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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, LE 19, 1930 FAUE BEVEN test News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchange's Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Cansdian Press /'v. Movonto and New York Mock Quotations Supplied by ; Biggar and Omwiord, Alger Building, Oshaws fh, Grd, 140 Hi Low Ai 1 flock Alleghany Allis Chal, Amn, Inter, Amn, Smel, Amn, Tel, Apscondn Borg War, Beth, Steel Can, Dry Can, Pac, Com, Solv, Chrysler .. Goodyear Ken, Copper 30% [1] 8 tied Station 4 AE " 24 Am: 1] Sludebaker U8, Steel 161 U.8, Rubber 20% 7285 «138 2205 2175 Money 214 per cent, A a Used Car Soec'als 11927 ESSEX SEDAN-Tires, upholstering, top and paint like new, mechanically perfect, 1920 ESSEX TOWN SEDAN--New car condition and guaranty, 1028 ESSEX COACH=--Beautiful shape, See this one. 'A few others to choose from--=Come in and. see our stock Ross, Ames & Gartshore 138 King St. West OSHAWA Phone 1160 Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, 111, June 19-=Whest values here averaged higher quota- tions and by stock market rallies, Reports of erop damage from soll drifting in Alberta and Baskatche- wan provinces, Canadas, together with less favorable erop advices from France and Germany, were algo a factor tending to Wet the heat market, Opening unchanged to bo up, Chicago wheat afterards showed moderate gains all around, Corn, oats ond provisions were iike- wise firmer, with corn starting %-1 149 higher, but subsequently react: ing, TORONTO IIVENTOOK Toronto, June 10---Cattle Tre. coipts totalled 17 left overs 800 hoad, of There were no buyers on'the Tor onto Livestock Exchange and the stale cattle will be lgft over till next week, Shippers will hold thelr cattle back for a week @r two, Calf receipts 87, A féw common calves sold at $4,050 to $7.00 owt, The closing market is very weak, Hog receipts 47, Hogs were steady at the close selling at $11.30 ton, for bacon or $12.26 off car, There were no lambs, CRICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Ils, June 10.~~Open~ ing grain prices-~Wheat, uy PO; Sept, 00%; Dee, 1044, Corn, July 76"; Rept. 78%; Dec, 70%, Oats, July 86%; Sept, BTW} Dee, 40%, EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK East Butfalo, Jupe 9.~Hoge 1,100; holdsovers, 800; Rctive un evenly, B-16 higher; pigs steady; desirable 160-340 pounds 10,40 10,50; load of 860 Ibs, butchers 10,26; 180-10. lbs, 10,00-10.25; pigs mostly 10.00; packing sows 26 higher at 5.25-8.75, Cattle 200; very little motivity; cows about steady; few 6.60+7,00; most cutter gradey 8,60-5,60, Calves 150; CGeod to choice voalers 60 lower at 11,60-12,00; plainer gredes steady to weak; bulk 8,60-10,50, Sheep 600: slow, steady to weak; good to choles lambs soarce; fwe lots 18.00+19,60; med jum 10,00-11,00; commen 7.60« 5.60; fat ewes 8,003,560, -- PRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Vags~~Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 28¢ fresh firsts, 860; seannds, 280, Butter; No, 1--Ontario Cream. 1" may live too lon | or not long enou Re gh' "That is why I have taken Life Insurance. "If I outlive my usefulness as fa Wi live long Insurance will guaran tinuance of the good life to my loved ucer, my Life Insurance guarantee me an for an independent old the other hand, if I sho income e. On not enough, Life my a con- ge of ones. ' "Here's what I have done" HERE me when I is Solids 27 to 87%e; No, 8, 0 80%e, ab Cream~~fipecial 28 to 300; No, 1, 27 to 28¢; No, §, 84 to Ls Cheesa==No," 1 large, colored, paraffined and soverament graded, 1640, Poultry Alive Hens, over 6 108, sovvvvivenn 88 Do, 4 10 6 IDB, sovvvnnnneeiB0 Do, 8% to 4108 sovvvinee idl Do, under 8% 108, «ri eovrsidd Hpring broflers 2% to 8 lbs, 87 Do, 1% to 2% bs +0v000.80 Old roosters, over 5 1bs, 1vv00s 18 Do, over 4 OB IDS riveree 32 (Belling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs~=Frosh extras, in cartons, #fc: fresh extras, loose, 88¢; firsts, 81e; seconds, 27¢, Butter=~No, 1 creamery, prints, #2¢; No, 2, creamery prints, 800, Cheese-~New, large 1he} twins, 18%; triples, '18e¢; stil» lons, 80% 0; Old, large, 28¢; twins, 80g; triplets and outs, 40g; old stiltons, 81e, Poultry Chickens, 6 Ibs, Up senses 8 Do, 4 to BIBS svvrvinnne Do, 8% to 4 108, ove Do, 5 to 8% IDB: «ovvve Do, 8 Ibs, Hens, over 6 Ibs, Broflers , +o +41 Ducks ..v sey 4000 Turkeys . + «+» FARMERS MARKET The following are the quota: tions, retail, in effect on the Bt, Lawrence Market, Toronto: Produces Eggs, oxtras, peor dos, Do, firsts, por dos. ++ Butter, dairy per pound Do,, greamery, per 1b, 0.86 Fruits and Vogotablogw= Asparagus, bunch Carrots, 3 bunches Dressed 8 FEE ER 0,40 0.886 0,80 0,40 res 0.16 ee 6-at, basket ,.. Cabbage : h Cauliflower , f Endive, dosen + seve Spinach, peck , + ,.. ushrooms, per pound Loaf lettuce, 8 for ,,, Head Jottuce, 8 for ,, Parsley, por bunch ., ROTARY FAIR WAS A GREAT SUCCESS (Continued from Page 8) gave wonderful patronage to the various games and novelties which had been made read jor them, The wheels on some of booths went singing out an blankets, sweater con reads and comforters, silk stoe Fa silk lingerie, cushions, olls and many other aceaptable forms of merchandise were handed over as prises to the lucky winners, Games of ball-throwing, cocoanut shies, dart games, and varied at- tractions of that kind had a Splendid patronage, and aroused much amuse- ment for the crowd, Young ladies traversed the grounds, selling beau tifu] rosebuds, tempt delioacion of the kitchen had their a another stand, aven the old. fashioned fish nd attracted a large quota of those who were out to en. jor, all the fun of the falr, and had full sheadure, Danel of, Enjoyed In Rotary n strains of excellent musle, hundreds of young tolka, and some old ones too, spent the later hours of the ovening in dancing, hy in provided one of popular new features of the inv whigh should again be popular this evening, a the Senin i on, the Stowd "Sore Tide 1 nie aE also ut about two t. ob: ht admission Bae hy i A d : i iow A I ( el th on i i ite nar than tn da wh on pr street falrs un Ki (8 on the Four ) "ore A V2 oyed momen re h ¥ rt "of the To lub ptt there w Crows, three fOr + Yors Celery, dozen. .vs0 Oranges, per dozen ,. , Honeydew melons, each Btrawberries, pint ; 4 Grapefruit, each +, 4 Potatoes, bag i Tyr] Cucumbers, each ,,,.., Lemons per dozen ... Bananas, per dogen . . , Cal, green peas, 6-qt, basket « 0 ve 00 Ergplant, sas) Venrin Green beans, 6 qt, .,. Green pep: pers, six for Turpips, Dus: ove orivinne Parkips. 1140 sri eee and Apples, h U8 or igrere nal BO Groen peas, 6 qt, +144 Tomatoes, 1b, , , sesws nes Pitenpples, each .... 0.88 Rhubarb, three bunches Radishes, 8 bunches 1 New Carrots, 8 bunches ,.., New bests, buneh , .. +414 (Green onions § bunches ,,, Green peppers, 8 for .. ..» Sr h-- TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesalers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked Meats~=Hams, medium, a8 to 96e; cooked loins, 48 to ble; smoked rolls, 28c; breakfast bacon, 80 to 400; bucks pea-mealed, 840) do, smoked, 46 to 0b, Pork loins, 20¢; shoulders, 200; butts, 26c¢; hams ,26%e¢, Cured meats-~Long clean badan, 60 to 70 lbs, 240; 70 to 00 lbs, 82 00 to 110 lbs, 210, Heavy- VF LH welght rolls 400; lghtwelght rolls, gbe, Lard-=Puyre tlorces, 1Be; tubs, 360; palls, 170; prints, 17 to 17%e, Shortening-"Tierces, 18c; tubs, 18%: palls, Lie, Special pastry shortening "Tier. ces 100; tubs, 16 16% Woi pails, 1de, TORONTO WAY "AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting shippers the fol lowing prices for oarload lots, des livered on track, Tovento, No, 2 timoth,..,. 514,00 No, # timothy, ,..., 18.00 Wheat BLraw, ees 11,00 Oat BAW. vee in 11,00 TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONN Crain dealers on the Toronto Doard of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No, 1 Northern, $1.07; No, 8 do, #1,04%; No, § do, $1,080 No, 4, 81.00%: No. B, 00% ei; No, 6, The; feed Bho (elf, Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba oats--No, 1 feed, 400} No, § do, 480 American corn--No, 3 P04; No, 8 do, Khe, Millteed, dalivered freights, bags Included--Bran, per ton, $95.88; cehorts, per ton, $20.85; middlings $838.95, Ontario grain-=Wheat, $1.08; oats, 48¢; barley, 60 to B2c; rye, WD MP Wap SDT Sasa omettooc Too rae $15.00 TER) yellow, Montreal RURAL GRAIN CO. OF CHICAGO SUSPENDED (By Canadian Press Lossed' Wire) Chicago, 11s, June 19.-=Dired tors of the Chicago Board of Trade have 30 pended from trading pri- vilages the ural Grain Compsny and fts market operators, ¥, V, Malthy and #, J, Cottington, » director and dr prosiiont. of the government sponsored co-operative, the Varmers Natlonal Grein Cor- f poration, The action followed receipt of no- tice from Mr, Cottington Buncune- ing that "owing to irregularities discovered in the conduct of our business, our capita) has been ex hausted and we are unable to meet the demands of our. oveditory, i DUTCH LOAN IS ONLY PARTLY SUBSCRIBED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Amsterdam, Holland, June 10, Fubseription to the Dutch share of the Young Plan loah-=which amounted to 78,000,000 florins hag venched only 40 per cent, of the total The wsyndicale of unders writers are now trying to replace the yomainder on the same condis tions under which they subscribed the Dutch portion of the loan, HOOPER 00, SUSPENDS New York, June 10H, H, Hooper & Co, members of the New York Cotion Exchange have natle fled the exchange that they were unable to meet thelr obligations "owing to irregularities within ouy organization," CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, June 18,~The market on spot eggs was easier this morn- ing' although quotations held un- changed, Later the undertone seem- od to be somewhat improved, but considerable irregularity is notice- able, Novembers were firmer con- tributing factors on the construct ive side, being less receipts both here and in New York than a year ago 'and a reduction of surplus stocks in the four principal mare kets of some 12,000 cases, Top grades of butter were off fraction- ally this morning, owing to the ac. cumulations along the street yes terday, buyers showing most inter. ont In the lower scores, We would call the market steady on grades below 00 and weak on those above, Futures received food support during most of the eall resulting in net daily gains, n_ecommitments-~Nov, eggw, 1,175; June butter, 15; July butter, 1 None butter, 1,070, Two market receipte--Butter to- day, 88,110) last year, 83,402; egg to ay, 62,100; last year, 00,843, DIVISION COURT HAS BRIEF SESSION ------ A remarkabl brief doekot grosted the Division Court at ie sitting yesterday bef re Judge J. Thompson, Judgment was given 11, nine cases, while three Alsputsd onsen were adjourned, The next pitting of the court will be on Heptember third, The adjourned onses, with amounts involved, are as follows: Jones vs, Perry, $260, Williams vs, Halliday, $316, MoGrady vs, Peebles, $166, The following cases were do- vided. "The amounts given repro- sont only money actually paid ia to the eourt, and not necessarily the amounts sued for, Alberts vs, Lalonde and O.M.C. $11.62, Beaton's Dalry vs, Lalonde and Parks Commission, MoLeosn vs, Laurence and Mor Kachern and G.M.C, Greer ve, Norrish. and OM.C., §0.60, Mallett vs, Clements and G.M.C, $12.00, Kohonsky vs, Hunter and Skin. ner Co, $#10,00, Deatons' vs, Blow and GMC, $10.85, Mt md ve, Binyth and GMC, Dixon ve, Willoughby and Price, $16.26, A ------ Humane Society Buys Drinking Troughs The Oshawa Humans Soclety has just received a consignment of half a dozen drinking troughs, which are available to any person who may have a suitable place to put them up for the benefit of thirsty animals, The troughs are in blue and white enameal, approximately eight inches by fourteen inches, and specially adapted for thelr pur pose, They will be loaned free of charge, and will remain the prop- erty of the society, Anyone inter osted in obtaining the use of one Oshawa Welsh Singers To Give Sacred Concert at Jubiles Pavilion, Sunday The musle lovers of Oshawa 1 Le ottorsd an eucsllent. op portunity of hearing something really worth while, this coming fundey evening, The Oshawr Welsh Singers, a choir of about forty volces, will five 8 mecreq corcert at the Jub lise Pavillon, st Lakeview Park, starting at 8,90 o'clock, This loca! Welsh Choir has not been organ: ized for very long but' already they established an enviable repu: tation for themselves and no doubt fn large number of Oshawa music lovers will take advantage of this splendid _epportunity, © -------- POLICE INVESTIGATE REPORT OF ACCIDENT NEAR BOWMANVILLE The Bowmanville police departs ment, and the provingial trame of- cers are investigating a report that # Cohourg cur was concerned in an aceident on the highway east of Bowmanville asl, night, Accord! to the Information whigh is avails able, un car turned over In the diteh while travelling at a high rate of wpeed, but no one was seriously n= Jured, Polles oMolials at noon today had not yet heen able to learn the Heense number of the car, or the names of the persons concerned, WARDEN'S PICNIO The Ontario County Council Is taking a holliday, while the Ware den, Reeve, James Read, of Mara township, sntertains the councils lors and friends at the annus] war den's pleule, This event is helng held in Orillia iu the beautiful park bordeiing on Lake Couchi ching, and although the weather conditions were not very inviting this morning, it was hoped that they would clear up, so that the plenio could be a success, A sports program has been arranged for the afternoon, and the plenie will be closed with a banquet given by the warden for his guests, GENERAL CHANGE OF TRAIN TIMES FULL SUMMER SERVICE In Effect JUNE 28 For full partieulare consult Ticket Agente Mo Canapian NaTionar RaiLways I ! I pul Way I Stat mE --T fman 1] i ad | fil | | | 1 if Lf Han fi I i pl Hk | I flee fin thi i il (lft (Rll iy ui ERE'S a tire you would be glad to buy if it a cost as much as higher:priced tires. Yet it is priced much below any other tire of equal quality. Built by Goodyear to be second in service only to the famous All-Weather Tread aL and tobe equal in dollar-for- dollar value.

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