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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1930, p. 2

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" ' dl had 44 fourtsen "And is it trus thet the engage: | "Oh, he seat her a bill for 345 tA yy ment is broken off?" sha demanded, visits at seven-and-sixpence snchi" it gt Ontar was ony font "Quite" true," He sald, "Holy on year, § the success of last | sent the doctor bagk his ring' Passenger; "How did you ever summer's I that over one fihe gasped, learn to fly?' hundred centres have been "Really?" she exclaimed, "And Pilot: "Oh, 1 just began at the what did the doctor do then?" bottom and worked up, s will be received at ; the cireult during the winter, o Times in the Cowan meetin teams in the town se ingen Tan Lon to try conclu- Hall, aa tons. The game, Wh leh. fo scheduled fF en Se fn Bemariy | ler, 4 the first time that two teams have met ov season, and out, o/g Jk win in the hed will CX SCED hs Bd Hy or ha {ong + 0 all a . a ok | [ po fo at the Ti ip. m, Mtand: outht, on' hat a thi i i Soemed i oy Over and over again, trade has proved that unknown lines, and lines of doubt. ful quality, seldom sell at any price. As adjuncts to a continuous supply of ' good lumber we stock the following nationally advertised products: TEN/TEST INSULATING BOARD BIRDS ROOFING SATIN FINISH HARDWOOD FLOORING * / GYPROC Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North A the most unique that has been seen Jackson then turned the gun on | eyes of their supporters, and a bang- MN . Dr. Pat Beott, Southampton, Ont, was shot through the neck and jaw by Hutchison Jackson, old school chum and' lifelong friend, himself, Mpg, Archie MacRae wus Inst person to see the doctor be. fore he wax shot. She was ™ hed inte her house at the rear of the fatal spot by her hushand, who feared Jackson might five again, Sammy Rourke witnessed Jackson prepare to shoot himself and turned his head away Just as the shot was fired, Fatality occurred outside Juckson's house, Reott wus shot. while attempting to get back to his oyn house, The photos graphs here show: (1) Jackson home at Kouthampton, scene of the shooting. (8) Ham Rourke, who witnessed shooting, (8) Dr. Pat Scott, vietim of Jackson's shots, who Is in a critical condi. tion, (4) Mrs, Archie MacRae, who was last person to see doctor be. fore he was shot, If the Goodyears could do nothing right, while the Fife and Drum were playing an: inspired game, In any event the Goodyear Aeam will be out to redeem themselves in the up game is in prospect, CAR FROM ATLANTIC COAST Distance is no longer a factor in motor travel, An automobile from the Province of Prince Edward Is- land wus observed on the street yestorday travelling west, The «| conse plate on the far was one of | ll Hil] yw und - ---- i / Steamship The most wonderful ulin's Five. oy ackinac: 8 dau ie to si some to, Nilarnays then ty 4 u gian Bay to arney, then t | Manion Island, and 2 sung the the islands of the North Shove, calling at Mans Gore Bay, Blind River, Thessalon; an ault Ste. Marie, Ont. From iver to Mackinac Island, where d for for Sueing all 'the points of interest on this the Great Lakes. "the most Wonderful and gon hs 0 Str, Hun Zuns a St, Mary's V6 Mackinaé and For, d bert Is 845.00. , Modern Comfortable Ship AR iss. Manitoulin daa h Sats osttustion, 20 tod teat terooms dauipbed \and all have AE sis |S ACKINAC ; "Manitoulin" | Vi the Georgian Bay, Mini Island and Sault Ste. Mari cruise.on the Great Lakes is provided b ; | Sin pon arrive Berth Includ Week End Toi To Manitoulin $12 , Every Saturday evening during July the Str. "5 leaves] on Aj ------ trip of 275 "| miles to Manitoulin' Island, +The, steamer calls at Killarney, then among the is io: Little Curs and i. {ae in Owen Sound on Monday m this season. Jt had green letters on a white ground and besides had the words "Garden of the Gulf' on the plate at 'the side, P, E, 1, has the lowest registration of motor vehicles in the Dominion. and it fs only in the last few years that cars have heen allowed on the island at all LOCAL BOWLERS WIN Despite the heavy rain of yester day morning the Bowling Torna ment at Whitby was run off in the afternoon, Three games of 14 ands each werd. played, Threa teams, of | Bowmanville bowlers attended the mest, namely rinks skipped by L. Nichols, A, H, Greenwood and J, D Carruthers, The rink skipped by 60. Mr. Nichols was foytunate in gain- ing second honors and were pre. sented with 'wool sweatercoats, The rink won their three games and had run up a plus of 28 points, The tournament was the largest that the Whitby club have had, 32 rinks heing éptered, The Bowiwam ville Tournament will be held on tha Civie Holiday in August, when the Goodyear Trophy is to be up 10r competition, CHAUTAUQUA TO BE HERE ON JULY 18 Business Men Asked to Dec: orate During Week of Programs A distinet treat is in store for the poople of, Bowmanville during the SECONDS you'll never forget Thar precious minute when you see your chiMd romp across & home movie screen for the first. time, Something about it that words cannot describe. Sixty seconds you'll never forget! Don't deny yourself any longer the thrills and pleas ures that Ciné-Kodak home movies can provide. The ure of a lever takes the movies; the snap of a switch shows them. Ciné-Kodek equipment is very reasonably priced. Free demonstrations at this store dally, 4 Karn's Drug Store Opp. Post Offices=Phone 878 week that the Canadian Chautauqua ig In town, The dates set for the Chautauqua by the committes are from July 18 to July 28, and during that time the business section of the town will be decorated with fia 3 and bunting, presenting a colo: pight to the passerby, he Chautauqua during ita stay here is scheduled to present a pro- ram that will appeal to the most astidious audience, Lovers of fine music are to be favored with elas. sieal music played by musicians whe have made a name for themselves on the Chautauqua cireuit, Those who favor the lighter form of musie will find their tastes favored by a group |; of muslelans who specialise. in Hgwatian muaie. Lectures on tobies of interest will be delivered b widely known speaker, Fag? are also to be given hy the Martin Erwin Players, a Canadian organ. fsation, With a program of such notable features to attract the people, the town has in store for it a treat of no small proportions, The high lt. erary value of the program cannot be overlooked. One might go to a number of concerts and lectures be- fore he would heAr as great a vari oty of talent as has been gathered ther for the Chautauqua, he Canadian. Chautauqua was first organized In Western Canada Travel The King's Highway LEAVE OBHAWA Sta Coach Brampton, So oars Rolle Duelo' an 0 oloth, " P= Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ Eastern dard Lo Mm tur junday and Holldays only, 8 At, Sonne for Btls, Orillia, Hamilton, Jue! ord, Niagara | \ inediste points, at Butfalo for all U. 8. A, di---------------- Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES Genoshe Hotel . OSHAWA, LH hwa: LEAVE TORONTO RAIN BENEFITTED DISTRICT FARMS Hay Crop Prospects Much Better Following Gen- erous Showers The drenching rain that fell dur. ing the early morning hours of Wed- Resday aid 2» a worl oy in the farmi ng | oamm which fell from ri ry until al ten in the morning, wet thoroughly, and oa fect A mon notes " in horde Mion and 4 growt was pit Aad thre ht hay erop, dus to the excessively Jot weather and the lack kof, pn h cannot he said now, as t of het weather have hid tar: spersed with ood falls of rain, The field crops have never looked better than they do new | ad prospects ate good for a fine ¢ The onl die Pho did not sh- preciate the rain fully is the man who has a big lswn to eut. The rain has caused the grass to grow over night and as soon Hy the grass in dry it will have to be out again, But on the whole the rain did more good than harm, Several bowling tourna: ments were scheduled for the half holiday, but the rain rendered the greens no wet that it was found im- practical to carry them out until af- ternoon, Care Free Wins Again Toronto, June 1. «~The old slo- gan of they don't come back doesn't apply in the case of Care Free, the 12-year-old gelding by Colin---~Do- mino Noire by Kingston, The old rogue has been relegated to the scrap heap more than once, but despite his age he keaps on winning, Yesterday st Dufferin the veteran was making his first start since last October at the same course and when it came to the running he made ovéry post a winning ene, True, he ran out on every tum, but not as badly as he did somé years ago when he waa hitting on all ey- linders. In thosp days he would dust everyone off the outside fence, The Scots, however, were weak at shooting and not a fow missed open, goals, T. Smith scored for the fouting team, Moore fumbling badly in the net, Amos, Cock: ghutts' outside left, sent in three hard shots In succession that had the earmarks of counters, "but Clomip saved hritiantly. Ramsoy for Kilmarn missed an Shen gon), to be oowas shortly after by Smith missing after defeating Toll, ' Cockshutts « were equal Wn strategy: and combination, and worried the Scola' defence consist. ently, The haidtime score stood 1-0 for Kilmarnock, During the rest session, Mayor Ross Beckett presented, on behalf of the Burns Club of Brantford, a sliver 'telephone and a framed memento of Alexander Graham Hell to be hung in the Kilmarnock Club house to remind them of the Telephone City, MeCulloch of the touring club ae. cepted the gifts, replying most enthusiastically, Bits of Humor Wo JASPER x NY. g[e]l7.18 PARK ic PACIFIC COAST and ALASKA LOW TOURIST FARES Pian. a trip to the Pacific Coast this sum. mer. Enjoy the mighty Kitioasl of Jasper ational Park and the Bosplaality o of Jasper avell, Take saddle trips to Athabaska Valley and Maligne Canyon. Play tennis. Swim in a heated pool, Climb with Swiss guid es. You'll meet new ills and experiences at Jasper. There are two routes from Jasper to Van. couver and Victoria -- the southern route via Thompson and Fraser rivers--or the route of the Triangle Tour via Prince Rupert. The latter is longetsmi more beautiful a sao mile sall along She f ord-like Pacifle Coast. h the fis i: cant View of © pr t Robech time permit sks the p through the famous | Ber etchls kan and 8 pay, See the Land of the ht Sun... towering glaciers eq the Klondike Youll never forget the [Eta deu esty ot the fic. Const, ult our Touro B Department re Variable Routes. Reservations and ll partie - f ars from n ant 0, Canad ian Nationa a IRE To Everywhere in Canada President 'A, 8.9 PRETTY N (Hamilton Spectator) From Detroit comies.a story of a hotel porter Who made $18,000 last year in tips, Pretty soon he'll have enqugh money te become guest at that hotel and rave be. cause attendants expect tips, THE PROPER WAY (Our Dumb Animals) The Prince of Wales has set a fine exaple to the Nond's big» game hunters by doing lavke Hy t of Ris hunting in Niven with mera, We h Dont ae some day he'll PH al of it t Tourist in "Rining. town) "ia this a healthy place to settle int" Hotel Proprietor: "It is that, sir; but it's a t unhealthy place it you don't settle" ---------- "Why does the Joatiet oall his office a 'dental pari "1 suppose he th oh it would make his patients feel too bad it he called it a 'drawing room'!" Jud What's the charge? Pelican we Intoxicated, your hon : Todwe hg prisoner) == What's § r name} , our ARAY iE Tl a ot hire you u th . me fee you loaded ag NEMBAIS They were discussing the latest Ios | onl Assution ; they sat out the ly except Sunday. t : ton na LL a ued. HI $a dance. a. Ku he band cams to hes as th Quick Pile Relit Ne Sulver or' or 'Cutting ied stares San oan saly got quick, ity the Re Ghuse Dh 10 ah fon in the lower Cuttin, d salves can't do this--an in Ng Loneeaion, a ware ool hen a ELS of ney back Ne #5 net sad aft Fil auditing Sass if AT 1 A ------ A This pioneer Catadian firessafe ly SI ake): Itis wt dg in by cellar orate Quickly erected, lneys at Bay with GYPROC IRE seldom visits houses havin G Wall walls and each On the contrar Gyproc has save many homes. 'e gypsum board has coloured "finish

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