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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY, -IMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 Bowmanville Daily Times lhe Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street. ns Will be eseived at mes in the Cowan Telophones--Office--B87; House--131, Bowmanville Representative--B8, Herbert Mortlock Lower Form Results at Bowmanville High School Bowmanville High School annual promotion results, names arranged } Yihabeically 1st Class Honors per cent, to 100 per cent; Class Honors=06 per cent, to 74 per cent teil per cent, to 60 per cent, A subject after 8 name ine dicates that the Spject must be re- peated in a lower form, Form IA to Form | Ist Class Honors=R, abs, M, Jones, . MacKinnon, M, Wight. as, 2nd Class Hanott=mAda Annis, Ad« glaide Annis, B, Herm : Pass==E, Alder, A, "Allin (Geog. Agric), M, Clemence, 1, Cole D, Collagutt (Br, Hist, Latin), D, ig 7 er, D, Hall (Br, Hist, Latin, Geo), Hewston, N, Hodgson, B, Gives, (Br, Hist), H. Knox, V. Lonsberry, IL. forris (Brit, Hist, Jatim, E Oke Br. Hist, Latin, Alg), G. Pearce (French, Me) | 5 Pickard (Br, Hist, Gisog.), A. Purdy {Geog Alg), Purdy, D., Rowe (Eng. Lit, Brit, Mist, Alg), F. Smith (Br. Hist, Franch, Eatin), F, Stainton (Br, Hist), M, Taylor, B, Tamblyn (Alg) J/Wight, H, Wilkins (Br. Hist, tin), D, Weed (Br, Hist). Recommended i=M, Honey doctor's certificate), Form 1B te Form II R ar, {Latin German), H, (on | Cox 1st Class Honors=C, Jury, L. Wil- $013, 2nd Class Honors--H, Colmer, B, anstone, Pass=W, Bagnell (Br, Hist, French, Latin), Brown, A, Col- ville (Br, Hist, French, Latin), M, Cryderman, R. Finnigan (Agric, Eng, Comp), G. Graham (Agric), H, Jackman (French Latin), 5 Joh, H, Osborne, W, Phillips, Fusimer Br Hist, tic HY N. Rehder, J. Roach, Shortt (Al~ gebra), J: mith, K, Smith, G. Tor« diff, \V. Wright (Br. Hist, French), Form IIA to Form 111 Ist Class Honors=P, Challis, M, Jewell, H, Smale, . 2nd Class Honors--E, Carruthers, V. McFeeters, B, Snowden, D, Ste. vens, K. Sykes, Pass=N, Adums {Latin Geom), H. Brown (Arith), L. Davey, Hayman, Ethel Henderson, B, Kell acDonald (Cram), §. Samis (Lit, Gram), M. Semon, ¥ Tighe, (Arith, Physiog.), M, ""eale (Latin, French), H. Walt. er (Physiog.) 'orm IIB to Form Ill Birks, E. 2nd Class Honors], Barton, J, Blunt, G, Jollow, st Class Honors=A, am The first of 9 splendid CANADIAN CHAUTAUQUAS Bring the World to Your Door n Operated by Canadians for Canadians, International Talent "BROKEN DISHES" and will be given in the big tent which will be set up today in the City Parking Area at the north end of MEMORIAL PARK programmes is a play SECURE YOUR SEASON TICKETS | ice "| work In the district, PasseeA, Adsms, L, Andrews, N Ashton A, Mam Phyo oro; Bagnell es Gram.), D, Courts dee Jennings, R Sow nney, ¢ RK. Neads, (Agric, ag R. Smith Yench, Latin), 0, 1 oh G, Veale (Comp. Gram), H ight, D, Williams, Prize Winners Mr. W. B, Couch's prizes in writ- ings Form TA Girls--Helen Wilkins; Form IA Boys--Harlod Osborne, EVANGEL BAND HOLDS REUNION AT BOWMANVILLE Group Went Forth Years Ago to Demonstrate the Gospel's Power An event unique in the history of the town took place on Thurs day afternoon, when ten members of the Evangelistic Band well known in this section of the coun. try' fifty years ago gathered with thelr wives in a reunion. Many of those present had not been back to Powmanvilie In years and greeted their old friends with shining faces, The Times was shown a pleture of the Band taken in 1484, when the band was doing evangelical At that time there were 16 members of the band, of whom 5 are now living. It. was learned that the Evange- Hastie Band as it was ealled went out from Bowmanville to any place that asked for them and conducted meetings of a revival nature, Many wers the souls brought to the side of Christianity through the spirits ual fervor of the workers, Mr, W. WH, May of 8t, Thomas, who was the leader of the band in 1884, was at the reunion and ex- pressed his joy at being able to come Again to his old home town, which he had not visited since he left 43 years ago, Mr, May who retains all his faenitios, at the age of almost eighty years was given a warm welcome by the members of the band assembled, It was triely a touching sight to ses thess old campaigners in the work of the Lord recounting thelr expetiences In days gone by It was learned that of the ori ginal group three became ministers fo the Christian Church, and car- ried on the work they had taken up In early manhood; that of bringing the sinner (o a roaliza tion of the salvation to be found fn the Gospel MRS, SARAH T, BRAGG There passed quietly tn rest at the family residence, Elgin Street, oarly on Wednesday morning, June 18th, Sarah T, Somers, beloved wite of Mr, W. J. Brags, M.P.P, in her 72nd year. Mrs, Bragg was the daughter of the late Mr, John Somers and was born in Clarke township on August 30th, 1858 and resided there until her parents moved to the farm north. oast of Bowmanville which now comprises a part of the Boys' Train. ing Behool grounds, She wa educated in the public schools of Clarke and Darlington, On April 28rd, 1884, she was united in mar- riage with Mr. W, J. Bragg ano went to reside on (he Kragg home. stead at Providence now oecupled by their son, Irwin. Rinea Iapt July, Mrs, Bragg has not enjoyed very good health though able to he around the house, On Thursday night, April 10th, she wan seized with a heart spell, fol- socond and Mrs MONTH-END DOLLAR DAYS Children's COTTON HOSE Children's Ribbed Cot- ton Hose. Sand and hain oe) $1.00 PRINTS Inspiration Prints, 36" wide $1 00 Brassior and Bloomers Lace Trim Brassier and Bloomer Sets, Per Set .. $1.00 Towel and Wash Cloth Chenille Border Bath Towel and Wash Cloths, Set $1.00 » 34 Yards Printed Voiles, 38" wide 3 Yards IEEE ERLE ELIE EE) $1.00 | PRINTS Dure Dye and Ander- son Fast Color Prints 3 Yards $1 00 For... .. NIGHT GOWNS Silk Night Gowns, lace trim 1.00 ers. Towels RRA RAR LETTER) Bath Towsla white with colored Bord. Canadian Gingham, nv wide 8 Yards « gorias arn $1.00 Allen A, 100 Only Tip Top Srucha "Prints and Dimity, new styles Fast color. of $1.00 re Silk Hose, ars uality. 2 Pairs 4 AE EEE EEE . » The Whitby Advertising, subsiriptions and wv hithy Brancu Off LwAlter Business Charges of irregularitied at the Ontario Hospital at Whitby result- ed yesterday in an order for an investigation under oath to be iu- stituted Immediately, The su nouncement was made yesterday by Hon, Lincoln Goldie, Provincia) Secretary, A. L, McPherson, inspector of prisons and public charities, hus been appointed under the order to make a complete probe under the provisions of the Prisons and Pub He Charities Inspection Act, The probs will begin immediately and will be held at Whitby, The state ment issued by Mr. Goldie reads as follows: "Home time ago certain grave irregularilies were discovered at the Ontario Hospital at Whitby, and charges were laid agninst a number of the employes. These charges are now being dealt with by the courts, "Owing to the facts brought to light, the Government has decided that the proper course is to hold a formal Inquiry and exhaustively investigate the whole situation. 'The Inspector of prisons and publie charities, Mr, A, L, McPher. son, has been Instructed to make # full and complete investigation provisions of the Prisons and Pub. He Charities Inspection Act, Mr. McPherson will immediately pro. coed with the investigation and en. deavor to determine what ine provement can be made in the gen: eral practices relating to the liandling of stores and the custody of Government property, ete, The result of such inquiry will enable the departfnent to make such pro vislons as will ensure the proper cure and administration of supplies and other property in the various institutions," several weeks ago six men were arrested by provincial police and officers of Whitby on charges of KS m---- lowed a few days later by another sovers attack which rendered her condition quite serious. At Limes she appeared better and all were quite hopeful for her recovery un til the evening of June 17th, when she was again stricken and never regained consciousness passing awny early Wednesday morhing. Through all the long weeks of suf. fering sho was very patient, bright and hopeful, making it' a pleasure for those who waited on her, In sarly years she became x mem- her of the Primitive Methodist Church and later of the Bible Christian and Methodist Churches possessing a trust in God that nev or wavered throughout her whole life, Her home always spelled hos. pitality and many ministers of the her kindly ministrations, cheery ad: vice ahd help. family she was a loving wife and faithful mother, a real home-maker in the truest sense of the word on account of falling health she has lived quietly, being most faithful in attendance to church and Synday school when health permitted The funeral on Friday afternoon last was very largely atlended by relatives and friends from all paris of Durham and other points of One tarlo, Service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. U, Robins of Trinity United Church, assisted by Rev. L. 8. Wight of Belleville, who had known her for the past 27 years and who paid a very high trl. bute to her as a Christian woman a mother, friend and neighbor, whose memory will long remain not only in the hearts of her family but with all who were privileged with her acquaintance, The pall: bearers were three nophews and three cousns, Messrs, W. J, Hughan, Loslle Jackson, J. 8. Somers, Ottn Draggs, Arthur Bragg and Russell Onborne, Besides her husband she leaves to cherish the memory of her use ful lite, tive daughters and one son all, of whom were home for the funeral, Mra, John Raker, Folina, Mrs. Howard Couch, Bethesda, Mrs, Norman CO. Wilson, Edmonton, Alta, Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tors onto, and Mr. Irwin R, Bragg, on the homestead, Two sons died in infancy. One sister. Mrs. Thos, Jackson, Bowmanville, also sure viven, So "Skinny Shamed In Bathing Suit. Gained 15 Lbs". Gained 18 Ibs, tuk: ing Ifronized Yeast Was stvans ashamed to wear bathing sult ice, ot Goa rand € Siranicle Telephone Hours REPRESENTATIVE..JAMES H, ORMISTON Probe of Whitby Hospital Charges Ordered ba Minister 'cache of provisions found gave rise under oath in accordance with thu Daily Times be. eocelved at the I hone theft of blankets and provisions from the hospital stores, Tie to rumors of wholesele piifering and theft, and resulted in further investigations at that time. Judgment on the cases of the employees of the Ontario Hospital at Whitby, whose hearing on charges of theft from the Hospital i heard some weeks ago and which bas been adjourned from time to time, will be given on July 4th next, It Is helleved in Whitby that the reason for the adjourn- ments has been the institution of the Probe by the Provincial Aue thorities, It was thought for some time that the cases would be drop. ped, as no immediate action was being taken to finish the case, The Teton for the delay is now appar. on ---------- TRUCK DRIVER 15 FOUND NOT GUILTY SERIOUS CHARGE A¥termath of Accident in Oshawa Heard in County Court In the County Judge's Crimida) Court. Thursday, Arthur Ford, » Toronto man, was Acquitted by His Honor Judge J. E. Thompson on & charge of criminal neglig once. The case was the aftermath of a street accident which occurred in Oshawa some time ago when a truck, driven by Ford, and a streei car of the Oshawa Rallway Com. pany, collided, Mrs. Topping, ap Oshaws woman, and & passenger in the street car," being seriously injured, as a result of which she was confined to the Hospital for several weeks, Judge 'Thompson, after hearing the. evidence of crown witnesses, did not call upon the defense, but suficien t evidences to -substanti- ste it, Had defense evidence been sub- mitted, it would have been to Lhe effect that Ford had a truck at- tached to his trailer which stalled on the railway's tracks, and that he did everything possible to move it and avold a collision with the street car, The information againgt accused was laid by the Oshawa police, It is learned that a civil action In connection with the accident Is now pending. MISSING BOYS ARE HOME AGAIN Went Away for Week End Trip, Intending to Return 4 Two Whithy boys, Jack Fores. ter and Boyd Johmston, are home after spending the week-end on n holiday, Two surprised boys they were, however, to learn that they had been reported to the police as missing from home, with their parents searching for them through the mediums of the po- lice, radio and press. The boys went away last Friday on a little trip, and intended to come right home, which, as a matter of fact, they did, They went as far as the Ae erican border, and just put in 8 few nice days. together. Running Away was farthest away from thelr thoughts, The lads laughed when they learned that they were in the "missing" ist. Mrs. Forester, mother of one of the boys, stated that she had never been much concerned about her boy being away, as she knew that he would be back, Mrs, John- ston was more concerned and in- formed the police that Boyd had gone away and hrd not returned, "False alarm', was the way ons of the boys put it yesterday And false alarm it was, together FAIR WARNING. "She sald If any man kissed her without falr warning, she would scream for her father.' "What did you do?" "1 warned ber. ---Tit-Bits WHATTA WHOPPER, "The fish was so big," said the angler, "that the others would not fet me haul Into the boat for fear it would swanp us." "The same thing happened to me once," sald his friend, "in the Mauretania' --Tit-Bits, - have a cold or something in my dismissed the charge on the ground| hea that the Crown had net produced Fy cold, undoubtedly." NEWS OF THE ELECTION Vietoria Liberals Lindsay, June 27.~~Liberals of Victoria yesterday placed T. J. Car- ley, barrister, of Fenelon Falls, in the field as standard-bearer to contest the riding against Thomas H. Stinson, K.C, Mr. Carley made a fighting speech, in which he up~ held the principles of the King Government and the Dunning Bud- get. He hoped, he sald, to wipe out Mr, Btinson's majority, The hist speaker of the day was Hon. B, C, Drury, former Premfer of the Province, who criticized Hon, Mr, Bennett for lack of con- structive policy. He sald that Mr. Bennett. wus in favor of the St. Lawrence waterway, hut failed -to tell the people just what method he favored in dealing with the question, Mr, Drury criticized Bennett's utterances of blue ruin, and claimed there was less unem- ployment in Canada than in many other countries, especially in come strongly endorsed Budget, the Dunning King to Have Last Word Ottaws, June 27 ~Premier Mackenzie King is to have the last word in the Dominion election campaign, Ottawa Conservatives are to hold a mass meeting on the even- ing of Baturdsy, July 26, and with only the Sabbath intervening before electors go to the polls on the following Monday it was be- leved the speech which Hon, R. B. Bennett will deliver at the gathering would be the final shot, Jt was reported today, however, that arrangements have been comn- pleted for Premier King to broad- cast. by radio from his residence, Laurier House, a reply to the Con. porvative Leader immediatley Mr, Bennett finishes speaking. a Church Offered Riding Toronto, June 27-=The os. over the Conservative nomination in To- ronto northwest for which I, | Church, member ii. the last House of Commons and John R, McNichol, president of the Ontario Conserva- tive association appears to be solved with the withdrawl of Horatio ( Hocken in Toronto West Centre in favor of Mr. Church Friends of the latter are certain that he will accept the party nomina- tion in West Centre which Mr. Hock. en has represented in the house since 1917 when he was elected as a unionist, Illness led Mr. Hocken to consider his retirement from poli« tics some time ago. CANDIDATES NOMINATED TORONTO SCARBORO' (On- tario)=--Willlam H. Ford, Lib- eral, TORONTO SOUTH (Ontario)--G, K.C., Conservative, R. Geary, VICTORIA (Ontario)--T. J. Car- ley, Liberal, parison with the United States, Hell Nervous Bad Liver, of Years Vanish "For years was troubled with bad headaches, nervous dyspepsia and liver troubles. Finally tried 'Fruit-a-tives' | snd mow entirely iwell"=~R, A, Bovay, Trenton, iton, Ont, Years-old liver trouble, consti | pation end overnight with "Fruit. a-tives," say thousan Dyspep- | sia, billousness, heartburn, gas, | sick headaches go lke a flash! Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once.' Kidney and bladder ills, pain in] back vanish like magic. Rheuma-| tism, neuralgia, meuritis decamp! quick. Complexion clea | Ten of nature's gr rome. | dies combined in handy little tab- Tet, Marvelous discovery of Canadian| doctor, Speedy results, et "Fruit-a-tives" at druggist to.| Any, Be new person tomorrow, HAMILTON EAST (Ontario) Freeman Treleaven, Liberal, HAMILTON WEST (Ontario)--C, E, Riselay, Liberal, OXFORD NORTH (Ontario)-= Hugh Allan, Liberal-Progres sive. HASTINGS-PETERBORO' tario)--=Fraser Aylesworth, oral, LAURIER-OUTREMONT (Quebec) Lyon W. Jacobs, K.C, Lib. eral-Protectionist, VEGREVILLE (Alberta)--Chare les Gordon, Liberal, YUKON----George Black Conserva. tive. QUEBEC WEST---Maurice Dupre, Conversative, (One Libe IN REWARD. Thrifty Employer--'1 consider, Partridge, that of all my employees you have been the most diligent and willing ~-- never grumbling when you have had to work late--and J think it is my duty this year to arange the holidays so that you shall get the longest day.' --The Humorist. The horse is man's best friend until he bets on him, i a PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI) LONG Tyrons cireult and others will recall | To her husband and | Nearly eleven years ago they lefl | the farm and moved to town where | $22,20( Sales. at a cost of DISTANCE ~-~CHEAPER | | FERISENIATIVE of 8 AND QUICKER leading Canadian manufacturer called at one of our offices and made use of our customers room for canvassing the surrounding territory placed 22 calls at a cost of $8.25 and sold 1714 catloads of mes chandise, amounting to approximately $22,200. This is the modern way of covering a tesritory quickly, frequent. ly and at low cost. Sloan gow tile hy srvgt ds gets in contact with customers and towns by telephone, selling goods, territory by telephone. He questions, adjust. THAN EVER in surrounding $1.00 $1.00. $1.00 Sizes up to 46 2's ssiina sivas Revelation Broadcloth, all shades. 36" wide, 3 ue ee Silke Slips, shadowpros BM sm as Children's Sox and Goll Hose 4 Paira Frat rn Wad RR ng Wile all shades includ. 3) Yards ards LI He but now I ean and not feel too skinny." = Eulah Lanningham, 'Thousands write of 5 to 15 Ibs, ined in J weeks wih" Ironized Ve st. Bony limbs round out. Ugly ollows fill in. Blemished skin gets Jools and rosy like magic. Nervous. ness, indigestion, constipation disap. ear overnight, Sound sleep. New walth and pep from very rat day, T 3 frat ton o in one w= apech) Yeast an ron. Jigtint little Ii Crd complaints, quoting prices and cations, hy p Arle 8 Sr inn in poton Many, companies are using this plan to maintain close cusomer coon son oie competion. prepared a booklet containing maps of chese keytown i Copies ae wvalble t any of our offices. Bell Telephione is & Long Distance Station and the service Be ns ws sod quiche thn eve befor Cretonnes and\Drapery Chintz 36" wide, | "4 Yards v.oiinii Silk Raver all shades, 36" wide. 314 Yards ...... Cotton Sheets, hemmed, 2x 2% Yards, each $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 | Soin Now Joes «te 61,00 Ww. A. DEWLAND, LTD. PoE $1.00 $1.00 38.25 Fane * to points near and far is better H. M. BLACK, @ : Manager great tomor, mansactuer i i not. A i with : . CORR TRY

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