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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1930, p. 8

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Y 44 3 i | GENERAL PAGE EIGHT , - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 « r Tu an ih a ll ' EXTILES, P. AND S. AND WHITBY TUXIS SOFTBA LL TEAMS WIN GAMES Parts and Service and Textiles Win Games in ih Softball P. and S. Win From the "Newsies" and Textiles Defeat Columbias--Win- ning Teams Take Victories Without Much Trouble, But Games Are Well Played and Errors Fairly Scarco--Winning Hurlers Prove Too Much for Op- posing Batemen he two lending teams in Osh- Awa's fntermedinte softhull lengue had Hitle diiculty In winning thelr Yougue gnmes Inst night in an intor- mediate softball doubleheader played ut the Stadium, In the first game the Textiles simost kalsomin. od 'Columbians when they won the game by 9 to 1 and In the second fray, the Parts and Service leam polished off the "Newsies hy a score of 14 to 2 A# the scores of the two games indieate, the victors of each game were apparent soon after the gunmen wore well under way, Wvery team had a few errors hut neither game waa spoiled by too many misplays, Textiles Win In the first game, the Textiles did not present thelr usual lnewp but thelr stellar moundsman, Art Rod gots was on duty and although he very seldom extended himself, he wah never in danger, He contended himself with giving his teammates plenty of needed practice, He strfick out six men and in thelr ef orth to put away the other 16 players the Textiles nocrued a total of only three errors, Morris, Gower and Maley each drawing one, Pare inh; the backstop, and Gower, the initia! sncker, hore the brunt of the work, retiring 17 men out of 21 between them, The Columbians divided thelr work a little more evenly although Dainty had eight putouts, The heavy hitters of the game were: Haley, with a perfect night, 4 ont of 4, Gower with two out of four and for the losers, Le veque with two out of three, Brady, Pafrd, Carver, Rodgers, Parish, Turner, Button, and Arnold each had one safety, The teams: Toxtilon-- Brady, o.l., Gower, 1h, Paled, 4b, Carver, Lf, Rodgers, ,, Monris, dh, Parish, o. Haley, ns, Turner, rif. and Sutton; 2b, | ee ee DON'T MISS THIS! SENIOR 0.A.L.A. LACROSSE MOTOR CITY STADIUM - Saturday, July Sth, 3 pm. Shar ' TORONTO ST. SIMON'S MOTORS 1,000 wriOICE SEATS ADMISSION=---50¢ * Boake Nommnons: "Over the Back Fence Doubleheader Columiyng = Loveque, Lf, I, Valr, cf, 'Luke, 4b, #helenkoff, 8.8, Arnold, ¢,, Keenun, p., Dainty, ih, Rows, v.t., and W, alr, 2h, feore by Inning! 1234008 "Newslon' Lowe Columbian 100000 4 Toxtilon 200318- 9 7 Tot, The second game Wis more or loss no repartition of the first fray, with the league leading Party and Morvico tonm taking things ousy with the only tenm which haw boon able to defent them this wen won, The Times heavy hitting by the first four men on the P, and W, Hnoup was enough to offset slim offensive of the newspaper lads, Little Gummow very | the | Howdon and | Webster at the top end of the I | and WH, batting order, shared of thelr team's 12 hitw, Webster performed almost fault lonsly on the mound, allowing four hits and two runs In seven Innings His bout inning was the sixth, when he hore down heavily, and struck out the side; one, two and three Outside of thi Inning he took things casunlly and gave hin team mates a chance to do some work The Timon got thelr two runs, one in the first and another in the se ond Inning, Both runs by players who renche through hits, The teams Parts and Bervieo Little, Gummow, 2h, Rowden, ¢., ster, p., 1. Elllott, 1h, A, Gray, Lf, Hughes, 2h, Atkinson wx, Trotter, rf Times Kitchen, ¢ Burr, 2h» I, Campbell, rf Hrown, ih, Thompson, ef, Hood, #8, McArthur 1b, Huxtable, Lf. Wilson, p., 'Ma gill, » Boores hy Inns, 1 2 0 4 5 8 P, and 8 3201453 Times 1100000 ) Umplrex (hoth games), Dell and arrow Ruth to Be Kept Idle by Injury to Finger the 7 Tot 12 New York, July 8 "Habe Ruth attempted to snare the second home run drive off the bat of Carl Reynolds In the game between the Yankees and Chicago yesterday, he crashed Into the wire netting of the rightfield bleachers and tore the nall from the second finger of his loft hand, The "Habe will probably be lost to thd Yankees for several days, and his ability to AwWing a bat may be hampered for an even longer time, SHARKEY-SCHMELING | BOUT CALLED OFF | , yore scored | hanes | ef, | Woh. | | | When | | | BON Won over "CHUCK" DAVIDSON Although "Chuek" did not participate in the last game with Brampton Excelsiors, he is leading the league for "assists," aecording to the offi. cial records, "Chuck" may possibly he playing on Saturday afternoon, but it Is not yet definitely known, The locals have lost their last three games 'and they are deter. mined to make amgnds in the game with the Saints, It is hoped that "Chuck" will be able to take thy field, All-American Tennis Finals At Wimbledon Wimbledon, ng, July 3--An pll-American Anish In the men's and women's singles of the British ten nin champlonships wan provided nore yesterday, Big Bil TUden and Wilmer Allison, the young Texan, will meet In the men's finals, Mrs, Helen Wills Moody and Miss Klis uheth Ryan, Californians, are to play the deciding women's mateh, Tilden's finale herth was won by nm fine victory over Jean Dorotra, France's "Dounding Basque.' Beor on wore 0.0, 6-4, 4:8, 6:0, 7-5, AI John Doeg of Banta Monica, «0, R-0, 0.8, Th Mi ne Calif [EH] from Mme France, 08, 6.3, Moody won Mathieu of Ming Ryan won hy default against New York, July 3<"The proposed return bout betw Jack Sharkey und Max Schmeling In September at the Yankee Stadium was declared off yesterddy when Madison Garden falled to provide a release from Arthur Buelow, the Gorman's | deposed manager, satisfuctory to Joi Jucobs, Schmeling's cholee, Schineling offered to give Sharkey a return bout in September a few duys after he won from the Boston heavyweight on a foul, provided he be given an absolute release from the managerial contract which Bue low holds with Schmeling and which expires Oct, 13 of this year, Sharkey was no eager for another chhnee at the German heavyweight that I® pro mised to secure the release and pay for it himself, The Boston Gob sign ed vesterday, agreeing to fulfil promise nmunager o WEIGHTY PROBLEM Chorus Girle=8o you roally think a massage machine will reduce my waist, Where oan I get one? Producer 1 Just saw a steam roller go down the street, Ans wors, | on | 1 | 1s ne | Fraulein Cllly Aussem of Germany Kyory one of the semi-final matghes was orowded with thrills Most of the thrills involved per Square | wonnlition SENATORS CLOSING IN Washington, July 3I'he Washing Senators moved closer to the top the Awerican League yesterday winning both nds of a double bender with St Louis, while Phila lelphin. split He twin bill with De trod, he scores at Washington were J to 4 und to 3 Affer the Browns had into lead in the twelith inning of the ame, 4 to 3, Manush tripled and on a sacrifice and Jude ingled und stole second to score on West's double Alvin Crowder win for the hy Hone thie 1st cored chalked up his 4th Senators in the second letting the Browns down witly four Wits while he -and his mates eol lected nine off Coffman and Kinsey [ say, old man, why de oun wear such long whiskers, Wiggine -Why-ar you nee, wife buys all my neckties, Higgins my mara y venth at ten miles, wi bf om to his crown of on he pod home with inate loa bout a mile' : hitey Michaolson of Now, York and 24 other road runs ners in the annual Cadillae AC, thon at Detroit on 'June 88, Why tonth (at: two miles, second at on. miles amt two miles he was out in front, During the wee he was knocked down by a motorcycle policeman but though dared and braised, serambled up and went on to overs haul the faltering Michaelson, During his journey Wyer had to race to boat a freight train across » crossing, This is Wyer's thivd victory In this same marathon and he Is now the owner of the big Ghattenge cup. Wyer 'is marathon champion of Canada PORT SNAPSHOT By Ono, Oaursmu, Spork Bdiler Textiles and P, and 8, Teams Win The 'L'extiles and the Parts and Service Intermediate softball teams won thelr league games at the Stadium last night rather easily, The Columbias and The Times were the victims, Both games were well played but even though there was & very small number of errors, the games were both rather listless, due to the fact that the winners had such a distinet edge. A very disappointing crowd was on hand, ' "oH Intermediate Lacrosse Game Tonight ; There should be a good crowd of lacrosse fans go to the Sta dium tonight to see the game hetween the Oshawa Shararocks and the Millbrook intermediates, The Shamrocks are at present leading their graup, having won one game from cach of the other entries, but thelr lead Is only & small one, and the Millbrook team is determined to cut it down, The game Is called for 0,15 pm, and the admission is only "tworbits," L LJ] LJ] * Junior Game Tomorrow Night The Duco Boys' and the Oshawa Bakery play a scheduled junior league game at Cowan's Park tomorrow night, These two teams nl witys put up u good game, and there should be a good crowd on hand LJ] LJ] LJ] LJ] Chevs. vs, Chosen Friends The Chosen Friends and the Chevs, hook up tomorrow the Motor City Stadium in a sched uled league game I'he Friends have heen displaying good form in thelr Inst couple of games and they should give the Cheys. a real good tus le LJ . LJ LJ night at Chosen St, Simons Here Saturday : The St, Simon's senior lacrosse team, which is tied with th awa Genera! Motors Sra, will be here on Saturday afternoon to play the locals for the fourth time this season, These two teams are tied for second place and a real battle is assured, The Saints gave the Kxcelsiors plenty to worry about on Tuesday, and the Tocals will have to be right on their toes if they want to keep ont of the cellar position 3,00 o'clock sharp, and will be played at the e Oph The game Is called for Motor City Stadium RE ' ' Oshawa Nats, Play Mimico Oshawa Nationals travel to Toronto on Saturday to play Mimico Nats, now lead their league and Mimico Rovers are well up in the standing. and are a home, 'The Nata team will selected from the following players i=Smith, Campbell, Brodie Lean, Coll, Lyons, Muir, Rosser, Sturch, MeGregor, Fairley, Gow, Da vidson, Curs will leave Mike's Place at 1245 pn. prompt, and the above players are asked to he on time, as the game is called for 3.30 LJ NM LJ LJ Ont. Regiment Wins Sports Cup The Ontario Regiment made a very creditable showing at Militury Distriet No, 2 Camp, and were successful in regaining Sports Cup, which they held a few years ago, I'he Rovers in a Major League fixture, will go all out to win this game. strong team at he Me th the locals won the softball game, the deciding event, by a smart display, and captured the? trophy by five points . * * . Whitby Tuxis Win The Whithy Tuxis juvenile softball team defeated St " last night in Whitby in a scheduled game, Whitely, hurling for the ve men in the first three innings, but he faded team hit him hard the arge lead to take the decision by 15 10 12 Saints, struck out nir budly the Whith) game and overcome a | towards the end of und mm 5 1 TE ------ -- FAULKNER OF NEWARK AMERICAN LEAGUE EQUALS RECORD New York, July J=Carl Reynolds brought the Chicago White Sox back into the limelight yesterday after they had lost the first game of a doubleheader to the Yankees, § to |, and led them to a 15 to 4 triumph in the second, He alo equalled two records by his own batting feats, Reynolds started the second game by hitting two homers off Charley Kufling, then added a third off Holle: wiy in his third consecutive inning, but und the third consecutive inning George Kelly of the Giants performs ed this feat in 1923, Several others have hit three successive homers and Bobby Lowe of the old Boston Na- tonals once hit four in a row. Rey. noldy also tied the American League record of eight runs batted in Roy Sherid was in fine form in the opener and held the Sox to three hits, while Babe Ruth cupped their two big inning by hitting his thirtys first home run of the season, putting him 22 games and 22 days ahead of his 1927 record. Ruth tore the nail off: a finger trying to get Reynolds's se. cond homer, and had to leave the game, July J3=The both ends of Newark, Bears took the three-game series The in the nightcap, the fourth inning of the game, was credited with his victory in successive playing days Jersey City, July 3 three-game series with the scores of 9 to Birds encountered little difficulty capturing the first, whaling awa the offerings of three Jersey fingers for a total of 12 hits continued their hard hitting leet ten more safe swats, ------------------------------ eT ---- AN EVEN DIVISION Philadelphia, July Js=The Phila delphin Athletics and Detroit Tigers WINS GAME EVERY DAY Newark a double header from the Readings Keys here yesterday to make a clean sweep of scores were 13:5, in the first game and § "Lefty" Faulkner, who relieved Ma nager Al Mamaux on the mound in second third ORIOLES MAKE CLEAN SWEEP "I'he Baltimore Orioles made a clean sweep of thei Jersey City Skeeters here yesterday hy tak ing both ends of a donbleheader hy and 6 to 2 Ihe City Grant was shelled from the mound in the second battle, when the Birds ta col "TOOTS" WHITE Smart inside home for the Oshawa General Motors Seniors. "Toots, nocording to statistics, is leading the Senior O.A L.A, group in goal scoring, It is hoped that he will be able to incremse his average on Saturday afternoon," when the locals meet the strong Torento team, St. Simons, in a scheduled game at the Motor City Stadium, at 3.00 pm, Second place in the group standing is at stake on this game, Bobby Jones Accorded Big | Reception York, July 8 City, together with all Atlantans who could get here for the festivities, welcomed Bobby Jones heme yesterday, A greeting [ at once oMelal and joyously riot ous, in which the formal phrases of the city's commities of welcome were punctuated by rebel yells and the strains of Dixie," marked the return of the world's greatest goifs« of New York his fellow Now Bringing with him both the Brit. Ish open and amateur trophies, Bobby bashfully acknowledged the congratulations and Numinated aroll proffered hy Mayor Jimmy Walker, and fell into the arms of wildly enthuslastie fellow townsfolk who pounded him on the back and shouted thelr delight at his latest trivmphs The champion neapolis tomorrow national apen tithe next week for Min defend his Interlachen leaves to al ANOTHER FOR SEIROLD Pittsburg, July J=Hurry. Seibold kept the Pittsburg's hits scattered, and Boston won yesterday's fray gf {to 4 A three-run rally off Kerwin Rrame in the fifth gave the Braves their win. Brame allowed only tw® hits after the fifth and did not issue a hase on balls during the game, Pitt shurg had 12 stranded on the acks men GIANTS NEMESIS TO CURS Chicago, July L="The New' York Giants ended their tour of the West { vesterday taking an exciting gam@ trom the Cubs, 9 1p 8 The victory gave them the series, two games to one I'he orror Chants hunched three hits, an and Lynn Nelson's wild pitch to score three runs in the ninth ins ning, hreaking a 6:6 tie, then barely stool off a Cub rally that brought two counters divided a doubleheader here yester- day afternoon, Detroit winning the first game 4 to J, to break the cham. pions' winning streak of five in a row, The Mackmen came back in the wecond game to win out behind George MHarnshaw by 7 to 2 Earl Whitehill though religved in the ninth inning, had all the Mack: men stopped in the first game except Al Simmons, whose three hits figured in all three of the ger tallies, Three runs the Tigers scored off Ma haffey in the third ining gave them a lead 'the Athletics never "overcame, In the second fray the. Athletics clubbed Waite Hoyt for 10 hits and 5 runs in six innings. Simmons kept up his hard hitting by whaling his seventeenth home run of the season RED SOX, § INDIANS, ¢ Boston, July 3-Rig Ed, Morris, in the role of relief pitcher," hammered out a two-base Ait in the last of the ninth, to send Miller over the plate with the run which enabled the Red Sox to defeat Cleveland § to 4 yes: terday, Brown held Boston to one ron in. tl the eighth, while his mates piled up a-threesrun advantage, but a rally inthe eighth featured by Todt's home run' with a man on base, tied the count, \Whitby Tuxis Juveniles Finish Strong to Defeat St. Gregory's Team 15-12 SUMMER COURSES START AT TORONTO (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wing) Toronto, July B.-=Litc stirred again in the realm of the University of Toronto yesterday with the open ing of the summer session, V'rom long distances came many of the students enlisting in the summer course, which admits only teachers living more than 40 miles distant from the university, The registration said W, J, Dunlop, was approxt- mately 260 entries in the arty course, 00 in the pedagogy, and 15 the specialist course, "Kid" Chocolate Beats Petrone. By Tech. K.O New York, July 3--"Kid™ Clioco late slugging Cuban featherweight, defeated Dominick Petrone of New York by a technical knockout in the sixth round of their scheduled ten round hout at Ebbet's Field last night Chocolate weighed 126 pounds while. Petrone scaled one pound less Chocolate went out in front from the start of the first round, knock Ing the Harlem boxer about the ring with a two-fisted attack, In the fourth round Petrone began tative from the terrific heating he was taking, and in the fifth became a perfect target for the Kid's right smashe A series of rights and lefts to the head near the close of the round sent Petrone reeling to the ropes, and als most had him out, but the bell rang hefore Chocolate coyld put across the finishing blow Petrone was still groggy when he came out to start the sixth round Chocolate backed his opponent up a gainst the ropes and then began to apply the punishment, with the re sult that Referee Eddie Forbes step ped in and stopped the hout Shasta Pebble Wins Feature last evening, Windsor, July 3A claiming hand leap was the feature of racing at Kenilworth Wednesday, It attracted a small but evenlysmatched balanced field of six to try conclusions over the mile and seventy yards distance and resulted in a victory for Shasta Pebble in & drive over the faverite, Backbone, with the pacemaker, Si Raoul, easily holding third from Falr Orb, Tanist, another that received quite a volume of support, landed fifth, while Chattering, the only re. maining starter, was last W, Li Brodie's Dark Abbot was re turned a cantering winner of the Windsor Ferry Purse, that brought together a field of six to race one mile and seventy yards, Hattle Ax carried the silks of C, kK Davison in ta the place position, a head in ad vance of the Walbri Farm's Strong heart, Chatty, a first time starter from the Seagram Stable, took down the first purse of the meeting for that establishment when he was along in the concluding strides of the five fur longs to head the locally-owned Don ny Johnny, Trice was third Boston, July 3=Tames J. Braddock Jersey City heavyweight, carried ey ory round of "hin ten-round battle with. Toe Monte of Brockton here last night at Fenway Park, Braddock weighed 180 pounds, five less than his opponent Clevelind, July 3=Sergeant Sam» my Raker, New York welterweight, was taken to a hospital last night after suffering a technical knockout in the twelfth and last round of a hoxing match at the hands of "Baby Joe Gans.of California, Raker was in had condition when the referee halts ed the mateh, Oliver had a perfect day at bat for the Red Sox with four ht CE ------------------ ) Chicago, July 3=Tufly Griffith, won the decision over Johnny Risko . George Simpaon, whe ran second the international print event IRE RB aaah nw 10cround hexing contest at the Chinaman Stadinm lant nish, was in * Ohio Sane flash, to Eddie Tolan in at | Simpaon, who was beaten Vancouver when the Olympic cham- | foot, came from behind to snatch ser nian Samished shisd Thia sand alace by inches Ww i 100 metre race won by the Michigan negro in record time, 10 1.8 seconds. by three ad : cat RENE, 8 , -- Oshawa Team Starts Out Very Strong, but Whitby Squad Tightens Up and Stages Big Spree in Sixth to Take Lead--Whitely Starts Out Strong, But Weakens Badly -- Win. ners Get Five Homers The Tuxis Boys defeated the strong St Gregory's team in a juvenile game played in Whithy last night by a score of 15 to 12, in a. game that raised the crowd to heights of enthu« sls tarting off strong, St, Greg- ory's amassed a substantial lead in the first three innings, only to fail down badly in the remainder of the game, In the first three 'innings St, Gregory pushed over 11 runs, while the best Tuxis could do in these in nings was 4 runs, Whitely proved very effective in the first few ine nings, strikin nine men in the first three innings, However, in the fourth, Scott hit homer for the Tuxis with three on base and {rom that point on, Whitely was hit more freely, Scott proved himself the bad man of the game, getting two hom ers, His team mates inspired by his work with the stick poled out three more homers to run their total te five for the game. Whithy launched Ww heavy hitting attack in the sixth, With ene away Brown opened the with a homer, to he follow a hatting spree in which ev member of the team went to When the smoke had cleared awiy six runs had crossed the plate and put the game on lee for the Tu xis, St, Gregory's got two homers of their own, but after the third were held well in hand and only scored one run thereafter, Whitely for St, Gregory the more ef fective hurler running up & total of 10 strike and forcing Whithy to pop to the infield on many acer sons The Nneups Whithy Tuxis ~Newman 2h, Cook ib, Brown 1h, Scott rf, Heard, ss, Mayne p, Clemens Lf, Wilson ef, Baker ¢ St rf, Nortmovle ss, lin 1h, MeAdam Jb nedy Vf, Gorman ef Umpires==Joynt and Goodall ROBINS REGAIN FIRST PLACE St, Louis, Jul I'he Nrooklyn Robing retirned to first place in the Natignal League by a small fraction of a percentage point yesterday by defeating the Cardinals, 6 to § in the second and final game of the series Ray Phelps pitched the entire dis tance for the Rabing, and scored his third victory of the year over the Cards, allowing them nine hits. Jim Bottomley led the home team, hitting two home runs and driving in three counters. Gilbert hit a home run for Brooklyn Burleigh Grimes started. on the mound for St, Louis, hut was put eut of the game after the second inning for protesting Umpire Rigler's dees glons on balls and strikes oul seorin ed by er hat f WAS outs Cayley 2b, Conlin Whitely p, Kin Dwyer ¢, Kens Ciregory's Maid (retiring from shopping very sadly): "The grocer gave me the wrong change" Mistress "Go and get it put right this minute The rogue, You must pay more attention," Made: 'Yes, he gave me 3s too meh," Mistress work, The careful, a mr Hoe CART W UMBLR (© THO on with your must he more Yat grocer

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