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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jun 1930, p. 13

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THE OSHAWY DALY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1930 Toun FX een Progressive Retail Merchants oe Eo is the Boy's Training sted on the eastern Ma. by the Botan Goverment five years ago for the boys whi jhrough ne fo Fin 2 A n nore! ad Wher and mother in co lodge, - Method of Admission Every boy admitted must be of normal mentality, otherwise he is aot eligible, Warlship. must be sign- od over to the school and rents or guardians agree ® 0 por day for maintenance, If eh # not pos. sible, the rt ipANLY becomes li- able for 76¢ per day The Academe School building has heen enlarged by four classrooms and an auditorium, Two additional teachers have been added for the soming year, A generous sized gym- nasfum and swimming pool, a gift of the Rotary Clubs of the Province has just been completed, while the Kiwanis Clubs have donated a cot- tage known as Kiwanis Lodge, The school has received m~y'y gifth not only from, organizations but also from interested individuals Mr, H, ©, Scholfields, M.P.P., has just pre. sented some seven and a half acres of land beautifully situated on Lake Ontario about. shree miles dren Lh School, This will be developed as & summer eamp for the boyy during the months of July and August, The average length of stay at the school is about 15 months althoush some only stay three of fonr months while others stay three or four years of eagh the same. Ug 'vooution '| struétor, Some hoys to ago and home condl« e School mottoy are "A Deal" and "It pays to play Sood Square School Organisation o----ry 12 Yate of age and A the Ac oa Bohool wi ot voeational act! spend half a dom hool, the A New 'beings the various vocationy until he de. eides which he wishes to choose, Af- A0F ho chooses, he I' apprenticed and passes through three grades of apprent! ship at varying ratey of pay. He teives the theory of his from his Departament In» not care for any vocation and continue the full day In the academid sehool on En- trance work, The departments for fastruction consist of: +. 0 (n) Aendomic---Publie Behool, (bh) Commencial, (e) Agricultures-«General farming, poultry, gardening. (d) Hotticulture, (6) Industrial --- Woodworking, Metal working, Electricity, Cook: ing, Motor Machanics, Play and Social Activitiey One member of the ste¥, a fully qualified Physical Instru/#ny, alves all his time to this wory Other memhers of the staff assist, Abtivie ties Include games, hikes, Scouts. Cubs, Cadets, Choral Sineing, violin and. plano Instruction, Bird Clubs and Summer Camp, Dr, G. 7, Reaman, M. A.B, Paed, Ph, D., Is the superintendent, and High There are eight miles of paved roads in the limita of the Town of Bowmanville, about four miles of which have been laid in the past three vears, BIG 20-- School Supplies, Wallpapers, Gifts and Souvenin Newspapers and Magazines, Baseballs, Tennis Balls 'and Bats, Stamped Goods J. W. JEWELL Phone 30 ' Oshawa Daily Times for Sale Here. King Biren ' . Open Stock Chine Rha Kidlent Stock of General ry Goods and Ladies and Gentlemen's + 'Ready-to-Wear Call at couc, JOHNSTON No Better Goods and No Better Values Anywhere King Street Phone 104 & CRYDERMAN LTD. Bowmanville ont ed oo | in hi : EE Olyinpia | and 1 | at the Bow. year Tire 'wha is al- Manager of Per manville plant of the and Rubber Company and we are devoting this soln. membership of this club consists of the entire number of employees und it is, organised for the purpose of cobducting social, athletic and other activities of the workers, Under its guidance a team is entered in the softball league each year and last year were the winners of the league cun, In the winter time the club con- ducts dances at stated periods, and is also responsible for the Joyous time given the children at Christmas time, when Santa Claus in all his glory, is present with a gift and many, novelties for every one. Goodyear Plenie The most important event in the club vear, however, is the G cur pienic which is usually attended. by hundreds of citizens besides the em- ployees, This vear in two, weeks, namely Jung 21st, the club is hold- me the 1930 picnic and this Is to be bigger and better than ever, The trip will be made to Niagara Falls, New York. Special Garton and other busses will leave town on the morn- ing of the picnic and will convey the pienickers to Toronto where they will take a boat to Lewistown whence they will travel by the scenic great worge routes to the Falls, A niser trip could hardly be arranged and like in. other vears the picnic is bound to be a success, There is only one thing more, Ir you intend to go, ger your tickets early as accomoda- tion will be limited, Get in touch with Mr. Nanson or anv member of the executive who are Bill Oliver, H. P, Fentress, G. Wright, H, Kelly, W. Nichols, E. Roach, B, Colwell, R. Bates, T. Wright, Miss Hutton and Miss R. L. Lott and at Garton's Bus Station 1 fx am | town { the ear Recrea- 1 of pork "Clad, It i in he oolier, tub: y Showed the ¢ 1 tioned there are the belt room, heel Cr 2 es | Bouton he te) Wi the an va HE ly the Ril then our, Oy each weeks Ioit to the Plant The A was privileged to be shown around the plant recent) . M, Nanton, manager of the ville / ° 'start na when the 'raw fals enter the factory, 'we went first to the receiving room, where these goods are received, checked and weighed. From there they are taken to the stock room where they await the call of the machines to be put to use in the various lines that are manufactured in the plant. From the stock room the different kinds of rubber and compounds go to the compound room whete the proper amount required for each operation are specified. Then they ledve for the anill room where the compounds are mixed and rolled into sheets of rub- ber which are afterwards used for king belts, heels, soles, fan belts, ose ANd manv other things, On the ground floor Besides the rooms men- room and solid tire room, where truck tires are molded snd prepared for the road, and the mat room. The second floor is deveted to heel trim. ming and fan belts, Various kinds of car mats are made besides oroaments al mats for verandah and house use. Most of the top floor Is devoted to the hose department where many kinds, shapes and varieties of hose are wade, Here one sees the var. fous processes which the rubber and duck have to go through before they become the garden hose with which we are all so familiar. Fire hose, golf hose, suction 'hose and many other kinds -of hose are manufactur- ed here, Of interest to a visitor is the fact that practically all cotton used in the mnaufacture of hose, belts and mars a remade in a Goodyear factory at St. Hyacinth, P.Q., and are stored in the |, ho | year products are moving all ine sh ud | Carpenter ap on cement mixing house han other riments which add to 1 tion, When the moods have guuw through their several processes and ure' ready for shipment they are stored in a properly heated and ven- tilated storeroom until they are need. ed, The lust sentence was hardly ne- cessury for' it is known that ood the Yime and loads and truck loads of souls ve the Bowmanville plant dav, e to the end of our tour at ay shipping foes Shere Yoon one 'thing which uberis fo Ohing ba struck us as particularly peas This was the general cleanliness of the factory, Every department was kent spotlessly clean and after mak. ing' particular notice we were unable to notioe™inything about the interior of the factory which would not cone form with the highest hygienic stan. dard First Ald Department The olant is also equipped with a first wid departmentiand a. hospital and the plant practitioner Dr, 3 Storev. of Bowmanville, is in attend. ance each day. Under the system in vogue 'at the plant wceidents are at # minimum and although there is an occasional serious accident the plant ranks despite its intricate machinery as ong of the sarest in Ontario, Memtion should also be made that all the , WR lifting' on the part of emplovees has been as far as possible eliminated and at every «convenient place in the plant where heavy lift« ing is likely to be required a block and tackle has been placed at the disposal of the men working at that fob. In conclusion it is really need. less to say that Bowmanville is proud of its biggest industry and hopes to see it expand and employ more.and more than ever it has in the past. | ------ The gardens now being laid out at the Bovs' Training School at Bows manville will, when completed, be ral efficioncy in plant opera. | H, | the largest store of its kind In Bow- one of the show places in the Pros vince of Ontario, AM, HARDY superintendent of the Bowmanville of the Goodyear Tire and ubber Company, ' J. W, & Mr, Jowell has only hi in busi- ness in Bowmanville for about a year. although he is an old Bow- manville boy, He moved to tle States some years ago and way a successful business man thers. He then bought the business of the Ista W, T, Allen on his death and has since added largely to his al: ready large stock, He deals In stationary, wallpapers, and news. papers and being a good judge of a newspaper, naturally sells the Oshawa Daily Times, Jury and Lovell Jury and Lovell's Drug Store is manville and wes started many years ago by Mr. J. HH, Jury who is also the partner in many ether drug stores that bear his name, The Olympia Cafe First Class Meals and Tourist Rest Rooms Model and Spotless Kitchen Meals a la carte and special orders, "Don't divorce your wife because she can't cook Eat here and keep her for a pet." King Stree PETER LAMBROS, Prop. Phone B37 Bowmanville SCIENTIFIC EYE INSPECTION x HH With the latest instruments of precision by registerea optometrists characterizes «il eye examinations in our office, All lenses are ground by experienced operators exactly to your prescription, THAT 18 THE KIND OF SERVICE WE GIVE YOU Jury & Lovell The Rexall Store Eight Hour Service Developing and Printing King Street Phope 78 Bowmanville store is wow jointly owned by Mr. Alex, McGregor and Mr. Ross Stott, both registered pharmacists and the latter an op- tometrist, Of course, in. keeping with the times, there is very little that is not procurable in this store and an experienced photographer is in oharge of the printing and de- veloping department, An eight hour-servies In this work is main. tained and one may take his snaps in the store in the morning and receive them the same evening. Townsman--"Is that a bull?" 2 Farmer«'No, a cow=two years old" Townsman--""How do you that Riri the horns." Townsman--"Af, it has two horns ~auite right." know L. W. NELSON Mr, Nelson came to Bowmanville about fwo years ago, equipped with a wealth of business knowledge, hav- ini previously operated a store in Oshawa and for eight years on the buying staff of the Kobert Simpson Company. Mr, Nelson is often called "Live Wire! from his initials and he has rightly earned this title for it 'would be hard to find a better busis ness man. When he came to Bow. manville he opened a small store on the south side of King street west and business grew so rapidly that he was obliged to lense a larger store across the street, Since moving inte this store he aas enlarged his busi ness, taking in many extra lines Une til today he carries one of the large est stocks in Bowmanville, He deals mainly in ladies' wear, house turn. ishings and men's wear, This is one ol the merchants who secs the value in advertising and he tells us that he peneves the saying that "advertisin 1s the buckbone ot wodeen business, R. 4 ROVAN Mr. Rovan is one of the most pops ular merchants in Bowmanville and apart from his business is a keen sportsman and is the pitcher for the whiz in the softball league, te deals in boots, shoes und men's furnishings and has been signally successful in his. business since coming to Bows manville a few years ago, He wai JE couch of the High School rugby team two years ago and also inters ested the boys in lacrosse. Mr, Ro. van is an industrious business man and we look to sce him in a few years one of 'the most prosperous of the Bowmanville storekeepers. p a LAMBROS ror ob lone eter Lambros is. the proprietor of fe, hh is a mecca reds of tourists, people as well, Mr, pinch _-- to Bowmanville in 925 and has built two additions to is cafe on King street in that time, The cafe is ern in every respect | 8 besides business he | makes candies and the steady des | make for these candies is proof ens ood, | ses, Wh ugh that they are made from ees | Wholesome mat materials, Pete, [TY % is mr | ener known, was born in Greece, "gO, a naturalised subs "jeot oy his adopted country a year and is now d to_be able to himself 'a Canadian, Little more be said of Pete thn that he fa atin, regular. fell : RS P The Brothers Ril iy and have onion Were a short time, but in that time, the The. ends hd Fh pen ena poh i" In fact, J King stresh]: ce 8 ih 3 th the esting gine | ° Sport at y" eR are welcome additions to t any of Bowmanville 'merchan: we believe that what Oshawa Toot them leaving that city was gained Bowmanville and one thin poi an on lve seal ca § | patronage. He is a sp Faia to o-this country Some years LL) 1] the m better citizens to come to the town than Frank and Rube Kemp BILL CLARKE Mr, Clarke is one of Bowman ville's most popular young men and his plumbing business is fast ex- panding, Of course, there is 4 reason behind this expansion, Nothing can expand unless an honest endeavour is made to satisfy a customer, Mr. Clarke's endeavours have been suc- cessful hense the expainling business Apart from business Mr, Clarke is a keen sportsman and he is especially a great follower of hockey. Then, an+ other thing, He is the proud father of two fine children, both of whom have won valuable prizes in compe tition with hundreds of other child. ren at the Canadian National Exhibi. tion in Toronto, Mr. Clarke is'a man whom dpe can rely od to complete a job satisfactory and that is the reas son that he has an.ever increasing ecialist in couns try work and a phone call will feteh him to your door in a very, short time, ---- BROOKDALE NURSERIES The Brookdale Nurseries, one of the show places of Bowmanville com- menced Operations § their ntag. the Canadian Nationa ary ; about seven vears ago and their ef forts have been » with won. derful success and. expansion which por re wi this ie vicoon, t year a piece of land on the of the road from their ses was taken over and this stocked with a variety of plants and perrenials, Naturally Brookdale Nurseries are proud o their succes and the ont you you to anvil So Mr. E. 5 Wood, he piri has rod any le fata the Sutiounding country to vise it the plant and over the fine} stock, If you cannot come during the week come have a uns nd t day, r visit, wel day, AA gh pr RL eo 'nursery deals maine ly in. fruit 'trees, shade trees, evers Alene, s Shrubs, Santing vines and ros fle most of the business in| wil done locally, the compan sales station at Scarboroug! dave [ ter Wah. the ji way he hears t The Town's Leading Retail Merchants business and left the reins in the hands of bis son. Mr, Wes Cawker had a reputation to keep up and all who deal at his store will know that this reputation is still unimpaired. Of course, Wes got his training from his father and it is interesting to note that he never worked for any other person than his father, Because the business is old it does not prove that old methods are used, Far from it, Proof to the opposite is scen by the fact that Mr. Cawker was the first Bownwnville merchant to ine stall an electric refrigerator Mr, Cawker junior, has two sons, Chars lie, the: popular pianist and student of the High School and George aged five, The business looks good for ane other 79 years. W, C, CAVERLY Mr. Caverly was born very near Bowmanville and a Aran part of his life has been spent in and around the town, For twenty five years he was in the lumber pliant in the west and coming back to Ontariu and was a member of the Town Foun for five years, He had many a chance of taking a more important office than that of coun- cillor but he was satisfied to do his part for the town by Jervia hs the capacity he did. Mr, Caverly is now in the mrocery business havi ure chased the business of Fred Ww Kel les, about three vears His motto is "cleanliness hy ce" and the can be easily saly clean store on je service he rend- ars ih Simoni He ~ In fact, at your service a 10° Mr, Cav 'erly' store -- be Vhitre repaid, His integrity cannot ot be questioned, ALAN M., Wi WILLIAMS The Jurniture ang funeral ditact. ng business now carried on by A » le ne ne Of the oldest (on + late, ROBO Mating 0 De " aried on by Munson, were followed and Harsom wr the ae dase ~ ph 2. Poway, of roe he the Bo ow iia bl price to ind thi Tiey lowed in the tatute ae it he past, Sia a a for Stance and he Sauipment in Svar: ark olan, b am wary bat d eo ay ai to] 8 ih w 3 rhe ht or 159, A now 3 ster he moved arket square, now a the past, and later pray hy stqre. where post + ly a Chast, on, years pron 0 Saat n| ed, and tye on lets your lo i a i th dy oa = FY Sootty" 1a a spl or oF he ous Mota ind du, Plumbing nd heating busi. t | "selling the best quality of hard. ware at rook bottom prioet ch not heard them over the radio? He fs now starting an orchestra in town and that is one of the things that this town does need, A. Di FORTIER A D, Fortier is one of Bowman KEMP BROTHERS GARAGE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Also WRECKING SERVICE King Street Balmoral Hotel Local Banquets Catered To. Rotary 'rieadquarters Reasonable Rates "Just The Place To Have Your Sunday Dinner" A. J. WADHAMS, Prop. ville's newest business men but that does not say that he is new to busi. nest. He came to Bowmanville from Toronto where he has been In busi. ness tor a number of years, He has purchased the White Roge Gasoline station and grocery store from Mr, Plott, Tt is his intention he sayy to build up his business on a policy of Service and Quality and from the success that has attended his efforts in the few months he hag been here he is a man of his word, That In to be expected too an he was the scout. master of the 80th, 1st and 4th Toronto troups of Boy Scouts and that is one of the things that Mr, Fortier has bean teaching hiy boys, to he . man of your word. RE KAMA Dominion Stores The Dominon Stores have heen in business in Bowmanville for some years and the feature of their stay In Bowmanville in one of expansion When this store, where quality counts, first came to town they lo cated in a small store on King 8t., Went, Their ever increasing busi- neds necessitated their moving to larger quarters and in 1985 they moved their store to the Cowan Block, Since looating in that block they have been forced again to ens large their premises and have in. stalled within the past few months every modern storage and refrigers ation installation that could be wished for. They at all time have a courteous staff attending to the wants of their large number of cus. tothers and have as their manager & popular Bowmanvills mn Gilbert Jones, It in need that much of the eadtan lo store in due to the efforts of Mr, Jones him. self coupled with the efforts of the company in providing the best for |, the least possible price. Rice and Co, Rice and Company started buss ness in Bowmanville just 30 years ago, that is in the year 1000, They hought at that tyme the business of Richard Worth which way then a well established hardware concern, They started right in with the pol foy which guides thelr business to Jn dar. he of service, nd} itt s poligy in min va, an | Dusipieas to It prthsnt al 126. Besides } © hardware. bu siness they con» As times have become more a Py Rice and ame have opt abreast Mh the result that they now have the On complete line dt ee at the most res- sonable prices in Bowmanville toe day, They carry a complete line of both shelf and heavy hardware and are ready at all times to be of ser« Vico to their Dost of Sustomars. The rm is com hoted Harry Rice and Ration TF, Rice, he atter has been & member of the Public School Roard for the past 20 years and is today the chairman of 'the Board, Their whole success ix hased on Rose Marie Beauty Parlour Cowan Block Mareelling > Shampooing Modern Hairdressing and Beauty Culture For Appointments Phone 529 Operator--MRS, GEORGE YOUNG | Victoria Building ~~ Phone 84 C. W. Cawker and Son Purveyors Choice Fresh Meats Cooked Meats , Fancy Bacon Lad Hams Poultry Bowmanvillg ; Hardware Store of "Quality" Compare the quality of the goods we offer and the prices and you will find we are showing the best values in the County. WE SELL HARDWARE THAT STANDS - HARD WEAR We ne Four careful intpsction. a

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