THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY. JUNE 14, 1930 PAGE FIVE terests in t o Ad Wh hel ome and the Community 0d 'Persona : 'Mrs. L.'V. Disney, and Miss Amy Disney of Oshawa attended the osing of Grove School, Lakefield, psterday, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Marks, 540 Mary. Street entertained a number 'Shriners from ong them was their son, J. W. rks. Others were Dr, W, rt, Mrs, Hart, Mr, and Mrs, Bid- néy Bakewell, Mr. John D, Bush, and Mr, James C.: Robertson. MF. 'and' Mrs. William' Ross of oronto have recently been guests tf Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross, Mary treet. Mr, Ross who is a director of the Ontario Ladies' College, Ji see f (Sheer Chiffon ll Fashioned | HOSIERY As " ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP pve, troit this week, | M i Fe Whitby, yi with Mrs, Ross attend. ing the Commencement exercises at the schopl, this last week, Mrs. Roy Storks, McMillan Drive, Oshawa, is in Toronto to attend the funeral of her mother, rs. Charles Stewart, who died there last evening. Dr. W. P, Fletcher, pastor of Centre Btreet United Church is leaving tomorrow for Ohio, where be will 'be enrolled on the staff of teachers in the Defiance Col. lege, where classes are being held tor Jouns people during the next week, Mr, and Mrs, Hatoly Tripp, of Oshawa, are leaving today to spend thelr holidays at Campbell. ford, Ontario, Mr, Richard Emmons is leaving Oshawa to spend a few holidays with relatives in Belleville, On. tarlo. AIR CAVITY WHERE HEART SHOULD BE Child Is Cured Of Unusual Disease Edmonton, Alta, June 13 Modern surgery is responsible for some remarkable cures. From one of the big Edmonton hospitals a little girl was recently discharged who had been suffering from an inful complaint, The child's nd "and chest organs had been completely pushed to the right side of her ly. Where her heart should have been way a cavity, containing only afr, She was com. pletely 'cured when discharged, A few weeks ago this little gir, aged nine, showed sll the symptoms of a severe; attack of bronchitis, and her complaint was thought to be a comparatively simple one-- until her labored breathing and evident distress made it apparent that her ailment was serious, Frightened by the wild beating of the child's heart, and her chok- ing efforts to breathe, the mother consulted a doctor, and examina- tion Nhawes that the child's heart GUESTS ATTEND || Nonr Cor. Ring -& Simcoe St. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greenly, of x Flint, ' Michigan, have returned homie after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs,' W. H, Greenly, Mary street, Miss. Pearl ¥iot her, 'Atha 7, Oshawa, and Miss K. Tur- ner of Toronto, have taken a col- tag at Norland, Ontario, for their summer vacation, Mr, and: Mrs. Thomas ¥, 'May, of Chicago, Michigan, are visiting thefr mother, 'Mrs, Thomak 'May, Harmony and Mr, and Mrs Pagl Verland, Simcoe street south, Mr. George Wilson, Colborne street, is visiting friends and rela. tives In Campbeliford for the week-end, 'tf Baby is Fat-- watch well for chafing and irritations of the skin. Many 'kin troubles will be avoided by careful washing with "A garden party held at the home of Mrs. Howard Bradley, "Willow- vale' yesterday afternoon was a delightful affair. It was under the auspices of the Simcoe Street Un- ited Church Ladies' Aid Society and the group of which Mrs, Brad. ley is" convenor swas in charge. A programme was given during the afternoon, while the guests seated themselyes in the garden facing the terrace' at the side of the house which was used for a platform, Those who took part were Mrs, Leo Gray, Mrs, Harding, Mrs, Fleming, Mu, Babar Holden, Mvs. F. Hal- ett, an rs. C. M, Mundy, After. ing--some like more com | noon ten wes served in. the ning te eon Jtiave 8 ous: room of the Bouse. Mrs, W, POS. | Glass and Mrs. I . E. Argue red ten and were assisted by: ladies of the group, Mrs. E, Bradley receiv. od the guests as they arrived. . Wednesday, June 11, occasioned the official opening of the North. minster Church Tennis Club, ' Be. tween.the hours.of. five.and. seven supper' was served by Mrs, J. W. Perkina's group of the W. A, Mem. bers of the club and visitors made an attendance, of about seventy. five. During the evening a 'round robin" tournament took place in which Edna Binns and Kenneth Kelly carried off the prizes, The splendid condition of the courts in- greased the speed of the games, All the guests expressed their intention The whole idea " ~ame from women- This laundry, which pro- vides a selection of five dif ferent kinds of family wash service, is. the direct result : the suggestions of housc. % ie Some like merely the washing done and pre- for to do their own iron. Ride on in_ touch, with Te Kh lady' by tele phone. And' tinTember every. wash is done separately. in soft water without marking of any kind. Better phone now, . Phone- 788 ive in the near future, The members are looking forward to a long and busy Season: WS: CANADA FED mw service. RY | 7 SEPT 27% | Forconventence and travelcomfort neda's premier fl rein serve you for the twelfth season. FLAN ALONGER 'STAY AT BANFF | THIS YEAR, ... summer social centre of dhe Canadian: Rockies... and Lake ; only forty miles it, of paying another visit to the club |. and entire chest organs had moved from their natural position to the right side of the body, Further examination satisfied doctors that there was a space below the correct position of.'the heart in which air had collected, The pressure of the air forced the Jungs closer together and mov- ed the heart from the Jeft to the right side of the body. Thus all the child's chest organs were con gested on one gide and on the other was a big cavity, The little heart, straining in its unnatural posture, beat rapidly and with every pulsa- tion the frail form of the girl was shaken. The only thing that could relieve her of her pain, and to al- low the straining organs to return to their natural positions, was to remove, little by little, the alr in the cavity. Each day a tube wag inserted in the child's chest, and a little of the air drawn out, For two weeks this was done, and by then the heart and Jungs were in the centre of the body, "After further treatment, and as more air was gradually drawn out, the organs returned to thelr, former positions, and the breathing became normal, The complaint from which this child suffered is known ag pneumo- thoray., Few cases are on record, although two men were treated recently with the heart moved to the vicinity of the solar-plexus, Pneumo-thorax is caused by the pressure of the air "trapped", fore. ing the heart aside, MOUNTAIN TIME You said It was ten by mountain time, I looked from our train window there they were, Wrapped In an early mist of lav- ender, ' I saw an opal cloud about to climb The highest ridge and then I look. od again Into a valley where anemones Wede drinking yellow sunlight as a hreeze Blew them in tides of gold across the plain, I saw green rocks upon A mountain. side The color of the sea at sunrise hour; And on a higher crest a mountain flower Bled sudden crimson where a hawk might hide, Bani] mile, and suddenly there fol 7 veil of shining water. and below b watched it Jeap and surge! I heard it flow Like silver music of a silver bell. Noon came--and dusk---and they * the night's blue wings Brust on the patie, and stars od' overhea t's Ba ht ow by mountain time, you said, What can ry ri of time--~these , timelagy things? ~Daniel Whitehead Hicky, with in eo pri Te 2 is CAG ghuel eruel now) ni Wt t are Sy CLOSING AT HATFIELD HALL First Summer Closing of Cobourg's New Anglican Girls' College (Special to The Oshawa Times) Cobourg, June 13-~Hatfleld Hall, Cobourg's new Anglican Girls' School, held its closing exercises on Thursday afternoon, The occasion was distinugished by the presence of Rt, Rev, C, A, Beager, D.D,, Lord Bishop of Ontario, Kingston, and former Provost and Vice Chancel. lor of Trinity College of the Univer. sity of Toronto, who delivered the commencement address in the ab. sence of the Bishop of Toronto who has just sailed for the Lambeth Conference in England, The keynote of his lordship'y ad. dress was a call for a closer under. standing between the public at large and those who are in any way actively interested In education, Only through such understanding, he made clear, can the whole cause of national culture receive the sup- port which its objects deserve and which the self-sacrifice of teachers and ofMcials merits, Hatfield Hall's closing exercises were marked by the delightful for. mality of a garden party, Parents and guests occupied seaty placed on the south lawn behind those re. served for the uniformed pupils, The sun porch served as the vost. rum for distinguished guests and the Board of Trustees, Prizes awarded hy Rishop Seager emphasised the schoal principle of giving honor for effort as well as for achievement, A brilliant display of wsllver trophies which were awarded for athletic prowess told of the great Impoftance the school attaches to the Hellenie ideal of beauty, Bishop Seager, In his address, naid deeply appreciative tribute to the work of Miss W, M, Wilson, B.A, and Miss. W, M, Ellis, B,8¢, associate principals, and to the staff and school prefects, The work of Rev, T. 8, Boyle, D, D., D.C.1., president of the Board of Trustees was eloquently com- mended. Dr, Boyle made the introductory speech of the exercises, He ex- pressed the deep appreciation of the Hoard, of Trustees, the School Staff and the pupils in Bishop Sea. ger's presence at the ceremony, "In behalf of the Board of Trus- tees," he stated, "I welcome you to this the first closing exercise of Hatfield Hall, and to express their confidence and satisfaction in the fine work that has been acconip- Hshed, "On this occasion T wish to acke nowledge the particularly effective work of Mr. Herfry Fullerton, mem- | jewel iE open DERN Youth: I say, what are all these clgaret cane? Nernon Bowler; WIN PRIZES AT ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE, Five winners of awards at the Both commencement day exercises the Ontario Ladies' College were: (1) Miss Margaret Woods, Sud. bury, honorary instructor's certifi» cate of the Royal Jie Saving Bos cloty; (2) Miss Harriett Swalil, Oshawa, championship tennis trophy, presented by W, HW. Rey» nolds; (8) Miss Margaret Jenkin. son, Prescott, bronze medallion of R.LS.K.; (4) Miss Augusta Dale, Kitscoty, Alberta, George Cormack memorial gold medal in commer. cial course; and (5) Miss Rens Robertson, Toronto, bronze medal lion of the N.L.S.8, ber of the Board and its secretary treasurer, He has rendered this school particularly effective service and we all acknowledge that no one has worked harder than Mr, Fuller. ton has for the success and prosper- ity of the school," Miss Wilson, associate prineipal, presented a report of the year's ne. tivities and pointed out that the year had been marked by an entire freedom from infectious diseases of any kind, "That, T think," she declared, "speaks very emphatically of Co- bourg's right to be regarded as a health resort.' She pointed out: that the school had just received its first Toronto Conservatory of Music examination results, Seven of the girls passed with honors, and one Is just com- pleting examinations for the AT.C, M, degree, Ten was served on the grounds following the presentation of prizes, Guests from Oshawa were Mrs, W, A, Coat and Mrs, Moffat, Parents and friends attended from Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, Lakefield, Peterboro, Port Hope, Haileybury, Barrie, Picton, Copper Cliff, and Rochester, N.Y, PAY-DREAMS Morris H, Kahn The crown of wisdom and of kings Iyleld to them who fear no griefs; I dread the brings, And court the life that folly lives, sorrow knowledge I yield to youth the Spring to come Whose bliss is still to them un- known; I vield the bounty of the harves To them who reap what they have sown, 1 leave unlocked the jingling cof. fors, ' Disdain ambition's jealous aims; I leave them to the maudlin offers That hope makes and the future claims, built in' sahd and stone Lat them be theirs who live with care. My castles stand in grandeur lone, Bult by the heroes in the alr, -------------------- The . castles A sailor and his parrot were en- joying. a .gonjuring show in a room adjoining a gunpowder factory, The Somurge changed a penny into a sausage, "Now that wag good," sald: the sailor, lighting his pipe, "I wonder what he'll do next?" Then he threw down his mateh, There w asashattering explosion, Two miles away, the parrels. \ith one feather left, was sitting on a steeple, "Now that was good," it sald, "I wonder what ne Il do next?" 1 . SE te the 1" bt 4 hak Bay tos 'here by mistake ¥ it's only ee ARawarS NAAN GRATRFUL 'Mistresy (tactfully to maid) Oh, Edith, you'd better not wear any lle my guests a re here, oll, | bi 1 'aven t 'wot: ou mig ht eal valu Tel fn Just th esame for Faing:-- Punch ocx (ROTARY ANNES t | playing games and running races. PLANNING FOR BiG FAIR NEXT WEEK Flower Booth, Fortune Tell ing, Fish-Pond and Home» Cooking Booth in Charge of Rotary Annes "Helgh-ho come to the fair!' Yes, the Rotary Falr is going to be hald as usual, this year, and Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week will see Oshawa's main streets in their most brilliant of gala attire, Oshawans well remem» ber the fairs of other years and the wonderful work that has been car. ried on by the Rotarians with the proceeds derived from them, Ro- tary Street Valr, not only means two nightg of fun and pleasure but for those who are behind It, it means really hard work, Rotary Street Fair is staged for a good cause, for the purpose of ralsing money so that underprivileged children might be given the advan. tages of some of the more for. tunate, This year Rotary Annes as well as their husbands are busy thinking up ideas that will he at- tractions, There is to be a home. cooking booth Tn charge of Mrs, Leo Gray, Bandwiches, ple and cof fee will also be sold at this same booth, Mrs. A, E, O'Neill and her committes is planning for a for- tune-telling tent, that promises to be one of the best attractions, The ehildren will all want to go fishing in the fish-pand and be delighted with its prizes, This department is in charge of Mr. Roy Bennett, Mrs Earl Hodgin® will manage the flow. er booth and assistants will roam the fair grounds carrying baskets of roses to sell, In former years the flower booth has been particularly successful with its proceeds and this yeay promises to he even more #0, Citizens of Oshawa are asked to co-operate with the Rotarians in their great work by freely patronis- ing their Street Fair, next Wednes- day and Thursday, and their is no doubt hut that those who do will enjoy themselves to the fullest ex- tent, ANNUAL PICNIC RITSON SCHOOL HELD YESTERDAY we ---- Good Time Was Thorough: ly Enjoyed by All Present The annual plenie of Ritson School was held Wednesday after noon at Rotary Park, The shouts, and laughter of over five hundred' children told of the jolly time which they were having, The ladies of the Ritson Home and School Club give a plenie to the ohildven every year, A suitable place is chosen for the plemio, The children, guided by the teachers, march to the grounds, if it is not top far away, then they play games and a program of sports is outlined in which all the children are given a chance to take part, Prizes of money are given to the winners, One of the outstanding events of the plenic. Wednesday afternoon was a baseball game between North Simcoe Seniors and Ritson Seniors, This ee, the first game of the fin. als In the Public School League, The Rifson hoy got a Muky break in the fourth innings which gave them the game, The final score was 6-0, This team will = meet the South Simcoe Seniors in a sud- den death game Friday evening at Rotary, Park. After the game the children were served a splendid supper of sand. wiches, cake, bananas and lemon ade, The evening was spent In Girls, 10 years and underim Mary Zadac, Effie Stevens; Block Raoé--Pearl Tubb, Emma Thompson, Angela Foth, Hopping Race ---- Mary Oleniok, Pearl Tubb, Betty Woward, Girls 11 and 13 years: old 76 Yard Dash---Nellie Saunders, Millie Brown, Violet Rosnek, Hopping Race--Gladys Nellis Saunders, Annlg: Wilson, Girls over 12 year; 76 Yard Dash~~Violet Thom Bernice Gutotskl, Mary Krawe uek, Hopping Race~Yiolet Thom Doris Kashel, Bernice Guiotski, Throwng Boftball at Mark-Mary Kutcher, Helen Barker, Joan Muir, Boys 10 years and Under; = 50 Yard Dash ~» John Kitchen, Bert Buedar, Mike Temples, Block Race~Erwin Beaupre, David Mitchell, Petey Chisowski; Jimmy Smart, Billy Rutherford, " Hopping Race---Eversit Harmer, Morris March; Garfield McKnight, Henry Kobernik; Billy Ballan, Bers nard Higgins, Boys 11 an 12 years of age: 76 Yard Dash-Eyerret Harmer, Henry Kobernik, John Chamar, Boys over 12 years: -- 100 Yard Dash ~~ Jos Sneckn, John A. Tomanchuck, Newton Mor- ton, Hopping Race--Joe Snecko, Vred Williams, John Chandler, Throwing Ball at' Mark---~Harola Holley, Glekoff, Bernard Higgins, BACK HOME There is the quiet of the wood The cool spring's murmur wakes, And in its softly singing stream The bird its thirsting slakes, With tender finger-tips the wind Down drifting through the lane Uplitts the curly fronds of fern The orcherd's clustered desps Cast un, Shale petal fakes whord Her elon, prom amiss, Keogh Maude oture, my friend?" whet | ne cheerily Tnquiaitive Passe or-by, The weary motorist Tooked pe "No,-old man," he said. as calmly as he could, "I'm Juss giving the tires a change of §0" many books hive When pube fished yi fA the truth shout rv Great War that ex-soldiers . gow know what it was seilly like, The Bride~These spoons Aunl Emily gave us as a weddiig present are not res} silver, only nickel, The Groom~~Can you tell nickel? v The Bride~No; but 1 now Aunt miy. = "How much do you make out of this poetry business, Homer?' she asked, with an sys to accepting him providing the answer was [aver able, "Well," said Homer wistfully, 2 only made 80 pounds Inst year; hud there are other thingy in~Hfe bes sides money, darling," The girl pulled a face at this, "Yeu, there are," she replied, "For instance, there's the works house," A 60 Yard Dash--Retty - Howard, | To feel the fine, sweet rain, - ®'ECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS at the THE FASHION SHOPPE #4 Rimeoe Ht, 8, The bluets clamber up the hille- Up, up to greet the sky, And green hold shadows vague and wArm In dreaming silence lle, Now foaming into fragrant bloom What most people call indiges« tion is usually excess acid in the stomach, The food has soured, The instant: remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids, But don't use crude helps, Use what your doctor would advise, The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, For the HO years since its Invention It has remained standard wth physicians, Yow will find nothing else so quick in its effect, so harmless, so efMoient, One tasteless spoonful in water PRIZE LIST FOR THE BIG PARADE. The Feature of the Rotary Fair will be the Big Parade . on the Opening Night, Wednesday, June 18, low is given the Prize List. No prior entry is req , a8 judging will be based on those actually in the parade. First . Second Best Float to Represent the i : Firm's Products or Goods , ,, , $20.00. $10.00 . Child on Bicycle Best Decorated $8.00 ~ Comic Clown REE EE RRR $3.00 Amos and Andy Fevers resi $5.00, Jazz Band on Foot j.'s vi v's iy $10.00 Jazz Band on Truck vos os nies $10.00 Motor Cycle Float '+ vans vos vn $7.00 Oldest and Most Di ted | ove nd Mont. Dilavidused . OWN POWELr so srvombansoy $1 0.00 Best Decorated Car OUD E OCR $10.00 Best Decorated Truck PPP $10.00 Best Delivery Display ..« verge $10.00 Covered Wagon ERE ERENT RY $10.00 Boy Scouts, Best Equipped. & ' wi and Marching quired... $10.00 nbd PARADE TO START AT 648 PMi (In case of rain, parade will be at same hour on Thursday), by neutralises many times its voluimg in acid, The results ave immediate, with no bad after-effects, nee you learn this fact, you will never dea! with excess meid in the crude ways, Go Jearn-~pow=-why this method is supreme, Be sure to get the genuine' Phils lips' Milk of Magnesia presoribed by physicians for 50 years in core recting excess neolde, Each bottle contains full directions--any arige store, \ Form at Amores and streets ennt of Arnetion pnt % Richmond to Church Street; north on Church to Brock Street; east on Brock to Division Street; south on Dive ision to King Street; west on King to Simcoe Street i south on Skea vo Gills Street; webu Gitte Ratu, Park, Everyone in the World is. ine: Flalka, | vited to Get hrowing Softball at Merkvie anti Thompson, Bernice Gutofskl, i Rates in your . in