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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jun 1930, p. 1

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| : | VOL, 6=NO, 152 ONTA [(] 0 Al # The Oshmuva Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A | ' i a » OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1930 18 Cents 8s Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES CID Intensiv LE] 4 LEADER OF | MOVEMENT ARRESTED tensive Effort to Paralyze Sale of British Products in Indian Empire PESHAWAR REBEL MOVEMENT QUELLED Hostile Tribesmen Finally Put Down in Northern Areas Through Operas- tions of Troops (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, India, June B0==A "hoyeott week" against British goods was inaugurated here today with intensive anti-British propa ganda, y A pouring vain dampened the enthusiasm of the Nationr1Tits eatly in the day but later congrves volunteers paraded the streets, shouting revolutionary slogans, A partial stoppage of work was art of the demonstration and a hE procession is planned for to- morrow, i It is understood that the mani tastations will appeal ta the public not to buy any British goods, Hide. walls will be chalked to show the shops handling British products, and in the processions the word "hayeott" will be shouted amain and again by men, women and children participants, Acting Leader Arvested The, government took ther Ieatler of the civil 0 ovement foday when It Av andit Motilal Nehru, acting presi . dent of the All-India National Con« gress, at Allahabad, Fyed Malimud, sepretary of the Congress, Was Are rested at the same time, In addition the authoritips Ges olared the session of the National Congress Working Comfittes, whieh had been sitting at. Allaha- had for three days, unlawful, Heals were placed on the doors of the committee vooms, After his arrest the Pandit nom. inated Vallabhal Patel, brother of the former speaker of the regisla- tive asembly, to succeed him anf resident of tre Mi-Indla National QnEToNE, It was announced from Peshawar where mobile columns of | troops have heen operating against hostile tribesmen of the fronties, that in- surgent activity in the villages of that remion had been squelehed, The columns have been hraken up and the detachments of troops have returned to their bases, PE RA AE FOURTEEN NATIONS DISCUSS U.S. TARIFF (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Parle, France, June 80.=Meth- ods of overcoming the ill effeats of the new United States tavitf on Europe today were being consids ered by the delegates pf fourteen countries at a meeting of the European Customs Union Associa: LIPTON'S SHAMROCK WINS ANOTHER RACE Gourook, Sootland, June 80, fir Thomas Lipten's Sham Vv won today's race on. the Clyde beating White Heather by two minutes' thirt four yaehts in t mena on seconds, Of two were the Lub one) ham» of which may exceed $200,000, the two stor, foo from Jacksonville, Kia. LL by agents of Al Capone, the warehouse Capone gangsters seoking to res dover the seized liquor, 1 pelt Ine vestigated, dione when four men, mh onviyng more liquor admit Jokes against dn ht y BOERe The gang leaders hy adm otliers, and the three hour h ORIEYINE out the cases of liquor 10 whitlog trucks was begun Railway Bridge e Boycott Against British Go in Nosthern A Era MM NS SAE -------- EE HOLD INQUEST ON AURORA DEATH Police Investigate Drugging of Chinese Thought Suiche (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Aurora, June J0.~Following a post morten ordered by the provinelal pos lice, soroner has deelded to hold an Inquest Into the death of Lu Sam To, Chinese laundryman, who was found hangini dead in his apart: ments here Saturday evening The autopsy revealed that a large quantity of drugs had been taken before the man's death and the mans ner In whieh the body was foun hanging 1s sald to. refute the theory of death from strangulation, Fellow Chinese of Lusum In Aurora and the Chinese Association of Tov ronto have demanded a thorough wn. vestigation inte the cause of death ---n -- New Outlook Tour Goes to Peace River (Special to The Times) Tarento, June M=Bearing a crowd of twa hundred happy pase songers of all ages, a huge special Canadian National train carried the New Outlook tour under the direet patronage of the official organ of the United Church of Canada from the Union Station at ten e'clogk this morming on the first leg of their Kurney to the Peace River district 'he leader of the tour is Dr, Samuel Falls, general manager of the Unis ted Church Publishing Company, They have a varied and interesting series of experiences hefore them, in cluding visits ta Jasper National Park, the inside passage of the Pacl fie coast, Vancouver and Victoria, FIFTEEN GUNMEN SEIZE WAREHOUSE AND MUCH LIQUDR Capone Interests . Suspected in Daring Holdup in Chicago (By Comadian Press Leased Wine) Olloago, 1a, June 40.=1ifteen gunmen held control of a governs ment warehouse for three hours last night and trucked away whis kleg, Rrandie and alcohol, the value Tneluded 10 the liquor stored in warehouse were 400 A -- Five Injured in (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, June 30.4 police ofMcers a local woman were gvured his Morning In a crash IS ving twa cars and the police ler, The of gers were railing to Investigate un nlleged safe-blowing at a theatre when their ear was struck by a taxi cab which had hurtled off another oar alter colliding with it The the eurh by the taxi and toppled ov er on Mra, Margaret Cralg, a pedess trian, Serions Injuries are fopred In the gine of Detective-Sergt, Nicholls whe may have suffered a Might fracture of the skull and Oliver Borland, po: lee fingerprint. expert was sent to the Xray department to have his Ine Juries determined Washington, D.C, == Hguadron Lander Kingafords¥mith and the men who accompanied him across the Atlante in the Nouthern Cross landed here today for an official welcome hy President Hoover, A Water Still R Bad Fear Attack on Shooting of Brother This Morning Thought Meant for Earl Rowe (By Canadian Prem Leas Wire) Allston, Ont, June dl I'he shooting of Russell. Rowe near Cookatown thin morning may have been the act of someone intending to shoot nie brother, Wi Barl Rowe, member of the last house Comnans for Dufferin-Bimooe, according to Mr, Bar! Rowe who, haworat ulated Bue day that he could not think of anys on likely to attack either his bro. L] maell, i Numer] Rows fu in honpital here with his eight arm shattered from gunshot wounds received from an unknown assailant When he was putting a oar inte hin 'brother's garage this morning, Hig brother in an Interview today sald he did not thing anyone could lave known Russell was at his home as he had heen visiting there for only a day, Wie thug lay walting In the yard, apparently," sald Karl Rowe, ide must have thought the man who had parked my car was me, Russell told me he didn't have an enemy In the world, I myself ean of bonded whiskey shipped to welued by federal agents, 'The possibility that the raid on, last night was Paul Perry, night watopman, Yaa tthe oh large were Can, appeared trance, Perry thought they tederal phohibition agents pringing for 4 fund be x them, Gun barrels he ods tod the Job of "| Belleville Man A | With & tomato erate over the head, possible motive for wantin to get me." FTE TT ------------ Beats off Thug ----T---- " (Ry. Canadian Prosi Leased Wire) Belleville, June 30=When ordered by a young wan to: "stick 'em' wp" and hand over the day's receipts of Saturday, William Adams, grocer on ast Rridge street, knocked the gun vom the youth's hand and hit him The two seuffled in the store, the ne of glass in the front deor was roken and Adams received a deep ath an the arm, the holdup man ess. - Toronto Crash wliee flier was knocked onto . [ will possible to get through with mo [tor-eurs with the assistance of teams ' o| Wiplled by a lumber company not conceive of anyone with any |w Rul Nwallen waters of Dickson Ovee on a ronpage' lash week carried away (he underpinning of the T, and N, 0, Rallway bridge leaving the rails and ties hanging precars lously in the ale and flooding » large portion of the Ferguson ises in North, Log Jam Holding Firmly lt Ste, Marie, Ont, June M0 | Water is a foot higher on the Soo | Sudbury trunk road between lren | Nridge and Blind River today than twas on Saturday, though it Is The rainy of the last couple of days have again ralsed to the high point of a wetk ago the waters of the Mississauga river which has ov- er fRowed ita banks in this section where the road skirts It for some dis tance, 'he log Jam fn the lower river, where logs are piled high for a diss tance of almost a mile shows no algn of bresking, Between Whitefish and Worthing: ton, traffie is still held up by water an the road, In this seetion on Sate urday It was reported that the was ter was fn places six feet deep Dar River, East of the Sault Ste, Marie is perilessly near to overflow, though dt is still within its banks, The lowly lying lands have been soaked for days by the continued rains, and grains and potatoes. will suffor greatly as a result, Jt has rained 18 days in June. A report from Kapanala says that 093. inches of rain fell there in 34 hours at the end of the weel, There ave no floads in this: portion of Algama Distriet though the streams are all high, I re -- TE -- R. W. EATON LEAVES . $402,618 ESTATE (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, June 80.==An estaty valued at $402,618 wan left by R, «Eaton, Dantrimenial tore Executive, according to" applica: tian for probate made have, His family share the nests with a num of institutjons includ the United Chureh fof Canada and t h Vie University, avr TIT p I Ui A /, iS TRACKS LEFT KUN PENDED IN AIR 1 highway, (1) in the above layout shows the Dickson Cpeak A, after the washout, The raging waters at thelr highest washed the large tres to the position where it can bo seen on top of the concrete bridge rafling. In (8) where the unders AA TT ed ining of the rallway bridge has hoon: Washo away the tracks are shown suspended and In (8B) ane other section of the. highway |» shown after the water had subs sided, (4) Is another view of the suspended tracks minus thelr supe ports, A ---------------- Ferguson Says King Betrayed ; Confidences Se Issues Scathing Denuncia- tion of Liberal Premier's Waterway Statements Toronto, June #0 Declaring that Premier MacKensie King in hin speech in Pelerboro on June 18, had omitted an essential - part of the Dominion Government's pros posal to the provinces respecting waterpower rights, Premier G, Ios ward Ferguson han lssued a states mont in reply, It was accompanied by the correspondence aud memors Anda between the federal governs ment and the Governments of Ons tario and Quebec, The claim oredited to My, King, that the Ht, Lawrence davelopment wor being held up by the 1'rovince of Ontario, the statement asserted, "In no entirely without foundation that It could ho made with none other than a politionl motive and In an effort te shift the vesponsis PIILY from hin own shoulders where It unquestionatly reats." "It Ia because of an understands ing that negotiations were confis dential,' Mr, Ferguson's "statement declared, "that I have up to the present refrained from making any Sjotmnt upon this important subs of, Ny his declaration at eters Mo Mr. King has ehosen to vies late that understanding and theres by releases the provinces from thelr undertaking in that regard, "Not only," Mr, Ferguson's states ment continues, "has Mr, King treated thin agreempnt as a sovap of paper, but he hai falled to keep hin written promise to consider the (Continued on Page 8) France Observes American Week France, June J0.-=With Do- minjon Day, July 1, as the beginning of u seven day celebration, "Ameris can Nations Week" Paris today bes gan A program in promotion of better understanding between France and twenty-two American nations, T'o- night presidet Doumergue will give a dinner to the Canadian, minister, Hon, Phillipe Roy, and the other ministers and ambassadors from the western continents. The celebration takes cognizance of national holiday in: Amegriva, July 4; Independence Day 'tn the United States and the fest * day of the "Month of Bolivar," In Latin Amer« Pari s ica The weekly observance Is an ane nul institution, This year's program inelades services for the war dead at the eathedral of Notre Dame and at the tomb of the unokn soldier, One hundred und fifty delegates here from ull nations will be received of ficially at the American Nations house by the French-Amerlen com. \Farmers Should Get Better Returns, Bennett Declares (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Ormatown, June 30,-With three meetings eorowded {nto the day, Non, R, B, Bennett hers late on Saturday concluded the present portion of his Quebec campaign, At La Prairie he spoke In the afters noon and last night he departed for the Maritime provinces to open his itinerary at SAint John, N.B, "This prime minister of ours," Mr, Dennett exclaimed In strongly denouncing the serious effect on Canadian Dairy Products through the New Zealand treaty, "is the prime minister for New Zealand oy for Canada: In he elected by New Zealand or by Canada? If he wants to legialate for the prosperity of New Kealand, lot him go down there and do it, We can spare him hore," \ Opening his remarks, at la Prairie, Mr. Denentt sald he was not unmindful that he spoke In the former constituency of the late Hon, J. A. Robb, Immediately direoting attention to Agriculture, the Conservative South Africa Grows Uneasy Government Concerned Over Imperial Conference This Fall (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Capetown, South Afslea, June 30 =The danger that South Africa may become enbroiled in a contro- versy or become pledged to a course of action unacceptable to the majority of its people, through the imperial conference of concern in government circles, The econamiec situation in Brie tain and «aloo + the conditions throughout the empire are largely responsible for this fear, Members Leader gave strong expr to hs party's poliey for assistance to agrioultural schools, cheaper trans. prtation, distribution and market. ng It was necessary, he cons tinued, that farmers should receive Junt compensation for thelr efforts "and. rewards equal to the profes sion'; to keep Canadian boys and girls on the (farm, Agriculture stood first In Canadian develop= ment, "16 we are to'sucoeed," Mr, Bens nett asserted, "We must supply the same advantages to agrioulture as to other activities, "It must be made at profitable as any other profession In Which men are em ployed 4 he went on, 'We of the onservative party maintain 'that the dominion, having control ot all syatems of taxation, must assist agriculture, understand by sclentitio study the problems under which we work, and got the gest returns, ' NOTES FROM THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN A needs the Con a ain saat in the: Provin ot kt wan," sald Non, | ning upon his vet fro Prairie Province, in MEI 1 say, ¢ lea idence," add. caped but left an empty revolver pression of avercol ed the Miplater of CARA SE In the Bert, if Tam any Jygas in do far ax Tory clatme in Sas katohewan are ooncerned, after golng very thoroughly into the ait uation out there, I am not n m the | pared to concede them a. solitary 1 don't. want, | seat convey an fm. | Wihey had none in the lant Parliament, and will be no better of soptiment in my Province, 1! don't say there won't be a num: ber of hard fights; there will be olose and hard-fought contests in SEVRIC com ite 08, A) tbe proapecia generally point to the return of virtually a solid Liberal phalany. \! . 2 las Coast gp tam 0. 7S of the government partly have ap. pealed to General Mertsog, the prime minister, to make a declaras tion of thix economic policy before palling, The Duteh organ "'Dieburs ger," mays It la becoming cleared every day that the imperial con ference will aotually be an acon. omic conference, The paper points out that in 1036 Premier Hertzog took the public inte his confidence before his departure for London And the conference of that year ""Dieburger' urges the prime mine ister to do the same now, rs -------- a] Daivs Case Fails After Long Trial Montreal. June 20, A action by Lindy Eleanor Davis an : Mor 3 mer BH, Davia Jr to remove Lo Shaughnessy and Alexander N, Reaper, K.C,, from office as exe. outors and trustees of the estate under the will of Sir Mortimer B. Davis, failed in the superior court here today when Mr, Justice B Fabre Surveyor rendered ju ment in the case which has const tuted a record for length in lopal court annals, The parties will be required to TWO YOUTHS ARE KILLED AT NAPANEE Deaths of Six Children on Highway and in Water Add Materially to Total Sudden Deaths MAJOR LEACH IS KILLED STUNTING One of Canada's Most Not ed Pilots Crashes While Attempting Difficult Airs plane Feat (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, June 30-Houvy toll of children's lives marked the week- end fatality list through the pro- vince, Of the 11 persons losing thelr lives In drownings, Motor-ear, aeroplane and other accidents, six were children, while two of the others were youths barely out of their teens The dead are: Major John Leach, M.C., in fiy« ing neeldent at Port Arthur, Willlam Btocktoh, aged an, Ridgotown, in highway aceldent! near Thamesville Margaret Bowhs, aged 0, Bure lington, struck by car on Burling ton Beach, Francis Lizotte, aged 10, of Blind River, drowned while fishing near home Marcel TRohillard, aged 6, Ofte tawa, struck by ear, Daisy Keats Ing, nged 9, Ottawa, struck by car, , Ernest and Donald Conger, of Napanes in motor nceldent near Belby, Wilbur McArthur, aged 24; Fa Ste, Marie, Mich, drowned how sen flon overturned, Duncan Molvhr aged 17, Bronte drowned In Twelve-mile crook, Mijor Leach Killa Port Arthur, June 30,==Majom, John 0, Leuch, M.C., 85, resldont, (Continued on Page 3) KIWANIS HOLDING ANNUAL CONVENTION (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) A Atlantle City, N.J., June 30, egw Fhe fourteonth annual convention of Kiwanis International ROt une derway today with 6,000 delegates from parts of Canada and the United States attending, Many Prominent men from Canada and /nited States w he Unite 8 will address the The discussions will cover soe celal, olvio and' welfare problems. Great Air Display . by RAF, in England (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Hondon, Eng, June 50,-Alg oraft soorohing through the atmos phere at 200 miles an hour, or crawling at the funeral pace op! five miles an hour; monster ships and tiny ships, topping ships and steady ship, all kind of afroraft to the number of 200, were gath ered here Saturday at the great aerial display staged by the Roya All, gh 1 0 "gate" exceeded that of the derby, Xngland"s greatest race, so great was the Interest in this Kreatest exhibition of the modern marvels of the alr, PRESS CONFERENCE 0° CONVENE NEXT IN SOUTH AFRICA Message of Goodwill Sent ta Lord Atholatan at Montreal ------ Lo Canadian Prose, Leased Wire) London, Yog, June J0==The fi session of the Tnparal Press id erice held, today was marked by the sending of a message of remembs rance, respect and goodswill to Lord Atholstan, the Canadian = newspaper owner and former proprietor of the. Empire Press Union, Lord Athal nh a the proprietor of the Mone Star, "On the invitation of the South Af tiean delegates the conference deel ded to hold its 1938 session in South Afriea, I, W. MacKenale, whe tended the invitation, remarked t the Jrevent government and the ops Soul " party gt both eir wholeshearted su t project, Pport of 'the . oa the Maltese cabinet, came suggestion that as many m ¢ the conference ay wy i return at a later date to argue the make it a point to visi \ | | queation of conta, Tle "amine their sours of Rave, ah Btu io hints a 3 i TTR a rh 1 From Sir Augustus Bartolo the 4 ENTS TAKE ELEVEN LIVES ods Starts in India Ontario Washed, Out promised 4

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