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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1930 Peter Has His Turn rm -- Whate'sr to others you may do Be sure they will return te you, Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit didn't know whet. wr fo bo angry or to laugh, At 'est he felt angry, Yes, slr, Potoy 'oll, angry, You know, there are vary few who can laugh at jokes yn themselves, The joke really wan m Peter and he knew it. He had sent a lot of time hunting for Jer vy Muskrat's new house and all he time been looking for the wrong kind of a house, Then he had been told that he was sitting on the roof of that new house, when all he time he was siting on the bank of the Smiling Pool, where he had st many times, Of course, he had not helleved that he was silting on the roof of a house He hadnt believed it. and had sald #0, and now it had turned out that after al) he had heen siting on the roof of Jerry's house, You see, Jerry's now arouse whs In the ground, It was in the bank of the Bmiling Pool, with the entrance under walter, and it was exactly under where Peter and been sitting, 3 Peter wisely decided not to be wngry, He presently saw how funny it all was and he began to chuckle Redwing the Blackbird chuckled with him, 1t was Redwing who had axplained the joke to Pater. Vinal ly Peter looked up at Redwing, "1 suspect that Jerry Muskrat is laugh ng at me right now," sald Peter 'I know 1 would be laughing If { were In his place, But I am going o get even with Jerry and then it wil be my turn to laugh' 'How Are you going to get even?" Redwing asked, "Watch me," replied Peter, "Just rout watch me and you'll sed how I'm going to get even,' I Now, Peter knew that in all orobability Jerry Muskrat's bed. om was up quite near the surface: He knew that thera must ba a long hall from the water leading up and that a little way under the wd must. be Jerry's very com tortable bedroom, Ko Peter hopped pack a little way and suddenly he humped the ground with his stout hindfeet, He thumped as only Pater gan thump, Then he hopped on a step or two and thumped again, He hopped off to one side and then to he other side each time he humped, He thumped and he humped hard all around where he hought the roof of Jerry's home night be, Finally he hopped. over o the edge of the bank and looked fown Into the Smiling Pool, Jerry Muskrat was just starting to climh im the bank and It was plain to ne that Jerry was in a had tember Peter chuckled, "Hallo, Jerry," kaid he, pretend. Mg to be surprised, "Where did you wme from?" Bo it wan: you," wnarled Jerry, 'or he was still angry, "So It was wu pounding on. the roof nt my rouse! I might have known it. 1'1 each you not to try that triek gaint" "7 wan thumping, If that fa what 'ol mean," sald Peter. I often hhmp, How wan 1 to know 1 was in the roof of your houwe?" "I told you you were on the roof PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S | 10 Simcoe 86. B, «= We Deliver | Machinery Repairing NOTHING LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop: 101 King St, W, Phone 1914 COAL COAL Phone 108 "1t your waich ALT ving r wale u tafaction we oan repair u make it tel) the correct . he Leading Jeweler Eastablished 1886 "12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH EA By Thornton W, Burgess uf won't," replied Neter, good: naturedly, of my house when 1 saw you fast" retorted Jerry. : Potoried enough," replied Peter, "1 ramember now, But you didn't ex. plain what you meant, | have thumpad on this bank many timer and there was no house hare then, Don't you think we are even, Jor ya "Jerry Muskral started an Angry reply, hut changed his mind and finally grinned, "T guess We Are, peter,' sald he. "1 had a lot of fun with you and now you've had a loi of fun with me, Bo 1 guess we ars even, Be a good fellew and don't thump on my roof again." "1 won't, replied Pater naturedly, (Copyright The next story semblance," good 1080, TT, W, Burgess) "Poler Rees a Re. A h AN i TIME TABLES | 2 dedbeds doe we > » wee GC P. R TIME TABLE EWNective April 17, 1030, (Standard Time) Colng W Daly Daily Duly pay ily Coing East Bay dally Daily (Exoapt Sunday) Nally Daily we r-- 5.47 am 6.28 a.m na am 318 pm 63 pm, (Except Sunday' 9.50 a.m, 308 poms 8.20 pm, 11.10 pom 12.00 am. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS " tive April 1% Songs " oom vo Time) === ss ess Daily, Except Sunday , Sunday only , Dally Lally, Except Sunday Dai'y , Lally , Daily, y Except Barurday 22 SB E33 api Except Sunday - Z omssiromn tt 33 333 ----- a == e oT 83 3° = == J Except Sunday i hy opt Sunday , Daily, Exel FAN Bent Sunday: ily y Dally m, Sunday enly g332%= seeeal 333337 ae a et == =. nly n Dally, Except Suneay S3= Whithy, Oshawa, Rowwmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective Apr 1. 1900.) (Daylight Sogine ( Arvivé Haonite! ase "Wom 44 pm Sos ts] gs FoewmmaniLSome 8582353, per? . 333333333332 EREBuNS esi tt TST IIPo TIS 3333333333333 soo H E 333 99990 Pa "suse - a =a Smee Seem BosRs3==2x £ SR3 of: Ek HHPEELE 33313 mT Smes se» 3g3s AM am 4.40 om, n 1.00 pam, AL! me mar! Whithy al ---- WNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULA he -m HH wm HARMONY BRIEFS Harmony, June 28,~On #atur- day the Harmony Munday Bchool held thelr annual plenie st Chubb Town, * Trucks and private cars conveyed A large number out there and everybody enjoyed a ren) good afternoon and evening, The (ables were Jaden with lots of good things to ent and everybody did justice to the fine spread as well as heartily joining In with the gmes and rac. os, Vollowing are the races and winners' names: Girls race, Mrs, R, Luke's clans, Hazel Valllors: Boys race, Mrs R, Luké's class, Jack Loe; Girly' race, Mrs, PP. Timmin's class, Eleanor Clark; Roy's race, Mrs, P, Timmin's class, Grant Pet. ors; (Hris' race, Gladys Oke's clam, Joyee Powell, Dorothy Ross, Gladys Taylor; Boys' race, Madeleine Tool. oy's class, Morley Eteher, 'Vioyd Sutton, Bruce Ferguson; Bun eat- Pas. OF 1 Copyrighs, 1A eg. 0. 6 wy Mutvapsiian Wows pape; Rorvien | \ ing contest for boys, Carlson Etch. or, Cletys Dyer and Biddle Saunders, * Peanut Contest, Girls 70 yours and over, Mrs, Tooley and Ethel Dart, leen Trull and Margaret Budgen, $hoe Mace, Boys and (rls, Grete Hunkmg snd Noss Kdwards Ileen Trull and Garnet Goyne, Whee! Barrow race, 1hoy and 1 girl, Cletys Dyer and Margaret Hudgen, Warren Peters and Lrene Fleming ' flodn hiscult eating contest, (Girls) Muth Tooley, Vivienne Hern, Boat Conests (Junior hoys) Rows Winter, Rows Edwards, Clotys Dyer, Gurnel Goyne, Carlson Eteh- or, Warren Peters, Bonrd sawing contest Mrs, KE. Goyne, Ball games were played by boys (indies) a a ------.----------------] and girls and adults after supper, PORT PERRY Port, Porry, June 21,~Mr, and Mrs, Ross Milne, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, John Irwin, Mrs, Britton is visiting her dnughter, Mrs, Pollard, jn Bowman. ville for un few weeks, The pupils of Miss Lucille Leask held a very interesting recital in the United Church on Friday even. ing, Mr, and Mrs, Elwood Carruihers, of Glen Major, Mr. Harvey Oxhy, of Badowa, and Miss Edith ators, of Uxbridge, spent Bunduy with Mr, and Mrs, A, D, Peters, Myr, Leighton MacGregor hay purchased the house formerly oe. cupled hy Mr, Ivan Bpencer, Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Wallace, of Toronto, spent Mandsy with Mr, apd Mrs, Frank Mitchell, While playing on the street on Saturday -1ittle . Barbara Jaffrey, daughter ot Dr, and Mrs, Jefirey, had the misfortune to have her leg badly broken, when she was knock. od down hy a passing car Mr, and Mrs, Karl Whitewood, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr, and 'Mrs, Heusler, Mrs. Robart Dickson is the guest of ber daughter Mrs, 0 A, Woods, IAttle Mary Barnett, who has been M1 in the Oshawa Hospital was brought home this week, We hope she will soon he restored to der usunl good health, Mrs, ©, Stiner and Miss Boddy, of Oshawa, Mrs, Morgan and Dr, Collacutt, of Toronto, were Kun- ddy guests of Mr, and Mrs, H, 1, Collneutt, Mrs, H, K, Hitehman returned to her homes in Toronto on Saturday after spendinng several days with friends in Port Perry, Quite pn number from here attend. ed the Rotary Falr in Oshawa this week About fifty members of the Phil athena Bible Class of Simpson Ave, United Church, Toronto, spent an onjoyable afternoon, when they were enterigined by Mrs, Heusler, at her Bummer Home ou Rosa St on Baturday, Mrs. Heusler Is a momber of the class, Miss Elsie Rose, of Petrblea, Is spending her vacation with her par. ants, Mr, and Mrs, A. H, Rose, Mr, Irvin Costes, of "Toronto, pont the week-end with his mother Mrs, Geo, Contes, Mr, and Mrs, Ki. Dulton, Miss Frances Dutton, Mr, and Mrs, John Summers, Mrs, Summers, Sr, Mr. and Mrs, L. Bpeck and family, snd Mr. Jumes Dutton, all of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, J, C, Cock burn and family, Miss M, Bhort of Toronto, home for the week-end, was Maxico leads the world In the production of silver Gond Prices for Steers At the Edmonton Stock Yards re cently, a shipment of four car loads of beef steers, comprising 80 head, netted the seller $131 per head for 70 animals of the 1,200-1h, class, while ten head of the baby beef type brought $95 per head, Over $11,000 was realized for the lot, These were an exceptionally fine lot of grain fed butcher cattle und were stock of mix. ed breeds, Herefords, Shorthorns and Angus, and were purchased on the Edmonton market last summer as feeders when their weight averaged BOO hs, They returned to the same market 50 per cent, heavier as finish ed cattle Canada exports more manufactu, ed goods per head of population than any other country in the world, The figures are, Canada #480, Great Brie tain, 85580, Germany $3268, France $30.58 and United States $2513 SAY, HAVEN'T You ¢Z ANY APPLES CAN PEEL FOR A WHILE INSTEAD OF 4-7 PoTATORS } No, ONLY ONIONS! TELLING TOMMY [rl -------- THERE ARF MANY INTERESTING STORIES ABOUT FAMOUS AUTHORS, TOMMY, JONN KEATS, THE CLLLBRATED ENGLISH POT, OMX oo 10 A SCHOOLBOY FRIEND THAT HO ONE IF ALONE IN THE HOUSE MOULD DARI READ "MACBETH AT TWO IN XE MORNING' -- AE AB oMt KEATS (1795-1821) THE 50M OF A KEEPER OF A LIVERY STABLE, 15 CALLED THE POET'S POET" KEATS WAS LEFT AN ORPHAN IN HIS FIF TEENTH YEAR AND WAS TAKEN FROM SCHOOL AND APPRENTICED TO A SURGEON, HE MADE A MOD "he BRINGING UP FATHER 8 {| I'M GONNA FIRE THAT Y nl 1 | COD BRN I® | HAVRE | ----rO MRE A cor | -- TO OO IT ofl ------ J i BO 1000, 1a Feature Ren ike, Ine, Crear Brann nghts seer of JONN WEATS WENTWORTH PLACE -- ERATELY GOOD SURGEON, BUT GAVE UP HIS PRO- FESSION IN 1817 10 TAKE UP A LITERARY (ARLER, HIS SHORT LIFE AS A BRAVE STRUGGLE AGAINST DISEASE AND POVERTY, YE] HL ACCOMPLISHED IN A LITERARY CAREER OF THREE YEARS, A BODY Of VERSE THAT PLACES HIM AMONG THE FOREMOST OF HIS COUNTRYS POETS, 0 King Features Byndiopta, Ine, Arent Reitain righty sessrwed 2 £3 1 F11Y, 11 BET YOU { WOULD BE AFRAID 10 4 GO TO BED IF WE SHOULD Y GO 10 BED AND HEAR "MACBETH OVER fi THEN TURN ON THE RADIO! By Geo. Me Manus Ir ---- WHAT SREmMS) TO 88 TE TROLBLE? | WANT You Te || COME OUP TO MY | HOVBE AN POT / OUT A HERVANT WHE REFUDES TO GO AFTRR BEN | DONT BE AFRAID TO HANDLE HER -- ROUGH LEAVE THAY TO ME l Whikle' WELL \™ IT SMT hiv, MALONE? an' HOW ARE - ow? ) DENNY O'Brien S50 You ARE A | POLICE Man NOW + i" DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE WHEN THE CAMBLS CHILD SAID" : I MUST GO HOME LTHEY SAID "SINCE YOu © PRAGHING-WE WILL COME ALONG, Tgp" (My arACiOUS, WHERE WiLL Lt IN THEY ALL WENT, AND MY SOODNIAS, DIDN'T The PoSA OLD CAMRL MATHER HAVE A FINK TIME PUTTING THEM ALL TO BRD? FIRGT THERE WAS A ROR DOLLY MOLIS\| » By Ones G. Droyl THEN A LITTER ONB FOI DO You THINK OF THIS CRALY FAD THAT JAHIPPLE HAS TAKEN RE THLLEE THE TOLER. Looks bs + 'Shorts L} a or 'J ~. «19 EH T, MR. SiMPR) ABOLT TM KON RO

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