables, benches and shelters on the grounds to accommodate ole thousand people, There is an iron bridge built over the stream 82 foot long apd will carry a welght of fourteen tons, There is one of the finest tennis courts fn the Dominion, a small golf course and baseball grounds, Hundreds of trees are dotted all over the park and the lawns are kept nicely mown throughout the entirs sea son, It takes a two horse hower, # gasoline mower, and five men to keep these grounds so people Can enjoy them, Mr, Morden opened th.g park for the benefit of the pei..o at large without any assistance of any kind from any one, Hvery one is welcome to Cream of Barley Park, There is no charge, Mr, Mo- Cullough, the genial manager of the park will see to the wants of all and under his guidance the eamp is kept in perfect condition for visitors to enjoy its facilities, The camp motto is "Kind words, kind and Cream of Bay. ley make everyone: happy," ---------------- The 'headquarters of one of the largest chains of drug stores has its head offics in Bowmanville, This chain is composed of all Jury stores in On , The company which op- erates this chain are agents for evs ery important drug company in the wor i Cream of Barley One line which only requires lit- tle attention on 'the part of the re tafler to sell well, is John Mackay, Limited, Cream of Barley, Cream of Bayley is manufactured from the choicest Canadian Barley, There are no artificial drugs or chemicals in this preparation, It is all pure food, being a breakfast food made from barley only, by a new scientific pro~ cess, The value of barley in the diet is well known, and Cream of Barley provides this nutrient in the purest and best ussimilable form, Every phy figian testifies to the value of Cream of Burley, Every baby thrives on it, It is one of the most readily digests ed of foods, and it is quickly cons verted Into bone and solid tissue, Cream of Barley actually contains more fats and salts than wheat, The word "salts" of course, in this sense, in used as the technical term for the, nourishing elements contained in good barley, Frese salts are Sodium Chloride, Potassium Salts, Calcium, which is the great. boné-building food 1 Phosphorous, which is indis- pensable im the diet, and Cream of Barley is especially rich in IRON, is well known as a blood builder, Cream of Barley in not fat form- Ing. Fatty cereals are alright for those who do heavy work but Cream of Barley nourishes bone, blood, tis sue and nerves, and is, therefore, o most excellent preparation, When brought to the' attention of custome ors, and when tried by them, it in. variably happens that customers ore der again, So that it is really worth while for the grocer to recommend John Mackay's excellent Cream of Barley, Cream of Barley, prepared necording to directions, will act as an agreeable laxative, When cooked for twenty minutes, and served, It will remedy the worst summer coms plaint, Balmoral Hotel . The Balmoral Hotel, Bowman. ville's main hostelry is truely what it advertises to be a "Home on the Road," for there one can find real comfort and a good home cooked meal, ° Most of the banquets that are held in the town are held at this hotel while the Bowmanville Rotary Club Headquarters are sits uated there, The Canadian Club and many other prominent organir uations also meet here. Mr, A, J, J 'has made a name for hime entering to" banquets and it your lodge or organization 1s | planning one of these events or a dunes the best plan is to consult Mr, Wadhams who will see that a good time is had by all, i _ "Forget about yourself for a little while every day and enjoy the big parade.'~Bruce Harton | ature NR A Which is the mecca of tourists and the park of the people of Bow: Camp , 'A HAVEN a rs J rua. manville, Note the shade trees and | the cottages which are filled prac: OF REST FOR BR ye WL on] TOURISTS AN Baw e tieally every night during the sum mer months, This is Mr, Morden's contribution to the young folk and 1 EST I RA ATR di old folk of the community, ' FOR DURHAM W. J. BRAGG, M.D.P, In the Provincial legislature for the County of Durham, He has rep. resented this county for the past nine years, Mrs, George Young Mrs, George Young is known hy practically every women in Bow manville, the reason being that sho has at one time or other marcelled their hair, Of course ones expects that a good operator will have a Inrge business and the sige of Mrs good work, Bhe Is better known to many as Miss Hazel Mariatt but upon marrying a Bowmanville hoy A few months ago naturally ehang« ed her name, Her work was shown MA recent hairdressers exhibition in Toronto and a ploture of one of her eustomers after one of cols, appeared In the Toronto (lobe, ----------------------------h 'STIRLING TAX RATE Stivling.~ ~The « village counsel held » special meeting for the pur: pose of wirlking the levy for the taxes for 1030, It wan decided tha $14 wiaiwould be 48 mills on the ar, AR Et ---- - EATON = ORDER OFFICE Order this Special through the Eaton Order Office at Oshawa or Bowmanville or if you "prefer send your order direct to Young's business Is a sign of her | her mars |. Toronto, | I | i | for the oitiseny if | atate atiour nelghbors to the sa MR, AND MRS, Mr, Keith is the oldest man in Bowmanville, and 6th birthday a few months ago. OLDEST MAN IN TOWN colebrated hisand is seen around the town every DAVID KEIT Mr, Keith retains all his faculties day, BOWMANVILLE Mayor Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillors oy T. A, Dustan, ¥. Nelles. John Hately, 8. Little, Chalrman-~W, B Membera-Dr, G Dr, J, Rev, F.C J. H. L. 8 Eioveiary--C, H, Council Milton J. Elliott, W. H., Carruthers. C. E. Rohder, T, A. Garton, W. Ross Strike, A. H. Fletcher, T, H. Lockhart, Alan Campbell, Reginald C, Jones, PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Charles F, Rice, Chairman, L, Cryderman. \ E ~ C. H, Dudley, Secretary, HIGH SCHOOL BOARD , Couch, CIVIC BODIES | bo) . C. Bonnycastle, C. Devitt, | | JAMES ELLIOTT Of King Street, Bowmanville, who recontly colebrated his 80th birthday, which makes him one of the town's oldest men. Walker Stores The Walker stores have heen in Bowmanville a comparatively short time compared with other stores JOHN MacKAY 'and boys in Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, New. Here Is Something For a Child to Work For There is a circular in every package of CREAM OF BARLEY We are going to-give a goat as a prize to the girl or boy who mails the most circulars to the LIMITED by October first. This contest is' open to the girls castle, Port Hope, Cobourg, Peterboro and Lindsay. Get a hustle on girls and boys and send in your circulars and we will give you a real pet. but in that short time they have made a pame for themselves for their fair dealings and honest vals ues, The store purchased the old ostablished Bowmanville business seasors of one of the finest greens in the province of Ontario according | which owns, the local bowling green to experts, The Bowmanville Athletic Club is fortunate in being the proud pos. of 8. W, Mason and Sons, dry goods merchants and have carried on the same ling of business and what is more haye carried on the good name of 'their predecessors, Mr, Hurley, the manager has made a good name for himself during 'his stay here.and he. is helped. by an officlent staff of Bowmanville peo ple. TG ------------ Couch, Johnston and Cryderman Couch, Johnston and Cryderman, own the largest and oldest « dry goods store in Bowmanville, It D. W, Best, D.D. Vanstone, H, Jury, @" Caverly. Mason, POLICE DEPARTMENT * Sydney Venton--Chief of Police, alter Hall--Night Constable, ad amar te rear Owner of the Cream of Barley Camp and ono-of the greatest bene factors' the town of Bowmanville ever had, On another part of this Page one oan read a description of the Cream of Barldy Camp and here we intend to devote a litily) space to Mr, Morden, the owner melt, | ? 18% very busy man worklog . president of IR t a on A tod } Camp seven years ago a Teh a the name of. manvill throuah out" the! Dondlnion Md fn evely \ 'Was the ploneer cot- Bh : rom Dublin, Jand, Australia, London, ¥ngland, San Francisco, Low Angeles and MORDEN WH minute and think of wr t------" arn finest Samp sufwhate, He need not be told this he must surely know thin by now, Little did he realise when he atarted this park that it would grow to the dimenalons that it han, There has to be & leader in every community an r Marden ia» natural leader, he has shown people what a park means to a, community with the natural. cen. sequence that parks after the atylo 'of 'the 'Cream of Barley are springing up everywhere, : a: Hod often does not met 'the cbedit he for hin 'great work, Wa are apt to: take His park for granted now without a thought for the one who has made it possible, Next time you visit the: camp just stop for one the wan who without cost to the pubMa has pro- (vided them with a 'park Which ix 'among the finest in Canad Which during hin lifetime will ba the playground of Bowmanville citizens and tourists from all over has as the senior partner one of the oldest men In the town, Mr, Couch, who is 91 and who is still active. The firm deals in general dry gonds, house furnishings and men's furnishings, Mr, Couch is coalre man of the High School Board while one of the other partners, Mr, Fred Cryderman is a member of the Public Nehool Board, Just a city stock to show you and the prices so very, reasonable, a) Just Lovely; Exclusive Merchandise You will be pleased with the showing NEW SILK SUITS NEW WAIS1S ; NEW SUMMER HOSIERY NEW GLOVES We invite your inspection. Qur merchandise is different, WALKER STORES DOMINION STORES | LIMITED "Where Quality Counts" SPECIAL VALUES Lobster i. 33¢ For the Past Yicion Quetn hon Olives. 2r:3§¢ TEN YEARS ' Dominion Stores has been an important part of SOAP 3 19¢c the come munity. By its modern merchandise ing methods it has contributed Heinz Pure Vinegar... 1§¢ PINEAPPLE 2ms2%e No. 3 Sieve--Choice PEAS 2m 29¢ iy tion statfed by I i in vitally interested in the prosperit P&G SOAP 10: 3§¢ ¥ of Canada. MAY WE HELP YOUR WARE A hae $ (Hg AR Sap HA. Pure : LARD io 3 1b, Pall 47¢ LA RR i to The Community |

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