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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1930 PAGE THREE Ww. H. Moore, of Pickering, { Great { CroWid of | of People Jam- med Gates and Thorough+ ly Enjoyed the Many At. tractions Provided The Street Fairs of the Oshawa Rotary Club, in past' years, have bean outstanding events, and have been eninently, successful, but the 13 Dog ME, Fair orenfed for its Rotéry Park last h , was far pork of any previous went of this nature The change to Rotary Rage waa a wise move on thetpart of ths Rotary Club, for It not only provided a great setting for the | Rotary entertainment, but it made it possible for a huge erowd of people .0 enjoy the fun of the Fair in comfort, and with a spirit of sarefroe enthus fasm which far wur- Jyased every previous experience, a osult was, 8 highly satisfied srowd of people who were drawn by the amor of the affair, and stayed 0 participate whole-heartedly in the fu, frol and) merriment, whieh et re. the rule of the evening from Hr o'clock until the mid. nigh hour struck. Even the Rotar- tans theliteives or rare surprived by enum o Joaent, and by the spirit of 4d) fellowship and fo' enjoyment which was mani. t in the stow The success of the evehing was far beyond their ex- + Py and while all the thou sands who were present did not go home laden with prises, all had full value for the money spent, and went home feeling well sat! Mafled that the Rotarians had surpassed themselves with She. 163 1980 'Fair, And they went home determined, not only to return again Sonight, but to make it known yr and wide throughout the sty at the Rota Fair {s the big thing of its kind ever attomp and 'well worth viniting ht "» the Carnival night 8 the will Selebrated mmed aly in wh on ning it war an parent that a wd was to Besant. Elven before , the Parade elty rei the ey there was a large' row and when the le hts the citizens in their ds aren Wy sands thronged ad ctne | here WaA le nook! admis and on Bs takers Lop a SE "hour 0 sae" he 1 TE tan pw thin, Hie s were A hd x milling crowds, to spirit, and they {Continued fon ne 7) WIKNER'S NAME WANTED One of the prige winners in the Rotary, Club de last night has yet tn be identified, This is the winner in th for covered was Bonu, The ii in this class wolooted t wagon which was ne by & alogle horse, but hey were unable to mecure the r,. He is asked to ak M. Tod, . chairman ot the feom milion W. H, MOORE Chairman of the Advisory Tariff Board, who is xheatsd te be nom: inated as Liberal candidate for Ontario south at the convention. in Whitby tomorrow nigh * A Sma ed BAY OF QUINTE | Bmith, «| week, and were on Tuesday o "| entertained by YOUNG PEOPLE PLAN EXCURSION = WESTERN COUPLE | ERTAINED BY LOCAL FRIENDS Mt. and Mrs, N, S. Smith of Portage la Prairie Here on Honeymoon y Principles in an Interesting news- por romance, Mr, and Mrs, George president and secretary- treasurer Tespactively of the Port. ago 1a Pralr 2 Aphis Publishing have 'been spending part Yhoneymoon in Oshawa this ayening # number of thelr intimate friends at a bridge and miscellaneous shower at the home of Mr, Smith's Joust, Mrs, R, J. H M- man, 108 Celina Street. Mr, and Smith, after working together , the staff of the Portage lu Prairie Qraphie for some yoars, wore mar- od about two weeks ago, and, sinew both are natives of Ontario who have lived most of their lives in the west, they decided to come east, by motor, for thelr honeymoon trip, and, after visiting ol Agara Falls, they came on to Oshawa to visit relatives of Mr. Smith, They have been the guests of Mra. Albert R. Goyne, another cousin of Mr, Smith, duties thelr stay in the city, They left for the return trip to Portage In Prairie this moming after a dell htful trip, which has been very uch enjoyed" by the happy coupls. arty on Tuesdny evening elightful affair, In addition ifts with which Mr. were showered, hey wan' . to the many and Mrs, Smith Were p d with a h ver flower basket by four ry of Mr Smith Mm. A, R Goyne, Mrs. Hin man, Mrs, C. Larmor and Mine Effie Smith, and an aunt, Mrs, Masia Smith, Tasty refreshments Eh served, and the whole evening very pleasant one, using hats, visit to Oshawa Mr. id & visit to The being ansocinted dy pr " Will Take Boat Trip Prom the newspaper business, shaw- Cobourg To Rochester The annual excursion under the auspices of the Bay of Quinte Young People of the United Church of Can: ada will be held on Wednesduy, July Oth, from Cobburg to Rochester on board the palatial CNR, car ferry, Steamer Ontario No, 2. The trip across the litkasshould be very enjoys able and it is expected that a large number from Odhawa, Bowmanville and Whithy will attend. Other towns and cities in the conference will also be represented, The Belleville band will provide music_on board ship while there will also BE an interesting progrim, The arty will be met and erica in ater by. the Young PedPle of United Churches of North New York State who. will conduct sight-seeing med | tours around the flower city A special train from here will cons nect with the hoat at Cobourg: Thosg who are Itevested should communis cate with 8, G. Saywell, Edward Kie- faber or J C. C. vr aon, SHELL COMPANY ISSUES SPLENDID NEW ROAD MAPS Very fina road maps of Ontario re and Quebec, made by the Mortimer Company for the Shell Company of Canada, Limited, are now available, These maps show main and ne. condary roads in Ontario and Que. hee and also in the adjacent states of the Unlon, The number of the King's highways are shown in red figures. This map gives all nave sary details for the motorist, yet is clear and axtremely susy to read, Two fine features of these maps are the trafic regulations and a fquitkfianes" mileage chart, oples are now available at all hall Service Stations in Ontario and . Quebec, 1" rr ty, i | | sale, : ORADUALING keen interest in the modern plant of the office. Mr, Smith Is a native of Drayton, Ontario, but went west when quite 'young, as did Mrs, Smith, who was born in the Peterbore district, but has spent mont of her life in the went, FOUGHT OVER DOG, MAN CHARGED WITH ASSAULT. IN -GOURT Thomas Zerowski Said To Have Flourished Knife Thomas Borowski appearad to anawer to a series of charges aris. ing out of a strest Aght on Mitchell Avenue on the evening of Sunday lait, The aceused was charged with being Intoxicated, Kyidence was given by several of 'the police of- floors. who testified that they answered a oall to Mitchell and found the actussed in an intoxl- cated condition, The accused in answering the charge sald that he was not under the Influence eof liquér and that he had had nothing to drink but water that day. The court found that he was guilty and fined him #10 and costs, A further charge of assault was Inld against Zerowski, It was brought out by Peter Bivakownkl, that on the evening, tha accused to his dom, It wan claimed that the accused kitked the dog and when Bivakowski{ protested it was claim. od that the acoused drew a knife and threatened him, Mrs, Sivakow. aki came to his ald and pushed the accused and he fall over, They then held him until the police came, The accused said that he did not whistle to the dog and that he did not have a knife but that Sivakowski and hin wite ome out and threw him down when Mrs. Sitakowski hit him in the chest, He said further that Sivakowakl sat on hik chest and had the knife 'In his 'hand, The accused was remanded for sen. tence on the assault charge and the. Bivakowski's were bound over to keep the peace, a ---- ANADI [AUTAUQUA, JUNM hy TTT EN at hod 1h 0 \ Parkin noth . of Central ie Tickau hors JH 10) EXERCISES. OF pital, will be pe hike Corn, Aveo he. evening, 8. ' The " are NC my yh 'public (1480) invit G Ee HALLS RAVILION, ING it Satur ra CONSERVATIVE ROONS OVER | pura night, open to Bence, M, onto. (148k) COWAN'S 6.30, p a Parkd PARTY, + June 23 Banc. Retr came along the street and whistled / Thers w | ho no charge for ad~ mission to Rotary Park ry th Care nival night of the Rotary Fair this ayening, i wan decided ata commiftes meeting this forehoon, when the chairmen of the various standing committees, delighted with the Nanderial response given by the public last night, decided to throw the fal open for free admission, so that ay y could enjoy the fun and frolle, nes the costume parade at 7.80 p.m, and ha present for the snnouncement of the wileage run hy the Chevrolet conch which in to be given away as soon as the thousands of estimates are checked Free Admission Tonig ht to Rotary Fair Comal Night P Lant night's growd was a pleas ant sur) to all the Rotarians, Ang with Ww tren admistion; and the t hg th |! he comblatin "ant. 8 g the auto contest, It Is # oven larger crowd wil gh Yana to-night, fun the Fair will 'start at seven oo and from 'then until midnight there hia he high Carnival at the Rotary Park for everybody, Ale pho fabilities will again be provided on the ball ground behind the Rotary Park, This parking space can be reached by going west on either MeGregor or Gibb Btrests from Centre Street, and those driving to the Fair will And this parking ground very convenient, official time keeper, hours are completed. This is to certify = noon until 8 seconds after 1 Thursday, June 19th, 8.~That if there are no 1980, Dated June 18th, AD, Rotary Car Ran For 13 Hours Exactly Yesterday The Chevrolet Coach, 'Which is "being given away by the Rotarians in the mileage estimating contest, ran ex- actly thirteen hours yesterday according to Neil E. Felt, The engine was started at 10.45 a.m, and will continue to run until the full twenty-four Mr. Felt's official statement Is as follows i= TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ;-- 1,~That the Rotary Auto bearing License No, LO- 919 ran for a total of exactly 18 hours on Wednesday, June 18th (from 8 seconds after 10 o'clock in the fore. 2.~That the said Auto was started and the speedo- meter commenced to register at exactly 10.46 of 24 hours will be completed at 9.456 pm, June 19th, 1 o'clock in the evening). am, interruptions the full period 1930, NEIL E, FELT. CITY NEWS | LEGION MASS MEETING It Is anticipated that a large number of local members of tha Canadian Legion will go to To ronte tomorrow night for the mass meeting which is to be addressed by Lt.-Col, L. R. LaFleche, Domin- lon president, A few more cars epuld still be used th take veterans to the meeting, and those willing to take their cars &re asked to communioats with the branch sec retary, £, H, Power, 8 Bond street wout, telephone 647, The party will meet at the market building, Princes and Richmond streets, at 6.00 pom, on Friday, and all those who are going to this hig event are asked to be there on time, ns transportation will be available for a large number, NOW IN HOLLYWOOD Mr. and Mrs, Leon Osler and Mr, and Mrs, H, N, Mallett, who have been on a motor trip to Hollywood, Cal, are now In the "Movie City", and are making preparations for thelr return jours ney, A oard received hy The Times today stated that they arrived n Hollywood on Wedneaday, June 11, after a very pleasant ten day motor journey, and that all in the party were well, ATTENDS MEETING Major R, B, Bmith division court olerk and president of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, Is In Tor ronto today, attending A meeting of tha Stallion Enrolment Board, which is being held in the Parla: ment Buildings, ------ DIED SMITH-In Bowmanville Hospi: tal, on Wednesday, June 18th, 1030 to MF, and Mm, A, L, Smith, Raglan, the gift of a son, (Glen Alexander), Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs, Mervin J, Wright wishes to thank Mundy-Goodtellow Printing Company, also friends ane neighbors for kind expressions "| of sympathy extended during their recent and bereavement, (148) minutes walk from Motors ottios, H (143¢) | Oshawa, Phone 2803J, (1400) | CHRISTIE STREET HOSPITAL VISIT IS ON SATURDAY Plans are Completed for Pil. grimage of Local Legion Members On Saturday the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion will make {ts annual pligrimage to the Chris tie Street Hospital, Toronto, with A party of entertainers to provide a concert for the boys in that in. stitution, and with a large supply of fruit, chocolates and olgarettes to distribute to the patients In the ward, The Ladies' Auxiliary, which has been giving fine co operation to the men In arrang- ing for this pilgrimage, has had a splendid response from local mer chants in thelr efforts to collent pitts for the Christie Street pati: ents, aud will join the party In large numbers, Arrangements have heen made te. leave the market building, corner of Prince and Richmoud sireets, on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, when bus and prive ate oar transportation will be available, Ax many as possible of the local Legion members are re. muested to join the party to visit the hospital, especially ap there Are at present a large number of Oshawa men there as patients, OBITUARY | WILLIAM JAMES ELLIS The news of the passing of a for- mer well known citisen of the city in Sarnia Yesterday in the person of the late rv, William James Ellis came as a distinct shock to his wide circle of friends and acquaintances here, Mr, Ellis' was a member of a family that is well known in this dis- trict, having been prominent in the affairs of the city for a number of years, The funeral will be held from a home, Thutaday, June 19, Mr, Je 'was in his 74th year, A brother, Eilts, ci city. vel tax collector, and Annie H, Hicks, of 3 EE Mrs, Mecleose Apartments, reside in Regimental Band Prepares Fine Program For Friday Another in the series of summer hind concerts is to be presented in xandra Park on Friday "evening nett when the Band of the 34th On. pment will give one of its A a nd of the Ontario Regiment presented 'a splendid appearance as they swung down the street at the head of the Rowe parade on Wed- nesday evening, The Sista of the a had an opportunity of hearing band, at praca ly Yul strength, | M. Qnly a few of the members of the | F! were absent on that occasion nd way so large that: the 0 ho Were absent were not noe R ? HE: Mr, Dempsey chose a) owen Regn of ndid p m of marches and it ctable that the band did net a a le ction N ETRE he Th ee of such a the "ong route of the people of the city of Midd troup ol » oe nou 0 of ne of mu 8 whom ' ved Tuigent 3 the dy. o Toran to be priate on "o : gs Onli 0 Canada, 1 Lam neg Bhp win R abel Wat, Blue Strauss Romance, & Hom lomeless, Chas, [OR Se lection, Shimeack, Lights Out, a) ttle reh, hie Far mmr i Fach M rand Ally ith My Gul of the Selec! Wi ov. Fa har} Hymn Tle Inter. Bong 4 "Soul, ©) Lamb bert! Rakimantal GRADUATION OF HOSPITAL NURSES TOMORROW NIGHT) Impressive Ceremony To Be| Held in O.C.V.L Auditorium of Pickering | Tomorrow evening, In the wu: ditorium of the Collegiate and Voeational Institute, 'will bs held the graduation exercises for the nurses' training school of the Osh awa General Hospital, This im- portant and impressive avent Is ex pected to attract a large crowd of citigens, as there 1s Rlways keen interest in the presontation of the diplomas and prizes to the grad- uate nurses, An Interesting program has hoon arranged for the graduation exercises, which are timed to start AL 8.80 pm, with the address to the graduation class by Dr, Har: vey Agnew, medical director of the hospital, and an address hy Dr Ci O. Miller, president .of the medical board, as the chief fent~ ures In addition to the presenta- tion of prizes and addresses by R 8, Mclaughlin and Prank Chap- pell, The complete program is As follows: Invocation, Rev, fiote, Haymaking, Mrs. Leo Gray. Address to Dr, Harvey Agnew, rector of Hospital, Florence Nightivgnle Superintendent of Nurses Graduating Class Presentation of Diplomas, Mr Gordon Conant, president of Board of Trustees, Prosontation of Class Pins, Mrs, R:. 8 McLaughlin, Vieo-Pros, Board of Trustees, Address, Dr, 0, O, Miller, Presi: dent, Medical Board, Prasentation of prises and ad- dresses, Lisut,«Col, R, B, MeLaugh» L} Addresses To W. H. Moore, chairman of the nomination as convention but it Moore, PF. J. Maxwell {Needham ), such proves to he Graduating Clans, Medical Di«| viding, R, R, of the distriet, Mowhray, Pledge, ana in addition to the A eandidate must {ario Federal Ridi sociation and the Provincial woointion, It will gated gathering, those intersted cause CONVENTION T0 ELECT OFFICERS by W. E. N. Hon. Geo. P. Graham Board, will probably IAberal candidate for the federal riding of Ontario at the convention of Liberals to be held in the Whitby town hall tomorrow night at 8.30 p.m, day- light saving time, Liberals may he nominated at the they will withdraw in favor of Mr, According to report the tariff hoard chairman allow his name to stand and If election contest will result in this will chairman of the convention, which officers and executive of the One Riding in Addresses are to be deliversd by [ay Receive Liberal Nomination Tarif Boa Choice of Convention To Be Held in Whitby Tomorrow ---- Other Nominees Will Prob. ably Withdraw in Favor rd Chairman Likely 'w, E. N, Sinclair, K.C,, Ontario Liberal leader and L.A, for Fouth Ontario, Rt, Hon, Geo, P. Graham and others, In preparation for the campaign, the Liberals of Oshawa have open- ed commities rooms at 14 Bond street west, A ball with a seating capacity. of 800 persons 'has alse heen secured on the second floor of this building, The Conservatives with Dr, 7. 10, Kaiser, M.P., ns candidate have completed their eampaign plany and when the Liberals also get un- dorwey, the hustings shquid res sound with battle before the am rival of that eventful day, July 34 Rotary Fair Car Run Ends 9.45 Tonighy The twenty-four hour run of the, Chevrolet Conch which is to be given away at the Roe tary Fair to-night will ba come pleted at 0.456 pm. Yester day, the car ran for thirteen hours, so that an eleven hour run will be made to-day. The oar was started this forenoon At 10.456 a.m. thers being a delay on account of the weath~ or conditions, so that the 24 hour period will 'expire at 0.45 this evening, Immediately on 'the elose of the run, the speedometer will he unlocked and an announgement made as to the aotual mileage run, The final check of the thou. sands of estimates will be com« pleted as quickly as possible, Be Delivered Sinclair and of Plekering, Dominion Taritf receive the Other strong is probably that will Hk@ly the case a real veteran Liberal preside an tnsk of chosing Also elect the ng Liberal As South Ontario Liberal Ane not be a dele but open to ail the Liberal An, \ Genuine= Values Every Economical Housewife * will be sure to take advantage of these extraordinary | Rox, We Ih. 39: Red Label FINEST GRANULATED 10 - 49 ARNOLD'S FINEST CREAMERY BUTTER Cottage Brand = X Ib.3%6 Carnation Brand «1 1b, 33¢ " Chateau Cheese, plain or pimento Yb. pkg. 18¢ Arnold's Dinner Blend Coffee ,, Ib H Libby's Dill Pickles, 2844's .. ,. tin 2 Domestic Pears, 2's ,.... ... 2 tine 29 EE EE ERR T MocCORMICK'S ROYAL ASSORTED Joll.O, assorted flavors .\ ... 8 pkgs. SWEET MIXED OR SWELL MUSTARD Fly Colla. va avivih wes aan oon 3 f0F QUALITY =~ ~ MEATS -- FRESH roa tr LOINS 32 BLADE RIB ROAST .......os. Ib. 24@ TENDER CHUCK ROAST ..... 1b. 19¢ TENDER YOUNG CANADIAN LAMB LEGS LOINS FRONTS | 529 u25e wv 16e ARNOLD'S PURE LARD RH a de 5m 15 | BOILED HAM, slioed vias, oov Ib. CHICKEN ROLL, sliced «vvevo es Ib. FRESH CAUGHT GASPE Biscuits «rv 27 Delmonte Sliced Pineapple, 2's, 3 Prunes, medium sive ,.. ... .2 lbs, 27¢ Fancy Orabmoat, 168 44 ov «4 +s 0.3 Fruits and Vegetables AAA Millionaire Sardines ,.. ... .i. tin i VICTORY Shirritts Orange Marmalade, Viatory Stuffed Olives, 8:0x, .., bt}, Veraelll LEMONS Choice Lobsters, 14's, tin 24 gy 4" Pickles i 39¢ |, hiaaaennn,, sen eee SBon jar Helnn Med. Size ZB Tins 23e Dozen 25¢c ah John |

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