THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1930 +3 Loner sid ie 1 LS TTT iE air Will Close Tonight at Rotary Reodite First up of Children Monday Younes Wil " Given "Glorious and Much Need- od Two Weeks: Outing CHILDREN MUST COME FROM OSHAWA 'Fifteen Will Be Comprised in First Group--Endeavor "Made to Build Up Health ahd Vitality {The Red 'Cross cottage at the Lakaside will' open Monday: next for: another, year's 'labor of love among the underprivileged child~ ren of the city, The matron, Mrs. MeKinns, has been' busy during the past week, preparing the cou: tages for their summer' i aset pancy, and will have every ig Hrst-clapy shape for the' Remain of the week. Fitteen children wil womprise the first group, Larger. groups wiil follow thereaiter at two week 10+ tervals . throughout the warm months, Every one of the fifteen will be a "contact case' that is to say, & child whose father or moth- er is in a sanitariom because of tuberculosis, In the case of Lhe majority of the. youngsters, gen eral health and vitality are pour and 4t is the aim of the Red Cross, by 'means of two weeks of fresh afr and Jie in the open, to. build up thelr resistance to disease, Selecton of the ' children who will receive a two weeks' holiday at is being done through the eity "Tealth Department and the Public Health nurse, who are in close touch with the many cases of need in the city, Every child who goes to the camp will be one whose family could not possibly provide any other summer outing, and very child will be taken from the city of Oshawa itself. The class of work done by the Red ' Cross: Society corresponds very closely with that done each year by various fresh air camps, Oshawa Will Have Delegate at Christian Youth Council Oshawa will have the fortune of possessing a. delegate among the 1560 delegates from all parts of North America, at the session of the Christian Youth Council hive held at Toronto next Mpnday, The local delegate Is Stephen G, Saywell, who is prominent among young peoples' organizations in the city, BMITH--In Bowmanville Hospi tal, on Wednesday, June 18th, 1830, to Mr, and Mrs, A, L. Smith, Raglan, the gift of a son, (Glen Alexander), (1440) PEACE AWARD GIVEN ok ike ho i LEAGUE OF NATIONS Geneva, June 20.--The Woed- row Wilson Foundation peace award of $25,000 was presented to the League of Nations yesterday by Hamilton Fish Armstrong In behalf of the Foundation. The yard was made several months ago by the Foundation in recognition oy League's ten yours for peace. he The money will be used to pro. vide Woodrow Wilson memorial bronse doors for the entrance to the new League headquarters building to be constructed, 1 SUNDAY WILL BE DECORATION DAY FOR ODDFELLOWS Will Hold Memorial Service at Union Cemetery--To Decorate Cenotaph The annual Memorial Decoration Service of the Oddfellows will take place at the Union cemétery on Sunday afternoon, beginning at 2,45 pm, Over 200 graves of de parted. memhérs of the order will be degorated during, the day, and a wreath will also be placed on the conotaph in Memorial park, The Phoenix lodge, the Corinthian lodge and the Rebecca lodges will take part in the service, as well as the engampments, The main address will be deliver. | od by the Rev, J, M, Crisall, and the service of song will be led hy the choir of All Baints' Anglican Church, Whitby, The order of the serv follows: "A few more years shall roll." Prayer, Rev, J. M, Crisall; Bolo, Mrs, C, 8, Trueman; Hymn "On the Resurrection Morn," Duet Mrs. ¥, Erskine and Mrs. F. Hen- stock; Hymn, "What a Friend we have in Jesus." Address, Rev. J M Crisall; Hymn, "Blest be the Tie that Binds." PROPOSE UNION OF AFRICAN COLONIES High" Commissioner Would Supervise Three British Territories London, June 20--~The closer union of Britain's three East Afri- oan territories----Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika-~is envisaged by a white paper issued by the Govern. ment, The subject ofsunion has been in the air sipes the war, when Britain accepted Ahe Lengue of, Na. tion's mandate fér Tanganyika, the former German East Africa <The Government proposes even. tually to appoint a High Commis. sloner to supervise the three terri: tories, He would be assisted by a Legislative Council composed of an equal number of representatives of all three, He would also he perman- ent Chairman of the Conterence of Governors, and would be empower- od to vote or initiate any legisla- tive measure subject to the approval or consent of the Secretary of State tor Colonial Affairs, Three proposed changes In the Constitution of the East African possessions will be submitted tp a Parliamentary committee which has vet to be formed. ONTARIO PROVIDES SITE Searbora' June 19.«-Reeve Geo. B, Little of Searboro' to-day receiv. od word from Hon, George 8, Henry Minister of Highways, that the de- martment would provide a site for the Scarboro War Memorial at the triangular strip. where Danforth Highway joins the Kingston Road, The matter is now in the hands of a citizens' committee and the work h expected to proceed without de- ay, "Getting the right bait," said an angler the other, day, . 'means a whale of a difference in your eateh." e in an GIVEN TN FOR COSTUMES CARNIVAL PARADE TO "BE FEATURE OF ROTARY FAIR Two' Special Classes of Prizes for Children Are Added Tonight 1s Carnival Night at the Rotary Fair, 'and hundreds Vf péople, It is expected, will ap- pear in costume to compete for the prizes whi'h are being offered by the Rotary Cluy for the best cuntfe and fancy costumes. At a meeting this morning it was de- cided, in view of the splendid ve- $=' made by the children for the parade on Wednesday even- ing, to add two new classes for children under fift<en, one for como costumes and one for fancy costumes. Thise are additiopnl to the' six other classes, all of whicn 't is expected, will draw out large pumbers of contestants, The costume parade will be In the Rotary 'Wale, grounds only, at 7.30 pm... when al, the masquers adevs will pass before the judges, rnd. will be judged for the. prizes, Three meu, representative of the Rotary, Kiwanis> nid Kinsmen's Clubs will be the judges, and ss soon as they have made their decl- sions, the prizes will he. awarded, All those in costu ie are asked to be at Rotary Park In plenty of time for the prize parade, which will start at 7.80 p.m. prompt and after which they will he free to wander around the grounds en- Joying the fun of the Fair The Prize Classes The list of prizes which will be given in the costume parade is as follows: Ladies' fancy costume--1, $3; 2, $2.00, Gentlemen's fancy costume--1, $4.00; 2, 82.00, Ladies' comic costume--1, 3, 33.00, Gentlemen's comic $3.00; 2, $2.00, Children under fifteen, costume , $2.00; 2, Children under costume---1, $2.00 Mixed couples, fancy-- 2, $2.00, Mixed couples, comie~=1, 2, $3.00, ---------------------- OSHAWA WOMAN IS GRAND WARDEN Mrs. Mabel Disney Receives High Honor From Re. bekeh Assembly 85 costume--1, comie $1.00, fifteen, fancy 2, $1.00, 1, $6.00; $5.00 Mrs. Mabel Disney, 190 Simcoe street south, has been awarded the high honor of being Assembly Grand Warden at the annua] session of the Rebekah Assembly held in Toronto this week, Mrs. Disney Is the first Oshawa woman to receive this distinction and merits the con. grattlations and good wishes of her friends, Mrs, Mary Shaw of Gliddon Ave, and Mrs, Edith Evahs, Annis street, were Included amone those from thin city who attended the assembly meeting, IN SELF-DEFENCE _ Copsclentiovs Pawn Bro. r---Are You sure you have bought that re- volver for "self-defence? Wite---Yes, and pow let the big brute scold me again. Sisfter-- What shall we give fa. ther for his birthday present?' Brother--'Letis let him drive the ear," To Section, bora, and right Hon. John BW CEERI ERATE ili to-morrow afternoon, Closes at 9. Auto Contest ;-- bearing Licerise Number THAT: a run of 13 hours, On Thursday, June' 10th, utes. Making a total run of Dated June 20th, 1980. til 5.02 p.m., making a run of 6 hours, 17 minutes. That I have been instructed by the Rotary Club to start the car at 5.02 p.m. Friday, June 20th and con- tinue until 9.45 p.m,, making a run of 4 hours, 43 min- Rotary Fair Auto Contest 45 Tonight; When Car's Run wil End The following is the certificate which was isbied this morning by Neil E. Felt, timekeeper in the Rotary Fair TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN :--' " Concerning the sunning time of 'the Rota Auto / 919, 1 HEREBY CERTIFY On Wednesday June 18th it ran 2 seconds after 10 o'clock a.m., until 2 seconds after 11 o'clock pm, making it ran from 10.45 a,m., un- 24 hours. NEIL E. FELT. Ontario Fire Fighters Will Hold 1931 Convention Here tion From Ald. Morris, Fire Chief Elliott and City Treasurer Blackburn -- Mayor, C, of C. and City Clerk Send Telegrams (Special to The Times) London, Ont., June 19,----Oshawa will be the scene of the 1031 con- vention bf the Ontario Federation of Fire Fighters, it was decided at a late hour this afternoon, follow: ing addresses by Ald. Goo, Morris, chairman of the fire and light com- mittee of the Motor City council, Peter Blackburn city troasurer and re Chief Flliott, to the conven- tion in session here. The delegates were unanimous in the cholce of Ophawa for the 1931 convention, Telegrams telling of the merits of Oshawa as the convention city and asking for the 1931 convention Federation Accepts Invita-| Mitchell, the Chamber of Commerce and City Clerk, Fred Hare, Ray Hobbs, popular member of the Oshawa Fire Fighting force was unananimously elected second vice- prosident of the federation for the third term, The next convention will pro- bably also be held in the mouth of June, As there is now ample hote) accomodation here no difficulty will be experienced in entertaining the guests. Other conventions which have been held 'In Oshawa have gained a favorable impression of the hospitality of the eity and doubtlessly everything wil be done fo make the fire fighters enjoy their visit, Firemen Stanley Smith and Bob Pollock are the official delegates attending the convention in Lon- don from the Oshawa branch. Chief Elliott is also at the convention, to- gether with Alderman George More ris, chairman of the fire protection and eity property committee of the city council, Alderman Harmon, were received from Mayor T. B, and city treasirer, Peter Blackburn, | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | TO ATTEND CONVENTION A large number of Lberals are prepating to attend the convention at Whithy to-night, All parts of the riding will probably be well re. presented. BAND CONCERT CHANGED Owing to the postponement of the Rotary Falr from last night to tonight, the plans for the band concert which was to have been given by the band of the Ontario Regiment this evening in Alex andra Park have been changed The concert will now be staged in Rotary Park as one of the feat- ures of the RN-tary Falr, RAIN NO DETERRENT The Interest which is being taken in the Rotary Fair, and in the outomobile contest in particu. lar, was evidenced last night when many people went dawn to the park, and were disappointed to learn that the Fair had been postponed, The booths and attrac tions, of course, wers not in op- eration, but nevertheless a big business was done in selling tickets for the automobile contest. FIRST STRAWBERRIES The heavy rains of the last few days have helped the growth of all the garden stuffs wonderfully: This morning the writer had a large bowl .of fresh a ruarine to start the day right, Five large boxes of the berries were picked Inst night and by Indications there will be as many more tonight. Als though not quite as early in the season as ustol a heavy yield may be Jooked for, TO HOLD PIONTO The annual pienic of the Sunday School of Christ Anglican Church will' » held at Lakeview Park . Pupils and teachers will journey to the lake on a special street car which leaves at the corner of Simcoe and Hill croft streets at 1.30 o'clock p.m. A fine program has been arranged. CHIMNEY FIRE The fire department answered a call today at 1,35 p.m. to the re. sidence of Mr, Northeott at Royal, A chimney fire caused hy a mattress an a LU a hos stove The. matress Wire, way the Ontario Safety Leag: was thrown out of the window by the firemen, and very little damage was done, Both truck and ladder crews answered the call, which was sent in from box No 46, at the cor. ner of 'Avenue and Centre Streets. USE TENNIS COURTS The new tennis courts built on the grounds of St, George's Angll can Church have been completed and are now being used to advan- tage by members of the St. George's Tennis Club, AWARDED DEGREE OF OHI. VALRY Mrs. J Sharrard, Alice street, and Mrs, Frankie Branton, Rowena street wore awarded the Degree of Chivalry at the annual sessions of the I, 0. O, F, Grand Lodge, Grand Encampment, Patriarchs Militant Council 'and Rebekah Assembly held at Toronto this week. Mrs Sharrard and Mrs. Branton are members of Rebekah Lodge No, 3 STILL SOME ONE-EYED CARS There are still some cars that continue to drive with one light, Returning from Bowmanville last night no less than three one eyed oars were noticed in the nine milena, Tn almost all cases the light that was out, was the one on the side next the approaching cars. The police of the 6ity are making a rigid check up on such cars and it is best for every driver to CArry A spare bulb in oase of em ergenoy, RECRIVES PRIZE Fred Moody, jr. of Lakeview Gardens, is 'the man who receives the prize in the 'covered. wagon Slade = conn fon with the Ros Ary Fair para t Wednesday night, Mr, Moody drove a single horse hitched to a picturesque and somewhat comical imitation of the old. covered wagon. The judges were. uriable to précure his mame the night of the parade, STUDENT DID WELL Another Oshawa student did well in the essay contest. conducted by ue and On- tario Motor League in the person of Dora Mouskiluke pupil in the junior fourth 'class of Mrs, Hope at South Simcoe 'Street Public. School. She will Toeive a cash Prize of " ' TARIFF RAISED ON Cunbares, aa, June 20.-= A new customs . schedule intwo~ duced in the House of Representa- Hien yeaterday increases" the dute oh 118 lines of goods and eB them on eight. The general tariff is increased | by 40 per cent: Substantial rises were made on radio sets, phonos EI NC Antone eo parts. or 'ing! affect iron and steel sheets, machs 4 sive & medical expert, AUTOMOBILE PARTS inery, commercial chemicals and |! t "Britain only wants Al babies," PROTEST SALE 'Cobourg; June '18~(0P)-- Strong opposition: to the sale of a strip of 'road where the late: King Edward was accustomed to stroll during a visit to the late sie ne ney Smith of Cobourg in 186 A RR RAN The at the June of the counties council for: ites OF | iy 3 ¢ | wv was to 'the way | t ey, t possession of - * sbount. of hs 'matter ration ue. Twins, of OURS, Will Slavs BS: Sued Ne "over 'until the of the: x PARTE NT ER SRR Ca A ae J ,| points, PARKWOOD HORSE WINS IN. OPEN HUNTER GLASS McLaughlin Stable. Success ful at St, Catharines Meet Bligo, owned by Mr. R.. B. Me- Laughlin, won first place in the open hunters class at the annual St, , Catharines Horse show, held yesterday, competing with hunters from Buffalo and Toronto. Park- wood horses have been very success- ful this year in shows at Toronto, Hamilton, St. Catharines and other Unfortunately the performance yesterday was interrupted by rain and it was decided to run off the | balance of the afternoon's card and the evening meet in a 'matinee at 1.30 o'clock this afternoon, WHITBY LIBERALS ARE ORGANIZED F. M. H. Irwin Elected Chairman -- Hon. Nelson Parliament Was Speaker The first organization meeting of the Whitby Liberals occurred last night when a number of party stal- warts gathered in the office of Mr, F. M. H, Irwin, Brock Street North Hon, Nelson Parliament, Liberal organizer, of 'Toronto, adressed the meeting and much enthusiasm was manifested over the government's prospects in the coming election, FF. M H Irwin was elected chair. man of the Whitby association. HINTS TO BALD ARE GIVEN BY DOCTOR Keep Head as Cool as Pos- sible--Tobacco Smoke Harmful ShefMeld, Eng.~--Baldness is on the increase and it no longer syn: chronizes with the later span of middle age---from fifty-five to sixty, Men are now beginning to "thin" at thirty and thirty-five and in a few years are definitely bald, Excuding debility----a low stand- ard of health of necessity affects hair-growing---what causes bald. ness? What will prevent it? Obviously, baldness isn't a natur- al condition Something must therefore have operated to check the hair-growth, In that 'connec. tion it must be remembered that each hair is a lving thing; the pearest parallel to it in nature is a blade of wheat. The latter can be killed by too much cold, too much heat, too much moisture, or not enough. And if the soil is poor, or hak been manured wrongly, the blade will either be stunted or dle, So with the "blade" of hair, Con. ditions and food determine its life, writes a doctor in the Sheflield Tele- graph, First, as to conditions, Here are three significant facts: 1, Halr grows abundantly on them who spend a considerable part of their time in an atmosphera helow freer- ing point. After a few months' work in cold storage warehouses, many bald or nearly bald men have grown full erops of hair. 3. Some of those who were with Shackleton in his expedition to the Pole had thin and scanty hair. They returned well-thatched, 38. Most sailors, while not unknown, are very rare. Yes, you've gripped it, Hair likes the eold----and doesn't like heat. To save your hair, or to revive the thin, erop, keep your head ag cold as you ean. You kndw where the hair lasts longest ---on the temples, and at the back Those are the plices not tov with a hat! The cold air gets to them, If, for reasons good or bad, you don't feel you 'van join the Hatless Brigade, then wear a light hat and puncture ventilation holes in the crown. What of the "soil" for the hair? It is not merely a, coincidence that the tremendous increase in bald. ness has synchronized with the tre mendous increase in tea-drinking and smoking. It is not suggested 4hat you should give up those twin pleasures, but---if. your thaten 1s thinning--use them moderately. A system ponked in caffeine---the drug in tea----or nictoine, means baldness." The soil of the hatr is poisoned, Convicts, with very little téa, and that weak, and with no tobacco, Have gone into prison al most bald and come out with good heads of hair. Another fact of signficance. Men employed in paraffin stores &row. hair so a that 1t 1s'a nuisance. ay na natural tonic for the Nany of us get into the habit of missing out' certain foods from our dietary, and it is possible that thereby we are depriving the haily roots of nourishment. A man, with the thinnest of oro was advised to eat at darrots dailysraw, if did so, and his haid is k. Pota- toes are no good for the hair, so' tor some of those you might substi. tute carrots. Of fruits, sweet oran- ges are good. So also Mr. And the best soap wherewith to your head is a shaving sible. He waa Soda, in very rd the oy 3 baldness th ' Now, it reatens, of Autom. Jou EAA AD: ' nom, of 'hair, | wash | (Carnival Parade and Closing Ot Automobile Contest Will Be Major GOURT OF REVISION WILL SIT HERE FOR THREE DAYS Voters Will Have Last Chance of Getting Names on List The sittings of the Court of Revision, for the purpose of mak- ing corrections to the voters' list for the Dominion election on Ju'y 28th, will begin on Monday, June 23rd, in the Town Hall for three days, Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, Sittings will be conducted by Judge Thompsons beginning at 10 a.m, standard time, or 11.00 Oshawa Daylight ' Saving Time, each of the three days. One or two night sittings will probably be arranged for, The court will hear appeals for the removal of names now on the Jist, and for the addition of names which have beeh omitted, All per. sons wishing to have their names added, will be required to appear in person before the courf. Re- quirements for Inciusion on the voters' list include British na tionality by birth o: naturaliza. tion, twelve months' residence in the country, and residence with. in the polling - subdivision since before May 28th. JACOPO, "ALCESTER, GRAND MASTER WIN (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ascot, Windson, England, June 20.~ Marshal Field's Jacopo won the Windsor Castle Stakes in the Royal Ascot race meeting today, giving a first to ah American horse for the first time during this year's session, Lord Glanely's Grand Master won the Workingham' Stakes, Lord Harewood's Alcester won the Hard- wicke Stakes in today's windup. CANADIANS SEIZE THREE US. BOATS (By Canadian Press: Leased Wire) Prince Rupert, B.C, June 20 Three United States shimon fishing boats, the Queen City, Tillle M.,, and Sunrise have been seized by the Canadian government patrol boat Rividis. The boats were an. chored in Canadian waters in what was said to be favorable weather, contrary to regulations. The boats are from Settle, Washing. SHAMROCK V WINS FROM FAST YACHTS (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Bangor, County Down, ' Ireland, June 20--8ir Thomas Lipton's Shamrock V, racing on a triangular 30-mile course under conditions identical to those she will face in September at Newport in her chal. lenge for the America's Cup, finish: od first this afternon in a contest with thre of Great Britain's fastest fachts, SEGRAVE'S FINAL RECORD OFFICIAL | (By Canadian' Press Leased Wire) ' London, June 20-The Interna- tional Motor Union today officially confirmed the speed attained by the late Maor Sir Henry Segrave "at Lake Windermere, just before a fa- tal accident cost hin. life, as the world's unlimited water rcord, The. speed confirmed was 85.7 nautical miles 'an hour, or 98.7 miles an hour. . GRADUATING EXERCISES OF the Oshawa Hospital, held dn the Collegiate Auditor 'fum, Friday evening, 8.30 (day lMght saving). The. public = are cordially Invited to co ©) CONSERVATIVE ROOMS OVER Arcade, Saturday might, open to ublie. r David Spence, M. " Parkd dale, Teronto. Wb MADAME BROWN, | Phone 2636F, be Lou (143d) HEAR SIX OF THE CITY COUN: P oft debate at Centre St. School, Monday, June 28rd, 8 pm. All| taxpayers invited including Cedardale and North East Rate- payers' Asa'ns, : (dda) RUMMAGE SALE, ST. ANDREW'S Church, basement, eos st. 8, Mond 1,30 oie SumaR os sults, (144b) LO.OF, DECORATION SUNDAY, June 22, 2.45 pm. (Dayligl § Time) at Union Ce conduct ta will be | t ter, Rev J. Mo Criaall | Fair Attractions | Judging of Costumes st 7.30 p.m. Will Start the Pro- gram for the Closing Night "of the 1930 Rotary Fair EXTRA PRIZES FOR CHILDREN'S COSTUMES Rotarians Are Making Great Preparations for Big Crowd for Grand Finale at Rotary Park This Eve. ning Postponed last night on account of inclement weather conditions, the closing night of the Rotary Fair, at Rotary Park, will be staged this evening. While the Rotarians and the public generally were disap- pointed at the postponement {he respite has added fresh impetus to the Rotary effort, and this evening, with their booths freshly decorsted with new features and attractions, the Rotarians will be going at full speed from seven o'clock until mid- night In their task of entertaining the public, and giving all the thou- sands who attend the fair full'valne for their money. Last night, in spite of the weather, a large crowd of people were at the Fair ground, not having heard of the postpone~ ment, but to-night it is. expected, that the great throng of Wed- nesday will be far outnumbered and 'that, with the carnival spirit supreme, the grand finale of the 1930 Fair should be a wonderful event, Costume Parade The Carnival plans which had been announced for last night will be carried out to-night; the first big feature being the costume parade at 7.30 p.m, when it is expected that crowds of people in fancy and comic costumes will pass before the judges in competition for the prizes. As announced elsewhere 'in this issue of The Times, two extra prize classes, for children under 15 years of. age, have been added to" the prize list and this is expect. od to bring out a very large entry of children, Prizes to be Presented The second feature of the even. ing 'will be the presentation of prizes to the winners in Wednes- day night's big parade. This will take place at 8.00 o'clock, and all the winners are asked to be on hand to receive their awards. TEST AUTO : Chief interest of course, centres In the automobile oontest, This will 'be closed at 9.45 this evenin, when the car will stop running ne the speedometer will be unlock and inspected by the mayor Oshawa, Whitby and Bowman The "correct ' mileage will: be an- nounced at once, a0' that those 'wie haye:made estimates will know how close they have come to being cor rect, and the name of the winner willbe made known as soon as pos. "A sible. | Tickets will be on. sale again to-night, and the ballot boxes will be kept open' until 9.45 for the depositing of estimates. Another added feature will be the holding of the weekly band con- cert by the Ontario Regiment Band at Rotary Park instead of Alex andra Park ths evénng. The Citte aens' Band will also be 'on hand, and the bands will meet at the Are mories at 7.15 and will mareh he Rotary Park at the head of. the parade of sporting organizations' DA IG IN HALL + Ni Al ia booths and other: Teatursy that" JN #0 popular on Wednes~ day night will again be in operatida to-night, while there will again daholng to ghe music of 'a first-class ol ra, 'ln Rotary 'ell "from eight. o'clock until midnight 0 that those who favor this form of: creation will have every op to enjoy themselves. Admission Free © Admission, of course, will be! the Rotary directors having' des) ed that, in view of the wond: response of the public on Wedns day t they would 'throw i gates wide open and low ) one to flock into the. out. the necessity of bi is afternoon, the sembled at the Park at tour wo ality of hy of Bi to the fun of the Fair being or og ad 'turious than ever, : ht for the page Fron