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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1930, p. 10

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< "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 L) { _-- PRL we oy, A Peter Tries to Call Jerry Muskrat , By Thornton W. Burgess Be sure you know just what te do, Lest you in vain your action rue, Did Mother Nature Peter Rabbit sat\ on the bank of the Smiling Pool. The Black Shad- ows lay heavy across lal of it. It "was very still and thie 'water was as smooth as a sheet of, glass, Peter wis catching for Jerry Muskrat, He had seen and heard nothing of Jer- ry, He wondered if Jerry could be somewhere over in those Black Sha- dows. You sce, Peter wanted some- body to talk to, Redwing the Black- bird had gone to sleep long ago. For some unknown reason, Grandfather Frog was nowhere about, There was no one. There was a sharp, sudden boom just over Peter's head that made him jump, Yes, sir, it actually made Wim jump You see, it 3 so wholly une expected that for an instant Peter didn't realize who or what had made that noise. Then he realized that It was Boomer the Nighthawk, Boomer had swooped down in that headlong way of his to check himself just above Peter's head, making that loud noise, And then his swift wings ha taken him up in the air dgain, Peter hadn't, even had time to protest, The faintiest of faint odors tickled the wabbly- little nose of Peter, It was an odor that he recognized. It was an odor that he never got any- where excepting around the Smiling Poal, or in certain places along the Laughing Brook and the Big River. Peter 'sniffed two or three times and finally. caught it again, i "Terry is somewhere around," said Peter with a grin, "for that is his own special perfume, that 1 smell, Several others of my acquaintance carry pers fume. but none like that that Jerry Muskrat likes so much" Of course, Peter meant the musk which has given Jerry the name of muskrat. Unlike Jimmy Skunk's Jerry Muserat s perfume is hot un- leasant. Peter rather enjoyed it as he sniffed and sniffed, for it was not 160" strong. 'Then, too, he felt cer: tain that Jerry must be near, or there would be none of that odor, "I know what I'll do," thought Pe- ter, 1 told Jerry Muskrat that 1 would not thump on the roof of his house, I won't thump to be mean, but KN just call him, Tf ] thump once or twice he'll know I'm here and then perhaps he'll come out. It's a ood thing that I know just where fis house 4s in the bank. 1f, 1 didn't I wouldn't know where to come, | won't thump hard, I'll thump light. ty and: Jerry will understand." So Peter hopped along until he jud- ged, he 'was right ever Jerry Musk- rat's house. To make sure, he peered over the edge of the hank, Me could see an entrance under water--sa hole, Peter hopped back a little why, #0 "udcto ger right over Jerry's bedroom, At least, that was what he was try- ing to do. He knew that from that opening down under water a quite long hall led at a slant up to snug bedroom just a little way below the Rrassroots. Peter thumped lightly : then hop~ ped Byer to the edge of the bank and looken aswn, He expected to see Terry Muskrat come out of that hole down under water, Jerry didn't come out, So, after waiting a few minutes, HONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S | 10 Simcoe St. 8. -- We Deliver -- mas "Machinery Repairi NUTHING io Spating NOTHING TOU SMALL * Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W, "hone 1214 Porta et = possne i = iz Hiapy "Jorry is somewhere around," ssid Peter with a grin, Peter went back and thumped again, this time a little harder than before. Once more he hurried to the edge of the bank and looked down, Me waited and waited, but he waited in vain, No Jerry Muskrat appegredi A third "time Peter 'went back, and this time he thumped twice and he thumped hard. "There!" said he, will wake him up been sound asleep." Then Peter once again hurried to the cdge of the bank and looked down. Some one shot out of that hole under water, but it was- n't Jerry afuskrat, (Copyright, 1930, T, W. Burgess) "1 guess that He must have The next story: "Peter Gets More Than He Bargained For." "What is tame?" asks a philo- sopher. In our opinion it is notor- fety within the law. --Glasgow News, Fe Whitby, - Oshawa, Bowmanville 'BUS. LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (EMsctive on Soves ime "me. TABLES Leave ills Oshawa 7.10 aym, £10 am,' - al) 23 eos pPE Cease B33533 3 Bassi: £3 EEE BN Se 1 353333333° 33 BREATHS sNE 233 E =Souomams PES PI sree 3 =3 : £. = § Sess IESE oPPoprens = - = = - = i Sm Sus 333 Roms > = = PEP FToalsss g: 338333333 arly 3 3733 uSRER2S2E - > nh 2- - $53 2m 83333 SSeun 333az 1,00 pom, 114 Time marked Whitby Hospital, SUNDAY AND MULIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive MHeonpi Arrive th, on anle 23882 PO90Dre gE 83333335~ 888g. s ddd 4 dt RY 533333330 East Daily Dally (Except: Sund m, Daily pi id Daily ' RURAL rs Daily, y only Cai a Datlyy Eacept 'Sunday lly, Racept Suturdey pi HE £33 = 3 u { IGAADA- BERND " Arrive Hospital TRATE EXPANDING Fruit Imports From Ireland Show Big Gain During Year Montreal-~The increase in ex- ports of fruits and vegetables from Bermuda to Canada 18st year was from zero to 50,000 cases; 100,000 cases Is the estimate for this year and three times that dmount next year, mceording to Hom. 8, Spur- ling, chairman of the Board of Ag- ricultare of Bermuda, who expres- sed the desire of Bermuda to es- tablish closer trade rélatfons with ELLA CINDERS-- Canads in an doterview ai the Wihdsor Hotel here, Mr; Spurling, Who is bere to con- = with officials of the Canad) National steamships regarding lm- (provements in 'thelr nda- West Andles service, Was optimistic when commenting on futurg' expansion of trade between the two countries, "I'he recently-passed Canadian bud- got will be of great benefit to Bermuda," he sald, "since it per- mits the free entry of vegetables into the country during the winter months, "In the winter, when thore fis snow and jee in the ground in Can- 'ada, we are growing all the vege- tables Canada needs in Bermuda, We have the soll, the climate and the fargers to produce such vege: tables as new potatoes, onions, car- rote, beets, lettuce and celery, ete, We are confident that we will be we Sa alle to 'compete with the United States in supplying the Canadian demand." ; Mr, Spurling paid high tribute to the West Indies service in- Au; y the Canadian Nation- nl mships last year, stating that it had dove a great deal towards inceasing trade between the two countries, ! "They have also 'increased our tourist trae," he sald, 'Last lv 1 8,000 Soutisty Yisital Ber- A we expect at least 50,000 title yéar.. We do not allow auto- mobiles on the islands, but so far, this has not detracted from their popularity, We expect great in- creases In our tourist trade during the nest few yoars," Laughter is a fine tonic--al- though it doesn't help much if you bump your head and somebody else does the laughing, -- Kitchener Re- corn, POLICE FIRE INTO CROWD, SEVEN HURT Ceversl More Imprisoned for Continuation of " Saat Indian Rioting (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Kog., June 26-~A Bom- bay dispatch to the Daily Herald today sald that police at Flore, Madras presidency, fired into a crowd of Indian Nationalists there wornding veven persons, The Dally Herald sald that the first woman Nationalist had been imprisoned In Bengal with fncar- ceration of n gir! 16 years old for six months or conviction of publish ing a booklet to undermine loyalty of the police, Leaders dulled Bombay, India, June 26-Peru- shottamdas Tandon, "The Dictator" of the evil disobedience campaign in the united provinces; Bhivap- rasad-Gupta, treasurer of the All- India Congress Committee; and Narendra Deva, goneral secretary of the provinelal congress commit- tes, ench were sentenced today to three months rigorous imprison- ment, REV. T. ALLEN HEADS ESSEX PRESBYTERY Windsor) June 26. ---Rev, Thom as A, Allen, pastor of Giles Boule- vard United Church, Windsor, was elected moderator of the Eseex Presbytery of the United Chureh at the session in Niverside L Church. . Rev. George Kersey, of Essex, is secretary, and Rev, # IAttler, of Walkerville is treasur er, Dates were set and arravge ments made of the Induction of siz pastors looking into the Presbs. tery from other sections in har mony with the appointments made at the last session of the' Londoy Conference, BLUENOSE AGAIN JOINS FISHING FLEET Lunenburg, N,8.,, June 26--The champion racing schooner, Blue nose, which has been undergoing repairs at Burin, Newfoundland, after her recent grounding, is off the marine slip, ready to take on salt and bait, according to a tele gram from Captain John Walters, master of the schooner, THERE ARE MANY PLANTS USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF CANDY, TOMMY, 70 START WITH, SUGAR WHICH 15 THE BASE OF MOST CANDY, COMES FROM SUGAR BEETS OR SUGARCANE, MARSH MALLOW Roo Ki COMES FROM THE SEEDS OF TRE CACAO TREE OF TROPICAL AMERICA \,__ MOST OF THE DYES USED IN MAKING COLORED CANDIES ARE FROM VEGETABLES AD ARE QUITE HARMLESS. A PREPARATION OF SPINACH I5 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GREEN ~ CANCIES, BEET JUICE ~ TINTS AND SAFFRON TONES THE BONBONS 10 GOL- a DEM SHADES, THE BASIS FOR THE CANDY CALLED MARSHMALLOV COMES FROM THE ROOT OF THE MARSH MALLOW PLANT, PEPPERMINT AMDWINTERGRE EN ARE COMMON PLANTS 2 190, King Poatures Syndiente TERRE: & = : FT a J , Ine, Groat Pritam rights reserved COME WITH ME 40 BABY'S FOMER OULU HEAR A MEET THE Y DINNER GIVES THE RED AMD PINK USED FOR FLAVORING CANDIES. HELL, IVE GOT TO SELL MOTHER SUME WAY OM THE IDEA OF GIVING ME MY ¢) SPINACH IN CANDY INSTEAD OF AT fifi vA PAA '| BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus ME AFRAID TO | DON'T KNOW WHAT MAKES BLY BHE THROWS ME OUT OF THE KITCHEN EVERY TIME | | GO IN THERE - | FIRE THAT COOK '" aA i MY LITTLE! i | p---- © 1920, In Future § ele BET THE COOK THINKS WERE IN A, * FIGHT: I'LL GO INTO THE KITCHEN Lill | JUST To LET 0, HER KNOW ny -- rye, Ine, Cront Bruam rights reserved | BY GOLLY: SHES GONE I OULDONT STAND MAGES SINGIN'- [i 31 (3 % df ® 19. Yioy Srndiante, tar, Grpet Britain vights reserved, A py Le. Ad he TO RBBERDERCS BO OFF THEY STARTED ON THEIR WAY dS A ade Ad Bola THOWGHT IT WOULD BE BVER. $0 NICE TD GO HEME TO BOBRY AND COMFY OW, DEAR: I HOPE BOBBY AND COMPY HAVE LOTS TO BAT N THE HOUSE rig J --By Grace G. Drayts AND THEY ALL COME TOR" ' BAD TOGETHER SINCE YOU ARE $0 PRESSING WE WILL QUICKLY = DOLLY TRIPPRETY TRIP. THEN MOLSIE, SRIPPRTY SKIP. E, TOILER--Wise Old Mac! THE BONE A BERING HA HE Me PEEVED (F You HT ¢E

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