THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN oe . meets Loeliery pS i ---- ----- Lo Log), Notaries Pubfie, Eve, Coo: ra Ag RX N. 8 CLAIR, KC. BANK 2. MANGAN, BA~BAR- Ne Foleo Phone ter , East, 6 RH, TUCO OPTOMETRIST snsctalin in gy A ' ; [) t and glasses, Authoy Chila_sad Its Detalopmest, Dis ney Block opposite Post Office, Phone 3616, : (June 15-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying EVAN AND SM . and. Cle Bags . a oh or' 25M, el A $ Phones us| Undoriling LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER ki ll Er i surest north. - Vboue 67. Residence GREER HUMPHREYS, BAR. ris Wi ete. 24% Sinicoe onev to lnan, U. HALL, B.A, BARRIS ter, ote, Conveyancing and geners) # de K'ag St pre ° BARRISTER Bid : ' i, Solicitor, Notary Publle, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Buflding, opposite Post Office, Phone 2006, Tm Medied DRE "WAZLEWOOD « HARPER, Disney Block, Phone "050, Office hours § a.m, to 8.30 p.m, Dr. 8, 3 lawood, 'special atcention to Surgery.and X-Ray. Jr. B, H, Har per, spatial attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday t calls 2416 or 122, Office an i Bost, cornet or ecroria Obstetrician, diseases of [H en children, e and 0 ond East. Phone 1155. pr DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M., R C P and § Edinburg Fit gen, Quit Orns 30" Galilee "Ave, Nort Phone 3150. DR. 0. W, CAR f 'Obstetrician, Office aod Bon, Ob Hraoe streot aorth, Phone 3415. ou DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYS. . d Obstetrician, office Sal ou 3% an 185 Simeoe. Street, North, phone 3107. "Veterinary Surgeon Specialist Diseases Domestic Anis mals, Cat and dog hospital, 403 King W. Tel, "620, : (June 2-1 mo) y , Throat S PR F. x BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR reet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury &' ells Dry Store each rday, from 1 till om, for tation of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at LJ ne 4 10's 13 ry 7 oF, i RLY Office ohune "680 Bank of Commerce, Simcoe and Xing, Dye, ear, nose and throat, Hourg~9:to 11,80, 2 to 6, 7 to Phones, ofies, 157; res. Be (June 18-1 mo.) "h and treatment | UKE BURIAL (4 A Ee insurance ot Je consult R, N, Johvs, 80 Simeoe north, Your Insurance wants at thnded to apd your interests pro- 19 J I Su, Te eo | ; All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature, For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring s messenger who will sgceive the advertisement ( and collect for same. » - "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 | ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT | tirst. Phone 2520. For Rent modern conveniences. 23 Albany street. Reasonable rent, Apply 152 King Bt, W. Phone 749, (150¢) rent, 'Suita for light house keeping, Apply at 101 Louisa Bt, (1600) rent, Apply 811 Division street, Phone 1687W, (150b) land with new foundation, quan tity of lumber, also three acres of jand, half mile west of pavement at North Oshawa, Cheap for quick sale. Apply 8, W, Prevost, Orchard View Blvd, North Osi awa, (1B0¢) WANTED TO RENT--~4 OR & rooms modern bhungalo, with gar- age, centrally located for August (148¢) "For Sale or Rent brick veneer house. 04 Park road perihy Phone 456M; (1490) CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE men's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware bouse und moving van equipment, Phone 83. anid CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL aanve RGN, "Sala"d So Phone #24, 10 Bond St. West, OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAS. lishe! furn'ture movers, Park Roed Work Wanted Wk, and garage floors, sidewalks apd roadways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris Graham, Phone 2621M, (May 20-1 mo) SHARPENTNG--BOISBORS, RNIV- es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 421W, We call and deliver, 139 Celina St, BE. Bottan, {Jury 0-1 mo) Phone 1234M, (May 31-1 mo) od age, Loe! and dons, ds ee. ran wie, Prop, ar Sout Fons fie --- (June 20-1 mo) IT PAYS TO MOVE--SUDBURY, Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle ville, anywhere cheapest in the city, Eagle Cartage, phone 200. (May 20-1 mo) 90¢ AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled, long distance moving. «| Cheap. Phone #74W, June 11-1 mo) Beauty Pariors BETTY LOU PERMANENL WAVE Shop. Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Fer manent wave prices §5, $7.80, §10 Apd $16. All other lines of Beauty Multure, Phone 2008, Apply ¥b Nimcoe street orth, " Lou Permian. arcel and sham. Betty Ward at Bett ent Wave Shop, poo WA : A Beauty Shop. 9 Celina St. Wa spe. cialize ies' hair cutting, mar. celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For anpointments phone 26063. June 16.1 mo) MANCEL B0e, WILL GO Tv customers home 70c. Fern Bell, 104 Alma street, phone 1h, " (148¢c) HERWERT 0. ~ I RENTER, OR. anist 'and choir master of King t United Church will accept pupils 10 plano, organ snd vocal musie, For particulars Apply 50 Willlam street east. Phone 2806 ' (June 2-81) "Radio Service OSHAWA RA cossorive for sale, repaire on elec: tric and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re charged, rental supplied. $1, Phone 3300J, Charles Whales, 146 Elgin East, (June 9-1 mo) of with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 "| Mill Bt. Phone 1880W. (June 20-1 my) ed: Prices reasonable, batteries re. T fhiarted 50c, reutals 27c delivered 2806W. Geo. Burroughs, Certified Radiotriclan, i (June 18-1 me) FPIRELLA GARMENTS VOI THE discriminating woman and miss, Phoue Mrs, Blatter for demonstra tion 2180M, (June20-1 mo) % fink mortga available for gos on well located residences, Bradloy| . Bros. 9% 8 i ably meow south (ups (May 27-1 mo) Ry in Eo A di Auctioneer Susan, 346 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Special at 0 faire sis asd For: d Implements, Your Patron. py for Shio--To elivery, place delivery dq ,| Phone 2774, Ss ---- S---- , Articles For Sale IAPR (Lor Loe ¢ dr body Waterous Meek Cmte Li Phone FOR BSALE--HEINTZMAN CO. Lid, planos, new and used pianos, also radios, latest medals; terms Sttanged, Apply ©. Trull. Phone 1668J, (111-tf) SA - PA A RN- {shes. We have the largest assort- ment of palats, varnishes, etc, in in the city, The Palot Store, 80 King street west. (Apr, 86 tf) A [) " > dors, black loam. $1.80 per yard, For quality and service phone Es scry Bros, 333 r 11, . (May. 8-1) ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, ofl stoves, coal stoves, bicycles, ete. 174 Ritson road south, (May 29-1 mo) Vv i », at 13 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires, Phone 3476W, Realdence 2183J, (May 30-1 mo) DIAMOND RINGS, WAICHLS, all kinds of jewelry on easy pay- ments, Terms from 560 cents per week. , 0, H. Dell, agent for Peo- ples' Credit Jewalers, 26} Simcoe South, Oshawa, (May 81-1 mo.) ¥ UR- St. EB. Phone 1617M. (June 4-1 me) ured bleyeles $12 up. New and eary terms, O.C.M, joycycles and fish: ing tackle, 12 Richmond East. (June 13-1 mo) TOR -- WL RANGE, deep firebox, high back, looks lke new, 266 Ritson Rd. South, Phone 446M, (1470) A A hb 4 ) ' splendid condition, $05, $10 down and #6 per month, See at John Meagher, 82 Simcoe North, Phone nw, 11 coal and electric range, Moffatt, latest style, practically new, Alav electric motor for sewing mach ine. 20 Royal Street, (148¢c) nine pleces, 1 davenport, gas stove, 4 Congoleum squares, Apply top floor, 2215 Simcoe St, 8. Vn Apply Box 741 Times. alse wool, Apply : (1480) ator, suitable tor store, 200 King street west, + (1600) A 0 cook stoves for sale at the Harry D, Wilson Hardware, 23 ng street bal (160¢) Phone "87 Tonehill Blvd, i. 0. © (1608) 3 on boro. "ntarlo. (May 301 mo) WADAME BROWN, PALMIST. Phone Ig SEous 2836F, 0% Lobisa Street, (June 23-1 mo) Rocks, hundred: hid per cent, 1lve arfival guaras. jeder Hutetery, 3205 Dane 2 ume 4-1 mo) N - niture bought and sold.' 186 Bloor | yg For Rent 'OUR A [1 orn suites including electric retrig. eration, stove, {(auvdry, conveni- orces, 6L0,, continu' » hot Water supplied. Apply Bupt. 'phone 367), or The Trusts und Guarantee Lo, Ltd, manager for owner, Toroplo. (270) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply Bradley lros. (86LL) ' tra), four rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession Immediately, "Apply. Box 655 Times, (118t0) 40 -- SH. ed rooms on ground floor, newiy decorated, 97 Colborne St. East. = in (1461) NINE HOOM HOUSE TO WENT. All conveniences, partly furnished or unfurnished. Would exchange for bungalow. #4 William Street East. * (14820) TOR RENT--TURNTEHED™ BED- room, all conveniences, breakfast It desired, Apply 79 McMillan Drive, Phone 2320W, (148¢) HOUSE TO RENT, LIGHT AND water, $15. Apply 46 Royal Stree! (1480) YOR RENT -- BE house. All wonveniences, Apply 8 Arlington Avenue, (148¢) AMALL HOUSE FOR RENT, 87 per month, Good garden also place for chickens, Apply Mrs, L. Stap- ley, Park Rd, North, (140¢) i ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT---3 minutes walk from Motors' office, Phone 2803). (149¢) TIVE ROOM COTTAGE AT 204 Vimy, near Ritson road. Rent $10 per month. Water and lights, Ap. ply W, H. Barnhart, Phone 2243W, (140¢) YOR RENTTWG ATTRACTIVE apartments, Low rent. Telephone (140¢) furnished for light housekeeping, large, central, Real home for busi- ness girls or married couple. Phone 48 before 11 am, (1490) ---- ' home like rooms, with all convens lences, on ground floor, for light housekeeping, with garage, very central, Apply Box: 742 Times, (140) ment, central, six * large rooms, bath, frigidaire, electric stove, fix- tures, Vacant July 1st. Apply Oshawa Wholesale Limited. Phane 2184, (1500) tage at Pleasant Point on Sturs goon Lake, Apply 23 Elm street, Phone 1304F, (1500) St, Oshawa, seven rhom house, $15 per month, conveniences. Ap, ply Ell Waters, 143 Bloor west. (150¢) rent, Separate entrance, water and lights. Phone 306M, (180¢) Rates for ' w-- First insertione=11 cents per word, Minimum charge 300. 1) t comsecu. |i Bilin "lasariion 10 ber | tive tan price of insertions two firet (three cents a word), Minimum Aor three insertions, ry Box number 106 additional Summer Cottages A 1) BALE, furnished, Lakeside Beach, Scu- 508. Good bathing beach, no weeds, excellent fishing grounds, Apply owner H, Bateman, 102 Church St, Phone 2404M, (1490) Motor Cars GET YOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 58 Bond strect west. Phone 3108. All cars at oue price $1.00. (June 16-1 mo) . | respectable men, 1927 CHEV. COUPE--IN Condition. ~-- Privately owned, Phone 148, (1481) TOR FALE=--ONE FORD COUPE, good running condition, cheap $50, Apply H. Bateman, 102 Chureh street, Phone 2404M. 4 (150b) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACOCEBSONY Co, 71 RING Street West, Auto parts and acoes- sories for all makes cars. Auto. mobiles bought for wrecking. Phone 2056J. (June 26-1mo,) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Co, New and used parts and ace cessorion, cars, trucks, prices rep sonable; cars wanted. Phone 2080W, 15-17 Bond Btrest West, (June 26-1mo.) Nursing al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 506. June 24-1 mo) A ity or general nursing For infor. mation phone 320W, (June 3-1 mo) Room and Board A OR TWO or girls, home Phone 2730W, (145¢) NT privileges, Central, A T in a private home, for ladies or gentleman. Board if desired. 152 Digin St." East. Phone 1046W, (149¢) TWO gentlemen in private home. With Iatindry $8.50, Apply 61 Warren Ave; Phone 3468W, (1450) "Painting and Decorating _ " i, A+ perhanger, painting und greining. Prices right, work guaranteed, 840 Pine Ave, phone 3065w or abet te) east, painting, paperhanging, dec orating, sign writing, Estimate given on work. Phons 1367). (June 6-1 mo) # i. of dancing and physical culture. 160 Church Street. Lessons given each evening from 6 pm, For terms call or phone 874M at above hours, (June 24-1 moa) Oshawa Cafe with fish and chips, Corner Bond and Ontario streets, (June-21-2wks,) Wanted with some chronic aliment, such a8 nerveusness, paralysis, varicose veins, . goitre, arthritis, heart weakness, rheumatism, ete. Phone 260 for a free treatment in your home, Tune in on Therenoil Health Talks, over station CFRB Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1.80 pim, 'Theronoid of Oslmwa, 154 William Street East. « ; (June 25-1 mo) cheap. J. Hruce, Dunlop st Whitby, ' an ) MAN WITH PERNT TWELVE years experience, no accidents, open for job, driving car trucks of trace tor, . Apply after six, 3068 Mitchel) ve, (1480) ; Y¥ B lan' police pup, 8 weeks old, Return 173 Elliott Avenue, Phons BOW, _ A149D), | seem to refigct Help Wanted--Female WANTED--CAPABLE WOMAN T0 care for elderly Iady and do light housework, Apply 296 Athol St, East, (149¢) WANT ty { ; summer cottage. Small family, Apply 271 Simcoe Et. N, (149¢) REFINED LADY PREFVFRABLY over 35 for interesting dignified work, No selling required, nor business experience necessary and position may lead to secretarial work. Earumgs of $20 to $40 per week easlly possible, Phone 1207W, from 5 to 6 p.m, only for appointment, (148¢) maid for general housework, Ap- ply Mrs, ¥, L, Henry, 231 King Bt. KE. Phone 18, (149¢) library, You will enjoy reading the Iatest Fiction at minimum cost. Phone 1472, 87 fimecos St. North. : (T-¥8 tI) DIVERS DESCEND (UARTER OF MILE, SET NEW RECORD Scientists Go Down Five Times Farther Than Pre- vious Man's Record Hamilton, Bermuda---Two Unit. od Btates Scientists working from Nonsuch Island have just penet- rrated in a steel sphere to A depth of 1,426 feet, or nearly five times as much as the previous low depth record for diving with any kind of appartus, Dr, William Beebe, head of the Permuda Oceanographic Expedi- tion of the New York Zoological society, and Mr. Otis Barton, of the American Museum, New York, were the explorers, and were 'bat. tened down' in a steel sphere, with an internal diamter of 57 inches and several inches thick, fitted with fused quartz observation windows, a telephone to communicate with the tug from which it was lower. od, and equipment to keep the air pure---oxygen tanks, for supply and & quanitty of podium to inter. ont with and render harmless the carbon dioxide exh eighs 8, nds The weight of the 'sphere i» 5, 400 pounds, and as if Was lowered in calm water five miles off the {sland, where there are no known currents either surface or submar< ine there can be little or nd doubt that it descended virtically in a straight line, and that the length of cable paid out represents the actual depth reached, The sphere was specially constructed in the United Btates to the order of Mr. Barton, Aho financed it, after works ing on the plan for over a year with Dr. Beebe, When the two scientists had been made fast, the sphere was lowered at a far speed from, the deck of the tug into the water, which has a depth at this point of about 800 fathoms. A calibrated meter attached to the winch registered 1,426 fest when Mr, Barton, who was looking after the telephone, gave word to. stop, A counters check obtained by marking off the cable in 100 foot lengths showed 1,438 feet, or an experimental er. ror of less than 0.15 per cent. At this point the water above the sphere exeris a pressure of 852 pounds to the square inch, or over 43 atmospheres, and the actual weight of the water on the sphere would be about 3,100 toms. In spite of extraordinary conditions, the sphere showed no sign of fall ing to withstand: the terrific strain imposed upon it, and the men be- low reported that they felt no dis comfort whatever, All 'that Mr. 'Barton sald on the telephone was clearly heard on the deck of the tug by Miss Gloria Hollster, another member of Dr. Beshe's oxpedton, and readily taken down, Fish Baited To provide bait for for the deep sea fish, a mags of rotten fish had been fixed to the front of the sphere --that is, above the windows--and this proved successful in attracting many varieties to the spot. At this depth most of the light from the sun has been cut oft by the intervening water, only the rays of the blue violet end of the spectrum penetrating. At a depth of 1,000 metres, or a little more than twice the depth attained in this attempt, only the extreme vio. Jot rays persist, and between 1,000 and 1,700 metres all light rays are out off, Dr, Beobe stated after his descent that the elimination of the middle and red end of the spectrum loft an intense and seemingly brile lant blue light, quite strong enough fish that came past the widows, but useless for reading the gauges on the oxygen tanks, as it did not readily. The fish that live at this depth are usually taken only on expedi- tions such as those understaken in -| connection with the famous voyage lof the Challenger, and more re- eontly of the steam yacht Arcturus, 'and' although several thousands of them have been taken by the ex pedition at. Nonsuch Island in nets tratled from a tug at depths a 10 800 fathoms, they are so unfamiliar that it was not found possible to | identity them by a casual observa. tion. The specimens that presented themselves moat readily, however, all "belonged to the extraordinary for fairly easy 'observation of the ; : sii class, which Dr, Beebe has been so successful in taking during his two years work at Nosuch---fish' which carry thelr own lighting systems, built on an infinite variety of dit ferent patterns, but all depending on two organic chemicals com- pounds, luciferin and luciferase, of which little is so far known, These were easily seen from the windows of the sphere, and also a number of luminous shrimps were seen during the descent, : After over an hour at this un- precedented depth, Dr. Beebe and Dr. Barton asked to be hauled up, and reached the deck of the tug 1} hours after leaving it, and still sut- fered no discomfort from the pres- sure, JUDGE DECLARES tion Against Orange Lodge of Ontario Toronto, June 27.~"This is the most difficult case in the way of testimony that I ever came across, I regret there was not a jury trial," said Mr. Justice Garrow of the Su- preme Court of Ontario as he heard argument of counsel here in the ac. tion for $47,514.75 damages brought by Alexander Wakefield, this city, against the Grae Orange Lodge of Ontario, Primary Integrity lodge and two members of the latter's degree team, The dispute arises from the man- ner in which the purple degree of the lodge was admindiered to Wake- field, who claims that he was allow ed to slip violently to the floor when he was being carried across the room during the performance of the secs ond of the three great falls neces. sary for the degree. The evidence was heard some months ago and the conflict between the witnesses for the plaintiff and the defendant as to what happened to Wakefield resulted in Justice Gar row's puzzlement, ---------------- is PRINCE ATTENDS * FETE FOR WOLSEY Pageant at Ipswich Marks 400th Anniversary of His Bith } Ipawich, England, June 27--The Prince of Wales flew to Ipwich to witneds a pageant performed by a thousand actors in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the birth here of the famous statesman, Care dinal Wolsey. The pleasant east Anglican town is proud, of its associations with the great cardinal even though it has few relics of him. Wolsey, as every child knows, was contemptuously re- ferred to as "the butcher's son" There are records here that the CASE DIFFICULT] Conflicting Evidence in Ac|- The difference between a gies club and a swarm of bees is that the bees ard harmless when iliey go inth a huddle/~Judgd, snd, It it isn't due to the Literary Digest poll, it must he a coincidence that so many candidates are fitting up the platforms with pontoons.--~ Detroit News, dc co ------ ROYAL YORK vue Tea Pekoe |e 28¢| At all Superior Stores = EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop | Here Always 7 Ye CAREW LUMBER (0 )HHAV (LN) a NATHOIL I WwW Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Motor Ambulance Service Day and night phone 1082W OL W. BURIAL CO. » Funeral Home 87 Celina St, M. F. Armstrong & Sons, Prop, HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics. Old floor- finished like pew. Ge..or | Contractors. B. W. HAYNES iti 101 King St. West ! Phone 481 - Residence 8078W Good Weather | Ahead! A If cardinal's father, like his son after him, refused to stick at trifles on the road to. fortune for he was fined at least once for selling half-penny pies of putfid' meat! The Prince of Wales had a number of other engagements at Ipswich, but he failed to include a visit to the great White Horse Inn which, in its way, is as historic as anything con. cerned with Wolsey for it was here that Master Pickwick 'had his ad- venture with the lady in the yellow curl-papers. FRENCH TRIBUNAL ON RHINE GEASES Control of Buildings Handed Over to Germany as Evacuation Proceeds (By Canadish 'Press Leased Wire) Mayence, Germany, ane 27. ~The French military tribunal has dissolved and the p jon of buildings, in- cluding the military prison, was hand- ed over to the German authorities, The trials pending against French soldiers will be continued in France, MARGAREE SALMON RECORD RETAINED x -- Liverpool, N. -8,~A salmon weighing thirty-two pounds, re. contly hooked in the Fisher pool on the Medway river, is beliayed to be the largest speciment of the family Salmonidae ever brought to gag in that stream, The eéatch, however, dees not approach the record sale mon taken from: the Margaree by two Saint John anglers in 1027, when a fish weighing fitty-two and one half pounds was saptuisd after a five hour struggle. Im this cane the anglers went to the stream without a gaff, and were forced to resort to the antiquated practice of beaching their quarry. Statistics do not record a heavier salmon be. ing taken on a fly in any stream in Nova Scotia, y © Bird Sanctuaries 'To assist in the protection of he yesdiag ran of wa! rn Canada a number of bird sanctuaries and public shooting grounds~=which serve a similar urpose by protecting marsh 'and ke habitat--have n rved, The action in reserving these sancs tuaries has been undertaken as a rosonaibility under the tol ry Bird Treaty with thé United States, a «=Do not 108s your cares Let me finance you--Addie tional Cash Given, | G. R. Holden MOTOR Bi Roow 6, 103, King St. Babe Da Pr ge : CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof W. BORR | 809, Cardegio RO ALE © BUICK SEDAN 1927 MODEL PRICE $565.00 Ontario Motor Sales a Sihicor gr ota I om AScount of infermity | | wi or exchange «|i |. farm wih crap or 5 fi "concern for "0 A small town property. | 4 Lin 4) {i | Apply Box 7 S RR v Disney, Block