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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1930, p. 15

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' y r v JHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 »~ PAGE FIFTEEN, } w "where a Legal ar NI & Alls vole: Bre, Con : 42 ope Ca pao ive, Photo' 4, 3.0. Oomeat | ¢ ALD, w. re N. SIN Ee GRIZREON, A IR KC. BANK Am=BAR: while, Cons fice 14 ote Standard Doi Rutrance Bt. hogy Ties: ¥. Grierson, KO. 7, K Creighton, hy No Yraser, RX LOUIS 8. Nivian, BAR | Ba (d a (yee das 20W, TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, muscle anomalies and 5 Eye Strain The Chilo 40d ts Development. oy Block opposite Post Office, Phone i616, \ (June 15-1 mo) EL a Sia D SUIT ol ag LEE Xo 5 or > Shia KE BURIAL CO Fadl ol om A T. street rorth Phone 67, ' WV, GREER AND HUMPH risters, Folicitors, tN (ri iy to Imm ALBX Ur a B.A, DARRLY- tor, ote. Sonvaranein and general ration 8% K'ng St Rast. i ARKHILL, BARRISTER i Money to loan, Alger B 1% op. nosite t Office. Phone 161 Solieiot;, Notary "public, Convey: Anger, Mé 4 to loan, Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office, Phohe 2004, -------clar + M TRE"HAZLEWOO0D » NAKPER, Disney Block, Phone "080, Oftios hours 9 a.m, to Luu pom, Dr, MW J. HAaslawood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray, Jr. B, H., Har er, special attention to children's Jsoases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls "410 or 125, MeKA HYSICIAN, eon, Accouther, OfMce an dence, King t, Keat, comer tr, Osh n h HA Slices | 19° resi. croria Obstetrician, disease children, Office an ond East, Pho; od on ARCHER, Day in oh an Ediiby Euan sen Cand On hatet LJ FR i Chall Hoo! An Phone 3150 DR. O, W. Sur) 2h Obsiniola. HL a He ence, 113 Bimoos street north, Ph Phone 1 318. 3. DE mena BROW) PHY ls clanifSu 3 (H nin 4 nfants an 97 eon and Obstetrician, office an residense, 183 185 Simeon Street, North phong Veterinary Surgeon YR UHIRCEY, VETERINARTAN Domestic Anis Specialist Diseases 203 mals, Cat and Ri hospital, King W. Tel. 620, (June 2-1 mo) 30 LOO po! treet West, Joronte, will 1 be at his 08 over vell's Drug Store each atardey, from 1 tll 4 i] for sonsultation and treatment of a +4 of ear, noss and throat enf ly ntments be mare at _ ne Ret TIE 7 Fi fe, nt am 3 vening rf LE off ih phune ene Bank of, Commerce, gimooe and ah 4 Lye, ear, i and throat, to 11.80 to 6 7to dence, 608, 4 Phones, ofits, 16871 reals (June 13-1 mo.) "| city, Bagle Cartage ; Hi | 80600, Kant, | tion 8180, ot San, Ambala ane. fi Jauresiog ost Be heen v Wha. consis R. N. Johes, B80 Simooe north, Your (nsurasce wants st tended to snd your interests pro- fl All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc, STRICTLY CASH IN BOF This rule has been found necessary because of ox loss arising frdm handling a large number of i of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to coma personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertistment ond collect for same, "Times" Classified Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results uo AMARA ASR | Transportation CARTAQGR AND dy OOL®- man's, 86 Bond West. Specialist in furniture moviag, SGOrage Ware: house snd moving van equipment, Phone 812, au. GRAVEL CARTAGE, gi Satin, Van, 4 §.AnCH nde Phone 034, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEsT _ ESTAB. lished furniture movers. Park Ros fr age, pl snd long distance Krank , Prop, 65 Park Rd South, Phone 3185. (June 20-1 mo) IT PAYS TQ MOVE--SUDBURY, Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle. ville, anywhere cleapest in the phone 200. May 20-1 mo) 90g AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, exprefs, cinders and gravel hauled, long distance moving. Cheap, Phone N74W, June 11-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PURMANENL WAVE Shop, Specdial.sts in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Vers manent wave prices 86, §7,60, §10 and $15, All other Hines of Heauty fluiture, Fhone 2908, Apply sb Himeos street worth, "nN Betty Ward at Betty Lou Permian: ont Wav Shop . Marcel and sham. Betuty | Shop, 9 Celina St Wel sper alge in Indies' hair cutting, mar« ling, sha ne B facials, reel gia, or anpolntments ' hang MARCEL b60e, WILL ¥ T™ customers home 700, Fern Rell, 104° Alma street, phone un 0) Music AENYENT 0. ~rHENEEN, OR =| Siren and cholr master of King treet United Church will accept pupils io plano, organ and yosu! musle, For particulars apply BO William street east. Phone (June 8 ™ VIOE, AG oe for sale, Pephire on elee- trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re charged, rental supplied, & Phone Charles Wales, 146 Eigin Ry HB Bo) ¢l with rental $1.00, Repaired "nd rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill St. Phone 1880W, (June 20-1 ma od, Priges reasonable, batteries res charged Boe, rentals 8% delivered Phone 28 800, feo. Burroughs, | Certitiea Rediottieian. (June 10-1 mo) teu EPIRELLE TANHENTE VON THE PN pa and mise, Atos for domonatras (Juned0-1 mo) to first mortgakes ' on residences, Bradloy Bimoow south (ude May 27-1 mo) discriminatin Phone Mra, available for well lobated Bros, 8 stairs), | 8, | Work Wanted and garage floors, sidewalks snd roadways, sand, gravel, oindery, Chris Graham, Phone $691M, May 20-1 mo) ; a, Lawn Mowers, Baws, Phone 421W, We call and deliver, 180 Celina Bt, K, Bottan, (Jungs 0-1 mo) PIMET OCANE TAUNDRY DUNE; Phone 1584M, (May 81-1 mo) Articles For Sale : MIXED JiR AND (od hy It ol load, Also bo . hh, vos Bh oud, Mosk Lim FOR TION as: Lid, pianos, new and used p Also "radios, Iatest models; fren Airhnged. Apply ©, Trull, it) A A ishes, We have the IarROst sort ment of paiuts, varnishes, eto, In fn the city, The Paint Store, #0 King street wast, Ae 1} tt) J Lb dors, black loam. $1,060 per yard, Vor quality and service phone Es scry Dros, 833 rv 11. ha ACL RIND OF g ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oll stoves, coal stoves, bieycles, ete, 174 Ritson road south, (May 80-1 mo) ih, At 13 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires, Phone 8476W, Residence S183), (May 80-1 mo) PIAMONDG RINGS, WATCHER, all kinds of jewelry on easy pay: ments, bf trom 060 cents per week, , O. H, Dell, agent for Peo. ples' Credit Jewelers, 204 Bimooe Houth, Oshawa, (May 81-1 mo,) NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR: altuke bought and sold, 186 Bloor , Phone 1617M, (June 41 mo) used vigyalon $14 up, New and easy terms, C,0.M, joyoyeles and 'fishe ing tackle, 12 Richmond East. Phone 3174, (June 13:1 mo) leather rookers, 8 plgee dining room suite, lbrary table, washing machine, baby carriage, reversible, Roar, nearly new, Apply 411 Gibbs St, Phone 1708M, T1410) TOR HALE = WTRIL™ WANG, deep firebox, high back, looks like new, 360 Ritson Rd, Houth, Phone 440M, (140) TAR OR AA FECU000 condition, #15, 640 Hortop Ave Phone 3038, LY N splendid condition, "$08, $10 wh and #0 per month, Hes at John Manger, #3 Bimooe North, Jhene (I coal und electric. range, Moffatt, latest style, practically new, Alu electric. motor for sewing mach: tne, 20 Noyal Street, (148¢) nine pleces, 1 davenport, gas stove, 4 Congoleum squares, Avply top foor, 23% HKimecoe Bt, ® (1480) also wool, Apply Box T41 Sas , Bleeman 1640 r 4, Phare Mee (1480) y H, North 2, Whits (1400) panish Hoad bald, Gores » Point, RR, No, ohalrs, one library table one eon. Joum Tug, Apt (8 Loose partments, (1400) 2000, Ca ! TA " a Louisa Bisel 5 AJuse 301 | For Rent orn suites including eleetris retrig. eration, stove, Isundry, oconveni oroes, oto, coutibu' § hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone ¥87\, or The Truster und Guarantee Uo, Ltd, manages for owner, Toronto, (870) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL Al fonggnisnces hardwood flcars, adley Bros, (60 tra), four rooms, bath, "electri stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession Immediately, Apply Box 655 Times, (118t1) -- YY FURNIRH- ad, rooms on ground floor, newly decorated, #7 Colborne Ht, Kast, (1451) NINE KOO HOUSK 'r(;. RENT: All conveniences, partly furnished or unfurnished, Would exchange for bunghlow, 04 William Nireet Hust, * (1480) APARTHENT TO NENT, ve oxtra large rooms, furnished or unfurnished, All conveniences, Central 'location, drwntown, rent rassonable, Phone 622) (1470) WED: rogm,' all. Govan ionces, breakfast it desir Apply 10 MeMlillan Drive, Phone 2820W, (1480) L) FORNTIREDROOWF Yon rent. Phone 47117J, (1470) FORRTEHED WATHROOW VLAT Also large furnished room on ground floor, private entrance, and. garage. Apply 93 Elgin #t, Kant, (1470) TO LETT" NOOM¥ED™WOURT, Colborne Kt, W, Newly painted and decorated, Apply 34 Royal St, Phone 185, 5 (147¢) T ROOMED TRICK NOUR VOR rent, All conveniences, Near Mots ors, Phone 2717J, (1470) HOUSE TO RENT, LIGHT AND water, $16, Apply 40 Royal Hires: i (1480) TOR RENT=T sWALL "WOUBDN, A rooms and garage; Cheap lo good tenants, Windsor reo. ol Wilson road mouth, (1470) NT house, All conveniences, Apply 8é Arlington Avenue, (1480) ANALY THT per month, Good garden also place for ohlekens, Apply Mra, L, Nap. ley, Park Rd, North, (1400) fn ROOM THOURE FOR WENT=3 minutes walk from Motors' offipe, Phone 280384, (1400) Vimy, near Ritson road, Rent §18 per month, Water and lights, Ap- ply W, NH. Barnhart, Phone 2340W, (1400) Low tent, Telephone apartments, LLLA (1400) furnished for lght housekeeping, | * large, central, Real home for huss LLL] Irn, op married coupls, Phone 48 Votore 11 am, (1400) Rates for | Classified Ads. | dy TR pA A Pox number i sieiises) Hin fe | il mo) | home like "Yooms, with sll conven~ fences, on ground floor, for Vight housekeeping," with sarage, very central, Apply Box 742 Times. ' ¢ Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT-=4 OR bh room modern hungalo, with gar. age, centrally located for August first, Phone 26301, (14%¢) "For Sale or Rent oh ROOM brick veneer house, 64 Park road pesih, Phone 466M, (1400) a Summer Cottages RATE, furnished, Beach, Hew &08, Good bathing heach, no weeds, excellent fishing grounds, Apply H, Bateman, 103 Church street, Phone 2404M, 8 (1400) Motor Cars y WARHED AT Dominion Garage, A% Bond stret west, Phone 3108, All cars at one price $1.00, (June 16-1 mo) YOUR DOOR RE: dan, weld fenders, latest equin~ ment, mileage five thousand, in beautiful condition, Wil sacrifices, Apply Mus, Dickie, Bathing Pavi Hon, The Lake, (147¢) agon Lakeside owned (1481) Condition Privately Phone 148, Auto Accessories MOTOR ACCERRONY C0, 11 RING Sireet West, Auto parts and Agess- pories for all makes cars, Auto mobiles hought for wrecking, Phone 2058), {June 36-1mo,) Iry AUTOMOBILE" WRECKING Co, New and used paris and ae. oensories, cara, trucks, prices rea. sonable; cars wanted Phone $980W, 15-17 Bond Hirest West, (June 2h-1mo,) Nursing i Phone Whitby 505, June 24-1 mo) PRACTIOAL NUNAE, MATENN: ity or general nursing, Yor infor mation phone 830W, (June 8+1 mo) Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS -- FROM ~ HIOW olnss breeding pens, backed' by males from dams o' 427 egR rec: ord, [mmediate shipment, Barred Rooks, Ithode Island Reds, $17 par hundred; White Leghorns, $16, 100 per cent, live arrival guaran. teed, Modern Hatchery, 8305 Dan. forth Ave, Toronto, (June 4-1 me) Room and Board NOOW AND BOARD UTT ONR or two gentlemen, 143 All Sh. 1 0 A respectable men, or girls, home privileges, Central, Phone 2780W, (148¢) WNT in, a private home, for ladies or gentleman, Board If desired, 162 ign Bt, Kast, Phone 1048W, (1400) WOON AND HOARY FOR TWO gentlemen in private hame with laundry $8.60, Apply 41 Warren Ave, Phone 1408W, (1400) "Painting and Decorating perhanger, painting und Eraining Prices Tight, work guaranteed, Hd Plone Ave, phone J008w or Hate ah ont, painting, paperhanging, deo: orating, sign writing, Kstimates given on work, Phone 1867), (June B+1 mo) Dunci of dancing and physleal oulture, 100 Ghuroh Street, Lessons given each evening from 6 pm, For terms oall or phone 874M at above hours, (June 24-1' mo) JON UOC LIOHT WERK S050 AR Oshawa Cafe with fish and ohips, Corner Bond and Ontario streets, Co (June i-Bwka,) yi some chronic allment, such nerveusness, paralysis, varicose rly goltre, arthritis, heart weakness, rheumatism, eto, Phone 200 for a free treatment in your home, Tune in on Theronold Health Talks, over station OFRN Monday, Wedntadas and day, 1.80 p.m, Theronold of OnlMwa, 154 William Street aat., "(Jung 88-1 mo) | MAN WITH" PRM rT WiIlLVR years expartonve, no acefdents, iid for job, driving | tor, Ave A v would like Ruwigh aa Thy house. { ae ton leavin ver, Phone Whitby ig ad ' al and surgionl nursing, reasonable | wo of tru als, A ol last at The ly Minihier made the states | RE Help Wanted--F éinale WANTE=C APART WOMAN TO care for elderly Indy and do light housework, Apply 206 Athol St, Kant, (140¢) housemaid for summer hotel," Yor information phone 17427, between T and § pm, (149m) WANTEO--CO0R CUNENAT, TOR simmer cottage, Small fdmily, Apply 271 Bimeos Bt, N, (140) REVINED LADY PREFERABLY over 86 for interesting dignified work, No welling required, nor |» business experience necessary snd position may lead to wsecretarial work, Karumgs of $40 to $40 par week easlly possible: Phone 12809W, from K to 6 p.m, only for wppaintment, (148e) A "Salesmen Wanted DIRECT RAL ERMEN WANTED, country residents only, tp well one of the 'hest advertised, medicines in Canada, Exclusive territory, big commission and direct sales helps, Only active men wanted; must be able to finance to the entent of $0.00, sesuring a profit of #6,00, Write J. U, Rouleau, 1270 Bt, An dre, Montreal, 149-158-166) dt tuations Vacant LETTER CARRIERE=AN, EXAM. ination for letter carriers is an nounced to he held shortly, Those wishing to pass are invited to take the preparatory course at The Peerless, Make sure you pass, We Lokeh you at a very small charge, Teoriess. Nearly all falled on the written examination last time, Make sure you pass, We Pooriess Business College, 11% Simeon street north, Phone 8214 (1470) -- RRA LLAML Auction Sale AUCTION BALI--THERY WILL be sold at 44 Bond strest east on Friday, June $7, 1930, the fol. lowing goods, Mason Risch plano, dining room suite, elght bads coms plete, 2 folding heds, B dressers, in number chairs and tables, cook stove, quantity of dishes, linel- oums, Bale at 1.°0 pm, sharp, Torms cash, W, J, Sulley, Auction. fer, (148h) Real Esti For Sale OM BONGA: Fo 20x 40, Beautifully furnished in figured. gumwood (rim, French door, opal arate, podestsd basin snd: bath with ohromium plated taps, swinging. chromium tap in kitchen, aversise het water fure naoe, electrle water heater, hrick verandah, gids drive, $5,600, Own. or K6 Roxboro Ave, phone 27004, (146-147-140) ny . hops; between Quebee Ht, Salvation Army Hall, Finder ap: ply J, Askew, 206 Quebes Mt, reim Sn library, You will anjoy reading the Iatest Flotion at minimum cost, Phone 1473, 37 Nimeoe Bt, North (P18 tI) BETTER OUTPUT IF NOISE REDUCED Insurance Company Reports Twelve Per Cent. Gain in Work Done (By Canadian. "Prost Leased Wire) Washington, D.C, June 25-A twelve percent, increase in output fol lowed a redugtion of 285 per cent, in the nolse in an inkurance office according to commisslofier of labor statictien, Jilthelbert ! Stewart, Mr, Stewart, commenting on one of the major problems of the machine Age says even these parsons who say they.de pot WR ag are als fected by it. Numeroux studies and SXDAFimNtS hive showndthat excess sive 'noise. reduces the efficiency of workers but business and industry Are Not to any extent. athempting to do away with Jt, | Washington if" aparently 'more sensitive to noise' then New York, A radio shop apposite the Canadian Press office here Jian it blaring about Alling a stelf to dear old Maine since a distiiet ordingnee forbidding unlimited roan nd oting was paned fant eghy «on y MACDONALD HINTS AT ELECTION SOON Two Major Bills Dropped by Labor Party in\Order to Clear Decks London June! o' =The that a Ageneral clestion might be pes cessary before Fall was axprebied by Prime Minister | J MacDone ald " A Mnenting 'of the Mavor party ossibility ment explaining hs. action in Commons earlier in. the day when he announced yA Sram Wik drop {ll and the cons hl a + Bl or the bal © preven ion, \ that view of the neral; election bee desirable to o decks lits the, Pring. Kui 4, fio whout Vine Inf, Commons, he said he hoped sent session oP oprrying vate i Just of July, apd re ble at the end of Oetober, dropping of the two bills, explaining that because of the [xigencies of oth er business it was imphssible to con. sider them adequately at this ses. sion, The 4onsumery council bill prego sed to regulate the retail prices of foodstuffs, lothing and other Items for general public consunmtion, tp ---------- BALDWIN'S REBUKE T0-TWO NEWSPAPER PEERS SUPPORTED British Press Applauds' the Speech Against Lords Rothmere, Beaverbrook London, June 20--""The tonic effect of Mr, Baldwin's speech will be very marked and it will be sur: prising If the rival recruiting sere goants do not find thelr audiences, from now on, cool," This commen, by the Daily Telegraph, Conservar tive, seems Lo express the general reaction to the Conservative Lead: or's strongly - delivered. rebuke Lo the Lords Rothermere and Beaverr brook, newspaper peers who have been at loggerheads almost contin. wously with him during the last yohr, Mast of the Conservative press gre, outspoken in support of Mr, Baldwin, The fact that the Conwsers vative burnt thelr fingers when they made & direct appeal Lo Lhe elector, ate on a straight protectionist pols fay in 1988 has a considerable ine fluence on party opinion, Mr, Bald win "has intimated frequently that a repetition of that disastrous ex. periment iy unlikely, Therefore the only visible alternative to the re ferendum' which Mr, Baldwin was andy to support would he a lengthy 'progess of nursing.and 'educating' the electorate on the Empire free trade issue until the policy eould be submitted at a general election but not the next general election tion; And this would be tee slow a method for the Empire tree traders Lord Rothermere replied it was ridienlous to imply that he had at- tempted to dominate the cholce of a Conservative Cabinet, saying the electorate had a right to know what Ministers were going to occupy the key Pn, This safeguard was parttaalarly necessary, added Lord Rotharmere, in the ease of Mr, Baldwin who had made more blund- ors regarding important appoints ments than any Aritish Prime Min. ister in history, FRANCE AND ITALY MORE FRIENDLY Peageful Settlement: of All Questions Is Aim of Governments Tarls, June 20--Arlstide Briand, Yorefgn Minister of France; told the. fianate Fokélgn Relationy Com- mittee that the Frenoh Government wad doing all 'it possibly could to Arrive at an amicable settlement of all questions now existing or likely to arise between France and Italy, Widespread reports that ¥Franpge and Italy were conellfating thely points of view, after ns somewhat straingd relationship, were reegiy- od with interest in political eivglen, France, it was indicated by Gove ofnment observers, had, yielded to theridea that there must be political peace in Hurdpe so that economic problems, dally growing mors ure genta might have the full donalder- ation of the hest' minds of 'all eon. tries, | Friondivess in the Franco. Ital fan status wan noted, and Foreign Minister, Hrland's statement to the fenate confirmed the ofclal sincer ity of that attitude, It was the expressed ballaf in politieal ofrcles that naval, parity and boundary considerations would receive early and amionble nettles ment, : ------------ BIG FAILURES, About thirty years ago, two or three big firms of family solicitors in London falled for hundreds of thoy YH of pounds, the one helnk sent to,penal servitude, while the head of another ony encaped that fate by committing sulelde, Tt wan a matter of genaral both firms were navn naturally othergsolioltora' had FAH walt until the equivalent of a 'run on the bank' came about, with consequent collapse, It is, no doubt, the amall oases, which bring diseredit on the pros Tesalon generally, for the educated lasses and business hel who are He then announced |' Jane of knowledge in the proloesslion, that JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONS J, W, Womll, Oph; D, Eyesight Specialist Phone #215 Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshaws's Main Corner | ld Batore placing Automoebils In~ surance, get my speaial rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dears horn Park, subdivision, west of Bimeoe N J. H. R., LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg, Motor Ambulance Rervice Day and night phone 1053W OLZL'W! BRURIAY CO, Funeral Home 87 Celinp Bt, ~ M. ¥, Armstrong & Kons, Prop RRR Ahead! wD NOL 1086 JOUF CAPww Let me finance yous-Addly tional Cush Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOAN Roos 6, 14% King St, Eas' Good Weather | Use CEMENT BLOCKS W, BORROWDALE PUICK Eo PRICE $566.00 Ontario Moto AD RIMCOK NE BOUEH - For Fireproof Garage, 000 Carnegie Ave, Phone E 2 tor Sales Lids $100 Onghe=Balance #83 monthly, 0 vopmiw' and. tollet, electrie, water, newly degors ated, B garages, Pedlase. Possession, Disney... usually trustees of largas outaten, should be able to protect hemaatves Indeed, the big cases are tional; the averame 'black sheep' in an impeounione | agividual f ps practice, desperd Sy hh and tempted apary \[] ah for Hump r (0 rextatance by the fow hundreds he [|

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