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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1930, p. 6

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7 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 'THURSDAY, JUNE 19,1930 fies sitios 50 28-~Aftor Basivess g Daily Times | REPRESENTATIVE---JAMES H, ORMISTON Tncrease-is Due Pensions, Atherley Bridge to Old Age and County Good Roads Total Amount to be Raised by Taxation for Good Roads, Education, Administration to County Property, Maintenance of Bridg ance to Coun of Criminal Justice, es, 2] Councillors and Other Expenses is $288,017.88 The Ontario County tax rate for 1080 will be eleven and one-fifth 'mills, or a mill hi than ear, ateoréing to a bylaw to strike the rate which was passed by the County Council on Wednesday A- noon, The increase ds dus the + fact that the County this year must raise a considerable sum for old age slons, provide $12,000 on Ather- ey bridge account, and raise more money on account of county and provincial road expenditures, The total amount to be raised by eneral levy for all purposes Is faskoir.se This money provides or payment of allowances to Coun y Councillors, a portion of the ex- se of the administration of erim- nal justice; improving and repair- Ing county property, maintenance of county bridges, House of Refuge roads, educational grants an other incidental expenses of the county, Attached to the bylaw is a sche. dule showing the amount to be paid by each municipality, The Town of Whithy will pay $17,612.64 for gen. eral pulposes; $5,440.12 for count roads, fi Vd per cent. of which will be rebated to the town, and $262.80 for suburban roads. The amount which Whitby will have to pay is about one thousand dollars less than was levied for in the tax rate of this year, and it will have to be made up some way, The Roads and bridges commit. § the White. bridse. on the 11 A 0 ge, on concession of Whithy township, be ructed, the county and town. to pay fifty per cent. of the cost each, NEW BRIDGE HAY HAVE TO BE BUILT AT PORT WHITBY IL WJ. Davidson, chairman to Town Cou oroek on Grand Street, Port Whitby, to pro. vide an outlet for owners of pro- "s Share is Over $23,000 bridge formerly in use was washed away during an .ususual spring Inst | flood two years ago, and since that time property owners who used the bridge have been petitioning the Counell to have something done, The Committee recommended that the engineer make an esti. mate of the cost of the bridge, us. ing the steel which was formerly in the Lynde's creek bridge, and re- port to the Council, "The recom- meondation was adopted, Will Build Sewer A letter was read from the see- retary of the Public Utility Com- mission advising that the cost of a sawer extension on Chestnut Street, drom Centre Street to Palace, to sorve the residence of Frank Rod- gors, would be approximately $1, 400, with only one house to be ser- ved at the present time which would not furnish the necessary revenue, The Commission wanted to know if Council would authorize this work, x The Council agreed with Reeve Jackson's suggestion that while there would not he much revenue from the extension at the present time there was good land in that vicinity which might be more read. fly built on if the exetnsion was made. The fact that quite a few men were out of work was also con- sidered. Council decided to ask the Commission to proceed with the work and to employ local men who wore out of work on the job. RAILWAY BOARD CANCELS HEARING. TRAIN TO CONTINUE Town Clerk and Treasurer John R. Frost was advised on Wednesday afternoon b the Board of Rallway Commission. Uy t Otiawa that he hearing protest aga can. cellation of the C.N.R. train on dhe. Whitby Lindsay line, ar. ron for June 24th in Whit. by, has italy, The Board advises, how. ever, that the train will contin. ue to operate as usual until af. ter the hearing, another date for which will be announced Ja- tor. The proposal was to cancel the train on June 28th, but ap- parently the date of cancells- tion is now indefinite, madi ---------- IN THE POLICE COURT In Police Court Tuesday after. noon Walter Bailoy was fined $50 Jn that vicinity, A wooden and costs or thirty days for be intoxicated in a Dublie place, Ang You WANT JUST A psf HT BREAKFAST int just a light breakfast "so do some real work"-- and { YOUNG MEN NEW LAWYERS GEORGE A, McGILLIVRAY Son of Dr, and Mrs, Charles ¥. Me. Gilliveay, who has successfullp completed his final year in the study of law at Osgoode Hall Law School, DONALD RUDDY Son of His Honor Judge Ruddy and Mrs, inddy, who has successfully completed his final year in the study of law at Osgoode Hall Law School, was given suspended sentence on a charge of assaulting his wife, Crown Attorney J. A, MecGibbon warned Balley, who showed signs of repent. ance and vowed that he would leave liquor alone, that if he ever came up Again for assaulting his wife he would receive a prison term an the lash, Both charges against Balley were laid by Acting Chief John Thomas. An effort is being made to raise the amount of fine and costs, which is $66.00. MAY NAME POLICE COURT CLERK The Committees on applications of the Counell, it was announced on Monday evening, will meet shortly to discuss the question of sppointing the town clerk and trea. surer clerk of the police court, in accordance with the Municipal Act, The proposal is to have the clerk handle all fines and fees paid into the court, and enter them in a book kept for that purpose, The Munlel. pal Act requires the town to make such an appointment, which the Council feels might greatly assist the Police Department, LIBERALS GATHER FRIDAY TO CHOOSE STANDARD BEARER Indications are that the mass meeting of the Liberals of this electoral riding to be held in the Town Hall, Whitby, on Friday evening, will be the largest in the history of the riding, From all parts of the county Liber party adherents will . come, to participate in the nomination of i standard § Jester or find Fede eral election, a r outs standing speakers. The latter will include Senator the Honors able George P. Graham, one of the outstanding men of the Lib. eral ry. . N. Sinclair, K, C,, Liberal leader and member in the Ontario house for this riding, and several others, The chair will be taken by Mr. R. R, Mowbray, at 7.30 standard time and 8.90 daylight saving time, It is ex that the nomina. tion will be given to and aes cepted by W. H. Moore, The Week in Whitby Mr. and Mrs, E. I. Booth, of De. troit, are holidaying with Mrs, A, Macpherson, Brock St, South, Mr, John Smith, of Byron St. South, who has been quite {ll with fhcumen was removed to Oshawa ospital week. A new electric sign has been erected on Dundas Si West by Patterson's bakery, ice cream and lunch , It adds much to the appearance of the street, Rev, T. 7. Best will attend a conference of retired Y.M.C.A, sec. oa on Thursday of this week, Grimsby, Lawn social at "Killarney green" Church Ladies' Ald Hoslety; Friday ure on' ay evening, June 37th ar ed", Rev Geo, N, Simmons, of Co- bourg, and Rev, T. T, Best, of Whitby, exchange pulpits next Sun- day evening arranged by, and in the interests of 'Lhe Baptist Home Mission Board, A plenle for checker Jive is mooted by Dr. Annis, of Lindsay, It may be held iu the near future | 4, + | at Oshawa Park, open te all lovers of the silent distriot, game in this eastern Jack: Smith, carpenter: and boat their summer home, Rideau Lakes, but will be open for business on Monday. Miss Penhall, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Penhall, Vancouy- er, B.C, and Dr, Fletcher Penhall, d | Morton, Minn, with his daughter, Mr. W, C, TRY Dearborn, Mich, and Mr, Beal ay, Canadian Na- tion Superintendent, Allandale, Mr, Charles H. Way, Bakersfield, Cal- fornia, and Mr, R. J. Bark, Pres. ident of the Toronto Camp of Gid- eons, were guests, during the past week of Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Beall, Dundas St. E. Mr. E. B. Wilkins, son of Mr, and Mrs, Homy Wilkins, has mov- ed - from Walkerville to Regina, where he has been appointed to the responsible position of Comptroller of General Motors' plant in that city. The promotion is one that has been well earned. Mrs. Ernest Smith and children, of Rochester, N.Y, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, T, Newman, Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, formerly of Whitby, was in town this week, Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Coffey have returned to their home here after spending the past six months in oronto. Mr. Coffey has been quite ill but his condition is much im- proved, Whitby delegates will attend the County W.C.T.U. Convention which opens today (Thursday) in King Street United Church, Oshawa, The chief speaker will be Mrs. Gordon Wright, Dominion President, Miss Jessie Southwell was taken to Oshawa Hospital on Monday, where she was operated on for ap- pendieitis. She is now recovering nicely, EDUCATIONAL LEADERS MET The annual convention of the On. tario County Hducational Associn. tion was held at Udora on Friday of last weok, afternoon and evening. Bpeakera included: Mr, W. M, Mor- ris, of Toronto, Secretary of the Provincial Association; Miss W, V, Powell, of Whitby; Mr, 8, Farmar, of Port Perry; Wm, Bagshaw, Sun. derland, President, Inspectors Fer. guson and Hutchinson and others AGED RESIDENT BADLY IN. JURED As the result of falling on the floor on Bunday morning, Mrs Westlake, mother of Mrs, R. W, Talling, had tha misfortune to break her leg at the hip on Sunday morning. Dr, G, L. Macdougal was called and set the fracture, Mrs, Wentiake is one of the town's oldest and best knowp residents, and her unfortunate oldent 1s deeply regretted by her many friends, BOY INJURED RIDING WHEEL While turning into Spratt's Serv. ice Station, Dundas and King streets on Tuesday afternoon at six o'clock, E, Tupholme, a Toront, truck dri var, struck a wheel n which a Whit. by boy, William Ward, was riding, he boy was thrown off and sus. tained several bruises which were at. tended to by Dr. G. L. Macdougall, The wheel was badly damaged. Act- ing Chief John Thomas investigated the accident and found that it could not have been avoided! The truck driver gave an undertaking to pay .. gpantes, including repairs to the wheel, > WEDDINGS MeBRIEN-.MADDAFORD The marriage of Bertha Vorena, ughter ho rn And Ms. 3. Mad. nto ro A Ire of Mr. and. Mrs, Brooklin, Ont, in North Broad: bullder, of Port Whitby, who lives Pri alone on Byron 8t, South, was tak- en to the Oshawa Gonoral Hospital on Saturday night suffer from pneumonia, Wm, A. Best, of Flint, visited his parents lant ) ond, in Whitby, 'and is spending summer vacation as instructor o Y.M.C.A. "Kan« : Awana'! camp near Montreal, { + Si are three. Mion, | waeks lace h, La. no- THOMBON--RALSTON A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, 8, Rolston, Lulu Island, B.C., on Wed- nesday, June 4, when their youngest daughter Miciam - Inez (Cappy), was united in marriage to Mr, Wil- liam Douglas Thomson, son of the late Mr, John Thomson and Mrs. Thomson, of Whitby, Ontario. who wore her mother's 6 'wedding gown of cream sill, em- broldered in seed pearls and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily. of the Valley, was given in marriage by her father, She was attended by her sister, Miss Lyle Rolston, and Miss Phyllis Rolph who were gowned alike in princess dresses of peach and yellow moire silk respectively and wore large black hats. They carried arm bou- quets of mauve awee' peas and lily of the valley, Miss Phyllis and Miss Margaret Smith, nieces of the bride, acted as flower girls and carried baskets of pink sweet peas, The ceremony, which was perform. ed by Rev, W, Mackay, took place under an arch of pink and white roses and ferns centred by a large wedding bell, The groom WAS, sup. ported by Mr. C. G. Rolston, broth. er of the bride, During the signing of the regis. ter solos were rendered by Mr, L, C. Bmith, who sang "Until" and Dr. Frank Tepoorten singing "I'he Sunshine of Your Smile." Miss Jean Brown played the wedding march, and acted as accompanist... Mrs, Rolston, mother of the bride, wore an. ensemble of black lace 0.d a corsage bouquet of American Beau~ ty rose, The bride's table was centred by a three-tier wedding cake embedded in tulle and was lighted by tall pink tapers. Mys, E.G, Rol. ston and Mrs, Carmichael presided at the tea and coffee urns and Mry, William Manson cut the lees, Mrs, L. C, Smith, sister of the ride, was assisted in serving by Miss Lenore Rolston, Miss Vera and Miss Marie Brouse, Miss Una Cowan, Miss Hil- da Johnston, Miss Madeline Rolston, Miss Violas Milner and Miss Agnes Murray. Later Mr. and Mrs. Thomson left for Victoria, where they spent a few days before leaving for thelr home in Brooklin, Ont., stopping en route at Banff, Calgary, Winn peg, Detroit, and Windsor, For travell, ing the bride wore an ensemble of fawn' Bhantung silk with matching hat and shoes and silver fox fur, the gift of the groom.~Vancouver Daily Provinee, PADDY'S LAND (From the Living Age) Although the ' present position of Ireland can hardly be desiribed as brilliant, it is apparently a loss distressful country than it used to he, The Free Btate has dons bet ter than anybody expected that it would, Be, all's well with Paddy's Land, "But why Is Mr, Lobeter so red of late, 'Burely he hasn't been caught and bolled" "Oh, Ws the same thing, Mis "wy " wife Wezps him In hot water" hat's Just Iike them. "What's the matter now?" "We asked them up for 8 week, ond at our cottage, and they didn't bring up & solitary thing for us te oat) ; il AN "Miss Chatter talks incessantly, doesn't she?" "Yes, She claims that a person's opinions get musty if they aren't aired" Little Ethel; Don't you like t¢ play with paper dolls any more? Little Willie: Neo. | out them out long ago. ot THEY ARE DIFFERENT Advanced methods of the Loblaw Groceterias have proven a boon to thousands of thrifty buyers. They like the spotlessly clean large stores where they can wait upon themselves, selecting from the great variety of popular brands at prices that always show a saving, These Specials on Sale for Week of JUNE 19th to 25th 5, THE WEEK-END DEMAND FOR PRIDE of ARABIA COFFEE Nearly took the wind out of our salls--far exceeding our most ope A timistic expectations uestions of w we import, blend, roast an and we wish to express our thanks for this and spared no ghegrade steel cut coffes, and hy such a good coffes at such a moderate " pack in our plant. Hence when the § MP ce 181 Loblaw name goes on, the quality is high and the price within the h of every me. 'ante it once and you teo will be convinced that our slogan Is true, "So Good Youll Want More", 2 & 1i-1b. 49° Tin HIGH PARK s° SERVIETTES WAT OUR WINDOWS--WE ARE FEATURING E. B. EDDY'S PRODUCTS In a Pky. soe WHITE SWAN Gi 9° Toilet Tissue 2 none HX SPECIAL Loblaw Blue Label . Black and Mixed Our Sales prove this Tea to be a popular favorite of the housewives of Ontario TE Yilb. Pkg. 27% 54° ET - KETCHUP 10 SOAP E--A Pure Hard 45° SPECIAL DELMONTE Fancy Hawaiian PINEAPPLE 5 19° Bisek Flag Ais smesing pongicacing bov that fs why it 1s the deadliest

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