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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jun 1930, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1930 ets, Grain. and Produce Exchanges INTERMEDIATES [tit HAVE EASY WIN AT MILLBROOK arrison scored on a fast pass from (Continued from Page 3) Delbac to make it three to nothing for Oshawa, At this point Ritchie re- laced White in the Millbrook net. Mie ~ot in a hot one on Stokes, but was robbed of a score by nice foghsions oft the older type of Hi in which the players got. wway wit anything less than murder, plavers complain that the neal that were handed out were not de- clearing, Play was beginning to open up with Millbrook having the best served while the Infractions of the 90 ealled rules that were' detected of the play, King at inside home for were rather crude, Millbrook peppered Stoakes but fail. ing to score, The quarter ended with out further scoring, Soon after the half began Sloan deflerted u pass from Garrison into the Millbrook net to make the score four for the lo€als, Arter ten minutes Close | "ng next y game to be played by the YW | intermediates will take place on June be % 25th when the local elub will o 88% | bose a team from © mpbeliford, wi " Amn, Bmel. 00% 06% | ure reputed to be a tenant that is hard Amn, Tel, 210% 210% | to 1 «t under any. condition, "This Annconda bd b8 | game will be played in Oshawa, YOUNG GRE AND PARMHAND KILLED (Continued od from Page 1) ! INT ali tv er A Rd "l ve | frets, Jai joe But pring; The menor in that the 886) oo 7, wary a i stove nwa (ho bein Hooks oo this set fire to the faving, i Wri in twine bullding being & large frame atriug~ 290; triplets a> out, ni old | ture, tite fiames made rapid head-| ok Wi 81a nd within & very Rn mine | Bt utew the whols House was abiase, | Br: A. Ol oe with the posit that & resus was | Bros, .. 4b monibie, Can, 2nd as Only Ohila Si ae Vivian Y poh the ten year i HEM, old vietim of the tragedy, was the | Oypsum only child of My, and Mrs, Looks Produce Prices in the ~ Commercial Markets ge Stock Market Prices: Market Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and Kew York Weck Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Crawford, Alger Bullding, Osawa i (11 153 208 DODD'S KIDNEY eV reih aires, | i oartons, ac 164 ' 206 ™ Hg 000 Ventu 168 Wr. Mrg, 200 New York Exchange onto wholethle he Hollow ue {"broduee at "ihe to owing eames returned, tora | CL firnts, 806] Butter qa Leni niarig Cr Han ola, #8 10 88%¢; No, 2 J [) 0 Burning Cream-=fpecial, 48 to Thai No. 1, 97 to 980; No, 4, 84 te Day hy to 4 IDK, sisinnn gi ==NO, 1 large, colored; | Do, 5 to 8% 8. «100s fined and government graded,| Do. 8 hw, fb BI hy Hong, a BIDS covies wo Alive Dressed | Broflers , . ST AT A BELDUCKS os soy sri ninns by, I EERE FER EEN] 21 po, $4 Lo 4 108 Turkeys « o uv dvvasinn under 014 ibs, 17 ig brotlers Th to 8 lbs, 80 er OR vat 1) "1d roosters, over b 108, 1111; 18 Po. over 4 to § ibs, verve 18 Toronto Siok tidy a oq High Low LL fd oplkenn, ' he UP rivers 2% Do, 410 6 108 civsrvinna fitock Alleghany Allg Chal, bob Amn, Inter, 38% Hy, Wal, hart, white Gibson had been living | Yord .. with the family for the last year|Int, Ul as hired boy, The parents and | Int, Nki, TR RDORD IW SW P WWIII = ® IIe =a n Fd i F------------------ TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesalers are quoting the following prices to the trade) fmoked Meats---=Mams, medium, 48 to Abe cooked loins, 48 to blu; smoked volls, S86) breakfast bacon, #0 to 40e; backs, pea-meaied, 040) do, smoked, 46 to hbe, Pork loins, 90%; shoulders, die) butts, 34% 0; hams, 3040, Cured meats Lou clown bacon, 66 to 70 Tbe. 846; 70 te 00 ibs, ge; 00 to 110 Ibs, 816, Heavy. ing Toronto wh ure altering produce to velall dealers st tha following prices O'Brien, ------_ --_--_ CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Ms, June 13=Openin fing jn W uf A time to keep Money in Circulation mewn ee en = - ad d = ALEXANDER Murray a -------" June is the month to apply last Winter's lesson to next inter's problem, the time to get rid of cold rooms Is now. .and the way to get vid of them Is to modernize by (nous lating with Ten/Fest, . , first and mest Important, to make the home more comfortable and livable, and second, to keep your property in good condition, Too much emphasis is sometimes placed on what "big business" is doing, Lumbering, railroad- ing, manufacturing, banking-~these donot make prosperity. They reflect it. It is the massed effect of the day-to-day ex- pendltures of the Individual that keeps money circulating and the wheels of business turning. Butter to- 20,000, Yenr of the quarter had elapsed King scor- 1ed the first and as it turned out the final tally for Millbrook to stave off n Whitewash, In fhe final q artes Fu ty tcored on a lone rush throu the home field to rgtain the OT kle; 3rd home, Perry; 2nd home, Del lead of four mouls™ Daniels counted | bac: 1st home, Black; outside, Gare the sixth wos! for Oshawa on a hot | rison: inside, H, Cardinal, Alternate Ayssol bn 29% hot from Away outside, The decid. ow ho. Cardinal, Daniels, Logan and int, Pet, wldwin Beginning the first period play was | Ing factor in the game was the poor janimothor of She Witte gir) art Imp, Oil Borden ian 3 a a4 ar I Der pA rid end | net minding of the Millbrook goaler, ® sillbrooks Goal, White; point, Le apse, and are bein Jared for by | Ms. Hv, Baty, 8 ae 4 #9 © | with play about even, Stokes clear-| but it is still & matter of conjecture | barr: cover, Goodfellow; Ist def, neighbours, ory in theix| Me, Prt, Can, ory tr aa' ADIN ed a hot shot before Oshawa took | Whether the Oshawa team would not Tate 2nd def. Sloan; dvd def, Lare home WAS lost, but hn material | Mt. Pwr, { Can, Pac. hi H ho 26% the offensive, The scoring was open: | have extefided themselves more if the | mer: centre, Donnelly: 3rd "home, Jonson are a8 nothing to the loss| Phaw, 0% 704 | Com. solv, 40 ' 4 Som od by Art Black after seven minutes | score had been closer, The final score | Dundas: 2nd home, Miller; 1st home, of 'holy 'dearest and most Prices Chrysler. , a 008 30 | of play. Millbrook made several dan-| Oshawa 6, Millbrook 1 Ingram; outside, Fisher ; inside, King, 106s possession,' their only 'dsughe Duy, Chem, 80% 40 gerous rushes but were held safe un-| The lineups i 1 Alternates: Frelove, Clark, Captain, ter, 8 woot Htile girl Who was the Vox voit BB% 409 tif the end of the quarter, The see-| Oshawa: Goal, Stoakes; point Mur. | Gray and Jeffrey, joy of the Nitle. farm home, And Standard Mining Exchange Gon, Blea, Thi 74% ond quarter opened with ; Oshawd | rays cover, Stephens: 1st def, Cow Referee~William Mille very. popuiap' fn! the Title aril ton, Mot. a 14 pushing the play Into thelr oppon-|leys 2nd def, W. Lu'is; centre, Kun- | brook. oodyen ) i] a fi school which she atiended. AAT i '" ~ 05 |Men. Copper 43% 43 Alani, 300 age 0 gestiMa. Dark 33 10 Amulet #0 LL #0 Mt, Jrard aa Ii Big Mis, 60 fo ho Nb Cts. 5% 74 04 wolght rolls, 4001 Hghtwelght rolls, | ooiy prices wheat, July 102 7-85| Ch, Res, 660 060 060 | nadie IU 40% ibe, nt, 1.08 Re) Dee, 110 he." Corn, | Do, Munn, AEB > 87H 870 | Rem, Rand 81% '80% Lard-=Puve tlerees, 10e) tubs, ri 79 1:2; Sept, 80 1-4 Daas 74 Holl, .\ 046 © 64d 046 | gim, Ded = 81 50% 1601 pall, ren 11710 114% 0, ' oh jor 98 142) Sent 1-3; He, O11 008 000 000 | win, of 26% a4 #lortening forces, 180; - Lubs, | Dee, A Hy, Gold 70 70 70 Hiudebaker 8 w 0% 104g er pelle, 146, Br -- Ha Day M86, ARG 886 |mk mo Bear 04% 644 Special pastry shortening=-"Tier. WINNIPEG GRAIN Li, Bh, 9U80 "2150 8960 | yr, mt 1064 "102 8 oan thei tubs, 1640; 'pails, 1606, Winnipes, June 13=After 4 twg?| Nrnda, 26000 208h 2000 U.N Boel y 94 bt 24 cont drop at the close of yesterday's | 40 ia 190 180 13 alo Ruttier 310 244 Winnipeg Gealn Market, wheat pris | ' : Money 3 per cent, " teddy prened Unierthinly at whol ---------------- ------------------------ the levels where the previous (ead ing had ended, Dentings 'Were limits | | Open commitmontu=Nov, okks, f od ns onrly traders looked about to| 1,140) June butter, 10; July but see whether or not bears had pound: | 4er, 1) Nov. butter, 080, ed' prices down too far in relation I'wo, market recelpts- to vesterday's rains In the west, day, 34,680 last year, Yul was 3-8 cent lower to un«| Mgan, today, 88,088; last chanatd Fe $1.00 1:4 to 8:8; October | 61,814, (Continued from Page 1) | 1:2 ¢ont tg nothing ut all at Chiongo spot market-=Bulter, | find his body were made immediate ha fy 1 2 to $1131 and December was | extran, 81%; standards, 81%: |1y, The third thember of the crew, $A Wh Wi \ Th Ahead at fone Meer. Neg, graded firsts, | M, J, Wiloooks was badly injured Jd 4 Now A Not WAPRbbS Butter ang wab falign to a hospital, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING |axtran, 03% to 08%) no tone | wajor ansulshed Caveer = Winnipta, Man, June J=Wheat!| gggs, firsts, 83 to 38%e; tone 1 v 1181 A f Tuly, 3:8 lower tn unchanged at 100 stondy, ! yours old, had n distinguished oar 144 to 100 5.8; Det, 1 2 lower th i He served in the rent Wat . 12 1 Jo AA Wiki welinaad rea mes, LJ - urchaneed at) 1712 was mentioned {n despatches, He Therefore," let us "buy and sell--build--go wan technleal adviser to the alr ahead plan and wor hed each in our own way as Incidentally. Ten/Test Insulating Board is just as effective in keeping the heat out In summer, as keeping TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONM 12¢ Jawer, to 1:8 higher at 1,13 « - Grain dealers on the Torontg to 1.4 tho/cold out in the Winter, Just call cost particulars=<the less than you us for will be much imagine, ONICAGO PRODUCE FUTUREN Chiongo, June 18.-=Hpot quota, tions held steady and unchanged this morning on eggs with Jttle ine Hoard of Trade are making the following quotations fdv car lots: Manitoba wheat-«No, 1 Norths orn, $1.18, No, § do, $1,108 | No, 8 do, $1.00 No, 4, 81.06% No, 5, councll In 1017 and had previously heen attnched to the general staff in Wrance, Me was attached to the BritishEmbassy In Washington In 1018, vigorously as we know how. That is the best way to hasten the return of prosperity for all, "Of all countries in the world, Canada is the best place to live in at the present time," said Lord Willingdon in a recent address at Ottawa, and he added: 'no country has a brighter future and in a very few years the Dominion will go forward to increased prosperity." The Canada Life Assurance Company Major Remrave held the world's Iand speed record 1024, 1527 and 1080, and world's champion trophy on water In 1000, Ho also took the world's record for single-engin od hydro-planes In 1060, He wan president of the Wolvers hamplon Engineering Soolety aml held numerous orders of merit, SER AI Rt SRR ANADIAN PACIFIC CANADAS terest on part of lool operators Much the same was true of Noe vember futures. which opened un- changed and advanced In (he face of light veeeipts and limited of. fering, Toward the close u few wonttered selling orders wera anough to lower the quotations % Cash values on spot butter wore unohanged this morning, the un dertond holding full steady, Long {ines of straight oars 'ave bringing substantial premiums for delivery on June contracts, The latier sold up to 88% this morning and Nos vambers at 88, after which both slipped back for losses of ¥{ to Me 07%o0; No, 0, 80%e; teed, Tho (0 Lt Goderich and Bay ports) Manitoba oatg-=No, 1 BOYe) Noo 3 do, 47 We, Amerionn: eorn--No, § P1%e; Noo 8 do, 00s, Millfead, delivered Montreal frelghts bags included-«Nran, per ton, 838,856: shorts, per ton, $00.25; middlings, #32.85, Ontario grain--Wheat, $1.10; oats 400; barley, 60 to 88a) rye, nominal; buckwheat, 80e¢, } GREATEST PRICES TRENDLESS | CET ON WINING MARKET Ee SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL Deo mi Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED | 28 Ritson Road North | Telephone 2831-2820 food yellow Nickel, Noranda, Easier; Lindsleys Mixed, Golds Quiet, Oils Active ---, (By Canadian Press Lossed Wine) Toronto, June 13.-=Prices pursued Irrepulnr #ourses on the Standard Stock and Mining Exchange, during the early session today, The trend at ull times was Indefinite, and vol To Cherbourg: Southampton. amburg Hone 20 Tuly Th Montelare July § Aug Montealm Te Hovre-Antvers. Southampton June 19 oii ooo Montrose July § ' Metagamn To Glasgow: Liverpool Belfast lune 14 Montealn «Tune 20 | Duchess of Atholl ume fell off considerably fro | olune 21 Minnedosa erably from yes June 27 Duchess of Richmond terday, International Nickel and Noranda | oJuIv 2 were eadler, both about 28¢, Hud]; son Pay was unchanged at 870, Lind |» os 1 were mixed, Hishersriced molds were Hoi npers off 10, and Dome and deck Hughes unchanged, while Weight Hargreaves scored a 3-point June 18 July 9. Empress of Scotland vere. Tiki i i were y active, but the \ Tune 2 ooo Empress of Japan Mk WAS easier, June 25 July 16 Empress of France The Seven Rules for Sate Driving You must observe them and ALL other precautions all the time H in mechanical condition--particularly BRAKES, LN GEAR Tc heen eal re y 2% GIVE ML UR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION TO YOUR DRIVING. sure there is a place for you in the traffic line ahead. 7/18 Jue Ar\ A> + Du cheas of Bedford Duchess of York Cully at vervaol (Tesland), «Does not eall at Liverpool, FROM QUEBEC To Cherbourg: Southampton quiet, LS HPOUD aR § W 3 ro uly 2 July 23 Empress of Australia A ] , . Inen main streets or Ways, or in a sal bot Armin 4 STR BR Rn REA A» Eosudin Perio, Bldg ' § When othe vehicles try fo pase you--LET THEM PASS, ! 6 IHL TILE oh «fl 9 Alva Alvan 81 Et Wherever & man has Jott a great name behind Nim, his family tree heoomen § bussard's roost for mod. sh blographers~~Cinoinmail Times Ar Aeroplane Flights THIS WEEK-END fom, te air Fly with experienced Cont lot. New three-passen Eilon West of Park uth (vou he Hb CARE | © COURTESY, "ee re "i ein - wn, ta

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