THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1930 ° PAGE NINE atest News of ¢ Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the 'Commercial Markets PRODUCK QUOTATIONS Toronto w dealers are uying Produce at the ving vio returned, te, 26¢; ] 0, 1=Ontario 'Cream- : reid lds, 2h to 28%; No, 2, 37 | Churing Cream~--fpecial 28 to No. 1, 27 to In No: LJ LL to A 11 80 TART Old ros ors, AR B lbs, Do, over 4 tn § lbs, .., Co (selling) Toronte wholesale dealers are offering 'produce to retail 'dealers at the following prices: Eggs--~Fresh extras, In cartons, L360; fresh extras, loose, Big; frste; Ble; seconds, 280, Butter=~No. 1 creamery, prints, 82¢c: No, 2, creamery prints, #le, Cheese ~~ New, large, 18%e; twins," 18%¢; triplets, 10¢; stil lone; 21e; Old, large, 28¢: twins, 20c; triplets and cuts, 0c; old stiltons, #le, Poultyyme Chickens, 6 Ibs, up ..,. Do, $10 610K .vvnvrines Do, 8% to 4 Ibs, ,... Do, 8 to 3% Ihe, Do, 8 bs, | Hens, over 5 Ibs eae trans 1 veneer 13 vee teres ray foo Lawrence Market, |] " putter, dairy per p WCGwm extras, per y firsts, per doz, Do,, nreamery, per 1b, 0,35 Fruits and Vegetables Asparagus, bunch Carrots, 8 bunches Baots, pines Cre Do, 6 qt. va Onions, Nr f-at, pra vl Cauliflower Me Endive, dozen , , Spinach, peck , Mushrooms, 'per pou fia loaf lettuce, 8 for Head lettuce, 2/for , Parsley, per huneh Cress, three for , .. Jelery, dozen Oranges, per dozen Honbydew melons, Atpawherrien, pint ,, anely Grapefruit, Potatoes, bag Aueumbers, each + Lemons per dozen , Rananns, per dozen Cal green peas, f- basket ' Keeplant, each fireen beans, 6 qt fireen penpers, " for Turnips, bun Parsnips, 11 qt. Apples, bus, Mreen peas, 6 ich Tumatoes, 1¥, , Pineaples, each ' Rhubarb Lg Radishan, 8 bnonoh New Carrots, 3 bunches buneh Naw heets, Green onions A hur eat pasket / 2 to 8b; fooked loins, 48 to Bae; smoked rolls, 280; breakfast hecon, 30 to 40c; backs pes-menled, G4c; do, smoked, 46 to bbe, Pork loins, Hig re shoulders, 2c; butts, 84% 1 dank 30%0. Cured aati elo BE clean fren 60 to 70 bk, 84e; 70 to 90 | 8%¢; 00 to 110 Ibs, 210, I weight rolls 40e; lightweight rolls, be, ! Lard-=Pure tierces, 10c; . tubs, 160; pafls, 170; prints, 17 10 17 hye, fhortening=~Tierces, 19c; tubs, 18%¢e; pails, 14e, Bpecial pastry shortening--"Tier- ces 10c; tubs, 16%e; pails, 166, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS d # on the Teronto Board of Toude are making the fol lowing quotations for ear lots: Manitoba whesat=-No, 1, North arn, $1,085 No, 8 do, 81.06%; No, 8 do, $1.04; No, 4, $1; No, By 01s Yo, No, 6, 760; food, 700 (oti Goderich and Bay poris), American corn--No, 8, yellow, #80; No, 8 do, 870 Millfesd, delivered Montreal freightis, bags Included--Bran, per ton, $28.26; shorts, per ton, $10, 26; middlings, ¥42.20, Ontario grain®~Wheat, $1.10; oats, 460; barley, BO to ble; rye, nominal; buckwheat, 80¢, Toronto: dos: 4 ir wand DSD>OoO WODAE<IW LAND ANIDIDD Dm eidrs IIS MODS DODO MDOW EE NL SOOTY SOoOTD reas wes REE BEE per Ra TE Apromimn't 1 in "0.25 4 pre va each CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, June 14==0pén commits ments; Nov, eggs, 1,140; June butter, 14: July butter, 1; Nov, butter, 1,021, Two-market receipts; Butter 80.872, Inst year, e WOOD ~WOIIDOOONDI SD SoD odd Today, 20,608; last year, Eggs ~~ Today, 38,087; 44,108, New York spot market; Extras, 82%c; no tone, Eggs = Prats, 28¢ to 88%e; tone firm, Chicago spot market: Butter - Extras, 82 1-20; standards, 823 1:2 0; tone firm, Eggs-~CGranded firsts, 22 1-8¢ to 280; tone firm, Movement at four markets; But ter==Net In, 877,760; last year, net in, 016,161, Eggs-=Net In, 20. 858; last year, net in, 28,769, 88 Buttery on DOI ODODWw- x ren Ah vent 010 0.10 0.16 nehes «the previous low, fully steady: desirable 60.840 Ibs, 10,85: 250-800 1hs, and 120-150 bs, 1060-1076; most pigs 1060; sows D00-050, Cattle 1,160; fad steers and Hugs 26+ 0 lower than last hax with close last week: bulk slaes and yearlings 10,60-1 ood medium. and short end 850-1025; heeft cows 650-780: cutter grades 400-800; medium bulls 660-750, Calves 1,300: good to choice veal ars 60 higher at 12,00.12,50; med- fum kinds steady. 9.50.10,60, Fheep 35,6001 generally steady ox. eapt ewes to lower: good to cholee handy weight lambs 12,00-12,50: medium 10,00-11,00¢ desirable walght fat yearlings 10.50: mutton ewes 1.,00.4,00, En --. OHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chiengo, Tis, June 16,~Opening grain prices--=Whaeat-=July, 997%, Sept, 101, Dee, 106% CorneJuly 15%, Sept. 6% Dee, 70%: Ontw--- July 86, Bopt, ahs, Dee, fd WINNIPRG RAIN OPENING Winnipeg, June 18, Wheat! duly % to 8 Jower at 108% to 102%; October % to 1% lower at 1065 to 106; December 14 to 1% Tower at 107% to 107%: Oats' July § to 14 lower at 4894 to 45% October 4 lower at 45%; Decpm- her Jnshanged tn % higher at 44 to 44 WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, June 16, = Two of three futures on the Winnipeg Grain Market to-day collapsed to new low levels for the season, Al the opening, with trading in heavy volume, July was off two cents to $1.08%, almost one cent under Qotober showad a decline of one and one-half cents at the stare, going a full cent he low 81,08, previous low mark, Dee ember wag off 15 to 1% at #1,07% to The startling recession carried values downward after losses of seven cents In the latter halt of last day: cows and bulls steady to weak FOUL PLAY THEORY IN NOURSE DEATH -- (Continued from Page 1) | might have knocked Mr, Nourse senseless, with the blow that raised contusion over the eye and that while in that conditiog his body was placed in the sutomwble in such position that death would result from monoxide poison, Had No Enemies Mr, Nourse's widow, Rachael, sx pressed complete mystifieation when informed of his death, He had no enemies she Is aware of, she said, and she ix equally positive he had no motives=uniess it was n faneled one-for wishing to kill himself, His home life was happy, 80 far as investigators have heen able to determine, His health was wood for a man of his years, He wig 70 and he had no financial worries, Mr, Nourse Wag general manager of the Denver Chocolate Company, an organization. which vends con fections of various character through automatic devices, The com: nany is of country wide familjprity His associate said he had heen am inently sueveensful in the aperation of the company, He was last seen hy acqunintan cen Priday afternoon when he de posited a considerable sum of com nany funds in the Denver National Rank, Prominent. Canadian Family His family has heen prominent a i i % i. he In Canada for yours, A grandfather was chief factor for the Hudson's Bay Company, His father was with the Hudson's company and resigned to head a large Canadien life insur: N08 company, Nourse was born in Whitby, On. tario, He wan gradunted from the University of Manitoba and lster went to Worcester, Mass, where for 20 years he was manager for Bradsirests, Later Nourse sstablished a man ufacturing concern, In 1884 he sud- denly disappeared to reappear have In 1927, Tn the interim he had been surving with the British Army, He onlinted after disappearing and rapidly rose through the ranks to major and won a number nf desora~ tions for distinguished serviges; Heo was widely known as 8 writ. er of travel as well as short stories of adventure and hiimorous stories One company selected four stories in a competition, two. of Noursa's, ona hy Kipling and one by a third author, He was known as u lecture or aw well, A traveller, having been aver most of tha world, Nourse Wag a momber of the famous Campfire Club in New. York, where embers include faous big gams hunters and adventurerers. The older Roosevelt was al one time president of this club, In 1884 whan Nourse wag In Winnipeg he voluniesrad as a mem- her of the tamous Canadian Expedi- tionary Force that went to the re laf of General Charles G. (China) Gordon who was deseiged In Khay tum, Egypt, during their revolution with tribesmen, The expadition was commanded hy the late Lord Kit a A i YM a a AAtkdici cheney of world war tame, On the B66 Canadiens in the expedition which lasted two and & half years, loss than 26 per sent returned, The expedition fought its way for more than 1,000 miles up the Nile river, only to find that Gordon and his English troops had heen massacred a few hours before they arrived, Kitchener's horse gave out sev~ oral days before Khartum was venched and Nourse gave the field marshall his mount, establishing a firm friendship that lasted until the Inttar's death during the war, Well Known in Whithy Whithy, June 16,~=The news ol Colonel Nourses' death was re- colved with a gre deal of vegrel in Whithy, where he was well known, His father, Charles Nourse, wis for many years postmaster / st Whithy, and many memorials (9 members of the Nourse family are to he found in All Saints' Anglioar Church, Previous to his retirement from the British army, Colonel Nourse received high recognition for u font accomplished during service in the Suden, 'hen, by swimming the Nile with a rope in his teeth, he succeeded In saving the lives of the entire crew of a vessel, A brother, Charics Nourse, has vacently retired from a high posts tion with the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Winnipeg, The late Colonel Mam, famous CPR, of. ficial, was an uncle of Colondl Nourss, A sister resides in Chicago, TORONEO CRAIN quorATions Grain dealers on Toronte Board of Trade are making the fol lowing quotations for ear Jot! Manitoba where-= No, 1 North. orn, ody) No, 2 do, $1.0 14: No, # do, vd No, 4 96¢; No, b Ase} No, , 710} feed, 66%0 (cif, Gods orich and "bay ores), Manitobe . 8 No, 1 feed, #6)s No, 2 do, 48%e. American corn=-No, 2° yellow, $64c; No, 8 8 do, 8be, iiiteed, delivered Montreal froights, bags Included--Bran, por ton, $28.25; shorts, per ton, $80» 26; middiings, $08.45, ie Ontario graine=Wheat, $1.08; oats, 4he; barley, #0 to bla; wye, LUNENBURG'S 177th BIRTHDAY Lunenburg, N.8, June 17~/The 177th anniversary of the founding of this old fishing contra was gale brated on June 7, Aw the fishing vessols were at home fAlLing out for the summer trin, the day was not declared a holiday, * ft, John's Angliean Church, founded at the same time as the town, also celebrated the avent, ALL IN "Could I have some mors eof tes, please?" asked the new am rival at the seaside hoarding houss, "The coffen,'" said the landlady, "Ia, 1 am sorry to say, exhausted," "Ah, yon, poor thing," murmured a oynienl boardpr, 'I was expects ing that. All this, weak 1've no- tiead it has been getting weaker and weaker," TER NOW COMES THE SALE OF SALE | AGNEW -SURPASS" | Brollers osu envisages Ducks, ov 40s | Turkeys . ¥ FARMERS MARKET . The following are 'the quota. fons, (Fetal, in effect on the Rt, 1 Green peppers, 8 for ,. Closing prices~June butter %e: Nov, butter, 86 1-20; Nov, oREs, 28 1-40, week, Continued rains in the wheat lands of the Canadian west, where up to the middle of last week weather had heen adverse, and weakness in quotations at Liverpool caused the added decline thiy week ERATE ALY " Cal 4 AR TORONTO PROVISION: PRICES Toronto wholesalers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Bmoked Meats--Hams, medium KAWE BUFFALO LIVESTOCK East Buffalo, N.Y,, June 14, Hogs 7,200; hold overs 100; activa, A. Rousin Opening Bay Wander On Sake at 10 AM. ' Staring Day TRANSPORTATION a as or ih Ladies' ( slik Hose i | = | Be | a) Dont we among une disk: -- = Im - ( he neha ind, o a | : i | ine silk fly yal Av - - the season's Wart a and FAyon, on aale 0 a "a Chl Great as have ban our sales in the past we unhesitatingly state that this is surely OUR GREATEST EFFORT. 'Qur sversgrawing chain of stores has pro- duced values such 'as you would never have dreamed of; to our many. customers both old "and new we présent this great BUDGET OF SENSATIONAL BAVINGS, Ab» fraction of thelr true Test the buying power of your dollars here . , .« Come with the crowds, be here with Rimi 2 "39¢ } Citomr the erowds on opening day. THURSDAY, June A Bargain Price You are Bound to prisons Pic Now Mw On Tile i A pt | ---- FRE VE) oe Sl a Tra Appreciate on These Fihe . 0 's Favorites AB0 Deauville Sandals AGNEW. y (Made in Csecho Slevakia) SURPASS Men ® Calfskin top meeaal rite aut tn thse tie sunier {| 'STORES Boots or lt Combition, sho sari ok, hay ORY lo Oxfords Featured now From $2.79 All Day possible, wm - # AD, sina 4 wn, Unparalleled Style pt ntion Re Lintsetien dg "30 ny 4% + 4% Tak Men! Now is The Time to Stock wp on a Footwear w Delhsbis oi IE wheels of transportation -- how hg ack Ap Ay A So By we, JOR rE have groaned, creiked and rattlédd down the tinest bax Ld Son sv offered, complete ols nd id iu le ho pois an ages before Science set them spinning, Wire rane in el, Pingo 4 aerly, only the, rich might ride. But to yin Canada everyone can travel in comfort. the safe, dependable street cars,--~which in the ultimate in city transportation, the transcontinental allwayuthe nesdsef are served. is a source of pride with he 'Northasn tric Company that, by supplying a portion of thi Inmanae Qunnoity of wire Needed, as well as the its ants : Feature phil Sale Specials Bargains That Thrifty Mothers Will Welcome A feat Children's Quality Shoes the rues A i yo {3 duped avi 'hrs shoes, neat patterns, in chrome, patent flexible sewn leather, solea, bulit for long wear, Priced According to Size Group $1.10 $1.29 $1.49 i th HE STORES; > RGANAOAS LARGEST, SHOE L)