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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1930, p. 10

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| minute, " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1930 Jerry Is Introduced By Thornton W. Burgess "Tis well that seldom may we know tittle folks may grow, To wit hs | Jerry Muskrat, ] ' Peter Rabbit sat on the bank of the Smiling Pool and chuckled, He just couldn't help chuckling, Just one look at Jerry muskrat's face was effough to make any one chuckle. "You have quite a fam- ily," said Peter politely, Jerry Muskrat looked at the nine babies gwimming around their mother © and replied in a rather faint voice, "Yes, 1 certainly have plenty," AL that, Peter laughed right out, Mrs, Muskrat where it was low and bables came after her, "Why don't you come over and meet your children?" she squeaked rather sharply, Then Jerry began to swim .in that direction, "I'm coming, my dear," said he, "I'm coming." He swam over and went ashore beside Mrs. Muskrat, Ave----are you sure those are all ours?" he asked in a rather faint voice, "Certainly, I'm gure!" squeaked Mrs. Muskrat, for her voice is in. clined to be squeaky, "1 guess I ought to know! I've fed them and taken care of them long enough, Come here, children, am meet your father, Perhaps some day you'll grow to be as good-look. ing as he is." At that, Jerry Muskrat puffed himself up and tried to look ime portant, But it was very difficult to feel as important as he tried to look, when he realized that all these youngsters running around were his and yet they were perfect strangers, One by one they were introduced, but for the life of him Jerry couldn't tell which opes he had met and which he hadn't before halt of them had been in troduced, "They all look alike, don't they?" he ventured, "Nothing of the kind!" retorted Mys, Muskrat sharply, "How can you say such a thing, Jerry Musk. rat? Some look like yon and some look like me and some don't look lke either of us," "They don't 'any of them look like either of us, so far as I can see," ventured Jerry, "What do you mean?' snapped Mrs, Muskrat, "Well, their coats are not the same color as ours," replied Jerry, "They're not brown like ours, They look to me gray, By the way, that reminds me. When I. saw them last they didn't have any fur coats." , Mrs, Muskrat whirled like a flash, "When did you see them?" she demanded, "Well," 1 didn't _axactly see them," explained Jerry, "but 1 touched them, And they certainly didn't have any fur coats,' "When?" demanded Mrs. Musk- rat again, "Oh, a long time ago," replied Jerry, "When they were very little, I went into the house when you were out, hut I didn't stay a ashore nine came the "It is Just as well you didn't," ve. ' torted Mrs, Muskrat, "I'll have ; to admit that their coats are some what gray now, but they'll turn Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 6, -- We Deliver ARBRE a I N on) Machinery Repairing NOTHING 90 SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 161 King St. W, Phone id GOAL SORT w. J, SARGANT Yard 'Woor "treet' Orders He) WECIALTY your waich ls uot giving satisfaction we can repair © apd make it tell the correct © time D. J. BROWN © PHE JEWELER . Watch | for mn Nat and Osh, ~ awa HKallronds (3 Nt, WW Phone 180 14 i "Are you sure those are all ours?" Ml he faint volee, 1 : asked in a rathe NO BIDDERS FOR FAMOUS ESTATE Even Ben Lomond Fails To Induce Buyers for Large Property Glasgow, Scotland, July 4.-Not a single bid was made at the intend od public auction of 25.000 asres of the estate of the Luke of Mont- trose, The proceeds of the sale were to have been used to pay the death duties upon the ducal property when the present and sixth bearer of the strawherry- leaved coronet passes away, Private offers, which the duke was Inclined to consider inadequ- ate, had been received for every lot before the announced sale, Two blocks of land were actually dis posed of privately hefore the ave. tion, The, Inversnaid Hotel, on historic and beautiful Loch Lo- mond, was bought; together with a considerable amount of lund; hy the present proprietors of the ho- tel, who have heen there for two generations, Three sheep farms at Kintry, Stirlingshire, were bought by the government, They comprise 7,000 acres, The exaet plans or inten- tions cof the government regarding the land are not known; The government had frequently been twitted by its opponents upon its fallure to accept the offer of the duke that they should take the land in lieu of death duties, the administration, apparently, prefers ring cold cash, The anti-Boclalists rubbed in the point that the so-called Socialist government had allowed to pass a prime opportunity to put thelr vaunted principles into practice and to prove hy definite experi ment that the nationslizmtion of land was desivable, Whether the gosding or the principles swayed the government is beside the question, The faet remains that the duke has still 25,000 acres upon his hands which he wishes to sell--that is, if he finally refuses the private offers! he has received, Included in the land are historic Isles in Loeh Lo- mond, Ben Lomond and Inverse naid, One of the outstanding peaks situated on the houndary hetween Alberta and British Columbia is mount Assiniboine with an eleva. tion of 11.870 feet, Ji 1% shown on fiheet 12 of the Interprovinsial Boundary map published by the Topographical Burvey, Department of the Interior, IMPROVE RELATION OF CITY AND FARM 22 Kiwanis Clubs in Eastern Canada Joining in This Work Atlantic City, July 4.~To bel ter the relationship between the country and town people in East ern Canada, 22 Kiwanis Clubs are engaged in urban-ruyal relations work, It was reported here hy the lastern Canada delogation attend. ing the 14th annual convention of Kiwanis International, Canadian me ndirecting the ae tivities are;~--BiIl Weir, of Tor. onto, Ont, chairman of the com '| for poultry, cattle, pig and can~ mittee of agriculture; Killot Me- Loughry, Galt, Ont; J, H, Vaugh- an, Baint John, N.B.; W, G, Nixon, New Liskeard, Ont; W, 8, Olle, Riverdale, Ont; Tom Spratt, Ot taws, Ont,; and Ed, shutiteworth, of ondon, Ontario, Hundreds of 4-H farm boys und girls are being given financial help ning elubs, Other work Is with farm institutes and short courses gounty an dpunior fairs, rural school development, hotter live stock and dairy campaigns, seed tests, Grango-Kiwanls programs, better roms, and various agriculs tural experiments, The 41 clubs In Eastern Canada wre making other excellent elvie records, Dy, William 'A, Lewis, of Barrie, Ontario, governor of the Ontario-Quebsc-Maritime Kiwanis District, reported to the convene tion' today, One club Was organs ized and is directing » Boy Seout troup, nine others have summer and health camps, and 18 more are sponsoring supervised athlet les, Kightesn have health and sanitation campaigns underway dor-privileged child work, 28 hava, Juvenile court responsibilities and general hoys' work and 26 have beautiful campaigns in operation and are building playgrounds and recreations leentres, THE VIOWER DIAL How well the skilful gardner drew Of flowers and herbs this dial new; Where, from above, the milder sun Does through a fragrant zodiac run; And, as IL works, th' industrious hee Computes Its time as well'as we, How could such sweet and whole some hours Be reckon'd, but with herbs and flowers? brown soon enough, rat, you ought to be proud of such Yes, sir, you ought to I'm a family, be proud of such a family, proud of them, if you're not, "But 1 am," I am, them, but you know it is all very new and surprising to me, certainly told the truth when you said we had plenty, any more I don't kpow what we "Truly You're used should do with them." "Just what these," replied Mrs, Muskrat, few more or much , difference, loss don't They darlings, anyway," (Copyright, 1030, T, W, Burgess) The next story: "Plenty!" Jerry Musk- protested Jerry, You If wo had we shall de with "A make are all to ELLA CINDERS--Love Lessons silt Ll § [aa Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville a Bro Son ven SBS SPPETPOTORSse 3 » » Tdmuds Sri Baslaskiisi EP33s233333:: 3 Whitty 'Hon \ \ SUNDAY AND HonIDAY SOHEDULE + Arvive 10,00 wm. YS we BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Ls ed = R3eme ESousmaun 4) et a) BRB BEE: zEs rived pital Whitby 30 a.m, Sem 1215 pm E SPePo Toate 2333333333398 PPPEPP Sor sFes #3833323 83339 SS at PERT PP" 335383 filam = ®3p3s? -- 2-TSm eo, SSBRVE. 3333333333238 2 PPpPToprere -- Pong 83% ---- 3 s | ES Arvive 2.9 pm, 4% p.m, , 6X pm, Lm, 3 nm, 10.45 p.m, East Arvive am, §.00 p,m, 1 9,00 p,m, , P, R, TIME TABLE Enscurs April_17, (y 13 a" 0 CANADIAN NATIO! LJ am, fh) it Lo A Se pm, 12.08 am, ih ily . autly | a reine Di Da bi " y in bal (Except Sunday), i (Except Sunday) ily ro---- bal i Except Sunday LA] ily Ei Except Sunday i Excomt Sunday i! Except Sunday ---- : ".e.) Arvive Arrive fi i i a) am, Ramon HAWK 1S A GENERAL MAME APPLIED 10 A LARGE NUMBER OF BIRDS OF PREY FOUND ALL OVER THE WORLD SPARROW HAWN -y R040 Wine to HAWN --tg NTIL RECENTLY ALL HAWKS HAD THE ILL-WILL OF EVERY FARMER AND SPORTSMAN BECAUSE OF THE HAVOC WHICH SOME MEMBERS OF THE WAVK "FAMILY WORK AMONG POULTRY AND OTHER BIRDS, CAREFUL STUDY BY HATURALISTS OF THE WAVKD FOUND 1M THE UNITED STATES HAS SHON THAT £57 OF BROAD" WINGED HAWK & ALL BUF THREL SPECIES DO MORE GOOD THAN HARM BY DESTROYING RODENTS AND INSECTS THAT ARE HARMFUL 10 GRAIN, FRUIT AND TREES, THE BROAD-HINGED HAYK | HEADS THE LIST IN USEFULNESS TO THE FARMER, ® 1980, King Ventre Fyndieate [PE | HONDERTY petty © GREAT NUMBERS OF SMALL Ine, Great Benain rights reserved 1ST NATUR i TH r-- El HUN ANY GIRL KNOWS X SHE CA IMPROVE ON 4 A --_------------------ oh L IT WITH A LITTLE PAINT AND POWDER. tac s BRINGING UP FATHER THE THERE DHE GOED - NOW'S ME CHANCE TOGI'T RIO QF HER -- ® 1030, Tet" Feature Service, Ine, Great Britam rights reserves By Geo. McManus N DAY OFF + All Lh GO VP TO HER ROOM AN THROW OUT OF THE HOLSE HER "THINGS bd "PICTURES BROTHERS F HER 1) ON SECOND THOLGHT || SHES NOT HLTH A Le BAD COO: DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE 7 ind ih © 1000, Ning Poatures Symes. In. Groat Briain sigh readied A THE ROOF WAS A FROGTED CAKE AND THE WINDOWS WERE MADE OF GUGARYALL AROUND WAS A GINGERBREAD HEDGE * !, eat lw Un, Ny A Taz AIT MUGT BR A MAGIK CASTLE SAD DOLLY: "COME, LET US &0 (INSIDER aad WHO LIVES THERE?" "NOINO!" SAID BOBBY: "WHO KNOWS "IM GURE IT'S GOOD TO BAT BAD LATS NIBBLE LIKE THREE LITTLE MEE?" TILLIE THE TOILER--As Good As An Alarm Clock m hl I af TT i NO, KEN KISS Yo JIE RR 3 iy 7) iY | MOSTNT Ja J AGAIN ----

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