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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1930, p. 14

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toonde TeV association ontion will 31 4 candidate will be -- KILLED DY TRAIN Kingston, ~~Carnobrob Grigoren, a ninetesn-yesr-old Romanian, was apparently instantly killed when he fell off a freight train on which he was believed to be stealing a ride, -- TEAR UP RAILWAY Kingston --H, ¢, Nickle, super: {ntendent of the Kingston Btrest Raiway Company has drawn the Hirst vapike in the rails of the company at Lake Ootario Park, thereby performing the first aot in the Hoping up of all the tracks and the disappearance of King: ston's street car wervies, Loss of the strest car service resulted from the fire in Mareh, which de- True Friendship Your dog is yopr friend; he in to be respected and eared by kindly masters at any time, But when he is sick he should be given the best care, the finest food and the most effective medi- sines, Just pause a moment and consider that we carry a mest complete line of sant's Dog Foods and Medicines, Always at your wservice Telephone us at your leisure and we will deliver directly 'to . your home withip"a moment's notice, "Ask for a Free Dog Book, THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell, Ltd, 8 | § Af ho bh iy Io last week showed (hall they are In favor of & bus line, be Or 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 19; 1930 4 the rolling stork 8 company, while 'the vote of erem-- PLAYGROUND re Sadat nM r playground a and for a number of New Aud. Bennett of 'New. York, represent the New York group, It Is understood, has moe cured options on property knowy ns the John Irvin farm at the foot of the island, It is planned to pure ohase 4,000 acres and to establish A golf course, race (rack, polo grounds, tennis courts and an pire port, THREE HURT IN CRASH Kingston, Thomas M, Payne, bis sister, ¥iorence, and Margaret Murray. all of Kingston, Ware taken to Kingston General "Hose pital suffering serious injuries as the result of a car smash, PEDESTRIAN INJURED Kingston, Fred M. Claw, prom. Inent produce dealer, Was run down by an automobiles while ing Pringess Birest and wey lously Injured, He suffered a frao tured shoulder and serious euts about the face and head, CAR CRASHES BUS Prescott, ~~Miss Nettle Beinstine nnd Daniel Koettell, both of Brook, lyn, were Injured weriously When thelr car, at sn curve wost of this town collided with a bus of the Colonial Coach Lines, driven by William MeEiroy of Ottawa, Both the injured were rushed to the Brockville Hospital, . Miss Bein- sting was thrown out the rear windtw and Koettell through ane otheg, window, The oar was a tots) wreck, while the bus was ineap acitated and had to be relieved by mnother, Brockville, ~RBorden Marl, Lynd. hurst, mot with a serious sceident while working on the telephone line, While he and another boy wers putting on wire on the poles In Oak Leaf the pole broke and precipitated Karl to a pile of stones, bruising him quite badly, INJURED BY AUTO Tweed Miss Lily Rashotte, who resides about half a mils ou! of Tweed on the Actinolite read, Was (he vietim of a perilous acels dent, 8he wan crossing the road to her home when she was struck by Bn automobile, Her nose was broken and she sustained othe; serious Injuries, -- DISEASES AFFECT WHEAT Belleville, #mut and rus have made thelr appearance in the wheat fields about this distmet hut not ih quantity to oecauwe any alarm, : JAILED ON DOUBLE CHARGE Lindsay, Charles Cooper, a i your old Welshman, was found gullty on two charges, of con. tributing, to the delinquency of a Juvenile; and of indecently an "atid bar » June 11, Inter, of BK, W, Beatity, Rallway, who toll A a " y' yo 8 pi # vg "Prince Launches Ship be Bore An immense gathering, J. RN. WW. the Prince of Wales launches od the 42000-ton Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Britain, largest steamship in the British Empire, from (he Clydebank yards, The pleture, snapped sx the huge vessel the water, was transmitted to this continent by radio a few seconds Millions of listeners«in from all parts of the world heard the Prince make the address at the launching and also the address ghairman and president of the Canadian Pacifie wed His Royal Highness, Just taken [ paulting a child of tender years, Magistrate fig A: Jordan sentenced Cooper to ond year determinite and one year Inflgiarminate In the Ontario Reformatory .on each charge, a total of "two yearn In prison, W. I. DINFRICT ANNUAL Brockville "The Leeds Houth Women's Inptitute held iis 20th anniversary of the district annual at Philipaville, with a splendid als topdance, The election of officers hud the following result: District president--Mrs, J, F, McGuire, Waatport, 18 vigesprosident-<Mrs, ¥, Bre- wee, Lyndhurst, god viee-prepident--Mrs, W, J, Morris, Delta, fvd vioaspresidefit Mrs A Hrown, Mortou, Seorotarystransurer--Mrs, C, IF Myers, Portland, THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, June 17-2 Messrs, Jim Kinnear and Roy Irwin are home from Flint, Michigan Mrs, Arthur Lewington's sister, Mrs, Reynolds, has returned to he home in Tthiea, N.Y, Mr, Hicks, of Oshawa, was a guest of his granddaughter, Mrs, Sam Preston The sympathy of the community Is extended to the family of the late Mr, and Mrs, WH, Tonkin A number of years age Mr, Tonkin was a teacher in our school and wan well by those who know Men who know paint quality specify Scarfe's Paints and Varnishes because they can depend upon them to give lasting satisfaction, Long, hard wear and an eye- pleasing effect are the result of using these high-quality paints and varnishes. In a wide range 'of colours. Ask your dealer for colour- chart and detailed informa- tion. | Shriner's known in this vicinity, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Perryman and Dilly were in Toronto on Saturday, Mrs, Howard Bradley held a sues cessful garden party at her home on Friday, under the auspices of the Simeoe Sto United Chireh Ladies' Ald boclety, Miss Jean Manning Is a guest this week of her sinter, Mrs, Sam Pres ton, Mrs. G, H, Robinson was in Tor. onto. for several days last week with Ted Robinson who underwent a ser lous operation on his back, He Is doing ns well as can be expected Next Sunday, June 22, is Decora tion Day so there will be no Sunday Behool service, Miss Betty Robinson is staying In Oshawa for ten days, The lower classes are released from school for thelr summer vacation, Best wishes for success are ex tended to all the students who are writing Departmental and Entrange examinations: in the coming twe weeks Mroand Mrs. A, H Toronto on Saturday, Dean were in Mr. and Mrs, Elder of Detroit, are | guests for two weeks of Mr, and Mrs, Frank LeRoy Mrs Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Morris and family of Toromte, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Pierson Mr, Clarence Scott returned home frog Regina last week accompanied by an aunt, Mr. Robert Sully motored to King ston on Wednesday SCOTTBLAKELY The marriage was solemnized at J ocloek on Saturday afternoon, June 14, 1930, at the home of the bride's parents, Greenbank, when Miss Harel Dakely, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mes. Campbell Blakely, became the bride of Clarence Scott, eldest son of Mr. and Mes, WA, 'Scott. of Thornton's corners, The Rev, Dyer performed the ceremony, The hride was attended hy her sister, Miss Myrtle Blakely, Little Miss Joyce Pear was a charming flower girl The groom was supported hy his brother, Herman Scott. Miss Leask ofthe Ontario Ladies' College, Whit. Ww, played the wedding march and Miss Leask, un sister also of the On tarie Ladies' College, sang while the register wis being signed. A receps tion was held after the ceremony. Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Scott leave for thelr home in Regina this week, The very best wishes of this com munity are extended to Mr, and Mrs Scott for a long and happy life to. gether, Clarence was one of the most popular young men of this vicinity, PROSPECT Prospect, June 14-The heavy rain of Tuesday was much welcomed hy the farmers of thin district ax the ground was very dry for the roof crop which had just been sown, The strawberry crop of this season will nat he heavy us the late frost effected the early blossoms, 'The entrance - pupils of Prospect. are studying hard for their exams whith commence the 20th of this month, We wish them. success. A number from here attended the rate in Toronto on Wed: and all. reported a neaday eveni a sight well worth time un 1 aeeing, These who Wore ube fore tunate enough to he able to attend listened in over their radios till the wee' sma' hours and they got some idea of the large crowd and colorful patatle. HET o's N 0 ate very sorry fo report that nN Risehorough i seriously Th th 5 nny friends: wish him: a speedy res | covery, i of Mr. Ganton Webster apent Thurs. y ER atithe home of Mr, Will a3 hari, 3 ¥ I. Wi spant i. h foros pant Tuesday eorge mith hay purchased a a" hr and son have 3 vi {hel Id drive shed and 5 new galvgnized one. 'This de quite an imprevement on + Martin ap Harn son Forsythe was In Toronto an | day inet silting ends in Oshawa, r ard Ashton lad the miss fortune have i colt and two older horses driven by his father, ues tan a led up'in a set of harrows, The colt wag so badly burt that it died {rom its injuries and the other two horses were seriously Aujured, Fortunately Mr, Ashton's father escaped harm and after 8 hard struggle sweceeded in getting the horses out of the tangle but not until it was too late to save the golt's life, COURTICE NEWS Courtice, June 1G=Congratulations 10 miss Aura Brooks on winning the highest standing in dietetics at OLA, Whithy, whera she recently graduated, Miss Brooks has taken u position in Muskoka for the summer months, Mr, B, 0, Young , Toronto, spent the week-end with friends hbre and secompanied the . dramatic club to Kendal, Vriday evening, Mr, Young's many friends are pleased to have him in aur midst again for a visit, Mr, and Mrs, 8, 8 Brooks, Mrs, Hugh Fitslmmeons and little Harry, Miss Aura Brooks and Mr, and Mes, Marshall Soules, Toronto, motored to Lakefield and spent the day recently and brought home Jack and Billy Soules who have been attending school In Port Hope Mr. Ernest Worden, Crystal City, Manitoba is spending a few weeks with relatives here, Mr, Lou Webster and Mrs, Turner, Toromto, were Sunday visitors of Mrs, A TV, Rundle Mr, and Mrs, Archie Muir and Mr, Harold Mulr have gone on & motor trip to. Western Ontario where they will viglt Mrs, Muir's relatives, Do not forget the Women's Mis slonary meeting on Thursday after: poon in the. home of Mrs, W, H, Nichols, who Is superintendent of the baby band, * The members of the band are Invited to be present with thelr mothers, SOLINA PERSONALS Soling, June 16=Soline Women's Institute met at the home of Mes, I R, Taylor, Mrs, Chas Howsam, pres sident, presiding, Opening Ode was sung and Lord's Praper repeated in unison Minutes of last meeting were read swers sent when Ul, Flower com: A ibis 2g carnations sent 0 our oldest member, Mrs, Thos, Pass se Hampton, #) years of sge on other's Yu Rott call was answered by guessing the number of pages in 8 book, Mrs, J. Baker being the nearest for which a wall prize was given, Mrs. R, J, McKessock convenor of Group 2, presided over programme, Community singing Bonnie," Words of greeting by Mrs, A, L Nicholls, from Bowmanville W, 1, Community ir ing "My Old Ken Bowmanville, su ect "I'he effect of laughter on the human sy:tem," eeting closed hy singing the National Antheny, "Attendance, 35, Dr, V, W, Penhall, Morton, Minne: soins, and daughter Mrs, Tippey, De froft, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Penhall, Vancouver, and Miss Lueritia Pen hall, Port Perry were guests of Mr, Thos, Baker, Miss Ruby Dewell visited at Tor onto with {riends, Misses Louise and Kathleen Baker attended a birthday party at Miss Margaret Perkin's Zion, Mrs, Richard Pascoe and Miss Mary Hogarth, visited with Mr, and i, L. C, Pascoe at Vufield, vecent y Me, und Mrs, Sam Brooks. and children of Oshawa, visited st Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Leask's home, Mr, and Mrs, A, Williams, Miss Dorothy and Miss Betty Cook, visit od at the home of C, Howsam, Port Perry, recently, Mr, and Mrs, C, Howsam and Mr and Mrs, Will Baker were at Port Perry on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Thos, wests of Mr, and Mrs den, Maple Grove, Misses A, Rutherford and Mary Wales, Oshawa, visited Mrs, R, J MeKessock, recently Miss Lenn Tiavior addressed the meeting of the young people ut Cen tre St. United Chureh recently, Me, and Mrs, James Smales and Miss Betty, Miss Evelyn Tink and Mr. W, R, Westlake were the guests of friends at Dunbarton and attend. ed Decoration services at Vrskine cemetery, Mr, and Mrs. Eimer Walters, Tog. onto and Mr, Merton Walters, Taun ton, visited with thelr aunt, Mrs John Pascoe, who has heen 1 Mr, and Mra, A, Whitnel, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Reynolds, and Mr, and Mrs, Barker were L, C. Snow and approved, Thanks were sent for Joe Reynolds spent the week-end fith thelr brother, My, . W. Rey. nolds abd attended thelr uncle's funera), Mr, Halfacre of Tyrone, Mr, and Mrs, Shunk of Port Perry culled on Mr, Thos, Baker, t, and. Mrs, Frank Westlake visited Mr, and C, Avery at Haydon on Sunday, Mr." Jack Vdgar spent the week. end with friends at Port Perry, Ramsay MacDonald's luncheon parties at 10. Downing street once # week to the rank-and-file of his Party are greatly appreciated, It enables them to sxpress thelr views freely to the Prime Minister, The year 1030 shows signs of bidding fair to go down in history as one of the healthiest yours that England has ever experienced, In London, according to the Registrars General's rot urns, the denths from influenza during the first four mons the numbered 70%, compared with 2A63 during the same perind of 1920. 'The denths from all eauses over the sume period numbered 20,008, n 12,000 decrease, Robert Maynard Wutehing, presi- dent of Vniversity of Chicago, Ane pounces that unnamed persons have provided mpproximately #2. 000,000 to build bacteriological and anatomy laboratories, Fakes stock in foreign Vord Mot. or companies is being lssued by fraudulent brokers and promotors, chuning heavy losses to investors, the Better Business Bureau sayy in a warning The Best Produced in America 1 DIXON 262 At Usual Coal Prices NE TS pp COAL CO, Five DirectLines | Pi NY vo ly = SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END 8 Piece DINING SUITE A very low.priced Dining Room Suite constructed from selected birch and finished in walnut two-tone effect, comprising Buffet, fitted with 2 drawers and 2 cupboards; Extension Table, and set of 6 Diners up: 8 pieces. Reg. $109.50, Special (infin holstered in leather, 9 Pieces, include China Cabinet, Special wining Reg. $139.50, ROOM $79.50 $99.50 5 PIECE GIBBARD SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Gibbard's solid walnut Bedroom Suite comprising large size Dresser, new style Vanity, Bench, straight end Bed and Chiffonier, Here is an opportunity to secure a high grade suite at a substantial saving, Reg, $198.75, Special, $157.95 price, ranging from ODD DRESSERS We have a large assortment of odd Dressers finished to. match Sim: 'mons' Beds, marked very low in $16.95 to $48.50 rors. A clear out of VANITY DRESSER | only, beautiful 'walnute Vanity Dresser, full size with reflex mir quality, Reg. $65.00. - | $45.00 high grade h pecial, EXTRA SPECIAL! Gents' 4 Piece Bedroom Suite At Bargain Price The 4 Pieces.comprise very handsome inlaid and decors ated Walnut Bed, Chiffonier, Cabinet sty; and Chair with upholstered seat. Reg. $ $198.75 (See This in Our East Window) A ht Table, 2 Special; LUKE FURNI 63 King Street East L) URE CO. _ Phone 78-79

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