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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1930, p. 7

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© Lawrence Market, Toronto: : ny 09 : December 3-8 lower at 43 1-4, EA ERAT TE eid L 4 THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Latest News of Stock Markets, Grain por Produce Exchanges | Produce Prices in the | Commercial Markets TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol- lowing quotations for ear lots: -- Manitobs wheat --- No, 1 North- ern, $1.00 1-2; No, 2 do, 97 2-4¢; No. 8 do, 96 1-4¢, No, 4, 92 dy No, 06, Bbe; No, 6, 7lc¢; feed, 1.2¢ (edt, Goderich and "By ports), Manitoba oats--No, 1 feed, 432, 1-4e; No, 2 do, 89 1-4¢, American corn--No, 2 yellow, 00 1-40; No, 8 do, 88 8-dc, Millfeed delivered Montreal freights, bags included. Bran, ton, $24.26; shorts, ton, $26.25; middlings, ton, $31,265. Ontario grain, wheat, $1 to $1.03, Barley, rye, buckwheat, nominal, CHICAGO PRODOUCE FUTURES Chicago, July 8.~~A better feel- ing was existent among the egg trade today, Offerings on the spot call, as well as futures, are relatively light, while bidding gen. perally seemed to be of a better class, Cash trade, however, was only moderate,, Novembers open- od steady, and climbed slowly in a quiet and featureless market, The spot butter market was unchanged, but seemingly a shade more firm than yesterday, Futures reached a new high level on current ad- vance for Novembers. Offerings, however, were Loo heavy to permit a break through this point, Open commitments: = Eggs November, 1,368, Butter-~Nov. ember, 1,284; July, 4, Two market receipts:--Butter--- Today, 22,3561; last year, holiday, Bggs--Today, 36,302; last year holiday, Chicago spot market: --Butter-~ Extras, 32 1-2¢; standards, 32 1-20; tone steady, Eggs--CGraded firsts, 20¢; tone steady. . New York spot market: ~Rut- ter--Extras, 83 1-2¢; no tone, Eggs--Firsts, 21 to 21 1-8¢; no tone, A---- FARMERS' MARKET The following are the quota- tions, retail, in effect on the St. Produces Eggs, extras, per dos, ... Do,, firsts, per dos. Butter, dairy per pound .., Do., creamery, per Ib, 0.36 Fruits and Vegotaplose ,Asparagus, bunch .., Carrots, 8 bunches ... Rasta, bunch +ovvveen EL Onsour, dry, 11l.qt, basket Crave an 0,, 6-qt basket "re ibbage Caulitlower ,. + vive Endive, dozen , ...:, Spinach, peck , . ., Mushrooms, per pound Leat lettuce, 3 for ... Head lettuce, 2 for .. Parsley, per bunch .. Cress, three for , Celery, dozen , Oranges, per dos Honeydew melons, Strawberries, pint ,,. Grapefruit, each .,.. Potatoes, bag .. .... 3% Cucumbers, each ,,.,. 0.25 Lemons per dozen ... ... Bananas, per dozen ,., 0,30 Cal. green peas, 6-qt, basket , ., + 4 Eggplant, each ,..... Green beans, 6 qt, ... Green peppers, six for Turnips, bus, .,.. Parsnips, 11 qt).o oii Apples, bus, «iin 1.60 Green peas, 6 qf, ov veo Timatoes, | Pineapples, each ,,.. 0.25 Rhubarb, three bunches .. Radishes, 8 bunches .,.... New Carrots, 3 bunches ., New beets, bunch . ., Green onions 8 bunches Green peppers, 2 for .. TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesalers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked Meats--Hams, medium, 28 to 880; cooked loins, 48 to 63¢; smoked rolls, 38¢c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 400; hacky gai-menied, 840; do. smoked, 46 to bbe, Pork Loins, tosh: shoulder, 10%; atts 24 Jay; 26 %0, Cured m g olean bacon, 80 to 70 "is Tho: "0 to 90 Ibs, 22¢; 90 to 110 Ibs, 21c, Heavy. Jalan rolls 40c: lightweight fA] 0, Lard---Pure tlerces, 105c; tubs, Bec Jails, 170; prints, 17 to 17 hortening--~Tierces, 18¢; tu 15h pails, 140. Special pastry shorteni ---- ees the tubs, 16%0: pails, 160, , -- TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting shippers fol lowing prices or slo tots, de- arom 0 'Wheat Rat ww. 10.8 Oat SLrAW 4 ours ZI den NAH y ' WINNIPEG Winger y July Fam penn vices, eat, July 8« CE hy joa at wh 1-3 to 90 8-4; October od to 1.4 Jower "iy jo 74 7-8 | Decem bot lower | atl. 08 to 1,01 ai. i Oats:i--July 48 lower at 41 1.4; oo 000 oo ee "ee en Soe © Free een a3 ewe a TOOCOO|MTSO|MOOW™ oT Somioy © eS SAA ME HF LN MOONWND CRIDER I CO ON ad iD sd S20 AD COIOOTAOOTDOCTIATMD OUMOOMD Mo 8 818 -- 8 om (RR re EERE see COCO COOONHNONOD OCONOOHHNNOIOOOOOIHD ba = O'HEARN WOULD JOIN CHICAGO EXCHANGE Chicago, July 4~~Francis P, O'Hearn of ¥, O'Hearn and Com- pany, Toronto has made the first application for membership on the Chicago Stock Exchange since. the constitution was amended to ad- mit Canndian memberships, MONTREAL FIRM BUYS HOLLAND CANADA CO. Montreal, July 4,~Through pur- chase of a controlling interest the Credit Foncler Franco--Canadien has secured the Holland Canada Mortgage Company, Limited, in a deal which involves more than #9, 000,000 it is announced here, The Holland company which has its Canadian hesdquarters at Win- nipeg, operates a large motgage business throughout western Can- ads, The company will continue as a subsidiary of Credit Eoncler, RADIUM ORE IS FOUND IN CANADA Winnipeg, July 4,---Discovery of radium bearing ores in the area east of Lac du Bonnet is stated to have been made by employees of the Winnipeg Tin Company, T, Pickard, president of the i, states that uraninite has been traced for more than 100 feet in feldspar and that examinations have proved the product strongly radio-active, Owing to irregular nature of the deposits, he says it is impossible to estmate the extent of the deposits. STOCK NXOHANGE (By Canadian Press Leased W Toronto, July 4.~The Soandand Stock and Mining Exchange will be closed Saturday. July 6, along with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the Montreal Stock Exchange and the Montreal Curb Exchange which will follow the New York Stock Exchange in closing down business for the day after the holiday, STEAMERS MAY NOT CALL AT WINDSOR Row Over Barring of Picnic Parties Still Wages at Border Windsor, July 4.~~Possibllity that excursion steamers, of United States register, will not make fur- ther calls at Windsor was express. od yesterday by John L, Zurbriek, district inspector of immigration in Detroit, as he discussed the agita- tion aroused by inspection of Hor- der Cities plenio parties on July 1, Asked if there was any special reason for the rigid inspections by United States immigration officers here on Dominion Day, Mr, Zur. brick sald that it was only the tigh- tening of inspections under the leg- iidties which became effective in 1029, "Our reports show," he sald, fens have come to the Border Cities within the past year with the object of entering the United States, In that period we have secured 189 cenvictions for alien smuggling. That shows the problem we are up against, "On the Tashmoo excursion the majority of the passengers were British-born and had to be eare- fully checked to watch for those who had been previously refused admittance to the United Htates, Onr immigration laws are essenti. ally restrictive while Canadian laws tend to encourage imwmigra- tion, Many Canadians do not real ive this fact, There could hardly be a better chance for aliens to slip into Je United States than under cover of plenics, Once In, it would be a very dificult matter to appre- 'hend them," The Detroit Free Press makes reference editorially to the local in- oldent and under a caption "Why Must They Re Crude?" ia partiou- larly critical of the notions of the officers who have drawn eritiolam, PROTEST WAGES PAID P PRINTERS: Toronto, iy 4 olalp 0 Toronto local of the Typos i Union have vo forwarded ott rding the tende th ps oy of Hi bh voters', Sint, aimed by the wales ' ofelials that printing shops payl salaries | to their employes conaidarably be low the accepted have ban tendered the ai e Tats, n addition the union o des that n not only were the Hal being printed " low salaried ah but that part of the lets from ots of the role ridings were Plekering at a MAY PRODUCTION OF AUTOS HIGHEST IN TWELVE MONTHS At Figure of 24,672 Cars Was 4.7 Per Cent Above Normal ----. ee ra * Ottawa, July 4.~Production of automobiles in Canada during May at 24,672 cars was the greatest number reported for any month sinee May of lsst year when the output amounted to 51,660 cars, In May, 1938, » Jpéuciion otalted 27,808 cars an May, 1027, 1 numbered 25,708 cars. The Burs eau's monthly index number on motor car production, which makes due allowances for seasons! ten. dencies and is based on the long term trend, 1010 to 1927 inclusive shows that output which started in January of this year at 40 per cent, below normal gradually worked in- to an improved position until Jit passed the normal line in April and In May was 4.7 per cont, above the normal for that month, When compared with the data for April the figures for May show ao gain In the output of all types of cars with the exception of trucks which dropped to 603 from 717. Open masonger oars ad- vanced to 2,022 from 2,617, clos. ed mode! passenger cars to 17,480 from 17,400, chassis to 3,887 from 8,647 and 40 taxicabs and buses weer made as against 7 of this type in the preceding month, Customs' records show that the number of cars imported into Can. ada during May 'increased to 3,076 from 3,432 in pril, while exports declined to 3,001 from 3,381, Of the total cars produced in Canada during May, 8,103 were in- tended for export and the balance of 81,470 cars were made for sale in the Canadian market, The ap- parent consumption of automobiles In Capada during the month, as determined by adding the .21,470 cars made for sale in Canada to 26,450 cars, For the year to date the apparent consumption, thus computed was 90,067 cars, SHALL PROVES T0 BE JOSEPH DOTY Man Thought Missing Mag- nate Had Wandered From Mental Hospital (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 4=The last ves- tige of uncertainty regarding the identity of the bedy lying In the morgue here, was removed yester- day when it was positively identi. fled as that of Joseph Doty, an in- mate of the provincial hospital on Queen street, Two doctors of the institution, Drs, W, B, Ross and William Morrow, accompanied by Detective Harris made the ident! fication, An inmate of the Queen street lnstitution for 20 years, Doty wan. dered away about a month ago, called at the House of Industry but only stayed there half an hour, He was next heard of at Sunnyside from where he was taken to hos. pital where he died without being identified, Cousiderable excitement reigned in the city when several people saw a resemblance to the missing Am- brose J, Small, millionaire theatri- cal magnate, in the dead man, PARTLY EXPLAINS DISAPPEARANCE OF DANISH SHIP IN 1928 London, ~The strange disappear. ance of the Danish barque Koben- hava In the South Atlantie about the end of Dec, 1088, Is glven another touch of mystery by a re. cont article in The Times, Philip Lindsay, a lay prescher from the island of Tristan de Cunha, half- way between Buenos Alres and Cape Town, now reports that he sighted a five-masted barque drift ing past the island on January 21, 1930, Her main mast was broken and her stern was low in the wats er, She showed no signs of life, A flat-bottomed boat and some boxes were washed on shore eight months afterward, ristan de Cunha has no means of communicating with the outside world, and it was not until his yo. cent return to elvilisation that he eard of the Kobenhavn mystery, says. Mr, Lindsay, His evidence galnn importapce from the faot hat the missfug ship was the only five-masted barque in the world at The Iobenhavn had set sail from Buenos Alres for Austra. lia and her wandering two thou. sand miles eastward cannot be ex- Nsined. With her vg a of 60 men, (ncluding- 45 Danish cadets, FINDS OSTRICH ON ENGLISH ROAD mgt England. --P, C, Brown of Barnet was riding his bioyole along the Rihway when he an denly hv an rich roving at The stable gave chino, oo with the Selb of others oventu- ally drove the bird into a shed where it was easily captured, The ostrich had escaped from a local menagerie, and was later re. turned to the wrateful owner. Marke; Summary Hot Sok rg TORONTO Slock High Low Br, A, Ol 171% Brag, .,» 40% Can, Bird, 17% Cty, Dry, b4% Dis, Sgrm, 9% Dm, Btrs, 10% Gypsum 18% Hr, Wal, # Int, Uti), 43 Int, Nkl, 24% Int, Pot, 18% Ind, Aleh, b% Imp, ON 20% Stock Market Prices by Censdian Press Toronto and New York Bock Quotstions Supplied by Biggar and Orewiord, Alger Building, Oshaws 0% 18% 11) Ms, Hr, Me, Prt, mt, Pwr, #, Station Standard Mining Exchange Wtandard Mines Amulet 4 49 Big Mis. 70% 70 De, Mns, 600 #00 Paleon, 260 260 Holl, .. B9b Boo He, Oll 406 406 Hy, Gold bb 4H] Lk, Bh, 2210 2210 Nroda, 2460 2400 26 18% 11] #4 49 70 800 260 bob 400 bb 2210 2450 Lob, "A" 12% Wainwell 140 140 140 DETERMINED TRIAL MADE TO BREAK UP KING'S MEETING -- (Continued from Page 1) platform a man shouted: "Why did you ignore the appeal of tho unemployed ex-sorvice men to ses you bhefors this meeting?" Cannot Blame Government The government could not be blamed for conditions In western Canada, Mr, King doclared, There had heen a, wheat crop failure, Wheat had not moved and the stock market had wuffered a ser fous collapse, This had resulted in unemployment in westorn Canada, Mr, King proceeded with his discussion of unemployment, there wan considerable noise and Inter ruption however, His statemonts were challenged by men in differ. ent parts of the room, Ho indieated what had been done by the government in the line of financial grants to Alberta, These grants, he declared, totalled $48,000,000, "It 1s a le," shouted someone, There was a good deal of shout. Ing, Tho province and the dominion hind to fulfil different obligations in connection with unemployment, Dut if at any time a province of Canada found itself unable to cope with the situati-n, then the domin. fon stood ready to assist, If a» munieipality could not meet the situation, Its appoa! lay to the provine, If the province could not cope With it, then the appeal was to the dominion, But no formal upponl had been received from any province, If such an appeal was made the dominion govern. ment would sit down with the province and ny and work out a solution, Sn ------------------ NEWS OF THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN (Continued from Page 8) night, replying to Premier Fergu- so' # recent statement on the ques. tion, "I was present at some of the conferences with the Provinges," he said, "and I know what took place. I suggest that the people study the official correspondence, will find the final sticking point was a mighty small one and makes a mighty poor excuse for holding up such important work, Every effort has been made to more forward with the St Lawrence waterway, Everything is ready to go ahead except for one snag which concerns what will happen if the Province starts development first for purposes of power, compared with what will happen if the Do. minlon starts first for purposes of navigation, "Ho far ay the Dominion Govern. ment. is concerned, we want to get on with the job, We are willing and ready to treat the Province of One tario an If it'did own the power re- sources of the river, It seems to me that, in the face of the pub lished; correspondence it will be pratty difioult to draw a red her ring from the St, Lawrence acrows the record of 'the Government in this election," There had been an attempt, Mr, Dunning asserted, to show the King Government was held up the Bt, Lawrence scheme, On the cone trary, he declared they had been going on with it and were still go. ing on, The channel at Prescott was now being deepaned and the Wel. land Canal wan now about ready for operation, I I ------------------ JUST AS IT IT SHOULD BE' Now York, » July uly 4="The New York Giants have been converted to the "Ladies' Day" idea in baseball, The Glant management announced yesters day that best nn Jul 14, each Mon« day will be Ladies' Day at the Polo Grotinds, wd all feminine fan awill be admitted free, THREE EYE SPLITS SEASON Chicago, July y 4=The Three Eye League has voted for a split season, the second half opening with yester~ day's games, Danville ran away with the first: half pennant, winning 40 and losing but 23 games, which has not been published, They |: GERMAN ACE AND JACK GUEST IN SCULLING FINALS (Continued from Page 1) 1028 was the second time dominion took the honors, Grand Challenge Cup Leanders and London Rowing Club won thelr haets in the Grand Challenge. Cup, leading event for olght-oared crews, at the Roya) Henley Regatta today, Leanders, who won the trophy Inst year, today defeated Univer- sity College by a length and a quarter, in the timo of seven min. utes 17 seconds, London Rowing Club defeated Jesus College, Cambridge, by one length in seven minutes ning sec- onds, the Thames Cup The crew of the Quinton Club today defeated that of Jesus Col- lege, Oxford, by half a length In the Thames Cup sculling compoti- tion, The winning time was seven minutes and 21 seconds, The crew of Kent School, Con- neotioutt, defeated that of Prince- ton University by half a length to- day in an All-American match of the semi-finals of the Thames Cup, The time was seven minutes and 27 seconds, Visitors' Cup In competition for the Visitors' Cup, the Brasenose crow beat that of Jesus College, Oxford, by tho same distance, half a length, in seven minutes and 61 seconds, The girls from Pembroke Col. logo, Cambridge, defeated rivals from Pembroke College, Oxford, in the semi-final for the Ladies' Challenge Plate for elght-oared crews, The light blue girls won by a length and three quarters in seven minutes and 21 seconds whie colleglans on the banks shouted themsclves hoarse, S000M, GOMORRAH ARE UNEARTHED BY CATHOLIC PRIEST All Five "Cities of the Plains" Believed Found Near Dead Sea Catloan Olty, Italy, July 4.~The oxcavations north of the Dead Sea by Father Alexius Mallon, announc- od recently In cable dispatches from Jerusalem, have convinced authorities here he discovered the famed wicked oltles of the Old Testament, Sodom and Gomorrah, Father Mallon, who is director of the Jerusalem section of the pont! tioal biblical institute of Rome, al #0 in oertain he has uncovered the places destroyed, 'as the Bible ways, "by brimstone and fire from the Lord out of Heaven." It was from these cities that the just man Lot fled and It was here that Lot's wife, so the Testament telly us, turned around to see the conflag- ration and was changed into a pil- lar of malt, Sodom and Gomorrah were two of a group of tive towns called "'olties of the plains." The others were Admah, Zebollm and Zoar, Father. Mallon helleves he has found them all in the region of eastern Ghor, In Transjordanin, a fow miles from the dead nen, UNVEIL CANADIAN AUSTIN SATURDAY Toronto, July 4, -- Saturday, July Oth, is the date set for the oftiolal "unveiling" of the bantam Austin car, the newest edition of the famous little British oar that for eight years has been a tamil jar a t on the leading motorways Susope, the victor in hundreds o (1 ondurance and hill. olimbing contests and a prominent feature of the automotive equip. ment of society folk abroad, Tho bantam Austin, introduced in Cane ada by the Canadlan Austin Car Company, will make ita first orow to the Canadian public this week in the showrooms of Austin dig tributors throughout the Domine fon, it was announced by EB, P, Clarkson, Managing Director of the Canadian Auatin Car Come pany, CROWN APPEALS SOLLOWAY CASE Alberta Attorney - General Declares Sentences Inadequate Calgary, July 4,~Declaring the sentences imposed upon I, W, O, Bolloway snd Harvey Mills, oll brokers, by Mr, Justica Ives in Supreme Court recently, "were || entirely inadequate in view of the serious nature of the offences charged and ought to be materl ally increased," the Attorney-Gien- oral of Alberta hus filed notice of appeal to tho Appellate Court of the province, The appeal will be heard at the next sitting of the Appellate Court at Calgary on Sep- tember 15, Notice of tho cross sppenl was filed in Calgary by J, J, Frawley of the Attorney-Ceneral'ns depart. ment and will be served upon Mr, golloway in Montreal and upon Mr, Mills who Is st present In Kd- monton, Both Mr, sollowny and Mr, Milli ure on ball pending heur- ing of an appeal filed by A, A McGillivray, thelr counsel, at the conclusion of the trinl before Mr, Justico Ives, Mr, Holloway, found gullty on four counts, Is under wmentence to serve four months in Lothbridge jail, and Mr, Mills is under sentence to werve one month, Vines amounting to $226,000 for Mr, Bolloway and $26,000 for Mr, Mills have beon paid pending the appeal, BRITAIN IS TAKING ACTION TO REDUCE UNERPLOYENT Emergency Bill will Provide For Loan to Finance Public Works London, July 4,-~The first fruits of the co-operation pledged by the Parliamentary Liberal Party in the Labor Government's prospective efforts to reduce the extent of unemployment are fore. shadowed in omergency legisla- tion which will be introduced to the House of Commons next woek, The Unemployment Kmergoney Bilas the baby is ulready called before its birth or advent to Pare Hament---will have as its object the speeding up of legislative pro- cossen in connection with projects to provide employment, It is expected . the House of Commons will be asked to vole a considerable sum to defray the oxpensa of relief work ip the most pocopsitous areas, The proposal of the Right Hon, David Lloyd George, Liberal Leader, that a large-loan be issued to finance the pullding of public works will prob. ably receive consideration, And as for the mombers of the House of Commons, they are faced with the prospect of much-curtall- od summer holidays, as the legis- Intion pending will, In all lke lhood, extend the session into late August, CHICAGO FEUDS TAKEN T0 DETROIT Two Members of Moran Gang Killed and One Injured Detroit, July 4.~Two men were killed and ono 'wounded yesters day by an pnidentitied slayer who shot them as they sat in an autos mobile in front of the La Salle Ho- tel, then walked into the hotel lobby and lost himself the crowd, No one intorfered with the kills or as ho walked into the lobby, and oarly efforts to identify him among the persons found there when police arrived were unavalls having been ne. While all three men had Detroit addresses, police expressed the bulief that the dopble slaying had itd inception in a Chicago gang. toud, Avoiding Questioning? Ohlcago, July d==After ques. Moning a woman here, Chicago po- loa were convinced that the fatal shooting of two men and the wounding of a third in front of a Detroit hotel was a sequel to the bitter warfare now waging betweon rival Chichgo gangs, The three men are sald by po lee here to be members of the Morhn gang, and they bolleve the men fled Chicago to avold ques tioning in connection with investi gation of the killing of Alfred ("Jake") Lingle, Tribune reporter, ---------------- Tin in Canada Considerable interest has been aroused by the discovery of stans nite, a tin-bearing mineral, in a vein in the Snowflake deposit situa- ted in the Revelstoke district of British Columbia, In composition and geologloal assoolations this and other veins in the deposit oloss ely resemble those of Potosl, Roliv. fa, Both are In old alates or ar gllliten ansoolated with comparative oly young granodiorites and granit- on, and the minerals found in one are almost the same an those found in the other, LADDER WAS CAUSE OF DEATHS, JURY FINDS (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Welland, July 4,~~A 86-foot Jad- der reinforced with steel wire which ren its full length, supplied by the department of railways and canals, was blamed for the triple fatality of June 19 when Kddle Smith, Lloyd Tice and Sheldren Hensler, all of Welland county were electrocuted at a sub-station in Thorold township, Witnesses stated that since the nceident, the reinforced ladders had heen discarded and wooden ones brought into service on such work, SCHMELING REACHES EUROPE Hamburg, Germany, July 4+Max Schmeling still is suffering recurring puns from the blow that ended his match with Jack Sharkey on a foul, the Teuton heavyweight told a rep~ resentative of the Hamburger Frem- denblatt on his arrival from the Un- ited States at Cherbourg, Schmeling sid he would consult a physician as soon us he arrived in Berlin, NO GASES OF DIPHTHERIA DURING JUNE (Continued from Yage 3) against this disease, The two school children of the same family who were previously protected against Scarlet "ever, have not, as yet, shown any sign of contracting the disease, Iwo Clinics have been establish- ed to protect children, particularly pre-school age children, against Scar- let Fever, Diptherin and Smallpox, These Clinics are held each week during the Summer, in Mary 8¢ School on Wednesday morning and in Ritson Road School on Thursday morning, The attendance so far has been excellent and it is hoped that gradually the pre-school age group, who are so susceptible to these au. eases, will be as well protected « are our school children The Canadian and Foreign Clinics, held each Tuesday and Thursday, have been well attended and, in ad- dition to the Infant Welfare, many mothers avall themselves of the op. portunity to have the toddlers in- munized against Diptheria and Scar- let Fever, Total Attendance .ovvvies No, Infants ...... TI , Pre-schools vivevernes 4 , new Infants .... , new=Pre-school , examined by Doctor ,. , doses Serum given ,., 156 . Vaccinated SCHOOL REPORT , visits to Schools , pupils inspected , , examined by Doctor Apres school +oiiiriniiiin "" , complete physicals "ee Vo, defects found ....4 , referred to Doctor ' o, referred to Dentist , NO, treatments .....oo0vi00000 sv 113 No, dental defects (terminated ,, 48 No, defects terminated (other than teeth) Nov examined with parents press No, i without defects ,.., DEFECTS FOUND No, Defective Vision ,.oiiivvsnee No, Defective Hearing +.ivrviene No, Ear Disease , No, Defective Nasal Breathing » ' No, Abnormal Tonsils +oiivivene No; Defects of Teeth +0000 Enlarged Glands Skin Disease ' Orthopedic Defects Heart Disease ... Malnutrition Pedmonary Discase sovr00s Hernia EXCLUSIONS FOR COMMUNIC, ABLE SKIN DISEASE Pedieuli Scables Ziiiiiviviiriiniias With reference to above Report, the 120 Medical examinati are among the pre-school children who are entering school in Septems her, There are between 500 and 600 listed for entrance to school and it is our effort to have as many of these examined before school starts, as Is possible, during the vacation, thus enabling the parents to have the defects found corrected by the fami- ily physican, before starting school in the Autumn 3 per cent, ly physician before starts ing school in the Autumn It will be noticed that 30 per cent, examined had no defects and with the immunizations being given this Summer, these children 'will enteg school 100 per cent, perfect, PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT Home Visits To Adults To Prenatal To Postnatal ,.4s To Infants To Pre-schools Re School Absentees Re Physical Defects .... Re Acute Communicable Diseas Re Acute Communicable Skin Disease ,.0004 ' Tuberculin ., Venereal ....oo00000nii0ies Re Miscellaneous voevvrnnes Re Social Total No, homes visited Total Individuals visited , Child Welfare +...000i0040 "ery BEDSIDE CARE, TREATMENTS, DRESSINGS ress TLE TERT ATR Crrbannnne ITER TITRA | rere nne Re Re PRR RRE RR To Infants .. To children To adults No, Serum given (by nurse) . 0 On June 23, 1930, the Red' 'Cross activities commenced ut Rotary Cots {age at the Lake and it was the prive lege of the Public Health Nurses to ow 10 4 , | select 28 underprivileged children for Ba two weeks outing, This will cons tinue through the Summer months, giving undernourished children a much needed change and rest, Preparations have been completed for a Provincial Chest Clinic, which in to visit Oshawa, July 3rd. To date, over B0 cases have been listed an appointments scheduled for the dates indicated by the Doctor in charge, A student graduate nurse, from To« ronto University, has completed hep term of Field Work with the Des partment of Health here, Respectfully submitted, Miss Harrls, Reg, N, Supervising Public Health Nurse, Co --_ Per Dollar | She NEW Firestone EL LOON Weed with Suty Firestone now Sources another new fire--age ain built In advance of today's cor re-, quirements. This new Firestone Heavy, Duty Gum. Balloon surpasses In stre In toughness, In traction a In wear-resistance, any pion thet. even Firestone ever bullt re. This new tire provides a wide margin of safety at any speed on any road. t has a deeper tread, extra idewall thickness and scientific construction of Alternsting plu of nd FE Gum. shacla ~= Firestone angina arp At every Firestone ai nh can uy B ize new hoi loons by thele ; by the on ha soar 4 Firestone Dealer to ie hg : Firestone Tire and Rubber Company of Canada, Limited Hamilen =» Ontario i Rodd's Tire & | Cor. King and Conte St OSHAWA Battery Service Phone 030

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