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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1930, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 LL ~ EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: E RN ONTARIO ovis sms RAIN HELPS BERRY OROP Kingston, --I'he recont rains have beens great help to the strawberry erop in the Kingston distriot, - NEW 8, A, OVVICKRS Lindsay. ~The new officers of the tbeal corps of the Balyatien Army are adjutent and Mrs, Bond, . They £0 from the Tthodes Ayenue orm of Toronto, RECORD WHEAT Lindsay, =-Record Vall wheat for Victoria County has reached the height of 634 inches, The new find eclipsing all others reported by several inghes, comes from the farm of Thomas Hazelton west of town, Towering move than five and a quarter feet ahove the ground, the stalks brought to town are of about average height In a large field of Wall wheat, GOES TO MARKHAM Stirling--1, Hamel Cooke, who hag been successful as principal of Sterling High School for the past two years, has been appointed Principal Bf Markham High School, GOLLY CLUB Vik Kingston--"The shed used for housing the maintenance equiynent of the Cataraqul Golf and Comilry Club was burned to the ground, Practically all the tools of the elub ware destroyed, One tractor was foptunately saved, but a much news or machine was ruined by the flames, i - DEATH ACCIDENTAL Cormnwall=-=A coroner's jury re- turned a verdict of accidental death after hearing extensive evidence re- garding ap automobile aceldent on the Hawkesbury-Alexandria high- way on_the night of June 9, when Allan MeDonald, postmaster ahd general merchant of Greenfield was fatally injured, he EE a-- RABIES EPIDEMIC Cornwall--=Ways and means of controlling an outhresk of rabies among the dogs In the township were discussed at a special meeting of Cornwall Township Counell, Af- Ley hearing a recommendation from the Board of Health, Council passe od pn by-law that all eanines must be kept chained In an enclosure until: other instructions are given by the Counell, DIES ON BIRTHDAY Cornwall==Mrs, William Blair, formerly Isabella Munro, of Gravel Hill, and the Bixth Concession, Nox. her hushand at Moose Creek, £0 years of nge on the day she passed AWRY, HOUSE AND MONEY BURNED Bellevillo==John Lidster, vesid- ing on Concession 5 of Tysudinaga township, suffered a heavy loss when his home with practically all of the contents was destroyed by fire, "The house, of frame construe. tion, was one of the largest in the distriet and was considered one of the most modern, The fire started in the kitehen from the stove, it 1s hatleved, and spread rapidly, A few household articles were waved, It was reported that $800 which was secreted in an upstairs room was lost, The loss will be partly covered by insurance, COAL ' The Best Jeddo Premium in America Usual Coal Prices Produced At ry 97 LA "DIXON COAL C0. ges Al borough, died at the residence of{/ BRIDGE SAID UNSAVE belleville=Question of new up- pe bridge was discussed st some engi in a committes of the city counefl and the matter was 1sid over for the present, 1t is stated that the government engineer's re- port shows the upper bridge as un. safe for very heavy trafic, SHIELD TO BE Pie Havelook=AL the annual meet Ing of the Havelock Distriet Junior Varmers' Society 1 was decided to purchase a shield to he donated as a prize for the best judging team of three boys ut the Belmont School Fair this fall, pe-------------- COURTICE Ry On Thursday afternoon of ast week the regular meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs, W. H, Nichols, who is the superintendent of the baby, band and the band wus Invited to the meeting. Although the weath- er was most disagreeable, a large number of ladies and children were present, 'The President, Mrs, (Rev) H, Stainton, presiding, After the devotional period an interesting pros gram was presented, A reading in keeping with baby band meetings, wis read hy Mrs, Ross Pearce, An exercise with singing wis splendid) given hy the members of the band, Muster Ralph Found (aking the solo parts in un admirable way, Mrs, A J. Oke took up the study book which she made very interesting, A plano wolo was nicely played by Miss Vel- ma Pearce, Mrs, GV, Annis gave u short alk in the interest of pro. hibition, ' Alter the meeting lee-cream and cake wore served to all and a friend ly half-hour was enjoyed, Mrs, Nichols and her daughter, Mrs, Walt- er Snider, madg every one welcome, Mr, und Mrs, Foster Snowden and family, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Pearce," Miss Mabelle Walter, of the Post Office, spent last week with Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Brown, Peterboro, Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, motored to Peterhoro on Saturday and sceom- panied Miss Walter home, Mr, Smith, Strathaven, Scotland, and son, Mr, Jus. Smith, St. Cath wrines, and Mr, Campbell, Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs Jus, Brown, Mr, Smith came from the same place In Scotland where My Brown's futher and mother live and is In this country spending a month with his sons, His visit with Mr, and Mrs. Brown was thoroughly en Joved p Mr. Frank Walter entertained the Male Quartette, King St, Oshawa, of which he Is a member on Sat- urday evening, ' Several from this community at tended the Anniversary at Edad Sunday and Monday and report a good time, Next Sunday morning the sacra ment of the Lord's supper will be partaken and it being Rev, Stain. ton's last Sunday, a large attendance is hoped for LAWYERS. TO RAISE WELLINGTON, N, Z==An inter. esting experiment has just been made in New Zealand, By an Act passed last November, a fund is oreated by levies of contributions on All practising solloitors, and is to be applied "for the purpose of reimbursing persons who may suff- or to his servant or agent, In ths course of his practice as a solicitor, including sny money or other valu. able property as aforesaid entrust od to him 88 & solicitor-trustes, "In other words, the profession as a whole takes upon itself to gusrantes 'the honor and integrity of. its Individual members in their professional capacity, The question whether a similar fund should be established here has. often raised, but the step has not yet been taken, "No one would now suggest that soleitors, ss professional men, have other than a high standard of one sly, amongst the many thousands who practise, however, there In necessarily & small proportion of "black sheep," and the fact remains that dishonest solicitors have the widest opportunities of ambezzling their clients' money, becuse they are so constantly handling it, They always do so on purchases of mort gages. and money 1s often entrust od to them for investment, More- over, If they have misapplied one ellent"s money, and he Is pressing for it, they can quiet him by paying what Is due out of another client's with the consequence that the orash is postponed, but magnified when it does come, GRETA GARDO TALKS ALLSTAR CAST It is entirely characteristic of Greta Ggrbo that she walked right into her first talking pleture with. out even taking counsel with a voles tot, That very minute she looked up and saw the microphone over her head was porbaps the most import. ant in her career, She was going to talk in pleturen, Or she wasn't, Not the slightest trace of anxiety or apprehension did she betray. No #ign of whatever conflict or surge of doubt may have been buried beneath that stolid mask, Instead, she merely nodded read- iness and began her lines... "Climme a whisky---ginger ale on th' side, , , . an' don't be stingy, baby!" Up in the glassed monitor room, Gavin Burns, voles mixer, listened intently as her, words reached him through the recording system, Then he leaned back and grinned at Clar. ence Brown, the director, who glanced now and again for a sign of approval , "Annd Christie' at last was un- der way, Carbo was making her first talking pleture for Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer a debut long awaited by erities und public alike, averyone keenly curious to learn how she talked, "Ladlios of Leisure, the Colum bin all-talking drama of New York night life which opened at the New Martif Theatre last night with Bar. bara Stanwyck, Lowell Sherman and Ralph Graves in the leading roles is the liveliest, snapplest, pep plest motion pleture of the year It in scintillating with the spirit of youth and galety, It Is a simple story but In fis simplicity Vow its charm, An ideal ist==an artist--becomen interested in a girl of the street and asks her to pose for him, She falls in love with him, Without being aware of it, she becomes identical with hin iden! of womanhood, Jove with his ereation, Interfer once on the part of the artist's aristocratic parents, who do not ae He falls in | Lake Ontario and vastern terminal through the new make the channe if the United $tat cost this country and the United have used it on &rtist's future if she marries him, when through a near tragedy the Aras state of affairs Is revealed to the artist, he decides to do things in his own way, This story 1s unfolded against the diverting backgrounds of cabarets, artists' studios, elaborate pont. houses and the hourdiug houses of the socalled "ladies of leisure', Ad- mirable performances are given by the entire cast, Ralph Graves in- terprets the role of the artist with a pympathy and humaneness that is most appenling. Barbara Stanwyck, thay attractive young netross who erontod such a sensational success In "Burlesque," plays the leading feminine role With unusual charm J and capability. / attert------ THE ST, LAWRENCE WATER. WAY us that as Jong making a fortur 2010, P. A, SIGNS OF (London Advertiser Mr, Bennett at Winnipeg professed ta favor an early start on the deeper St Lawrence project, but he said not one word about the resolution adopted at the national convention of his pay in 1927 demanding that Canada pay the whole cost and that ull work be done on the Canadian side of the boundury, The resolu tion was passed "at the demand of power interests in Quebec opposed to the scheme, with the object of Eilling it, if possible, The undertaking can only be carried out by agree ment with the United States beealise the river is purely international for 130 miles, Recently the United States agreed to share hall the cost of deepening the channel between abolition of the and decreases | Desire it has heen to tnces that have to bring about perity", Mr out "unity prosperity', with return sources to the whieh he regard ment of the pre you A Never-to-Be-Forgotten Price on First Quality . Running Shoes EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED Agnow-Surpass establish a new low price level on these first quality brown duck shoes, rubber trim on uppers, very year boys stream into the office in June asking us to our ad- vice as to entering journalism, Yes, Is our advice, Vor it still seems Lo Journalism Ig less boring than any other job wherein the chances of CONDITIONS SEEN (Continued' from Page 1) "If there has been of the government above another, the provinces and the dominion King asserted, "With He of tha cept the girl for what she has be stout soles, fully guaranteed, Boys' and 1 Prescott the new Then Mr. for ships passing Welland canal. To | all=Canadian, even es consented, would an enormous sum, Ftates ships could equal terms, the commission, od The that the people they were the government an you must work, Increased trade 16 are practically New York World, retain the country, BETTER nilsance taxes, n postage Vor Unity one desire do, my friend", romiove all grieve. grown up between | fort direct any possible or unity and prose You and 1 are ean never hase went on to deal natural ros western provinces, ed as an achieve: went government, budget came attention from Mr, market indirect animosity one" part of Canada and another. they have thelr trouble in India and the police authorities I sm sure will he able to deal with the situation." Returned Another question came from the rear of the hall. King dealt with the problems of maritime rights and appointment of the King, of Great He to see meant defeat with Great of the NEW ZEALAND TRADE TREATY ATTACKED (Continued from Page 1) "There 1s one thing 1 will never Bennett re- torted, "I will not through any ef- encourage between Mr, Canadians, soldiers And the Duncan in for some sald Britain were elated with the budget, and walling would happen in Canada, warned his listeners that defeat of of the budget, with iis provisions for Brit ain, The big Issue in the campaign was the British preference, and Jt was of the greatest Mr, King sald, that Canada should mother what But he importance. answer brought a sharp warring for "fair tactics" in politics," "What about the returned men", was the query. "I observe from reports", bo opposition leader replied, "that Major Power, a- member fron: Quebec City, and the minister of pensions have been dizcussing pen sions and soldier settlers and mat ters of that kind, We had dealt with this matter free from politics and every party In the House of Commone last session was _repre- sented on the committee which considered the problems of return ed soldiers. Here was an ubani- mousy report prepared and passed by the house". He had not intend ed during the election to discuss the matter on the public plaftorm, Mr. Bennett proceeded, as the in terests of returned soldiers wero "beyond polities", but it might he well to remember in view of the efforts of the Liberals to make "political capital" out of the ques tion to mention that seventy-fivas per cent, of returned soldiers In the commons sat on the Conserva- ilve side of the chamber, "But", he declared, "now that this subject has been introduced and reintroduced from the other side, that in 1927 1 introduced an amendment in the house that the benefit of the doubt be given to returned soldiers in thelr applica« tions, but the government would not accept it then, And now they go around this country telling you 'We are your friends, not the other people's.' 1 warn them to keep this question above politics." 49 STORES OFFER THESE SUPER VALUES NOT A SINGLE PAIR HELD BACK -- A LIBERAL REDUCTION ON THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF EVERY STORE. OU can surely thank Agnew-Surpass for the present-day low prices, For almost half a century this great organiz- ation has been saving the shoe-buying public thousands of dollars every year on footwear of unquestioned quality. There's big things in store for you during this Anniversary Sale . .. Come , .. See .., Compare . . . Quality Considered We're Never Undersold. Right now you can save during this DYNAMIC COUNTRY-WIDE A Rousing Feature for You Men's Work Boots Sturdy, well made shoes for outdoor or factory wear, Uppers of Elkola or grain leathers, stout sewn or nalled Panco soles. Generous reductions on All sizes, 0 to 11, at NNIVERSARY SHOE SALE Friday and Saturday Bring Still Greater Reductions They'll Say Good Bye Now Folks [IN Ladies' Footwear FORMER VALUES TO $4.00 Unsurpassed group selection of fine footwear priced for quick clearance = fine quality patent, Cuban or higher heels; most sizes in the lot. Shop early men's sigs, Oxfords or boots. every pair, here, ladies. 76¢c and 86¢ $1.98 to $2.89 | | $1.88 and $2.39 A NEW LOW PRICE LEVEL ON SUMMERTIME FOOTWEAR Ladies' Sport Genuine Oxfords Deauville Right now we are offering excep. Sandals tional values in those popular vaca- Decidedly smart, punched or woven tion shoes; uppers of colored calf effeots in these imported summer § skin or elk with noneskld rubber | hoe: they have stout moulded solos, two<tone or solid color. effects. | Jeather soles, roomy fitting and long All slses, several styles, wearing, Choice of brown and tan, or white and tan, t Drastically Reduced. Complete Sizes at come but rather for what she has | bean, eventually wseparates the young people, 'The girl is led to believe that she will ruin the young er pecuniary loss by reason of a theft by a solleltor, or by his servs ant or agent, of any money or other valuable property entrusted to him, What a Glorious Money Saving Treat This Is! Thin is a colial Invitation to visit the Rexall Drug Stores, whether it in for the purpose of having an fcescrenm or cool drink at the oda fountain or to take advantage of the hundreds of savings on wr MidsSummer Male of Drugs==Sundries and Tollet Goods, Shop en==and with safety at the Rexall Stores, ' 'FREE! A lovely, weft quality WASH.CLOTH With Jonteal Van. | Cron ooo 50c¢ | HAWK-EYE CAMERAS Dependable and easy to operate No. 2 size ...98¢c No. 2A size $1.49 FREE! A_Genuine New Model Gillette Razor With a tube of Rexall, Colgate's or Palms olive Shaving 35 c Cream Sg 85 Rock Bottom Prices On Children's Fleet-Foot Sandals No need to tell you folks they're the best you can buy. Every pair first quality goods =hrown or white duck uppers; Relyon Solus, Sizes 4 S ig nniversary Sale, Extra values «cc oovvinnens Tc The Pick of the Pack, Folks, at + Smashing Price Reductions Ladies Smart Shoes Re-grou at still further price reductions, the finest display of up-to-date footwear ever of« fered, MNvery known style in kid, calfskin, or tent in black or colors, high, low or Cuban Reels, Tremendous savings for you here at $2.89 $3.49 $3.69 Choice of Many Styles. Priced From dh 4 $2.49 Genuine Non-Rip Quality Children's Sandals At Sweeping Reductions Tan Leather 89c. $1.09 $1.29 Patent Leather $1.09 $1.19 $1.39 4 FRENCH BALM Positively our best and finest skin and hand Lotion, Some Real Money Savers ™ 78¢c Bisurated Magnesia 63¢ B0¢ Robinson's Patent Bar) f sainneaniiE An Astounding Offer Reg. $1.00 Pure Thread adies' Silk Hose Take advantage of this astounding offer before it is too late, Beautiful new hose, pure thread silk (every pair perfect). The season's newest shades are here. All sizes, While they last While they a Ne aa, 69¢ Eager Buyers Were Quick to Appreciate the Phenomenal Savings We Are Offering in Children's Strap Slippers Smart new patterns for children in pliable black patent, sewn leather goles and low rubber heels, plain or fancy patterns, a wonderfiil assorte ment, priced from A Fraction of Their Worth $1.19 to $1.89 REGESAN FRUIT SALINE And a 38¢ Tin DUSKA TALCUM BATHING SHOES! Smart==All Sigos, All Colors Protect your feet while swimming Reg. $1.00 . 79c 78 + $1.00 Sple. did DOZEN SANITARY PADS A A VELVO 3% Marvelous Values on Brand New Styles in Men's Calfskin Oxfords Every man who buys these fine calfskin oxfords saves real money. They'ré genuine Goodyear wolted soles, extra long wearing quality, choice of 18 styles, and in all sizes, 6 to 11, $3.89 $4.49 $4.89 la lLkL -- nT » kine Pills 38¢ Yor the Baby! 10¢ TINY TOT SOAP Best top baby skin and - 38e TINY TOT TALCUM Prevents Chafing Both for 20¢ TRAVEL PACK PORTFOLIO §, RNVELOPRS 84 NHERTS PLE h FINISH PAPER BY en ABE Tonle (iid t Tooth Fo er 91.30. Scott's Emule Listerine .......28¢ 80 Gin Pills 2. 38¢ | 1 RAY MATH SPR 79C YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT | Jury & Lovells moses "The Rexall Stores ™ $HGnE os | Combination Special Price wan $1.80 SHOE STORES ume "CANADAS LARGEST SHOE RETAILERS 23% SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA Br

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