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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1930, p. 3

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- More Unemployed Today Than Any Other Time, Sp THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 PAGE THREE [Ontario Regiment Returns Home With Trophy Fo r Championship Ot the 25th Infantry Brigade -» + the fireplace in the big parlor wus Softball Game Decisive Fea- ture of Athletic Competi- tion at Niagara Camp -- Ontarios Trim Peel and Duffs, 30-14 VICTORIOUS IN THREE BOXING CLASSES Put Up Strong Battle in Soc, cer But Lose Out to Peel' and Duffs -- Regiment Was Five Days in Camp | The men of the Ontario Negi ment returned yesterday evening from thelr five-day camp at Nia gara-on-the-Lake bearing with them the sport trophy represent: ing the athletic championship of the 26th Infantry Brigade gained by. & narrow margin over the On- tarios' friendly enemies, the Peel and Dufferin Regiment, The deciding factor in the win. ning of the 'championship was the Ontario's erushing victory in the softball final, Eliminating the York Rangers in the semi-final, the Black Cats sailed into the Peel Duffs in the final tit, and admin: istered an artistic 350-14 lacing, Wins in three boxing classes helped to swell the Ontario total, Bert Ripley, the smart local weltor took the 147 pound class without trouble, wile Blake overcame all oposition In the 11& pound divi sion, Kellar annexed the brigade championship for the 160 pounders, and Fisher put up a game battle in the 126 pound class, being heaten only by the greater experience of bis opponent, The Ontarios' representatives In the soccer competition put up a strong hattle against the organized team, which the P. and D'# placed In the field, but were forced to an sorb a 2-0 defeat In a closely-play od final, after eliminating the York | Rangers In the semi-final HEAD OF ORDER FATHER HENRY F, CARR Of St, Michael's College, who has been appointed successor to 'the Inte Father Forster as head of the Basilian Order. Rev. Father Carr fs a former president of St, Mich. ael's College and an outstanding rugby coach. He is a son of the late William Carr, and Mrs. Mar: garet Carr, 348 Simeoe street north, Father Carr received his early od: ueation in St. Gregory's Separate School and the high school. His career has been marked with suc. cess, INDEPENDENCE GRY IN SOUTH AFRICA Nationalist Party Dissatisfied With Present Statuf in British Empire Capetown; douth Africa July 4 lividence that a corinin section of the Nationalist Party 1a disat! with Promie» tas ST. GEORGE'S Ww. A. | Hed policy was shown by a meets ENJOY PICNIC St. George's Church branch @f the Women's Auxiliary of the Church oi England in Canada went 'down by auto and bus to "Erindale" Con. East Whitby, the home of G, Mothersill, J. PF. and his sister for ith annual picnic lust Friday acconmp- anied by the Rector, Canon DePen- cier, The members were received by Miss Mothersill on the veranda, After storing the supplies for sup+ per in kitchen end cellar, purties wandered over the pasture lands ol the farm and to the adjacent hills to view the city and the Oshawa hare bor; others to the lawns and vege- table gurdens, At mix a wonderful supper was sers ved on the veranda and lawn, the girls" branch under the leadership ol Mrs, Travell coming in. as guests of the women's branch, of which Mrs, Oukley, a W.A. life member, is pre- sident. When the shadows began to creep started going and an impromptu con= cert given, Mrs, Walker at the ot gun and Mrs. Parker us soloist, all Joining in the choruses, which closed by all joinging crossed hands stund- ing and singing in old fashioneds tyle "Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save the King." Then with a hearty vole of, thanks to the host and hostess, to which G. B, replied, the picnic broke up. gt the last of the well laden mem: hers drove away the fireflies swung their lanterns among the tall grass. es and daisies of the lower lawn and the tall Iris whispered a goodnight to the "end of a perfect day" Mes. Walker and Mrs, Parker were presented with a sheaf of peonies by the hostess, SOUTHERN CROSS ON WAY TO PACIFIC (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, Ws, July ~The: South: eri' Cross, battered veteran of vcea- nic flight, winged away from the « Curtiss: Wright Glenview airport at 645 am, (EST) today, San Frans cisco bound, : Wit ing Commander Charles KingsfordsSmith at the controls and clear skies aloft, the tri-motored Fok ker left the Windy city's welcome behind and nosed hurriedly westward to complete. a eross-continental flight from Nelv Yuck ------ ---- DEEKS VS. WELLS "CASE ADJOURNED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toranto, July 3.«Mr, Justice Ra. ney in Supremg Court here today adjourned argument of counsel un- til the first 'week in September in the $500,000 plagiarism elaim brought by Florence A, Decks, local authoress, agningt HG, Wells and his publish. ers, Miss Deeks alleges 'that a man: cin written by her an used in Mr. Welly' "Outline of History." -MaeMillan Publishing Co, George Nowdey Ltd, and Cassell and Co. Lad, are joint defendants with Mr, "Wells in the case, evidence in which I] tated. ation conellintion of and prde, that terest stand "Woe want a Republic apart the nritish that will tages and Sales tax... | Sundry cgllections Sules tag oii Sundry collections «vies hy Yro Ing at Bloemfontein, attended representatives from three vines, whon the Republica was clonrly und definitely resus Dr, Colin I. 'Btyn, Mayor of Bloemfontein, sald thai his group is not opposed to conelll hetweon the two races, but it etands ngainet the type of involving a wsaerifive alms, Ideals honor that national Dr. Steyn also accused the Urime Minister of saying today what Botha sald years ago, and declotred the growing tenflency o! the Natlonalist Party to be satisfied with the present position of the Unlon within the British Common. wealth was opposed to the funda- mental Ideals of the Nationalist Party, "We say it Is in the In of South . Afrlen now to alone." declared Dr. Steyn, from Empire, with treaties give us all the advan none of the disadvan- tages that we have today." JUNE CUSTOMS RETURNS TOTAL $248,278.26 Total customs returns for the Port of Oshawa for the month wf June were $248,278.26, Figures for June 1929 were $531,091.40, The decrease is explained by offi cinls ut the local office ay being due in part*to the eutting in hall of the sales tax und also to the general trade depression evident throughout the Dominion : The complete figures for June 1930 $248,278.20 65,608 90 103.50 lmport duties .........0 182,505.80 'I'he figures for June last year were otal collections ..... $531,091.40 151,807.28 124,20 379,009.92 are as follows: l'otal collections ... EERE T Import duties ..., ---- WILL CO-ORDINATE AIDS FOR AIRMEN ------ Washington, D.C, July §"The Ca- nadian government is ready to work with the United States for a closer coordination of airways communica: tions and tadip aids to alr navigation, Secretary of State Stimson said to- day wer! to him from the Dominion government indicated it. would ac- cept the recommendations of an ins formal radio conference held in New York last. April, urging this cluoser cooperation, - a FAMOUS FRENCH AVIATOR MISSING (Ry Canaglan Press sed Wire) Le Bourget, France, July 3. -- Seven hours after he had tuken off on a flight officially described aw a fifteen hours test of his plane, the Question Mark, Captain Dieu- donno Coste still presumably was aloft but his whereabouts was an aver deepening mystery, POLLYANNA PROVES CHARMING PLAY Large Audience Won Over by Winsome Character at Chautauqua Performance Pollyanna and her glod game smiled themselves Into (he hearts of Oshawa's citizens last night, when the largest crowd that has yot witnessed one of the Chautay- qua programs of the 1930 weuson here, saw the Martin Kerwin play. ers prosont a delightful adaptation from the famous rovel by Kleanor H. Porter, The players carried the audien we from the height of joy to the vale of tears as they unfolded four acts of drama Intense with everyday emotions that brought buck to each spectator vivid stenes from his own iife, And through it all, Polly- anna smiled her way und brought cheer, Fiven John Pendleton, esq, who had lived in soelusion in his Jurge hut darkened house, ever since n winsome miss had, as ha thought broken her tryst, succuwinbod to the | sunny face of the little girl.And when the true story was unfolded {to him, and he learned for tho First thidt the winsome Mies was Polly. | anna's mother, and that she had never censred to think of him des pite her forced marriage to an other man, he smiled for the first time In two decades, speedily for- gol his own fancled wrong und be came one of the villagers again, And so a village mourned when | Pollyanna was victim of a tragic | automobile aceldent, and for wx | long years had to undergo treat ment ot a_far-awuy hospital, Even | when word came that she was com | ing hdme uncertainty prevailed that she would ever walk again for tha Injury of her legs had almost persistently refused to heal, But joy knew no bounds when rho walked into the Pendleton | home and hor adopted father wel vomed her, And when It was learn 1d that John Pendleton's physician und Pollyanna's stern aunt had re paired the breach that had also stood for twenty years and had heen married happiness again pre yafled, Pollyannk renewed . her tryst with the orphan hoy she hed befriended when he had no one in the world to eare and although his Identity had since bean revealed as iu son of an aristocratic house, he has not forgotten So the. play wds happily, and with a parting dmonition "Let's all play the lad game, for we all have some: hing to be glad about," 1 | CITY NEWS ro 1 emp ------ More Nearly Finished The finishing touches are now he. ing made on the new store for b J. Brown, jeweller of Bimeoe Bt, south, and the new store whun completed will present a modern and attractive appearance, The front of the store is bullt after the style of the large jewellery stores In Toronto, Independence Day Tomorrow Tomorrow being the 4th of July and the most prominent United States holiday 1n the year it Is ex pected that tourist trae will* be henvy through the city, July 4th as a rule is the commencement of the heavy tourist soason, and for the next fow woeks as muny U.B.A, cars will likely bo seen on the road as Canadian automobiles, the Oshawa Post Office Ig nual picnic in the woods field of G, Barton Mother All had a good time, Mr his sister and two guests being prow ent for a time, CONSERVATIVES TO RALLY The election campaign in this rid ing is daily gaining impetus and the Conservatives are holding another mass meeting tonight at Memorial Park where the Conservative policy as announced by the Hon, R, B, Bens nett will be further explained to vor ters by the Hon, Gideon Robertson, former minister of Lubor and the candidate Dr, I", KE, Kaiser, Other prominent local Conservatives will also address the gathering, Chairs will be provided for the ladies and in the event of rain making the meet ing impossible out of doors the Cen tre street school auditorium will be utilised, - DE GUERRE FAMILY REUNION Over fifty members of the DeGuers re family participated in the third an. nual reuniom which was held at High Park yesterday afternoon, with branches of the family attending from Sault Ste, Marie, Detroit, Hamilton, Beaverton, Guelph, Oshawa und To: ronto district, STOLE BICYCLE . The first case to be prosecuted by Chief of Police Quantrill of Whithy, will very likely be one in which an Oshawa man was arrested for the theft of a bicycle the property of a Chinese lnundryman of Whithy, The arrest was made on Monday last, CANADIANS NAMED KIWANIS OFFICERS Atlantic City, NJ, July 3,-~The Kiwanis Intornational at fits an. nual convention elected Raymond M, Crossman, of Omaha, Neb, pre: sident, and named Charles Jenkins of Hrantford, Ont, president of the Canadian War Veterans' Associa: tion, and Warpor Catton of Madi: nonville, Ky,, as vicesprosidents, Among trustees elected for two- voar terms was 'Dr. C, Carlisle Chatham, Edmonton, Alberta; conditions, protested against Charged With Distributing Beer--Judgment Reserved " Albert Thomas was charged in Police Court this morning with mak. mg homesbréw without a license for the use of others than his own fam- ily, The Liquor Control Act sets forth that a person may not make pirits of any kind and | or sell the spirits 10 anyone outsi®® of his own household, fo Floody of the Customs Department stated to the court that on May 19th last he went to the home of the accused and found fifty bottles of beer, which on analysis showed that it contained 57 per cent, pure alcohol, Sergeant McGee, informed the court that in company with Detect- ive Sergeant Flintoff, he raided the premises on the evening of May 17th, Thomas was sitting at a table with Jack Mullin and Geo, Pike, each of the latter hdving a bottle of beer be: fore them and Pike with a glass of the beer, The two men informed them that they had not drunk any of the liquor bot that they had come to the house to get some beer On TELLS STORY OF MUSSOLINI RISE 10 WORLD POWER Tom Skeyhill Fascinates Chautauqua Audienge With Tale of "Il Duce" | "rom Village Blackemith to Dic tator" might well have heen the title of last night's addross 10 a en pacity tent at lust night's perfor- mance of the Chautauquue whev Tom Hkayhill well-known Austra Han pool playwright and orator gave a most skilful handling of the tory of Musolini, Italy's "Man ol Destiny," | Mr, Bkeyhil>who was In Italy of the time of the phenomenal rise ot Fuselsm and has met Mussolini at tended sacral meetings of the Faw elst! and participated (n thelr pro gram had a [fascinating story to tell He spoke for more than an hour but at no time did his dis course drag Very wisely Mr. Skeyhi)l divided his address into two parts, The first halt dealt with the rise of Mureolin and the Paseletl, The se cond dealt with the present condi- tions In Italy, The future the gponker left meverely alone admit ting that he did not pretend to he al prophet and would make no fore | canis The speaker declared that the ftallian people had lost their demo oratie freddom because they had grown unworthy of it, Ho explained the condition of Italy following the Groat War with Bolshevism grow Ing and disorder spreading among the people. He told of the attitudes of Mussolini an ardent Socialist in his youth hut expelled from that party for advoouting entry into the war by Italy, Mussolini ut the time following the war the humble editor and owner of a Milan paper saw the them and finally conceived the order of Fancisti, The speaker oxplained that at tirst they had no political signifi cance but that after the rapid search of the house McGee and Flin- toff found 93 bottles of home brew beer in the cellur, Detective Sergeant Flintoff corroborated the evidence given by Sergeant McGee and went further by saying that the police had had numerous complaints about the Thomas home for having beer, and that the place hid been raided once or twice, D, A J). Swanson, appearing for Thomas maintained that in order 10 mike the case conclusive it was ne- cesvary to bring Mullin and Pike to court to prove that beer was being consumed, Inspector Floody inform ed the court that since the raid on the 17 revealed 93 bottles in the cel lar and only 50 were found two days later, there would seem to have been a serious leak in the private stock of the accused man, His Worship Magistrate Willis stated that he wish ed to look over the evidence on the point of the two men beiig in the house, In order to do that he would reserve judgment for a week CAUGHT BIG LUNGE IN LAKE SCUGOG | I'he first entry for the Rob crtshaw Cup, donated by George Robertshaw for the largest fish caught in the district during the year, has been made. by Mr, MeCabe, 151 King St West While fishing out at Lake Scu Nog yesterday with a bumboo roll and a Buffalo Spoon, Mi MeCabe hooked a Muskellunge 13 inches long and weighing 20 1:2 Ibs. The fish was on exhibie tion in the window of the Roh. ertshaw Book Store, this morn ing and attracted ednsiderable interest among the passershy With the fishing season for "Lunge" open for the year Scu gog will yield many of the finny heauties the and line hefore the Who's next in the contest for the larg est fish | | | | Is fo hoo) season closes about the work of mopping "Red activities and did the job success fully the work was all undone hy corrupt and vacllating officials al Rome, The Mascist! then became n political power and won 120 seats al the next election, While not In majority - they were (he strongest party in the Italian house but strange to say, wore defented at the noxt election, It being shown later that the salections were "fixed,"" Mussolini's march on Rome and seizure of absolute power were told with color and detail by Mr, S8key- hill, who was an eye-witness of the various scenes, The musical program, hoth after noon and evening, was contributed by Miss Elizabeth Garay violinist, and Miss Yalanda Garay, cellist, of Budapest, Hungary, with Miss Lind« say at the plano, The Misses Garay have mado successful concert tours of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hol. land and ltaly, as well ag a coast to coast tour on the American contin ant, [They demonstrated amply yosterday that thelr position In the world of music Is a merited one Thelr evening performance in parti. cular earned them three rocalls, and the large and appreciative nu- dience were extremely reluctant to allow them to bring thelr program spread of the movement which went to a clone, FOURTEEN KILLED IN TRAIN COLLISION (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) Susco, Maly, July 3.«=Fourteen per sony were killed today and many in ved mm a collision of a train from ar=with a freight train cleven miles from Bologan, The accident happenerd at 6.40 am, Boy Drowns In Well Granby, Que, Following a search lasting over an hour the body of five year old Paul Juley Monast, son of My, an Mrs, Sinai Monast, Hving on a farm threo miles from Cowansyille, wag found yesterday afternoon in a well near his home, ri -------- Police Charge Parade Flint, Mich, ~Htate police charged Into a orowd of striking workmen who wore parading back and forth in front of the Fisher Body Corporation's plant here to. day and broke up the demonstra. tion, There wera only miner Ine Juries, DENIES PURCHASE OF SOLLOWAY OFFICE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 2-Frank *'Shag" Shaughnessy, manager of the To ronto office of, Solloway Mills and Co,, denied today that he would take over the Toronto or Montreal interests of the Holloway firm, as hinted in a financial article of a local paper, Mr, Shaughnessy denied that an offer had been made to buy the whole business of Solloway Mills, "A blg Now York firm has sim. ply been Inquiring. 'There Is just a possibility that a United States firm may purchase," he said, Tmmortal, "What do you think of my com- position?" asked the musician, © YWaell, It will be played when Beethoven, Schubert and Wagner are forgotten," "Do you mean it?" "Yes, but not befors." "T heard your wife had an ac oldent with the car, Any damage?" No, just a litle paint knocked oft both" ------------ PRESENTED FLOWERS AT RALLY Howry, LEFT, and Loretta Gates, tw Moore, wife of the Liberal candidate in One ia Oshawa, ro! flowers to Mm, W riding, at a rally held 'recently Itle Oshawa ygivis, whe BUILDING PERMITS FOR MONTH OF JUNE TOTAL $16,450 Construction Work Confined to Small Dwellings and Additions Building permits lssued by the | city engineer's department during | the month of Juns, 1930, represent construction work totalling $16,. 460, This represents a small drop of $260 from the previous month, May's total being $16,710, For the glx months of the year ended on June 80th, total hullding amounts to #60,070, as compared with $147,- BBO for the similar period in 1929, Soven permits have been issued during the past two weeks, , for small amounts totalling $2,950 al- together, The largest item Is a brick venaer frame dwelling, worth $1,200, which is being constructed hy Peter Kutyba at 286 Graburn Mtreot Andrew Cytulee is putting a kit chen on his home at 238 Second Avenue at a cost of $200, Another | Kitchen fs hoing built hy Peter Johnston at 26 Warren Avenue, at n cost of #50 | Antoni Matchynsk! is building n store at 607 Albert Street, at an ostimated cost of $3400, while Bam Rystopol Is spending $500 on the construction of a shoe repalr shop at 135 Conant Breet, Clarke and Carson has a eon tract with the Tiny Tim tolt Co, for the construction of sn clubhouse at 17-78 King Street Kast, as a cost of $300, A, Ingham, Park South, Is expending #300 addition to his residence, 281 Road on an LABOR HAS DONE MUCH FOR RELIEF Wide Program of Legisla- lation Adopted in Year of Office (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) London, Kng. July 3,--Eng land's second Labor government haw completed a trifle more than one year In office, In that perfod it has kept - parliament working long hours turning out legislation embodied In nn wide social pro- Kram, Protection of (he consumer ugainst profiteering, the removal of certain Injustices. under the widows' pensions acts, an improve. ment In the unemployment insur ance (dole) scheme, tho ralsing of the school-leaving age to 15 years with the right to go immediate ly on the dole if em)loyment ig not readily obtainable---the short ening of the miner's working day, and re-organization of the mining industry are some of the domestic fssues which have heen the target for the Lahor govern ment, In the International sphere thera has been a renewal of dip. lomatio relations with Russia and the siguing of a preliminary trade agreement, the ratifieation of the govornment's signing of the op- (tional clause with respect to the League of Nations, The with. drawal of British troops from the | Ithineland, a near agreement on the Anglo-Egyptian problom the reparations sottlement at' the Hague, and finally the renewal of friendship with the United States and the subsequent three power agreement for the limitation of naval armamonts, A vait problem of unemploys ment and the Indian troubles have not, however, responded fully to the Labor government's adminis tration, FIVE NEW CARDINALS ARE CREATED TODAY (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Vatican City, Italy, July §.,= Five new cardinals received their rod hats this morning from the pope in & publi consistory, one of the most remarkable coremonles of the Catholle chureh, The ontire ourla, of cardinals resident in Rome, and a number of visiting cardinals, were present, The five ohurchmen. honored wera: Cardinal Marchetti-Selvag- slant, Cardinal Lome da Silveira mtr Darkinat Raffaelo Rowsi, ar arafini and the Frenol Cardinal Achille Llenart, Nau) So-- a ------------ SWORD SWALLOWER BALKS AT DIMES Nom v---- (By Canadian Press Lease Wire) Chicago, Ils, July 3,.-<Cynan King awallows swords, That's his business. But he doesn't do so well with dimes, He rushed into the county hos pital yesterday and demanded that surgeons do something at once to save his Ne, He said he had swal lowed swords nyost of his lite with. out trouble but that the dime was different, The surgeons finally removed it, and Mr, King announced that he would stick hereafter to sabers and such OF SOCIAL ILLS eaker Says Senator Robertson Charges That Gov't Is Without Constructive Proposals to LEAVES ON TRIP | | | Ls hil. DAVID HAVERSON Well known resident of the city who | left last night on a trip te England, Scotland, Wales and Europe, | D.C. HAVERSON LEFT LAST EVENING ON EUROPEAN TOUR [ | | Oshawa Man Will Visit! Scotland, England, Wales, and Many European | ) Countries 103 Athol | Oshawa | | | DC. Haver of street east, w known citizen, left last night with an ore ganized party of tourists from To ronto for Montreal whore he whi | eateh the boat for Liverpool on the commencement of a tour which will Include many countries in Europe. Mr, Haverson will first visit his birth place Banff in Seo! lund and after a short tour of the Highlands will vigit all the Intor osting points In England and Wales, After ahout a month's stay fn Great Britain he will journey to the continent where he wiil visit France, Holland and Switzer land where he will have hig firs glimpse of the Alps and later will travel to Germany where he hopes to witness the famous Pas slon play at Oberammergau, the celebrated village in Upper Bav arin where this play has been pers formed annually except for n few exceptions since the fifteenth cons tury, The entire tour will last shout two months and Mr, Haver. son will return to Oshawa early in Seftamber, won, el | Canadians AT CENTRE ST. SCHOOL ; | The names of pupils who are to be promoted from Miss A, Kelly's olass to Br IV grade at Centre Street Pub'ie School were not pres sented to The Times In tima for Monday's paper when the other ye wuts aphoured, The successful pupils ara ax fol lows! On Term work---Norman Inman, Murray 'Rparks, lithel Logeman, Virginia Inksater, Harry Richards, Marjorie Hayward, Geoffroy Mugh- os, Norman Langton, Evelyn Ron. nett, Helen CGibhs, Jean Manning: Russell Hayward, Reggie skelton Bernice Gibson, Mildred IMaulkner, Lloyd Corson Medoa Maldman, Jeanne Heard, Mildred Henry, Harry Hogzel, Garnet Wetherup, Ry axamination---James Griffith, Grace Burke, Willie Marshall, Douglas Pearce, Evelyn Clarke, Ralph MoCabe, George Puckett, Otis I'oote, Mary Lalonde, Sanford Bowman recommended, Joe Killott recommended, Hayward Murdock recommended, Nelson Bickel] ye. commended, Ada Kelly, teacher, A.W, Jueklin, privoipal, LIQUOR EXPORT BAN PROVING EFFECTIVE ~ Windsor, July 3+ An echo of the liquor export ban has been heard by the Windsor oity council in a request from the I'rontler Carrier' Association, that a buals ness tax. of $83,06 he remitted, pointing out that the organization went out of business on May 81, This. statement iv taken as proof that the ban id effective and. that exporter along the front from Sars nia to Amherathurg are quitting, ---- SIX DETAINED FOR MONTREAL MURDER (By Canadien Press Lonsed Wire) Montreal, Que, July J=Five men and one woman were being dheld tos day by provincial police as material witn, ss the case of Henri Bouc- Mer, 60-year-old Belgo-American who was found shot to death at Laval-Le- Lac some time Monday night or Tuesday morning. The names of those held were heing withheld by any indication, FURTHER PROMOTIONS Relieve Situation Big Rally of Conservatives in Memorial Park Last Night Hears Comparison Between Efforts of Tory Gov't, to Meet Situation in 1920 and Present "Inace tivity" of Liberals LOUD OVATION 18 GIVEN DR. KAISER Conservative Candidate Diss cusses Issues From Nas tional and Local Stand. point--Dr. Jas, Moore and F. L. Mason Also Speak Regimental Band in Ate tendance "To-day, the 2nd of July, there are more unemployed persons' in Canada than at any other time in the nation's history," Hon, Gideon Robertson, former minister of la= bor in the Meighen Government told a. large audience last night which had gathered at a raly in Memorial Park held for Dr, T, EB, Isuiser, -Conservative candidate, "You and I are far more in- terested in what 1s going to happen in the future than what govern~ ments have done in the past to help the working man," Senator Roberts won stated In touching upon the erious problem which he claims confronts Canada at the present Lime, Premier King. he sald, had hoasted of Canada's prosperity in the face of facts which stared averyone in the face, It would bave heen fay more becoming Hon, Mr, Robertson proclaimed if the Rove ernment, instead of spending args sums (to maintain embassies Af Wahington and Paris had devoted' some (ime and money to solving a situation which tinds thousands of without the means to earn a livelihood, ' "Many of as ave beginning to hes HHeve,"" he continued, "that the pre mier is a gentleman of many words fow deeds and numerous broken promises,' In 1020 while the Conservative government was in power and he was Minister of Labor a similar situation faced the country, Bena tor Robertson stated, Sensing that (Continued on Page 7) CUPID FAILS TO LIVE UP TO HIS JUNE REPUTATION June, the month of orange blogs soms and tulle' veils, experienced a deciding falling off In popularity with mating couples in 1930, if the vital: statistics for the month just past are Thirty-three marriage ceremonies werd performed in the city doring June 1930, as compared with 45 in June of 1929, Births and desths, however, show appreciable increases over the corres ponding month a vegr ago, Births in Tune 1930, were 76, Tn June 1929, 64, Deaths during the month this year were 23, while last year they totalled but 20, BORN THOMBON-~At the Oshawa Gens eral Hospital on Sunday, Juns 20th, to Mr, and Mrs, J, H, Thomson, 210 King St, East, a son (stillborn), (3a) DIED DUNLOP--AL Huniingdon, Que, on June 26, 1930, Raeburn ¥, youngest and dearly beloved son of Mr, and Mrs, J, K, Dunlop and brother, . of Mes, DW, Sutherland, aged 16 years and § months, (3m) Card of Thanks Mr, G, Drinkle and family wish to thank relatives and friends for kindness shown, also floral trib= utes in their recent bereavement, (2a) J Too Late To Classify | girls, mother's help and gene some experience, Sleep out, ' Phone 2620W, after 6.30, (3m) Coming Events 8 Oente word each fae a STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AND garden party; Friday, Jul at J, Johnston's, corner Par and Hillside Avenue, Hve welcome, ( SINCOR ST, SUNDAY HOH July 4th Plenie, Friday, Lakoview Park, ( NEVADA, PALM Ross Corners, will he homes 2804, ; police pending an inquest, MADAME Friday, Phone sopsiniments | i hy 3 TAR

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