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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 193C rs Fair and Parade Last Night Delighted Immense Crowd Thousands of Citizens View B est Parade Ever Held in Connection With Rotary Fair Procession' Was Over Mila} comets smaterr Long and Included Many Fine And Comical Fea: tures WILL GIVE PRIZES + TOMORROW NIGHT 'Music Was Provided by Five Bands -- Bakeries and Dairies Make Fine Show The Rotarians were as good as their word that this yeap's parade «in connection with the big Rotary Fair would be bigger and better [than ever, 'Last night, under the "capable management of Dave Tod, thousands of Oshawa citizens both young and old lined up to witness «@ procession which might cause the girous envy, Tonight's parade will be conducted by W, H, Nicholl and according to reports it too will be on a mammoth scale incorporating some new features, Forming up at the Armories, the avaloade started off a few minutes ore maven o'clock, with a motor- oycle constable and the Ontario =Regimental 'Band leading. The procession 'was over a mile long und how Rotarian Tod was able to marshal order out of chaos must ¥, remain a mystery to the unititinted, But he has had long experience in this business and the bands, tricks, teams, floats, ancient cars, clowns and others were able to start on the march without trouble or mis hap, . Color, humor, Ingenuity and util- ity. wore combined in delightful faghion in that mile long procession which filled past the thousands of ¢itizens who crowded both sides of the route of march, The ¢rowd stared, applauded and laughed ac- cording to its mood," Two anclent cars, one operating under its own power, the other in tow, kicked and splutterad as they passed along, A small donkey was seen pulling a Beaton's Dairy milk wagon and it laid Its big ears back in stubborn disgust of all things Rotarian, A couple of coyered wagons evidently doubt having made good his escape from the pirates Miller and Libby, local plumbers, were Awarded the prize hy the judges for the best float represent. ing the firm's products, The com- pany sought to indicate the old and new In bathroom fixtures and with the ald of anclent and modern equipment, mounted on a truck, they succeeded beyond a shadow of a doubt, Bobby Telford, 106 Albert street, won in the class for the child on the hest decorated bicycle, In the strict wense of the word Bobby's vehicle was not a bieyele but rather A trieyele, However it carried a vary clever float arranged to rep. resent a swan, H, Stevens, of 129 Molina Street, will be awarded the prize for the best comin" clown, while Ah Cox and Art Hambly win in the Amos and Andy competition. Alf, Rob. inson was declared winner in the class for (he oldest and most dil. apideted Tar to operate under its own power, D, J, Brown, jeweller, was conceded to have the best dec orated car, while the prize for the best decorated truck goes to the General Motors. Tod's Bakery won in the delivery class and the ith Boy Scout Troop came first in the scout elans, The prize for the covered wagon goes to the one drawn hy a single horse, represented the trek of the ploneers to the west, whereas these particul- ar vehicles were going no farther than the Rotary Fair grounds, A group of children, some prettily costumed, others in weird and hum- orous outfits, followed in,the wake of the Regimental Band. One little girl propelled a tricycle which rep. resented an airplane, a small boy had a tricycle about which & charm. ing float had been bullt represemt- ing & swan, Another little fellow dressed in a sailor suit was seen towing in a wagon a little girl evidently his sister, who was dress. od in the garb of a fairy, Peter Pan wan also among the crowd, no The cash prizes are to be award. od to the winners at the Rotary Falr grounds tomorrow fight at aight o'clock, One float. which 'excited much favorable comment and a great dea! of amusement was that of the Osh awa Dalry, of which George Hart, the head of the Rotary Club is pre sldent. The old and the new was depleted In the dairy business: milk hoing delivered to a little house erected on a dray, Through one door In the house a woman received milk as poured out from the nid unsanitary cans, while through the opposite door she received pasteur! zed milk as it Is bottled and deliver od by & modern dairy, it DlotsTIaLE, N fio FOR INVALID DESsg = MSLARENS ™ | INVINCIBLE The whole-heartadness with ch the bakeries and dairies on d Into the parade added a grea! | to its Interest; Their gayly orated' wagons were drawn b sndid horses, sleek and well oomed, With heads held erect ie 8 oy pranced along the street in | noble style and seemed to enter '{zht Into the spirit of the evening Whatever one may say about the advantages of the motor age, the horse still and always will com mand an admiration which people An not hestow upon mere machine sowered xghicles, The presence of hese fine beasts lust night lent zest nd dash to the procession which de large throngs could not help 0 apg reciate, |p, J. Brown jeweller, and George | Robertshaw, stationer and sporting goods mepehant, contributed twe When Your Appetite Lags--| ® Yuli hut wiores 204 yeu with find tnuymetable Artistes ¥hat Mill rvmaw Yh nest for your n addition Nell-tralned staffs of ex in planning mealy rienced salesmen and salesladios are t are healthful, tasty and appetizing, \d RED SOCKEYE { SALMON i+ 43 TRe Finest Quality Asparagus 'vw 21e BEANS 21.29 The Finest Brand--Ayimer 0&8 | BRINKS "BL DE $Q o A P V' 1 signtens Washaay LT Flavor Unsurpassed : No. 'Oretan ' ' te ° Also MAYFIELD 1b. 330 "| Gracery, Es MAYOR T, B, MITCHELL Oshawa three Falr at nine unlock the Above are the who, at the Rotary o'clock tonight, will mayors | WILL UNLOCK SPEEDOMETER AT ROTARY FAIR TONIGHT MAYOR ©. RO N Whitby speedometer "of the Chevrolet Coach which is fo ha given away, and will announce the actual mile. MAYOR M, § ELLIOTT Bowmanville | age it 'has run during the twenty: | four hour period of the contest, Tonight at nine o'clock, at Rotary Park, the Mayors of Oshawa, Whit by and Bowmanville will unlock the speedometer on the Chevrolet Coach which Is to be given away by the Oshawa Rotary Club as a feature of the Rotary Fair, and will announce to the crowds assembled on the grounds the actual mileage which the car has run during the 24 hour teat period. Yesterday, the car ran for thirteen hours, starting at eight seconds after ten o'clock in the fore noon, and being stopped at eight econdn after eleven o'clock at night To«lny, It was started at ton o clock in the forenoon, and it wil run until nine o'clogk this evening. An Imposing Ceremony Arrangements have heen made for on imposing ceremony for the an nouneing of the actual mileage run by 'the ear, and of the name of the winner, The three mayors will un lock the speedometer after the 24 hour period has elapsed, and will sign the certificate of mileage, and announes the figure to the crowd at ones, a apecinl platform having heen arranged for that purpose, This will enable those who have made estimates to know at once how close they have come to the correct figure, It will not be ponsible, of eourse, to announce at once the name of the winner, but as soon as the correct mileage Is known, there will be a serutiny by a large staf of work. ors of all estimates made, and as soon as possible, the winner's name, and the names of those winning the oven consolation prizes, will be made known, In Case of Tie In case of a tie, of course, it will not ha porsible ta aunounce the name of the winner to-night, as a snecial tie-breaking test will he made on Saturday at Memorial Park, start ing at twelve noon, in which all those tied for prizes will have an opportunity of making another es- timate, But If there is no tie, the winner will be announced and the car presented, if he or she is on the grounds to-night, Tremendous interest was taken In the ear eontest at Rotary Park last night, and hundreds of tickets were bought and estimates made, The car itself, with the wheels spinning mer. rily, was much admired, and the fact that it was on display at the park helped greatly to arouse interest in interesting floats. 'The Ontario Mo. or Sales was well represented with a large fleet of cars including the latest. Chevrolet models while the Moffatt - Motor Sales, Bulek and Pontiac agents, and the Cox Motor Sales, Ford dealers, algo made a fine showing. General Motors ex. hibited & smmrt Chevrolet sport model, mounted on a big truck,. Good marching music was nal lacking, for besides the Regimental Band, the Oshawa Citizens' Band, the Salvation Army Band and a junior Orange Lodge pipe also took vided aremg atrains, The fire department also took part last night, with three pisces of equipment, Including the two motor pumpers and the ladder || truek. "A small little boy, wearing A helmet, sat atop each of the trucks causing deep envy to hun» dreds of other litte hoys who wopld gladly mve traded places, Oshawa's Boy Scout Troop were Also muck In evidenoa and 'they made a Brave appearance as they marched along in thelr smart unis forms. Neadless to say a few clowns were sprinkled here and there and they caused many a hear ty laugh with their antion, A figure on horseback, either Paul Revere or John Gilpen brought up the rear, : © Other companies which partieip- ated in the procession inoludedy As C, Cameron, Electric Co; Generat. or and Starter Co, Haverson's Oshawa Laundry Co, Promier Gasoline Co, Bri an Ams erloan Oil Co, Conger Service Co, Qity Service Oil Co, Dixon's Coal Co, Frank Gerace, fruit dealer; Wilson and Rutead Co, The Regal Buk aon 0. wy Co, laton Tea oo 'Weston's ¥, Tod's Bread wy Betty Cake Sion, Fox Ha \ G, Whit Sad oi ad oto Bu ; btn al Alr tage, nd Son, aman Lar Rrow,, CAN 4 O11 oh Canadian Ol Co's, t 00 i. Little Cone N Chevrolet Coach Mileage in Rotary Club Contest To Be Announced at Fair Tonight the contest, and; incidentally, to add to the crippled children's funds of the Rotary Club, To.night's cores mony will be the eulminating feat. ur of the contest, and it in expected that thousands of people will ase wemble on the Fair Grounds to learn who is the lucky winner of the Chev. rolet Coach, CARNIVAL NIGHT OF ROTARY FAIR COSTUME PARADE WILL BE STAGED AT 7.30 P.M. Big Parade Prizes To Be Pre- sented--Other New Features Promised With a program of high carnival, prize presentations, and general fun and frolic of a special character ar ranged, to-night, the second night of the Rotary aly, should far exceed the success which was attained last night, Last nights' erowd was a surprise even to the most optimistic of the Rotarians, and the people en Joyed everything so much that to- day the Fair is the talk of the town, Satisfied customers are sald to be the bet advertisement of anything, and on that basis, there should be twice as many people at Rotary Park to-night as there was last night, when the grounds were thronged by thousands of people, and the apivit of real enjoyment was to ba found everywhere, Parade at 7.30 pm, Tonight in the night for the mas. queraders, Handsome prizes are be. ing offered for the best comic and faney dress costume worn, and it is expected that hundreds of people, young and old, will appear in cos tume to compete for the prizes, The costume parade, at 7.80 p.m,, will be held on the band platform, and all those in costume are asked to as. semble, there before 7.30, so that the Judges can do their work and have the prizes awarded as soon as the judging is completed. The mas. queraders will then be free to wan. der around the grounds, and to join in the dancing in Rotary Hall, where the spirit of carnival will be seen at its height, The masquerade conten In open to all, and the Rotarians a hopeful that there will be keen com. petition in every class. The cla ey are six in number, as follows: la: fancy costume, gentlemen's evel costume, ladies' comic costume gentlemen's comie costume, ied couplos in faney costume and mixed couples in somie, Sostume. Prizes At eight reds there will he an- other interesting feature, the pre. sentation of the ig to the win. ners in last night's big Jarude. The ramen of these appear elsewhere in The Times, and all these winners are asked to be on hand to receive their awards, Then at nine o'clock the mile: run by the Chevrolet Car, which to be given away, will be anounced, and later in the *Yhing the name of the winner will also ven out, and the car presented If in present, Other Features Theae are but a few of the special features which will ba in operation, All the booths and novelty attrac tions will be in I awing, Including the dance in R iy Harl, 4 the speci booth for the Tad {es, the fortune. telling booths, and the varioW¥ games and other foatures which were all so Jopiiar with the crowd last night, To-night the big show comes to an end, and, with. the Bopularity of the entertainment expressed last Right's erowd, it is 'Skpocted that to-ni hte Fu will be even blagor, an wil od; oven more ba yment | An o oase lag night, . Jayne Dalal, editor and pub. Usher ,of the Congress Bulletin at Bombay, which the government supprensed. Was, sentenced to two re imprisonment for publishing aad)tlous articles in connection with Wome Tuis movement, After the Students Tackled Geometry And Chemistry Tests Today When the sun srusgiod aver over the horizon this morning, a day arrived which has been anticipated with fear and dread by thousands of "toon age doys and girls throughout the provines of Ontiirlo, For to. day is that terrible, "first Thurs day," when shaking students on- deavour to set put on unsymputhet- Jo ruled paper their hard earned knowledge of those two bughears of the unmethodical mind, Geom. etry and "Stinks", otherwige Chem. istry, Vor some season known only unto themselves, the powers that be who make ont the timetables for Matriculation exams., see fit each pear to group Geometry and Chem- istry together on the Thursday of the first week of examinations. To the occasional mathematical and welentifie wizard, the day is doubt= less one of unalloyed pleasure and delight, But to many less gifted youths and maidens, to whom the properties of potassium perman~ ganate and the® proof of the fact that the squares on the sides about the right angle of » right angled triangle are together equal to the square on the hypotenuse, are as a closed book, the day 1s one of men tal anguish of despondent stares at uninteresting schoplroom walls of desperate soratchings and erasings, in vain attempts to recall know ledga which obstinately refuses to be recalled, and to solve problems which insist on hecoming insoluble, "Examination time", The phase will recall memories, mellowed by time, for many readers, but new in the thick of the fight "those two words stand for stark raality, proscription of the newspaper the printers refused to print it, but 1 was ayolo-styled and distributed de spite pollen efforts, ------ Lady de Chalr, have heen marked by many presentations At one of these, lady de Chair asked that 1 be announced that a vase presented way siiver-gilt, Owing to Australe in'y present depredsion and the une [5 ON TONIGHT o winner employment situation she felt that she could not accept valuable glifts, Farowalls to fir Dudley de Chalr, governor of New South Wales, and a -- IMPROV a a ALL 5 {YOUR HEALTH MAYOR THINKS TELEGRAM SPOKE EXAGGERATEDLY Has Never Seen as Many as 47 Men Locking for Lifts Shown an article gv yentordar's | noon edition of the Toronto Tele gram, stating that General Motors at Oshawa have decided on a two week's shut down for the Pontise and Chevrolet line, and describing severe unemployment conditions al leged to axist In this oity, Maver 7 | B, Mitchell declined to commit him. | self to any positive comment, | "Its the first I've heard of Gen. | eral Motors shutting down for two weeks," he sald. "Of course, they have shut down for varfous periods In the past, and its nothing new for them to do it again, However, | don't want to say anything about General Motors until 1 know more about this" Questioned by The Times as to whether he thought the Telegram article a fair and accurate desorip tion of conditions in Oshawa, the mayor thought the Telegram spoke somewhat exaggeratedly, hut re. fused to make any definite com ment, He did question however, the Tely'sn statement that unemploy- ment conditions are so bad that on a trip from Oshawa to Whitby a reporter counted 47 men hegging rides, "I often drive over to Whithy and back, and I never saw anything Hike 47 men lke that" tha mayor ind ( remarked MRS. T. F. RE EEMAN R. R. 4, Cobourg, Ontario MRS. G. W. POSLIFP 26% Huron St, Stratford, Ontario "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vess, "wy } Wk Dishing ears ago when I had a ood | sick father and a nursing baby medicine. Anyone who fs in {to care for, I got all rundown poor health should not hes | and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's tate to try fe, When I was| Vegetable Compound to get taking the Compound 1 tried | strength to do my work. An. the fample Liver Pills 1 found other time at Change of Life, 1 1:1 the package, I have taken | had severe headaches and felt them every night since and | tired all the time. I took seven can feel myself improviny lam | { bottles of the Vegetable Com. so thankful for the they | pound and felt like a new do me that [ have to A jeveral woman, | recommend it to any women about it." ==Mrs, woman ho is at this age. W, Posliff. O: | woman, T. E. Sleeman, Lydia EE. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound Kham Medicine ( your, Ontario Reconditioned VACUUM GLEANERS J Including such Well-known Makes as J Hoover, Premier Duplex, Apex, Eureka, | Ohio, etc. These VACUUM CLEANERS are all equipped with New Bags, New 20-foot Extension Cords, Motors ThorSushix. Overhay Overhauled and GUARANTEED $19.95 Cash ONE DAY ONLY \ Saturday, Jume 21st, 1930 For the Best Selection Shop Early

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