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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jun 1930, p. 11

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¥£ Jerry Gets His Pride Back fi By Thornton /| HOOVER A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1930 MISSION! fund nd, BRIDGE tive duties" imposed by. these coun. tries on the products of New Zear ' I I pT 3 OI MCLENNAN HEADS -» hd | to Sarnia, Ont, ~ |BUY IN BRITAIN o---- well for him whose pride 1s Jost pot it back at any iby S-- Nn you think of anything more iating than for u father to be od iow many ehildren he hans d not be able 10 tel? It wan NBL way with Jerry Muskrat, Ope it the first questions that Peter bbit. asked him when he learned t Mrs, Muskrat had' a family A, how many bahlies were in thet amily, Jerry Muskrat pretended Lot to hear, "I say," repeated Peter, "how Any babes have you, Jerry Musk Jerry could no Yonger preténd OL to hear,' Plenty," sald he, yes fibering what Mrs, Muskrat had "How many is plenty?' demand. Pater, & "Enough, veplied Jerry. PE Peter looked very hard at Jerry. "And how many are enough?' he isked severely, RAs many as ry. oler looked at Jerry for a long mute and began to suspect the th, "Jerry Muskrat," said he, u don't know how many e¢hild- i you've got, No, sir, you' don't low how many babies you've got) "In idea! I'he very ideat™ erry squirmed uncomfortably, nally he admitted jt wag 80," You e," he explained, "thers Isn't room in that home of mine for two big peoplo Jike Mrs, Muskrat and , myself and those babies'nll at the same time, Of course, they 'have GF to have their mother and s0.1 keep out of there. 1 know Mrs, Musk~ , Tat would prefer that I should." "Do you mean to say that you haven't been in there singe those babies were born," Peter demanded, 4 "Oh, I've been in there!" replied Jerry hastily, = Of course, I've i been in there, But it was dark in there and I couldn't stay but just a minute, and those bables squirmed MB #0 that T auld have counted them 4 1 bad had plenty of time." a "Hasn't Mrs, Muskrat told you how many bables you have?' in "quired Peter, 2 "No," sald Jerry. "All she has sald is that there are plenty, Now you know as much about them as I do. Plenty doesn't mean much, It may mean one thing today and another thing tomorrow, depending on Just how you dre feeling when v. you say it. If Mrs, Muskrat hap- pened to feel out of sorts, two or theese wouldihe plenty, If she hap pened to be feeling fine, Dionty might mean half a dozen," It was perhaps two weeks later that Peter and Jerry found out jist what "plenty" did mean, ot v y ¥ A , Sun had gone to bed behind the Purple Hills, Jerry Muskrat was idly floating in the water just below him, Suddenly Mrs, Musk- * rate appeared, She had come out E of the under-water doorway of or (home and up to the surface, Then i a funny little head popped up just behind her. Peter's eyes popped out and his ears stood up straight, "One," sald Peter, Another little E head popped up, "Two," maid hy Jerry Muskrat, I wanted," sald J PHONE 23 For Yout Drug Needs THOMPSON'S AY 10 Sheen Bt. 8 ~~ We Daliver Machinery Repairing NOTHING LARGR NOTHING TOO SMALL | AdanacMachineShop 101 King 8t. W. Phone 1814 ~-Jorry Muskrat, « ' W. Burgess A New Zealand has passed i stfong 'of Island to purchase goods in Britain 1. | United States, Canada or Adstrilia 'Washington, June, 30 ~President Washington, June 28.~Dresident Hoover has signed a bill creating the Great Lakes Bridge Commission and authorizing it to construct and er-ie ® bridge across the Saint Clair River from Port id Mich, INSTEAD OF CANADA Wellington, New Zealand, Juna 80, ~The National Dairy Association of resolution urging dairymen of the iy preference to purchase in the BIG REDUCTION IN DEFENSE OUTLAY Wellington, New Zealand, Juns 20, ~Drastic curtailment of governments al expenditire, including substantinl reduction In appropriations for nas tional defense, and the probability of some: increase In taxation were foreshadowed by' Lord Bledislos, governor-general of New Zealand, when he read the speech from the throne and resopened parlisment, Now comes the news that petrol can he made from grass, Does this presage an added inducement to mow the lawn before starting on a Jong motor trip? = Christian GRADUATE SCHOOL Se---- Head of Physics Department Now Succeeds Dr, McMurrich Toronto, June 30~Dr, John C, Me Lennan, head of the department of Physics at the University of Toronto as been appointed dean of the school of yraduate studies at the un. versity, succeeding Dr, J, Playfair MeMurrich who is retiring this year As scientific advisor to the Brits ish admiralty, Professor McLennan led the development of the practical production of helium and was the first in the British empire to liquefy the gas, He is now In England at tending the meetings of the Koya Society which in 1927 awsrded him the gold medal of the pociety for his research in spectyoseopy and atomic was eseHhys petaoinetaoinetaningn physics, He was also hoboured hy the British government with the de. coration of the Order of the British Empire, JUST IMAGINE (Hamilton Spectator) Just imagine how tough ii Is go- ing to be on Lindy toadmonish his ofl-spring 8 few years hence with; "Come down out of that tree he- fore you fall and break your neck,' THE LATTER WELY (Bouthern Lumberman) / Bobby Jones says that playing golf is a matter of psychology, A 260-yard drive and accurate put- ting will also be found to he a hig help, RUNS' INTO INJURED NN WANAPITE Q WALARE, LAKE 4 KILLED | DISTRI (i! SUDBURY Hache: FREIGHT TRAIN { Train derallments in Novthern Ontario on the night of June 20, clnimed 1% Vives and injured move than 20, while tr ation is to Bass Lake, where four pers Jost. thelr lives and 80 were jured, and at North Bay anol seriously interrupted in the Bud. bury avea owing to had floods, At Capreol, marked on the shove map, an east hound CONR, train van off the valls and-plunged ne ishap to & CFR, train is ed to have resulted in deaths, Two other freight uwevidenis were reported from district, J "How many is plenty?' demanded Peter A third little head appeared, and another, "Three! Fours" erie Peter, \ Up popped two 'ors, Six!" cried Jerry, ! Another pair appeared, "Hever, Wieht-"' shouted Peter, beginning to dance about, Ona mora popped up, 'Nine! sald Jerry Muskrat, drawirg a long breath, "Plenty!" Wd Mrs, Muskrac, (Copywright, 1030, T,'W, Burgess), The next atovyi. "Jewry Is Ine troduced." "Five! Speaking of the good old days, do you remember the old-fashioned girl who used to make ash receiv. ers out of cigar bands? Well, she now has a daughter who makes one Courier-Journal, : TIME TABLES ih thd Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS L A DAY CE ae) gam Haaplto! fois Hi $e Irene 333333 Tree #33 aad ) ? igen 15,00 nom, 110 - ¥ Whitby nom, AR) are. through PR, TABLE nh " ot (Except Sunday) y . 0 fi (Except Sunday) ATI CANADIAN JA Mh +1) 0d am, Dad iy Tacopti Sunday £ 233 BEES IEF E Fs [2 gost 8 Ji Vin view of the "practically prehibis | ELLA CINDERS--A Lady in Waiting out of the parlor rug.--Loulsville Seience Mogitor, ALL, WIE, ID LEFT AE WITH ALL IE MIGHT, IN 1635 THE KING OF FRANCE PRO- HIBITED THE SALE OF TOBACCO EXCEPT BY DRUG STORES, TOMMY, AWD THEY COULD SELL ONLY OM A DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION, ['f HAVE BE IN 1602 THE CHINESE BEGAN \ 70 SMOKE Tooaco. Ih * mo E90nme, EN MADE SINCE COLUMBUS FOUND THE AMERICAN INDIANS SMOKING IN 1492, = Eo RY A MAN CONVICTED OF SMOKING IN RUSSIA HAD HIS HOSE CUT OFF AND IN A NUM- BER OF PLACES DEATH AS THE PUNISHMENT, IM THE 172 CENTURY PEOPLE WERE FINED IN MASSACHUSETTS SOUTH AMERICAN BAKAIRI INDIAN SMONING CIGAR BY USE OF A FORK FOR SMONING WITHIN TWO MILES OF A CHURCH N SWITZERLAND 1M 1635 SMOKERS WERE SUMMONED BEFORE COUNCIL AND FINED, TH 1652 AN IMPERIAL EDICT VAS 1S5UED 1 CHINA AGAINST PLANTING OR USING TOBACCO AMD IN 1617: EMPEROR JEW! GELR PUT A DEATH PENALTY ON SMOKING TOBACCO, @ 1990, King Features Syndicate, Tne, Great Britain right . A ------ 7A 8 rerereed " ----- i SMOKE A PIPE, TOMMY 9 BRINGING 11P FATHER i IMPOOHDIBR HHH HHH BY GOLLY. HERE I'T 1S NINE QCTLOCK AN' NO BIGN OF BREAFADTYT THAT WOOK 1% ' whe WAKE VP THE MAID MAGGIE, Om: MAGGIE | Wille wou WAKE UR THE Mae' @ 1000, Int) Poaturt Barvide, fray « (reat Britain right: veseresd é 3e 4 he NS iil Gi bn TTT FAR INTO THE FOREST LES AND BOBBY BOUNCE i| DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMEY WANDERED ARE FOR LUNCH DAN'T BAT "THEM All UP Ld pag. INS, King Poriume Apne ts, fot BOBBY AND Camry PICKED BRRRIES * RE ------ wl Po} 6 do L THEN COMBY PYT wr DOLLY AND abi OF THE WOODS ni. BF nin Sunde | TiLuEe THE TOILER--Mac's "Long Suit" » ed A n Ra IM HAVING THAT PARTY SATURDAY dik. \\ \ oe KR \\ ge A aN B18 King Postion Bvoiona: in ALL THE BOW Are SOiNy TO WEAR SHORTS UT FE You DON'T WANT To WEAR 'BM NAVE He - anyon, DT) | §U now 1. | Aen \ MOLL BE = Ng "THERE Ts r( I a. NS | wv, 1

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