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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1930, p. 5

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Ee mation ad ma ----------------_ Tr TI THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1930 PAGE FIVE Womens Interests in the Home --- and the Community or 35, Social and Personal Will those who wish to insert items in Social and Personal column kindly address letters containing the information to Ror of the Women's Page, Oshawa ally Times, or Phone Mr, and Mrs, W .B, Thain aud two ehildren of Guelph, were guests of Mrs, Thain's sister, Mrs, #, Perry and Mr, Perry, over the holl. day and week-end, Miss Beatrice and Mildred Porry' socompanied their sunt and ungle Mr, and Mrs, Thain on their return to Guelph on Tuesday, They will remain there for a few days, Mr, and Mrs, John Gray, of Mountain Grove, were guests of their son Mr, Herbert ¥, Gray and Mrs, Gray, William Street, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, J, 8, Venlton and Rev, Fonlion and Allan Arnott, of Norfolk, Va, are visiting Mr, and Mrs, H, M, Haggorman, Bigin St, Major and Mrs, A, B, Morrison, of Niagara Falls, Ontario, were ve. cent guests of their son Mr, WV, B Morrison, Athol Street Bast, Mrs, ¥, Harston, Oshawa, left yostorday to spend two months with her sister, Mrs, ~ Foster of Rhode Island, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Vierra, Chau tauqua people are guests at the Genosha Hotel during their stay in Oshawa, Mrs, H, H, Henohel, and son ind daughter, Herbert Henchel and Miss Eleanor Henchel, of Wind. tor, formerly of Oshawa, have been a a a i i a BETTER RAN FLAKES J nd ou'll welcome a hg bran Flakes on REEL ro bran Ha you hi the famons flavor of . every bowlful, Rich he po ot nourishment, A n to, be ly ' dal gr, nh Kellogg in London, Ontario, VO, FLAKES Hie of Mrs, VV, B, Conte the guests for tha past Ritson Road North, two days, Mrs, J. 1, McGill, Agnes street, Mr, and Mrs, Warne Dearborn, of Bloor street, left yesterduy for Dees ker, Michigan, to attend the Henry family pienle, Mr, and Mrs, RB. W, Clarke with Mis, David Clarke have gone on an extended trip to visit Mr, und Mrs, Wilson Clarke of General Alrways, at Amos, Quebec, Misses Margaret "and Elizabeth Wallace, Wilkinson av, have left with Mr, and Mrs, Lewis, of Buffalo, to fend an extended - visit In New ork City, Prior to her leaving the eity Miss Annie Thomas, Denconess of #imeoo Bireel United Church for the past year and a half, was pre ponted with several gifts from or. ganigation of the church, The Ever Ready Bible Class made her a hand- some gift at thelr last monthly ban- quet; a number of her - friends gathered at the home of Mrs, Har. vay, Bimooe Bireet Bouth, recently and at a delightful social evening mage her the present of a dainty place of Jewellry, On Bunday morn. ing after the regular Munday Behool service Miss Thomas was presented with a beautiful bag from the Of- ficial Board of the Church, with this there was also an address, For A time Miss Thomas does not In tend to do any active desconness work but will remain at her home in Windwor, Ontario, ANNOUNCEMENTS On Saturday, June 28th, ut United church parsonage, Bowmanville, Ont, nt 430, Mary Irene, elder daughter of Mr, and Mra, Fred Shortridge, of Bowmanville, was united in marringe Carl Cale, elder son of Mr, and Mrs, William Fiee, Taunton, Ontarle, ENGAGMENTS Mr, and Mrs, Gebrge Morison, Masson Street, announce the en. gagement of thelr eldest danghter Audrey, to Mr, J, CU, Britton, of Toronto, the marriage to take place {this month, GREEN PEPPER RELISH 1 oup sweel green pappers, chopped, § cup minced onion, # oup sweet red peppers (or ple mento chopped, 5 tablespoon salt, § cup sugar, 1 aup vinegar, > Cut the peppers, discarding the weeds, and chop fine before measur- Ing, draining off some of the julee Place all ingredients In saucepan, and cook gently until well seasoned and of a pulpy consistency, Pack und seal white hot, Diced cuoums- her makes a delloloun substitute for the red pepper, If you lke it, A number of the falr delegnies from vavions parts of the United Mintes who visited Toronto to ats tend the B0th grand conference of 1ST OSHAWA The company has' closed for the simmer months, so no regular meet Ings are being held Bix girls from the First are go Ing to camp, also Mins Fitohon the lHeutenant, The guldes are Malva Titley, Mary Kory, Annie Tyrrell, Florence Witches, Millicent Jlston und Fairley Evans, IND OSHAWA Several of the Guides ure away at summer cottages, but most of them are conilng hack to go to camp The regular Wednesday night meeting took the form of a supper hike, when about 22 of the com pany enjoyed the fun of cooking thelr own meal, and afterwards do ing wome of the wooderaft for nooond olass, About 18 now wild flowers ware found, and vecognived, Next Wednesday the same, thing will take place, If the weather In suitable Camp The last ohance to gel to camp In gone, Appleations vlowed on Moen day night, sand the lists went off, A few girls had to drop out, but those FINAL CLEARANCE or Coats and Dresses at THE FASHION SHOPPE 34 Simcoe h, 3 Rounded Goriers Make this sanitary pad incon- - 8picuous under filmy gowns fil i 255% Nore pobonzs Bx Sah wore. kop os 3 Kotex in fae lighter FEE nr Sram Kos h Meat 2 drug, dry Supertines1e fot 12 'KOTeX fini A went ne and hot-dogs a Over AN open oAmp JUNIOR W. A. GIRLS HAVE PICNIC HIKE Under Leadership of Mrs. Wells, Junior W.A. Is Doing Active Work ---- A party of about twenty-two little girls with & woman, whom it appeared at fivat glance was thelr sunday School teacher or alam leader, were noticed on the street oar, going north yesterday after noon, wAfter a brief gonversation with a little lady with "long rings lets it was gathered that all he. longed to the Junior Branch of the Women's Auxiliary of Holy Trinity Ohurch and the lady was Mrs x 11a their leader, Further con: ation revealed the fact that they were going on a hike te Henry's woods and if It wan warm enough perhaps they would go swimming, The Junior Branch of Holy Trinity Church composed of mirls between the ages of six to twelve, although not having heen organized for any great length of time han been dolug a great deal of aotive work, and are al tan one toroeining an Ahoir older alsters the members of the Teen-age MWranch, Mueh of their work consists of sowing and not long ago & quilt that was made by them was raffled he hike yesterday afternoon was a sucoens, The water was warm swimming and Bre. a erm -------- SOUTHERN SALAD Take § oranges, % oup French dressing, | medium-sized oueums ber, watercress, 1 green pepper, Peel oranges and out in very thin slices, and divide each alice inte quarters, Peel cucumber and dloe Tn small ouhes, Chop green pep Pr fine, Mix orange and cuoums I Abd green pepper: marinate the mixture in French dressing, Av range on individual plates on' small boda of watercress and worve very gold, Herve nlx, OUR RECORD, It wa oan leave behind Ws, When wa have passed away, ---------------- -- A mr ---- | off, the proceeds of which enlarged |' the treasury considerably, the Kappa Alpi Sorority, Miss Anna Znvtmann (left) is from the Gamma Douteron Chapter of Ohlo Wesleyan University, Columbus, GIRL GUIDE NEWS on the walting list soon filled the vacancies, There will bo 45 Guides and a staff of nine making a to (al of 64 for eamp, The full equip mont consists of 20 bell tents, a small marquee, a kitchen shelter, i store tent and a first ald tent, Won't that made a gala show when they are all pitched and the Union Jack fying in the centre of the horseshoe? The thanks of the Gulden Is ex tended to the Rotary Club, who has #0 kindly come forward and offered to drive those girls up to camp, who have no ether means of transpor tation, A few of the staff with Mrs RatoW® wil go up on July 81st to prepare the way, hut the main party wHil eome up on Aug Ist, in charge of Miss MeDowall, The camp wite In on Cameron Lake, Just ono mile out of Wenelon Walls, Ausust 0th and 10th are visitors' days, and anyone wishing to nee the eamp will be welcomed on those days, but are asked not to come other times, as visitors Interrupt the ordered life of camp, and often upnet the campers, I ------------ TT Home token of our stay; If we have wrought some kindly : dood Or lessened someones pain, What matter though the world con. domns, We have not lived in vain, well, J, W, Near Cor. King & Simcoe Bt. Permanent Waves LaMona Oil MANUFAOTURER'S DEMONSTRATION i, cai ot ts Be fale a SIRI A RY LGR A aa 0 finaei 7 MaxSwartz ® King St. Bast Phone 708 for Appointment 'NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re- ports of meetihge of -all Wo. men's Organizations in the community, Kindly address such to Women's Page Ed: iter or Telephone Number 35. When writing remember to use only one aide of paper, Some record of our nilerimage \ 3 El TA -------------- CHILDREN ENJOY Ohio, and Miss Mary Tou Ingalls (right) Is also a Gamma Deuteron from Columbus, 3. SCHOOL PICNIC Brookside Park Is Chosen For Annual Summer Outing Yosterdny was a happy day for the Munday Sehool ehlldren of Contra Mtreet United Church, It was the long anticipated Bunday Bohool plenle day, The weather hny have looked somewhat doubtful nt noon hour hut at two o'ciock the time set for starting to the pie nie grounds, the clouds had cleared away and Jolly ear loads of child ren ohaperoned by thelr teichers and some of the mothers and fath- ary, left the chureh, Nronkside Park, a protty spot north of the olty was chosen for the plone, The Sunday Behool Exeoutive eom- posed of Hupt, It, 1, Bennett, A, W Polrie and Mee, J, Johnson had a splendid program of races, as In former years, with the introdues tion of uw few novel ones, Then there was a baseball game, The plente supper that wan under the supervision of ths moth. ora and teachers, if It were possi ble, was more abundant and more tasty than of other years Prizes wera given to the following wins ners of races 4 years and under nll hh years Treat for Margaret Sargent, Nel son Wilson, Betly Ashman, 6 yours--~Rilly Rone Glover, Nilly Harris, 7 youra-~Jimmie Howard, Leon. ard Watson, Arthur Hawking, 8B yoara---Clifford Wilson, Colton, Kdna Wilder, Girl 0-11 years plor, Kdna Watson Noys 0<11 yoars fley, Jaok Hurry, Ball Throwing. Boys 18 and un« dor Coeorge Goheon, Joseph Bone, Bhde Kioking, Girls 12 and une der--Ruby Smith; Helen Robinson, Girls 18-156 «= Ruby Smith, Gladys Wilson, Hoyn 18106 Howard Viee, , Girls, over 158 Miss J, Thomas, Boys, over 16 Arthur Potrie, Ladies' Balloon Race Watson, Mattie Petro, Men's Raoce-~Mr, Roy Mr, W, Cameron, Throo-Logged Rance, Mixed=-N, Watson and 1°, Riding, M, Vice and A: Petro, Weddings FICE~SHORTRIDGE A quiet wedding wan solemnized at United Chureh parsonage, Bowman» ville, ut 430 with Rev, J, U, Robins officiating when Mary Irene, elder daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Shortridge, Bowmanville, was united In marriage to Carl Cale, elder son of Mr, and Mra, William Iiee, Taune ton, Ontavio, The bride was becom: in iy attired in white georgette, with bridal wreath of \ white blossoms, while her sister, Miss Minetta Shortridge acted as bridesmald, wears Ing mauve Sreptado-chane with hat to mateh, Mr, Nelson Flee, brother of the Joon wan best man, After the ceremony a wedding sup- por wan served at the home of the ride's parents, The happy young couple left on a motor trip for Ros chester, N.Y, After their return they will reside in Taunton, : The young couple were the recipi ents of many lovely 'and useful pres. ents, their Bofmanville friends sur prising them 'with a miscellaneous shower Tuesday evening at the home of Mes, IH, Connors, Church street, ~~ DICKIE=~MeKNIGNHT On Saturday, June 28th, at. St, Paul's United Church, Toronto, by Rev, Dr, 8 D. Chown, Vera Irene, Reg. Ni; of Oshawa, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. J; MeKnight, Loecklin, Ontario, was united in marriage to Francis M. Dickie, son of Rev, and Doreen Marie Lueilla Cro Wilfred Ruf. George Bringlon, Misa M. Petrie, CGoorge Fletcher, - Vera Rennett, a Mrs, F, Dickie; of Vancouver, B,C, porved | Just Glance At This List PICKED AT RANDOM FROM THE GREATEST JULY SALE IN THIS STORE'S HISTORY. - THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER SALE VALUES JUST AS GOOD THAT AWAIT THE EARLY SHOPPERS TO-MORROW 45" Ecru Curtain Dresses .. Wicker Jardinire Stands . 25" Pretty Dressed Dolls .. Ginghams, Yard .. Cloths, 54 x 54 BAKES ......ccossnisesisim Sheeting, Yard ... Madras. Yard ...... Women' Print House 32" English Tub Fast Japanese Crepe Lunch Wicker Waste Paper 25¢ 89c $1.00 $1.00 19¢ 6c 49c 3c A ------ 70 inch Bleached Cotton EE ---- A "1 love you," he sald, "more than He was looking for a rich wife, [I ean tell in words," "Try gigures," she replied, cold- FIGURES TALK and thought he had found whet he required I, Tit-Ditn, EE Y.-S Hemmed Cotton Pillow Cases, Pair... 45¢ Kiddies' Mesh Top Sun 49 Suits Boys' Print and Gingham Wash Suits .... | | Et A A---------- ------ Wool Bathing Suits Sizes 22 to 32 98c Linen Damask Table Napkins, each ....... 19¢ 36" Cotton Broadcloth Suitings, Yard ... 25¢ EE ---- SR ---------- au -- Monarch Full Fashioned Point Heel Hose, Pair EE -- vo Teacher: "What {s the definition of flirtation?" : Intelligent Pupil: 'It is attention without intention," A--w ALL Th --_-- ONE OF CANADA'S LARGEST MILLINERY HOUSES WAS HARD UP--AND CAME TO US FOR CASH--WE BOUGHT EVERY HAT THEY HAD--ALL NEW SMART SUMMER MILLINERY At a Fraction of their usual price. can offer these unusual specials, which must be seen to be appreciated "= As a result we Lace and Mohair Brimmed and Close Fits ting shapes. In Green, Copen, Sand, Black, Rose, Mauve and Yellow, Worth $2.98 and more. 08: Brushed Wool BERETS You'll go far before you'll find the equal of "this special. In all colors including white. SUMMER HATS You probably will have to pay $4.00 and $5.00 for hats of this quality and style elsewhere, Every summer color, Finest Quality Mohair & Lace Braid 98 FELT BERETS Tricky little felt Berets in small and large heads C sizes, In White, Navy, ; Greén, Blue, Sand, Yel ! low and black. EVERY HAT A BARGAIN! COME EARLY FOR THEY WON'T LAST LONG! Dorothea Hats Ltd, - rE Ta iT iri; RRs w" " ST os pn \ ? 3 Git i a N 3 King St. East

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