. As Ranks ES: Worms ars Ai : 3 o ki Ae" where ; Optometrist aD | m , Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries MBaak: 'ste. Office over } Rotrance Simcoe LOUIS S. Sol y Store, street M73W, 4 DONEYAN AND SMIT and 0. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, specialist: in muscle 200malues, ht and glasses, Author re and Eye Strain, Tbe Chile and its Development, Dis ney Bleek', opposite Post Office. Phone 161 (May 15-1 mo) and Surveying ONTAR- ins. Pi a Er Ar mun ers, or St E Phones 2332] or 2544, Eh Bada 7 "Tune 4 lau Engineering GREER _ risters, pp AL PARKHILL Ale AR ASTER ue, oney to loan. Al nosite t > he on ANK 8. BS, «BA Rr, Algen Bldg, Phone 398 Medical PRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disnay Block. Phone "050, Office hours 9 a.m, to 8.20 pin, Dr, B. J. Jazlawood, special atiention to Surgery and X-Ray, Jr, B, H. Har al attention to children's and Obstetrics, Sunday t calls "416 or 132. PHYSICIAN, SUR. coucher. Office and resi. ng | Ents comer Victoria Li ste. DR. G BERRY, PHYSICTA on, Obstetrician, dieses of M. CM. DR. DAVID ron LD. C n, Su t. N. Phone 0; ) Ofer 148 in Gai lag Ave. North. Phone 81 Nb an. Office and 3 E~ncoe reat worth. DR. Ld Surgeon, pene ] AL SRW, PHYSI- De. Kureeen Fy gretrican, office and residence, ¥ Simcoe Street, North, phone 31 TO Waterinary. Surgeon casts Anis Specialist Diseases 203 mals, gh Ah 20 dog hospital, Ring w. . (June 2-1 mo) SON, | TERS wah, Gin T consult R. N. Johos, 80 north Jue insurages wa ate te to and your barons: pro- NSUKANCE, Re- Summer Cottages All Classified Advertising |i. ome, Coming Events, E te. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large number of small arcounts of this nature. For thy convenience of customers who find if' Inconvenient to' come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will Sty the advertisement and collect for same. g "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT | CARTAGE, AND STORAG | rd man's, 5 Bond West, Specially in A moviag, storage "reid house snd moving van equipment. Phone 83, Work Wanted CONT [7] n and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders. Chris Graham, Phone 2621M, (May 20-1 mo) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL snd ard cinders Local and long s.ance hauling. Smith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West, OSHAWA'S LDEST AB. lished furn'ture morers Park Road car age. Local and rg! ange: Par Frank South, (May 19-1 mo) JX PAYS FO MOVE SUDBURY. | sepa, 'oranto, Hamilton, Trénton, Belle- ville, anywhere cheapest In the city, Eagle Cartape, phone 200. May 29-1 mo) o A moving, oxDross, einders and gravel hauled, long, distance moving. Cheap. Phone 974 "Vune 11-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Speclal.sts in permanent, finger and marcel waving. Per. manent wave prices §5, §7,60, $10 and $15, All other lines of Beauty Aluiture. Pacne 2008, Apply sb Simcoe street north. A Betty Ward at Bet! ent Wave Si er Lou" Permun- arcel and sham. ty Shop, ) Celina St. Wes spe. bv ed in ladies' hair cutting, mar- celling, el facials arcel % Sante. For anpolniments [Phone Oe, « Slsrie, 147 Agnes street. ¥bone orce, Simcoe and = nose and throat, 9 to 11, 0, 2 to 5, Tto 8:30. Phon foes 167; res. dence, 596. e 18-1 ma.) !| cnarged,' 76¢ called .| livered, Radio service, airials erect. Prices reasonable, (May 20-1 m2) rat BURTON OF THE LA Parisiene Beauty Parlour announe ces the price of marcelling, 60¢, Finger Waving 76¢, during the summer months, Commencing from June first. , Phone 71, May 23-1 mo,) A " , M 22 Rowe St. Phone 532J, (130c) Be Ss -- Music HERBERT OC. TRENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Oburch will accept pupils ip plano, organ and vocal music. For particulars apply 50 William street east. Phone 28086, Hig (June 3-31) Radio Service EE RADIO i wp 8 AO cossories for sale, repairs 0 and bat noon er Rt A ei -l ! rental supplied. i Phone S800 . Charles Wale ¢ Elgin East, a yi mo) for and de ed. Platt. Phone 16b8J, (May 21-1 mo) batteries re- charged 50¢, rentals 25¢,, delivered. Phont Solow. 00, Burroughs. o Radi i adh 7-1mo.) $1.0 , Repaired nd "for and delivered, ONT} y i * yoman Pri miss. st. BE a SHARPENING--SCISSORS, KNIV- es, Lawn Mowers, Saws, Phone 421W. We call and deliver, 130 Celina St, KE, Bottan, (June 9-1 mo) FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY DONE, Phone 1234M. (May 31-1 mo) | For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROUMED MUL orn suites including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, eonvens ences, etc, continu' § Hot Whter supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 247), or The Truster und Guarantee Co, Ltd.,, manage: for owner, Toronto, (270) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood i oors. Apply Bradléy Bros. §6L1) WOMAN WOULD LIKE WORK BY day. Phone 3240J. (138e) Articles For Sale BRIGHT APARTMENT, ro tral, four rooms, bath, eleetrie stove Mawly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession immediately. Apply 'Box 665 Times. (112¢0) MIXED HARD AND 3087 WOoD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr, 2011) 'FOR SALR--MBINTIMAN 00. Ltd, planos, "y and yh planes, also radios, A i C. frail, 30a) Skrahged. Pp FOR SALE ~= PAINTS, ee ishes. We have the Jargest asspri< ment of paints, vernishes, atc. id in the city. The Paint 'Store, 80 King street west. i I. 26 tf SAND, GRLVEL, 6 , CIN: ders, black loam. $4.50 per yard: 'For quatiey. a0 aud) servis phobe ser ". ' {May 3-1) ALL KINDS OF USED FURNI. ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, ofl stoves; coal stoves, bicycles, etc, 174 Ritson road south, (May 20-1 mo) TRY RITSON AUTO WRECKEKS, at 12 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires. Phone 3476W. Residence 2183J, (May 50-1 mo) DIAMOND . RINGS, WATCHES, all kinds of jewelry on easy pay- ments, Terms from 60 cents per week. . 0. H, Dell, agent for Peo- plos' Credit dewolers, 264 Simcoe South, a (May 31-1 mo.) NEW. AND BECOND HAND FUR- itil bought ad sold. 186 Bloor 1] 17M. Phen (June 4-1 mo) os $12 up, Now and easy \M, joycycles and fish 12 Richmond East. (June 12-1 mo) TD. WILSOIT HARD: | » ware offer the (ollovzing used stoves, 2 Quebec cook stoves, two small cook stoves, threes , gas ranges, § electric ranges, Harry D. Wilson Hardware, 28 King St. West, Phone 46, (138¢) Very cheap. 81 Ontario Bt i ¢ v Dancing MADAME HENDRIE'S SCHOOL of dancing Ang 'physical culture. 169 Church Street. Lessons given each evening from 6 p.m., and on Saturdays from 1.30 p.m. For terms call or phone 874M at above hours. (Nay 21-1 mo) Awuings NGS = | spd curtains, plo binds of. i Pg Taylor, cam y Hardware, Sule pos or LL Agents rner and Son, Peter ky ry {May 30-1 mo) used biey terms, ©. ing tackle, Phone 2974. canopy Taronto, 10+¢£.) Com LE & DAD A it ) Fe (Jun > 6 . TO RENT---ONE LARGE FRONT room, suitable fof business man, Also one small room, §2 per weel, 04 William street east. (May 23-1 mo) LARGE 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSL, newly decorated; ail conveniences. large garden and garage. Bloor street west. Apply Rutherford, 134 Selina atreet. Phope 639) ' (13811) CTT FOR RENT AT 306 DIVI- slon street, $26 per month, AlN conveniences: 'Apply 48C Masson street. Phane 1620, (138¢) ly to A, W. Pickard, sowmanville, Prom 186. (1881) THREE HUNDRED DOLLARY cash payment, balance easy terme, buys house and nine acres, garden plot, Close to Oshawa. Apply 140 Agnes St. (139d) veneer house, Buens Vista, Phove 465M, (1300) ) "BRICR lousé on paved street, overlooking Alexandria Park, All modern conveniences and wired for elec- tric stove. Cement yide drive and garage. Apply owner, 59 Bucking- ham Ave, (M-W-8) King street (1400) i Fernhill Blvd, off west, Motor Cars HAVE YOUR CAR OR TRUCK repaired at 49 Bond St. West, Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor bosts an: general «wood work, Phone W. Fry 3395. (May 28-1 mo) FOR BALB--BIG "AIX &.BTUD." Touring sport model, $136. cash. Phone G. Jackson, 1628M, between ] and 7. (138¢) 7 hig promptly. Apply 102 Wood Street. (18%c. TOR BALE=T027 CHEVROLET! coupe, in good condition, 64 Park road north, Phone 456M. (139¢c) ] -- rT Help ' Wanted--Female EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL, competent and reliable, Apply $ Buckingham Manor, Phone 26087, (138¢) WANTED=MAID FOR GENERAL housework, 'must have references, Apply 495 Simcoe north (13811) USEREEPER ~~ WANTED bachelor gentleman, no objection to young child, state age, wages, otc. Box 734. Times (140b) Help Wanted--Male WANTED~-SMART . MAN. FOR position, of trast, neat appearance and fair education essential, good pay and every opportunity for advancement, Apply 289 Dearborn Ave, (140¢) ANDTBODY REPATRY | "Lady of Stowe? Géts a Hot { Rvdyard K poet of Empire RG po h colner of the phrase "Our Lady of the Snows" a8 a description of 'Canada, has now another view of the Dominion, Making a flying trip to this coun. he' struck Montreal in the middle of a heat wave that boosted the, thermometer into the nineties and made the poet wonder how he gver mot the idea that:Canads was 2 land' of snow and "My chief 2 preiton of Canada, judged by the past fow days, " heat," he said, interyiewed on board 8.85, "Duchess of Bedford," on which he is returning to Englend..)Cut is reproduction of a crayon sketch of Mr, Kipling from the gifted pe cil of Kathleen Shackleton, Cane dian artist of high B ropate. Co, eh 1080, by Canadian acide Away). co, SA LOMA APTS. OSHAWA. ¥1 King east, 5 rooms and bath. Immediate possession, Prices reas onable, (188¢) HOUSE FOR RENT---ALL CON- veniences, including garage, cou tral location, rensonable . rent. Phone 1066). (188¢) FOR = RENT--FURNISHED 8 roomed Home for the next few months, 'Modern in every way, Tenant must be select. Phone 169, (188¢) HOUSE TO RENT, SIX R newly decorated, Ndrth' East end. Phone 3178¥, (139h) 0 A Every convenience, newly fecor- ated near Mofors, $15 per month, Apply 388 French street, (1880) R R flat, with lathroom, kitchen, Ens range. $3 Park road south. or phone 1143M, 7 (1400) EXECUTIVE WHO WAS #UR: nished suite, George Apts; will rublet for 6 weeks while on vaca- tion, Rent reasonable, Phone 206M, 1-6 p.m, furnished rooms, Phone 11464, anted to Rent WANTED== 3 UNFURNISHED rooms hy 'young nouple; no child. ren, Wired for electric stove. Box 732 Times, (140) TT For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-FIVE room house, King £t. East, Bow- manville, Rent $20. Phones Bow- manyille. day, 529, fight 432, (1380¢) good locality. (140bh) oF 'Rates I | Classified Ads, | PES Minlmom charge 30c. Each subsequent cons ive. nssrtion 10° DF word, Three con ive inser tions for thy price of . \nsert! {three cents a word). earns oor nr - 3, | class breeding pens, Nursing MEDICAL, MATERNITY, MENT: al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 505. sani (May 23-1mo.) PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERN: ity or general nursing. For infor. mation phone 320W. (June 3-1 mo) Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS -- FROM HIGH backed by 0" 285 egg reo males from dam ord. [mmediate shipment. Barrea Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 par bundred; White Leghorns, $186, 100 per cent, live arrival guaras teed. Modern Hatchery, 3205 Dan: forth Ave, Toronto, (June 4-1 me) Auctioneer PHONE 716) W. J. SULLEY §UC. tioneer. 346 Simcoe St. S. Os Ont. Special attention given yr household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements, Your Patron: age solicite Theronold J C (¥) allmeuts should take advantage of fhe ry Jes 'Testments offered eronold of Oshawa, 156 lam' St. East, Phono 269, iin (May 28-1 mo) ATE HOSPITAL, ie June 21, Phone 350, Whitby, To | onaent, (June 13-1 mo.) Room and Board family. Very central, Phone 1028, (180¢) A fined ladies, 64 Park Road North, Phone 455M. gentlemen In private home. Ap- ply a} Warren Ave, Phone J468W. \ (1400) roory wanted immediately by bual- Boss gentleman, Apply. Box 788 Times, (240m) Loat and Found top of tent, h and North on ny Finder please Bon and receive reward... . 1800) All accounts dus the Are H Barber Mapp & Mapp, Soott (Bt, Toronto, personaly png nothing to: do with the above store since June Oth, Aes as this, as tinal notice, " FREER SAL or Ed Gllanmne on (1400) 1 (1300) | 0 Ltd, Oshawa, are to be pald | gio PETITION Suffer me not to grave with offer dead; Nor waste one copper penny on a stone, Let me go down unto the earth alone And solitary to her sweet dark bed Seek on some hill a wild thorn-apple tree Growing with grass no scythe has ever Kissed, Whose root is all unknown to any tr Of worm and flesh, bury me, There dig and There to make company of sap and + sod, Long dreamed and here at length To lift these million atoms up to God In clover fragrance and in thistle strength, In boughs thai whisper blossoms wide an And tite Ao: -apple-wise upon the long desired Bra Young, in the New York Times, HERE 18 THE PLACE Here is the' place where Loveliness keeps house, Between the river 'and the wooded hills, Within a valley where the 'springtime wpills Her firstling Minds flowers under blos- soming boughs: [Where sunnier sits warm, white brows Ww ith bramblesroses; and where aus tumn fills braiding her J. Her lap with asters; and an old win ter fills With crimson haw and hip his snowy blouse, Here you may meet with Beauty. ~Madison Cawein, THE PATTERAN The skies are gray, a chilly wind Is Jukging at. my cloak, But'T have found a violet Beneath the leafless oak; 'And in the withered grass a new And tender 'blade of green, And ferns unrolling by the brook, Where dry, dead alders lean, . Here is a shy hepatica Jud peeping from the mold And i ee an emerald shoot that telly fodils unfold, flies" Not yet dre. on the wing, Yet in the woods and fields I trace The pattern of spring, holder: "Put all-that stuff ppt ry ne sideboard at once, d'you oar? lar: "Lumme, guv'nor, not all of ; be fair, 'art of it belongs next door." ---- - Two auksing epi opltaphs quoted by Lord Brentfor the National Li rpool, Al Noor - the' noble dead, Hote neart was woid, but whose J justified by the facts; but it is obvious 'far. thé most urgent political' aiestion Though. birds and bees, and butte Great oty Week Gonfiom dinner at Here ley A ot Joseph Fleet Whe oat I fo as he orossed |! MAY May. In the Northland--Hds any one seen The mauve crocus blooming on back ground of green? May in the Southland, lang'rous and sweet, surely," I murmur, complete," Though North and South have claims of their own, Still stronger for me is the call of my home The "Garden of God" blown, The land that T love perate zone, "Ar, "life here is peach blossom the dear tem- ~Anne Boyd, A GENTLEMAN (Niagara Falls Review) A good defiriition of a gentleman is given by a Calgary man as follows, "A man that's clean. inside and out who neither looks up to the rich nor down on the poor; who can lose with» out squealing and can win without bragging; considerate to women, chil dren and pld people; who is too brave to lie, too generous to cheat, and too sensible to loaf; and who takes his share of the world's goods and lets other people have theirs, is my ideal of a true gentleman," BRITISH UNEMPLOYMENT (London Spectator) The terrifying figures of unemploy- ment are bringing the Government into the most difficult-times they have vet 'experienced, The abstention of their Left Wing in thie division on the unemployment debate on Monday left them to scrape through with a mas arity of only 15, Sir Oswald Mos: jor resignation was: the signal for the revolt to harden, On Thursday, shortly after we write these Sordt Sit Oswald will challenge the Go erfiment at a special peeting Parliamentary Labor Party, The wid talk about an early dissolntion is not that the Government cannot afford any mistake, and must make up their minds to treat unemployment as by if they are not to lose respect and authority, NEW. FLAGS AND OLD (American Reviews of Reviews) Fifteen nations, containing + more than engsthirg of the world's popula | dion are living under new flags since t ¢ 'World Ware In addition a new of 'red, white and green is now Hh fn India with ils 300,000,000 people Whete wei k gavolutionists have claime epel ULE a Reitnine, Rs ne the chunge af co China and other Ly ave sions, the prabability is that not more than four flags of major nations can A. new-mide. widow saliod at the office of "an 'insurange company for the money dye to her on her huss band's policy. The president said, "I am truly sorry, madam, to hear of your loss," "That's always the way with you men," she said, "you're always sorry when a poor woman gets a chance to make a little money." "I am willing," said the candidate after he had hit the table to a re sounding blow with his fist, "to trust the people!" "Say," interrupted a little man in the audience, "I wish you'd open a grocery store here!" | Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert mechanics. Old "loor finished like new. Ge..2r | Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. West Phone 481 - Residence 8078W Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W, BORROWDALE 80p Chmegle Ave, Phone 1818 Doe CAREW Lumsir C DURANT COUPE 1028 Model Price $450.00 Ontario Motor Sales Lid. 00 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always ON SIMCOE NORTH For $6,600.00 <«~ Real home, brick, 7 rooms and bath, gar Age, shrubbery, lawns «ete, '$1,600 'down, balanced ar ranged. The good ones are ° nearly all gone. Why not ask about this? : DISNEY, 29 King East - Dominion Clothing G8 King St. W. . Phone be universally identified today. rn ----_----_---------- Ing groceries to a new custom had na " huss dog n the yard, *'Qome in," sal 'ha "doesn or than diciion is tha of it on the market.