/ erw THE. OSHAWA. DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1930 & hii i a There's i Tot starr Rad or has a use, Old Mother Nature, 7 m---- Whenever Peter Rabbit way over near, the Smiling Pool he out, for .'prnose the Mole, | ched ne Yittle fur-conted chap who Iv 'vd' underground and hind such « fupny little nose; Ones In #4 whila Peter would get just a klipse pip Ag but it was only a gimpse, You see, Btarnose, while he dor come out once in a while, doesn't want to run the risk of being pick. ed up by & hungry enemy, At last, however, iL happened thst Starnose bad caught a very hig worm and he had caught it on 'the surface, Instead of going down into the ground to eat it, ie dragged it partly under a low rowing form. § Peter said nothing until Star + nose had finished that worm, Then Peter spoke, ; How do zou do, Blarnose?" said he, "Just about as npual; Just about as usual," squeaked Starnose Ti ther impatiently. o "It you please," sald Peter, "I wish you would tell me what use you have for a tall" "Just as much use 'as you have for one and probably more," squeaked Starnose, "For my part, 1 don't see what use you have for your tall, Now, 1 use my tail, 1 use it avery day of my life, 1 use it the same 8s my cousin, Miner ihe Common Mole, = uses Iie." "1 did'nt know that he did use his,' replied Peter, "If You say say he dose, I suppose he does; but 1 didn't know it, How does' He use. it?" "In th esams way that 1 use mine," squeaked Ftarnose with # throaty little chuckle at hig own joke, "But that doesn't tell me any- thing," persisted Peler, "Do you really and truly use your tail, "Ot course I Use it!" responded gtarnose, "It 18 very handy to have something out dn front of you when you ars backing up." 'How ean a tail be infront of you when it ig behind you?" de- manded Peter, Starnose chuckled his squeaky Httle chuckle, "Well," sald he "when I am backing up ina hurry running backwards in one of my Yittle tunnels, my tall is ahead in the direction I am going, isn't it?" "I suppose go," sald Peter some. what doubtiully. "Of course it is!" declared Star- note, "It is & sort of feeler, to tell me that the way is clear, Oth. y when 1. am running back. ward'T might run into trouble." "I don't pes what you 'want t> 'run backward for anyway," sald Peter, ' PHONE 22 . For Your Drug Needs. 10 Simcoe Bt, 8 ~~ We Deliver Machinery Repairi Macher Restrie NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W, {hone 1814 ' : : Diamonds ! Bassett's - On Oshaws"s Man Corner | Because," replied Starnose, "it is the oniy way [I 'can get batk, There isn't yoom to, xun around in one of my tunnels, 1'ys'eilher got to keep digging or elses back up until I. resch a place: where 1 cap turn ground, But with a handy coat like mine, andl wu useful tall to feel the way, it doesn't' mae mich. difference to me whether. | am going forward or backward.' "What, has your coat got to du with it?" demanded Peter, 'Byerything," replied Htarnose "You see, my fur will Jay either way,' Tt it wouldn't, I would' get it oll 'Tampled up and in 'a terrible mess by running beckward, Now when 1 stari fo go backward my furfjust lays back the other way and doesn't get rumpled at all, .t really is & very handy fur coat Old Mother Nature has given 'every member of the Mold family," 'I should sey so!" 'exclaimed Peter. "I wish I had one like it," (Copyright, 41080, T. W, Burgess) The west story: "Peter Is Giv en a Beare" Jalil C, FR TIME TABLE Efestive April 27, 1938 { Time) West Sundiy ia a 3 , Daily, Except Sunday ' bunday only ly | 3 55 am, | y Bally, Escept Sunday | : Poly 4 peur Except Supdey ally, Tacopt Setisdep ally : ni 4 I ! i SERIO E 33333 smanm=ons S88 s38 : J a3 : g am, Daily, . Daily Daily, Except Sunday . Daily, nail Iv Ee Bd? irdey only ally Daily, Racopt Sunday 3333 § gs TIT ase Ta SSRN oe» nm, nm, pm 8.50 pm, 53 pom, maar eS wee BIE - ' Ww LY, June 17-~Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson has paid Sabls in duties: the forfeiture value she brought. with 'her from Furope when she arrived on the liner Eyropa Assistant solicitor George W, Brew or said'he i shiisted ] ha the fails ure to dec e dutinhl wearing ap- Fo to declare to a mistake, She told im she was under the impression that clothing that had been worn was duty-free, pt r---- Well Hidden MceGinty=-"1've 'a terrible com on the bottom of me foot," Pat---'"That's a foine place to have it, Nobody can step on It but you," a $86 worthy of undeclared clothing |, T : ly Capadisn Press Lonsed Wire) fit. Jobn, N.B, June 17~Dsvid Golding anid' Freehan Travey, were killed early yesterday. when hit y. #8 Canadign Pacific spegial train, near Tracey station) The men, who were employees of the railway, had placed a motor speeder on the track and had proceeded about half a mile from the station when they were struck by the train earrying Mystic Shriners home after their copyention in Toronto, 1t was (hought the men did not hear the train approaching : Kasy to Remember, Then Toacher--~""When | was your age, { conld name all the Presidents off by heart." / Tommy-~""Yeah, but there was only about ten to remember then," | SILVER JUBILEE Was Organized in Chicago 25'Years Ago on June 23 | -- Chicago, 'June '17,--Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the or- ganization of the frst Rotary Club in Chicago in 1905, is drawing tp the birthplace of ' Rotary twenty thoussnd tariaps and: Mepbert of thelr families' from 'more than sixty countries, In these twenty-five years, Rot. ary Clubs have hen formed in al- most. syery corner of the world, Hof '158,000 members, Lhe activities of bthe 'Silver: Anniverspry Convention otary Are avrapged in three mar jor divislons, The world-wide scops of Notary ana 1s International de- velopment eve dramatically rep. resented on the first night, Jupe 23, by an histories] yeviey of Lhe spreud of Rotary around the world, with all the past international presidents taking part, The international! viewpoint Is again emphasized by noted speakers as Lhe climax of tho opennvantipn, Alter the formal opening of the convention, the Rotarians will turn thelr atiention to group discussions of business,' As a new oxperiment, all the Rotarians in occupations re. Inted fo the woolen industry, from the sheep ralser to the alothing merchant, will. meet, together to discuss the problems of the entire industry, 'The third business con. ference will be composed of five representatives of each country There, Are now 4,320 elubs with These moh will discuss internation. al commercigl 'relations, such as the difficulties of exchange, tarifls, different standards of business practices and so on, 4 After the craft and community service discussion, the convention will revert to the field of interna tional relations, Three widely known men in public life will pre- wont addresses at these sessions. #ir Henry Thornton, President of the Canadian + Nations! Raflways, will talk on the importance of gom- meres and Industry fn international relations, Prince tyesato Tokuga- wi, President. of the Japanese House of Peers, President of (he Japaneses Ted Cross, President of the America-Japan Society, Presi: dent of the Leagues nf Nations As- sociation and of many other impor~ tant public organizations. in Japan, will speak to the convention in ths name of the Japaness Government, His daughter recently married the brother of the Japanese Emperor, and his son Is Japan's first miniss ter of Capada, f Adwral Mark Kérr, of London, has for the subject of bs address at the closng session of the. cons vention, YThe Inter-dependence of Nations," These are the highlights in the § serious slide of the convention pro- § gramme, which will be lightened © by social events and enteriajne ments, 4 Hard on Both A small boy wno was staying at a farm rushed indoors one day and breathlessly exclaimed that a mouse | had fallen into a churn of milk, "Did you take it out?" asked Lhe farmer, "Of course not," answered thé boy, "I put the eat in" A wonder ceases to be wonderful § ra lS et in the public mind when it reaches 8 § an inside page~Toledo Blade, A WHO SAID," OF MAKING MANY BOOKS THERE 15 10 EMD, DADDY ? FROM TH ITISF THAT 15 A QUOTATION or £ BIBLE, 500 OUND IN ECCLESIASTES 12 12, BRINGING UP FATHER EINER ARE MANY FAMILIAR EXPRESSIONS IN DAILY USAGE YHICH SHOW THE INFLUENCE THE BOOK OF BOOKS HAS HAD UPON OUR | oAWGUAGE, = FILTHY LUCRL, 7 ZMOTHY 33. 8 "APRLL OF MY EYE" 0LUnERONONY 32,10. WITHING MEY UNDER, THE SUN EcCLImITes 1.9. ay *n a | v MANING MANY BROOKS THERE 13 WO ENO" 173, -- . an A LLOPARD CHANGE 19 SPOTS RENAN 8,23." THE SALT OF THE CARTH" MATTHEW 5,13, "CHARITY COVERS A * MOLTITUDE OF SING. / ALTER 48, 1 [SCAPED WITH THE Sift OF My TEETH, v08 19,20." L 1080 King Paatires Ryndieala Tne. iran! Mritain AEMIS reserved w¥) NAS a -- 1 WONDER WHAT A SABBATH DAYS JOURNEY MEANT IN BIBLE TIMES, BITTY?" a | 1 DON'Y KNOW BUT 1 MEANS TWICE AROUND § THE GOLF UNKS ORA § | COUPLE OF DETOURS i" THE CAR MON "-, im vd vi np Wud WOW MUCH With. wou GIVE ME ON STH ANTIQUE VASE? I'LL SELL TAT ANY WELL, IT MAY BE WORTH FIVE THANK GOODNESS: I'M RID OF THAT HOODOO VASE AN 'M THREES DOLLARD AMEAD § re + NEVER FRY HAPPIER OVER GITTIN RID OF apy THING LIKE | AM ABOLT JUL ® 1090, Im" Pouture Borvice, ine, Groat Brita rights sengrved OH BAW TIN ANT ANTIQUE SHOW WINDOW: DS) \ BOVEHT IT ISNT ' IT. COTE 0ADDY? By Geo. McMonus b J wi RE Su - Ww ALVES ALONG A LONG D WHICH WAS THE ROAD I hu [ TY CAME ™ . AND WA ABLUNNY LITTLE HOUSE | GIT mies G. Dovel hed ks 1 A SOMRBODY SAID "COMB IN" DOLLY KNOCKED ON THK" DOOR TANE ER--A Sentence to " -- ori REG -- -- i s,m, an