Pr a Daily Reformer a Daily "All the News While It Is News" A ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 13,1930 iy Eaime Dentist Dead only Eskimo dentist in i "Sil Mike," 9 ; Com pany sent a dentist to Hersenel ey Er and Mike was employed as a dental mechanic, y dentist left for civilization the: mo had carried on an itin« crant practic e-ia ind . Coghrane~ men convicted of highgtadiog' and. a. third found 'gill ty of the thef§ of ore from the Intyre Mine were sentenced by Judge Caron at the close of the general ses- . sions" here. All are from Porcupine. re LJ Ld Dissenters Form New Church Hamilton. Members' qf the major- ity faction of St. John Presbyterian CHurch who supported. the minister, Rev AA. Acton, and left the church in'a body when his resignation was asked by the Hamilton and London Syd, Have 'intimated that - they d establish a along Presbyterian lines, but absolutely in- dependent of the Presbyterian church iy Ont J June 13 An tin. erary goverin Ontatie. Que Quebec and the mes the office of the Sr po Pitviotisly fhnounted r King wil i 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy EIGHTEEN PAGES LLE ISFATALTO TWO egrave Is Killed in Speed Boat Wreck LOCALS KEEN | FOR CONTEST AT TORONTO Fine Weather Prevails for First of Two-Game Series --U.S. Team Heavier Than Locals LARGE NUMBER OF OSHAWANS PRESENT Many: Prominent Offici Canadian 'Lacrosse World Attend to Witness the Struggle (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) ? Maple Tear ogy Toron. 0; June 18 -- American All-Stars threatened from the start, and only splendid work by the wa gusrd kept ¢ from win. ning the title game 'here today. Natural lacrosse ability came to the fore as the game pro. make his first « Brantford, Dnt. next Monday even- ing, June d, the "prime minis- Peterbora for his secs to Ottawa, spe ednesday, Jus: 18 in ihe Pe pital before start- & i Prov t which Mr, K INR will be. the Aber He will address a rally in the «city of Quebec on the night of Thursday, June 19. From Quebec he will tra- vel to Moncton, N.B, where le speaks on' Friday evening, June 20, From Moncton Mr. King will cross to Clharloticiowy, for a meeting on Saturday June CANDIDATES | NOMINATED EAST (Alberta)=--Dr, G. Conservative LIN COL ninco), Freders WRIGHT Cabo c)F. W. Perras; QUEEN'S (Prince Edward Island-- Dr, Cyrus Macmillan CALGAS and" RR. H, |» an) theta thet | oeeare. I and the Canadian. champions: ran in two brilliant goals, de and "Stephenson to gain a two to one advantage 'after the visitors taken the tead. The All. cans tled the score on a iful combination thrust, + Evans scoring. Oshawa took a to. . the pI er ts hen E: a Gray notched a odo moat counter, g wl (Be Saft Rep Reporter) Maple Leat Stadium, Toronto, June 13.--TIdeal weather conditions prevailed here for the first of the great international series of la. crosse games, for the world's cham- plonship, between the General Mo- tors team of Oshawa, holders of the Mann Cup,' emblematic of the Champlonship of the Dominion of Canada, and' the All-Star United States team, welected from yersities of that country. The Mapl Jaf Stadium, fitted up for the first 8g a lacross fleld, ented a perfect setting for the Fy which Is the first of a two-game series. Which has heen arranged as one of the. ABorting attractions for the ners who are in Tor their Me convention ito: ar 8. Team Heavier The United States team, which (arrived in Toronte yesterday ernoon. attracted much attention ity t Stated out on the field, re- t in read, white and blue and did some preliminary § up. The players were. on mae 4 iH fev in They were ready for ior 5 457 and trotted out on |. 41 the fleld to the accompaniment of |. lndq. abedra from he {J on :. heavier than the Osh- v'and showed 'plenty of and 'accuracy in their early Th in thefr owever, ord evant battle which was. i : the two teams, the best their countries could produce, 0 business, si Wi Oshawa Leads U.S. All-Stars 3-2 in First Quarter ant a the |" greatest lacrosse players of the unl. | of the ight. T! t oped on he in or 4 end otf HORII MANN $5 OA PICT URES OF LAST NIGHTS FIGHT IN NEW YORK a aa el ---------- ee i Max 'Schimeling 'of 'Germany 'won the heavywelght championship over Jack Sharkey on a foul at Yankee Stadium last ithe German. Arapper lay helpless , round. Theme photographs show: { ' 4 y (1) £1) Mixing it up in the second round, (2) and (8) show Schmeling down just after foul. in fourth round when cling declared winner on a foul. Note the ol where foul blow landed. (4) and esrgian holding his Schimeling lands 'a hard right to - rs HE was sto 'dus retalinted vy attac YOUNG GIRL AND FARMHAND VICTIMS OF FLAMES WHEN HOUSE BURNS EARLY TODAY Premier Kin Enters Talkies (By Canadian. Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, June 13,~Prime Minister Mackenzie King entered the "talk- ies" today for the first time, Facing a battery of moving picture - sound machines, he delivered a message that will be reproduced all over Can- ada and United States and will be sent to Great Britain and Europe as well, The rustic beauty of Kingsmere, the prime minister's country home near Ottawa, was the background for the "shots" One of the largest caravans of mo- ving picture sound trucks ever. to enter Canada. paraded through O- tawa today on the way to Kingsmere, The 'engagement. was made some time ago and culminated many at- tempts on the part of the produe- ers to have the prime minister ap- pear before the camera,' Three com- panies of news features sent camera men. Want Troops at Bombay at Once Urgent Call Received For Battalion to Go Up From Poona Poona, India, June 13---The mili. tary authoritiey' here' have received #n urgent message from Bombay asking that a whole battalion of the fourth-fifth Mahrattas, 500 strong, be sent to Bombay immediately, Bombay advices seid troops had been gummoned In haste front other , | Places, algo presumably in connec- tion 'with. enforcement. 'of the anti. picketing ordinance; against which the national congress working com. mittee in the last few days had ap- Pealed to all its followers, , Still Bombing Tribesmen Peshawar, Northwest Frontier province India, June 13---The Bris tish air force today continued heavy bombing of positions of Haji of Tu- rangeai, Severe casualties were' in- fiicted on the, Haji's tribesmen, who Riso were reporter to have suxered heavily from:a shelling & days ago, The shelling forced 'the: Haji's son to move from his, sheltering cave to the east of the Sanaullah country, 'ension Prevails Madras, India, June 13--Consid- erable tension still existe at. Vellore where riots occurred during the Mohammedan celebration of the Muharran festival. A moslem mob was sald today to have pulled down a Hindu temple at 'Thoragpadl, Hin- Ing | the Mohammedan quarters and burning two huts, i Indi Chicago Criesfor Action, ignation Mounts High t gheousk .| Lingle," fa 1 connotations 1] | tal of one (By Canadian Press | Press Leased Wire) Chicago, 1lls.,, June 13.--The cry for action in the hunt for the slayer of Alfred (Jake) Lingle, Tribune reporter, rose higher and higher to- day, but with no: indication from authorities of any new clues or. of gr § prospect of immediate results. Indignation over the murder was fast translating itself into' criticism of police, of the gity administration, |. even of. the Chicago Crime Commis. sion 'which one minister classified a8 "a lot of bunk." rs of the. Methodist, Lu- within a ve 4 Co Leader thers ri 0 Prosi dentomine expect to ivity. as motor = squads ecru Representatives of. all' Chi dai rs printed in Eng ly papers p int 3 £i | outrages of past yea, on clvie decency and public security' which "culm in the Jowardly ated dramatica urder of Alf "Considerating the causes of the unbelievahle rdred gan d, nt 'thereby restoring to ihe of Chicage 'civic decen urity ot 1{te and oper." nationally was mo lak. of poe e.| niga ary part of the city, mak. Lip ugh the | dra oat, 'the a ov rhe Sharkey' s stomach. King Car Speed Dead, Mechanic lv Said Drowned Third Member of Crew ine jured as Boat Overturns at Terrific Speed Ebg., Pio pig 'Henry 0, bucks eit thig. from fnjuriex he suffe pra overturned on rmere. 'communication 1 Tow are was' nao ve was made \ hes owt of 'Bermuda. ore. v4 Theitamous racer who he world ' automobile 'miles 'an hour lost his: lite oat 0 | testing out his newest speed b Miss England While pounding al lake at a 'dan; Sour, the boat suddenly over and 'vlgpre- nto Segra er the boat which «an hour. Efforts. to Mifuned on Page 6), caves unde record of 231 | for believed to have. ta Divers Descend 1426 Feet Into Sea and Set. New Record , (By Canadian' Proas Leased Wire) Hamilton, Bermuda, . June 13. A tew recardiforidd.p sea diving wis established yeaterday, by Wis llam Beebe, New York ,soologlst, and Otis Barton: of the New York Museu, : who descended' fourteen hundred and twenty-six feet in the steel sphere In which Beebe set the previous record of eight' hundred fest a few days ago. Fish were cantly observed at the new dept, in a blue violet light, Ad at of 'spectrum' being cut o on asoent, telephone previous d - maintained the 'tug from bi Hoy the hol: #* +The "five "The ball in which ana Barton reached depths' attained by man 13 fused qui trude. Hi from behiy Sarah Palfrey wd at h | 2:6,.6-2, 6-4; o Damage Action Owners of Pinthis Sem ; Tragedy New York, N, Y. une 13.~Suit for $350,000 - has been fled: in federal court here by the Sales Tankers Cor- poration owners of the oil tanker Pinthis, against the 'Merchants ' and Miners Transportation Compant hi Which nd vi pi a w 1 os n oh Aa Lo of a" lives, \ The sum. of $350,000 is the value put by: the owning corporation upon the Plnthis and its cargo. | ik e The Merchants. and Miners has filed a petiti fo limitation of "| lability, Noa y in ad Hi This Achion at. me tal ken: to] ue n b) e of the' "wie ship, he warded? Au hori gg _-- Fy auihotiy of rooks, as comman st Fairfax 3 Sagan, ¢ at the he! utlendine the' A athis disas- Captain. in A te Farmhouse of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lockhart, Newton« ville, Burns, Killing Vivian , Lockart, 10, and Anthony Gibson, 17 LITTLE GIRL ONLY CHILD -OF FAMILY Parents Prostrated With Grief--House and Con tents Destroyed in Fire Which Started From Overheated Stove (By Staff Reporter) Newtonville, - June 13.--Vivian L¥ckhart, ten year old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Lockhart, and Anthony Gibson, seventeen year old farm laborer on the Lock- hart farm, were burned to death at an early hour this morning when fire destroyed the house on the farm, on the lakeshore about four miles east of this vil- lage. The fire broke out between twelve and one o'clock, while Mr. and Mrs, Lockhart and the forme er's mother, Mrs. Lockhart, ar. were in the barn attending to some sick. cattle. and before it was ob« served, the house was a mass of flames, and it was impossible to do anything te save the lives of the two victims who were asleep in the home at the time, or to save. the house. from being burned to the ground. This morning afters deybreak, the charred mains were found lying the ruins, with the bodies com=« pletely burned and; entirely. beyond: revognition, "Arrangemonts for an inquest have not yet been form« ally, sande, but it is understood thati one will be held pn Overheatod Stove Cause It is believed that ne fire wis caused by an TO= me along with k L) who lives with them, were ' their attention "to 'the animals. A fire was lit in the kitchen stove t warm some (water for the ani mals, while the t went to the. 1 young girl" asleep; in the in an upstairs 1 maf downstairs, Some time after going 'to barn, Mr. Lockhart started back to the house for the hot water, andi was horrified" to see it a mass off flames. Neighbours quick! ered and a bucket bri formied, but to ne ava tempts to enter it were fut! -{ building was reduced to a: heart 'of 'alien, and-it was only by strens uous eftorta that the fire was pree (Continued on S4utindeg: en Page. 6), NEW TARIFE-WI TARIFF: WILL: , DEFEAT ITSELF! * SAYS GOVERNOR Prominent Shriners Discuss U.S. Problems at To- "| ronto Banquet (8y Canedion Press Leased Wire) Toronto, June 13.--~Climaxing a day' given over entirely to peace ceremo+ nies, 'prominent. United States 'citiz« ge ae E. j Sheiners ntettin. t vention, - gathe a } ee Dingo IR ah aan Can ane Hast ni hie 'Speeches preced< ing the t were more 'in nature 'of fi States d ed out nor of M : a. worth: former: Liberal: Pome dhe, Ancient Arabic Order' or} hriners, in United 'States LCL, on Canad Sues nation should 'mot expect ano assume. movernor Ritchie = de "International oodw ill cannot, thered | by a 8 gio n Which States :mustia ar to adopt laws with sole object: of helping her to force her own," said. Referring. to: the: tariff revision | i hi ens ) om nonium, his country, the Ma Yiaud Tanah through its. unfortunate e 'other. nations of the a lk discussions, ey ol RE