# : 2 i i WILE ESL LL THE AN 7 A y PAGE FIVE and the Community Ary Jnékbon = sdited this g-on the Dudhess nt 'whe re she will spe ith friends & , Mr, and Mes, Ho M, Black, May son. street Teft Inst evening en & or trip to London, Outaris, While in that eity, Mr, Blagk will attend, the Telophone Convention. (Mids. W, 0 PEllips and Miss Eleanor V. MeLaughlin - wers guésts at the Bt, Catharines Rid: ing'and Driving Club Horse Show this week, © © « &. B, Costello, publisher of the Lewiston (Maine) Hun ana Jour val, was a visitor it The Times of yestetday, He and Mrs, Cos. tello. are motoring to Temagimi for, a holiday, The annual Henry family ple nie will 'be held this year.at the home of Oliver 'A, Atkins, near the town of - Decker, - Mich, On ¥riday, July 4th, This pienic has become a popular event. of inter national renoun, Many . relatives trom. Oshawa and vicinity always attend. On Vriday "evening, June 14th) about seventy-five friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alonso Williams, Port Perry, to celebrate with them the A0th anniversary of their wedding. Mr, Madison Hams acted As chairman and rs, 'W. Gerrow, wan onlled on to read an address, Mrs, HW, Bartley presented thew with a 'beaut 'ul set of dishes In lionour «of the océnsion. A Very|q pleasant evening was spent by all, ' The Address Dear Mr. and Mrs, Williams On this happy occasion, the 0th anniversary of your wedding, we have met here to extend to you our congratulations and good wishes, As we pause for a moment, and look down the .oad of mem- ory, thig eve.ing, old friends, old times, old happy days come back to use, We have valued your sin cera spirit 'of friendliness. through the years, and asa slight token of alr Appreciation of you as friends and neighbours, we beg you to accept this set of dishes, and may you and your family live long to enjoy the comforts of this figned on hehalt of neighbours and. friends--Mrs, Wilson Ger. row, rT "quite: an RASTA UL Si 1 . : CATR en vy ale hg n Athuit | | {comer "GIRL GUIDE he Brownies wre being very elptul, and "lending a hand" at the Rally en the 28th, They are carrying the big name cards of the 'nations in the pageant, and are putting on a pretty little dance fantasy "Cinderella" and Ahen at the end giving a spediul Brownls "Govd-bye"", Molly Wenles of 2nd Oshawa received h second class badge 'his weak Kt the regular Wed- nesday Hight meeting, One year's attendunce has been completed by Amy Harding, Mar: gare Daniels, {ison Copeland, Marjorie Breault, Helen Rosser and Molly Weale:, and they were given their silver star on Wed: nesday night by the Cap'ain, Mrs Maleolm Hicks, The Signalling Nquad Itally on the 88th, has been chosen after much careful. consideration, Miss Lillian MoDbwell is in charge of the quartette, who were able to make the test. The Guides chosen were Annie Anderdon, Mary An: drews, Dora HSweet and lean Copeland, The colorful costumes for the International Pageant at the Rally on the ¥8th, are almost complete, Miss Yvonne Haselwood and Mins Lois Mundy, who have this unde taking 'in hand, are very gratef:| to: those who have assisted them by lerdlog various bits of fancy resses, The Mothers' Council of the Guides have underinken to serve for the NEWS « \ ten aL the U en and Rally, and with convenors, 'Mrs, Cope Jand '4d Mys, Daniels, are mak: Ing full arrangements for a re: froshing cup in the garden after the program. I'he 'beautiful grounds of "Weathwood" lend themselves excéptionally well for this, Tiokats' are out for the garden party at:the residency" of Lt.-Col W. 1. Phillips, Bark Road North, on Maturday afternoon, June LLIN For the small sum of twenty-five conis, A fine demonstration of Gig! Guide activities will be wiven ofl the tennis courts, consisting of fancy country dances in costume, signalling, physical ex roises, 'team games, singing and a' great Intei- national Pageant, There are oY countries 'where Guiding is spread. ing its mes of good will, but only 16 of these will be in the pageant, as there are not enough Guides In Oshawa and Whitby to show more, Come and se) it, and help the girls eamp funds, INT GIRL GUIDE COMPANY On account of the garden party being postponed a week; thers will be more time to spend on prepara: tions for it, and the rally promises to be even wm great'r success than was expected, hen first talked of, It the weather is fine a hike will be held on Saturday, All the girls are asked to be at the corner of Ross's Road at 1 pm, Lorraine Lee wan given her seo: ond class badge aL the meeting lant M( "oy tam WOMEN'S MEETINGS NT. ANDREW'S LADIES' AID NOCIETY fit, Andrew's Ladies' Ald Society held, its regular monthly meeting on June 10th, Mrs, A, G, Broow- field, the president,: was in the chair, 'There were thirty-eight members present, (The meetiug opened with a hymn and soripture lesson. read by Mrs, J, Webb, Psalm 136 was read and Mrs, Broomfield led in prayer after which all repeated the Lord's PFrayor, The programme although short was delightful, Mra, Lasy wang & solo, also Mrs, Weeks, and Miss McBrien played a plano solo, Aftergoon ten was sgrved by Mra Lethbriage and Mrs, MN, Waverson YOUNG PEOPLE MEET AT HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ---- The Young People's Club of the Church of the Holy Trinity, hed a soolal evening on Wednesday, which was a hue sigoess, The program Was = opened by Miss Degman, whé gave a plano- forte solo, Melody in F, which waa exquisitely rendered, Mins Florence Baxter, next gave a very fin~ rendering of those two old favourites 'Friend U Mine' apd "Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses." Mish Doreen Sullivan oreated' impress'on when whe danced very nicely to the music Nola", Miss Sullivan further obliged with a step dance to ap- propriate musie, rs, Cameron oblidged with two very suitable numbers, in as ol 1 asx they d2alt with the beauty o the gardens at this period qf the year, Both renderings were very well received and wr hope Lo pre- VAIl upon Mra, Cameron's gener Iioaity at a future date, We were glad tb welcome a new to our midst, in the per son of Miss Norma Freer, a talent: ed dancer, 'Wednesday evening wan: her first appearance in public since coming; to the Dominion Australia, and she more than en: hanced her reputation by two dances to the music of '"Rendes: yous" and "Humoresque", 'Mr, Frank Cowles (tenor), and the Rev, 8. O, Jarrett (baritone), delighted us with a splendid ren: dering of "Watchman What of the | Night" Their voloes blended very effectively, Mr, Harry Amy should un frou | questionably have donned clertical Attire many jong years ago, His rendering of that very pathetic ballad "Old Mother Hubbary' demonstrated his powers of volu- bility and depth of feeling, Mr, Lionel Rowe almost pros trated us with a humorous reading in thé Deven ' "y dialect, + 'We are deeply indebted to Mr, Gordon Davies, who without no- ti3e, entertained uy ' with several humorous recitals, The program was followed by refreshments and dancing, tue event coming to an end with the singing of "God Bave the King." The ofticers of the Club wish to express their sincere apprecla. tion to the artists for services rendered, ' «d to the Indies who sn ably cont alled the catering | ms ---- m------ WEDDING POOL E==DEMPSTER A quiet wedding was solemp- lsed at the Knox Church manse Iast evening, by the Rev, Duncan Munro, when Isabella Nicol Demp ster became the wife of Edwin Poole. Both are of Taunton, and will reside there after their mar- Hage, The bridal couple were at tended by Mra, Day, Park Road. Oshawa, and William Tyrle, of LaunLon, a na HOW TO SHOP The good shopper is not se mueh Interested in how a purchase looks today an 1h Now it will look on that distant tomorrow when it'munt Atfil be "werviceable, A thing to bear in mind In that Integrity in textiles In just as important as pers sonal integrity, Masquerading oan lant just 'sp Yong,' then comen the unmasking, Cotton {i an honest and 'useful fabric: doctored to imit- ate wool or silk, it fools no one ex opt the purchaser, Artificial silk wan a failure, but the same product, developed as rayon, has established a definite place for itaelt among the fabries, A good cotton tablecloth in: superior in looks and wervice- abliity to a cotton produet which han heen nined to imitate linen, Remember that the humble wash. tuh ina ruthless top of pratense. all comex out in the wash with a vengeance, ; : A pinch of salt added when mak. ing coffee causes the grounds to settle to the bottom, Purchase seldom-used sploes in amall packages, an it is more soon. omical, spices lose nome of thelr flavor when exposed to the air a" A tiny; a rE Md Od fo ed A NOY et The annual convention of the W.C'T, Unions of Durham and On. turlo Counties was held In King st, United Church yesterday, opens ing in the morning at 0,80 o'clock, The Union was extremely for tunate In mecuriog a special sponker of the day Mrs, Gordon Wright, London, Outario, who 1s resident of the Dominion W.C.T, Jo Mrs, Wright 1s a most charm: Ing woman and a most talented speaker, She Is recognized ay one of the best women speakers In Canada, The morning session way strictly business, [eports of the departments were read and other important matters discussed, Just ws in 1914 y/hen Canada and the whole British Empire was torn ented by the evils of war, now, in 1930 Canada Is confronted by even a greater prevalan of evil, that wrought by the government sale of liquor, way the thought expressed in the opening remarks of the address. And Just us In 1914 the women of Canada responded to the call and came 'to the ald of the country, by thelr untiring efforts In red cross work, ete, so they can use thelr in fluence now In the stamping out of the freely administered and govern. ment protected liquor, Mrs, Wright ranks the importance of the W.C'T\U, almost equally with that of the church but she believes that at the present the church Is asleep or It would not tolerate such # thing as the government sale of li quor, "Every church should be a sounding horn, warning its people a+ gainst the liquor trafic," says Mrs, A right, She says that the Liquor Control, Act Is the rulnation of the youth of the sountry wherein les Its salvation, when such easy nccess Is given ta the use of liquor, The speak: or denounced any form of govern ment that would lend its protection to the salg of liquor "Years ago, says Mrs, Wright, "the greatest assets to Canada were belies ved to be its natural resources but during the cruel war It was learned that young manhood and young wom. anhood is the finest asset to this country, It is for the suke of the future youth, that the liquor control must be forgotten out of tht count try" Using the results that have been accomplished, in other countries an examples Mrs, Wright left as a challenge to the women { Ontario, to try and put their country among the others who are fighting so strong ly Aainet this great evil, The noon luncheon for the mem. bers of the W.CT.U, who attended the convention at King Ntreet oburch, was a splendid opportunity for all to get wall acquainted with one another, The only disappoints ing fact about it was that more lad. fos did mot attend. The rather unsettled weather was acepuntable for that, However, there 4 no doubt but that those who were pfesent derived a wealth of fnspira tion and encouragement In the work that they are so earnestly and notively engaged in. Mrs, Jackson preaiding frst, oalled. upon Rev, C, KE Cragg for a short address, In doing so Mr, Cragg extended the heartiest of greetings on behalf of the church, the Oshawa Union and himself to the out-of<town Kuents, He complimented ' the ladies on their splendid enterprise and wished them avery possible sue. gods in thelr work, Mayor T, B. Mitchell, who had heen invited to he present, in res- ponding to the request of the presi. dent to say A few words, weiom- od the Temperance Union members to Oshawa on behalf of the elty, Al though not notified that she would be asked to speak at the luncheon, Mrs, Gordon Wright, ohief speaker of the atfernocon and evening nes: slonn did not decline when called upon by Mrs, Jackson, With her first sentences Mrs, Wright won the hearts of those in her audience who were not already acquainted with her. She complimented the Oshawa Union on their large surol- ment of members and on thelr enterprise, their ability and thelr graciousness, And she hinted that perhaps the Oshawa membership could he raised from ita present total of 136 to 150 in a few weeks, It wan interesting to follow Mrs, Wright in her explanation of the use of the one dollar that Is pald by each member on Jjolning the Union, She explained that twenty. five cents want to the local union, fifty cents to the ofcial national -| paper 'The White Ribbon Tidings" and the other twenty-five cents to the provincial union, fen cents of the latter goes to: the Dominion Union, Mer cloxing remarks were a challenge to the mothers of the community to assist in training thelr ohildren in striotly prohibi- tion habits, Mrs, Stillwell, of Ux. bridge, replied to the words of greetings given by the Oshawa ple, A worship service opened the at. ternoon session. Then followed the president's address which gave a detatled review of the year's pro. ceedings and an outlined proapee- tun of the future year's work, Reports were read which contain. od the following information: The W.OTU, in Ontario and Durham counties comprises eight branch Unions, and ene Y.W.QA, The total membership amounts to 88, made up of 364 regular mem« bers, and 24 honorary members, A decided Talling has been noted during the Jaat year, attributable, perhaps, to lack of enthusiasm or Qlscourageinen. Oshawa reports a decrease of 98, Uxbridge 11, Orono 1, and Whitby 2, Port Perry had more encoyrag: ing news, with a 'gain of one mem: Sixty-nine regular meetings and 0 Public moolinsn have bean held oft in membership | Durham and Ontario W.C.T.U. Meets at King Street Church "For Annual Convention Mrs, Gordon Wright, Dominion President, as Chief Speak- or, Addresses Afternoon and Evening Sessions throughout the two counties duting the year, The total amount raise was reported at $1,111,183, The treasurer's report showed the following satisfactory statement of the year's financial operations: Total Necolptn +ooves $540,006 Expenditures ovo se 609,42 Palanes ov vnnnns B4. 04 Mrs, Gordon Wright took the chair to conduet the election of officers, the result of which is as (01 1OWN | = Honoraty Prosidents--Mrs, A, J, «Continued on Page 7) CRADLE ROLL TOTS GIVEN PARTY Pre-Sundsy School Children and Their Mothers Are Entertained at Sim. coe Street Church On Thursday, June 10th, the Annual Cradle Roll vty of Hime goo St, United Church was held the church parlors. A goodly num. ber of bables and thelr mothery acoepted the unique Invitation, brought to each by the blue bird type of happiness, The rooms were !eautifully deo orated with masses of the child. ren's flowers==daisies and buster cups-=and by peonios and ferns, Ample propartion was made for the entertain: .nt of the youthtul guests, Understanding friends had brought many bright but harmless toys, Infants aprawied over a car- pet provided especinlly for the'r accommodation, while older child. ren participated in musical games, superiniended hy Mra, Albert Wil son, Mra, Hlewart Alger, and Mis Rita Taylor. Baby sonlews, loaned by My, Lovell, gave an apportunity for those who wished to have their bables weigned, and inoldentaliy, this furnished a pleasing divers slon for many, The Cradle Roll babies and thely mothers were the guests of the liver Roady Nible Class tor ups per, Low tables arrange. for the comfort of the tiny guests had heen protilly decorated by the Cradle Roll Superintendent and hor assistants, and when surround. ed by those of the company who wore 'of age", and could be per Age | funded to leave the mother's side, RA-------------------- NEAL RENCUKL Cine Windsor, sereen Actross, who almost lost her lte when "Loleta," Phillip M, Plant's yacht, was struck amidships, two miles off Kye Beach In Long Island Mound, vecently. presented a most attractive ap pearance, Mach child earriod home a dainty souvenir box of confection, while cich mother was presented by the Cradle. Roll Superintendent, Mrs Chas, Lander, with an inspiring mossage, known as "Motherhood Beatitudes," MOTHERHOOD BEATITUDEN" Blessed is the mother - who re- Jolces In her work, Blessed in the mother whose child. ren obey promptly for love, Blessed ix the mother who accepts hor task as from God, Diespod Is the mother who doo not worry or fret, Blessed in the mother who ean win her children's confidence, Blessed is the mother whose child: ren are eager to help her, Bloswed in the mother who takes a few minutes dally for nell and God, Blessed In the mother who Is not troubled about trifies, Blessed is the mother who has a sense of humor, Blessed ix the mother who nings at her tasks, Blessed In the mother who makes home the "best place on ourth." Diosaed in the mother who takes the children into partnership, Finest Quality Maker's Clearance WOMENS' and MISSES' COATS Finest Quality Imported Pure Wool Tweeds, i Regular $19.50 and up. On Sale Saturday Pure Silk SHIONEp Pullover Sweaters Misses' and Women's siges, white and colors, All Wool and Silk and Wdol Mixtures, Regular $2.95 and $3.95. On Sale for HIN STEAM PRESSURE eors will examine Wo are in hopes that the engin M. Mussolini With a view to seeing what tha steam pressure is to the square inch, di ge donned wd i -- i Byy, with the Gordon "'V* Line Hos« dery, Penmans Limited hue soqued the Vopr wee this type o heel in Cae ! rrengement You may now secure the counterpart of the Famous Gordon "V"-Line Hosiery in {| k makers of FOR SALE BY W. A. Dewland, Limited LK 'F.' Buchanan SILK HOSIERY ENMANS introduce their Double "V" Heel Hosiery==the newest note in finest chiffon--=iden« tical with the well-known Gordon "V".Line Hosiery so favored by fashion leaders in New York and : elsewhere. Here is the ultimate in feminine hosiery ==silks of rare quality in shades to match the new season's colors, fashioned with the latest Double "V* Heel that is so smart and becoming, Penmans Double "V** Heel Hosiery has the ankle-enhancing, V-shaped shadows placed exactly where nature places a shadow on the heel. Penmans Double *V* Heel Hoviery No, 353 (SAA to top) mi dealers lis Penman No. 208 clear chiffon (silk B83 semistorvice (1k to French Heel and be purchaied al any of the Je burchiiet at kyol Pevmant No. 17 (oilh Narrow Point Heel, is 0 temisierviee weight, ¢ PENMANS LIMITED « \ dl / I [7A } {A / PENMANS AY a A | +3 y vi \Y §