a i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1930 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL | Mrs, A. A. Smith, Eldon Ave, 'mas returned to town after. spends | ing the past three weoks with her pon at Muskoka, ' Mr, Allan Good of Detroit, Mich, brother of Mrs, William Brads, has 'been visiting Mr, and Mrs, William Brads of Myrtle, for the last two weeks, Miss Helen Richardson, of Cep- tre Sireet South, Whitby enter tained recently for Miss Margaret Hudson in honor of her approcchs ing marriage, Miss Lillian McKnight, of Osh awa is spending two weeks al Jackson Point, Lake Simcoe. My, and Mrs, Hagerman, Elgin Sirest are spending two weeks at Port Hope, Ontario, Miss Myrtle Farrell has returned to town after visiting tor a week In Toronto, My, and Mrs, George Curry and Mr, and Mrs, Black of Buffalo, N.Y. spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs, P, B, Trosise, Greta Street, Mr, RB, A, Wright, Division ®t, is the guest of friends in Lindsay until Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Cooper, of Longing, Mich, and Mr, and Mrs, George Ratcliffe of Tulsa, Okla, wera week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, T. H, Everson, King Street East, Mra. James Gregory, Bond Street, has returned home after spending A jy pleasant holiday with her son, My Marley Hayes and Mrs, Hayes, of Windwor, Ont, Among the Whithy people who attended the Girl Guide Garden party on Saturday ware: Mrs, G, M. Goodfellow, Mrs, Geo. Rice, Mrs Ross, Miss Marjory Ross, Mr, and Mrs, 00, DD, Astley, Mra, Lawler, Mrs, Mihalko, Mrs, King. Whithy, Rav, Crisall, Mea, Rudey, Miss McLellan, Mra, MeCather, Miss Dryden, Miss Clara Schwarts, of Toronto, formerly, of Oshawa, spent the weak-ond with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, 8 Behwartz, Oak Street, Wrionds of Miss Schwariz will be delighted to hear that she has successfully passed her Junior vocal axamination under the ine stration of Mes, M, M, Stevenson, "of Toronto. amen Oshawa guests at the N.C.0.'s mens. of the Ontario regiment at Camp Niagara Sunday afternoon in. seluded Mrs, Crockett, her daughter, » Mrs, Scott, and her aranddanghter, Mise R, Seott, Ex-quartermasters sargeant J. Anderson, Mr, Alex | Miethell, Jute of the Seaforth High: | dander, Mrs, Burnley, wife of Tt. QM.8. Burnloy of the Ontario rel: ' ment, and Mrs, Murray, wife of ; Sargeant Murray. Among those from Oshawa . notfead at the Girl Guide garden party at "Heathwood on Saturday afternoon were ~-Mrs, R, 8, Mo- Laughlin, Mrs. W. E. Phillips, Mrs, BE. C. Rodging, Mrs, T. R, Caldwell, Mrs, ©. O, Miller, Mra. W. Tait, Mm, Gordon Conant, Mrs, Chas, Sohotield, Miss Jones, Mrs, H P, Schall, Mra, F. Chappell, Mrs, C. E, Mra, M, Jacobi, Mrs (1 i, Qunsrt, Mwy Pe A, Blackburn, Mra, d, Cun vd A Mrs, H. R, Wilber, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Millman, Mrs, Buns, ov. and Mrs, Maxwell, Mr, "¥, R, Daniels, MF. and Mrs, Roy Bennett, Mr, and Mrs. J, A, Moore, Mra, Torrett, Mr, R, Terratt, Mr, J, Torrett, Rev. and Mrs, Irwin, Mrs, J. K, Valleau, Rev, and Mrs, Small, Minges June Smith, Beatrice Fraser, Helen Fraser, Muriel and Mary Fraser, Yvonne Haslewood, Lois Mundy, 'Helen Copeland, Mabel Copeland, + from Vancouver, {My Jack Hargeaft, Chatham; This first Photograph of Capt, Chas: Kingsford-Smith's fiancee, Miss Mary Powell of Melbourne, Australia, Two exchange teachers Be, who are spending two years at Lovonto, Weddings DIN Gee RE EBON On faturday, June 48th at North. minster United Church parsonage the Rev, A. M. Irwin united in mur. riage Ruby Doreen, youngest daughter of Mr, James Ieeson, and Meridith Addison Dring, son of MY, and Mrs, Frank Dring, of Raglan, Phe bridal coupls were attended hy Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Hardy, of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs, Dring will reside in Raglan, GRBENINGaCOWDRY " (Special to The Times.) Cobourg, June 28.In the pre. ganee of His Honor the Lieutenants Governor and other guests from various points in Ontario, Quebes and United States, Miss Ellzaboth Thomas Harrington Cowdry, daugh- ter of Mra, John W. Spragsse and the late I. H, Cowdry, of Bimeoe, was married here this afternoon in St, Peter's Anglican Chureh by Rev Mr Samuel Owen (ireening. son of Mr. and Mrs. HH, B. . Greening, "Reigate, Chedoke Park, Hamil. ton. The ehureh was tastefully decor. ated with ferns in the chancel, and forny, pink and white peonies ani syringia. along the sides Alter the ceremony the bridal couple and guests proceeded to the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John WW, Spragge, Ontario Street, where preparations had been mado for an extensive entertainment, The bride was given nway by hey step-father, Mr, J. W. HRpragge, manager of the Cohourg branch of the Dominion Bank, and ware a lovely Parisian gown fashioned along Princess lines of Alencon Inca with insertions of white geo. gett, The skirt was long and full with two side tucks of georgette on the hom, and the long sleeves rot Inge, falling In o point, reached over the hem, Her tulle vail, which made the Jong train, wax onught in aitight eap effect and hald in place at the back with a wreath of gardenias, She wore the groom's gift, a handsome diamond bracelet wateh, a beautiful hrooch whieh belonged to her gront great grandmother, and carried a hognet of deep rod rones tied with yed rih. hon, Her golng-away costume was a honutiful green Joseph and Milton gown, a green cloth cont with long anllar of wolf and green shoes and a purse matehing the cont, The bride's mother wore a very smart black and white chiffon frock with black hat and diamond pin. The . Maid of Honor was Miss Elizabeth | Greening, of Hamilton, the sister of the groom, The bhridesmalds . were Miss Kathleen Innes, Hamilton, and Miss Con. stance. Moward, Cobourg, The flower girls ware Miss . Mary Hpragge and Miss Alexandra Green. ne. » The best man was Mr, Robert H, innos, Hamilton; and. the ushers, Mr, Rydney Robinson, Toronto and My John Mann and Mr. Gib Eastwood, of Hamilton, ' The wedding musle was playad by Miss Kathleen Warner, Hamilton guests at the wedding The sugar supplies pep «Inshore it's good hk Lit BO whi Wrigley's is pod company on any trip. flavor adds zest and n the day seems long, + rT. dtannage Boyle, DD, DCL, to] and Mrs, 3 Mra, Bt, Clair Balfour, Mr, Miss Sheila Norman Bra Nraden, Ming and Mrs, C, W, Diunean Camp Campholl,- Mins recaption wers My Alexander, Mr. and Balfour, Miss Wilson and Mrs, Charles Bull Bull, Mr. and Mr den, Miss Vleanor Allee Balfour, My Bell, Mr, and Mrs ball, Miss Natty Helen (Conper, Mr. George Craig, Mr, and Mrs. H, H, Champ, Mrs, Eastwood, Mr. Gibson and Colin Kastwood, Mr. and Mrs, George Hope, Miss Jane Hope, Mrs, W, (% Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs, Mark Hol ton, Mra. William Hendrie, My, William Hendrie Mr, and Mrs, Li Innes, Miss Kathleen Innes, Mr Robert Innes, Mr. and Mrs, Pat Innes, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Kelly and family, M¥. and Mra. W, IP LJdndsay, Mr. Jack Land, Mr and Mrs, Frank Maw, Mr, John Maw Mr, and Mra, Loater Merrick, Dr, J KK. MoeGrogor, Miss Ann Mclaren, Miss McDermott, Mr, and Mra, © A, P, Powis, Mr, Harry Patterson, Mrs. Gordon Powis, Miss Figrenee Rogers, Mr, Nad Rogers, Mr, and Mra. W. J, Southam Miss Mary Houtham, Mr. Peter Southam, Mr, {And Myre. Farle Spafford, Miss Mars {on Thomson, Mr, and Mrs, Hugh | Wardvope, Mr, Cocll Woods, Dr, R. |", Weaver, Mr. and Mrs AY | Young and Miss Katinka Young Mr. and Mrs, J, 'W, Kvan Begg. Torontn guests were Mrs. Augustus Holte, Beatty, Mr, and My, Mr, C, A, Dogert, Mr. and Mrs, H J. Bethune, Mr. Maurles Chilton, Mr, and Mrs, Erie Duncan, My, and Mrs, W. 8, Greening, Mr and Mrs, Stephen Haas, Mr, J, M, Jellat, Mr, and Mrs, D. 1, Keith, Dr, and Mrs, Harris McP'hodran, The Misses Me- Phedran, My, and Mrs, 0, W, Sprag go, Mr. and Mra, Godfrey, Mr, Jock Spragge, Mp, and Mra, J, C.K. Stuart, My and Mrs, J. 0 Taylor and Mr, W, E, Walker, Cohourg guests wera Mr, and Mis, W. I. Allen, Miss Loulse Ale lon, Mr, Jack Allen, Mv, and Mrs, George Avromur, Mr, Stanley Ars mour, the Misses Burnham, Mr, and Mrs, Emerson Barnes, Rey, Dr, T, 8. Royle and Mrs, Boyle, Miss Clay. pool, Miss Lovett, Miss Caddy, Mv, and Mra, John Dick, Mry, I. B, do. Lom, Mr, and Mra, 'W, WH, Dundas, the Misses Ells and Wilson, Mr, and Mrs, Henry Mullerton, Mr, and Mr. Frank Meld, Dr. apd Mrs, B, W, Hayden, Mr, and Mr, H, C, Hig. gonbotham, Mra, Howard and the Misses Toward, Miss Irvine, Mr, James Irvine, Mr. and Mra, Al IL. Jox, Miss Helen Jox, Mr, and Mra, A. P.W, Hayward, Dr. and Mra, 8 King, Droand Mra, I, Lloyd, Mr. and'Mpes. T. Mohan, Mrs, Arthur Murray, Miss Elizabeth Murray, Mex: Nivin and My, Fielden Nivin, Mr, Lionel Vivian and Mr, and Mra, ACD. Bpragee, Bummer vesidonts of Cobourg and other guests were Mes, I N, Rlack, Pittuburghi Mr, nnd Mrs, Carrol Witshugh, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Grifin, Washington; Mr. Jack Hare graft, Chatham; Mrs, Haultain, Port Hope: Miss Ann Hoss and Mr, Willlam Hess and the Rev, Dr, and Mes. I, Geaham Orchard, Port Hope: Dry and Mra, A, M, Little, Montreal; "Mins Bthel MacNachtan, New York City; Mr, 8 Soanes, Waterlon: Mr. Murray Snyde, Waterloo; Mra, Annesley, Pert Hope: Mra, Stanley, Toronto, and Mr. and Mra, Kohl, Montreal, ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Maw, 10 Zaharik; Regina, afnounoe the sigagement of thelr oldest daughter Ann, to Pete Bi GIRL GUIDE RALLY SPLENDID SUCCESS Mrs. Eric Phillips, the Osh-| awa Commissioner, Gives Garden Fete to Aid Camp Srilfant sunshine, a splendid erowd and a good program added together 'made a great succoss of the Girl Guide rally on Saturday afternoon on the grounds of Col, E, W. Philips, Park Road north, Oshawa people turned out well to greet fhe first attempt made by the combined districts of Whithy and Oshawa to show a liflle of what Guiding consists of, and at the same time raise some funds for the summer amp, The pretty light frocks of the guests and the Juxuriance of the gardens, added to the color and beauty of the scene, Mrs, RR. 8 Mclaughlin, the honorary pgesident of the local Girl Guide executive was with the com- missioner, Mrs, Eric Phillips, The program was gion on the tennis courts, while the guests were quick to take advantage of the shade of the orchard trees, The opening covemony of flag breaking and tho national anthem saw the beginning of a well planned program that was run off in quick succession and without a slackening of Interest, The team games, directed by Mry, Malcolm Hicks, brought forth ap. plause, when teams from Whithy and Oshawa companies played fay. orite Guide games that enlled for skill, balance and speed. A mes. $aE6 In Morse code wan signalled by a quartette of signallers under Ming Lilian McDowall, The 1st Oshawa company demonstrated figure marching and physical exorcinos with their eaptain, Mrs, J, Wilson, Dancers from 2nd Oshawa, in CON tumes, did a couple of old English country dances, The Rrownles were much in evidence and sang "Old Roger in Dead", assisted the Gluides when needed and closed the program with their formal Howl. The most spectacular event was the International Pageant in whieh nearly 100 girls took part, The whole world, In parts, Was repre ponted. Girls in vivid colors of Po- land, Hungary, Switzerland and Ire land were there with the more sombre costumes of Palestine and Chinn, again brightened by the blonde braids and hright hues of Germany and Sweden, Fifteen countries in all were shown, and the national flags of those fifteon nations made a pleturesque back- ground for the pageant as it march. ed Into place, The Brownies, who hore the large cards with the names of the nations, turned the cards at a signal and the words 'World Friendship" wera easily spelled lout, telling their own story of a new ara of peace and goodwill he- ing promoted hy the Girl Guide movament, During the afternoon the Guides of 2nd Oshawa presented the com- missioner with a white spruce tree, which was drawn on to the grounds by two small Guides, Ruth Moore and Ide Clifton, One of them thanked Mrs. Phillips for her gar- don and Invited her to visit thelr summer eamp and tha other one asked her to nceept the trees and plant it in her new garden to re. mind her of the Guides, All of the company then joined in singing The Tree Song, which was one brought to the Guide International camp by the Jugo-slavian Guides, and translated into English by an American Girl Scout, Tt was us. ually sung at trees planting cere monies, After the program, ten WAS ser. vod by the mothers of the Guides. Over 200 guests were present and the eamp funds will be augmented hy nearly $100. as a, result of the raly, Many friends assisted _ in various ways to make the event a success, And fo these the sincere thankx of the Girl Guides Is ox. tended, -------------- | PRESENTATION AT CENTRE ST. SCHOOL y The prosentation of prizes for the ensays on Safety' took place in Contre St, Bchool on the afternoon of the closing exercises, [Eileen Divoha!l came first in class A win. ning $10.00 and Hilda Riley came eleventh in cass RB winning R prize of $2.00 In presenting the prizes, Principal Jaocklin congratulated the girls who arn both from his room on thaiy splendid achievement, He pointed out that they had not only brought great honour to themaelves and their school but te thelr city ag well, Mr. Jacklin stressed the fact that the compatition wag province wide and competed in by over 5000 contestants, He also stated that Hilda Riley in class 8 had to com- pete against. pupils from the Col Jeglates, High and Continuation nohobls, The contest is conducted by "The Ontario Motor League." 80 BRIEF A THING fo brief a thing is beauty, hold it close, a An closely as your heart would hold a wing That soon is flown again, unravel ng Its splendor down the lyric way It ROON, Drink Adnyetn deeply; drink their rags of rose That linkers in the twilight's cup, a ng Of beauty is a glory that will sing Its way into your soul, your blood that flows Will quicken Inte musie in your veins, Look long upon all beauty that you noe, The lavender of lilacs and a tree Armored In sudden silver of the PRINS Hold boauty clone and never let it ' RO , "TI eyes are: blind and lips are pale as snow, - ==Daniel 'Whitehead Rickey, in wakowski, eldest son' of MY, and Y D, 0 LJ 1 - wl f CEDARDALE KIDDIES ~ ENJOY PICNIC| Saturday was. a day to be re. membered for long, by the children of Cedardale, Over 450 children of the south end of the city gathered aL the home of Mrs, Frank Robe son early in the afternoon for the annual plenie, that is given by the members of the Home and School counell and for which Mrk, Robson always lends her home and the spacious lawns, There was every. thing to make it a perfect day for the kiddies, First and foremost of all, weather was suitable, 8 warm bright sun shone down from a cloudless sky, then thers were ice cream cones, and candies, for everyone, and a splendid program of races, Prizes were given to the winners, Later in the afternoon wag the long anticipated plenic sup. per, when every boy and girl could help themselves to all the good things he wanted, It was a wonderful day and every boy and girl enjoyed himself, to the fullest oxtont, COURT APOLOGIZES TO TWO TORONTO MEN Toronto, June 30, William Ky- an and Stanley O'Hara, Toronto men, wera the recipients of apolo~ gion from the magistrate and the crown attorney in county police epurt, A charge of shooting a Ballantrae boy on which the men had bean arrested wag withdrawn when the youngster confessed that he had fabricated the accusation, R-100 TO SAIL FOR CANADA LATE IN JULY (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, ¥ingland,, June 30, ~The alr minister, Lord Thompson, told the imperial press conferance I'ri- day that the airship R-100 would loaves for Montreal on its maiden traneAtiantie: journey during the last fow days in Judy, Lord. Thompson added that he himself would be making a jour. ney in the other new British dirig. ible R101, to India In September, A man wag confrontel in a dark alley by a desperate fellow, "Hand over your money, or I'll blow your brains out," was the de. mand, "Blow away," was the calm reply, "You can live in London without brains, but you must have money." What New York is Wearing BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON Lesson Furnished with Every Pats tern A printed linen bolers frock favors satlor hlue and white tones. It's Just the thing for summer sports, The hodice in white handker- chief linen, It appears again in the cape collar and onffs that are banded in plain blue linen of the heavier weight, A belt of blue linen marks the natural waistline, It has box-piaits across the front of the skirt, that Paris is featuring in her most exclusive models It offers a smart definite change when worn without tha bolero fae. ens_Interests in the Home --- and the Community Store Open Tonight Until 10.00 p.m. STORE CLOSED TUESDAY, JULY 1 Store Open All Day Wednesday Customers will kindly note the above changes in store hours for the first three days of the week, due to the holiday coming on Tuesday. Sw have mailed to every home in Oshawa to-day the Sale Circular rN July 3 Big Days Sal Which Will Be Held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday The July Sale is one of the biggest Bargain Events of the year, and we have made many very big purchases specially for this occasion, worth your while watching the windows, for many of the best values that were bought last do not appear on the Sale Circular. It will be well ; HL tn Ri UA THE JUNE COUPLE She is fair to see and sweet, Dainty from her head to (eel Modest, as her blushing shows, Happy, as her smiles disclose, And the young man at her side, Nervously attempts to hide Underneath a visage grim That the fuss is bothering him; Pause a moment, happy pair! This is not the station where Romance ends, and wooing stops And the charm from courtship drops; This is but the outward gate Where the souls of mortals mate, But the border of the land You must travel hand in hand You: who come to marriage; bring All your tenderness and cling Steadfastly to all the ways That have marked your days, wooing You are only starting out On Hfe's roadways, hedged about Thick with roses and with tures, Sweet delights and bitter cares Heretofore you've only played At love's game, young man maid; own you'll muat while, Something time cannot defils, Nomething neither care nor pain Can destroy or mar or stain and Only Now Yon it. ats best; have to face its tes! prove your love worlh You are now about to show Whether love is real or no; Yonder down the lane of life You will find, as man and wife, Sorrows, disappointments, doubt, Hope will almost flicker out But it rightly you are wed Love will linger where you tread, i a There are joys that you will share, loys to balance every eare; Arm ip arm remat and you Wil pot fear the storms that brew If when you are sorest tried You face your trials, side by side, Now your woolng days are done, And your loving years begun. EDGAR GUEST. | J Orange Syllabub ¥ One cup of milk, one egg yolk one-half cup beverage syrup, one cup erushed ice, one eup orange juice, one-half cup crediyp whipped, Bent, the egg yolk until light; add beverage syrup orange juice and crushed lee Shake until well Fold in the whipped cream, shake again, then werve, frothy and cold in thin colored glasses. A" spoon of pistachio ice cream adds to itr Salistousntes and attractive color. ng. kot; illustrated in miniature front view, Style No, sires 14, 10 2587 In dealgned 18 and 20 years, tung, printed and cotton tweed are chic, Pattern price 20 vents, to fill in size of patern, Pattern Department, The Bummer IPashion . Magazine is ready! It contains most Interesting styles for adults for town or vacation wear, Also darling sivien (or the kiddios, It may be obtained for 10 cents it ordered same timo as pattern, plque Ila sure Address No 2887, BIB" Lov vine ae dL AAEM AAR mer tly SE aha Name SARE Fa AEA AREA Mra Streat Addresy SN RE in| Printed or plain tub silk, phan-| | { of ton, Ontart 10 express to sands of Co old nization, These develo even greater degree of qualit; phat | S next woek's washing==free ol Aowser: Ti w Drenchor on Shoniut Nu yy Sy itn, emmy my my sm myn etterserve Y WOrLen Canada ThE builders of Coffield Electric Washers size this opportunity, on the occasion of of their mew factory at Hamil. the man pow i Wher threughomt 4 Canada, oir very sincere api on of * good: will extended to them during the years lead. ing " to this wonderful development in the Coffield Orga thou have been made to even hetter serve the women of Canada, facilities will enable the makers The new build an inWPthe guar Coffield Electric Washers, Free Husreied Mapetuse wil be Jom you on oor Goll branch for & demonstration on Tour your | Vala THE COFFIELD WASHER COMPANY OF " CANADA LIMITED Footory end' Heed Ofict HAMILTON, ONTARIO 0 Montreal, Winnipeg, i Vancouver, eg. SD, RUTTEN i 0H (TI a, GLY ge ay ou