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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1930, p. 10

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Ik QardWA DAILY (IME, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 p-- thing exciting to tell Dan, of the Sysop of Preceding Instalmants From riches and a» sheltered and dull life to poverty and free- , Cassy Pringle pl ges with ' ay heart, She A anWal- her father's chauffeur. So when her fahter disowns her the fue hy ng lovers go out inte the ogether, Friendless, home: Yo in San Francisco, t hoy ih married the next morn- Ing and' set about the grim busi. ness of living, Cassy loves it all, the. penny-pinching, even the dua ualid surroundings, but most of her baby, though its care drains her energies almost to the breaking point, Dan is working hakd but eannot earn enough for children, the garden, or the animals, A And when ground was broken for the new garage, Dan had his own re- counting to do, "Bates, of the Cosmopolitan Gar age, came out und made us an of fer to quit; today." "Not. really! They! re seared!" Didee and Cassy and the old wan would exult in chorus, J Halfway between the house and the town, the walls of the new. gar- age began to rise against a back: ground of onks, It was to stand only a few hundred feet from where the new highway would pres ently intersect In the Dg cember evenings, when Cugsy wis only too happy ta creep wearily into bed and settle down 10 an hour's vending at hall-past eight o'clock, Dan formed the habit of zrossing the void to the Varney house, to disci plans with Dulee und her hushand, To hoth the Varnevs, the venture wis like a new toy, Louis Varney "If this garage plan goes thru, Dan will hive nobody to thunk Lut you, Dulce," she ot to her neighbor some weeks later, "And I'll probably have you to thunk for keeping my husband I" "Nobody ever said anything as mean as that to me before!" Duled protested, Fhey both laughed, "| have nothing to do, and it amuses me to try experiments," she said Cassy, Jumping a small squirming daughter. out' of her bith, rolling he in a bath towel, and beginning the leisurely business of pinning awl poWdering, felt a swift impolse of pity, She herself was busy every in stant of the time, hut it was a happ and satisfying sort of oceupation, and down, Put it down, darlings" "She says: herself that she never wis in love," "I guess that's true, poor thing Isnit it funny, # vital woman like that? She dod seems Just burst ing with=well, the joy of living" Cassy. suid thoughthully, And Casny wiaShed her neighbor's struggles to fill her life, sympatheti cally, It appeared that she had had some of her schooling in New York State, and had gone to Europe as quite a young girl, She knew something about letters, and about wart; she could talk brilliantly about plays and players, At Christmas time she read n paper at the loeal club, and Cassy went with her, and had a wonderful and inspiring afternoon, free of has bies and dinner worries, But Dulee was unhappy even then They started Frgnch lessons, Cassy remembering the old detested verbs wistfully, and eager to progress Dulee worked too hard {or three or fri ot {Vin ana Fy WF 3 more than a meager living, Casey goos to her father whe relents and gives Cassy and Dan the use of his ranch at Napa. They move and are very happy getting sel: ted in the old farmhouse. The Mosk A is nearby and they meet Mr armey who proposes that Dan Stimee money and build a garage in town, Cassy has an other baby, a girl, ELEVENTH INSTALMENT A few days later, hrown, lean, joy ous Cassy came home, with Margaret Pringle Wallace on her arm, . Dan told her, in one of their autumn drives, of Mra, Varney's 'proposil, and Cassy Was so enthusiastic that shes fired his awn, rather dubious in terest ---- Dulee "went to the theater in San Francisco once a week was slowly dying of an incurable dis cine, and knew it Anything that | amused his young wife and kept her happy, was just so much sheer gain to him. He could walk the mile the garage in the winter sunlight, and he liked to do it, with | her gleaming golden head beside | him, and to hind young Wallace ther Cassy hadn't time, she told Dan, to | be thankful enough, much less to find any fault with her lot! With Margaret, unlike hrother, was an exeniplary bab asleep on the porch, and Tomn humming like a hee as he dug busi Jv in the garden, Cassy could eatry out a whole basket of wet undergar ments and pin them on the long in the sun, enjoving the some duty as if it had been a rec reation. The sun would shine down on her bared hrown arms and bare dark head, the kitten walk Tautious!y overifallen willow whips, the chick ens peck about her feet, Her old, wild, Joyous laugh broke out again: Dulce walking in her own garden, would hear it from across the road At night there was always some who, her | line and fun, The Wallaces neighbors for Dulce, In February the Wallace and Vat ney Service Station opened its doors, but Dan's old partner was having one ol his periodic sick. times, and could titke no share in the excitement, This attack differed from the others in that it was the last. Cassy, distract ed by the claims of two babies with light cases of measles, heard mort and more grave reports from the once irk | were nige house across the road, Louis Var ney was very law" for a few cold spring days, and then suddenly it was "only 0 question of hours" He | Wan comfortable under deepening | stupor and paih-lulling poisons, and then there was a funeral, in a 'dreary | atoady rain After a time they were all going nlong comfortably again, and spring | wis upon the, world, and incredible beauty them. beauty of high blue. skies, beauty of green meadows and bloom wg orchards, beauty of wild bird ongs and drifting seas of scent, herry trees hummed with bees all day long; down at the stream the willows 'were like fountains of green The opening roads brought hun dreds of twinkling motors up and down the highways, and Dan had | three men working for him, and had to build another big corrugated iron shed before the garage. was six months old, Dulce walked down the round to see how things were going almost every day, or stepped he smart litle ear there, to say good morning to her manager and cospart- ner, "Is she rich, Dan?" onee, pouring his coffee. "Well, ves. Her father left het something, and Place had something, and of course old Vamey wis we fixed." It was ® summer morning on the side porch and Cassy was coming und going between the table and the kitchen, 'Tommy, in the old high chair i whish his mother had sat ax u little wirl, was bestowing portions of puffed rice and cream impartially upon his interior and his exterior Dan. regarded it all comentedly, Hix own peaches and apples' were ripening on his own trees, and the cream from his own Jerseys was clotted in the "pitcher, One of the Japanese came a from the upper farm' with a basket of apricots, bronged and cracked with ripeness: granny returned from the barn with a howl 'of eggs, - It wan all shabby, old-fashioned, satisiying "Well, she never was in love with him, vou know," Dan said. "Who? Dulce in love with eld Var: ney? No, I don't suppose she was, Do you know anything about the, first husband, Dan' She never says mich about 'him." X © was.a' rotter, He man's son, gambling, drin thing, She said © once that they wonldn't have had a penny left if he, Sil died when he did" my, put that down, Cassy asked sa rich flooded and deepened about | Put iv | ing, to | IG) mornin | | keen and optimistio, and full of lif | about alone, | | | I'he | every. | and then threw the les hookbind Francisco 1 big hotel incidental four weeks, sons over completely for going down to San an week, to stay at the theater, and a lesson once tn take "Why don't you go to and perhaps on further trip, Dulee?" "Oly, A York, real ow for a what for A woman drifting with a pocket-book wed ged up under her arm, orderin meals!" GIVE DRAB DARK DRESSES GAY BRIGHT COLORS "You could get some clothes in Paris," Cussy suggested, vor ule wis ore mterested in gluthes than in anything cise, and wis wlways ex yuisitely gewned, Yor whose benefit?" Dulce would ask bitterly, More than vuce she sid, "4 think Lh wdopt @ child, "Adopt # husband, Lule, und may be you wont have to! Laney, it 1 could just tind som he who worshipped me=idulized wg =Uidnt want Ww sce of spunk or think ot any one else My wud, how 4 could love lm} oabere wnt no such wnimal," Cas ay nugnt otier, wimused, "On, there must be! g the devouring passion or life Dulce womd tall wmient, with what Cassy used 10 "Spanish look" mn her eyes "Camry," she asked suddenly on day, "were you and Dan, madly in love when you ran aways "Well, 1 know 1 was," hone stly, remembering "How do you mean that Dan wasn't 7' "Oh, of course he know Dan! utfectionate great, "Am brooding, call he Cassy sinid Do you mean wis, But--=yau He's Just an adorable infant," Cassy said "He's=well, he's & loving nature, I'm not, There have to he agonies, when | care for a person" "Me, too!" Dulce said swiftly, with i comprehending nod, "It wouldn't be so much fun you, Dulce, if you did fall madly love," "Maybe not" "Because, you know," Cassy went un, "sooner or later, it all cools off into everyday commonplace living You see your man sith a toothache, and he sees you brushing your teeth, und the money gives Olt "Oh, don't!" Dulce entreated, 'ering her eyes with her ham Dulee wore exquisite frail printed trailing across the road (0 Casey's house, She knew the whole routing now=-when the ¢hildren had their meals and what they ate and what Cansy's dally duties were--and Cassy liked her company in the long warm wlternoons when Dan was away Dulce wor exquisite frail printed chiffons und transparent handker- chief linens; Cassy wore simple, tough, washable slip-on uprons from the general store, But the two wo men talked on cqual terms; the younger was, after all, Pringle hese were Wer ancestral acres, and she never forgot it. Cassy felt no inequality in their social = position ; und she felt an infinite superiority where happiness and usefulness and the exquisite sweeiness of being lov ed and needed were concerned (To be continued) Copyright 1930 by Kathleen Norris.) ANOTHER RECORD for in Cuy Ontario Pilot Makes Day's Mark of 18 Hours of Flying (Py Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Juna 26. Another sup posedly unbeatable provincial alr foroa flying record has heen smash od to smithereens, A yoar ago, Pilot Murray of Strat ford flew 156 hours and 6 minutes to sot a new record for a aingle day's operations, - Two wooks ago Pilot Delamere, also of Stratford, bettered Murray's mark hy 6b min utes, But now, Pilot Bob Smith, a third | Stratford Poter Smith, member of the former Prury government,' crashes into aviation spotlight with a remurk able aingle day's flyin achievement of 18 hours and 15 minutes, Reports received last night by Captain W, Roy Maxwell, director of the service, indicate that Smith a first year pilot, by the way took te the alr at 1.66 o'clock the morning of June 18, and did not quit his day's grind---barring time off for food, refuslling and reload Ing his flying boat----until 0.45 at night, FLEEING UKRAINIAN WOUNDED AS POLICE SHOOT AT KINGSTON Kingston, June 26. ~Alexander Sedax, aged 81, a Ukrainian, ix in the Hotel Dinu, suffering from a With This Marvelous Tintex Color Remover! * A black dress may be transformed he delicate Plash--a dark nto a green -- a pun blue into A bright yellow! For Tintex Color Remover will quickly and easily remove every trace of even the darkest color! Then just select the Tintex product from the list below and on may change the colorless k into any one of 26 charm. ing ing shades instantly =it's aa easy w--THE TINTEX GROUP ucts for every Home- tinting and Dyeing Need Tintex Gray Box = Tins and dyes all materials, Blue Box For lacestrimmed wilka =tints the silk, lace remains original color, bah Color Remover -- Removes old Jolor from any material soit oan_| be dyed a new color. rom bluing for restoring white. to all yollowed white materials, Atall dept. stores ww eters 15¢ NTS AND DYES Canadian Distributors: Lyman Agencies, Montreal gunshot wound in his right foot, At | midnight Monday night he and two | other foraigners, John Myckoluk, | aged 36 years, also a Ukrainian, and Thomas Moskal, aged 10 years, in Pole, it is alleged, wore trying to wot into a car at Kingston Junetion, | The men, it is charged, refused to | surrender when ordered to do so hy Detective James Graham of the | Canadian National Railways and | Constable MeCheyna of the olty | polloe force, and the police open. od fire, One of the shots struck Re. daz in the foot, but, police say, he managed to ancape, and was taken Into oustbdy later when he came into the vallway station at the Junction 'te buy a ticker for Mon troal, Moskal and Myokaluk were taken into custody immediately at. tor the firing of the shots, They were arraigned hefore Magistrate Farrel yeaterday oharged with tres. passing on railway property, but were allowed to go, AMNESTY PLANNED FOR GERMANS JAILED BY MILITARY COURTS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Landau, Germany, June 26, The French high command of th» army of occupation has heen said to be planning an amneaty degree for all Germans sentenced by the military courts to take effect June 30, upon the official termination of Prench -ocoupation, The last French sendarme lel! the Palatinate today, General Mangin, commanding the skeleten of the occupation organisation, will ldave for Franve tomorrow, SET BY AIRMEN One boy, non of Hon SERUM SAVES MANY CHILDREN'S LIVES FROM PARALYSIS Health Department Shows How Speedy Treatment Effects Cure Ottaws, Ont, June 20,~Buch tre mendous strides have been made in curing infantile paralysis that not on victim in the province of Ontario last year who received serum on the first duy of lness, was paralysed, Neith er wis there a death among them These facts are contained in a pham phlet published by the federal de- partment of National Health under the supervision of Dr, Helen Mac murchy, chief of the division®of child welfare Because of the large number of cases of this disease mn Canada last year, and particularly in Ontario, the department published the booklet which gives, in clear und understand able language, directions to mothers for taking care of stricken children, Last year there B34 canes in Canada, of which 558 were in Ontario and 90 in Quebee, No province free from cases, There were death Wilh 0 Death Dr, Macmurehy fact that of Caney Rate Down lied wire on the although the total number reported Jast year was tne highest for some time, the death rite with lowest, 'I'his was due, she claim ed, 10 the use of serum, which will wrest cure the disease 1 taken during the early stage Most cases of ivantile paralysis occnr in July, August epitember, the pham phlet stated. "Be prepared" ot ad vised as it enumerated the early Symptons Although a eld may he ickly for au day before the discase appears, the carly signs often come suddenly, Put the child to bed, the phampidet advised, and send for # doctor Head-uches, poor fast pulse and smetimes hilious, these are the early symptons, Some times the child will complain of pain, sometimes of throat, Usually, the child is thirsty, flushed and fey erish I'he neck and back may be tf and painful and he will be un abel to touch him to his' chest his head 10 hs knees, Tt will be too painful, A doctor should be secured when these symptons appear It is only through prompt action that the child will be saved from paralysis or death, If there are other children in the should be taken to prevent contagion because infantile capecially day ahout und or two, appetite, rather Bre ue once home car for Ihe three infectious three or four paralysis the hrat period of weeks Contagion 1» Serum Only Cure Convaleseent scrum, secured from the blood of an who has re covered from the disease, is the onl known cure Supplies of serum are kept at regularly depots in different parts of Canada and the doctor will know the quickest and most advant AReOU uring a supply, The phamphlet quite thoroughly goes into the treatmént of children who have heen paralysed and lost the use of their limbs through disease, Fn phatically, it stated that a child may he helped who has been paraly sed, The pr arrested and reversed by the corre methods "Listen to good advice" Dr. Mac murchy wrote in examining the man treatments that may be given stricken child, Success, she said, de pended upon perfect rest for the child, muscle teaining upon a plan set hy a competent orthopaedist, exer cine, good food and care and plenty of sunlight person Wily of seq For all its hinres and pranks, jars happens to he a most essentially humble sort of music; it is a na tional inferiority complex, doubling in hrags,---Githert W, Gabriel GREAT FINANCIER, ARTHUR P. CHOATE | BURIED IN WARSAW Peterhoro, June 26,--~Forty-six years Ago Arthur Percival Choate an ambitious hoy, left Warsaw, to make his way in the world, It was his lot to win great success in the financial world, but also to see the darker sides of life In the years just preceding his death In Bellevue Hospital, New York, following an ceident Tuesday, his mundane cycles completed, he was returned to he Inld to rest in the scenes of his boyhood, Relatives and friends of Mr, Choate who had by no means for- gotten him during his long absence from this district, gathered in sin- core tribute at his funeral yester- day afternoon, Simplicity marked the funeral services at Comstock's funeral homa in this eily, and af the graveside in #t, Mark's Ceme- tory at Warsaw, which were cone ducted by Rev. A, ¥, Thornley of the Mark Street Church, Peter. hore, LIPTON HAS SECRET ABOUT SHAMROCK V (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) (Hlasgow, Scotland, June 26 Bir Thomas 1Apton, on his arrival in this city, expressed confildence fn the ability of his Ehamrock to Hit the America's Cup this Septem her in the races off Newport, Rhode Island '1 think the cup from friends," sald the "I have a hig secret In store for them hut IT am not going to say anything ahout it until my yacht Arrives Nandy Honk," DENIES POLITICS BROUGHT DISMISSAL Orillia, June 26. Denial polities had anything to do wih his dismissal of W, Redvers Dent | | | I can mnnage to wres my American Iriuh sportsman nt that! clergyman author, has heen made hy Nev, D, M, Ross, of » dames' Anglican Church here 1 dor whom Mr, Dent acted aw volunteer preacher, Mr, Rose fused to answer criticism of Anglican church uttered hy Dent. Tuesday in announcing withdrawal from church work pastor re the Mi his | POWER CONFERENCE | AT BERLIN ENDED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, Germany, June 26. The world power conference came to an | ond yesterday with a reception Many of the delegates left Herlin | for a tour of inspection of Industrl al projects in Germany ees of crippling can be | | | LORDS, COMMONS ARE IN DEADLOCK Each Refuses to Budge on Provisions of New Coal Mines Bill Lopdon, June 26.--The govern- mont's con! mines bill seems to be threatened with the state of being indefinitely /shuttle-cocked"n he tween the House of Lords and the House of Commons Yesterday the lords adopted two motions against the government bill, They again deleted the clause which provides a levy for the pur pose of subsidizing exports and hy a vole of 208 to 13==practically the game as the previous vote on the subject in the lords, They also substituted by a vole of 162 to 16 a 50-hour fortnight, which would Include soma days of more than seven and a half working hours, for the 4h-hour week, with the seven and a half hour daily maximum proposed hy the govern. ment, Both the original amendments of the House of Lorfls had heen re. Jocted by the lower House pe ---- ly BETTER EXPECT a treat when you try these Better Bran Flakes made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, No other bran flakes are like them, So crisp. So rich in the famous flavor of PEP. And you get the nourishment of the wheat, plus enough bran to be mildly laxative. Ready to serve with milk or cream. Sold in the red.and.green package. lB BETTER BRAN FLAKES ITERATE 1 THIRD CLASS to BRITAIN or Anchor-Donalds The Purser to welcome you, 0 RETUR | (10 British Ports) { You'll enjoy going back to the Old Countryby Cunard | | = get such excellent service. 1 a Steward to look after your Cabin; aStewardessforyour wile and kiddies; a Dining Room Steward to wait on you. Itis like having a house full of servants of your own! Everyone is anxious to help. onl You Everything done with a will, Wondeiful food, splendid accommodation, excellent service , , . for only $155 raturn (to British Ports), Book through The Cunard Line, Corner of Bay and Wallington Sirens, Toronto, (Tel, Eigin S471). or any sleamahip agenh L ] "CUNARD ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINES, ++ CANADIAN SERVICE Weakly sailings ta Plymauth, Havre, London, Liverpool, Belfast, Glasgow, from Montreal (and Quaber) "rs PACIFIC COAST /ALASKA See the towering peaks, th Visit Canada's great uguniain Bing summer. rivers e mighty ru cataracts of our Far West, Make Jasper Park famous motor, Ay CN On to the Pacific...a 500 mile tri the Great Divide ... you will see Ll) peak in the Rockies... asper National Park your mountain swim, golf, play tennis, from Snape + ovee HieuntRobioy hither the twisting, turbulent Fraser River to Vancouver. Every spectacular turn a new thrill...every beauty. ALASKA «= A 1000 mile boat trip mile a vista of from Vi ancouver through the colorful inside " 0 in | Pasage. See Rh Indian totem pole od the Klondike," Skagway. travelion. ol from vations x any Ath Railways us scenery, ours may bo made by various routes, Full information and reser ur Fares F 0 SHAWA to Vancouver, | Vie. toria, Seattls, Ta: coma, Portland and return $111.85 National Park 10 "

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