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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1930, p. 1

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i sha a Ba Times Succeedin, The Oshawa Daily Reformer ostiaN OTANI, JHURSIDAY. JUNE 19, 1930 "All the News While It Is News" 18 Cents s Wesks:3 Cents » Copy FOURTEEN PAGES BEFORE CABINET | Three Are Killed by Train on a. x Level Crossing] ns New: mised, fate / fusion to-day veoos- p meling "as Reuvy of the "world YOUNG GIRL Party of Four ¥ Was Travel: ling From Detroit. to rachis, NY, When Struck by Train on Level 'Crossing A | TWO WERE KILLED ALMOST INSTANTLY am. Third: Dies Shortly After- ward---Man and Wife Are Among Victims -- Car Crushed Into Mass , of Wreckage Fh Canadian Press Lossed Wire) t, 'Thomas, Ont, June *19==Ahe Lom Okman, pe gous 3M years, and his wi i ra, Ida Lookman, aged about 35 ye Martindale north, Detroit, and Mauriee Kian, 396 Court street, Brooklyn, N.Y, were almost Instantly killed about nine o'clock this morning when the automobile in whieh they were trav- eli from Datrglt to Mrooklyn was ere Marquette westhound Ie ght 3 No, §, on what is known he Shedden cronsing, on Kings Hi hway No. J, about ten miles of this i Gertrude Swaraenger, ed. 14 years of St, Clair Shore, chigan, he fourth 'passenger in the oar Hitoed a feactured limb and oth- % Intute She wis to. the fam orl "oapia ne 1) expected fo}. wan travelling hoa se nr a 10 the Lookman's and I lt eral aarly this morning Look ofan wis driving, while Eisen was in the. front' seat besidd him, The two amen were in the rear 'seat of the Mrs, Lookman sitting direotly behind 'her husband, The automobile was almost directly on the cfessing when the loconotive struck ih carrying the ear along the tracks, The front hf side of the automobile war' jammed into a mass of wreckage Eisen was still live when takin fram the car but lod within a few minutes, before fre ambulance arrived, Mr, and Mrs, ookman are belie to have been | killed dnstantly, = man being crushed in behind the shattered steer ing wheel, Mea, Lookman's head was horribly crushed, Weakly parel and aM that. was In the ean was mix the wreckage and woattered about the ground, Witnesses of the acoldent re op ode that the 'automobile waa driven at a yeey fast rate oF » and did pot' slacken down for the orossing, Although an eastbound ad & weatbound automobile were stand 5 ing at the crossing, waiting for the tralght train to pasa, a at th A heavy Tain ne talline oo) hi time. which visi ty of Hg w wrecked oar crossing In considered a dan. rows one, particularly te motor: ta driving east, as a sharp turn In the snbankment, just south east 'ot crossing restelots to view of ap. proaching trains, nx RESTORE RHODES wit SCHOLARSHIPS 10 Zick GERMAN STUDENTS po in| British Trasteas Will Allow, Germans to Return to. © Omferd (By Canadian Proms Eanasd Wire) London, Jive a rer She Gar | Mt DIE BLAST pop fa Lg Trey A re killed in a fleld 5 ny by a dy- -- OhArEe Was 6X | he ALA of the Texas os pany ' mmr -- CANADA HOLDS BIG _ RESERVE IN GOLD (By Conddian Press y Lonsed Wire) Ottawa, June 19=The total gold held by the minister of finance on May 31 was, §67,48),992, OF this Am- ount, $34,048,330 way security held » gainst dominion notes in areuiation; to the amount of There was itso dominion notes outstanding amounting to $16,000,000 issued un er the dominion notes act, The sate: ment. of the gold reserve was announ ted by the department of finance to- v. The remainder of the gold held a Vibe finance minister 1s nt de posits in the government. savings ank rR CTI 0 BRITAIN TO REFINE SUGAR F( FOR SOVIET pry {138 York ie n we oa 1.88 cents to the ps goverrment, be sent ta Britis he wget will ill be converted fineties w bi oy 'White sugar and shipped directs ly to Russian ports FOUL PLAY FEARED IN ONTARIO MAN'S CASE Canadien Prost Poa dw Wire) Lnbridue; oy Jura we A man believed to be Hep o of Kingsford, Ont, & 0 nr. who was found hing beside na vallway in the Crow's Nest pass al Hillevest on Tuesday, is now in hok- ital at Blairmors in a serious cons ition, His skull 18 fractured though It cannot be ascertained whet hp r this 1s the result of an Ae. cident or tou) WAY: Sh HOME FROM GAME Cobourg Pitcher May Be FREIGHT TRAIN PLOUGHS INTO AUTO AT ST. THOMAS; MAY RECOVER re m-- FRENCH ENVOI 0 CANADA RECALLED Hon. Jean Knight Will Take Post of Chief of Press Services (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, June 10,--MHon, Jean Knight, French minister to Can ada since 1088, han been recalled to Paris to take nver the post of chief of press services in the foreign af 7 feet | p, LIMA Eb i d, o! piri to Hi ) A fairs ministry, Announcement of the minister's appointment to the Meh position was made known here to-day, NEW MINISTER : HON, DR. CYRUS MACMILLAN Who has been appointed minister of fisheries, He will sontest the eon. stitueney of Queens, P. FOREIGN BXCOHANGE Naw York, June 10-=Prime mer. cantile paper 04 per cont, Foreign exchange steady: demand rates, (Great Britain in dollars others in dontn) Creat Britain 4.86 0:14; France 3,08 7-10; Ithly 5.38). Cans adian dollar at par, EE Three Believed Electrocuted Two at Least Miy Die Af ter Being Shocked by 22,900 Volts (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wine) St. Cathasines, June 19. Three men: werg probably fatally shocked ay when at work near a bridge adjacent to the plant of the Ontario aper. Company at Thorold, The men, employees of the electrical de artment of the now Welland Ship anal, were Attempting to erect an 'extension ladder at the oth alr eon. trol system Which supplies elggtric power for the bridge and the adjac- ent locks, The threé en were Edwaid Smith, a8 Fonthill, married; Lloyd 'Tiee, Fonthill, 26, single} Shelbourne Hans ler, 27, Welland, single, Ah heavy ind 3 h he ladder a maint a 2 line, the small wirs extension ho! of drawing the current into the trio, who were im- mediately rendered uncondeious, Smith has a slight chance for re covery, but Tie and Hansler, on whom degters worked. for nearly two hours, are net expected to live ge BIG SHORTAGES INCITY ACCOUNTS Six Charges Face Vancouver 0 Relief Officor--Clerk Suicided By. Consdian Prens Roane Wire) Vancouver, . B. ©, Juna 15, a nye D. D. Ireland, discharged eity rel offloar oh sitio arrest on alx rEon Of oon departmental that funds to wo Wh use, sums named in hoe various ware Xy 1) 3, ional a agalnat Ton a fh ol hea rl | tinseion with ads Hin de hy hi m Tueaday to he oly councils isl commitien of enquiry, -------- Clerk: Snloided is Discrepanaios a $10 TE Ra et Sry FACE Man | wr Ror ithe tein i nth 5 Ha ueed charge of mur a gn h Sout , Barris Byrd Tendered Triumphal " Welcome on Return Home (By cpinn Press) New York, N.Y, June 10,-=Home at. last from : a: alxtoen-month voy» age of axplovation to the bottom of the world, Rear Admiral Richard KE, Byrd and his comrades slipped into New York harbor at dawn today te find a triumphal welcome awaiting them, Le wo quarantine at . am, (BAT) Awalting the Byrd ship at Quar- antine - were . the Kidanor Bolling, jhe other. vessel of Antaretie dition, which --- arrive Hr t, and a host of eraft gathered to escort the two barks of the ex. ploring party on a gala procession up the bay, Aeroplanes banked and shuttled overhead, private and commercial water oraft flanked the Byrd ships in ih drrofulas rows, and from the p of Manhattan the official Woning squadpen of the City of New Yo ineluding on this alten fon the municipal boats Macon Riverside, and Manhattan, started down the bay with bands blaring and flags waving to greet the ex: plore: and hin party in the name of he city from which they departed almost a year and a half ago for the Antarctic, ------ Babe in Bathtub Turns Tap, Dies (By Canadian Press Detrolt. Mich, June 10, While hig parents Wore playing bridge in an adjoining room, Jheir 10-month old son. awakened 'from his slame bers in an improvised pillow-bed In a bathtub, Stlhed on. the shower Tautet nts an and Mrs, Hoen« 4 2 he wat quite strong for one ot hig age. H He al parently s aWajen- ved hin stockings, - yo which 4 the water drain and then turned on the shower, Fo - .| UNION PROPOSALS REJECTED By Canadian Prods Loassd Wire) A Jute: 1 Premier Beathien ungar, 4 A, 0 Hittap that a antes m ni R ania under a Rou been tion 9 his the ig of Kin Carol 11, bel do "the realm o! the imaginati Jast |! Son Alleges Negligence in Father's Death Declares He Will Lay Charges Against Whitby Hospital i (Special to The Times) Toronto, Juns 10,--Not satisfied with the finding of a coroner's Jury who Investigated the elroums- ftanoes Inst Monday night of the fatal - soalding of Jessa Appleby, aged 83, Inmate of the Ontario hos: pital at Whitby, Charles Appleby of 047 Naokville Btroet proposes to lay charges against the hospital in which his father met his death, "I am going to ses the Attorney. (leneral to-day and lay a charge of oriminal negligence against parties AN yet unknown al the hospital," stated Mr, Appleby to The Times, "My father has heen an inmate of the hospital for seven years, For five years we have pald the hospital for looking after him, but the lam two years I have hoon unable (to do ao, "I. am not satisfied with the finding of the coroner's jury, under Dr, ©, B, MoGilllyray who found that no one could bs held respon inble for my father's death, "Dr, Montgomery, connected with the hospital, told me my father wan found rolling in, eight inches of hot water In the bath tub on Mune day Iast, As a result of these sonldn he died 'a few hours later," Torture Used By Kidnappers| Victims Seared With Hot Irons and Shot at by Bandits (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) Detroit, Mich, June 19.=After po- lice oMclals had made public a con fesdlon detailing torture methods vised by a gang of kidnappers and murderers, a warrant charging Hars ty Hallisey, Howard Barkles, Ben Rubenstein, Jog O'Reardon, Stanley de Long, Jerry Mulane and Roy Cornelius with kidnapping and con. spiracy to kidnap was recommended today by James FE, Chenot, prosecu ting attorney The warrant Is based on the com- plaint of Reuben J. Cohen, who was abducted August 2, 1938, and released two days later, Mulane und O'Reardon are being sought, The others are either held on auspicion or In prison on other charges, Police today announced they had obtained confessions involving a high police oficial and prominent attors ney from Joseph (Legs) Laman, con. vieted kidnapper, and other members « [of Laman's gang of kidnappers and murderers Laman told a detailed story of the kidnapping racket in Detroit covers Ing an almost ten years reign of ter: ror which culminated last: year in the kidnapping and murder of Da. vid Cans, son of Gerson Cass, wealthy vl {red real estate man, Hundreds of thousands of dellars ransom money was collected by the gang. Laman offered to tell all he knew after he found he war "don: ble crossed" by the police oficial in a kidnapping, Laman said ransom money was left in # auto. mobile and taken by the police offi: cial, Cohn was freed, but 'Laman re ceived none of the money, Amon told of methods used to make victims write ransom letters, He sald lighted matches, clgars ™ clgaretten were applied to their ho digs, Eyelashes were pulled out, A hot iron was held close to their eyes or used 16 sear arma and legs, HEN ing t on: Todor, "ith Roald A Kon on | acrops the sociated with him a joint loader" in known aa Transpolar Submarine « Expedition, + | ment b IS CANDIDATE DENNIS MeCARTHY Whe received the unanimous nomin- ation in South York and will run os Liberal sandidate. Major Mughes Injured Petawawa, ajor L. M, Hughes, of the Royal Canadian Horse Arti lory, was painfully injured at Peta wawa military camp yesterday when he was struck by a truck which was backing up. TARIFF BOARD 1S EXPECTED THIS RIDING THO KILLED NEAR PORT HOPE TODAY Toronto Men Die When Auto Crashes Head-on Into Truck & (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Petorboro, June 10==James J, Grier and A. W, Paterson, of Toronto, were instantly killed at noon today on the Port HopesPeterboro highway, half a mile south of Pringville and seven miles from this city when the automobile which they wers driving in collided with a large transport truck, The Toronto men wero return. ing to thelr home from this city 'while the trugk was come ing to Peterboro from Toronto, -- -- ---------------------- Try to Reach North Pole by Submarine Under Arctic Ice (By Canadian Press) Paris, "June 10.-~Captain = Sir George Hubert Wiliina, ritish ox- lover, and Lincoln Kllaworth,!the nited Staths ax lors, who has spent much of hin life in the Aretie regions, lodap atinoutoed edllaboras Po by br tion in an reach the Nerth Ld | tan wi yor to ght' of the ore the No h Pole, will be. a the projected exploxgtion uh oo} the" Wiking: Ell El 0 be The statement continued: *'Com« mander Sloan Dannshower will be master of the vessel and Dr, H, Sverdrup the chief of ita sclentific staff, They expect to leave New York for Spitabe next June, and travelling under the ice, cross the North Pole, so rg to reach Alaska late in Au YA definite decin oy ax to whether Mr, Ellsworth will actually make the journey will be delayed until he returns this summer from an ex- pedition to Labrador," Ertring Woman Driver Spanked (By Canadian Press) | Ranford, hom June Melt finn Ap pened xaspera y 8 yor driver, (4 Border, 44, ford her to the ourb, inked her fe the car and turn or over h panked hem' ' 00 and \ Ab least that 0 the Hoty of Mrs, Merle Fitting, who had Sorder ms rested. She said she and a woman companion were motoring when her oar Rellided with Sorder's, She -eon- tinued 'on: her way after the acel: dent but wan overtaken, Huge Business Done by Solloway-Milla Ly June 10:=Mote than 1X as involved in the bouinesy of Selloway, Mills and Co, oo i the six montha ending 0, it was revealed LL of the. conapir aoy charges against the heads of the Droktrage conetrn, - A states Hf L. Masson, secretary: Tamron Toronto, who was on the witness 'stand, told of the vast bus: inesx carried on by the firm, at mn To FROM THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN Liberal Victory Assured Prince Albert, Sank. Tune 10s ite efforts of the: Conserva a ] br Prime Mi inter sri n Neha to deat ro he purvived the oar throes great in ha career and he facan the the. July: 28 election, mpre entrenched in the heart of the nation and with greater assur Ae of victory than before any of receding three elections, de. Mon, WW. R, Matherwall, or of "agriculture, in pa ae. tn we! bidere) leadar or. M aril red ton Inte ry Rag EN en the EE of ge "Alhart! hut ha was the hein. h tua, Al Ly on | he. Hudson ing of Liberal oie oh rh sien . Ferguson Blames to, June WA Prac [8 i LE | greed tha Prgaee J dete - at Ottawa Wo go op hin own business and keop | Fon the Hodernl election ¢ Pian to ontinue | ie av he "1 will aati son, "t he Monee han been bo woe at an Ae whe Jaw hy the Provinve in wi Water power re. sources, A lhete have rights," conti AT Arguln. ad if they t for those aha fro " EA I bo swallowed up in ment at Ottawa is purely fonalint in their attitude towards thee an LF J div ROTARY FAIR FOR TONIGHT A four tolalonk this: al ternoon the directors of the Rotary ' Fair to postpone the - Rotary: Fair until tomorréw: night, . on account of the rain. All of the progrem features an. nounced for fought in articles The various Times today will a carr "on out exactly bok Angus od, tomorrow " includes the costume par. ade, presentation of the prises and closing of o~ auto hatte Slayer sill Eludes Police New York Fearful as Crazed Killer Escapes Cordon of 2,400 Officers (By Canadidn Press Loased Wire) New York, N.Y, June 10. Search for the body of a third vie- tim of an insane killer who has terrorized Queens shifted to the Bronk to-day, when a newspaper received a letter from the slayer): naming the viotim as 'Harold Bris denbach" and saying he would be found along the Noaton post road. Commissioner Mulrooney dis patched several hundr loomen to scour the territory, bit no trace of a new killing had been found. New York, June 19.¥Falling to ries to tha balt of & Atare of poll ot Automobiles parked in lone tions of the borough of' sons, New York's homiold Al with two vietime already' to" Pod it to-day continued 'to, spread fear through the distriot © Phe mysterious slayer in a series of letters to a newspaper announced he would commit his third muvder on a list "of fourteen « at Colleks Point, Queen's, last night, but: al parently wl a8 pole. by & mobt Bs latims were V » fen PN i. dan his With' women companions a ot department . automobiles by detectives and policewomen planted in secluded in that the slayer would =| POSTPONED: ee ------------------ CHAIRMAN 10 CONTEST FOR LIBERALS Cabinet Council | Being Held in Quebec City This After. noon to Discuss Mr. Moore's Resignation IS EXPECTED TO ACCEPT NOMINATION Must Resign "Position of Emolument Under the Crown" Before He Can Contest the Election on Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Awa, June 19- council will be held In Quon hist afternoon, with all of the Quebes ministers in Attendance, The prime minister will reach the ancient OAD ital around two o 'clock, He will bs met at Quebeo by Hon Krnest Lae met at Quebec by Hon, Ernest La- tice, and Mon, Lucien Cannon, soli oltor general, Additional. to these ministers, Ho, P. J. A, Cardin, min. ister of fisheries, Hon, Dr. Cyrus MisMftian and Hon, WW, F. Kay nister without ton hor Witheut portfolio, will ats t in expected hare that o the. dtemn to be discussed will oe the resignation of W, H. Moore, chairman, of the tari board, Mr, Moore's name has hean prominently mentioned in connection with the Liberal candidature in Ontario county, where it {s believed he will acoept the nomination and against Dy, T, By Kaiser, In order te pontest ialeguion, M Mr. Moore will gn nage oon 'position of |B The of Mon. ®, €. Drury, K.C. from. thei farm 1 hoard wont forward pu: time oO Mr. Drury is @ North, ontesting Bimoos A RESIGNATION OF CABINET ACCEPTED (By Canadien. Press Leased Wire) Cairo, Mgypt, June 19-~King fuse today accepted the: resigns tier of Nahas Pasha's cabinet. The Authorities announced that they would disperse by force it necossary demonstrations in any jart of the country, Ismael Sidky Pasha has been summoned to the palace to consult with the king: conogrning formation of Anothe, ministry, BOSWORTH WINS ASCOT GOLD CUP (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ascot Eng, June 10 Bosworth won the gold cup event at to-day's Royal Ascot race meeting. - Bos worth is by Son-ln-law trom Serene sima, owned by Lord Derby, M. E. Bemonds Hot Weeds was anon and Lord Roseberry's The Bast wad third, Seven horses ran, BOMB OUTRAGES IN FIVE CITIES, TRIBES REVOLT Dharars Raid Villages And 'Do Much Damage--Other Tribes Repulséd Bima, Tndin, June 19 different northern India olties; ported bomb outrages during ty night, One policeman was sald ave been Sariouly injured, pi otalln wa aokin ! cities were Lahore, Erato, 6 ho ranwala, and Camritsar 'in Punjad and ° Shelkpura in Northwest Frantiet province, London, June 19.-<A Bo dlspateh to the London Dally today said «the Dhara tribe Gujerat had. revolted. : Nationalist JrophEands hem to to Bayesit the Police o ribe, mem Re hh them as his third oti A In addition to a a8 a Lalo, 9 r Ad pi ML Aion sla - tis ® taunt and enclosed an empty shell ev fie dont | Jed | in ons of the two sl Ls uta a

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