THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1930 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS CONVICT WINS B, A Kingston ~Douglag Kew, aged 86, convicted an a safecracker in London, Ont, and for shopbrenk~ ing and theft in Toronto in 1026, sentenced to a term in Kingston Penitentiary and afterwards trans. torred to Hioney Mountain Peni ientiary, has applied himself to {earning since sent to prison, Al sccording to Information received here, will receive his degree of B.A, before he leaves prison, SOUTH GRENVILLE W. I. Prescott. ~The annual meeting of the South Grenville Women's Institutes elected officers us fol #. Totten, of Algonquin; first vice-president, Algonquin; pocond vice-president, Mrs, T. A secretary: Roe- lows: president, Mrs, Mrs, J, Connell, of McIntosh, Spencerville treasurer, Mrs, J, H, Karl, buck; federated representatives to Ottawa, Mrs, William Leacy, Fres- cott; auditors, Mrs, H, Throop and Mrs, ¥. Atiridge, TO BUILD BRIDGE == County Council has awarded the contracts in connection with the construe. tion of the new bridge over the Pembroke-Renfrow Ii WIE ng iit J Muskrat river near the French school in Stafford, COUNTY RATE INCREASED Pembroke-Itonfrow ww County Council has fixed the levy for the coming Jon at a rate one and one: halt mills over that of 'last year, The total rate for the county this your will be 15 mills, being divided 8 mills for general mccount and 7 mills for good roads, BOHOOL PRINCIPAL NAMED Athens, ~In succession to J, L, Medeof, who has resigned to ae cept an appointment in Toronto, OG, K, Braithwaite of Wiarton has been named as Principal of Athens High School, He will teach solonce and has qualifications as # physical training Instructor, Miss G, Norman, Toronto, will also join the staff of the school, CANAL ENGINEER DIES Poterbro,~~Death has claimed David Evans Eason, who for the past eleven years has been super. intending engineer of the Trent Canal, DIES AVTEIRV ACCIDENT Lindsay, ~Kenneth Stinson, who was internally injured In a motor accident at Janetville, died yester. | day afternoon in hospital here, An inquest Is being held, When the cap in which he way riding turned BELLEVILLE HEALTHY Bolleville.~~There is a derth of contagious diseases In the city at the present time, Dr, Ug 8, Cronk, Medical Heulth Officer for the city, stated, With the exception of n few mild caso of chickenpos in the east end of the city and » few case of whooping cough, which are not confinement cases, Belleville In free from slokness, KINGTON VOTERN LNT , Kingston,="The onumerators' list for the city of Kingston show that there are 13,023 qualified voters in the city, There are shout 450 names on the list for Ports mouth village making the total over 14,000, MOVES TO NEWMARKET suring. ~I11. A, Jnckson has wo. cured the position of Assistant Principal of Newmarket publie schools, BAD AUTO ACCIDENT Twoed---Pinned bLeneath un car, which was allegedly forced off the rond and precippitated into a deep. ditch nenr Bridgewater, John Courneyen, #on of Mr, and Mrs Pater Courneyen, Tweed, recolved Injuries to his back, Ilis compan. long, Loo Laton, Perey Quinn, and Joseph Lashwa, nll of Bridgewater were more or less cut with flying Klass but recelved no serious fae Juries, EE ------ A I BENNETT SPEAKS AT GREAT RALLY IN COBOURG RINK (From page 6) ing remarks, declared that it Mr, Bennett "kept going" for the next four 'weeks, he would be Premier of Canada, Mr, Vorguson turned almost Immediately to Premier King's recent speech at Peterhoro, "Mr, King told me to mind my own business," the Ontario Premier sarcastically remarked amid laught. er, "I hove always thought that [ did mind my own business because wy business is your business, and I am using my best efforts to loon after your affairs.' Quoting Mr, King's statement that he, Mr, Ferguson, should look after provincial affairs and leave Dominion matters alone, the On. {urio Prime Minister remarked that Mr, King's memory must indeed be short, In the 1896 election, he re. called, the Liberals had used the names of Liberal provinces premiers even in thelr slogans, In Ontario, Liberals finunted the slogan, 'Laur. for, Mowat and Victory," Similarly in New Brunswick, it. had been "Laurier, Blair and Victory," and in Nova Beotla, "Laurier, Fielding and Vietory," Amid applayse, Mr, Ver. guson added that in the 1911 re. eiprocity election , when the Liber. als appenled as to-day "on the samo sort of humbug,' Conserva- tive statesmen such as Bir James Whitney, then Premier of Ontario, had not hesitated to promote what they thought was best for the people, "I have no regrets for being in Abin election," My, Ferguson assert ed amid applause, "I feel proud that I have the good sense to be Interested in the people's wifars, I am particularly plased to bo as sociated with such a leader as Mr, Bonnett, He Is a man of broad ideas, high idenls and the faculty to met instead of holding confer. oncos and making wordy speeches What we want in this country Is netion," An an instance of Mr, Bennett's lively policies, Mr, Verguson point- od to the Conservative plan of calls ing ou semsion of Parliament to solve the unemployment question as op- posed to Mr, King's proposal of a conference, Conference or Parliament "What Is a conference going to do" Mr, Verguson asked, "We know without a conference that thers is unemployment, And will you tell me how any voluntary gathering of men can do anything without a meeting of Parliament ratifying thelr proposals? What Canad wants Is a meeting of Parlia- ment to protect her Industries and give employment to her girls and boys. Action is what we want, not humbug and talk," Referring to the countervailing duttes imposed in the recent budget Mr, Verguson wondered how many of his hearers knew that the Cana- dian tariff had been changed in the past few Ads, Parliament way dis solved weeks ago yet the Canadian tariff was changed a fow days ago, "Why? he asked, "When President Hoover signed the new United States tariff bill,' the speaker Himself answered, "the whole tariff schedule of Canada was changed at the very same moment, When Mr, Hoover puts the United Biatos tariff up and down, ours goes up and down the same, It is the old story of Bunty pulling the strings and unfortunately Bunty lives in Washington, It shows this tariff is not made for Canada, Mr, King says don't provoke the States and I suppose that is why he gave the wtrings to Mr. Hoover. Our tariff now can be changed while wo sleep and changed by our greats ost. trads competitor," Mr, Ferguson branded the King- Dunning budget's British prefer. once as a "pro-British gesture that is the greatest piece of hypocrisy and humbug ever pulled in this country." Mr, King, sald the Ontario Prem- for, had said at Brantford that there was no unemplyyment; at Peterboro, that there was unems- EE SA a ployment; and at Quebec, that there was some unemployment but that it. was not as bad as it might be, -------------------- DUCK 18 "WACHT DOG." CINCINNATI, = Edward #chu- muker has a watch-duck, Theduck's name is "Peep" and although he is not more than two months old, he has wiready tried to improve nature by copying the ways of dogs in the neighborhood, Whersever Sehumacker goes Peeps" follows, waddling at his heel and ying down at his feel when he stops, If danger threatens Peep" lets out » healthy "quack" of warning, And Schumaker insists, believe it or not, that "Peep" is beginning to wag his tall when petted, HEN MOTHERS CATS, MONTROSE, Colo~=Proferring to be a foster mother to eats rather than chickens. a hen on the Ralph Nash farm clucks In a motherly way Lo a young brood of six kitlens The hen was unable to hateh chicks of her own and pecked those Nash sought sought to have her adopt OLD PAPERS VOUND, LOWICK, Eng. Among the articles, found in three cuphourds concenled by luyers of wallpaper on a local hotel were newspapers duted 1772, clothing of the early elght« eenth century, a Napoleonic hat, a receipt Issued In 1812, and a hill for eight barrels of ale and porter, totalling nine pence WNL turtle going down a hill, Btinson's lung was punctured, A brother suffered a broken arm, SWIMMER DROWNED i i i - 7. Kingston, ~~Edward Woodcock, iy ffl fg i i BN || Ror hour Yorker. whi swim: [Inde] ming with his brother, It Is thought that the strong current Capasity, ol Ton | Sausia Th 00. Tota set has uss And advantages pulled him down, The secident {han aonb wi you i h li The Great Bankrupt Sale at THE ARCADE IS IN FULL SWING Have you seen the crowds that have responded to our sale? The reason is right in a nut shell. Never before have goods been sold at such slaughtered prices. We are piling up more and more new goods on the counters, and still making deeper cuts. Be Here! Ladies' Hats $1.00 Misses' Hats $1.19 A group of Ladies Hats, the very latest Most beautiful selection of Misses' Hats styles. Sold as high as $2.95. Bankrupt in different, plain and checked straws, $1.00 $1.19 MEN SILK BLOOMERS 39¢, Ladies Rayon Si'k Bloomers... Sold We have not a complete line of Regular at 78¢, Bankrupt Price .... Men s goods; but it will pay you to come for the few items, Men's Heavy Work Shirts, very roomy! Some have two pockets, in Navy and Khaki, Made to sell t $1.50 0 Price «.sv00.s 85¢ wan witnessed by his brother, who handed him a stick but the young man was unable to grasp it, The body was recovered. Deceased was the son of Andrew Woodcock of Yarker, RESCUE WOULD BE SUICIDE Kingston,~~While in a despond- ent mood, Lewis Chevis, 40, re turned soldier from Lewis, Quebec, took off his cout and Jumped into the water off the whagf at the | fool of Brock Street, After wlrug | gling in the water for some time | however, he changed his mind | about wanting to die snd called | for help, Men on the wharf heard H his eries and pulled him out of th water exhausted, { WOLVES MENACE SHEEP Pembroke, Evidence that members of Renfrew County Coun. cll do not agree with some of the Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries that wolves are not very plentiful in Algonquin Park und vicinity was very pronounced fn discussion arising at the wmossion of that body here, when they passed a resolution memorializing the Ontario government request ing that they make some provi. slon to reimburse wettlers for sheep killed by wolves, These and Other Articles are Yours if you save the Coupons in Quaker Corn Flakes Gifts for all the family, Useful articles for the home. The Quaker jum Book offers more than one hundred. You get them by saving the cou which you find in the packages of ana Corn Flakes and other Quaker cereals, , Buy Quaker Corn Flakes today. They are the crispest and most delicious Corn Flakes, for the triple seal and wax Viappet keep out all moisture and taint, You will say the flavour is the finest you have ever tasted in corn flakes. If you do not, we will refund your money. That is the guarantee we print on every package. Start saving coupons. Soon you will have enough to get some of the handsome and useful premiums we give to users of Quaker cereals, We will send you a of the Quaker Pre. y Py Book if you will write us, It is free. Every article offered is of first quality, uaker coupons are not somes thing for nothing, but somes thing instead of nothing, The freshest, crispest Corn Flakes with the wg furan, teed flavour, and beautiful and useful pila that cost you nothe ing. THE QUAK a Al COMPANY, PETER. BOROUGH, ONTARIO, BATHING SUITS For men and women, Regular to $5.00. Bankrupt Sale Price TAX RATE STRUCK Poterboro, «- The Petorboro County tax rate for 1080 was struck at 16,238 mills by County Counell, It Is 47 mills higher than last year's rate which wus! 14,763 mills, 39¢ LUNCHEON CLOTHS 78e¢. Stamped luncheon cloths with four sere viettes made of unbleached cotton. Grape design! Also stamped semi-made smocks. Assorted colors... Sold 75 as high as $1.98, Bankrupt Price {JC BEAT ME IF YOU CAN! One lot of potters prints, shirting, cote ton plaids and crinkled crepe, 15 all going at Per Yard ....usuivie Cc BABY CARRIAGE COMFORTERS Nicely embroidered in many shades, Sold at $2.80 $125 Bankrupt Price ine A most beautiful selection of neckwear SILK PANELS $1.95 Three is a great saving in these in the very latest designs, Good 50¢ as they have been sold previously Value at $1.00. Bankrupt Price k = xne¥ om 3 nd t $3.95 d ' : ; at $3. Qua er Flashing Across Men's silk and wool golf sweaters, in 11 y Bankrupt Price en $1.95 10% P per V8 al' t futuristi tterns, Coat and pull. Corn Flakes The Courts With smart futuristic patterns, Coat and pu LADIES i oh ' 08 rt Color ~ Five Direct Lines -- Their bodies tense as teu. seen FOR Regesan pered steel; like a spring crepes, in white, green, canary, rose and Jeddo Premium Coal : Fruit Saline unl d, thelr Dbodiex mauve, Some with long sleeves, and ' \ Sem ¢ S 1 C k A cool, strishing Jath hY : oach morning keeps you | EE fd e - Lo) vay 0 e all day and brightens you STIRLING'S CELEBRATION Stirling. ~Btirling village 1s planning a big velvbration on Sun: day; Monday and Tuesday, June 20th, 30th and July 1st, The com: mittes in charge have heen moti fled that a large number of old boys and girls will be home for the event, One lot of men's caps, in lat. est cloths, Bankrupt Price 75¢ over styles Great Value .... : One lot of Mens Pants, crossbred serge, in brown, grey and blue stripes.. Good $2 75 Value at $3.75. Bankrupt Price .. ' THIS SHOULD NOT ESCAPE YOUR ATTENTION Boys' Knickers, made from hard wearing materials, Sindy 8 to 7 Years, 55 Bankrupt Price 00000 Cc Boys' Long Pants wade from hard wearing materials, Niges 97 to BO, $1 00 0 Bankrupt Price 0. Boys' Long. Pants made of heavy Khaki Dell, WIL give splendid wear 85 Bigo 87 to BI, Bankrapt Fries Cc Boyx' Light Ploce Caps, mostly dark tweeds, Siges 0% to 7. Great Value, 5 Bankrupt Pelco, , Cc Children's Stockings in Black, White and sand, Below the manufacturer's : 17 ¢ conte Bankrupt Pelee oooieviin OMLDIEN'S PARASOLS Made of Heavy Rlack Sateen, with fancy handles, Reg. Price, $1.00, 5 ] Bankrupt PHOO ou ov conv ganies C Remember ! Every Article in the Store bears a Marching Ticket TELEPHONE CHEESE CLOTH Cheoso Cloth of better quality. 8 Yard package, only ,,.iviininan AUTO CUSHIONS Auto Cushions made of good quality oll. cloth, Check designs, Large size, 59 Bankrupt Price ,, so avian Cc MARQUISITTE CURTAINS Marquisetto Curtaing with polka dots In green, red and blue, Sold at $1.80, 79 Bankrupt Price oo oiviivininnng Cc LADIES PAJAMAS A most beautiful selection of Ladies' Pyja- mas, priced far below the manufacturer's cost, NURSES! HERE 1S YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Lot No. 1--=Nurses' Uniforms made of heavy drill, Hoover style, Sizes 34 to 44, Reg. 2201 15 Bankrupt Prince coins ' Lot No. 2--Nurses' Uniforms made of extra heavy drill with flat collars, Sold at $3.80 $1 95 Bankrupt Price conning . MOTHERS! 25¢ EERE EERE snap in smashing serves, racket moots ball in a joweridl sweep us they some sleeveless. They sold as $5 75 drive shots down the aldo y line; tense at the net thoy high as $19.50, Out they go at ) walt and volley in the fore» court, up for the evening, On your way home tonight take along na $1,00 bottle at the special price of 79¢ When you think of a good place to purchase your Such keenness, such vigor, such pep and onorgy are Lo Drug Store needs, you hes turally think of be found in the bubbling The Rexall Stores Jury & Love, Lid. 12/4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS A hint 1 I Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon Coal ompany MAID'S ALLOVER APRONS Maid's Allover Aprons, made of heavy cams bric. White only, Reg. $1.85 79 WINDOW SHADES In Green, and White, Very Specially Priced 49 for the Bankrupt Sale. C CLLCOEL TITTY) Boot's >» Simcoe W. Phone 88 Phone 28