Ahhh A Ll i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1930 PAGE FIVE | Womens Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs, H. C. Leckie, Mr, nd Mrs, G, W, Pinner, and Mr. and Mrs, Ross McKinnon spent the week end in Muskoka, Mrs, W. E. Davis, Simcoe street north, entertained ut luncheon for her two nieces, Misses Muriel and Helena Warne, of New York City, it the Granite Club on Monday. Mrs, ©. D. Phillips, John street, has returned home after spending the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs Leslie Wilson, Point Anne, Miss Rose Moore is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Sydney Williamson, wollege Heights, Oshawa, Desmond Williumson, of Toronto, uw spending the summer months with Wis parents, Mr>and Mrs, Sydney Williamson, Oshawa. Miss Louise Stephenson, 103 Celina street, left Saturday for Seaforth at which point she will join Mr, and Mrs George Hill and Miss Ria Hill ma motor trip to British Colum. nim, They expect to be away about two months ' Dr, and Mrs. Grant Berry and son Ray left yesterday to spend a month at thelr summer home at Bruce Beach. Dr, Berry will return to Osh. awa on July 15 Mrs, Grace Yellowley and Miss Josephine Bellew spent Sunday in Buffalo, the guests of Mr, and Mrs William Casey of Colvin Park Way His Honor, Lieut.-Governor Ross ent the week end in Cobourg with rv, and Mrs, Stephen Haag, of To sto, and will later be the guest of r. RS, McLaughlin at his fish. g lodge at Cap. 'Chat Metis, Que C. Mrs. N. Widley, Clarke street, has turned from "visiting friends in /indsor BE Miss Perl Fletcher will address he W.M.S, at King street church to marrow afternoon Mr. Earl Bucknam who has been visiting in town with his parents, Mr and Mrs, Buckham Brock street east, for the past Wx weeks, is returning te Toronto today, Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Marks and family ag spending the summer at their summer home, Christie Lake, uents of Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Hoar or the week end were Mrs, FE, ¥ Meek, Regina: Mrs, Donald MeNis ven, Regina: Mrs, Goodman and Miss Goodman, Toronto and Mr, and Mrs A. Mitchell, of Bowmanville Miss Lillian Phillips nd Miss Mars jory McElroy, Oshawa, were guests at the héme of the parents of the Intter, Mr. and Mrs, McElroy, of Port Hape, on Tuesday . Mr, and Mrs, J. 1. Beaton, Park] road north, spent Dominion Day in Port Hope, Miss FE. Rowe, Lloyd street, was a visitor in Port Hope yesterday Miss -Mariory Blewett, Oshawa, Lypent the holiday with friends in To- ronte, Mrs, H.W. Nicol, Bue nor, is spending two friends in Wallaceburg, A party of Oshawa p oaly's "alls yestorday, r. and Mrs, Hales family, Mr. and Perryman and family A. H. Deans, Mr, an son, Mr. and Mrs, ngham Ma. reeks with Ontario ple visited They were arker and William rand Mrs, your tuce and hands feel atter a few caressing touches of this delighetullv tras grant lotion) An excellent tix tor the bate. 35 #t all druguists, Send 15¢ tor crial Mr, and Mrs, Snudden and Mr. and Mrs, Glover, ' The guests of Mrs, W.J, Mc. Lerty, Simcoe Street North. are Mrs, Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Guelph; Mrs. Fred Rittinger and daughter. of Cleveland, Ohio, WOMAN CANDIDATE Ottawa, Ont, June 26,~stating that she is not affiliated with any party and that her object is "to get more women in the House bf Com- mons and to make a specioity of looking after the interests of wo: men and children'. Miss Mildred Low, In an interview, announced that she would be a eandidate In Lanark County in the approaching Dominion election, "1 am running as a eiralght In. dependent," Miss Low declared, "Canadian wonien are far behind thelr sisters in Great Britain, which Is one reason for the lack of pro gross In Canada in the past quarter of a century, We must be ready to meet the changing conditions and necopt responsibilities, "1 consider my chance of eloc tion In Lanark excellent, The very confusion that exists in the riding is an advantage, [| hope to draw all conflicting elements (0 work unanimously together, and isn't that a woman's proper work in the world?" pepo pppoe edd dp dodo dp dp dope 1 A Women's Corner PPPS | RAGGED SAILORS ragged wallors; walks, white-wanhed seashalls; White-washed jawbone of « whale, trollising a vine, Belfries of pink mallows; gay nasturtiums And a cool wind blowing In, vigor ous with brine, 4 L o 4 Blue of tubs of Blue ragged sallors, daneing in the non-wind Neven sons, wsea-borne ne'er a son at home, Three in some seu-graveyard, and threes who have forgotten sons, but lived to roam Blue ragged sailors! Tears Inst forever Pence In sleeping solid angry winds may stir; Give an old sea-wife a cottage and A garden And she'll be content till God's ship culls for her, By John Hanlon, From The Chatelaine thought THE HOME Webster defines. Home as the "dwelling=place of a mun and his family." "This might more ade quatey define a house, A home fis more, It ia one's residence wo ar rangod as to satisfy his dewire for happiness and comfort, to harmon. Iz6 with his fdeals and character, It Is the beloved retreat to which one rotires from the sirexr of the world; the place whither he goes for rest and to restock his «von 'e wants; where he revels in the sym. pathy and understanding and com panionship of his kin; where he can do more or less as he ploases and give froe rein to his hobbies; where he can keep his prized possessions and carry out his ides of relaxu- tion, It is the hospitable hall to which he welcomes his friends; the plage where he renews his courage und strength to meet the world, and to which he returns with Jey. It In the dearest spot on earth to him who is fortunate enough to possess a real home, CANADA'S LEADERSHIP (Sherbrooke Tribune) When Mr, Bonnett accuses the Government of lacking direction he In not paying his audience much of a compliment. In the matter of Imperial preference, . , as In other matters, Canada must indicate the direction. and.it- is fitting that on the eve of the Imperial Keonomic Conference she should show - her sinter nations what she is ready to do; and the attitude of the others vill enable us to decide about the future. Canada Is holding out a band to the Metropolis und the Dominions and is pointing the way to the prosperity of Empire and Dominions, OVER THE WEEK.KND (From the Expositor, Seaforth) How many more motop accidents will ecour over the coming weok md, and how many more liv [1] o lost in them und who will be he vietima? That Is something every motorist lould put In the foraf*ont of his mind when he starts out on his next veek and Rsrunage and something 1e should keep there all the (ima he Ln travelling i Of course it is always the other 'ellgw who ments with an accident, wt Jt may not ba that way some day, It avery motorist would just camember that ne might be the nex {vietim or the instrument through | which some one else met death, we helieve week end motoring would ne on the decrease instead of on thy Incroase as it Is today. ' CANADIAN WAS CONVENTION SPEAKER Halifax, N.#&., July 2.Profes. sor C, H. Merder of Dalhousie Unt. versity, attending the first World Conference for Educational! Radio at Ohio State University from June 2% to July 8, was the only Cana- dian speaker appearing on the pro. ram, PA An advooate of the use of radio 8 an educational medium and the ponsor of several educational fea- nres broadoust from the local radio tation, Prof, Mercer gave two ad: 'regsos during the conference, The 'ntus of education by radio in the 'hited States, Canada and Mexico," \ i the viewpoiuta ' the United States and Mexico be. « glven by representatives of eye countries, On July 8, Prof, iorger will talk on "Forelgn Lan: : jguage instruction by radio." RECIPES CARROT, CABBAGE SALAD One package lemon-flavored gel: atin, 1 pint boiling water, 2 table spoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup raw carrots, grated or Hnely chopped, 1 cup raw cabbage, finely shredded, Dissolve flavored gelatin in boll Ing water, Add vinegar and salt, When slightly thickened, fold in carrots and cabbage. Turn into individual moulds. Chill until Arm Unmould in erisp lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise, BSorve six to eight, NHUBAREB JAM Remove strings and cut off ends but do not completely peel the fruit, Cut In one-nch pleces, measure and cover with an equal amount of sugar, Let this stand sovernl hours, then cook for about thirty minutes, after it has reached the bolling point, Then allow It to simmer gently for a half hour longer, For savory five pounds of fruit, add the juice and grated rind of one lemon und a half cupful of blanched and sliced almonds, MK HAM AND EGGH "ry eggs lightly, place them on rounds of boiled ham in a baking dish and heat in the oven, VIENNENE NT1Y DATE BRAN MUFFINS One cup flour, 3 teaspoons bak ing powder, 1 teaspoon sult, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 cups bran, 1 ogg, 14 cups milk, 4 cup dates. Bift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar, Mix with bran with which benten og@ has been stirred, And milk and heat thoroughly, then add dates cut {nto small _pleces Bake in moderate oven 256 minutes FINE. ESTATE One, a weakly little lad, who nover | | can't | PRESENTED T0 HATFIELD HALL Property of Late Senator | Pringle Goes to Cobourg \ School (8pecinl to The Oshawa Dally Times Cobourg, June 10, -~Hatflely Hall, an Anglican ~ Girls' Behool which opened its doors for the first time In the autumn of 1920, has heen given the magnificent Pringle Estate, adjacent to the present pro- perty, which In conservatively valu ed at $60,070 and consists of the mansion and three acres of benutl- fully landscaped groundw, The gift was made hy Mra, Clive Pringle In honor of her husband, the late Senator Clive Pringle, who died in 1020, 'The houwe, formerly known as "New Hall," will be turned over to Noard of 'Trustees of Hatfleld Hall at once Rev, T. Stannage Boyle, D, D, D, . L,, president of the hoard and rector of St. Peter's Chureh announces, without any other conditions than that the bullding be dedicated as 'The Clive Pringle Memorial House" and If the School should ever surrender ite charter, the property reverts to St, Peter's Church, already one of the most largely endowed parish» on in Ontario. The gift came ats entire surprise to the Board of Trustqes who this very week, were planning to dis cuss possible financing of A modest $15,000 addition to the present school, Mra. Pringle's gift more than solved their problems and, in the opinfon of members, advances the school's development by a num bor of years, The present school has heen able to care for only about 456 pupils The now House maken It possible to provide ample accommodation for 75 pupils, Byvon with Inerensed accommoda- tion, it Ix very probable that ths whoo! will not beable to enroll all for whom application may be made The principals of the school are well known in Oshawa where form- orly, they were on the staff of Nishop Bethune College, In the summer of 1030, Miss W, M, Wil. son MA, and Miss W. M. Klis, 8.80, decided to establish a school Rev, Dr, Boyle and others in Co bourg were immediately Interestog | and the fine old promises formerly owned by Col, Douglas Cornell an unele of Mrs Pringle's but which aubequently passed out of the fam- fly's hands was purchased, Just over a fortnight ago the school's first closing exercises wero held with the Lord Bishop of On: tario, Right Rev, Dr. Seager, King ston, as the principal speaker, Mrs. Pringle's gift crowns the ministry of Rav, Dr, Moyle, chair. man of the Board of Trustees, to whose faith the establishment ot the ashaol in Cohourg was so largely ue, Just a few months ago Dr, Boyle resigned as pastor of St, Peter's Church, feariug that he was unable to give the parish the service it needed, Cobourg in goneral joined the Church's officers and members in urging that he reconsider, He did #0, and the windom of that decision seems to have heen dramatically Justitied, MU CONCERNED Mr, Green--Well, well, It says here that the hones of a prehistoric animal were found on Joe Bpent's farm Mra, Green---Heavenr' 1. hope Joe will he able to elear himself at the coroner's inquest, Jimmie--And that kid at school sald his father could wipe up the street with you, Fathor-- You didn't lat him get away with that idea, did you? Jimmie You bet | didn't, | ask: ad him to bring hig father around here tomorrow and prove it SOLINA NEWS Soling, June 17.«Mrs, R, J. Me. Kessock and Miss Ruth and Mrs, H, E Tink visited with Mrs, Hilton Tink, Salem, Division meet, Thursday evening, was well attended, New officers were elected for the next quarter are W. P, Emest Twist; W. A, Evelyn Tink; RS, Murgaret Scott; ARS. Percy Dewell; F.S, Ralph Wilbur; Treas, B. T. Stevens; Chaplain, Alan McKessuck; Con, Maurice Baker: Asst, Coun, Ruth MecKessock; 1S, Mue, Westlake; 0.5, Leonard Bar- ton; Org, lleen Balson; PW.P, L. Pascoe; D.GW.P, John Baker, Next meeting July 3rd in church base ment, Mr, and Mrs, 8. II, Werry visited with Mr, Clarence Werry, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs, C.D. Pascoe and Gordon visited with Mr. Frank Cross man, 1" :dron, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Bradley, Mr and Mrs, 'George Nairns, Mr, and Mrs. W, FV, Bragg, Mr. John Epplert, Mr, and Mrs, S.J. Dunseith, St Mary's and Miss B. Bellman, Bow: manville, visited at Mr, John Baker's Mr, und Mrs, C. E. Horn, Ernest und Acy, Hampton, visited with Mry N. Yellowlees Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams, Miss es Dorothy und Marion, Miss Betty Cook, Port Perry and Mr, Alpert Williams, Toronto, were Wednesday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs, C, Howsam, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Roy Langmaid, Hampton, on the ar. rival of 4 young son Mr, and Mrs, R Langmaid and family were the guests of Mrs, 'I Langmad, Hampton on' Sunday Mr, William Lammiman, sr, Osh awa, with friends at Solina Congratulations to our foothull boys onwi nning from Orono. The weore was 30 for the Solina boys, We express our sympathy to Mrs John Baker in the loss of her moth er, Mrs. W. J Bragg, through death | which occurred on Tuesday night at her home in Bowmanville Mr, und Mrs. Frank Westlake and family visited at Mra, Duncan Cam- eron's, Oshawa Mr, and Mrs. C. McBride and Bertram, Peterboro, visited with My and Mrs White Miss Margaret McKessack visited | with Miss May Wales, Oshawa Geo MYRTLE BRIEFS Myrtle, June 28.<Mr, Brown, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs, D, Lewry School has closed for the summer holidays und the teacher, Miss Vance is spending her vacation with her parents, at Bancroft, Both the pupils and the section are pleased to know she has been re-engaged for another year here The sale of furniture and howsehold effects of the late Mrs M. Batewan which was held here, on Wednesday afternoon, went oft well, 'under Auctioneer Maw's ham mets Percy Phewell has leased the house to Mr. Wood, of Toronto, who other list than this for you, A JULY EVENS Did you get your Sale Circular this morning? Did you read it carefully? Hot Bargains as any 3 Day Sale Circular has contained this Year, this July Event A STORE WIDE FEAST OF BARGAINS, The Windows tell the story. carly tomorrow and get first choice while selections are best and size ranges are complete. SIMCOE ST. SOUTH But this is not all! 'A JULY EVENT' That Thousands Will Come For Miles To Attend 3 BIG DAY'S SALE Thursday, Friday & Saturday It contained as good a list of Real Red We have a much broader Is July, a natural time for general stock reductions by every live store, and we have made See them today, Come ([ESTISTTILD » A Phone 982 | has taken possession. He and Muy, | Wood are being welcomed to the | community I'he boys had an exciting time on | Tuesday night welcoming a bride and proom back after their honeymoon After all their musical talents had | heen tried an old tin pans, bells and yo forth the groom treated them to refreshments which quictened them down and the neighborhood was a gain able to go to sleep, | Mrs, Darlington, of Brooklin, was | a recent guest of Mrs, J. Hughson Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Harrison | motored to Orillia for the week end Mrs, Hill, Mr, Harrison's aunt who has been visiting here returned with them Mr. R, Wiles in visiting his daugh er, Mrs, Heayns, of Prince Albert Mt. and Mrs, Joe Claughton and family visited with Mr, Stewart Gra- ham, on Sunday. Mr. Claughton has hought a farm, near Harmony and is moving there shortly Miss Evelyn Gilroy is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar. thur Gilroy, Mr. Will J. Cook is showing his team at Newmarket Fair, next week We hope he may he successful in winning the fifty dollar prize that is awarded there, Meet your friends at the Garden Party here on Thursday, July 3rd Mr. Wood, of Toronto, is having an office built in the elevator here and' expects to make this his head office. Mrs. Reg, Doubt, of Peterbore, is visiting ut her home here, Some of the farmers have com menced haying operations and have the first cut of alfalfa in the enil It is a very fair crop Mrs, John Bright, of Hamilton, is yisiting her stn here, On Wednesday night' the married men of the comunity rlaved the single men of the community a fast game of softball, eneh side put up a splentid game but the score was in favour f the senior men 'vs hard. i oprintable Mowever, the married ladies are now practicing to play the single ladies ond if the store ie het. ter and move ecwilly divided it may be reported lat: Tyrone, June 27.=Mr. Frank Hath erley, of Dixie, spent Sunday with his parents, Miss Hazel Hodgson spent a week with her aunt, Mrs, David Hooper, at Orono, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Robinson and Bernice, of Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr, 1. Byam's, Miss Florence Doan, of Oshawa, Rev, and Mra Andrew McLaughlin, Bob, Bill and Betty, of Grafton, were. guests: of Miss Margaret Moore, Mr. and Mrs, Talbert Findlay and Ola, of Thornhill, visited at Mr Otto Virtue's, The members of the Win One Class arranged a miscellafieous show: or in honor of the two brides-to-be Mrs Wovd Dudlet onened her hiv me for the event on Saturday after noon, June 21st, and served tea, A reversible jacket of polka dotted linen, flow on one side, orange on the other, can be worn with any number of sports frocks. The frock sketched with it is natural shantung and of seversly tailored lines. A paletot of transparent velvet in bright orange goes over a ted which chiffon carries on the color note. A TIME, A day. 1 can remember when a day Was long enough for this, and here and there: . But now A breath of dawn, a star, and 'tis away, [ wonder as I search my memory through for record of the hours, where cau they be? No time ago Bach one had separate meaning and © a price, By some small thing I knew Each day from all the others, | could say: That was the morning Simon out the hay And left it drying in the sun, while 1 'Lay prone upon {t watching clouds drift by; Or: Rain was falling like a mothers tears And when your loter came it stop ped, and all The air grew sunny and perfumed, A small Thing to remember; but the hours that run Each Into each before the day Is done, And 4s vot answer when I call the roll, But make of lite an undivided whole--- x These take from life a very heavy toll! ~=By Jesls L. Béaltle in "Blown Leaves," OTHER EDITORS COMMENT PARTY LEADERS (Brantford Expositor) Canadian party leaders have to be built like battleships in order tn withstand the strain of the heavy speechmaking programe which cus. tom dictates at election time, However, Bennett at 69 and King at 65, are still youngsters compar od with Sir Custis Tupper who in the 1806 contest, When in his 74Lh year, toured the Dominion and hed to do much buggyriding uver rough roads in the remote districts, So little wan he affocted by the ordeal that he ended the campul- gn in perfectly fit condition and led the Opposition in the House for four years, later closing his career at tho age of 04, It is true that Gladstone was 83 when he won his last election fight but Old Country leaders huve never had to gover any such territory as that fuvolved in Canada, NOT A HERCULES Plano Movers' Boss: "You're tir od. I won't have a man in my gang that can't lift a plano." One of the Huskies: "Hold on a minute, boss, 'Taint his fault, They's a Sunday paper on it." ngenuity Of Designers Of Accessories. There Is Always Something New To Pique Our Curiosity And Add Zest To Our Costume. Novelties Designed To Catch The Fancy Are Con. stantly Presented. Only A Few Become Classics One can never "let down" 'when ) And it comes to the little things of her costume, and if she wishes to econ omize rigidly, when it comes 10 dress, she keeps tc becoming colors in her frocks and makes them ap- pear different with "a judicious choice of inexpensive costume jew elry and such details as wil har monize with more than one en- semble, It is amazing what one con find in the small shops that are everywhere, that is, if one is will ing to spend the time, Better, isn't it, to spend time than money? novelty that yet become a vogue, 1t he adopted only when it can be afforded as a novelty, and that is, in the usual budget, only when it is really inexpensive, There are so many things that we cannot do without, and eheap footwear is out of the question, due allowances must be nade for that An Item of Major Importance That would be the handbag, One mentions it specially in any write« up of summer fashions * f- considering the has not should THE SPIDER-WEB OF Ts that fine, delicate cotton I feminine mode, We wear the overall of the farmer, sallor, the garb of & pirate) KABY TO INDENTIFY The flustered woman approach. ed the magnificent shopwalker, hoy arms full of parcels, "I'm looking for my husband." she informed him. 'He was to have met me here two hours ago. 1 wonder if you've seen him?" The shopwalker did his bost to look obliging. "Possibly 1 have madam," he sald, 'Is there anvihing at all dis. tinctlve about him?" mesh that for se very many | rage for sports frocks, years we associated with men's| frock a underwear, a cool stuff that de- | shops. lights us, making us wonder why material, and rarely has a it was so long disregarded for the proven more effective, combined, as It passed from the | it often is with handkerchief Nan: underwear stage to a shirt for the | anotner warm weather fabrie, polo player, and then It was only | trims, or it makes the entire A step to the same type of shirt for ment, #nd it possesses a sturdin the smart sports woman, Why not? | that is another point in its faver. | FASHION Now this material is quite t the golf specialty in the sm Never was there so cool Typien! models are on display the wide-bottomed trousers of the every smart sports shop--let us --- ----- bout Geml A frightened expression came over the woman's face, "Yen, she sald, "I should ima. gine ro, He ought to be purple by this time," A TIME FOR HASTE "John, the paper says the Jens kinses are back from their vaows tion in Yellowstcae Park. "Well, we'd better hurry right / over and see them before they have s their films developed." Vv A fine, distinctive flavour, guaranteed the best you ever tasted in a corn flake Quaker Corn Flakes | MADE BY THE MILLERS OF QUAKER OATS Freshness and crispness protected by the triple seal and wax wrapper