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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 AARABS PLAY PETERBORO HERE SAT.--JR. SOFTBALL TONIGHT Cantrell'Wins From Birds And Leafs | Guy Cantrell Hurls Leafs to Victory Over Orioles ~-- Toronto Batters Pound Opposing Pitchers Hard-- Unusual Happenings Take 'Placo--MeGowan Gains | Century Mark for Hits Baltimore, June 27~Limy Cantrell's ighit-handed slants proved tou puss ling for the Baltimore Orioles here resterdiy to even the series, The de. leat sent the Orioles into a hall+ game lend over Rochester, which lub downed Jersey City, In scoring 1s third straight win over Baltimore 0 as muny starts, this sewson, Cans vel, a former Baltimore hurler, kept (2 hits well scattered. In every ine ing except the sixth was Cantrell in rouble, 'the Leafs moundsman show: vf Wis best in the pinches und he sent ght back vie the strikeout route, Loronto pounded the offerings of hree Oriole fischer Foster Fd» wards, Monte Deaver and Fritz Coe ybe==ftor 17 safe blows Edwards ated three und Wenver was driven wit in the shxth, The veteran Soumbe wopped the scoring alter he ascend. ul the peak, : Thera was & number of happenings throughout the contest First, Joe Anbbitt was ejected from the Toronto dugout hy, Manager Steve O'Neil for fighting with Vis ther "Hoot" Gibson when the latter remarked about Rabbitt being replace pd by Petrie to start the fourth ins ng after fanning WR cone Umpire Ky esterve It was ov ercome by the heat and went out in the sixth inning which forced Umpire Derr to handle the balls and strikes and also the bases, Third, the removal of Cateh Hugh McMullen of Baltimore, by Umpire Derr for protesting over his decision in calling the batter out on strikes, Anything was liable to happen so hot wis it ug the contest , Battery ! Ruble, Cote and O'Neill led the pats ting attack off for the Leuis Lach of these players sent out three safeties: Two of O'Neill's wallops were for doubles, Davis banged out a sihgle and a triple to help Toronto's cue along, Frank McGowan, Oriole centres fielder, wis the outstanding player on the losers' side. He went to bat five times 'and on each occasion he reachs ed first base by three hits, an error and & hase on balls, The three hits made by: McGowan sent his numbes of safe watiops for the season to 101 and placed him in the honor position of being the fiest player in the In ternational League to attain the cen- tury mark In this department of the me, ' Be ny Dalrymple also hammered out a trio of hits for Baltimore, but only his double in the fifth inning figured in the scoring, I'he best fielding play of the game came in the eighth inning after Gill banged out his seventeenth home run ol the season over the left-Aeld bar: ler, Stoner was on second when Danning sent « looping Ay to short loft. Warren Cote raced to the outs field and with his back to the infield made a dandy @neh and by a goo throw doubled Stroner off the mid. way suck RSHALL FIELD'S a y : HORKE SCORKN Nowgastle, England, June 37,-- Marshall Feld's Quarter Sessions won the John Osborne Handicap Plate yesterday, R. P, Botterill's Bir Ploton was second and MH. Sto. bart's Compound Fracture was third, Only four, ran, and the het: ting was 7 to 1, 10 to 4, and 100 to 00, Quarter Sessions won by fength and a half, while there wan a head between second and third, The distance was a mile and a half Even Up Series CRICKET NOTES -------- $i. George's play Riverdale on Sate urduy next, the 48 inst, in a league game ut Riverdale Park, Toronto, I'he team chosen to do duty Is us follows: ¥, Lamouth (Capt), G, Dew hery, M,' Howarth, W, Moore, | Chappell, J. Plekup, Y, Chappell, G, Mann, Ww Ad 5, B. Anthing and W., Sargant, Reserves, W, Thomp- son, All players to meet at Bt, George's Parish Hall, Centre street, at 1243 pm, Cars will leave at 1 o'clock sharp, Oshawa Rink wins Premier Honors in Peterboro Tourney Peterboro, June 27,~8kips Jimmy Cullen of Peterbore' and kd Good: man of Oshawa won premier honors in the loeal tourney, which termin- ated early yesterday morning Cullen fighting his way through to the hie wls in the Stratton 'Lrophy to defeat his elubmate; J, J. Howden, 19 19 10, while Goodman's opponent in the h- nals of the Canadiun Department Stores Trophy was Ac M, Bmale eo Warkwrth, SERATTON CUP FINAL 4 Cullen + oo0 210 504 301 001 0210 Howden vv, 002 010 040 410 10-13 CANADIA PErT, STORES TRO. Fourth Rouna Cobourg Peterboro W, Delaney HH Wood iii 8 Warkworth Peterboro AM, Smale Cairns voip é Peterhoro Stirling M, Bredin JW, Weight 0 13 Oshawa Peterbore IK, Goodman HB. Chenhall 4 6 G 18M Semi-final Warkwrth WwW. B, Baker GU Dr, H, E, Allan J. Johnston, J, E, Neill EK, Guillet : AM, Smale, sk. 14 W, Delaney, sk 7 Oshawa Peterbore T, Kaiser H. Narthro Hefferman N. Hemvy I", Johns G, Hutehinpon LK, Loodman, sk. 14 M, Bredin, sk inal Churg Kellick [ J Oshawa Warkworth Goodman 9 Smale TRE Playoff far third and fourth prizes Cobourg Peterboro Delaney 4 Bredin 9 -- Bill Clymer to Pilot Ncwark "Newark, NJw June 87.With the resignation of Tris Speaker Weodnes: day as manager of the Newark Bewrs Bill Clymer loomed yestorday as hip sitecessor, It is understood that Paul Block, owner of the Newark club, who demanded Speaker's resignation, has approved of Clymer, and It will be necessary to reach a salary agree. ment, Clymer, who recently resign: ed as manager of the Buffalo club, Is stil Jrawhig salary and will eon tinue to do so for the remainder of the season, but he probably would be willing to release the Buffalo of. ficials from the obligations of the contract if he can get a (wo-yeur contract with Newar Following yesterday's conference with Owner Block in New York in which he resigned, Speaker (ssued the following statement, I had a conference with the offi clals of the elub and we decided that %. change In the management might be benefelal to the elub, After hav: ing made a satisfactory settlement, I am leaving to make room for the change, although 1 could have con. tinued until the end of the season it 1 had desired" INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE SATURDAY AND MONDAY A Musical Comedy "LORD BYRON OF BROADWAY" Last time to-night "Anna Christie" to ard in eh aa RED WINGS GET ANOTHER Jersey City, June 27.-<'T'he Roches: ter Red Wings made it three out of four by taking the final game of the series from the Jersey City Skeeters here yesterday by a score of @ to 1, Pitcher Berly, on the luound for the Red Wings allowed the Skeeters but five hits, "Rip" Collins hit) his weventeenth home run of the season over the right field fence in the ses venth inning, and the drive. proved to be the winnig margin, the Pests Siting to Berly for a run In their [Hf ol the same inning. BEARS DEMORALIZED Newark, June 27.~Montreal Koys aly defeated the Newark Bears here yesterday afternoon by a 10.10 § score, The 'Bears apparently demor: alized % the realgnation of t nager, Tris Speaker, faye 1 Land ware easy vietimy of Royals. Jack Onplow, who hax been, ting as coach undef the regime of peaker, i] appointed antl Ager by President Sinnott just the game, SWEEP SERIES Rp With t . in at winning the finali b ol mr Kent Greenfiel "the eague pitcher, w w 8 Avent nning and' was A. AUNSIES SAIL FOR BE, Sydney, Australia, June ' ian : rit Mp | An the mpire he hed at Nomiison hy 1 yesterday aboard the vi in excellent health and Hident of a fair measure of ons, The athletes hope to. good. showing In swimming and Their manager, M. R, in charge, . i lon | log] When Primo Carnera, Fechampionship bout wh j LEGION "ALL.CROCKS" PLAY GAME TONIGHT The VLieglon All-Crocks will jump into metion afnin this evening at Al exandra Park, where they will play an exhibition game against the Osh- awa Eagles, So far, the Crocks have met with but Indifferent success In their games, hut they are a keen crowd of sportsmen, and are in it for the love of the game, so they will be on hand tonight trying thelr hard. ast tu gome out on top fis expecied that the Legion team will have a Inrge erowd of supporters on hand for the game Wright Guest and Practise Starts Henley, England, June 27,~Al though practices conditions on the river showed a distinet improve went over those of Wednesday, neither of the Canadian scullers, Jos Wright and Jack Guest, at tempted further timing trials fo day, but were content with try Ing starts and paddling Wright went out early with I Barry, Ms trainer, He put In some gond paddling on the way (o Ham hledonlock, whera he turned, Af the vegatin starting point, Wright tried some starts and aftarwards some strong paddling, In the even ing he varied 'his paddle work with two one-minute bursts, In which he showed cxesllent form And gave those who have heen gloomy about his Henley prospects something to think' about Guest, nconmpanied trainer, Harry Arleit cleanly, getting the hoat fast when . paddling down Ihe course, He had tw, half-minute bursts during the morning, strik Ing 19 strokes on cach occasion Guest spent the afternoon at golf by hin wenllod running Young Stribling Will Box Phil Scott in London on July 28 Mueon, Gu, June a7 | (Young) Steibling: will sud for Lon don and his bout with Phil Sco July § "Pa" Stribling , tnounced vi terduy after un transatlantic telephone conversation with Jef Dickson, pro moter of he bout, whiv is In Pari Fhe elder. Stribling said the hou would be held on July 28 as original ly scheduled Although Stribling won ow plaster cust 10 be ubleto use the | ed out Otte Von Porat "Ia" Stribling at fy postponement of the Scott hout due to the condition of his son'ss hand hut hus decided 10 go through with Wirkorth S---- left hand still he hopes soon t that knock hid sought a | | | | Fr ---- | What Others + --------ry Say THAT SOFTBALL GAME Dear dirs | Alter reading articles in your pa | per with regarus to the sutthull gue played by Whithy at the 'tanners ned, | wish to give the opinion ul an unblused spectator and an oll softball player, 1 think that Whitby was entirely in the right in protest Ing about the grounds as the spec tutors were almost always on the playing held and the home team mude no real effort to clear the Held, In one of tho articles it wis stat ed that the Whitby boys disputed the umpire » decisions on numerous oceasions but not without just cause as they did not dispute any decision that could be called an veror in the umpire's Judgment but In all canes IL. Wan i cane of the umpire not being up to his job and not knowing the rules of the gwine, and in most cares he should have reversed his degision when his ignorance wi. pointed out 10 him, Further there was more kick ing done by the Tannery team than Whihy but it was not noticed o the crowd was with them, ; Now that a complaint Hay been made about the Tannery field it might be in order to make a lew comments on the Reld itself, 'I'he field Is terrible the outfield being much lower than the infield and full wagon ruts and holes, The infield not too bad if they would make an honest attempt to keep the spectators off, , Yours truly, VISITOR TO OSHAWA, | em -------- | "Killies" Win From YPORT SNAPSHOT By Oso, Caxrami, Sports Bdifw Big Attraction at Stadium Tonight The big local sporting attraction for tonight, is the solthall game game which is being played at th 045 pn, The Oshawa Bakery an of the smartest softball aggregatior tonight in a suddensdeath game to of the schedule, hdl and w winner must be decided e Motor Clty Stadium, starting at d the Parts and Service Js, two vw in the eity, meet at the Stadium decide the winner of the firs half These two teams were tied at the end of the first I, These two teams have provided some of the snmrtest softhall battles of the season, and they draw lnrge crowds to theif league games, ai Cowan's Park sion is very small and if the weath The admis or permits, there should he a large erowd on hand tonight to see these teams in action, ' LJ 1 LJ Orillia Team Here Tomorrow The Parts and Service Juniors Orillin intermediate softhall team, igo, tomarrow afternoon Mm Cowan' of local softball fans will be on hand to compare the brand t of this LJ ' OMI, in Wh The OMI, ladies' softhall tem the Whithy Rovers in a scheduled played in Orlin with tha will play the return game with the whom they visited a short while s Park, No doubt, quite a number olthall city Ll ithy Tonight m plays in Whithy tonigh league game, The Whithy ' 1hinst Rovers are being respected & great deal singe they handed the Chevs, a defent and the Mulleables will have to he gives its solthall teams good suppor out tonight, providing rain does no ' ' on thelr toes all the time, Whithy t und there showld he & good evowd t put a stop ta all proceedings ' ¥ Peterboro Raybestos Here Tomorrow Alexandra Park should he a pe it will be the scene of the second Oshawa Aarabs and Peterhoro Raybestos yer, in the leagne team to play in Oshawa thi gave the Aarahs thelr oly d The Aarahs are weakened a take a fall out of their old yi they dule 10 to 4 good start in the second seeth tablished the fuet that they much beter support, The game 15 conts Aga LJ LJ ure p in admission is only spulne place tomorrow afternoon is seson, of the thy hrs and focal meeting of the he Petes opening game were efent of the firsy hall of the sche tittle by injuries, but they are out vals, and at the same time get off Now that the Aaribs have e should get mn laying smart hall due to start at 300 pm, Wd the the worth seeing ' mr » Oshawa Seniors in Brampton Tomorrow The Oshawa General Motors Brampion I'he Vxeelsiors han tomorrow" alternoon (0 thew gave them their pecond str is out to rn the tables right in | in Brampton is noi the easiest thing in the we have done It helore and they am : the Toeals Will put them af the bottom of the heap worl numher of Oshawa lacrosse fi morrow 10 see the game * + Oshawa Nationals at Home Tohorrow The Oshawa Nationals soccer t ternoon to the Earlscourt Kenwoods, at the Motor City Stadium up with the leaders and they mean A must win this game (oo stay oods hack home lately an yin to send the Ken heen playing good socce I'he following team h Boyd, Mel.ean, ¢ time tao win Smith vung, Fairley, Davidson All players are asked to rey Camphell, Reserves naan JAS sharp : LJ Oshawa City ( Oshawa Cliy soccer team Toronto I'he Atternoon in Rus Station on Saturday cliffe, Dunstall, Daly, Lappin, Gilbe A'Hearn Phone 10047, not later Any person, wishing to L] LJ I'he following players ape journey LL] BERNON lacrosse team first visit of the nSenigr pay thels fed the locals a hard vap on Suturday last, when laht defeat and the Oshawa tea Brampton, Winning Taerosse games iid, but the Oshawa he A defeat lor here will he a rip to Brampton te {0 repeat tomorrow ans mike the . af The cam will he at home tomorrow vith a defeat, The Kenwoods have A the Nuts, will have to gb all the as heen selected to play tomorrow oll, Petterson, Rosser, Mulr, Sath Lyons, Stwmeh, McGregor and Park ort at the Stadium on Saturday al io to Toronto play the Anacondas on to report Saturda at the than 1.00 pm, Brown, Lobban, Cun rt, Smart, Rateliff, Grant, Reid and travel with the team is asked to Oshawa Rink Wins in Peterboro An Oshawa Lawn howling rink , headed by "Fd Goodman, made a very creditable showing in the tournament which was held in Pet erhbra recently. The local rink was successful Ing winning one ot fhe moist coveted prizes of the towiney 1] LJ Red Aces to Practise The Red Aces, juvenile softball team, will hold a practice at Alex andra Park tomorrow afternoon and all players who profess ta helong 16 this team are asked to he out to the practice fost their last two games and they The Red Aces have do not wish to lose the next one, C.N.R. by Penalty Goal Montreal, June 27.The Kil niarnock eleven of the Roottish Longue chalked up thelr 13th Canadian vigtory here last night, when they heat the Canadian Na. tional Rallwaya' team, 1:0, hy wire tue of a penalty goal, Play was aven until 18 minutes of the sees ond halt had elapsed when Luma: den, Canadian Nationals' right half, put up his hands and touched the ball near the goal mouth | About 2,600 spectators saw the mateh, GRAND CIRCUIT DRIVER DIKN IN ALONZO MeDONALD Cleveland, June 37.==Alonso McDonald, Doston, well-known Grand Clroult driver, disd in a 'hospital here yesterday following % heart attack at North Randall Teing track, . 4 | | | banks acclaimed the vietors, came | Wyraouse, another dark horse, with | vowed to viatory over aight rivals in Rainville Will Mest Alkman in Final Montren), June 27 -Marcel Rain. ville of Montreal, Canadian Davis Cup player, and C, 'W, Aikman, vets erin local trick-shot expert, will meet in the final of the Proviuee of Que. hee lawn tennis championships on the courts of the Westward AAA, here on Saturday 'wlterioon, The former' qualified hy defeating Vaul Desehenes of Montreal, 6-0, 6-2, 6-0, while Akmain survived a gruelling five-set struggle againgt Bernard Vay hert, local sensation of 'the tourna ment, the score being 146, 26, 6 Oe, O03 J LJ] Reg. Siki Wins from J ohannessen Toronto, June §7.-=0Qpporiun- ity only knocks once, says the oid adage, and Reg Wiki, the colored mat marvel, hag an a'tentive ear, for he gonerally hears the ray through his tauliflowered gs aud taken full advantage, Biki, 'follow Ng the same campaign he hs shown In all his bouts here, wii od for the opening In the man mate lust night at the Arenp Gardens and dropped Kinar Johan nesson for the first and third fall altar heing the vietim in the sec ond round. Bikl seemed on the defensive most of the way, but the second a chance came his Wiy to put on a punishing or winning hold he was VHghinir~ fast to ma ie the most of It, The wiki and Johannessen serap wits one of the wokt spectacular over staged here, and one of the nicest to wateh, finishing up » rou) good night of wrestling Hi Nemetral was too smart for Hane Furst in the simi I, scoring #4 lam in 24 minutes and 17 se onde, while Jack Taylor tamed the Main. Carl Vogel, in 16 minutes ind H2 weconds of the first hout, flo plam-bang battle that in vluded everything hoth In and out of he wrestling rules Mpectacniar Tow Fikl in winning his fourth sue: consive hout here save a brilliant display ngainst a man about his own syle and alse There were faw delays with hoth going at top spend all the tint, ind the crowd of about 5,000 was quick to show ite appreciation. Johannessen kel the eolored Adonis on the defen sive most of the time and forced him to spectacular feals tn keen hia shoulders off the 'mat, Pretty halancing and arehing, nies foot work and speedy shifty were used hy hoth, hut Bill always seemed that split second faster, which avenitunlly gave him the win Cornell Upsets Do"e and Takes Ist Place in Race Poughkeapsie, NY, June 8'7 A gallant Cornell Varsity erew the Intercolleginie vegatin yester day, driving the dope of the experts deeper Into the xleaming river with ench decisive bite of elght hard. swung oars, Three lengths behind, while the whistles of hundreds of river eraft and the ehpers of some 100,000 spectators on the high Mnssachusetia institute of Techno: logy, the darkest of them all, third, five lengths away Thus, three outsiders, rowing with a rare combination of skill and courage into the teeth of a hrisk wind and through choppy, silvery spray, completely outolassed the vaunted Varsity eights which had heen favored to awean the river, Neldow, If ever, has an Interenls Iginte regatta heen featured by sel complete disdater to the faver fas, The Navy Varsity crew was favored to win today and sank hes fore reaching the finish, after rows ng In the last édviston almost all the way, California finished fourth, ahead of the two other favorites, Columbian and Washington, which were Atth and sixth respectively, Cornell's winning time was ¥1 minutes 43 seconds, as sompared with the record of 18 minutes 45 4h seoonds established by Calls fornia in 1028, foul Mew envywelght' oorge God was floored hy fth. round of A " the Tyalian = frey, colored championship aspirant, the Tralian wis awarded the decision, the Toa barons ae" thi he a with some rapid aetion, On the right | form, 'whild Godtrey dwalts their des ommy Reilly, the referee, and 'a \adelphin boxing official are 'sean bending cover Carnera's prostrate AMERICAN "LEAGUE ATHLETICS gWIN ANOTHER Philadelphia, June 27=tam Gray wis easy for his old teammates yes: terduy, the Athletics beating the bt, Lovis Browns in the opening game of the four-game series here by seorg of 8 to 3 , The Muckmen pounded Gray for 13 hits, B of which were for extra bases, Four of the long wallops were counts ed in the sixth Inning, when Bishop und Cochrane doubled, Simmons trips led and Foxx hit his nineteenth hume un of tie year, TIGERS EASY FOR SENATORS Washington, June 27.-T'he Nations ule took advantage of every hrewk vesterduy and buttered two of the Detroit pitchers for a total of sevens teen' hits to win 12 to 4, Joe Judge, who has been out on weeount of a "charley horse," returns od to the game wt first, scored once, batted in & run and made two hits, r---- PENNOCK'S SEVENTH vibTORY New York, June 27. ~The Yankees presented Herb Fannock with his see venth vistory of the season vester day und the pitehing leadership of the American League by outslugging the "leveland Indians to win the se ries opener 13 to 11 Pennock was unsteady at tines und finally was removed in the sighth inning, hut the Yanks had piled yp too hig # lead for Cleveland to over come, Five of the Cleveland runs off Pennock were results of home runs Seeds and Hodapp each hit a home rn with a man on base and Averill did the trick with empty bases RED HOSE BEAT PALE HOSE Boston, June The Boston Red Sux defeated (Micago 9 to 7 here vesterduy, It wan the sixth eonseey tive yietory for the Red Sox over the White Hose in this year's series he fween the two teams, The Red Sox hunched five of their runs in the fifth inning, when they knotled hoth Thomas and MeKain from the box SKEETERS GET FIRCT BASE. MAN Philadelphia, , June 27 Connie Mack, manager of the Philadelphia Athletics, yesterday announced the release of Firsthaseman Jim Keesey 0 the Jersey City team of the In ternational League, and the signing of Charles Perkins, lefthanded piteh er of the Paterson Silk Sox of this eity, Keesey was released outright and the second Athletie player to be sent to Jersey City within the last two weeks, Leibhardt, rookie right hander, was shipped to Jersey City two weeks ago, Men's Doubles Produce Many Thrilling Matches Wimbledon, Eng, June 37.--While the men's single, whieh provide the most spectacular of the Wimbledon tennis Ture, were missing from the courts yesterday, the men's doubles furnished some close and thrilling matches, There was a good gallery, including some notibles of the no: bility, whe are growing mare inter ested in the tournament as the play. ers begin to be weeded out, Johnny Deeg wnd George Lbti, UnitedoBtates doubles ehampions, Varad two matches, i defeated oA Carlet and J, C, Masterman of Britain, 8:6, 13:11, 7-8 Later in the day they had a real battle on their hands when they met the In dian team, F. RL Crawford and Gt, FE. M, de St, Croix, The score in this case wan 6:0, 1:6, G4, 5%, 6.8 Sir, Harry Turns Tables on Sunvir Hamilton, June 37-~Threatening skies failed to keep down the atten: dance at the Hamilton Jockey Club yesterday afternoon, as another large orowd turned out te withess a we balanced card, Two features were of fored, the first being the Oakville Handicap, whieh brought seven Ca- nadian-breds to the barrier, and re sulted in Victory for Aymond, win= ner of the King's. Plate this year, The winner made « show of his field, Jockey Stevens getting his mount a- way on top, and foie down fhe back stretch increased ft several lengths, Reau of the West wus second for the best part of the journey, but Shorelight came with a wah alter turning into the stretch, but could ne. ver get clone enough to the winner to make it dangerous, By In 'the Burlington Purse, fifth eve ent on the card, Sir Harry turned the tables on Sunvir, his conqueror on the first day, For the last furs long the horses raced neck-and-neck, and ao clone was the finish that it was in doubt until the efcial nym: hers were plaged, CF wan third, sev veral lengths behind, PLAN A cision as to the fairness of the ner which downed the Italian. . 'Admission Free The Growth of Lacrosse in the United States ye oot Tovonto, June BT Writing from Roxbury, Mass, 8 "Lacrosse Van" telly the following interests ing sory nhout the growth of Canada's nations] game in the United Miates, He makes the sure prising statement that at» dohn's and Johns Hopkins baseball has been abolished and the sus dents don't, seem to mind," I followed tha nations] game for years In Canada and have cons tinued my Intevest In the game since coming to the UMA, Toronto sport fans will probably be inter. ested In the growth of Tacrosse In this country, Vinerosse has mude great progress in the New Eng» 1and Wiates, inst year two Boston colleges==M 11, and Boston "0" wtpiioved fov the first time, Thin year two more came in, namely, Tutte and New Hampshive "0, The high schools are heginning to take up the game, and seveval hid teams this year for the first time, The Mate of Marylnad ds the Ine crosse stronghold an this country, Herve you will find the stropgest teams, | saw two games there roe eontly, and was astounded nt (he onthusiasm of the spectators, In one mateh We, dohn's of Annapolis and John Hopkins of Baltimore met before n crowd of over 8,000, The school had thelr own band and cheep leaders, and the crowd certainly made plenty of noise, Tha brand of lacrosse was surprising!y good and exciting, 1 had the please ure of seeing the game between the Naval Academy and Maryland "US The attendance approached the 10,000 meth, and the exciting play had the spectators on heir feet for most of the game, At the finish the enthusiastic Maryland: ers, who had won the game, marched off the grounds with their large band playing "My Maryland," Never have | seen such mn large and enthusiastic crowd at n lacrosse game, At ¥t, John's anil dohins Hopkins baseball has heen abolished and the students don't seem to mind, In Baltimore practi ally every high school has a team, and many of them (wo or three, There are many club teams, includ. Ing a olty league consisting of eight teams, In the Wiates pf New Xork, New Jersey and Pennsyle Vania lacrosse In making a steady advance, The Oxford«Cambridge combination from England had a successful tour, and thelr clean and spectacular play made a hit with the thousands who had (he opportunity of seeing them in ace tion, There are about forty col. loges playing the game now, roms pared to nineteen in 1088, There Ian been an equal increase in high school and club (eams-==Taken from The Globe, NATIONAL LEAGUE CUBS LOSE AGAIN Chicago, Jung &7.=Larey Vance pitched for the Brooklyn Robin yes terday as they opened their first place series with the Cubs and gave them a 7 to 1 victory, Winning the game put Brooklyn two full games ahead of Chicago ubs, I'he Dazzler held the hitherto hea vy hitting Cubs 10 nine scattered his and was complete master of the sity ation, GIANTS RUN WILD St Lous, June 87The New York Glants ran wild against Cardinal pits ching yesterday, while Clarence 'Mit. chell held his former teammates uns der control, and New York won the first game of the series, 13 to 4, Every Giant got ene er more hits in the ttal of 20 cllectoed off five Cardinal pitchers, Critz and Leach made four aplece, while Mel Ott con tributed a home run, The Giants sco ned in every inning but 'the ninth, when Rell held them hitless, ~~ TWO FOR PIRATES Pittsburg, June 27,=A pitcher's bat tle and a slugfest brought the Pitts burg Pirates a double Vietory ever the Philadelphia Nationals yesterday. The home team taking the first game 1 ta 0, and the second 11 to § The Pirates won the frst. on a fluke, though outhit four hits to se ven, Calling, Phillies pitcher, drapped the ball while windingup for his de- livery in the third, Brickell sore ed before Collinge recovered, NIGHT WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DANCING WHITBY BEACH Featuring ~ SID SMITH and His Strombola Orchestra 9---MUSICIANS--9 Ww

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