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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jun 1930, p. 12

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PAGE THIRTEEN 4 Chil u by Phone i 7 yg pit. Con Eau, rf oo is "ul G 23D | muni N un Coat FR Se st 18, J..¥, Orferson, K.C vg BA, NO Fraser, B.A, Kalin No Not. EE on ew ' elton Menor Ts 67. Residence -- D HUMPHYUEXS, JAR citors, ele, 0 160. or u, ak wr rT ete, Honey to lean. Alger Bidz, op- nosite Post Office, Phone 1614 FFRANK'S, ERBS, Lg R, ote. Alger Bldg. one 2096 EAT "or Medical TRE. HAZLEWOOD w HA RPEN, Disney Block. Phone "050, Office hours. 9 a.m, to 8.00 pom, Dr, B he aslowood, special attention ro ory and X-Ray: Jr, B. H. H br special attention to shiidren Diseases 'shd" Obstetrics, = ht calls "416 or 125. PHYS IAN. ther. O ce and fence ing St, ~ commer St. Omhaw 94, 1 F a BIN RY, hia (8) Obktetr hildren, 0 ats hk aniat ond Aond ren. M.D. C DR i; up, ARC HER. Eaibrth Plugs ey (nd Qhitetrich wat nailing Ave, Nom | Phong 190, vatatriotan Otfice snd aur o street north, Pon 18. ER PRQWN, PHYSI- bi oon and stetriclan, office and danse, Simeoe, Stre North, phong § GREER. gant '® "ro. -- Domestic Anis it wid. do dog hospital, 203 el. 620, (June 21 mo) t Diseases Bor Nore Tie Specialist | &, , INOSS, M DRAF. T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR St ' or" Joronta, il he ut his yd wen 4 BR Sova \ hte d Jrestment Bid (i and throat Appointments 14ils HAY pe mars at "dru tore, nose and throat, 0 ob Tt office, resis (June 13-1 mo.) 1| #d. Platt. Phone 160684, Sunday || Tok, OPTOMETRIST, swecinlist in muscle anomalies, Be 1 t look , opposite Post Office. (June 15-1 mo) Enginesring and Surveying Bone AND SMITH, ONTAR- ; 5 FE ,{oonsuls KR, N. Jobvs, 80 Simeoe no Your insurahes wv at tended to sd your .nterests pro- tected, All Classified Advertising This rule has been found necessary because of ex loss arising from handling » large number of of For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, sa telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the sdvestisement ond collect for same "Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE | this nature, "Times" Classified Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT and sreounts Ads Bring Results ry CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE. man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware ho snd moving van equipment. 0 TO Chris Graham. Phone 2631M, NCRETE™ WORK, CELLAR and garage floors, sidewalks and Work Wanted | sand, ' gravel, einders. May 29-1 mo) CARTAGE, NOvING, GRAVEL snd ard ender Local and long is.ance i] ag. Smith Cos, Phone 924, 10 Bond Bt. Mn IWA LES I A Srnture mot ers, me. Loca) and Lona ran Sauth, Ge, fy © (May 19-1 mo) IT PAYS TO MOVE-~SUDBURY, #oronto, Hamiiton, Trenton, Belle ville, anywhere cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage, phone 200, (May 20-1 mo) Poe AN HOUR, MAN AN® TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled, lowg distance moving, Chanp, Phone 0T4W, June 11-1 mo) Park Hood prance. Park Ri ed rv BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Specialists In per finger and marcel Waving manent wave prices 85, $7.60, $10 and $16. All other lines of Beauty Oulture, Fhone 2008. Apply #8 'Bimcoe street vari " ott ard st Betty Lou Permane Shoppe. Marcel and sham- Beauty hob. 9 Culln na cialize in en hair atin re celling, simpooing. facials. Marcel ¢ fie Fo monly vt K. Clurke, 14 Agnes arnt, Yhone 2640. (May 80-1 m») Parisiens Peauty Parlour anooun- ces the price of mareelling, 6 Finger Waving 176¢, during 'the summap months, Col June first, Phone (189¢) TRENEBR, OR- anist and choir master of King Siren tated Church will 'accept pupils in plano, organ and yooh! music, For particulars appl, William street east, Phone 80, (June 3-81) CRE WATT ERVICE, a ba aie Ea Cubes and Cy 3 Paone HERBERT. O. le ai nie r and onarged, 760 called J livered. Radio service, ay 8141 moi | ng ad don 0 1,00, Re i sory, " H an 3 Lela Pl a --" flush dein » ¥% Simoos south 1 Resi SRP ENING aOsaONe, KNIV. Lawn os, 421W, Celina CLANS LAUNDRY DONK. FIRST Phone RAAT. Mowers, Saws. Phone We call and deliver, 130 Bt. E, Bottan, (June He 1 mo) 1234M, (May 41-1 mo) Avila For Salv dab. 000 per AND BOUT Pha aa FOR Ltd, pianos, new Also radios, latest strsnged, 50 per load,' Also bone , Waterous Mosk Cine TE ri: Re and used pianos, models; torus Apply ©, Trull Pie] FOR isles, ment: of in the King street west. y GANDA GRLVEL, ders, black loam. 814.67 per yard, Vor s"'ry ALL KINDS OF ture, b oll stoves, coh stoves, bieyalon, ete. 174 Ritson road south, BALE == PAINTS, VARN- We have the largest assort~ ints, varnishes, eta, in oity, The Paint Stors, 80 STONE, CIN uality and vi phone Ks ros, 363 r 1 (May 3-11) ED I eds, dressers, (May §0+1 mo) TRY RITBON AUTO WRECKEKS, at 18 auto arts and tires; Phone 34756W, noe 21884, Athgl street west, for your (May 80-1 mol)' DIAMOND RINGS, all kin ments, week, plos' South NEW AND 8 niture st, = 0 Credit Jewelers," ie E. Phone 1017M, WATCHES, ds of jewelry on easy pay- Sain from B60 cents per H. Dell, agent for Peo- Simooe (May §1-1 mo.) D WAND FYUR- bought and sold, 186 Bloor Oshawa, (June 4-1 mo) 'SPECIAL used La C.C terms, ing tackle, Phone Very cheap, sale, Luke, Vista, Dalry, ts sale, nearly new, Apply 178 Mill I : ofl i RT sul i] pe from & p.m, &nd 'Saturdays from, 1.50 terms call or hose 874 almost BALE -- BLIGHTLY $13 up, New and ary FLL a and fish Richmond East 2714. (June 12-1 ma)' 81 Optario ft, . (180) new. Apply R. I. Park road north and Buena (1410) (1418) at 68 Prince 8t, ... (1414 'yeanonable' price, rest, 141h) p.m. at d Phone 2648W, used three dnys; ADDY Beaton's 'For Rout FOUR AND VIVE KUOMED MUL» orn suites including electric retry. eration, stove, Isundry, coRYeD) orees, ole, sontial' § hot water supplied, Apply Bupt. 'phone 267), or The Trusts und Unarantes Vo, Ltd, manage; for owner, Toronie. (370) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (HLL) BRIGHT: | APARTMENT, OEN+ tral, four rooms, . bath, electric D[stove, aawly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession immediately, od, | ADDly Box 4 665 Times, (113L) furnished rooms, good locality, Phone 11484, 1400) "For Sale or Ret VOR BALE OR RENT=PIVE room house, King £t, East, Bow- manville, Rent $20, Phones Bow: manville day 529, night bi 139¢) a Eo Fo ARE vash payment, balance easy terms, buys house and nine acres, garden plot, Close to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes St, (199d) veneer house, Buenas Vistas, Phore 4h6M, (480¢c) Fy King street (1408) Fernhill Blvd, west, oft HA of garden, Apply Lyecett Realty. Io ol yw top of tent, between Ritson RA, §,, and North Oshawa, Friday night, Pinder please phone 1910J and receive reward, (139¢) Yims, Kindly leave at 17% SBimeoe At, North, (1408) roory wanted Immedintely by bist. ness gentleman, Apply Box 738 Times, (1400) RR a . Notice All accounts Aue the Arr cade Ltd, Oshawa, ars to be paid to Honyy Harber Mapp & Mapp, fur 2% Boott Bt, Toronto, personaly | I hive nothing fo, do with the ahove store sings June Oth, Ae copt this as fing! notice, B.D; GILKERSON . (140g) (141e) Motor Cars t Bond St, West, work done al repaired at 49 Body and [fender shortest notice, also repairs. to motor boats and general wood work. Phone W, Fry 38065, a 24.1 fo) FOR BALY--BT0." Touring sport model, yi cash, Phone G, Jackson, 1628M, between band, (180c) LET coupe, in. good condition, 64 Park road north, Phone 456M, (180¢) VOR BALE--CUH RIOR Sedan, Priced right, 'Phone 2704W, (1410) ¥50, VOD dRDANTIIY, © G00D Running' Order, Gaol Tires. Ritson Rd, AN Dominion Garage, 68 Bond streot west, Phone 3108, All cars at Hue price $1.00, (May 15-1 mo) TO RENT--OND LARGE FRONT room, suitable for business man, Also one small room, §2 per week, 94 Willlom street enst, (May 25-1 mo) CR HOUSE, newly decorated, all conveniences, Inrge garden and garage, Bloor street west, Apply Rutherford, 134 Celina strest, Phone 630), (13811) TO LET «= BATHROOM FLAT Every convenience, newly decor: ated near Motors, $15 par month, Apply. 338 French street, (149e) FoR RENT «- THREE ROOM o "With, bathroom, kitchen, gas range. ¥3 Park road south, or phone 1142M. (1400) Vv A UR: nished suite, George Apts, will rublet for 6 weeks while on vaon- tion, Rent * reasoniable, Phone A206M. 146 p.m, (1301) with board, Sult two friends Ladies or gentlemen, Reasonable rates, Central, Phone 2862, (1400) ™ so for light housekeeping, Modern conveniences, also garage, 33 Ki- gin Bt, East, (Ade) Nicely furnished, private, gas an! use of phone, Apply 204 Malg Atreet off Alle; (141¢) rooms, 3023 Division Street, LY HICYOLE al 'paved street, Oon- veniencts.: Apply. 316. French street, (141¢) ment, centrally located, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable rent, (1410) try, 7.rfiom house at 106 Albert ah Very gentral, Newly re tonditiineg Bone I11W, (1418) nishod rooms, private entranes, newly 'decorated, Ne tS Mren, 108 Bond east, Phonw 4 nloely furnished roomy' owl I 4 si wr arn | ont $8 Agents mi Br hone J 0b or SoTw. ou Pl (780) Classified Ads. | Insertion --1 4% oents fi word, imi charge 800, Bach subdsequen A tive nvertion" er Three tive Insers os » \] Man oo ¢ fears cents a Wadriiant ! ' RTI OLAS CRN: 7 | titicate wants work, Phone Haw. ( "| clans breeding. pens, (aim | Help Wanted--Female HWOURERERPER "WANTED bachelor gentleman. no objection to young child, state age, wages, ote, Box 784 Times (1400) housawork. Write or phone, Mrs Blake Short, Bowmanyille, (1410) Help Wanted---Male WANTED--~SMART MAN FOR position of trust, usat appearance and fair education essential, good pay and every oppertunity for advancement, Apply 280 Dearborn Ave, (1402) : AT Apply 154 William Bt,, East, (141¢) WANTED THREE G00D TAVRE men, only those who are capable of earning $5,000, a year nesd apply. Theronold of Oshawa, 158 Willlam Street, East, Ask for W, C, Hutche- son, Eastern sales MAnASYF: 1 0) Lo a a Situations Wanted OWRIFTTAN GIRL, ETOHTEEN, no home, wants weneral house work, Bome experience, Box 78) Times, (1410) ones, ib) sl and surgioal Dutsing, reasonable Phone Whitby "(May 28-1mo.) ity or general nursing For infor mation phone 320W (June 3-1 mo) Baby Chicks BABY OHIOKS -- FROM HIGH bagked by ales from dams 0 283 egg reo ord, Immediate shiyment, Barres Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 par huni vod; White Leghorns, $16, 100 per cent, live arrival guaran teed, Modern Hatchery, 3205 Dane forth Ave,, Toronto, (June 4-1 mo) Auctioneer Ji vs ULCEY AUC: Songer, 346 Simcoe St. §, TAWA, Ont, eclal "Wien on, Seaehold urditure sal o - ar: Sous and mplements. I» Your Patron. aliments should take advantage of { ® special free 'reatments offered y Sheronoid of shana, 158 Wil Uam 8t | Hast, P Phone 269, R (May 23-1 mo) 'family, Very central, Phone 1038), (1890) ee ae 0 Fo "YOR RE ned ladies, 84 Park Road North, |! hone 455M (1300) WOON AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen LX private 'home. Ap: || i EVIDENCE STOLEN IN CAPONE CASE But Thief Was' Careful and Got Only | Carbon Copies of Affidavits I Miami, June 17 steal evidence Jroving the charges of perjury ngalnat Al Capone was made some time Sunday, it was dig. covered yesterday, The desk, files and safe of Richard H, Hunt, specinl prosecutor of the County's Solicitor's oMce; were ransacked and all matter pertaining to the Ca pone case was taken, Entrance to the .ofce had heen made through a forced door, The ofidavits In the Capone case which had been Jeft on the desk were missing, In the safe! was #150 in cawh, which had not heen molested, Mr, Hunt sald that tle robber hat obtained only carbon copies, as he had taken the originals to the Court House on Saturday, where they had been locked in the Court House vault, Capone could not he reached to- day. When arraigned at the County folleltor's: 'office' Saturday Capone told ofoers that he planned' to Tenye Miami Saturday night or early Sunday morning: There was no nes tivity at the Prim Tsland estate, and it was believed he left Miami as he had planned to do, His attorneds sald that he was stil In Miami,.and was wong to stay for at least an other week, LIBERALS SUPPORT LABOR'S EFFORTS "ON UNEMPLOYMENT Must Be Treated as Nation. al Emergency, Lloyd George Declares London, June 17. ~The Dally Her: ald, orgap of he aver party sald this morhing David Lloyd George had . a Premier Rams fay MacDpnald's Labor Govern. ment the whole support of the Lib. eral party in the House of Commons "to setura'a sound and dependable majority a smergency measures to b. oe An unemployment." ing to he Herald partine meNAES correspondent on the even of reassembly of Parliament after the Whitsuntide recess, the veteran Liberal leader showed his anxiety about unemployment and sald It was going from bad to worse, "It. must he treated," he doolared, "as a national emargency=--as muoh an emergenay Asi the situations which arose during the Great War, What is needad is an emergengy sesplon working under emergency at AB attempt to procedure to pass emergency mea | an unquestions sures to deal with able smargonsy in trade and uns employment ' Yea 1 ofthe Liberals support the | Labor party, the. MacDonald Coys ernment should he able to put through any legislation is proposes, The Liberals hold the balance o power in the British Parliament, Al This Is the youngest Shriner wel. comed by Mayor W, J, Moffatt of Temple Park City, Toronto, He comes from Chicago and brought his own camel (toy) to the imperial convention, SHALL BOY LOST 13 HOURS IN BUSH 10-Year-Old Found Exhaust ed After Long Search by 300 Men Guelph, June 17--Lost for 13 hours in 'dense hush on the. farm of Archie Bmith, nine miles north of Arthar, 10-year-old Norman Whist~ lor of Listowel was found yesterday ly 500 men from the village of Ar thur-and vicinity, Throughout the night 100 men with landerns tramped through the 800-acre swawmp and bush in an offort to find the missing lad, He had wandered away from two. eom- panions, Harold Stricker, and Her- hert Kidd, while gathering ferns on Sunday afternoon, It waew not un. Wi the searchers were joined by 200 others after daybreak that the boy was finally located; He was on the verge of exhaustion, The lad _stated that during the night he was within a few yards of the.serghers but wasw unahle to ery out fo attract thelr atteation, He had wandered Into an open' fleld ab dawn but later returned' to the bush, He was gulded to the party by a whistle, SPLIT IN RUSSELL me -- Vars, June '17-~Conservatives of Russell County, dissatisfied with thd manner In which the conven. tion on June # at Vars was cons ducted, when. Alexander Marion of Rockland wag' ohesen as standards bearer, will 'hold anindignation meeting Weadnesddy night for the puvpose of selecting an JIndepens forthveoming Dominion election, At the Vars convention Rodolphe Beaudet of Blackburn, the defated oandidate for the namination, ex pressed himself as not helng in ao- cord with eertain puedo at the gathering, RIVERS RECEDING AFTER BIG FLOODS Kangas Olty, Mo, June 17==Riw ord and streamn of the southwest. which inundated thousands ot a damage nthe. ne paver million dollars, obit of the Labor victorias have been re. jr gh ded with Liberal. support and th defeats have come when Lib. erals either voted adversely or ab. stand, © AL he death toll from unseasonsl atorms in Texas wan mine, The pros Boch damage was upwards of $1, 0,000 in: that: state and "was be Heved ane in Oklahoma - where stormy Ad caused and rivera. iu the north. part of the: state to over flow, bn musical * composing much pow?" Ho'"No mada ing, '=-Passing Bho he's decompose ROYAL YORK Ys Tea Pekoe mt Jona 28¢ : - Superior by a search party composed of nears |: CONSERVATIVE CAMP dent Conservative candidate for the" oo of farm and eity Droperty, \ ny | A fghbo 856 BOND 87, WEST Wanted car worth $500.00 in exchange for a good six room fra.ne house, west 'part of the city, Buyer to assume mortgage of $1500,00, J. H, R, IWKE, Phone 871 or O87 CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave, Phone 1618 Ye CAREW Lump (0 vireo Iw 51 DURANT COUPE 1028 Model Price $450.00 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 00 SIMCOE RI, SOUTH' EATON GROCETERIA iar ON BIMCOR NORTH For $0,500.00 »= Re brick, 7 rooma and Wh yo age, \ shrubbery, lawns ete, $1,600. down, Halasted ar. ranged, The good ones are nearly all gone, hy not ask about this? DISNEY, LL] King Bast | We Lead the Followers ' High lasw Meats, Fruits; ¢ les, ote, 1) Simcoe St, South Phone 08 LO Phone Us, We'll Send It Taha [OPTICAL PARLORN JW. Wan, Oph D ¢

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