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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1930, p. 14

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~ ¢ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 BRITISH CABINET SHUFFLE DEBATED was now responsible for unems ployment questions, Mr, Mag Donuld emphasized (hat depart mental ministers were goveraliy concerned with the unemployment problem, under the cabinet, Alluding to the recent cahinel th has no. intention of asking thet @ work should he done hy char ty l. RELIGIOUS MEN Crown a number of colored people have decided that ths millentuwy ig due shortly and they have quit work to prepare for the svent, They hold sesitons in n building #l the corner of George and Mur. rity streets and neighbors come ARGENTINE WILL DEBATE U.S. TARIFF Wuenor Alres, Republica Argentina, June 20.-=Deputy Julio Borda sald he Intends to begin i debate In congress, (U.F. A, HAS TOTAL OF | 40 SEATS IN HOUSE Edmonton, June 26.-~Albertss Farmer Government, returned by lust week's election, holds 40 seats in the next Legislature, The status comes as 0 result of winning in Beaver River constituency, whence returns have heen delayed by slow vommunieation, and of Veace River constitiency, where the Govern ment candidats has been conceded victory, plain that the nrdent wallings of the worshippers prevent rest, Dr, Fred N, Park has told the town wounell that in some cases children are underfed and of one woman heing In a fainting condi ton for nck of nourishment, He declared that if the religions hy- slerin wns not ended the Counc) would face a vory considerable hurden in caring for the families of the men who now will got work, Lognl steps are haing planned considering that the wew American tari measures necessitates urgent study of trade in the interests of in ternational relations and commercial Interchange COURT ORDERS THAT STUDENTS DISBAND Paris, Vrance, June bl The court, here, digsolvéd the [Indo Chinese Students' Association ag # result. of recent demonstrations hy uw communist element of Mudents ground the presidentinl palace in connection with the Inde-Chius disorders changes, My, Churchill referred Lo the new seerslaryship for the Do minions ap "another hrand of "first class five thoussnd a year efties without any countervalling economy," The Prime Minister declared it had heen done "ta give the Dominions the proper status they ought to have in the govern. ment of the country," Mr, Churchill s "Apart from these details, aren't we paying more for present day administyn: thon than for Any other govern ment ever seen?' : Mr, MacDonuld--""8o far as the new appoinmtent to the Domin fons in concerned this government MacDonald Peppered With Questions Regarding Recent Changes London, REFUSE T0 WORK Many Negroes in Windsor Decide Millenium Is Near Windgor, June 26,---Amhorst: burg authorities have asked Coun ty Crown Attorney James #, Allan what action ean bo taken against An organization known 68 he House of Cod, recently very motive In the downriver town, Aceord leg to Information given the Eng, June 26.04, Hon, Winston Churchill and oth- ers in the House of Commons yes: torday peppered Premier Ramsay MacDonald with questions con: cerning, the veceni - ministerial shuffle, particularly with regard to the appointment of Nt, Hon, J, H, Thomas as secreatry for the Dominions, With Mr, Thomas In hig" new position, Mr. Churchill wished to knew what minister Peter Gets More Than He Bargained For -------- By Thomton W. Burgess 0, fing (nroush Ie that. an 18 seldom of the slightest use. WHO'S BEEN VIGHTING? ---- The usual gloomy erowd was sil- ting around a dentist's room ihe other day, when one old hoy look. ed up from the paper he had found on the table and sald eheorily: 1 sea there's heen a big battle off the const of Jutland,' It you pay an Incoms tax when you are opulent you should get a bonus when you run behind, Bran don Bun, ~~ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit had thumped twice 2s hard ax ha could on the roof of Jerry Muskrat's house, whieh was a hole in the bank of the gmiling Pool, Then Peter had scampered to the edge of the ban 10 look over to see it Jerry woul come out of his doorway, which was under water, Some one came out, t It wasn't. Jerry, no, sir, though'it was, He thought so right up to the time that a brown head * appeared above walter and a pair of eyes snaped at him angrily, "Oh! exclaimed Peter, "11-0. hope you'll excuse me, Mrs, Musk: yat,'t for Ahat is who it was, "I was Just knocking for Jerry", "Ro you were just knocking for Jerry?! snapped Mrs, Muskrat, and her volea was very harsh and ang. vy. "Ho you were just knocking for Jerry! It is a wonder you didwt thump a hole In the roof, You need to ha, taught na lesson, Peter Ravbit, 1 have more than half a mind to come up there and teach you ong right now," Peter' backed away hastily, an Mrs, Muskrat began swimming towards the bank, "I'm sorry, truly 1 am," said Peter, "'T wanted pome- one to talk to and I thought Jerry was probably in there asleep and that he would come out if I thump od," "Wall, Jerry wasn't in there, but I was!" sputtered Mrs, Muskrat, "I wns, and so were my bables, It was gnough fo frighten them half to death, How would you like to have soma one come thumping over the heads of your babies, Peter Rabbit? How would you like it?" "But I didn't know there were any hables," protested Peter, "How y was I to know? I wouldn't have frightened them for the world, Jorry hadp't told me that you had any babies" "I'm glad Jerry has sense enough not to be telling our private affairs te everybody," sald Mrs, Muskrat, "However, that is no excuse at all, You had no business to be thump. ing on that roof." By this time Peter was beginning to feel a ttle provoked, "This bank is free, so far an I know," said he"T'd Hke to know who has a beter right to sit on it, or thump on At, than I have, It you don't want your voof thumped on, why do you build. a home here, anyway? 1 might have thumped here with. out knowing that your home was there al all, I guess 1've a right to do as I please up on the bank," Mrs, Muskrats eyes talrly blaged, She started up that bank in a hurry Peter took one good look at her, He noticed her long yellow teeth AS she drew her lips back, Then Pater suddenly decided that he had business somewhere else, Away he went ~-- lipperty-lipperty-lip, He Klanced back, Mrs, Muskrat was out op the hank and actual chasing him, and she was moving surpris- ingly fast for such a stout person with such short legs, "Phew!" exclaimed Peter, "She must ba angry te think that she ean possibly catch me. I guess I -- AD THIEL COP ON THE BEAT TOLD THE COOK. WHO TOLD Mi, THAT THE, TRIAMT CF FICE, HAD FOUND BLACKIE ROAMING THE STREETS MND PUT MIM IN THE CHILL RE I's Home | A-- ~~ Boor THING 18 TC 6 PTRICAL 11 BLACKIE AND ey Hig IROING (WORRIES AY | 1 HOPE OE) MES BOOTH, THE LANDULADY, AT nl WAS TAKEN G00 CARE OF Wim! AMD THAT'S PURE] 1 AIS ONLY ONE HEART T GWE PROFIT WITH ME | | TO AY LITTLE BROTHER BUT FRIBNOEWID | 1T'5 BEATING Wi A BUSINESS! 11 1 SISTERLY LOVE! "Oh!" exclaimed Peter, "I Mrs, 1 hope you'll exeups me, Muskrat" shall have to keep away from there for a while, But how was I to know anything about those babies? 1 got more than 1 bargained for, Well, Mrs, Muskrat can't eatch me and I'm' glad she can't, I wouldn't Vike to be very near her when she is in such a state of mind as she is now," Of course, Mrs, Muskrat didn't chase Peter (ar, No one could know better than she how useless such A chase would be, She merely wanted to work off a little of her anger and to perhaps give Peter a Hitkle tright, So presently she turn- ed back, dived into the Smiling Pool and went back to those pra. clons babies in the snug house In the bank, (Copyright, 1030, TW Burgess) Reg V8, Par. OF; Copyright, 1980, [] br Metwmpolitan Nowspaper Borviee pp -------- an JIALIAN SILK ALIA) A ity? ---- ae -- i irl BEOTEAD § WITH OAMABN CO INE GATEWAY | 7 (ANG S rhe OF DAMASCUS, TAINS, LATE 17.24 A YY CENTURY. ----_p, J} o-- GOODNESS DADDY AND TOMMY SEEM 10 BE INTERESTED IN INTERIOR DECO- RATING BUT YOU OUGHT TO SEE LW THEM "BEAT IT "WHEN MOTHER STARTS HOUSE CLEANING, wr na Log DAMASK 15 A FABRIC RIGINALLY MANUFACTURED IN THE CITY OF DAMASCUS, SYRIA, TOMMY, FROM WHICH IT TAKES 175 NAME, HAT IS DAMASK, 1 DADDY 9 -- Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WERK DAY SCHEDULE m | hi oti rere Fine) ¥ ) Arrive Arrive Nospina) LY FIGURED IN THE WEAVING WITH FRUIT, FLOWERS, FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE AND OTHER FORMS OF ORNAMENT, HANDSOME AO EXPEN SIVE FURNITURE COVERINGS OF SILK ASD WOOL vat ARE ALSO CALLED DAMASK "mii suring n irent Britain nights reserved ev ff 1 ORNAMENTAL SILK FABRICS OF DAMASCUS "| WERT ELABORATELY WOVEN IM COLORS, SOME Ny TIMES WITH THE ADDITION OF GOLD AND | = DS 209. >Re = Ta wD ome SEBEL XVgaie 2 2323 P33 ave 3 Ives sasas sB33EuREInY F233323333333 § 100 King Peatures Syndicate, Ir i -------- -- a -- Sm. 8s SB ASSoEmomEss Et s feast §55 2» 2X, rg 33s ESewsmazma -- pos BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus AIN'T THAT GRAND? -~ { JUOT A, | MINUTE: | UNTIL Ti | "DINGRR 1D THROVGH Er ------ m----y | JWBT WAN'T | TO SPEAK OVER RADIO FER TWO MINLQTES WOW TU MOeH? - "BY GOLLY IM GONNA | a 7 FIRE THAT COO \¥ \T ) COBTE : FE Arifub' CONTE ME MVE ifs 4 HUNDRED DOLLARD: pom S f SR wr J Dm MRIIGGS SPEAKIN'S 1 JUST WANT TO TELL YOU THAT YOUL L ARE FIRED GIT 1 OUT OF My ' HOVSE- re -- Pe Se OWA, 3333333: El 233 Fr -------- _ Pe [ | po Yi i \ NO) Nd / Pt ent SBRRaE Bh A; i nm, | om. are through bums Som > 9? 33 ua am, ALI Fime mar Whitby Hospital, SE -------------- | SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY ' SCHEDULE PHONE 22 wit i. i "For Your Drug Needs" TF Haka THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St, 8. -- 'We Deliver sso eeege 3333333% - - : i = 40 NOTHING TOQ SMALL Adanac Machine Shop b 1 King St. W, Phone 1814 THANK YOU, MRS, CAMEL, FOR YOUR HOSPITALITY ow All vere Ai 1] [i w Frimer LL PR, rtians I oe Daily wen Daily ait (Except Sunday). Nl Coot a N\ "COAL COAL Vhone 108 w. J. SARoANt | a Delivered iH IA (Except Sunday) ~ ann A TRE wily, § ndy Ha unday ene IIR Bonven pwliein, Is Oot A He rae BS HO THE CAMALE CHILD AND Hi MOTHER HAD TD SLERD LUNDBR THE "TABLE " » a Eo # + gr! nf a 0 WHEN MORNING CAME THEY ALL bl BYR AND THANK You To THE CAMELS Ma™ am, am, "am, By Russ Westove: . A ¢ * \ ] [o he Seve AL AND A VERY, VERY WDB ONE FOR | aly, Tacept Sunday arn ERAT -------- ¥ TILLIE THE TOILER--A Surprise From the Boss i "DONT, You THIN. WBN LOOKS PRECIOUS IN SHoRW ally i i, Eacept Sunday I'M TRYING TO GET 'MAC TO 4 TELEERM j 0 V FOR WR, IRVERY BODY'S \WEARIN/ 'EM " HY You WEAR. [ZEN | (8IMPICING TS TO WHILE THE \ SHonY, WEATHER 15 WERE 1% 8 hae Sanam

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