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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1930, p. 5

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THE. OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1930 PAGE FIVE HP and sister May of Har- mony. id Mr, and Mrs, John Pangman, Con- naught Street, Oshawa, were amon the fuests at the Ropal Mititary Col- lege, June Pall, Kingston, on Mon- day. ¥ Miss Gladys Morris, Simcoe Bt, North, attended the R. M. C, June hall at Kingston, Mr, and Mrs, Alec Fisher of Osh- AWA Are spending thelr summer va- cation at Bowmanville Beach, Mr, BR, MeDonough, Huron Street, having spent the past three weeks at Cullin's Bay on account of the {linens of his other who lives there, has returned to town, Mrs Me. Donough is remaining ae Colin's Bay for a few weeks longer, Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Jardine, (remorse, are visiting thelr son, Mr. W,. C. Jardine, Tylor Cresent, Mr. and Mrs, @, ¥, Burnham and daughter Dorothy, are visiting friends in Perth, Ont, Mr. Jack Naylor, Albert College, pelleville is in town for the holl- days, srs, Ross and Frank Tren- wo motored to Trenton on Sun. day: ' . The engagement has been Ans nounced of Margaret Elviss daugh- for of Dr, and Mrs, H, Li, Hudson, of Whitby, to Walter Alexander Thomson of Montreal, son of Mrs. Thomson and the late John Thom: son of Whitby, The marriage win take place in July, Mrs. Frank Hallett and Mrs, W. A. Hare, ot Oshawa, are spending a few days at Pleasant Point, Stur- goon Lake, the guosts of Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Hezzelwood, In honor of her daughter's mar riage 'Which is to take place on Saturday, June 21st, Mrs, Charles Hicken entertained at a trousseau ten yesterday afternoon for Miss be handicapped with unsightly on the face, eyes With x that tired and Jangu feel indicates a torpid liver Dizaines surely follow, You must stimulate eh liver, start the hes J hy Litle Liver x i am purely vegeabie 3 from calome) | us small, e A olan not habit forming, "hey are not & purgative that cramps or i unpleaspnt after effect follows i" i a SPROTAL ORDERS TAKEN Every %: Hat Pleturesque wedding group at the King. Washburn marringe coves mony of Warcestor, Maw, when Miss Kiloise Washburn, well: kpown visitor to Toronto, became the bride of Mr, vuce King, of Toronto, From left to vight are Mr, Albert Plaxton, of Toronto: Mi Ellenbeth Washburn, of Worces. tery Mr, Walter Gordon, of Foro: to; Miss Miviam Estabrook, of Worcester; My, Rodney Washburn, of Worcester; Miss Marjorie Clark, of Worcester; the groom and his bride; Miss ¥isanor McLaughlin, of Oshawa, Ont,, maid of honory Lieut, Hugh Plaxton, of Toronto, host. man; Mr, Reynolds Merry, of Toronto; Miss Dorothy Vowler, of Worcester; Mr. Havold Crang, of Tronto; Mr, Willlam Héndrie, of L Hamilton, Ont.s Miss Helen Thay or, 'of Worcester; Mr, George Alexs ander, of Toronto; Miss Virginia Vero, of Worcester, and Capt, ©, Churchill Mignn, of Toronto, Mr, and Mh, King will make thelr home at 08 Douglns Drive, Toron- to, after a motor trip, the bridedo-be, Miss Hicken re who arrived Madeline Hicken, Mrs, Hicken and ceived the guests between the vous of three and five and wseven and nine; The guests were conducted to the rooms where the Lride's présents And troussent were on display by Miss Doris Martin, Mrs, 8, Clom- ence, Mrs, George McGregor and Mrs. Robt, Qlayton of Toronto, In the prettily decorated tea rod where pink carnations and pink eandlos adorned the ten table, Mry, W, C, Martin and Mra, R. Ruabots tom poured. The toa ussistants were Misses Margaret Patté, Tda Diamond, Vephi Hodgkingon, and Joyce Roe, During the nfterngon und evening nearly 'ene hundrea and seventyifive guests celled. Out of town guests who At. tended the Little-Bt, Andrews wed. ding on BSawurday wers Mr, and Mrs, Johnston, Mra, Johnston, ar, Mys, Huston, sr, Mr. and Mri Huston, Miss Grass, Columbus; Mr, K, Frager, Mr, N, G. Law, M+! AB, Law of Leamington; Mr, and | Mrs. Chee, Andrews dumilton of Mac and Mus, Frazer, Bowmanville A reception was held at the home of Mrs, K, M, Attersley, 127 Summer street, on Friday, June 13, to, welcome Lome the newly motried ¢ouple, Mr. and Mr, Ernest Attersley, They were given & hearty welcome by the friends and relatives who were present. The evening was enjoyably spent in music and dancing, A dainty supper was served by the hostess. A! yr "Friendship fs a chain of gold Shaped in God's ull perfect wold, Each link a smile, a laugh, a toar A grip of the hand an word of ¢hoaey Ap steadfast as tho nges roll Binding closer soul tb soul; No matter how far or heavy the * load ' fiweoi In the journey on Friend. ship's road." EPrW A mill in operation iy worth « whole water front of Tate ones, with only a payroll of watchmen, Port Arthur News-Chronlcle, ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mra, A, Black announce the. engagement of their only daughter, Robina Ramuge to Rob: art' Rockburn; 'son of M#, and Mrs, William Rockburn of Maberly, Ontario. The marriage is to take, place in June, v during 'school on previous KINDERGARTEN HOLDS CLOSING Miss Ellis, Teacher Charge, Is Presented With Basket of Roses Many mothers were present to wit ness the closing of the Kindergar- ten class of Centre Street Scheol, which took place yesterday morn. Ing and afternoon, Miss Klis teacher in charge of the kinder. garten had planned a very delight- ful programme, Thirty of the sixty members of the class took part In the morning programme and the remainder of the class were in that of the afternoon, With Miss Latim- er, asxistunt kindergarten teachar, at the plano the children ranging from the anges of four to seven, BANE A group of songs, went through some marches and played some pretly singing games, All the children, did thelr little parts without, any hesitation nor did they display any susplolon of shyness at the thought of being watched hy an audience, Their splendid training Inedue to the ef- forts of Migs Elli and Miss Latim- er, Each song and game hay some particular word, phraze or action that will impress on the minds of the Ittie pupils something that thoy must learn, All lessons are taught in a most attractive manner, And combining some ttle task with a Httle: play the e¢hildren increase thelr knowles odge from day to day. The Kinder. garten room Is a delightful place in which to spend an hour or so, even for grown-ups. The pletures descriptive: of nursery rhymey on the walls, the sand hoxes, the tiny ¢hales and tables, the pretty cut. outs done by the children and post. od ahout the room and the eolorful posters, Yesterday the classroom took on a particularly summer-like appearance, Large baskets of flow ars wore stood In the corners, and on tables, and with each little hoy and girl fo thelr best and daintiest sults and frocks, it was a very cheerful place, At the closing of each programme the youthful school pupils. presented their moth ors With baskets they had lade ays, and which Inter hind been filled with flowers, "The: little tots were very proud of their own handiwork and were greatly pleasad when their 3G y Summer Straw and Mohair in Stock - - | Every summer straw hat $3.50 $4.00 must be sold at once: white AY 229 dr 8 . $5.00 and pastel shades included! = { Lace Straws, 'Mohairs, Fancy Summery Stfaw Weaves,. Missie Hats, Matron Hats, reduted from $3.00, $3.50, © $4.00 and $5.00 for immediate clearance. E; straw in stock included in this tremendous offering" Hundreds "hat in stock must ' Or 5 ha 4 di 1 ET Le AY ' othea Hats from! Brimmed models, off the face | long backed turbans and tams, none resarved----every. straw } sold. : suitable for hot weath green, lido sand, linen blue SR A t weather. Every summer c 'and' natural. Large ai ho wi le bb 1) Lil i ~ OSHAWA, ONT. hu os pubes mothers passed pronounced Approve nl, At the conclusion of the morn. ing programme Miss Ellis was pre. sented with 'a beautiful basket of roses, by one of the liktle girls, Bhe eypressed her appreciation and and thanks to the mothery for the thoughtful gift and also her pleas. | ure at being able to teach the tiny in| children during the winter months, MRS. G. WRIGHT 70 ADDRESS THE EMBERS W C.T.0 Interesting Details of Mrs, Wright's Work; Told by Louise McKinney Following is an outline of the intefesting life and work of Mrs Gordon Wright who is to he the outstanding speaker at the W.C.T, I. convention which Is being held In King Street Chureh tomorrow Sara Rowell Wright was born In London Township, near the eity of London, Ont, and was one of a family of five, having had two brothers and (wo sisters, One brother was onlled to higher ser. vice when he had just reached early manhood and one sister at the age of nineteen; but the membars of the family who remain have made such a contribution to Canadian Ife that they need no introduction to Canadian readers, Her father wis a splendid type of Englishman avd her mother a Canadian whose Irlgh Quaker ancestry is no doubt in part responsible for that sturdy devotion to prineiple that has so characterized the family both in public and private life, Hor girlhood on he old. "Pine Grove" farm was singularly beauti- ful and happy and has enriched hor Ife with its store of tender and joyqus memories, 'Work and play, ambitions and deals were all quiet. ty playing their part in the develop- ment of a character which before long was to he used in the highest and host service, There. was no deeply 'vellglous atmosphere in the home and it Is not surprising that at the early age of seventeen she heard the eall to active Christian work when she was asked to teach a large Bunday Behool e¢lamn of girls almost her own age, The responsibilities of life camo early fo her, for when just past twenty she hecame. the bride of Mr, Gordon R, Wright, After thelr marriage Mr, and Mrs, Wright went to live in Colum- bus, Ohle, where the trumpet call to service quickly followed. Almost immediately both were asked to 'tench in a Mission 8.8, of colored children in which both became deeply interested and where they labored lovingly and faithfully till their removal to Canada some year: later, On her return to Canada, Mw Wright one more became engages In Sunday School work and al th same time was Induced to take ! 1 Catechumen class of teen age giv! the membership of which grew | | ver one hundred under her Jeado i! : nh shin, To her sympathetic nature and deaply religious life the elaimy ol the Woman's Misslonary Socio and. tha Woman's Christian Temp verance Union made a strong appen and before many years we find het actively engaged in both, and boll these organizations were glad 1 recognize her ability, Her firs position in the W.OT.U, was that | of Suparintendent of Antl-Narcotics in the Union of her home aity, Lon. don, The following year she was asked to take the Dominion Super: nitandeney of this Department, which she at fest. refused,' shrink. ing modestly from the responsibil: ity ontalled, but at. the earnest ens treation of Mrs, Billa I, Willams, who was then Dominion President, she finally consented, In' 180% came the papillon, of Rocording Secretary in the Provinglal Unlon and two years later we find Mus, Wright Ontario's Corresponding Bocretary, a position which she held for six years when she Wan elected Vige-President of minfon. Two years later, in 1906, she was called to the Presidency, - Though it {a to the great work of enlfkting the women of our coun. try "for God and Home and Can- ada" that she had given the heart and soul of her activity, there are soveral other orgapizations whigh, thtough the years, have claimed a share of Mrs, Wright's attention. To the sister cause of Missions she has aver given Ber unfailing aun. port, and it was the accepting of a vere ¥ - we he Do |' position In the W.M.8, that sound« ed the firgt true enll of duty, posi tive and "distinct fhe wag for years President of the London Cons ference Branch of the Methodist W, M, B, and has soon that organs isntion grow from a small gathering to a splendid hody, occupying to- day a foremost place among the Missionary Branchey of the 'present United' Church 'of Canada, With fn great wrench however Mrs, Wright. resigned this position in May 1027, as, with one Provines after another going over to Coverns ment Control, she felt a distinet eall to centralize her efforts on the "grout unfinished task' of Canada's White Ribboners and te invest all her powers of body, mind and soul in the great fight She has also heen Vice-President of hoth the National Council of Women and the Boclal Service of Canada and in one of the Vice-Presidents of the World's League Against Alcohol. lsm, Through the war years, Mra Wright served as First Viee-Pres! dent of the Western Ontario Red Cross, Mrs, Wright'y life in later years; has heen hy no means an easy one, An orator of first rank and a personality that enables her to make an almost ire resigtible appeal to her audience, whe Is In demand for lecture work from const to coast, and no eall from any-of the Provinces is denied if it ean possibly he met, no matter what it may Involve in the expends ture of heart and nerve energy Nor is her populatity confined to her own land as frequefit calls come for her asgistance in other parts of the world, Only a very few of those can he granted, however, as her own heloved Canada hhe always claimed and will eontinue to claim the major portion of her time and though, To vid Canadian homes and Canadian childhood from the curse 'of the legalized Haquor trae in the consuming, pass sion of her life, partioularly NO PREPARATION (Milwaukee Journal) The streets ought to have heen widened before the motor-car ars rived---and we should have built bigger and better jails before wa passed the dry law, tract of Auction . . musie « dancing . . Interesting coms panions,. spaciousstaterooms " broad decks " temptin refreshments , , loads of fellowship and a continual 'round of gaiety ar quiet coms Fort, Just as your taste dictates « + Interesting topics of cone versation for months after you return, Make your European trip a Joy when by Class on one of the Regal Duchesses or the ever populer "Mont" fd "M" ships of the Canadian Pacific Atlantic fleet, Tourist Third Cabin Return Fora as low as $188.00 PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS "Always Carey Canadian Pacifie Yous Travellers uel: To Dreny | Little, brother of the groom, acted | the bride wravelling in a sand en- | semble with a red fox fur, the gift hwedding and Fascinating games of Cons SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Prices That Make Buying Easy us optimistic, enjoyment, Business isn't booming when measured with last summer's tempo, fact it's a bit below normal, but the trend is upward and that's what keeps We still have lots of confidence in the future as indicated by the fact that we refuse to curtail our services to the public, wide assortments of seasonable merchandise as ever--Prompt servige and prices that make buying easy, ' «We invite our customers to get back to normal--to plan a full summer of good times, and to choose clothes and equipment necessary to their full We still offer you as 982 In We feel sure that you'll be enthused with the economy list we have. pres pared for the last LARGE SIZE RAG RUGS 49¢ EACH People with summer cottages to furnish will find these large rugs the very thing for bedroom or living room use, and miss pattern in a variety of colors, Size 27 x 54 inches ~Hit 49¢ Lee rey Three Days of the Week, Two windows on Athol Bt, are crams For other Special Sale Items of Equal Importance, See Special Displays In the Windows and Throughout The Store med full of exception. al values for Thursday Friday and Saturday Selling Rh -- eA For. Summer Princess Slips This In the price ig 30e¢ a yard cheap or than same goods for hefore are white, and powder 27 inches wide, yd, Lovely Brocaded Rayon Silk a new shipment, and had the Colors peach, nile 49c we ever pink, blue Plain Colored Brocaded Table Oilcloth Only a special purchase of a factory clearance fect damask green, hlue, gold and fawn, 7 Inches Wide 5c Yd. limited quantity, A 4 Rich brocaded ef- represents a linen Colors are white, that "omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community Weddings LITTLEST, ANDREWS One of the prettiest June wed: dings of this season took place on Saturday at three o'clock in BL (George's Church, when Josephine Mabel, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph St, Andrews, William Street, Oshawa, became the bride of Mr, william Reginald Little, son of Mv william Little and the late Mrs, Little of Athol Street, Oshawa, The coremony was performed hy Rev, Canon de Pencrer, The bride who was given In marriage by her father entered the enureh with him, and proceeded down the aisle to the strains of the wedding march, play- od by the church organist, Mr, Gold. bourne, The bride's becoming gown was of white satin, with long full skirt and close fitting bodice, het long vell was of net and lage and was caught in cap fashion with orange blossoms, She earried a bouquet of roses and lily of the valley and one orchid, Miss Dorothy Ht. Andrews, older slater of the bride as maid of honor looked charming in a gown of orchid sa tin, and large ploture hat to matoh, Wdythe Saunders, the bridesmaid, was very pretty in blue crepe, with grey 'hat and shoes, Mr, Wesley Acting as ushers were Kelly and Horace Little both of Oshawa, During the plgning of the register Mig Milli= gent Klston of Oshawa ng 0 Promise Me." After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents on William Hirest, Mrs, 8t, Andrews mother of the bride received with the bride and groom In a gown of navy blue georgette and a handsome fox fur, After the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mra, Little left on a honeys moon trip to Leamington, Ontario, na heat man, Mosars, Stewart of the groom, 'The guests at the reception numbered almost Afty, -------------- THE LITTLE CHRIST To wee You, painted by those mighty men Whose magic stil outlasts the oynie years, One wight suppose You always. sad, | a la Shadowed by grief and tears, . For rarely do they smile, those haload Christs, While Mary has a look of lonely ne The shepherds, too, seem sorrowful, an though Their King were born in vain, Yat You were young and fair b oll Judea } o the§nary delight of nd sun, d You kn © win And boyish games to play and sleep t night vin w play and work were done, Your Httle world wax big with mor. tal joys) You loved your mother's oval, _., alive face, Her yobloe, her laugh, the arms that held you closd In passionate embrace, And how You loved the willy, stumbling lambs, And John, the eager boy beside You there, Whe helped You find bright dios soma in the spring To Bind in Mary's hair! | from ~=Bligabeth Newport Hepbura, BETHESDA Rethesda, June 13-=Miss Winnifred Cole and Mr, W, H, Gilbert motored Foronto and spent the end at J © Miss Muriel Grass of Brooklyn and Mr, Kenneth Fraser of Toronto were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs D. K, Fraser, Mrs, Robson of Thronte has heen spending a month with her daughter, Mrs, Wallace Miller Dr, and Mes, W, T, Willard and Mr, Logan Williard, Toronto, called on Myo and Mrs, Harry Frear re cently, Miss Berta Cole visited friends at Enfield on Sunday and attended the anniversary serviees, week Cole's Mr, and Mrs, Howard Couch spent a day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Bragg of Bowmanville, Several from this vicinity attended | the nomination at Orono on Satur day, pastoral calls at Bethesda this week. FOLKS MEAN WELL, "BUT CAUSE WOES The family meant well, Bat all its good intentions didn't keep it from almost wrecking the romance of heautiful* daughter Louise and' Dick Grant, rising. young banker, That is the gist of the situation which eonfronts, the principals in "Harmony At Home," all talking saga of American home life produced hy Fox Movietone and based upon the successful stage play by Harry Delf, "The Family Upstairs," Directed by Hamilton McFadden, brilliant young recruit to mation pie tures from the New York theatre, "Harmony At Home," which opens today at the Mattin Theatre, consti tutes a vivid portrayal of life. ", 1 Rev, J. R, Trompour made several Loulse Haller is played by winsome Marguerite Churchill, while = Dick Grant finds perfect characterization in the performance of Rex Bell, "O reliable" the family, i5 portrayed by: Willis and screen Charlotte Others in the east a Henry, Charles Patterson, id Joe Haller, titular head of m Collier, Sr, famous veteran of stage re, Laton, Dixie Lee, Dot Farley. and Elisabeth ame, have: hea 0 aR DY 3 A 4 THe new cereal that speaks for itself~have you heard it tell the world how good each toasted bubble isP a Pour milk or cream in bow! of golden Rice Krispies ==then listen to it snap and crackle. Crisp. Delicious, Order a package from your grocer today. Made by Kellogg in Lon don, Ontario, it? ¥ Flavour guaran: | teed finer than that. of any other corn flake y : Their subtle taste will win you, Crisp- ness and freshness i preserved by the: triple seal and wax Corn Flakes.

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