Ed he Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" VOL. 7--NO. 2 Jubtithed 31 Oehaws, Ont. rf i gy natn liners " OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES News in Brief By Casadion Prive) YixsModerator Retires ° Charlottetown, P.E.1, -- Owing to protracted ill-health Rev, W, Druce Mulr, who last year was moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada for the Maris timo provinces, hus resigned as pastor of St, Jamcs Presbyterian church here. LJ * Varmer Killed Erindale.~W, Wellwood, 66, Trafalgar township farmer, was instantly killed yesterday when he foll from n load of hay to the floor of his barn, SO0-SUDBURY ROAD STILL IMPASSABLE Sault Bte, Marie, Ont,, July 8.-- The Boo-Sudbury trunk road is im. passable 30 miles this side of Sub- bury, according to word received here this morning by the board of 'trade from BE, J, Hosking, distrigt engineer at Sudbury, It is also in bad condition be- tween Iron Bridge and Blind River where the Mississauga river as a result of a bad log jam is still over its banks. The condition of the road has considerably cut down tourist traf- flo through the district, GIVEN THREE YEARS FOR COBOURG CRIME (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cobourg, July 8,--Arrested in Hamilton on warrants of false pre- tences held by chief of police Ruse of Cobourg, Norman Bulbeck, Tor- onto, was convicted at Hamilton yesterday and sentenced to King- ston, Following the issuing of worthless cheque and the obtaining of an automobile under false pre- tences at Cobourg, Bulbeck's de- soription was circulated from Co- bourg, the car was located at King- ston and the man subsequently ar rested at Kingston, PRESS GANG WINS PRINCESS OF WALES STAKES, NEWMARKET (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Newmarket, England, July 8, Lord Woolavington's Press Gang, by Hurry On out of Fifinella, to- day won the Princess of Wales etaxes by the comfortable margin of two tongths, Lord Derby's Bosworth was ond and Lord Harewood's Alcester third, another four lengths back, The race was over a mile and a halt and was worth about $10,000, Five ran. Plan High Tariff Against U.S. Autos (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) MLisbon, Portugal, July 3.----Re- ports are current here that the Portuguese cabinet will increase the duties on American automo- biles 50 per cent, in reprisal at increased import duties under the new United States tariff measures, Cn ---- ---------- PREMIER FERGUSON DENIES BOTH CHARGES Toronto, July 3.--'That's about the size of Peter's polities," obsery- ed Premier Ferguson today in reply to Hon, Peter Heenan's statement that. northern development funds are being used for Tory Bolitient purposes. 'Premier Ferguson dented the charge emanating trom Washington that the provincial governments are responsible for the high price of newsprint, "The Ontario government has nothing to do with i," sald Pre mior Ferguson, AGED MAN HELD FOR STONING WOMAN ON ST. THOMAS STREET (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 8t, Thomas, July 8,--Following A statement alleged to have been made by Mra, Jennie Robbins, 28, two days after she was released om hoapits Jeapital be here, are, Provincial po~ alne, 73. Mrs, a ph found uncon. scious outside her home on the night of June 16, having been bad- ly stoned, She refused to make any statement when taken to hospital, David Robbins, husband of injured woman, has instituted suit for allenation of his wife's affec- tions against Kaine, WEATHER Pressure is high over the Amnesia Victim Resembling| Ambrose J. Small Dies in Toronto Hospital, Creat- ing Temporary Furore in City WAS THIRD "FIND" OF MISSING MAGNATE Disappearance of Millionaire Theatre Owner Eleven Years Ago Still as Mys- terious as Ever (By Canadian | Pro " "Lensed Wire) Toronto, July 3,~The official police statement contradicting the rumor that the unknown aninesia victim who died in a local hospital was Ambrose J. Small ends another of the numerous false alarms that have a- roused the police and citizenry of Toronto, since December 2, 1919, when Small, after completing a mil- lion dollar merger walked out of the theatre he owned here, bought a pa- per from a newshoy on the street and vanished from the sight of men, The standing reward of $50,000 for information of Small's whereabouts dead or Alive, the thousands addition ul offered by the family to chase all available clues and the interest af- forded to cranks in the novel my- stery have all helped to produce mo- mentary furores over the "discovery" of Small, Three "Smalls" Found Detectives and circulars have coy- ered the civilized globe since Small's disappearance and have only result. ed in appearance of a number of men bearing some resemblance to him, The man who was picked up on the streets of Toronto recently, broken and wandering in mind, was the third to be "identified" by some momentarily reliable witness. Some yearmago another man confused with Small turned out to be John Dough- ty of Des Moines, lowa, while the other was nameless like the one who lies dead in the local morgue. The name of John Doughty, pri. vate secretary to Small has entered the case in many curious ways and the statement by a bedside watcher that the patient in the hospital here kept mumbling "John Doughty" led to the theory of his identification with Small, Police Late on Trail At the time of his disappearance the family of the millionaire thought he had gone off alone on a trip as he had done before and the police were late in starting on the trail, One year after his disappearance a 'local garbage dump was dug up in an effort to verify the theory that he i had been murdered and buried The irony of his disappearance on that December evening lay in the fact that Small had just completed a million dollar sale of his theatre in- terests in Canada in a deal that mar. ked the climax of a .hrewd career in the theatrical management, The boy who came from an Ontario farm to be usherer in a Toronto theatre had battled his way to riches against the sharpest minds in the show game Many are the stories, not all of them complimentary, that are told of Small's encounters with rivals from New York City and elsewhere, Thousands Are Killed in China of Men and Money in Civil War (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nanking, China, July 3,~~A pies ture of Nationalist China being drained of its blood and money by the civil war against the North. arn Alliance is disclosed by a sur. vey of various officlal quarters, Fighting along the Halehow- Tunghkwan railway the Wst ten days is estimated to have cost the Nationalists 80,000 oasunities, ins cluding 10,000 killed, Financial eireles estin ate tho cost of thiy battle to the Nationalists at $1, 000,000 Mexican (about $850,000) a day, not Inefuding oxpendituros for munitions, Honpitals of Nanking and Pukow bear evidence China's wars no longer are fought with umbrellay ond silmlar harmloss instruments os generally belioved concerning BODY OF AN UNKNOWN MAN FOUND IN TORONTO, IS NOT THAT OF MISSING MAGNATE CONSUMPTION IS ONTHE RUN, SAYS NOTED AUTHORITY Good Prospects of Wiping Out T. B. Within One Generation (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) London, Eng, July 3.-"Con- sumption is on the run', declared Sir Robert Philip, noted authority on the disease, at the opening to- day of the annual conference of the National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, Bir Robert is vice-chairman of tho council of the national association, head of tho Tuberculosis Boclety of Scotland and 'member of a dozen other wsocloties working to control "tho white plague", The fight against tuborcnlosis has been so successful that there are good prospects for the wiping out of the disease within one gen- eration, This was the view ox- prossed by several spoakers at to- day's session of the convention, Sir Robert Philip reported the death rate from consumption had heen reduced from 230 per hun dred thousand of the population of the British Isles, which it was in 1870, to 80 por hundred. thous and In 1922, Infected milk, wnid Sir Robert, was still responsibie tor much tuberculosis but the as sociation was doing its utmost to Ambrose Small's Disappearance Still a Mystery AMNESIA VICTIM Reported identification of an elderly amnesia victim who dled Jonterdny in Ht, fing Hospital, the long-missing Toronte (hea- trical magnate, Ambrose J, Small, was sin Theking in positivencss tos day, Coroner Dr, J. H, McUCon. well who Is In charge of the (ne quest, Is well satisfied that the dead man is not Small, The miss. solve the problem of bovine tuber. culosls, Ing millionaire's barber, Arthur Weatherup, has found a likeness in Grant Unemployment Relief When Provinces Ask For It Fears League Just Onlooker Losing Vigor in Realm of International Politics, Labor Man Says (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Geneva, July J.--Fear that the Lea- gue of Nations may be losing vigour and drifting into the state of being a mere onlooker in world affairs, is expressed by Albert Thomas, director of the International Labor Office, in his annual report on the activities of his organization to the international labor conference, "There is certainly a tendency," reads the report, "for important international agreements to be reached in London, Paris, or elsewhere==naval conferences, pro. jects for a European federation, or even pacts for mutual security, The League is respectfully mentioned but the agreements are worked out with. out its technical assistance and bes yond its control" Then the director of the labor of (Continued on page 9) SEPARATISTS ARE ATTACKED BY MOB Stern Warning Is lssued Against Violence in Gere man City (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mayence, Germany, July 8 «= Arousod by a recurrance of mob at- tacks on the shops and homes of former Separatists, the Hessian minister of the Interior today issued a proclamation appoaling for pub lio order and warning citizens that such mob violonce was gure ta react unfavorably in foreign countries, The proclamation also announced that the police had been Instructed to take vigorous measures to pro- vent any more disorders, Halt a dowen shops and several "amen were raided during the night and early today hefors the police Rast conflicts; got the upper hand. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Moose Jaw, Sask, July 3.The Government of Canada stands ready to assist in meeting emergent. unems- ployment conditions in a quick, prac tical way. It is prepared to sit down with any Province which reports that unemployment has got to a point of emergency, and discuss with that Province meagures for Federal aid, But, up to thé present time, no Pro vince has reported such conditions, These statements were made by Premier Mackenzie King in the course of his second Western Cana- dian speech here last night. A great crowd listened to the Prime Minister with careful atten- tion, In addition to the thousands who directly heard his voice as he spoke in the large Arena, the radio carried his speech throughout Province and neighboring parts the Dominion, Mr. King expressed sympathy with the unemployed, Practical Relief "It's poor comfort to tell jobless, suffering men that unemployment should be treated in a large way if met by wise public policies," he n- greed, "and I want to tell you that emergent conditions will be met in a quick, practical way." The Inrge arena in which the Prime Minister spoke was the mecea for thousands, The annual stampede has been in progress for some days, and this drew to Moose Jaw many people from outside points, Mr, King spoke (Continued on page 9) ol HAS AMBROSE SMALL BEEN FOUND? the' NOT IDENTIVIKD the dead man's features to the face of Small, but a friend of the thea tee ownor, after viewing the body In (50 morgtio dtelared there was Yonly one chapee iv a million' that the man was Small, The ABOVE plettire of Small shows him at his desk, prior (o his disappearance in 1919 and insect Is a photograph of the dead man taken at the time he was pleked up on the street suffers ing from loss of memory, All Films From Abroad Taxed By Australia Even Those Orlgiusting in Empire Suffer--Many New Taxes Man Leaps Onto Prince's Car, Loyal Workers (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Canberra, Australia, July 3, The fine-teothad comb of Rovern- ment taxation is leaving few fin. ancial hairs unturned, May and important are the changes in company and individual taxos which are contained in the Income Tax Assossments Bill to- day introduced to the House of Representatives by tha Hon, W, G, Theodore, treasurer of the cols monwoalth, Most of tho changes are designed to increase the scope of tho incomes which may be as sosnod., A tax is placed upon the oarn- ings of film businesses controlled from abroad---controlled by "any foreign company" reads the bil and a "foreign company" is de- fined as one incorporated outside Australia. To provent evasion of the tax, flim concerns controlled hy residents outside Australia or those in which the majority of the shares are held on behalf of a DIARY MAY SHOW FATE OF COLLIER Ship Disappeared in 1918 Leaving No Trace of Crew of 293 washington, D.C.r July 8-Dis- jointed extracts from the diary o a man who was supposed to have claimed partial credit for the dis- appearance of the United States | naval collier Cyclops in West In- dian waters during the great War were being studied to day by the | navy, | The ship was last seen bound | for Baltimore in March, 1018, None of the 293 men aboard has been | heard from since, The navy has | traced numerous clues and found | nothing, These extracts might bo true | coples of portions of the diary in| tha hands of the former marine, | the navy officers sald, and yet be the seribblings of an unbalanced | mind ARE STILL SEEKING | INDIAN FOR MURDER | NEAR PORT ARTHUR | WRIGHT AND GUEST IN SEMI-FINALS & ALL CANADIAN FINAL IS STRONG POSSIBILITY IN HENLEY ROWING CLASSIC NOTED PILOT HAY NARROW ESCAPE IN PLANE CRASH Plane of Al. "Cheeseman, Veteran of Antactic Ex- pedition, Burns (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, July 4.~A1 Choese- man, noted Antarctic pliot, escaped death by a narrow margin when his burning plane crashed in a lake near Millidge, In north-west On tario, according to word reaching here today, Iteports Indleatod that Cheeseman, while flying from sioux Lookout, Ont,, to The Pax in Northern Manitoba was forced to land when hig machine took fire wuddenl) He was uninjured Noted as a north-country flier ('heeseman hroke into new promin I'ence last year when he was select. | (By Canadian so Leased Wire) Port Arthur, July 2,--Provineinl police have not yet heen able to lo [ onte Simon Collins, young Indian, wanted in connection with the find- ing of the body of Martin Johnson, raftsman on the railway near Hur. kett Village yesterday, dead from a bullet through the heart, Officers followed the supposed flight of Cll lins across Black Bay in a boat but could not locate him, Tlsay are now preparing for a long hunt through oth wilds of the district, well. knosu to the Indian and affording much opportunity for hiding. The hunt may be,daggerous, as Collins is said to be armed, Bombay, India, Four # school boy demonstrators were Injured weri- ously and ten others received slight woulds in a series of encounters with the police today. * Sir Hubert Wil- exploration flight. for Northern Minerals Exploration Com pany Millidge, where the crash ocenrred, is 40 miles west of Sloux Lookout on the Canadian National An prot Antntets now a pllot d ne king He | Aoral DAPPER CAPONE GANGSTER JAILED | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, 1s, July 3,~Jack Me- Gurn, dapper hoodlum and reputed Capone gunman, was sentenced to county jail for one year and fined $300 for carrying concealed wen- pons by Judge E, 1, Frankhousor today in criminal court, This is the maximum sentence on the charge, He 18 one of the most widely known gangsters in the city. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sunderland, Eng, July 3, When the Prince of Wales arrived dliere today to fill several engage- ments, an unidentified man jump- ed on the running board of the Royhl car as it proceeded through the streets crowded with shipyard workers, A score of men In the crowd leaped forward and pullel the of« fender off before he could make his Intention clear, He was hand. ed over to the police for question. ing. The Prince scarcely noticed the Incident, proceeding to the new hospital, After laying the founda- tion stone, ho visited "the ship- building yard, STRIKE THREATENS IN FORD FACTORY (By Canadian Prom Leased Wire) Buenos Aires, Republica Argen- tina, July 3-=A strike was threat- ened here today by the workmen of the Ford factory who asked re- admission of fellow workers re- contly suspended owing to dimuni- tion of activities of the local fac- tory caused by a rainy winter and bad state roads, Henry Ford answering a tele- gram sent by the workers indicated he was well disposed to consider the men's demands provided the negotiations were carried on with- out intervention of their syndicate. NOTES FROM THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN Empire Trado is Issue Mitchell, July 8. --Kmpire trade I¢ tho ona real issue of the present dominion election, according to Hon, C, A. Dunning, minister of finance, Spoaking on this issue, he declared the views of the govern- mont and of the opposition are in direct contradiction, While the government believes in giving tars iff proferencos to empire countries which buy from Canada, he claim. od the Conservatives would make thes granting of = preferences by Canada contingent ron the grants Ing of like. .preferopces by the other empire. countrios, 1 Intracempire trade could be promoted only by generosity and good-will, sald the minister, Cans ada's trado could never be in- creased by "blasting a way into thy markets of the world", ak Hon, R. B. Bennett, leader of the Consei- vative party, proposed, The spooch of tho minister struck a strong imperialistic note, though he did not once use the exprossion 'ome pire froo trade," Repeatedly © ho refefred to the heavy balance of trade in Canada's favor in hor interchange of com- moditios with Great Britain, Southeast Grey Durham, July 3.-Tho political battle in Southeast Grey has now narrowed down to a fight hotween Miss Agnos Macphail, UFO, stan« dard-boarer, and Dr, Campbell, the Conservative stalwart, For D, T. Wright, propose as Liberal candidate, declines the nomina- tion, and it was stated authorita- tively last night that thera will be no Liboral candidate in the field Six in Meld Winnipeg, July § «<A six-com nered contost ix promised In Springfield constituency, covering ing areas, for the coming Domin- fon election, Stewart More, Inde- pendent Conservative, and Stanley Grabowsky, Independent Liberal, are the new entrants into the field, Previously nominated were: Dr. B. D. R, Bissett, Liberal-Pro-. gressive, whekheld the seat in the last Parliament; Thomas Hay, Conservative; D. A. Ross, Inde: pendent Liberal; and Fred Lange, | Labor, La Presse Turns Liberal Montreal,- July %.-=The political independence of La 'rosse, French. Canadian evening daily of enor- nious influence throughout tha province of Quebec, which bas en couraged Conservetivos for weeks past, endod last night when the paper came out with a front page editorial endtied "King hag served the country well," It is a blow whoso weight thoughtful Conses vatives do not disguise, Pull Him Off Pensions Are a Federal Charge Bennett Promises Entire Payment by Dominion-- Discusses Duncan Report By THOMAS GREEN Canadian Press Staff Corresponds ent Yarmouth, N, 8, July 3.-~Two engagements are scheduled for Hon, R. B, Bennett today, Late in the afternoon the Conservative leader will speak = at Lunenburg with a night rally in Halifax. The Duncan report and Old Age Pensions figured prominently in the speeches of the opposition lead. er yesterday both at Digby and lat- ter here, : Duncan Report "Name me a Liberal public man', he demanded, "who present- od any argument before the Dun- oan Royal Commission." To the Conservative Govern. ments of New Brunswick and Nova (Continued on page 9) INSURANCE FIRM FRAUD REVEALED One of Worst Cases Ever Discovered, Says Crown Counsel (By Canadian Press Leassd Wire) Sydney, Australia, July 3. MOne of the worst frauds ever perpetrated on the New Soutn Wales publie"----this is the doserip- tion applied by prosecuting coun. sel to a conspiracy case which 1s being investigatde by the govern. ment which involves high officials of a new defunct life insurance company. Tho governing director, the soy retary and the @ecountant of the Australian Federal Life 'Central Insurance Company are charged with conspiracy to defraud. It » alleged that the governing direc: tor drow 9,800 pounds (aboat #405,000) Dbotwoen January 1029. and April 1830 while the com« a large portion of Manitoba's mia. EE aa col (Continued on page 9) pany was insolvent, Wright Defeats Beresford, and Guest Wins From Ed« wards in Two Easy Heats WRIGHT TO FACE BOOTZELEN NEXT, Clash Between Fomors Gere man Sculler and Canadian Ace Will Be Feature of Meet (By Canadian Press Leassd Wire) Henley-on-Thames, Eng, July 4, Both Joe Wright Jr, and Jacek Guest, Canadian scullers, won thele heats in the Diamond Sculls today and go Into the semifinals tomor= row The Canadians are. not meeting each other so there fi mn posribility of an All-Canadian final when the Premier amateur sculls ing trophy in the world i» raced for on Saturday Joo Wright, gonaut Rowing rowing for the Ars Club, of Toronto, ously defeated J. G, Deresford fo- day winning hy two and a half lengths in the compuratively slow time of ten minutes tpt for the mile and 660 yard Guest Hos Walkoyer Jack Guest of the Don Rowing | Club, Toronto, had practically a walkover over ldwards of Chri 'Church College, Cambridge 1°d« sardg after vowing in erew races [haa Mittle stamina for his mate with Guest Trained | Sullivan, | sculler, has | ous old | wn fumous Tom the German absorbed all the fam professional's powerful onsy styit.. and she clash botween him and Wright, who meet, tomor« row, is likely to be the tidbit of the regatta, In beating showed fine oarsmanship under difficult condition, Including a strong head Wind which was re flected In his time, 59 seconds more than yesterday's heat, Collett Defeated Guye Collett, of the Leander Rowing Club, today defeated Guye, Lons« don, EK.C., without exerting hims= self, in the Diamond Sculls, Col lett's time was nine minutes and 60 soconds and indicated more of a practice run than a serious race. Princeton Wins Princeton University defeated Clare College, Cambridge, by sik feet in a heat of the Henley Reo= gatta today, The time for the mile and five-sixteenths course was 7 minutes, 49 seconds. hy the Rootzelon, West, Beotzelon Hogarth Retires Toronto, --- George superintendent of National Telegraphs at Toronto has retired," Mr, Hogarth first en tered the service of the old Mont. roal Telegraph Company 'which later merged with the Great North Western Telegraph Company, Now n part of the Canadian National Telegraph system, Flight Is Now Big Business Field Marshal Appointed by Backers--Fliers Over 518 Hours in Air ------ (By Canadian Press Dhased Wire) Ohicago, Ills, July J~=John and, Kenneth Hunter were zodme ing high, wide and handsome over Sky Harbor airport today and were 651§ hours up on old man endurance, Hogarth, the Canadian Sky Harbor Airport, Chicago, Ills, July 8.--The record breaking flight of the City of Chicago as sumed the proportions of big buss ness today and was organized ace cordingly, As the flying Hunters soared on beyond the 614 hour mark at 1,40" a.m, central standard time, their backers went into a huddle, then announced that. they had elected a field marshal in the person of Bornard L. Majowski, _vice-presls dent of an ofl company who has heretofore been flight socrotary. All this 'was transmitted to brothers John and Kenneth in the endurance ship. The reply of tha endurance flyors was a request for a fifty cent jews harp, to ald in whiting the hours away. This request wat the only note received from the fliers last night; But notes earlier in the day ins dicated that Kenneth and John were not in accord over continus fourth week yesterday. Ra at 5.40 am,' ing the flight, which entered ita +