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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1930, p. 1

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i J The Osh awa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the 7 News While It Is News" / Da Su bean OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents 0 Copy TWELVE PAGES Run Down by Train Sudbury ~Struck by Train No 18.from the Sault near the creosote plant, two miles from Sudbury, a man so far unidentified was in. stantly killed, * » » Risk Over Seville=~Civil guards, walking arsenals, armed with pistols, rifles, sabres and sawed-off shotguns, pat- rolled Seville last night as the city quieted after two days of flerco rioting that has caused one déath and 260 injuries, Interference by Squirrel Galt,~An interruption in the Hydro service yesterday afternoon sent the linemen hurrying to find the cause, 'They were not long. Reports came in of a loud explos- fon at one of the substations. A squirrel had bacome entangled in 13,000-volt wireg, causing a short- elreult, . * * Highway Opened St, Catharines ~The Merrittville highway, between St. Catharines and Welland, has been opened to through traffic, * . » Free Treatment Offered Woodstock, ~Public-spirited action on the part of the doctors and dent- ists of the city has resulted in the announcement that they have offered to give free treatm: .t to school chil- dren whose parents are not in a po- sition to pay for work which the puh- lic health nurses feel is necessary in the interests of the children's health, LJ LJ Lad Seriously Injured Long Branch.~Darting out in the ath of a car, said to be owned by onald E, Fraser, 51 Tranby avenue, Toronto, and driven by P. J. Hoover, 97 MeDannell avenue, Toronto, Bil. ly Harringtn, aged 3 years, was knock ed down and sustained serious injur- ies, whirh, it is believed, include a fractured skull, and a possible frac. ture of the collar bone, LJ * LJ Out of Panger , Toronto~According to his medical attendants, George Bennett, the young Hamilton parachute jumper, is virtually out of danger, and, barring complications, should wake a com- plete recovery. . Dies of Injuries North Bay-~Jack Sutherland, of Stur ) Falls 40 years old, died in the hospital here ye y.a8 8 re. sult of injutisweustained at hn eral convention, Stuegson 8, June 9, when he accidently fell off the platform during progress of the meeting, ui. New York Railways Merge Providence, R.I.~The Providence Journal says the New York, New Ha ven & Hartford Railroad on July 1 will absorb the New York, Wests chester & Boston Railway Company, replacing the executive and manag- erial staffs of the latter by those of the former, . To Build Sewage Plant Kitehener,--Dunker Bros. of this city, have been awarded the contract for the construction of Kitchener's new SOWARO gts! 023.20 mo- plant at a price of $2117, ouncéement made ich Wally ort) meeting of the secret. . Receives Delegates. Longom--The King and Queen received the delegates to following & spec city council held in LI 5 Hine Imperial Press Conference in » the throne room at Buckingham Palace, LJ : Man Missing crathaned Drovineial and city police are conducting a search for Joseph Fisher 80 an inmate of the Home for the Friendless who wan. hat institution dered away from hi a aw hig 08 y - i geen in Dover Towa sorlptioh hii were unable to get im, any 1 8ce of NM h » In Wreck cna Sile Re: Lewis Horne, B "Academy Street, New York, 5 in St J " ital here suf- injuries re- hth shun Sew es 4 , 'barrel-rolied after a on No, 4 highway near Cloarville. : Jamages fSoow Fire D Ont. Fire Sauls Ie Mationy "afternoon ting late vost Dred on the drilt scow of PE Gove 0 Com, , MOO Srament Rock, did 60,000 damage to the scow and mach nery. Pope's Iiiness Denied | vatican City. aRepotts of the {il ness of Pope Pi XI, curren ne yesterday, were | ed at the Vati- eam, NM Thursdays H ny Jocal thurderstorme » & purpose did God give us the St. Law- rence and the Great lakes waters * BENNETT AT BIG MEETING IN COBOURG Conservative Leader Ad-| dresses Great Gathering in Cobourg Arena, and Outlines Policy for Ac- tion to Combat Unem- ployment PREMIER FERGUSON WAS ALSO'SPEAKER Mr. Bennet Says Special Session Would Help Un. employment by Enabling Great National Undertak- ings to be Started (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cobourg, June 24.~Carrying into Ontario the tenets and policies which he has just finished propounding on olitical platforms in every Western rovince, Hon, Richard B. Bennett, Conservative Leader, tonight edged his party, if returned to power, to an early completion of the St, Law- rence seaways project, "Nothing but promises," he said had been the performance of the Mackenzie King Administration in respect of the proposed great trade route, "and against that," he added, "you have the promise of this party that we propose to take up this great undertaking and complete it without delay. For what purpose did the Cane adian people undertake the construe tion of the Welland Canal? For what od, "stretching far hevond the head of Lake Sperior? Why? That we might use it and avail ourselves of At for the use of Canadians of to- day and to-morrow." All-.Canadian ? Atlantic' Conquerors Study Their Coarse DARING FLIERS CONYER AT CROYDON, ENG. Members of the crew of the monoplans Southern Cross, under the leader. ship of Capt. Charles Kingaford-Bmith, conqueror of the Pacific, who success. fully completed an east to west Atlante flight, landing at Harbor Gracé, Nfld, pt 542 aim, (Torontp time) to-day, are here seen conferring over their proposed route over the ocean, The photograph was taken at Croydon, England, to leaving for thelr starting point at Baldonnel, Ireland, Kingsford-Smith, Evert Van Dyk, Duteh aviator, co-pilot} AnnAge, Wireless operator and Capt. Patrick Saul, navigator, the figures are; J. Ww, the routs they will follow. riod LEFT to RIGHT FLIER'S FIANGEE RADIANTLY HAPPY AT SAFE CROSSING Captain Kingsford-Smith Will Marry. Mary Powell in September (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Melbourne, Australia, June 35. we Captain Charles Kingsford Smith's pretty fiancee, Mary Powell was the happiest girl In Australia to-day. She had faced bravely the dificult task of waiting for news of the safe arrival in America In the Southern Cross of her adventur. ous husband-to-be, Miss Powell was radiant with happiness, . She had been receiving occasional radio dispatches from Belfast, the first reaching her yes- terday morning in which her flance sald he was 600 miles out. Then came the news that the plane had sighted Newfoundland and she felt sure of her hero's success. "1 could not refuse to Jet him make the attempt," she exclaimed, "It was the only hig thing left for him to do In aviation. It would al ways have been there, nagging in the corner of his mind, If he had not done It, "So IT thought It was the best thing to let him get it over with, He promised that once the Atlantic flight was done he would not une dertdke any other big flights, Our studying marriage is fixed for September," St. Paul's*Cathedral Is Reopened After F ive Years Presumably, however, it is the all- Ganadian waterway as endorsed by the Winnipeg Conservative conven tion which elected Mr, Bennett Con- servative Leader which Mr, Bennett presiitns, for in an earlier portion of is address to-night, advocating cheaper 'distributing methods for Canadian ghods, he urged "highways without going into a foreign coun- try by sea or land." Mr, Bennett was in good voice and mood, and he' used. witticisms and satcasms with good effect upon his audience to emphasize some of his contentions, He got a great laugh out of a commentary upon Premier Mackenzie King's provision for an unemployment conference, which he condemned as unnecessary. "By the time," he said, "Mr, King "gets |} through with Western (Canada Mr. King will not want any more con- ferences," Action, and not words, he said, was what was wanted." Those on Platform Among those on the platform was Clifford E, Blackburn, president of (Continued on Page 6) Empire Press Plan Approved Conference Adopts Principle of Mutual Exchange of Empire News or GEORGE HAMBLETON, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) London; June 25--~By an unanimous vote the Imperial Press Conference today placed its seal of approval on the resolution which was proposed by" E. Norman Smith, of the Ottawa" Journal, That "this cons ference approves the principle of mutual and co-operative interchange of cable news between component parts of the empire" ] i During the morning's discussion, J. F. B. Livesay, general manager of the Canadian Press, as-a delegate at large, submitted 'a tentative scheme for the creation 'of a British Empire Press Asociation, The scheme: sug- gests the establishment of sfational co-operative news services, similar to the Canadian Press, in the various units of 'the Empire with a central 'office nn London through which the national units could exchange empire new. The association, sted Mr, Livesay should be "mutual and co. operative from crown to base, gird ling the world with a news service owned and controlled by the news papers of Ve British empire," i C.F, Crandall, of the British Uni« ted Trew Montreal, pressed the for individuality .in .news services. The Hon. Theodore Fink, chairman of the Australian section, approved of the principle of news interchange but was not prepared to proceed: at once with consideration of a definite 6 th n L almost ween (Continued on Page 3), spent on the vessels specified. of rioting whieh has fivet two days of m here, Ls there ould on o The casualty 1 one' pergon d fously, and many 11 t ay f Wd, been released, on their own recog- ion of i a to round up lab hos t a5. Shane. a Fespauctols - Ll ¥ i 1] London ometany - ith trankly e --.--. 'yolutlonary, character," Add 20 Ships To British Navy House Asked to Authorize Program for Replacement of Old Vessels (By Canadian Press, Loshed Wire) London, Eng, June 25.~The first lord of the admiralty today told the louse of Commons that supplemens tary estimates in the government's 1930 naval would be presented shortly far three constructign program «inch gun cruisers, nine destroyers, hree submarines, four sloops and one et layer and target-towing vessel, Lord Alexander said orders. for laying down these vessels would not be given until. the last quarter of this financial year and that only a mall sum would be required to be "I would emphasize, remarked ord Alexander, "that these ships are required in 'replacement of oth- ers which 'have passed the age limit and to enable the royal navy to car. ry out its current duties in time: of peace and that the program relation to those of other powers." EFFORT WADE T0 PREVENT ANOTHER has ne OUTBREAK OF RIOT Police Rounding Up Labor Leaders Responsible for "Trouble--Jail Crowded (By Press Leased Wire) Sevile, Spain, June 25.--Savilllan ped with detachments ! guardin civil from owng, took extreme precau. day to prevent recurrence niatked the general strike J roles it was felt i gor. ightly hurt in rioting, Many by police have ed [fs 37 the jal Lee : 8 are their offorts alist leaders ¥ BY THOMAS T. CHAMPION Canadian Press Staff Correspondent London, June 26.-~In the pra sence of the King and Queen, the Prince of Wales and other royals ties. and 'with a becoming mixture of civic pomp and, ecclesiastical ceremonial' the re-opening of St, Paul's Cathedral, after its coms plete restoration which took five years was commemorated to-day with a great service of thanksgiv- £8 St. Paul's looks much the same even after its rehabilitation, The Cathedral's exterior is altered not at all, St. Paul's was crowded furthermost corners for vices, ' Special places ware allotted to the 200 workmen ho have spent five years restoring the build in to 'its the ser Eg The service contained little that could have been unfamilar even to the most casual churchgoer and was conducted with that restrained dignity of ritual for which the Eng- lish cathedral authorities seem to possess auch a genius, The Bishop of London delivered an address and the benediction, There were many overseas bishops rosent, being here in readiness for he Lambeth conference next month, ----r ITALY CONSIDERS TARIFF GRAVELY Cabinet Discusses U.S, Measure for Three Hours Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rome, Ttaly, June 25.--The ser- fousness with which the Italian government regards the possible affect -6f the new United States tariff was shown hy the attention which, the cabinet gave the sub- ag or to-day's soasion, ! ith. Premier Mussolini presid- Ing the members discussed the new oustoini for three hours tle 'only other item taken up: being the matter of re-organization of Italy's airports, The: discussion will he resumed on Saturday. : ET ------------------ ge Lone SEARCH (By Canadian Press Lansed Wire) Toronto, June 28.=Johnh Cowie, 65. year-old farmer who was killed by a train a an Oakville' crossing yester« day did not know that he had a niece in Toronto who: had = been searching for him ever since she tama to Canada 17 years ago, She had heen unable to find any trace af hey uncle until she read the res port of the Wteident ney tl paper yesterday, © Urews- Many Injured When Reds Riot At Winnipeg Communist Mob Leader Ar- rested After Fight on Steps of City Hall (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, June 26.--Communist unemployed scorned policemen's batons to-day and rioted in the shadow of Winnipeg ¢ity hall, Three hundred jobless, irate at Ma. vor Ralph H, Webb's refusal to ac- cede to thelr demand for a hear: ing, rushed police who barred thelr entry into the elvie ofMces, Several were injured slightly, James Beattie, six-foot ring-lead- er of the communist mob was ar- rested after having battered akide a trio of policemen in the milling crowd, The gathering refused to disperse and policemen were place od on guard about the eity hall lest further trouble might ensue, SPECIAL SESSION OF SENATE SOON ON NAVAL TREATY (By. Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, June 26,~Despite a senatorial petition to delay the special senate session for considera tion of the London Naval Treaty, President Hoover intends to call that wession immediately atter cons gross adjourns, This was asserted to-day at the White House after the "Round Robin" bearing 28 signatures had been sorutinised. g The president was sald to have received assurances from a 'large majority" of the senate that the spocial desston should be called, So the petition ia to be disregarded, Candidates Nominated PORT ARTHUR (Ontario)==J. J. Carriek, Liberal. THREK RIVERS-ST. MAURICE (Quebec) --Atthur Bettez, Lib. eral, ; FORT WILLIAM (Ontario)==Rev, A. I? Smith, Communist. PRINCE EDWARD-LENNOX (Ong taro) ==John Hubbs, Ind, Conser- Audot, K.C., Conservative, COLCHESTER (Nova Sootia)--- George T. -MaoNutt, Conservative, BEAUCE (Quebeo)-~Liniere Jacob, Conservative, SWIFT CURRENT (Saskatchewan) -~(C, 1B, Bothwell, Liberal MEGANTIC (Quebec) ---Joseph M, Heandoln, Conservative, GRENVILLEDINDAS (Ontasio)oe . vatlve. KAMOURASKA (Quebeo) --Plorre |' Dr. W, J; Taugher, Liberal, Justice for Veterans First Consideration of Liberals (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Halifax, June' £5.,~~The pro- posed Halifax-Dartmouth bridge figured in Premier Mackensio King's speech In tlie Capital of Nova: Scotia last night, Mr, King brought the matter up after a pre- ceding speaker had declared that htis bridge had been used as & "political football," An interjec: tion which came from the audience that "Mr; Bennett will build the bridge" caught the attention cot Prime Minister, and when it be. Shite his turn to speak he referred 0 it, "I hope that you won't have to wait that long," he said, after ve: ferring to the Interruption, "Mr, Bennett must have a majority to do. anything; and where is he going to get ft?" There were laughs and cheers. Growth of Trade The Prime Minister attributed hte growth of trade in Canadian ports, in a measure, to the Gove ernment regulation which provides for a 10. per: cent. reduction In koods entering through these ports under the British preference. Heo referred also to efforts which, he onid, had been made by the Government to promote trade With the West Indies, He then (Continued on Page 11) SOVIET PARLEY ON FOOD SHORTAGE Representatives of 22 States Meet in Camera at Moscow (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Moscow, Russia, June 25-=Dale- gates, from 22 autonomous and fedprated republics within the So. vied Union assembled in Moscow for the formal opening tomorrow of the sixteenth congress of the All. Union Communist party, » The entire sessions of the con. gress will be held behind closed doors, foreign correspondents hay- ing no acoess, + One. of. the most .vital pro. hlems with whieh the congross will have to deal is the present food shortage which daily is becoming more acute, 5 S-------- INDIANS HOSTILE London, .Eng., June. 35-=The dian dispatohes gontinued to report a violently hostile rece of the Coton dations of ( Simon Commission, native cf continued to be agitated, especially in Bombay and Caleutta although many sections of the saunty ware not heard from. TE \ oy TO SIMON REPORT Airport Burns With 27 Planes Loss Is $2,000,000 in Dis- astrous Fire at / . Chicago (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, Ills, June 25.~Two hangars and 27 aeroplanes, 12 of the tri-motor passenger. planes, were destroyed hy fire at the muni. cipal airport early to-day, The loss was estimated at more than two million dollars, The : hangars destroyed were those of the Universal Airlines, Inc, and the Grey Goose Air Lines, the latter under lease to the Stout Air Lines. The fire followed an explos« fon of undotermined cause in the Universal hangar. Several men,. including pilots and mechanics, were in the Univer sal building but escaped before the fire reached the front of the han gar where they were, They were able to wheal out five planes only. PROBE FINANCES OF LINGLE FOR A MURDER MOTIVE Former, Chief of Chicago Police Asked What He Knows About Vic. tim's Life Chicago, June: 88«--The motive for Jake Lingle's murder was sought today in a study of his fin- ances, His close friend, Willlam Russ sell, former police . commissoner, Was 'questioned yesterday at the state's attorney's office, What he told the investigators wis not res vealed: but ft: was understood he was asked {f he knew: Whit were the bank deposits of the Tribune reporter What was the source of his ins come aside from his best salary as a newspaperman? What were his transactions with stockbrokers? In whose name did he write Shatitee, ana AAT nlp nature o questioning war Sn an a indication that the finances of the elain reporter, who was friend alike of police chiefs and 4 gang leadbrs, would be placed be. fara the grang fury which da 45 da. vestigate them La we SOUTHERN CROSS LANDS SAFELY Bennett Renews Pledge for St. Lawrence Waterway FLIERS CONQUER ATLANTIC, LANDING IN NEWFOUNDLAND DESPITE DENSE FOG TODAY Ye Will Refuel and Then Take Off for Final Des tination, New York, Probes ably Tomorrow Morning FLIGHT MADE IN JUST OVER 31 HOURS Splendid Trip Reported by, Captain Kingsford-Smith and His Companions -- Landing Made aot 5.56 ES.T. id (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, June 26,--After flying blindly in the fog since nine o'clock last night the plane, Southern Cross, now vice tor over the Atlantic as well as the Pacific, made a perfect landing at the local airport at 5:56 a.m. toe day, eastern standard time, Captain Charles Kingsfords Smith and his three companions re« ported a splendid trip during the flight of 31 hours and 20 minutes from Port Marnock, Ireland. The; airmen were well and happy, andl spoke lightly of their experiences As soon as the plane is refueled if will take off for its final objectivey New York. The hop off may be 'made to-more row morning. Radio Was Salvation Kingsford-Smith credited the radio with having saved himseif end his companions but sald = shortage of gasoliue was respons sible for thelr having failed to reach the United States. New York was the original goal of the flye ors but when the weather condis tiops Jed them to doubt that they would reach that city they set their heart on at least landing in Ame erica, By so doing they would Lave surpassed the distance rece ord of the German Bremen flyers on the first successful westward crossing of the "Atlantic by aero« plane. A boam wireless proved of great Assistance to the flyers, Van Dyk, copilot with Kingsford-Smith, Navigator Saul and Radio Operator Stannage all said that but for the beam wireless at Belle Isle the plane never would have been able to reach Harbor Grace. All stressed the importance of the radio, The broadcasts from the Cape Race station provided the flyers with the necessary bearings when it seemed almost hopeless for them to find their way in the fog, DENSE FOGS ENCOUNTERED Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 25. Winging on and on through. the darkness of night, through dense fogs and drizgling rains, the South ern Cross, with its intrepid Atlane (Continued on Page 7) Rock Star Wins Irish Derby Curragh, Iveland.--S8ir M, Wile son's Rock Star today captured the Irish Derby, classic of. Old Erin's turf racing. : Solloway, Mills Quit Business All Offices of Company. Ta Close at Noon Saturday, ls. Anuouncement Calgary, June 25.--All 'offic of Solloway, Mills & Company Canada will he closed at noom Baturday, it was announced here lant his ri 1) aw Balke » tions for carry on ] th are now being made, buy no. decisions have nounced, Olients, it was stated, 'would a alleged Thirsdave i and to n urda . nr bikineiggmith the A company, ' - Neither L.W. C. Solloway. nor Harvey. M will 15 associated with the reorganized company. Will Retiro H Mr. Sollowdy will personally res tire from the broke "ge business of which he has been the head, following tha verdict of Mr, Juss tice Ives in the Supreme Court, hae de and Harvey, Mite J o convie! on ur. conspirae counts, \ for ag il "My plans ave somewhat indefis nite, said Mr, Solloway "but' I am retiring com from business and will devote 1 attention to some of my other torests in the East, It is Hkely that I will again do Prmpecting in Northern O i oitess. of tha 3 ACoutinued on Pagel) 3 been ane |

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