eZ za---- TTT A Fe * o 4 J . i % (ERE ® of tho th Roclety avon. Ways pt hoine of Smiking t "held each spear In 4 - nyille a success, A policy of L y and etrenchment was the J Joynote of the gathering, with the tatMoation of » new wseheduls of prizes that will snable the society 0 recover to some dxtent their fin ancis] position, 4. n many of the olassds it was ro "polved to cut the prize Money by a , dollar ip some canes and in' others Jia do Away with the third prize al- Jogether, In the poultry division Jaeveral of the classes in this divis- And French have bean gut out, In evaral pf the glosses In this divis on also the fowl! such as Leghorns Are all takeft ax one oluss, This 's {the same jn. several qf the. other . breeds which are pow grouped ac. ypording to breed and not as 'to . mharactoriatics as formant, 'The meeting was told by Col, L, MpLaughlin that race course at grounds was in good condition cand required » small amount: of «aber to make it ready for tha races, Mt way the unamimous opinion of « ishose' present, that the Horse Rac. "Ang at the tair:was one of the best + tentures ofthe second day. It was « vasoived io continue with the prac. L/41m of having races this year, Several matters of routine busi ness were disposed of including the » fntment of the directors to { Mhve charge of Lhe various deps i 'Saents, 'The same members of the 4 wound ot directors are to have West Durham ot and Office of , ; 'imes. will be received at ie Times in 'the Cowan obarge thiN year dg last. 'It was also resolved to hold the fair on Ba Alia, #0 'the majority of th ing the faif ome from ihe rural districts around the town and: who ara on Standard Time, Barn Yard Golf will again have its place nt the fair, This event drow a large entry last year, 'The prieé of admission enused considerable comment among those prosent, Some blamed the lowering of the entrance fee for the failure of the fair to show a cash balance ant yoar, The admission fee which ast year was reduced from 'Abe to 250 was revised so that this year, the prices of admission will be 35¢ for adults and 16¢ for children, Several new. Judhes are to he included in the Yat of those judging at the fair, In the heavy Draft Horse Class the name of W, PF, Bat. ty, of Brooklin 'was placed on the list in the place of 'the former judge, The secretary was impower- od to 'get a judge for the cheep classes from the department, In order to promote » larger membership and more Interest In the falr the meeting resolved to send ten membership 'tickets to ench of the directors, The opinion wan volded that not enough tickets wore sold 'last year, while another 'of those present sald that he had carried a dollar around In his poe kot for o long time expecting to be asked to buy a ticket and at last had 'to go to the secretary and ask for a tloket, It was urged thac the members and directors make con. oerted effort to increase the mem- bership of the society, During the avening the sodlety expressed its sympathy to Mr, W, J, Bragg and family in the loss of a t= | wife and mother, Mr, Bragg was a director of the society for a cons siderable period, A | SUMMER I THE PASTEL COLORS= |, WHITE, YELLOW, ORCHID, . { GREEN, LA BAULE, PINK | $250 on $3. ¥ opie if + 4 \ , Delighttally "bmart and | smart {'NEW LIGHTWEIGHT FELTS - chic new summerweight felts, in the hades so fashionable for summer; Brimmed shapes i. mostly smartly trimmed with ribbon and cut-outs of felt woven ito the body; Some styles ave smartly off the face, featuring . the Jong Back, The quality in of the best although the price for Baturday. (a moderate inded at | Dorothea Hats Limited he #.50 and $8.00, Property owners of the town will go to. the polls' on Monday next to exercise their ffanchise in a vole on wm by-law which will authorize, if a majority is given to the hy<law, the purchase of the 10eal hydro electric system by the town, No more worthy vote has over been tAken In the fown as the town and the Individual eit won stand to profit by the mequisi- tion of the plant ard equipment, The purchase price of $71,000 govers the whole of the system within the municipality, The town is assured of a good buy by the engineers who have made » survey of the system and declars it to he In. excellent condition, The purchase will not affect the tax rate of the town one Way or the other, as the debentures Are paid from the earnings of the sys- tem, so. that everyone has an in- dividual fnterst In the systém it self. The quectfon of why the Hn a emission A milling 3 8 aguipment to the town hae nrisen, aid oan be mmswered by the poliey that has governed the Commission since its Inception, It has been the policy on all oc (ublops for the Commission to sell power to the municipalities of the provines at cost. The Hydro was never meant to make a profit for itaelt but to pass it on to the mun. feipalition, The system if purchased by the town will be managed by a com: mission elected be the ratepayers under the supervision of the Hy- dro Commission, It has been the experience of other municipalitios in Eastern Ontario, that with the purchase of the system in their town, that the rates for power have heen luwer, In All probab- flity after a yoar or so the same thing will take effect in Bowman- ville. At the present time the town pays for its power At: fixed rate. The profits of the local system go to surrounding muni oipalities that own their own sys- onts, With the purchase of the Joos! wystem the profits will be devoted to paving oft the deben- ture debt as hax been said before, Every. public spirited citizen who has the futures of 'the town at heart should vote for the pur chase, beckuse the purchase wilt mean lower rates for the town and A share in the profits, If the town desires to attract industries in fu. ture it will be to the advantage of the town to be able to offer power at: yates that compare' fave orably: with thoss of other towns, It the present rates prevail it will he hard to get industries to settle hore as 'the power rates will be higher here than elsewhere, wher the publio ownership policy ix in foree, Goto the polls on Monday and | hoost the purchase, | NEWS ABOUT TOWN HOMING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club flew ita peventh old bird race on Saturday, Juna 14th, from Kentbridge, Ont, 194 miles . alr line, The birds made, fast time with' these results; Pete Woolner, 4 bra, 8 mine, 55 seo Woolner Bros, 4 hee, § mins, 8 sec, Len, Richards, (4 hes; 9 mine, 17 sec dF. RBottrell, 4 hrs, 10 mins, 31, Bros, hrs, 10 PF. Botfrell, 4 hrs, 10 mina, 31 see, on, Richards, 4 hea, 18 ming, 41 sec, Wm Wallace, ¢ hr, 17 mine, 16 sec, 1. Hobbs no report, I ---- A ---- GOODYEAR PICNIC SATURDAY An event that has besn looked forward to for a long time is to take place to-morrow, when the Annual Geodyear Plonla will be held, Old and young Alike are sure of having » good time and an aujoyable day (n new purround- he plone In not' a plenie , It In in reality an excumwion OF the type that the rallways used to run in the days befors the mo- tor bus, : wil. The picnic deny will leave Bow: manville 4 arton and Collacutt husaes in the morning and proces? te Toronto, On their arrival at », the party ine across the we. Woolner ming.» 35 aoe, the day In the oity of Niagara ra 4 the do and the utiful to be seen on both river, evstood that the 'plonic employees of the lone, but that any of the town who 'wishes advantage of the apecia) or the trip, the fare for trip jo Niasare o Sn $8.80, it 1 odted | arg orowd will 'take the f are dein heid thi evening Operon at 4, SAP. RP . ance | Rg eB , willbe the upeaker of the eve: ¥ "MUPSK WF to receiva their] a" the grads hy nders |' he. Whitby THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 20,1930 Daily Times Advertising, subseriptions and aews will be received st the Whitby Brance BipAtier ot Gas us and Chronicle~Telepbone =-'V hone SHY, ® REPRESENTATIVE---JAMES H, ORMISTON Wardens of Two Counties Staged Picnic at Orillia Fine Gathering 'of Legislators and Citizens of Ontario and Victoria Neighboring Counties Held on Thursday -- Civic Reception T: Visitors, Who Participated in amhe in the Afternoon and Enjoyed Ban- igh vice for Their Respective Sports Progr gust in the Y.M.C.A. in the Evening--Tribute Paid to Ideals of Both Wardens and Fathers in Ser. Counties (By Whitby Stall Writer) Warden James Read, of Ontario County, and John A, MeGillivray, of th, added anether link to the ahd goodwill binding the two ne ties when on Thursday they staged a wonderful day's outing at Couch- fching Beach Park, Orillia, Bellev- ing in the truth of the words of the old song, "The more we are togeth, or, the better we will he," the ples nie hosts Invited not only the mem- bers of both County Councils and thelr women folk, but the citizens generally, and, despite interference on the part of Jupiter Pluvius, wno did his worst shortly after the visi tors arrived' at 'their destination, over 200 'assembled in the beauti- ful lakeside park, made famous in 'vocont yours by the erection of the marvelous' Champlain momument, 1t was a real family gatROrMAE==Ony which brought together old and new friends, and furnished a vrier but pleasant, respite from the cares and worries of the ordinary day, From the standpoint of hospitality, Orillia oMelals and citizens excelled themselves and made all feel at home, The trip to Orillia was made In private oars, Part: of these. left Whitby at 10 o'clock and other cars joined' the procession along the road, The country on every hand RATING NQUIPMENT READY bar new heating equipment. for the Central School is now on the grounds and the arrival of the summer holidays will ses the com- mencement of the work of installa. tion, On Friday last the tender of W, L. Elliott was accepted by the Public School Board, for the installation of tha equipment, The figure of the bid submitted by Mr, Elliott was $71,40.00, Ton tenders in All were received for the job, six of them from out of town, SOFIA GAME TONIGHT Front rest and the High School are scheduled to play a league game at the Publie Soheo! grounds this evening. «The Sohool won from the Foundry on Tuesday night in a close, 'fast. game. and are out to streteh thelr winning streak at the expense of the Front Street aggregation, A good game is in prospect, It the weather is fine. TEACHERS PETITION PUBLIC SOHOOL BOARD An an outcome of the deplorabli South Ward School squabble aired at the Schoo! Board mestingd held pecently, the staffs of the Central Public Schoo! and the South Ward Nohoo! signed the following peti: tion + which was presented to the school board for their conpidera. tion: "We, the undersigned, hereby petition: the Public Bahoo! Board of the Town of Bowmanville that they consider this: ruling: That in the future all grievances, ete, of parents or guardians against teachers, or grievances of teachers against 'parents of 'guardians: be put 'in writing and: signed before being brought before the Board: also that a personal interview be held with the person ARainst whom the grievance exists before it be brough utp at a public meet- ing. ' It this ruling is adhered to, it will no doubt help to clear up fu tire troubles in a less sensational manner and result in' a better mutual' understanding between teachers, parents and sohpol board, Sometimes & bride can't bake her onke and sat it too, Three Flowers Basie A offal. Arn "ee uv cy tu | sseh of Special Cleansing loks fits best, and there are in- dications of a goqd crop every- where, Only one stop was made, and that was at the pretty villagu of Brechin, capital vf the Township of Mara which Warden James Read represents in the County Council, Hore refreshments were served and greetings exchanged, On ariving at Orillia Park, rain was falling, and the pienic lunch was served on tables in the pavil- lion, Tables heaped up with all sorts of good things tempted the appetites. of all and sundry, and "oats" disappeared like magic, After dinner Orillia's famous Kiitie Band arrived on the band stand, followed by Major Johnston and members of Orillia Town Coun- oll who extended to the visitors a mont cordial welcome, The band, an organisation of which Orillia may well feel proaa, played all after: noon, much to the satisfaction and enjoyment of all, Speakers at the elvie reception included Mayor Johnston, Alder- man Tupling, chairmen of the Parks Committee; Dr, McDonald, of Huntsville, Liberal candidate in the Federal riding of Ontario-Mus- koka in the forthcoming election; Warden James Read, of Ontario and Warden J. A, MoGillivray, of Vie- toria, Orillia officials were warm their welcome and expressed the hope that the joint counties pleni would be made an anpual event. Sports P The programme of sports occu. pled the best part of the afternoon, Not the least interesting was the Bad Indigestion and Constipation Disappear Quick "Suffered terribly with indigestion and constipation, couldn't eat, A friend advised 'Fruiteastives' and i was goon fine and ' ' well, y are my doctor when i1l"~Leonie Paradis, Mont Carmel, P.Q. Letters from thousands say chron- ie constipation and liver troubles end- ed overnight with "Fruit-a-tives," Sour stomach, biliousness, heartburn, gas, bloating vanish like magic, Blad- der and kidney pills, pain in back go in 24 hours, Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once. Rheumatism, neuralgia, ney ritiug, sick headaches disappesr in a jiffy, Complexion clears quick. amous Canadian doctor's discov. ery. Ten of nature's greatest reme- dies: combined in handy little tablet, Amazing quick results, Get "Fruit-a-tives" from druggist today, Feel great tomorrow, tug-of-war between teams repre senting hoth counties as follows: Ontario--W, BE, Umphrey, RN, Chapman, George Till, John Morris, L. Middleton, Bert Stewart, «. Christie and John B, Clark, Victorin---8, Lovett, C, Lucas, ©. Hhiers, Wm, Whelan, H, Endicott, Arthur Lovett, E, H, Best, The strong men pulled with a will'but in the finals Victoria coun ty councillors won and walked away with the cigars. / In the horse shoe pitching cone test Reeve Charlie Mackey, of Whit- by Township, threw five shoes out of wover within the sim of an old tire in a given time and won a prize, D. Mcintyre, of Woodville, guessed that there would be 46 shoes landed in the tire circle, and won the prize, being ont only one, A softball match between Orillia and the All Stars, two picked up teams, resulted in a win for Or. {llia, Other sporting events were: Men' race, 15 yards (open) -=1st 1, Moores , Victoria County; 2nd, C, Everson, Victoria; 9rd, 8. Graham, Mara, Ontario county, Bhot Put---ist, A, Lovett, Vie. toria, 30 feet 9 inches; 2nd, J. E Clark, Ontario, 30 feet 7 inches; J. Deverell, Ontario, 25 feet 1 inch, Pal on race, ladies--1st, Miss Bl yronto; 2n . McIntyre, Woodville; 3rd, Miss M, Day, Sea. bright. Banquet at YMCA, In the evening & splendid has. quet was served in the Y.M.C.A, gymussium room by the *Y" ladies auxiliary, Over 200 sat down to en- Joy the meal, His Worship Mayor Johnston, of Orfilla, made » very good toastmaster, keeping the audi. once in good humor, and giving a fitting introduction to the long list of speakers, who included Rev, Father Coleman of Brechin: Thos, Stinson, K.C,, M.P,, for Victoria; Ex-Warden Adam Dobson, of Cane nington; William Newman, M.L.A, for Victoria; Reeve Albert W, Jack- son, Whitby; D, J. Mulvihill, clerk of Mara Township; Alderman Jobn O'Reilly, of Lindsay; Dx-Warden G, M, Forsyth, of Pickering; Charles Jenkins, of Mariposa Township; Warden James Read, Ontario; Wars den J, A, McGillivray, Victoria, and others, The speakers for the most part stressed the value of such gather ings which brought together the citizens of two neighboring and prosperous counties in a social way, The address of the evening was made by Thos, Stinson, K.C., M.P,, who pleaded for a better commun- ity spirit and a better understand- ing and a more tolerant attitude between man and man, He stressed the value of forming good inpres. sions one of the other, "Let us see and do the things which are worth while and in so doing we will ae- complish something for the better. ment of the world, He asked that Canads be looked upon as a country of happy homes, blest above all other nations, "Let us build charac- tor, and do our duty to our God, our country*and fellow men," he urged in closing. Many of the speakers referred to the fine service given to both coun. tries by both wardens and their fathers Lewure them, The gathering broke up with the singing of the National Anthem, THE KITTEN'S BREAKFAST She slides around my ankles, smooth and sleek, A gray fur body of affection meek, With appetite my breakfast tray she sees, Looks up at me and leaps upon my knees, : Her purr unthinkably intense, Waiting her recompense, "In Kitty hungry?" now expectantly She sees me break the bread, wait. ing obediently, A soft vibrating statue on my knee, I hold the small blue saucer out fo Igr And watch her feast; continuing the purr. "How do you do it, Kitty, bite and chew And keep that velvet rolling run. ning too?" DODDS KIiDNEY PILLS Now for the milk, At each wee lap " The bobbing saucer gives my knee a tap, "Still hungry?" Liking mush te feed Out of my hand, as if it soothed her need 1 give her bready crumbs from ite and more Then place her curling body on the floor From which she gazes up upon me Epitome of mute good will, Florence Anderson, "I Was Skinny and Tired. Now Peppy. Gained 11 Lbs." "Had tired feeling, no pep. But Ironized Yeast gave me pep; much stronger, Gain- ed 11 Ibs, Boils and pimples disappeared." ~-Mack Lattoria, Amazing new Ironized Yeast adds 5 to 15 Ibs. in 3 weeks. Changes "skinny," weak body to strong, well« developed form all admire. Blotchy skin gets clear and rosy like magic. Nervousness, indigestion, constipa~ tien disappear overnight, Sound sleep. New pep from very first day, Two great tonics in one «= special weight-building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets, Far stronger than unmedi+ cated yeast. Results in 35 time. No yeasty taste. No gas Don't be "skinny," weak, unattrace tive, Get Ironized Yeast from drug gist today. Feel great tomorrow. Money back from manufacturer if not delighted with quick results, Kellogg's Corn Flakes for Breakfast' > tomorrow, With cool milk or cream. \\ = Fine for you. So easy to digest they don't "heat" the body. Nothing better for the kiddies' evening meal. And Just try & bowl of Kellogg's for a warm-day lunch. Crisp, delicious -- you'll feel Better hie