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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT % «THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. JUNE 26, 1930 LOCAL TEAMS DIVIDE DOUBLE HEADER -- SHAMROCKS WIN, JRS. LOSE 'Oshawa Shamrocks Win Hectic Lacrosse Battle From Campbellford 2 - 1 "tame Is Rough With Penal ties and Injuries Appear- ing Frequently -- Stren. uous Checking of Both Teams Ruffles Players' Tempers and Several Fist- ic Arguments Take Place in Last Period -- Play ls Close But Oshawa Has Slight Edge--Daniels and Bovin Score Goals What n game! Take an Irish fair with the Ap- propriate equipment of shillel- aghs, the second battle of Ypres, and a free for all in a lumber town barroom, mix them in your mind and you have A fair mental peture of the excite- ment that pervaded last night's sot-to between Oshawa Shamrocks and Campbellford, There was plenty of smart Ia erosse included In the hour's en. tertainment, make no mistake about that. But it was lacrosse of the good old-fashioned kind, Both teams were out there giving avery ounce they had. And whan twenty-four young athletes tear into each other with vim, vigor, and hickory, there are hound to be a fow cases of frayed temper be- fore the evening is over, Incidentally, Oshawa won the game, 2-1, and deserved the vie tory, Right from the opening bell, it wag evident that it was going to be a strenuous, . close-checking contest. Thirty minutes in penai- ties wore awarded during the first half of the game, Nor were the majority of them due to any de- liberate dirtinoss, In the main they were the inevitable result of the close-checking affalr that the game early proved itself to be, Every man was clinging to his check lke a leech, and every ball carrier was experiencing a rocky journey In his goalward efforts, Naturally, with a referee who was right on top of his job every min- 'ute, the penalties had to come And they came, At halftime the teams came in for thelr rest with Oshawa in the lead 1-0, due to Daniels' credit- able effort on the scoring end of a three-man short passing play that worked right in to the Camp- beliford goal mouth, Cuts and bruises were patched up, and the players went .back to another period of fast travelling, hard bumping and heavy checking, By the time the closing minutes of the game rolled around, twen- tystpur tired athletes were still ¢ CART W LUMBER (0 keeping up the same gruelling type of game, The pace began to tell, muscles started to tire, and as nerves hecame ragged, a flare. up was inveitable, It came, Reed, the Campbell ford Home player, and Perry, thickset local defence man, were struggling for the ball, Accldent- ally or otherwise," Rocd received sharp rap on the shins, Quick As an flash he retaliated with swing. ing stick, Perry dropped his war club and hefora the crowd realized what was happening, Reed had been 'levelled by as preily a straight right to the jaw as we over hope to witness, He was up and mixing it in an instant and Boyes of Shamrocks came rush. ing Into the fray. Referee Donald stopped the fracas in double quick order, and sent three much- abashed youths for a five-minute session in the cooler to think it over, Tempers cooled as quickly as they .had flared, and the trio wended their way to the penalty bench in almost brotherly fashion, That's a fair sample of that hectie final quarter when frazzled nerves gave way halt a dozen times. under the stress of rough going. Of deliberate slugging with Intent to Injure there was virtually none; the collisions wese inevitable after the torrid work of the opening stangas, Bovin Gets Becond Bovin put Oshawa two Romls ahead just before the end of the third quarter, Short passing combination worked the ball right into the goal mouth, and Fox did not have rn chance to save, Jacks scored Campbellford's on- ly goal just about fifteen seconds before the final gong, The stands were still in a hubbuh over the Intest parade to the penalty box and not more than half a dozen actually saw the play that put the ball in. Oshawa were two men short through penalties at the time, Bus Whitton, former Oshawa hoy, who eavorted at outside home for 'the visitors last night, work. ed hard right through the sixty minutes, hut was too well wateh- od to break away, Every time the ball came his way, two, and some- times three green-shirted Osh- awans camped on his trail, and he was thoroughly held down all evening, Cochrane turned in a useful night's work for Campbeliford on the defence. Ha sat right on top of his check and it was but rare ly that an Oshawa attack went 'through on his side of the field, Campbeliford Oshawa Fox Stokes Sanders Ww. Luke McArthur Stephen Cochrane Logan Ingram Perry Cowle L. Luke Flint contre Kunkel Reed rd home Cardinal Copperthwaite 1st home Mack Whitton outside home Garrison Jacks inside home Cardinal Blue Sub Bovin Lambert Sub Hare Bush Suh Boyes Blake Morrison gon! point cover point 1st defence 2nd defence ord defence H. [EAT RIGHT and KEEP COOL Excess baggage is hard to handle any time, but more burdensome in Sum. mer when vitality is low. Keep up .. your pep and bodily poise by eating Shredded Wheat with milk. Just enough carbohydrates to build the flesh you need---just énough proteins to insure muscular strength, A well: balanced food, nourishing and easily 4 digested. Delicious fresh fruits. for any meal with Wh ai THE BRAN © 9 OF Te WHOLE WHEAT SH Ren > UPSETS IN QUEBEC TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP Montreal, June 26,~Vpsets in the fRuchec finals of the women's singles catured play in the province of Ques bec tennis Champiiiships, here yess terday, Miss Lk, McDonald, of Tor. onto, in the first match of the day, turned in a surprising victory over Mrs, R. 1, Beer of Ottawa, a form- er Champion, by scores or Ol, 01; and then Miss M, Brock of Toronto, succumbed fo a little known local yi player, ) Mrs. H, P, Walsh, at Oo, § ¢ - Mrs, LF, pT and Miss Jen Burritt, both of Toronto, came fhiough to the semi-finals, "but the lner was Seriously extended by Miss Billing of Montreal. The To- ronto girl played unbeatable tennis to take the first set at love, but she tried too hard in the second and found herself down 4-0. A rally brought the score to 5-4, but then Miss Billing tightened to take the set, Min urritt won the final set at 6c Sixteens Reached At Wimbledon Wimbledon, England, June Yesterday at Wimbledon saw tne two Anglo-Saxon nations emerge rom the third round of the British tennis championship play with 13 representatives in the last 10; the two French aces, Henri Cochet and Jean, Borotra still in the lists and the sixteenth position taken by Jan Ko- zeluh of Czechoslovakia, The day saw the disappearance of the three Japanese contenders, the veteran Miki, Harada and Abe and the vanquishing of Prenn and Klein. schroth of Germany, Two Americans bowed in defeat, namely, Berkeley, Bell, who putip a great fight against the (redoubtable Cochet, and Johnny Van Ryn, whom "Big Bill" Tilden climinated in three sets of an All American match, The most thrilling match of the day ended in the victory of Johnny Doeg, United States, over Christian Bous- sus, 'France, Doeg played his strong, masterly game of steadiness and Boussus was the flashing Gaul. The Frenchman took the first set, 7-5, the American evened by taking the second at 6-1 The real battle was in the third, a victory wun by Boussus at the expense of the match, Neck and neck the two stars played, prac- tically all the games going.to deuce Both sweltering in the bid they saw the set go to 13-12 before Bous sus took the 20th game and the set, giving him A one-pet lead. 20, WHAT OTHERS SAY REPLY TO THE AUTHOR OF 'ROWDY ISM" To the Sporting Editor, Oshawa Dally Times. Dear Sir: In reply to a letter, published in lant, night's edition of The Times, hinting at poor sportsmanship on the part of the R L.C, softball team, I wish to state that the losers of Monday night's game have certain. ly exaggerated a good deal, The score must have made the Whitby boys feel rather "small" when some youngsters (who may have thrown a few cinders which litter the bleachers), after thp game, looked like "big men and women" to them, "Kids will be kids" and "fans will be fans," but the R.I.C, team or any other team is not responsible for what the fans have to say or do and furthermore they can deny any complaints regarding "poor sports. manship' in any line of sport they enter, Ax regards Interference from spectators, during the play, well that looks and sounds like a very good alibi" for the Whitby team, when they lost, also it was ne worse than what the "Tanners" had to contend with when they play- od in Whitby and lost, on a former oceasion, The management certainly did try to keep the fans off the hase- line, but, where excitement reigns, ergy he wasted, lost them the game, PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Caxrama, Sports Ediler Oshawa Shamrocks Win The Oshawa Shamrocks took the group leadership last night when they defeated the Campbellford Intermediates in # hectic lacrosse game played before a comparatively strenuous and the teams were evenly matched, became ruffled as the game progress by a number of fistic arguments, Oshawa this season by the Shamrock bers of the team have lost their 'tempers and engaged in brawls, man who can take the bumps in siler better man and a more valuable player than the one who resorts to There is no doubt that sometimes a player is subjected to treat- ment and tactics which are not legah but he does no good by starting fists, a fight and the sooner players real Shamrocks is not the only team wh oo» Oshawa Juniors Lose to Brampton + The Oshawa General Motors Juniors lost their first game of the 1930 season last night to the stron ton team are a very strong junior t disgraced by the 7 to 2 defeat, and this gave them a big advantag smart lacrosse and, judging from make a creditable showing. in thelr group Luke, Armitage, Daniels, Oke and other members of the team workec get going until late in the game, » LJ Big Jr. Softball Game Tomorrow Night If you want to sce a real smar the Motor City Stadium tomorrow and the Parts and Service play off the winner of the first half of the certainly dish up red people on hand to see the game advance sale has been large, should be a good crowd out at the this should be one of the best local softball games of the season LJ NM St. Gregory's Juveniles Win The local juvenife softball league is going to produce much more interest this season than was at f Gregory's juveniles, led by Whitely, score of 10 to 6, the score in the eighth inning and sc the decision, Whitely, the winning for the Red Aces, * LJ OM.1. in Whitby Tomorrow The Malleables go to Whitby tol Rovers in a scheduled league game, to see this game, The Rovers have liable to put the Malleables away the Duco Boys Jrs, last night, in a . . Whitby All-Stars Win Exhibition Game An all-star team, chosen from tk the Ontario Regiment softball team played in Whitby, by a score of 16 run rally in the ninth inning to win 1 Brampton have had # couple of games The Juniors play their next game in Toronto, with Maitlands on Monday next, . a sweet softball game, Cowan's Park in their league games, there are more than four hund The admission is only 15 cents The game was a ve ored four runs in the ninth to take The game was very As a result, tempers ed and the last period was marred his is the second game played in # und in both games, certain mem- The wee and stay on the field is a much small crowd, ize this, the better, The Oshawa feh suffersafrom this fault L Ll g Brampton entry, 'Khis Bramp- eam and the locals are in no way e. The locals showed flashes of last night's showing, they should Hurst, Leyden, Armour, Bovin all showed up well, The 4 hard, but they did not sdem to LJ t softball battle be sure to go to night to see the Oshawa Bakery in a sudden-death game to decide junior schedule, These two teams When these teams play at Tickets are now on sale and the There Stadium tomorrow night because * + WRIGHT AND GUEST TRAINING HARD Henley, England, June 206~Joe Wright and Jack Guest, the noted Cancdian scullers, were at it again yesterday training hard for the Dia- mond Sculls, a of the world's amateur championship, which Wright brought to Canada in 1928 and which Guest has come close to winning se- veral times. Both wen are in good condition for the great event now less than a fortnight away, rr r---------------------- Leafs Lose Close Game With Birds Baltimore, June 24 Tight pitching in dangerous spots b uther Ro, and Jim Weaver enabled the Oriolet] to take the third game of the series from the Torontu Leafs here yes terduy by a score of J to 1, The Birds were the first to score, boosting one counter over the pan in the third on Dalrymple's double and a single by McGowan, In the meantime, Roy was holding the Canucks safely and prevented any scoring until the seventh frame, when Cote, who had doubled his pre- vious time at bat, came bobbing up with a lusty wallop over the right. held fence to put & knot in the af- air, This stirred the Flock with the re- sult that in their half of the same inning they managed to score a pair of counters which eventually proved enough to take the decision, Graham became somewhat unstea- dy in this session, following his gal~ loping down the base path when Stroner hobbled on his bunt for an attempted sacrifice and Dalrymple led off with a walk, Barton immediately poked a single to centre and danger was scented by Pilot O'Neill, who tried to steady down Graham, However, after a for. ced play Hauser sigled and Gill sent a long sacrifice fly to Sheedy and the by tied up St, A Last night, Red Aces The Saints rst thought, defeated the ry good one two runs counted. Oshawa Sunday League News pitcher, was the stumbling block . . morrow night to meet the Whithy There should be a good crowd out hit their stride now and they are The Malleables were defeated by n exhibition game, 12-3 . » he Whitby softball teams, defeated last night in an exhibition game, to 13. Whitby staged an ¢leven- the game There was one incident that might be called rowdyism, but only by Whitby, 1 guess. A small boy threw a stone at the eatcher's feet, but was very quickly called to order by a few men who stood just behind him. Also a dog ran on the diamond and had to be carried off by one of the Whithy players. Maybe the en- Come Whitby, call off this squeall ing. stuff, You know you had a square deal and lost, so why kick, and remember, you are the first team to say that you will never come and play the Tannery again We're all waiting to see you again with the same square deal as every team has had here Junior i 0.A.L.A. Schedule who can keep a orowd back? Anyway it the management of the Whitby team wish to protest to the executive of the league they may do so, and I can assure them, no hard foelings will he held against them by tha R.L.C, hoys. Other teams in the League have played on the same diamond, but this 1s the first complaint they have had, 'regarding conditions of the' grounds and I don't doubt but what the plaintiffs have played on worse diamonds, I'm sure if the "Tanners" play ball an they have heen doing, they oan beat the Whitby "all-stars" op any grounds they wish to choose, The boys play a good game aAny- time, but what happened after the game is a job for the police not the team, 1t the Whithy boys wish the boys from the Tannery to escort them to the outskirts of the city when they visit ell gladly do 70, An far as wanting their "hides" well, the "shop" is rather slack at present if thix is meant for a wine-crack from the Whitby boys. Well "George," of the County town supporters, the local boys don't wish you any bad luck, but rather, they will beat your stars on your home diamond, next time you meet to prove their sportsmanship, Thanking you, Mr, Hditor, for your space in the sporting news. Your's Truly, "A 24 Gout Sport," P ps Fo 3 Sestaior at th at. he olthal tg nery on Monday, thy thy nd T fii to see any of this so-called ., ism, 'unless they call Fhoctl rowdyism. They certainly wpe le 3 deserved. it, for the to agree with the of Shat and jus just! oi way to turn any opyman ss Akainst iy - 1980 Schedule for Junior Group No. June 30--Torontos at Mimico. July 38--Torontos at Hrampton. 7-Torontos at Malvern, 7-~Maitlands at Oshawa, 11--Mimico at Malvern, 11-<Brampton at Maitlands, 14Mimico at Oshawa, 14-=Brampton at Torontos 15---Malvern at Maltlands, 18---Maklands at Malvern, 21-=Brampton at Mimico, 20 Torontos at Maitlands. 24---=Malvern at Mimlico, 25-=Oshawa at Brampton, 20~Torontos at Oshawa, 20-=Malyern at Brampton, 20-~Maitlande at Mimico, 4-=Mimico at Brampton, B=Oshaws at Malvern, f-=Maitlands at Torontos, 11+~Oshawa at Torontos, 14==Mimigo at Torontos, 15-=Malvern at Oshawa, Teams finishing secong . and third to play off second toams to have choice of grounds, winner to meet firat team in home and home gnes for group . honors, Firat team to have choice of grounds, All 'games to start at 7.00 p.m. daylight saving time, except games scheduled after July 31st, which are to start at 6.30 pm, daylight saving time, FOR SHEPHERD London, June 36- {isHng tna Ae he rea endous d b An 'he A ont he Fount Spied a fin ot pi oo id Ji thal h thy made i} a a Bari PEE \ had a A mark of 213 1.4 in the second. NEW WORLD'S RECORD MADE FOR MILE RUN Hartford, June 26.-Protector, a twosyenr-old, shattered a world's re- cord with a time of 2.10 for the mile in taking first money with two first places in the trot for two-year-olds which opened the program for the second day of the Bay State Circuit races at Cherry Park in Avon yes- terday. Protector won both heats and And encther day's fun and pleasure starts , that Is whet # Canadian Pacific Cabin Class 'trip to Europe means. «six days of healthful pleasure J", evens ngs Allod with cards, music or dancing. . then Europe and all the places that you have read about and heard discussed . « seeLondon...Parls. .Manellles " Monte Carlo " Geneve ".. Rome . . experienced travellers choose regel Duchess orthe ever popular"! and" M" ships Tourist Third Cabin Return Fare as low 41 $185,00 'Ask your local agent or J: B. MACKAY, Canali pole Dodge Bldg, Toronto. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS | Trinity \ School Softba In a hard fought game in "A" section of the Oshawa Sunday school softball league the King St. Benedicts beat their younger bro- thers, King Bt. UXIL.,, by the score of 16 to 0, In another part of the Park the A YMC, beat Northminster 15 to 4, The Angll- oans were out for vengeance, since they had been beaten not long ago by the same team, The Simcoe St, church team had a scheduled game with King Bt, Young People's League, but as they did not show up the game goes to King St, by default, This in the Nfth game Sim. coe Street has defaulted since the beginning of the season, Here's hoping they get together a team which will keep them in the race, On Monday night King St, U, X, I. won from St, Andrew's in fine style, The final score was 22 to 3, Errors were very plentiful on the St. Andrew's side, but the King St, team worked perfectly. In "B'" section Albert Bt, lost to Cedardale on Tuesday night, At first the game seemed to be quite even but after Cedardale had scor- od a few runs the opposing team seemed to lose heart, However, they did their best to hold Cedar. dale to as low a score as possible, As in seen by the followifig league standing Benedicts head one sec: tion and Trinity the other. There is no telling how the teams will stand at the end of the season, how ever, Each team in "A" section plays twelve games, bi Lg only, in ten YA" SECTION Won Lost Benedicts 7 2 C. 20. 7 JT80 14 500 King 8t. A: Ye M, 'aah King, U. X, I, «++ § St, Andrews ,... 4 King, Y.P, L. ++ 8 Northminster ,.. ] "a" SHOTION Won Lost 1] P.C, Cra aaan 1.000 Albert Centre .. Knox .. Baptist 0 1 3 2 1 L] Rosenbloom Takes Light- Heavy Title From Slattery Buffalo, arta 0 une e B--Alter ten long years of milling, mostly up and down the back roads of fistiana, Maxie Rosenbloom, the clown prince of Harlem, came into hissown last night and stripped dancing Jimmy Slattery of the world's light heavyweight championship. The slapstick star of the prize ring, most unorthodox gla- diator since the days of the late Har. n Greb, won the decision over Slat- tery after 15 rounds of hard, but of- ten slow, battling in "the Tall Irish. man's bailiwick and it to the satis action of most of the crowd ternational League ball park, boos of the minority when the de. cision was announced found backing in tho difference of opinion among 'the judges and referee. Patsy Haley, white-haired little ar biter who onge fought as a feathers weight ut of Slattery's own home ward here, the "owld first" voted in favor of tha champion but was overs ruled by the degjsion of the two jud- ges, George Kelly and George Part. rick, both. of whom awa their votes and the title to Rosenbloom, "Alwaya Carry Canadian Pacific «Good the World Over'! 13,500. that all but filled the a Brampton Fields Smart Jr. Team, Possessing Plenty | of Speed and Stick-Hand- ling Ability--Locals Put Up Good Showing for First Game of Season | Leyden, Bovin and Arm- our Show Up Well The Oshawa Gene ol Motors jun lor lacrosse team lost thelr first game of the season last night at the Motor City Stadium wher they were outspoeded and outplayed by the smart Brampton junior team The score of the game was 7 to 2, Winners Play Good Lacrosse Brampton flelded a smart junior team, Their players were nearly all big and very fast. Thelr com- bination plays were very well ex ocuted and the inexperienced Osh- awa defence wag split wide oper on several occasions by the clever attacks of the visitors, Bramp- ton showed a much superior finish than the locals, due a great deal to the fact that it was the Oshawa tonm's first appearance of the sen. son, The Brampton team had plenty of condition, they passed and re. colved passes much better than thelr opponents, The Oshawa team showed lack of practico but they gave finshes of very nice lacrosse and the fans were given something to cheer for and were also given promise of some good lacrosse for the very near future, The Oshawa team played good lacrosse individu aly but thelr teamplay wag distinct ly lacking, This fault will be rem edied immediately and when it is, the local Junior team should make # good bid for group honors, Leyden, on the Oshawa defence, turned in the most useful game for the locals, He checked hard and of ten and was a continual source of worry to the Brampton attackers Bmith, Walker, and Grant all work. od hard to give "Peg" Hurst sup port Incidentally, Hurst turned in a good game in the nets and the seven which got by were all hard shots, Armour vied with Leyden for honours in the rearguard, He turned in a nice game defensively and. was responsible for Oshawa's second goal Daniels, Bovin and Oke wore the plek of the home men All three worked hard and missed goals by inches on several occasions, Every other member of the team tried hard and although some of the players made a few alips, they showed clearly that they will be playing much better lacrosse and with a few more games and prue- tices under their belts, they will be able to make it very Interesting for any team in the group. Brampton scored the first goal and were never behind after that, Play was very fast at. the outset, Oshawa missed several fine chances early in the game, when Daniels and Bovia both hits the goalie after getting right through, M, Burrows scored the first goal for the visitors after about five minutes of play, Fleming, the best Brampton man on the field, scored the second and third goals and the soore at the end of the first period was 8 to 0, Oshawa outscored Brampton in the second period by 2 to 1. Bovin got Oshawa's first goal on a long hot shot from well out, Anthony scored for Brampton and Armour got Oshawa's second goal on a pret. ty play, Armour took a hard pass on the dead run and shot hard at the net, Savage caught the ball but as he handled his stick to clear, he dropped the ball in the net, The shot was a hard one to handle, Brampton scored two in the third period, IMeming getting the fifth Brampton goal when he backhand od a hot shot past Hurst, Anthony scored Brampton's sixth when he | Burke; Fleming: General Motors Juniors Lose Their First Game To Speedy Bram pton Team MP ri---------- took mn pas from a free throw and | bent Hust cold, Pliny roughened up Just a )ittle | In the final period and It wus In this session that the oficial in charge Issued the only penalty re- colved by Oshawa during the game, Loydon wan the receiver, the charge heing low hody-checking, Fleming weored his fourth and Brampton's weventh goul and from then on Oshawa prossed hard but the final whistle found the score still Oshawa 2 Brampton 7, "Mush" Thompson, the same boy who played for Brampton Kxcels| ors on Baturday, was the play-mak- er of the Brampton team, While he did not acutally score any goals himself, he figured in most of them and his mecurate passing gave his teammates thelr chance. This hoy Fleming parks a wicked backhand shot and he accounted for four gounly out of seven Anthony and Mullis were also good, The Oshawa General Motors Juniors play their next game on Monday night of next week when they journey to Toronto to play Maitlands, 'This will. be a good gamo, The Teams Oshawa i==Gonl, Hurst; Point, Leyden; Cover, Bmith; 1st Defence, Walker; 2nd Defence, Armour; 8rd Defence, Grant; Centre, Armit« age; 1st Home, Daniels; 2nd Home, Black; 4rd Home, Luke; Outside, Oko; Inside, Bovin; Bubs, Gifford, Woods and Drinkle, Brampton (ion) Bavage; Point, Burrows; Cover, Nix; 1st Defence, Simmons! 2nd Defence, McClure; drd Defence Sheppard Centre, Mullis; 1st Home, Thompson; 2nd Home M, Burrows; ard Home, Outside, Anthony; Inside, Subs, W, Mullis, Golland und Lewis OfMelal--Larry, Donald, Pia ENTERPRISE WINS 3RD RACE RI, = The Enterprise, the four candidates for to defend the America's cup against Sir Thomas Lipton's Shamrock V, won the Eastern Yacht Club series up in the third and fin- al race yesterday, The Weetamoe, Morgan-Nichols entry, eame in sec ond and the Yankee, third The Enterprise won Tuesday and the previous day's race went to her when the Weetamoe withdrew volun« tarily after a protest by the Enter- prise, The Yankee, skippered hy Charles Francis Adams, secretary of the navy, wan awarded secondiplace She finished second yesterday by beating out the We. amoe | Tailor-made Suits pe $25.00 "Scotland Woollen Mills 8. RUTINH, Manager Newport smallest of the right Er" NEW MARTIN _ NOW PLAYING "Night Life in a Ony Metropolis ADIES OF EISURE With Ralph Graves Barbara Stanwyck Comedy . MICKEY MOUSE FOX MOVIE TONE NEWS Her First sam on the current the lovely any year, with Charles Bickford The Associnted Press score sheet gave Maxie eight rounds, Slattery 'five and two even, -- Talking Picture! GRETA GARBO nna Christie A bit of human flots 'o-night and Friday 0 4 of lite and love ,,. a role of unforgettable power and appeal for star, truly a big picture of _--

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