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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1930, p. 1

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aa any Succeeding The Oshawa 'Daily Reformer Timex "All the News While It Is News" OSHAWA, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1 1930 16 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PACES ToroR tay, noliday ho hy ora oh Ee 1 home today Jo oe brate' ils 80th Earl of Scotland nd Dies Monte Carlo, Riviera.--The yremisr Earl of Scotland, the 33rd, of his name, and member of one of tye most ancient of Scottish families, is dead hers. He was 04 years old. A More Money Yor Navy? Paris.--L'Echo de Yaris today says it has reason tc believe that, ii view of the findings of the na- tional defense commission, the government will ask the chamber to vote on billion francs in supple- mentary appropriations for . the navy and the department of avia- tiom, a LAS Sympathetic Strike Buenos Alres, Argentina, South America.--A forty-eight hour gen- eral 'strike, decreed by labor: ele- ments in Cordoba«city/ in sympathy with strike. of 'tramwaymen, which has been in progross for K some time, commenced at % a.m. today Police: yesterday clashed with tramwaymen strikers, one of whom was wounded and taken to a hospital. / Three Gravely Hurt: as Reds Attack Bus Berlin, June 18--Three persons were wounded seriously By bullets and a fourth, a girl, injured' by a 'rock, when Communists ambushed an au- tobus fravelling its regular post-mid- night 'route through the northern skirts of Berlin today. A volley of shots was fired and rocks hurled at the bus and its. fifs teen decupants, most of whom were Fascists, a panic developed inside, when police arrived and helped the vietims to hospitals they found the assailants had disappeared, FORMER OFFICER OF ABC. FINED George R. Baker Pleads Guilty of Combining to . Fix Prices T {By Cenndinn Press Lossed Wire) Windsor, June 18.--~George R. Ba» ker of Toronto, former vice-presi- dent of the Amalgamated Builders' Council, today pleaded guilty in po lice court to four charges undér the Domini Combings Investigation . Magistrate D, M. Brodie: im- posed' a' fine of $500 or six 'months' imprisonment on one chatge and sus pended sentence on 'the others. The, charge 'on which' ihe fine: was im- posed | way that ofl illegally. engaging in a combine tq fix common prices tor Plumbing uiplies pleating gu ty, Gerald Me- Hugh! 16 aker's 'counsel, 'submit- Jed iv several facts in Sileuation E er, said, withdrew: ffom B. e the, Wairron Royal Com migsi ter iahor hi zation was Further, who is a the estiga Lod egal Me lugh said, jv ed I oof: dron, K.C., by yoluntasily | A xe immediately af- | an migigter sof | S THE KING HOOVER URGED BY PRESS "TO MAKE CONCESSIONS T0 CANADIAN TRADE AT ONCE Many Nations Protest New U.S. High Tariff Law President Should Lose Nol Time in Exercising Pow- ers' Through Tariff Com- mission, Says New York Times EUROPEAN NATIONS TO HOLD CONFERENCE Italy, Spain, Czecho-Slovakia 'and BelgiumAlready Con. sidering: Retaliatory Ac- tion Against the United States (By Canadian Press Loessed Wire) Washington, June 18,--~The Hawley-8mioot, tariff law became etfective today and imposed upou the customs service the task "of putting its 1122 new rate sched- ules into operation cvernight, . Jtalian Prc;s Exeited Rome, June 18.~The new United States tariff today contin- ued to excite the Italian press which ingdisted that Italy must make all possible efforts to cone serve her United States markets by fatensifying technical organiza: tions, revising production meth. cds and reducing manufacturing osts May Break Modus Vivendi Madrid, June' 18.~The govern ment today was studying requests that it break 'the existing modus vivendi with the United States as a protest Against the new tariff Officials' sald. no hasty setipn would be taken, Will Strangle Trade Prague, June 1Sw~Deputationy trom Czecho-Slovakia and Germau industrialist assoclations today protested to the United States minigtér against the: new tariff of 80 to- 120 «percent, .- which, they declared, would strangle that ex- port trade of Caecho-Slovakia to the 'United: States, - « - - + Brussels; . June . 18,~~The Bel. (Continued 'on: Page 7) h a OVATION AWAITS BYRD ON ARRIVAL Antarctic Explorer will Be Given Big Reception by on of New York STOCKS RECOVER Powerful Banking Support shrinkage in the quoted values of equity stocks was halted today by what appeared to be powerful bank ing support today, an made modegate recovery in the last hour of trai early hours of trading, of important issues los ng $5 to near- ly $30 a share, but the price list be. gan 10 resist selling pressure by ear ly afternoon, although some pghares continued to work lower, was in enormous volume, the ticker falling more than an hour in ar- fears. traded by 1,30 *o'clack and indica- tions pointed to share day. the second of the year SWOLLEN CREEKS PARALYZE TRAFFIC Heavy Rainfall Takes Away swollen to river width, burst their banks after fore than 24 of almost continuous rainfall io: day* virtually had paralyzed rail road traffic in this vicinity, block. ed scores of roads and swept away at least 12 bridges: faimiy of Ira Catlin was lifted from during the night waters of the and carried nearly 100 yards to the creek bank where it against a tree, Awakaned by the impact, the: farmer setaped. Catlin and his 'wife car- vied 'three young children to safe- ty. FIVE KILLED WHEN IN-LAST HOUR OF TRADING TODAY Halts Swift Decline of Morning (By Canadian Press Liossed Wire) New York, June 18.-Another from a man killed by lightning at the Ascot race meet to-day, NARROWLY ESCAPES ea a KING GEORGE V Who was but a few feet away pivotal shares ng. Prices declined swiftly during the a Jong list Trading Nearly 5000000 shares were another - 8,000,000 Down Stream (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) fthaca, N.Y., Jugs 18.--Creeks hours Near 'Ithaca a house 'in which a was asleep its foundations by 'the rising Buttermilk creek lodged and family British House ing been tied up for more than 21 hours in a wrangle over the fin- ance bill the House of Commons adjourned at noon today with the passage of seclause of the budget for which Rt, den, chancellor of the exchequer, had been struggling with his char- acteristic grimness end determin- ation, The vote on the clause was 222 to 90, long, sometimes bitterly, 1. Crazed Killer Writes Newspaper Threaten. to a New York newspaper written by an unidentified man who cone fosses two slayings within the Jap week is to be believed; some unl. dentifiad person is to meet a violent Gath at College Point, Queen's to- night, lieyéd a maniac by the police,' threatened that thirteen more men and 'a womdn would be killed if some unidentified papers were not returned, ago when Joseph Mosynsk! was shot Sits 21 Hours (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wire) London, June 18.---After hav. Hon, Philip Snow- all "night over the The house battled = Has Slain Two ing Death to Fourteen More in New York, « (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) New York, June 18,-If a letier The anonymous letter writer, be. The first slaying occurred a weak Situation in India Said to Be Improving New Life Given to Rumor of Negotiations For Settlement (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) | Bombay,. India, June 18.--A government statement; published to-day, reflected official optimism that + the nationalist eivil obediance camprign was force, "There are signs in some parts of the country'; it was sald, "that although members of the All-India National Congress are in no way ré- laxing thelr. efforts; misgivings have increased regarding thelr aims and methods among many who were at first "inclined to view the' civil disobedience movement with tolera. tion if not with approval, "Active oppesition on the part of those who disapprove of ft 1» steadily increasing with the helieve that it is 'doomed to fallure." Negotiations Rumored Bombay, India, June 18.---~Pundit Motila Nehru, acting president of the All-India National Congress; lead a long procession of Indian Nationalists formed in the Indian quarter of the city to the congress house upon his arrival here to-day from Ahmadabad, In some quarters his visit was taken as adding signifience to re. ports that the government Was ready to negotiate with Mahatma Gandhi; imprisoned at Yeroda jail; Poona, for settlement of the politi. cal dispute, losing SERIOUS UPRISING OCCURS IN BOLIVIA (By. Canadian Press Leased Wire) wenos Aires, Argenting, Jupe 18 = The Atgenting vice-gonsul at Vill. acon, Bolivia has telegraphed = the chancellery from La Quiaca'sthat a serious revolutionary situation exist: ed throughout Bolivia, He heard re. ports that insurrection had broken out in all the big cities. {Official cir. cles denied the reports, however, VACATION REMINDERS » By window displays, steamship and railway advertising, Oshawans are heing constantly reminded that it is time to plan for the annual va- cation, Neo doubt this city will send A goodly representation to the var. fous summer resorts in Ontario while It will not be surprising te find Oshawans wandering about In Europe, the United States, the Mari. times or the Rockies, dis | HE'S 60 TODAY HON. A, H. KERGUSON Premier of Ontario' who to-day celebrated Wis 60th birthday at his office n Toronto, Lightning Hits Church, Nine Die (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Bucharest, Rumania, June 18, A dispatch from (choarsth nes Fagarasch, Transylvania, today said that three persons were killed and six fatally injured. when lightning struck the tolling church bells of a church sheltering a crowd in a terrific storm there, Three peasants, . frightened by the storm, climbed the. church belfry and swung the bells with their hands in signal to the. re- mainder of the crowd ' to kneel ond pray. Just as they knelt lightning struek the belfry, Denies Rumor Ot Big Lay-Ott Chev. and Ponti Lines to Shut. Down for Two Weeks, However Owing to changes which will be made in the body plant, the Pon. tise' and Chevrolet lines at General Motors of Canada, Lid, will be shut down, for two weeks in July probably starting July 6th, accord: ing to iInformation' given out to. day, The Bulek lina will. however continue in full preduction during this period, H. A. Brown, vice-president and general manager, in a statement to the' preds to-day stated" that' this action would he necessary on ac- count of changes to be made in the body plant, It Ix not known how many men will be affected, * Mr, Browh pointed out however that the employees would not actually lose in hours as the production lost in this two weeks period would hats to 'ba: erowded In later, ASCOT RACE MEET THROWN INTO PANIC DURING STORM IN WHICH MAN IS KILLED ABANDON HOPE, FOR FINDING ALIVE OF EIGHT. TOLEDODANS Find Body of One of Party Whe Had Died in Lake Erie (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toledo, O,, June 18.~The finding of several articles of clothing and the body of John Liptack, one, of eight Toledoans lost in Lake Erie strengthened the helief today that all the men are dead, The manner of their death remained 8s much [ Mystery as when the speedboat was opm Sunday floating upright in the e near West Sister island The fact that Coroner Frank G Kreft said Liptack's death was due to exposure and not to drowning, increased the wonder why he had left the boat Further'hope far the men was ob literated when it was pointed = out that any hoat which might have plek- ed up the Toledoans Saturday would have reached port Monday night at the latest, PUNISH BRITISHER FOR HIS PART IN CHINESE REVOLT Nationalist Aviators Bomb Red Forces, Killing Scores of Rebels (By Canadian' Press 'Lonted Wire) Shanghai, Ching, June 18.--)apan- ese reports from Nanking. said to. day that the central Government po. litical council would ask Sir Miles Lampson, British. minister. to China, to vee that Lenox Simpson, a British subject, Is 'punished for his part in the seizure oft the "Nlentsin customs by Yen Hai-Shan, When the customs office was goiz- ed hy Yen, who is one of the norths ern generals now battling the gov. ernment forces, he threw out the cus toms officials and installed Simpson at the head, Red Foroes Bombed Hankow, China, June 18--Natlonal Ist government aviators today homb- ed an area near Tayeh and Hwang. shihikang, southeastern Hupeh, kill: ing scores of so-called Hwangsi prod vince "Reds" and forcing others to flee southward, Six American Catholic priests ars rived here from Tayeh today, descr bing the recent raids and telling of their escape from the' Communists, Lightning Bolt Kills Book. maker Within Few Yards From Box in Which King and Queen Were Sitting SOCIETY WOMEN ARE TRAMPLED TO GROUND ] Panic Reigns When Crowd Makes Rush for Shelter-- Storm Broke With (Great Intensity, Followed : by Blinding Flash (By Canadian' Press Loansd Wire) Ascot, Eng., June 18.---Panie swept through the throngs of fashionable persons at the Reval Ascot Race meeting to-day when a sudden, terriffio electrical storm broke over the enclosures and a bolt of lightning struck and. killed Walter Holbein, well known north of England bookmaker; in, Tat» tersall's betting ring. only .a few yards away from the King and Queen and their royal guests, Women Trampled Boclety women, caught in a rush for shelter; when a deluge descend. ed upon the throng, were thrown 10 the muddy ground. and. trampled under feel, Hats were knocked off; parasols wore lost and some of the women arrived at the stands without their Siibbers which had. been Jeft he hind; stuek in the mud or torn from their feet » Extradordinary scenes wera en Roted when the storm; warning of which had been given by A great lowgring elond at the end of the Royal Hunt Cup event, broke sud- denly with great intensity, The King and Queen ACcompans fed by the Prince. of Wales and ese gorted by many of their guests at Windsor Captle, had arrived in motor cars and were In the royal box when the storm occ urred, Blinding ¥iash They were chatting animatedly when instantly the seane of cone fuslon was precipitated before their even, The alr was rent by a &&uad. Ing. lightning flash which - killad the bookmaker, J. Dawar's the MaoNab won the Royal Hunt Cup at to-day's second sensioh of Royal Ascot week, Nr -------------- NEW SIGNS ERECTED have been erected on King. Btre: signs are a distinet departure hay those which formerly 'marked the provincial. thoroughtares, now de. signated at the King's highways, A orest bearing, the number of the highway is surmounted by a crown, A report that 3,600 men would be laid off in emphatically denied, als. evi iol » Antarctic, Rear Rik Richard £. Byrd, and the dence, and and 'killed in a parked car near i -------- Whitestone, Queens, A woman coms means, Gord avin Paying his: ! Fare Since that { | salute of thirteen guns . | miral. B 1 "Peterbaro, 7 es 2g Pe tence go rs: of his expedition. will be by the City of New York Hy 'Noon tomorrow, : tations were" that the city's ie would surpass all receptions accorded Colonel betgh upon his repurp harbor, a rom ny es ins, ese | have | We A 'marine parade up t nor's. Island and a guard of cluding troops from a p_ Broadway (o cit rranged in hono| th ec mah whoflew over the earth's two: poles] & commemorating , his nt will be eating a sion ¢ to Ads d by a or Walker, while e expedition th pt gR of valor. An presented to Admiral Byrd honorary degree of Doctor of Laws Near On Elmer E, Brown oh e k, niversity. ' with Xn pre if you! , o age of of | 8 UAL Bin Ah § aie 1a, d it yOars of Bop hey sua Gthmaty Ostikosh, formerly ] i did Protinees 3 i "hin Ana! | nese in tor EE EN i he: remains toaay be. Bik ms ith th Te at ft ar pba A Scaudy be remier Says t i Rana iia the Snckion, proses fie States DF within t sito Subject | apimant, tla Vk, ay 37 panion, killed by a hold-upsman who acted in a erazy fashion, slain man was Hy tabempir age ove % var minh of Hon, Dr. ! EE Miss Catherine May, 19 years vid; told the police he was a arday, Noel aL Bowley 26 Joars i i ueens village.. In th a clipping fro per describing ing Of the Cniversity or who won second . pho EE rr one of { Kordon Drager, when char, e ! | preliminary hearing. reddy STOBIE REFUSED FURTHER DELAY Toronto,» June "18 --A further ads iournment was, refused counsel for Malcolm "Stobie, Charles Forlong -- it and fraud in conn on wer stock; market transactions: came up againkt, the trio 1m. police court here today. Counsgl asked, for an adjourn. ment of fwo weeks bute Sgionle| Jones said that.several mon beginning. of progeed- elapsed since b to 'proceed with the ings and decide Wonderful times we are living in, Just a few to do the brain work asd the rest of ug to operate fool: > machinery.--~Port Arthur _Nors FROM THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN 8t, Mog ontarndy June "hera [torming ita 'mesa of platitudes and a ot fnto the habit of expecting as | King had gathered sald Dr. Manion, ©: ™" i a | oral ida : Tl andi hat A also attacked Premied MagKenale | Af King's opening speech at Brantford, palities, a few kernels of wheat # barrel of chaff," ; bY looked through it for a solu 'tion to 'Canada Jems," sald the 'speaker, at: el poked in vain, But le wha know Mr. King have much." In composing his a dros Me | terial "with the sole al pay. Saskatoon, Baad June ison: | a folsm of the budget by Hon. R, B Boun ott; vale landers avi condemn on. ries Dunning, finance Winister, who last night a ada meet in the in- | d terests of D A. Mogg ¥ ouns oung, Lib. Mr, Busan was n a jt t shaping. it. int ur 0 ng. nto vertisement fur the Liberal aponent, of the rien ini 1946, Mr, ing ask. is hearers if they hos ed to en. ik 'the j3evelopuent of the Hud. son Ha men who staked leting the rallway or to: : o.dta fri P. nning replied to he sailed 1 'the inevease he + in it 18 adm duties under the new bu hg | alvendy arranged to reciprocate by giving a Dh rence to In the big Bi tinh stores, Hel: | tridges, Harrod's and. Shei an Yom loat' consisting: Sent Fonadians our "is 0 movement, a result of the Canadian b Solna, ke, dn ¢ oe, wilde 8, Mr, udaca: Bay | bv i) ae. nadian flour, he | NexwChrotlols. A aclontist finds gorillas perspire confously on the forehead just as man does, derby hat in hot weather, ---Bran. ton Sun, Cornwall, ly for the deat East Cornwall man, on: June I [aged hy a coroner's jury upon 0, did year old sah teibe on. Co Chrmu yon tally infuged atien wi atally injures beaten over the head Ser tercation, when an al. ii i But no gorilla weary a | 18,R i Hien Bn. fis h Ww i he Sows { ne ndian ro : h The Rok are ue political enemio, politi 1 lives on com- | Lamune: To Yh i we June 18-Be- i in gioc: rigture "of Pre. 4 ° Sneiud Ny! tain : in Cert ithe: Pa ho ooast provines, "Mr, MacKenzie King, An his [3haning shes Absech at Brantford of {key ool ih 0 thig country a f i 'of 'some; ' polices Ta en 1 ne het J suasiveness at his co Agel FRR AN EL RE vos | ai 11 Empire Trade Plan 3% 2 5 ays Bennett on. June-d stated ax in ai a policies of the Ad ve Pp and J gave in the name o A and of its memden EA . car Era Rind by arguments tonight, Wal some a (nathen time, by AA that T might help Lt is Thi run . Judge f he baste prinol) underlying th thors twa poliaies were now to state, as aimply as TN it to ot foams i farantial 4 El

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