STE SR TP se apres a ! THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1930 ow § THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) i ge . i $ pia wemhie of the ats Associa the Ay Provincia) Cd RATES a week, By mall 8 carrier deliv ted States, $5, Budde 04 1 ance Street. i Ve 4 e 0107, H. D. Tresidder, / representative, ia : REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Inc.. Now York and Chicago "m TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1930 LET EVERYONE BE THERE Tomorrow evening the Oshawa Rotary Club presents its 1980 Rotary to the people eo A Oshawa and the surrounding commun. | avy. After weeks of preparation, the Rotar- fans have reached the point of achievement, and they are looking to the citizens to sup- port them loyally in their effort. This year, instead of holding a street fair in the centre of the city, the Rotarians adopted a more comprehensive scheme, one on a much larger scale than ever before, one. by which they could so add to their reputation that in future years the people will come to Took on the Rotary Fair as one of the year's outstanding events. If for no other reason, the object for which the Rotary Fair is being held should ap- peal, to the sympathies--and the pockets-- of the people of this community The care and tréatment of the crippled children 'is one of the most noble of causes, one which will have lasting results in the building of self-supporting and self-reliant citizenship, and the Rotarians need have no fear in-mak- ing their appeal on the basis of this worthy work, : This work can. only continue by means of support from the citizens for the _Rotary Fair. - The Rotarians acknowledge with grat. {tude the co-operation they have had in " years past from all classes of citizens. And this year, when they are making so tremen- dous as 8 ty they co-operation "and su be ve co sin one in the { no the Rotary Fair either tomorrow, evening on Thursday evening, and supporti with all the generosity of Which they have proven themselves capable, menbam---- RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION GROWING The effort being made to organize a rate. payers' association for the North East Ward of the city is to be commended, Oshawa al- has two of these organizations, one in the, h West Ward and one in Cedardale, and at the meetings held so far they have proven their worth as a means of bringing the ratepayers of the city together for the discussion of municipal probleme and pro. acts. i 1t is somewhat of a platitude to say that 'an intelligent and enlightened body of elect- ors is to the good government of any community, but it is, nevertheless, true. And the only way in which the people of any comelinity can become enlightened on pub- is by meeting together to discuss n in an open forum such as is provided 1 as ratepayers' organizations, a real need for just such bo- ; ent start has been made in of two of these bodies, and it . that the effort in the North x meet with a similar meas. \ In fact, it would be an ex- . nomina nf Will nothing arouse the conscience of those who are left behind to a realization of the fact that anyone of them may be the next to go? Can snyone say more, Week after week the editorial columns of newspapers have called attention to the weekend trage- dies. This week's list is the worst yet, Burely the news of these incidents will have some effect on those who will be seeking the broad highways in future weekends, and will impel them to remember the responsibility that rests on them to do their utmost to preserve the lives of themselves and others, POTENTIALITIES OF EMPIRE The annual Empire Day number of The Empire Mall arrived in The Times office a few days ago. It was a remarkable publi- cation, a revelation of the wonderful poten- tialities of the development of trade within the British Empire. The aim of this num- ber, published to celebrate the anniversary of Empire Day, was to reveal the wonderful resources of the whole Empire, the material, human and spiritual wealth which is con. tained In the countries over which the Brit. ish flag flies, and the opportunities they provide for self-contained trade within that group of countries; One has only to glance through the pages of this publication to realize what might be done were intra-Empire trade to become a reality instead of merely a theory to be made the subject of experiment, Within the Empire can be found everything that Is needed for human necessity and Juxury, Within the Empire are the people who can, if they will, build up for themselves a meas- ure of prosperity unprecedented in the past by simply trading with each other to the maximum extent. This, of course, may seem a selfish theory, but let us apply it to Canada, and it might be construed to sound reasoning. Canada's best customer and the country which sells more to Canada than any other country, has resolutely shut its doors against Canadian products, Canada must needs look for oth. or markets, and these markets are to be found without going outside the Empire, In the light of the coming Imperial Con ference, that is a thought worth considering, and it is significant that this number of the Empire Mail, coming only a few months be- fore that important conference, should so strongly stress the potentialities which lie behind the complete development of the trading resources of the Empire, ANOTHER FOREIGNER Much interest is being evinced in the re. markable success attained by = Miss Hilda | Kamatra who recently completed her course '{n the training school for nurses of the On. tario Hospital at Whitby, Miss Kamstra was awarded the special prize for highest atand- ing in general proficiency in the classes of the nine Ontario hospitals as well as three other premier awards at the institution from which she graduated. The achievement is outstanding because Miss Kamstra, a dutch girl, came to this country only five years ago and at the time of her arrival she was unable to speak a word of English, She is not the first newcomer to gain dis. tinction in a comparatively short time which goes to show Canada offers equal advantages to all. The main requisite for success is a willingness to buckle down to work and suf. ficient courgae to surmount obstacles. --Kit- chener Record, : WHITBY'S POLICE CHIEF Oshawa is mourning the loss of their lead- ing checker player, and Whitby is chuckling over his acceptance of the important office of chief of police of that town, The dignity of Oshawa's police force must be maintained so far as the checker championship is con- cerned even if Owen Sound has to send down the best we have in Owen Sound, and we have some good ones.~Owen Sound Sun. Times. EDITORIAL NOTES Be sure you. are one of the thousands at the Rotary Fair, The weather has now ed up, but the election is still a rather chilly affair. It will soon be the best --_ win women : i wl * risky to 'may X with so many. the field. that some ded and others New The week end toll of accidents of the past in the worst of the season so far, the slaughter is ever go- Bi rol may have had little dificulty in get- 'back hia throne, but' he will not find it ' No 4ot pach ib an Now has come the season of picnics which n hast popular a pitas Laldview "Radio election addresses have their dis- dvantages, and one of these is that the annasidian aan Ava hack a yanly an the saan Few wesw i. 4 Other Editors Comments RICH AND POOR (Landon "Yruth) The twe evident relations which exist betwesn ordinary man sud the man of enormous Incume ure; First, that we poorer individuals sometimes back his racehorses, und, secondly, that we are fellowstaxpay- ers and his enormous contributions reduce ours, LONDON'S GROWTH (Montreal Gazette) The Bishop of London says he wants 24 new churches, 17 new church halls and 160 vicarages to meet the needs of the 400000 people who have come lin. during the lust few yeurs, The bishop's figures ure interesting 'as showing the (remen. dous and' continuous growth of the world's largest eity, A -------- S-------- EMPIRE MARKETING (Yorkshire Herald) - It is essential for both Britain and the Empire to find out the possibilities of each other's pro- duotions. Much time and money has been spent, with, we believe, & certain amount of success, in 1n- troducing Empire goody to British consumers, It Is only faly that the conversp should happen and that the Dominjons Should learn more of British goods, THE MECHANIZED FARMER (Lindsay Post) Through the gasoline tractor the nightmare of inability to secure ad- equate help has been largely banish. od and the getting in of the wheat crop Is not the hectic business it used to be, A man with a tractor today can sow from 80 to 100 acres in a day whereas formerly he could only do from 20 to 26 acres,' And when hig day's work is through in the flelds he is finished and he does not spend half the night caring for horses while his wife notices the difference In setting just #0 many less places round the festive board PAY WALKERS (Christian Bclence Monitor) Jay-walkers or pedestrinng in New York Oity who disobey traf signals to go ageinst the red and green lights at street crossings must pay fines ranging up to #60, They may become known as pay-walkers Bits of Humor NOT TO BE DISTURBED Caller: "I would like to nea the Judge, please," Secretary: "I'm sorry, sir but he is at dinner." Caller: "But my man, my errand is Important, Secretary! "It can't be helped, sir, His Honour Is at steak.' THAT WAR THAT "This is a prige hick town all right,!' growled the man who was compelled to lay over for the night, '"Mabbe, Mister," sald the hotel keeper, 'but we got something your big burg Ain't got and would give a lot to have," "Yeah?! Bes you! And what's all that ?"' demanded the bored one "Parking space, Oodles If It" rétorted the other one, APPROPRIATE "Anat noon here today,' says a Bishop's journal, "the Methodist chimes played in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of rios hibition. They began with that g00d old hymn, 'Revive ug again' SLIGHT "1 heard your wife had an acold- ont with the ear, Any damage?" "No: fust a little paint knocked off both." IMMORTAL "What do you think of my com: poajtion t" asked the musician, "Well, it will he played when Beethoven, Bohubert and Wagner are forgotten," "Do you mean ft?" "Yes, but not before" | Bits of Verse | A PALACE AND A PRISON What matter it your work be mens [3 Tood must be found to keep your body Alive, ' Clothes and a shelter so that you may strive For that to which you feel you have a oll, Some honey will be 'blended with the gall; Buccess and failure Mach you to derive A way to reach the end toward which you drive The means to freedom from your prisoning wall, So kop your heart steadfastly on * La And tend with watchful care the growing flame, i Remembering that the accolade the soul, Thus may you galn, by trial in the At last those heights that are your soul's desire, ==Francls Livingston Montgom. ory in the Naw York Times, Intelligent Prayers hen? 1 will ia HP 8 Spirit, Lowi pra th he Anion aise: 1 wil ing with the spirit, a 19 wil we i I Lord, teach u to Bhs: of fame Comen only through the travail of | dnl ale BAX LYMAN WILBUR, nk. RETARY OF THE INTERIOR OV THE UNITED STALKS, NAYN: "Did you ever stop to think what a flower garden means? "Wiowers nro perhaps useless, they last but for a 1tthe while ana ¥ot their presence, about a home give it h recognived ¢ aracter, We Uannot eat them, we can only sev them and smell them, We gath orithem for weddings and birthe Aays, Wa place them about' our lena, Their ons great value Jin beauty, "It 1s the 10ve of beauty and the recognition of it by bringing it to aur doorsteps that separates us oft from the beasts, Tt ix this love of besuty, it 15 the values associal od with It that cons ot. us up with the Divine, "A flower garden costs but litle but It men 5 much, A few seeds, n litle dirt, a NHitle energy, somet--" water, a box In the window or sull mhout the Louse, «3d our hildeen van learn to understend life, to love colors, to appreciate, order. und to admire beauty, AND OUW NEIGHBORS AND THE NTRANG. EI PARSING BY CAN GET A BIN OF HAPPINESS AND CHEER," A ------ Ari That » By James W Barton, M.D. YOUR CHILD AND THE Pant "0" You may think that I am save ing a lot ahout glare I admit I am and still there will ba very much still unsaid when | am through In the school, xlossy paper of the books blackboards and smooth desk tops are repeated disturbers of the vision of the students, Tnn Krpntost menace of these is the re flection from the glossy paper of the hooks. Glare never has heen more notesd than today, Electric 1ght signs, eleotrin lights In office and home, powers ful. hearlighta, making it so very Very easy an' in many cases news GRsary to estend the day's work well Into the night, Extra work and extra fine work are now not EYES impossible but are In certain quar. _- ,--~.. tors expected and 6 , demanded; being done under artificial light makes the action more dangerous. ly significant, Kye tatigue at school or at work therefore, Is a common (trouvle und most cases have the complaint hut do not knw 1,8 ofuse, rompanying eye stron will come ¢ long 1st of such troubles as ber: vousness, hestis hes and generi ibility, 'These are but the resuiis of fighting against an inposition, You might as well try correctins by rule of thumb or theory as you could to correct hy consulting » mail order house. The child of to-day 18 the man of »MOTrOW=- give him A chance in the world, (To be continued) ---------- ----------------_ -- MANY CHANGES IN BORDER RAILWAY New Rolling Stock to be Used on Road Now Muni. ~~ cipally Owned Whndsor, Ont, June 17.-<Inktal: lation of new rolling stock on the Windsor, Essex and Electric Rall way, will take place sometime in June, according to An ARNOUNEE. ment Just made by W, R, Robert son, general superintendent of One tario Hydro Radials, At the same time the type of current used will be changed from high to low volts age, Last fall the rond was formally taken over by nine Essex County municipalities, "for private owner: "T'ship, and since then rehabilitation The entire road bed, outside of towns, has been reballasted from Windsor to Leamington: changes and improve- ments bave heen made in the over head system and considerable work has been done in the urban muni oipalities to improve the roadway whieh has been in a most unsatis- factory condition, Mr. Robertson has sent Istters to manufacturers and other business men in the various muni®lpalities urging them to make use of road now owned by the municipalities. He points out that better service can be given under thé bettered conditions and calls on their spirit of patriotiam to ther own muniel pality to make thelr own read pay by using it, He also declares that the dangers of crowded highways has heen under way. ean ba avoided if the family moe tor car Ia left at home during the week-end and the trip to the lake "ide taken by radial lines, The line Is owned by the municipalities of Windsor, Ese, Kingsville, and Tapmivaten and (ha + putt Gosfield North, Gosfield South, Sandwich Mast, Hana and Sandwich West, ijto try one more course of treat. I ments; the second and even the by C. H, TUCK, Opt.D, | (Copyright 193s) (GETTING AHEAD OF HAY FEVER Although this is the month of June und hay fever occurs toward the end of August, this 1s the time that you should consult your doe- tor If you are one of the victims, Perhaps you have been all through the "ecure" by means of the pollen extracts and feel that you spent all the time and money for nothing, While there was formerly som doubt as to exact enips af fhin soon ble, thers is no question now but that the pollen from Kruwwes v, fous kinds, and also from other plants is the real cause, The symptoms are known to the sufferer and to his friends and fam-, flv, beeauss he not only feels miser- able but he looks it, The hard thing to undersiand, of course, in why with al] this nallen floating in the air that only certain individuals - seem to develop the trouble, Often only one mem ey a family will suffer from hay fever whilst other members not in any hotter health will remain abrolutely free, As you know It atacks the dali. cate covering of the eyeball, and the sensitive lining of the nose and throat, and in a few Individuals the entire skin surface is irritated A ressearch physician has been able to show that by serapng off enough of the upper layers of the | skin cu any part of the body and | oxnoning the true skin, the pollen | will set up the typleal Irritation | Now what shout the treatment? Wall, it you can afford the time | and money you can move to aortain | districts and be free from hay fever | during its prevalence There In! lens pollen indoors than outdoors less In the centre of a large city than in the country; less when at | rest than travelling by motor or train less at the seaside; less out | al men than on land' Howaver the time to start tak ing Innoculations te prevent hay faver in six to elght weeks before the regviar seasonal onset For this reason you should cen sult your physician at once and gol the innoculations under way If you have never tried this treat ment It is certainly worth the ef- fort, for it is successful In at least half the canes If you have tried It ones without results it may he worth your while | their third course have proved finally ete fectual, When your hay fever arrives and you want immediate relief, prepay ations containing aAdrenelin give most help, or the use of adrenalin internally by mouth or by injection into the skin, ' "When there is much discharge from the nose preparations contain ing lime are helpful, However my thought st this time Is to remind you that now Is the time to start the Innoculalons sc to have them completed Lefore the hay fever season arrives, ENGINEER STOPPED TRAIN TO SAVE SHEEF London, While a train was op its way from Princetown to Yelver ton (Devon) along the moorland rallway, the driver. saw a sheep fv distress, It was almost engulfea in a bog while at the edge of the hog stood un lamb erying piteously, The train was stopped, and the fireman went to the sheep, pulled it out by the horns, and laid it on the ground, whers it was left to re cover, Then the train went on, It arriy. od at Yelverton on scheduled time, MYRTLE Myrtle, June 12~Mrs, Jack Kirke ham, who has been under Dr. John Moore's care for the past three weeks is improving Mr, Jim Lawrence left on 'Tues day for North Bay, where he is cons tinuing his work with the Bell Tele- phone A number from here utiended the funeral of Mr, George Downey in Oshawa, on Saturday George was formerly an old Myrtle and friends here extend sympathy to the sorrowing relatives and friends Miss Pearl Vance spent the week end in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs McCann, of Dearborn, Mich, visited the latter's brother, Mr, Ivan Rodd, last week Réy, Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Merriam are gttending the opening of the new Albert College in Guelph this week, and also the Old Boys' Re-Union there Roy On Wednesday evening "The Wills ng Worker's Class" met at the home of their teacher, Mrs, Ji A Carmichael and presented one of members, who is about to change her place of abode, as well ws her name, with a pretty bed spread although taken rather unawares Mins Vera Cook made a feeling reply, ex: pressing regret at leaving her old associates, and the happy gatherings she 'had enjoyed with them, but ex. pressed best wishes for the eontinu- ed success of the class. Lunch was served and a pleasant evening spent Mr, and Mrs, Schyler Portor and family visited Mr, Allie Ross, of Ashe, burn, on Saturday : Pleased to report that Mr. Charlie Pilkey is. recovering satisfactorily from his recent illness, ER EE -------------- ------ PARTNERS IN A GREAT ENTERPRISE the customer." purchas., part Luths li'e of thei» b exp power, ase or lower their ree qua.tars of a cen, jence and with its : reduced cost of ada them apn the value of service and more intelligent studies of the Sle =D, MARVIN, PhD, at the 1929 ¢'nuention of the Canadian Chambe " Economic Partne ship." Dist:ibution which sludepaching trusporiation, and sale of goods, plays a vital © people. It "an limit or extend r of Commerce, "Canada's of commercial facilities, it : at factor in the e living conditions of OSHAWA BRANCH F.S. POTTER, Mantger Distribution "INCREASED efficiency in distribu- tion tends toward living and a raised standard of living-- Independent stores are . selves to new standa