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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 PACE FIVE 'Womens' Interests in the ome -- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL "Bey, Rn. My by oi o Chiat : urch, ® mily have ; - thelr summer howe in Muskoka, Mr. and Mrs, Mm, Gowdy are in town over the week-end from their Jottage at Huronis Beach, Mrs, Alex, Eagtwoud and two children have gone to' Vancouver for a visit with ber family before leaving for St. John, N.B. Miss Nellie Hanley of Ganaroque, Ontario, and Mrs, Annie Spewiman, of Kitchener, Ontario, ara the guests of Mrs, Frank Robson, #im- toe Street Mouth, The event for tomorrow Is the 3irl Guide garden fete and rally in the gardens of KE, W, and Mrs, Phillips, Park Road North, The armoriex have heen obtained in the svent of an unfovorable day, and the full program will (ake place there, Under the convenorship of Mrs, Jopeland, aesisted by Mra, R, Dan! als and Mrs, J, K. Valleau tea will be 'served after the program at the Girl Guide Rally en Col. Phillips' grounds on Saturday, The mothers of the guides of the Oshawa com- panies will act as hostesses, with Mrs, Astley and Mrs, Coodfeilow of Whitby, In the event of rain, the rally and tea: will hs held in the armories at 3 o'clock, Miss Betty Luke who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs, BR, Mo. Ilwain, Knoxville, Tennewee, for the winter and spring returned to Oshpwa today, Mrs, R, Melllwain and two daughters ulso rame to Oshawa and will spend several weaks here, Mr, and Mrs, A, V, Bwall, Mas son Btreet, arrived heme on Tues. day evening from a motor trip to Massachusettes, Rhode Island, Connecticut' and New York, Miss Harriet Swall motored with them but remained at New Haven, Conn, where she in entering a honpliul as nurse-in-training, Miss Swall graduated from Ontario Ladies' College this spring. Mr, and Mrs, Neale from Swon- age, Kngland, called on Mra, I, Val. kner, "The Cottage' Richmond Bt, West, also Harry Falkner and fam- flv from Alliston; Ontario, and "sl ner and family from Toronto visited their mother re. bly som CRS. AR, -- or the kiddies' evening meal you couldn't serve a better dish. than Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk or cream. So easy to digest. Extra good for Helloggs CORN FLAKES * Sold by all grocers. Served by hotels, Pestourants, cafeterias == on diners ) PEN MANS _ NEW. SILK HOSIERY CAnaoiaN women who hive / admired the lovely, smart, Gordon ""V*.Line Hosiery, worn by their Euroj be able that famous make in Cana an and American sisters will now to purchase the i Soutipere of P Under special arrangement we now make Peanthans Double "V* Fad Hosiery == with the beau V-shaped' shadows on each side of po ankle, exactly where nature places a shadow on the heel, Penmans Double "'V" Heel Hosiery is "made in the finest chiffon, It comes in all the last-minute shades ho the MALE BY W. A. Dewland Limited I. F. Buchanan | Oshawa, Ont, | Mrs, Arthur Aly MRS. G. WRIGHT TAKEN BY DEATH End Comes Suddenly to Na- tional President of Ww. CTU. London, ont, June 26, Mrs, Gordon Wright, "National President of the W.C,T.U,, and sister of Hon, Newton Wesley "Rowell, wax found dead at her nome at 135 Elmwood Avenue tonight, "is will come as a shock to her many friends In Oshawa, © Mrs, Wright who wan In Oshawa on Thursday, Jung 10th, to address the district meeting of the W,C,T.1/, that was held in King Street Unit al Church, Is personally known to A Jarge number of Oshawa Indies and others in this part of the coun try, Just returned from Wa through the Maritimes, she hag lain down to rest, Discovery of her hody was made after injuries as to why she had not appeared to address a meeting at which she was billed, Three sons, Ward, Douglas and Newton of Toronto, and one sister, Miss Mary Rowell, in Switzerland, survive, Married at Twenty Mrs, Wright was born in London | Township, near London, and was | one of a family of five, Her father was an Englishman and her mother Canadian of Irish ancestry, Hor girlhood was spent amid the heautl- ful surroundings of the old "Pine (irove" farm, near London, When whe was 20 years old she married Gordon Wright, After thelr marriage Mr, and Mrs, Wright had not been long "hus, 0. There thay both taught in a mission school for negro children Mrs, Wright spent many years In 'he United States, hut returned to 'anada, where she became engaged n Sunday school work, her particu. ir fiald being among girls of school we, with many of whom she retain 'd ties that were formed in the whoolroom, Mrs. Wrigth had not been long in the Dominion hefors she becaine namociated with the Women's Mis «onary Boclety and the Women's Chelstian Temperands movement, fer first position in the W.C.TU, was that of Buperintendent of Anti. Narcoties in the Union of her home 'own, London, Shortly afterward she was asked | to take the Dominion Superinten [ [ Janey, which she at first declined, | AL the earnest request of Mrs, Ella | Williams, who was then Dominion President; whe finally consented, In 1807 she became Recording Hegre tary In the Provincial Union, which pha held for wix years before her election an Vice-President of the trip called to the Presidency, reform work were varied and made her one of the most outstanding figures in Canada, Throughout her Ife she was interested in mission movement. Bhe was for years Proals dent of the London Conference Branch of the Methodist W.M.8 Nhe resigned this position in 1027 She wan alio at one time Vice-Preai- dent of both tha National Council of Canada, and. was at the time of her death one of the Viee-Presl- dents of the World's League Againgt Algohollsm, During the Great War, Mra, Wright served as First Vice-President of the Western Ontario Red Crom, BEST BREED An old negro was asked what breed of chicken he considered the hest "All kinds has dere merits," he re. plied, "Da white ones am de easiest lo fing, but de black am de easiest to ide. about Egypt, "Do you. know what the oldest flower in the world is!" asked her mother, thinking the answer --owna Mar) po ughtfull ded arjorie tho ully responded, SL suppose it would have been the , Teading about Egypt, Mra, Cowan, of Oshawa, vies | 'regident women's golf poction, To. | onto. Hunt Club, wos the hostess of a delightful Inncheon yestorday \t the Hunt Club for the player, Vira, Cowan also gave her guests ted, Mrs. Cowan wore a mmart aports frock of pleated white silk with green short coat, mreon sports wat, dianiond ornament, Chanel | orvstal necklace and green alippers, | fhe lounge, diningroom and the summer diningroom were gay with w profusion of garden flowers an the long bulfet table was done wit e big silver stands ot roses and Whit 0) poner, The amallar tables oo done with ronds, delphiniuu and stocks, . The prise giving was postponed. until the Autumn, The guests included Mrs, F, H, Phip Miss MoMilan, Mrs, Suc oil Ww A Noy Phillipa of aa re. Gaile, Fores Oshawa, Mm, G ra, Brio Phillips, of Oshawa, Mrs, Cameron, Mrs, Herbert Mra, Herbert Bruce, Mrs. Mrs. gd Peninon, Mra, Dn son, Mrs, Duncan Coulson, Mra, Clarkson, Mrs, Donald Ross, in. Bordon Phippen, Mrs. ARS, Ray rR MoWhinney, Mrs, E. hv Rak ot Fri York, frp 1 Sr: He mn, N arr A, Mra, Arthur Wry ithe Mw, AP, , Herbert Phillips, Mra, t "Turner, . Mra. Stikeman, , G, G, Gennle, Mrs, HN. A, Rich. bo Mine Kirkpatrick, Mrs, A, Morsay, M hi A rker, the HH iho} ; yw N y Ms, Rat WINS HONORS Miss Louise MeMillan nelon of Mrs ¥. W, Cowan, Oshawa, who rank. ed third in thivd 'yesr of the honor course in Modern History at Trinity College Toronto Unie versity, this year, Miss McMillan who Is at present spending the summer with her punt, Mes, Cows an, attended school at Bishop Bethume College, for seven yoars and from there went to Cheltens ham Ladies' College, England, returning after two years with Oxford and Cambridge school orrtifiontes, -------------- on A T-------- ST ---- The Wood Thrush When ilek hy the river 111 with wun, And banks with clematis ara over run; When winds are weighed with fern aweot from the hill, And hawks whes| in the hot and still; noontide When thistlestops are every ann, And fly-lamps flicker ere is done, alivered, the day Nature bethinks her how to crow! thesa things, At twilight she decides thrush sings: s=John Vance Cheney, the wood Poems FINAL CLEARANCE or Coats and Dresses at THE FASHION SHOPPE 34 Simcoe St. 8, Dominion, Two years Inter she was | Mew, Weight's netivitios in soein! | of Women and the Social Herviee | BACK TO 2 | Twelvery ear-old. Marjory had been Ema A ik iA #heer Chiffon Ful) Fashionsd HOKIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP | Near Cor. King & Simcoe St. | 5 WONDERFUL, HE SAYS, OF SARGON "1jve years ago. 1 started on a hysleal decline, An Inactive ly or brought on chronic constipation that got my whole system toxiv und yundown, Five bottles of J. H. WASSON Sargon built me up all over, wy digestion {a fine and with the nee strength and energy I've gain keep on the go all day without ho ing, . "Sargon Pills got me regulated perfectly and restored ny whole aystem to a healthy, normal cons dition, The improvement the Sars gon treatment has made Ih my health at the age of AT Ix vewark abled H. Wasson, 38 Megks lenhurg Sreat, St, doh, owl, Sargon may he obtained in Osh ava at Karw's Drug tore. CAR ol " nizes GIRL GUIDE INT OSHAWA COMPANY The hike that was planned for faturday Init took place, the guides leaving to go out Ross's Road about, one o'clock, and returning shout 7,80 in the evening, Vins! arrangements for the Gar- den party were made at the Monday meeting, The Guides nre doing wel with sale of tiekets, Mary Kory and Patricia Mat. thews were presented with thelr second-class badges, by Capt. Mrs J. Wilson, SND GIRL GUIDE, COMPANY Marjorie Breault and Amy Hard. ing, of the 2nd Oshawa, received thelr first. year attendance sitar at last week's meeting The Cooks badge test will be com. Weddings BLACK«=FRONT The marriage of Bessie Mable daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas "vont, of Toronto, to Ross Norman Black, son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Hinek of Toronto, took place guint. ly at Simcoe Kirest United Church parsonage ast evening, Rev, F Harston, offiolating, The bridal couple were unattended but a num ber of friends were present to ree colve them after the: ceramony Ww THR AY Rev, C, W, Watts, Toronto, unit od In SBA on Saturday, June 21st, Hessle, daughter of Mr, and Mya, Frank Gray. Napanee, and Reginald. Willam' Guthrie, son of Mr, and Mra, Willam Guthrie, of Oshawa, The marriage taok place in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie will roside in Oshawa, NTACEY comeMcMURTRY ft, Andrew's Church, Oshawa, Was the seene of » quiet wedding al What New York Is Wearing Ny Annchelle Worthington Mastrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Bvepy Pattern An Intriguing little frock with vouthful basque hodice and snugly fitted hips. Tt in tub silk in fiat. toring watery-green colouring, The capelet collar fa of plain arepe silk in matehing tone find make Style No, 2640 in designed In 12, 14, 18, 18 and 20 years, Tho 16.year size takes but 24 yards of 80«nch material with & yard of A6-ingh contrasting, "Buddha" yellow shantung You'll it very simple to smart, Aquamarine blue linen with col. lar of sheer linen with sdge finished with pleat it yery feminine and ohty Printed plague; printed dimity, printed handkerchief lawn and men's striped ootton wshirting are practioal and smart, Pattern price 20 conta, Te sure to All in sige of pattern, Address Patern- Department, The Summer Fashion Maganine in vendy! It cons taine most interesting styles for adults for town or vacation wear, Also darling styles for the kiddies, It In 10 conta a copy: Ne, wa Vik da fie WAR : ' ane LEA BLE FUR LEENA RN BN RW Btreet Maren AAAs ak aki at ht A Sarl as ann ) i ol + Tw "Wrevines y hs RES As : he A ly NEWS" i; Ing off before the guldes go MM camp. and pow that examinations | Are over, a number of the girls are planning to try out thelr culinary skill on thelr families, The guides of the 2nd Oshawa Are very sorry Lo lose some of thelr good members before the coming work opens up, dna Wenles, the patrol leader of the Robins goes to Bt, John, NB, to | live, where the good wishes of all ihe company follow "har, Edna will find many Guides in the pro- vines hy the ses, and will soon be al home again, 1a Valleau is planning to live in Torontn, hut she will have so many choles of fine guide companies there into which whe can transfer, that she will hardly miss her old patrol, the Bluabirds, that she bas led so well for a year, wx o'clock on Thursday evening, June 26, when Stella Jean, daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs, O, H, MeMur~ try, Kendal Avenue, Oshawn, bhe- came the bride of Kldon J, Btacey; won of Mr, and Mrs, John J, Stocey, Bimooe Riot Houth, Oshawa, Tha pastor, Rev, J. Maxwell, oMelats ed, The WRIEIR bride wore a gown and t¥¥aire of white ehantilly lace with tulle vell arranged in fan effect and held (n place by orange blodsoms, he carried bridal roses and lly-ofsthe-valley, The bride's only ornament was a necklace of arystals, the gift of the groom, Miss Hilda Hare acted as bridesmaid and was hecomingly gowned in a natural shade of net over pink matin with hat and shoes to*mateh Her houquet wan of sw aetheart ros on, Frank Black attended the groom and the wedding music was played by T'rank Maxwell, Aftey a recep tion held at the home of Ahe bride's parents for the Immdiate friends And relatives of the bride and kroom; Mr, and Mrs, Stacey left on A short motor trip to Muskoka, | HELPFUL HINTS Black coffee containing a tens spoon of lemon julee will very fre quently cure a blinding headache Adding a Losspoontul of powders od alum to the water when washes Ing silk stockings will make the threads in the hoslery tirmer, ---------- The insides of leather shoas fre. LY Phone 982 Simcoe St. South Are You Planning To Go 'Somewhere' For The Holiday Let us remind you that this Store is ready to supply you with apparel and equipment that will make your holiday enjoyable, And let us tell you again that we consider it a privilege to serve the people of this community, We are constantly making greater efforts to serve you courteously and in- telligently, We thank you for your generous patronage, which has held up wo splendidly even in these subnormal times, Holiday Apparel Holds The Spotlight Position Now. Bathing Suits, Picnic Dresses, Dresses for dressier occasions, Hosiery, Lingerie, Neckwear, Corselottes--nre featured in Special Displays at Prices that are most attractive, quently stain white sill stockings | These stains may he moved by | dipping the stained paris In a soln tion of one-half ounce of oxalle neid and one pint of water, Rinse thoroughly aftér the stains Are gone as the acid. might burn the material If left in it, ------ Dry orange peels and grind them into a coarse powder, This can be used in a flavor for cakes, SAUCAN puddings, ete Lemon peels may he used in the same Way, ATLANTIC CITY'S NEWEAY Centrally Located Fireproof Hotel 220 ROOMS Tih the last word Cp Balt Water Baths Ocean Desk Bathing from Motel bene Ang ig" adr Dy et dteed. Ful The sears from pimples © will soon. disappear if they are bathed with a solution of horacle acid, followed by an application of sine ointment, Holiday Specials AT THE Dominion Clothing Co. Friday, Saturday and Monday KING STREET WEST MEN'S FINE DRESS SAILOR STRAW HATS and PANAMAS, Holiday Special - 95¢c 25 Doz. Boys' Blouses. Regular 50¢ Holiday Special Broadcloth and Print freee 3 Dox. Only Men's and Boys' 2-Piece All-Wool Bathing Suits $1 95 . dc Ree $2.95, Holiday Special Children's Stockings, all sizes Reg. 28¢ Pr. Holiday Special og's and Young Men's All Wool ki "Speed" Bathing Suits. Res. $2. 49 15¢ | M Boys' Strong Khaki Drill Pants Reg: $1.25. Holiday Special $3.98. Holiday Special Men's Fine English Brosdéloth Shirts, 89¢ Reg. 98¢, Holiday Special , Boys' Khaki Shirts, all sizes R 1.39 Redular IL ns 89¢ 69c Sizes 1 to 5. Reg. ns, Holiday Special | Boys' Running Shoes and Corny Boys' Long Tweed Pants, 89¢ Reg. $1.95, Hol (A Free Belt with every Pr. of Pants) | $1.39 Special BOY'S KHAKI KNICKERS, All Sizes, Regular 95¢, Holiday Special . 69¢ Men's Holiday Special and Young Men's "Grad" nderwear, Regular 79¢ 49c Holiday Special Megt » Flanellete and 8 English Broad. Sloth Pyjamas, Res: 32 95 $1.49 Holiday Special 'Man's Balbriggan Combinations, Young Men's "Plus Fours", Reg. $5.00, Holiday Special $3.95 Men's Fancy Sox _ 99 Holiday Spaciak Pair... 0c CHILDREN'S COTTON SUITS, Regular 69¢c, Holiday Special _ - JERSEY BATHING 49¢ 68 KING ST. W, jominion Clothing Co. FHONE 2141 WE DELIVER

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