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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jul 1930, p. 8

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% PAGE EIGHT 7 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930 "BRAMPTON EXCELSIORS AGAIN PROVE TOO GOOD FOR LOCAL SRS. Brampton Excelsiors Win Third Game from Oshawa General Motors by Odd Goal ---------- 4 Two Unlucky Penalties 'in] Quick Succession Give Excelsiors Opportunity to Score Third and Winning Goal in Final Period Brampton Defence Plays Especially Well -- Locals Lack Speed and Numerous Passes Go Astray Yor the third time this season, the Brampton Wxeelsiors defented the Oshawa General Motors seniors Inst night und an fn the two pres vious engagements, the margin of victory was only one goal, Going Into the final spasm with the score tled ut two all, both teams opened up thelr play and pel out in senrch of the winning goal, Unlucky Penalties "Walk" Wilson was sent off when the man he was checking fell on his face, Wilson was acoused of tripping, Two minutes later, Geo, Hproule ducked Inte one of Bmiths son's swings and went down with it gevere cut on the head, Bmithson wis of course sent off, The Kx. celslors 'were quick to take ad vantage of thelr two odd men and the winning gon! was scored when Thompson gave Gibson a nies pass and Gibson tallied with a hard shot, Oshawa fought like flenas to got the equaliser and despite the fact: that Smithson drew another penalty one minute after his re~ turn, the Oshawa team hemmad the xeelslors «in and Large made a wonderful save of Hk's shot "Chueh' Davidson took the next try and his shot missed the net hy Inches, Large didn't sven see the shot,' The ball bounced out of hounds and before it was retrieved, the final whistle had blown, Oshawa's first goal, a minute ats tor play wan started, was the res sult of a smart, speedy attack, On mont of the other occasions thoy delayed thelr attacks and awaltea for bronks but apparently the Ex eelslors have got on to that style of play because they gave the vielts Ing sharpshooters wo chance tu get thei shots away and Large had lows Work to do than In any of the other games with Oshawa this wea won, He turned In a smart performanee, Hramptu's first goal was move or loss of a fluke ag Gibson had lost the. ball but It rolled ahead into the net, The wecond gonl wan meunt to he a pass rom Burry to Sproule and Shannon was given no chance on the winning goul, He wis put out of action for a while when he stopped a fast shot with his head, Davidson was the hest Oshawa man en the attack hat he was wilehed too closely and was glven Hitle ¢hance to become dangerous, Wilson and Pox were also effective but the vemainder of (he team seemed to lack the necessary pep to enrry the plays throufh to un sue. aelntul finish," Of course, the Brampton defence played a nlee game, Reeves and "Pote" Wla he Ing especially efiective and they give Largs all possible protection On the night's play, the Kxeels wlors degerved thely vietory, They flalded the hall and had possession for more than half of the game The game was Brenuons but not exactly vough but it seemed as if the home team got away with ton much slashing around the legs Byampton's vietory practically gives them a stranglehold on first place and at the present time, Oshs awn holds pecond position hy.a slim lend, - THE GAME Brampton got the ball and pros ned hard but In less than a minute Oshawa seored on a speedy coms | bination play, Golden to DeGray to White who scored, Sproule al- most scored with a backhand shot, Htapleton gave the fans a thrill by beating Coulter gold hut Shannon came out and "Tony" «hit shane non with the ball, Oshawa came baek with an attack but the Hamp! ton defence was alrtight, Hramps ton gave Bhannon a close enll but YPat" finally elearedr himwelf, Nar ron took a wicked shot and Large made a lovely save, Heattle almost sored when Bhannon stopped his shot and the ball fell at his feet, It wis cleared and the first period endod with Barron holding the hall Oshawa 1, Brampton 0, mecond Quartier Oshawa opened. with an attagk and the Wxeelstors eame Fight buok with a counter, Play was not very extoting ax both teams played onu tiously and waited for openings, which were scares, Oshawa sud denly broke loose und Davidson al ost scored, Brampton evened up the suore when Gibson ° went through alone, He lost the ball wit It hounded ahead inte the net, Two minutes later lxcelalors want ane up when Burry came down the fleld and woored on a long shot, Reuttie and Coulter drow pénalties one after the other, Play slowad up and the period ended with the woore, Oshawa 1, Brampton 2, Third Quarter Oshawa evened up the scorn i loss than a minute when Nieplies non shot and hit Large, White got the rebound and put the ball in the net, Hrampton argued that White was In the grease hut ye. feree Querrie sald "No" and the woul counted, Wilson and Wpencer combined for a nice play which al mont resulted in a goal Hrampton aame back strong and Coulterhroke hin stick making the save, Bpencer drew a penalty for slashing and Brampion began to press, . Oshawn Jf Went to work and Lavgd was given some hard shots to handle hut he proved equal to the task and the teams entered the final quarter with the score tied at two all Final Quartep Brampton got the ball but wil son stole it, Gibson and Davidson were sent off for sorapping, Osh. awn hemmed the Excelstons in tor Awhile, Wilson got a penally when hia chook tripped and fell, Smiths Fanlty Passing Bosldes the lack of #peed In rrying out thelr attacks, the Qshe wwvn team displayed o distinet lack af ability to mas the ball accurately Lidl A Brent many passes went ase ay, The defence played a mood game but Mhannon was the strong S6L man on the Oshawa rearguard ~ N-- Tailor-made Jules $25.00 Scotland Woollen Mills 8, HOTINH, Manager Yhe CARI W AARC dW (0% PERE TA NEW "fARTIN Belleville Nationals Increase Their Lead in C.0.B.L, by Another Win Over Kingston Belleville, July 10,~-Belleville Nationals increased thelr lead. in the Dentral Ontario haseball league yesterdny when they defeated King: witon hy 10 to 4, The game was play- in connection with the Conservas tive plenio and the large crowd was treated to a Noa game of hull, Alex, Welr, hurling for the wins ners, restricted the dposition to five scattered hits and only owe Kingston player was left on hase, He wan apposed hy Howard "Buse ter" Reid, who lasted bul three innings, Mendell Burditt Wins 5-Mile Swim At Sunnyside Toronto, July 10,~Thousunds of enthusiustio speotators thronged the whores of the breakwater al Hunnyside last evening (o witness the fivesmile swim, 1 was & grent disappointment to the large crowd when It was announced that Geoyge Young would not start, However, without Young, thera were still nine competent swimmers ready to make the plunge, including Ham Mhields, congquerer of Youny In a recent threesmile swim, and Men dell Brurditt, who turned out to he the winner, The nine original slarters were: Burditt, Bhields, Npondor, Jenkinson, Riggs, Marcus, Cutler and Frank and Don Booth Joo Marcus was the first to Jeave the watef, followed hy the Heoth hrothers, and then the veal race he nn, Hum Hhields, who had many friends In the crowd, went out In the lead. and for a time It appears od that another United States com patitor would he the winner of a To ronto swim Hhielils kept for the first two miles, hut the youngster, Isador Hpondor, 'was right an his heels, and just after the two-mile buoy was reached took the lead quarter, Bhields appeared exhausts od, and was taken out of the water, When this was announced to those who were not able to see what had happened many were disappointed, as they had expected Hhields to make it interesting for the others hafore the finish was ranched up a sloady stroke nppeared to be a twosman race he tween Isador Spondor and Mendall Burditt, Hpondor vemained in the lend until nearing the three-mil mark, and then was passed by (he plucky Burditt HOBINS WIN PAIN FROM BRAVES Brooklyn, July 10,~The Brook yn Robing yesterday Iiereased thelr margin of leadership In the National League to 114 games hy winning two contests from th Hoston Heaven, while Chicago was dropping one te Cincinnati. The soores were 8 to 0, and 6 to 4, CARDINALS. WIN IN EIGHTH At, Louis, July 10,--A double hy Hmmy Wilson in the elghth Inning with the bases loaded gave the Bt, Louls Cardinals throe runs, and a 7 to 6 victory over the Pittsburg Pleates here yesterday The Cardinals advanced to within # half game of the thirdsplacu Now York Giants with his face, Oshawa attacked like fiends and filk let drive with a buls lot shot that Large just managed ta save, Barron retrieved and was | bowled over, to Davidson and "Chuek' let drive with a shot that Large didn't even sed, The ball missed the net hy inches and went out of hounds, He fore It was found the game was over, and Brampton had defeated Oshawa for the third time by a ene goal margin 4-2, NOW PLAYING The Great War ion accidently hit Geo, Hproule on | the head and 'was gent off, pro le [Wan hurt badly and_lad to jeave He ne, th two men on the bench, Tragedy Oshawa battled desperately Rp | Bxteluniors went to work to get the | winning gen). After about two {minutes of play, Thompson rave [Olhson a nice pass and Gibson "JOURNEY'S | huokhanded a wicked shot past END" Shannon to put Hampton one worl up Oshawa tried hard but Smiths von weakened their chances when Strong Dramatic Masters Piece Depicting the Life hie drew another penalty after he minute," 'Shannon was knocked of a Frontline Soldier ould when he stopped a widked shot Hrampton Large Reatty Hurry Reaveu Hurton 0a ftapleton Care Thompson (Hbaon Almmer Aproule O'Hearn Oshawa Position {¥hannon Goal Hubbell Point Coulter Cavey Nmithson Refenpe | Npencer Defence milk Defence | Dotlrn Contre ond rd Home Davidson 2nd Home | Golden Ist Home Stephenson Outaide White Inside Barron Hubs Wilson Hubs Powell Fox Hubs Graham Referee Charlie Querrie, Judge of Play--J, Duncan, Int and rd y hid oMly heen back on about a The Hell of War, Game from S UNDER NEW | S Winners Have Many Ervors MANAGEMENT While Losers Play Error. less Ball, But Are Outhit by 18-11--Both Teams Use Two Phchers, Win. ners Score All Their Runs Off Towns -- Red Aces Play Whitby to Decide 'Winner of First Hulf The Red Aces juveniles carned the right to moet Whithy Taxis to decide the: winner of the first half: of the schedule, when they defeated 8t, Gregory's juveniles Tast night in one pt the best games played dn" that eague this season, The score of the me was 8 to 7 and the affair was ust as close and interesting as the wibte Cdicutes Md i , Gregory's ANEW regruit, in | How Toni who has been starring if] with the Bakery Juniors, Apparently the lower serfes Is too fast for Towns Hub Pool Room Barber Shop King Street West " Formely owned by My, Bo Brooke i THE NEW, PROPRIETOR | Russell Cowie Who wsollolts tha patronage of all the Old Customers as well aa the New Customers, i It Is our pleasure to serve : you, . _|Red Aces Win Close Juvenile t. Gregory's 8-7 the box in the Aith tuning, Two home rung by "Plain Bob" Teyes, the Red Acer' first baseman, buing twa of the min reasons for Towns' withdrawal, AVhitely went in to hurl in the fifth ining and the Red Aces never got another run and although St, Greg- ory's got threo runs in the fifth and two more in the sixth, the Cards tightened up in the last theee innings and won the game by the odd run, Magill relieved Guiltinan in the sixth, when he stated to slip and Magill was given good support to put the Suints alway. CGuiltinan with 4 and JTeyes with 3 were the heavy hitters far the wins ners while Whitely and Normyle each got twa for the losers, The teams i= : . Red Aces: Andisan Jb, Shellenkoff ah, Guiltinan py and Lf, Kiwhen go, Jeyes 1h, and rf, Jobh ss, Cooper LE, Gay of, Cook rf, Oke 2b, Ma- will Pp and Peterson in," St, Giregor wie MeAdams dh, Des Long of, Cayley Lf, Whitely 1h, and py Dwyer o, Conlin, nf, Towns i and dh, Trewin 2h, Normyle sas, vinlin 1b. and Kennedy Li, as the Red Ages knocked him out of Lmpives: 5 Goodall and J. Goodall sy At two miles and a' With shields out of the water it] He passed the ball! i Prospective Olympic Hurdler 4 have PORT SNAPSHOTQ } Brampton D Onee again Brampton | General Motor alah Sendors pid one I'he gan pep, Oshawa espe stall margin of one goal seemed to lack ugninsl the Saints on Saturday w ton rearguard turned in a good who was able to Core It 4 the player Just a Hithe luerosse There part dn their defeat better and unle against the Lxcelsior i no doubt that two uniort hut neverthel win and they were defeated by a on the night's play . Locals Moet of last 1 played g + One of the spectators other than the man who 0 son, Hawking, nh display from Winnipeg will he rememl Hawking almost given hy were I'he Red Aves knocked Lloyd It was Town's frst start of the ht hard, Not one But the Cards hit Towns hard a Whitely went in and held the | member af the J of the game but the damage the Red Aces won out hy 8 to 7 hitting, the. former getting two h ¥ " I'he Parts and Service the Textiles in the first game and ugain play the Black Cat The 'l gave the Front Street team of Hoy man exhibition game played in hh R, 8, McLaughlin V Congratulations ta R, 8 Mel his first turf victory yesterday the trick at Fort Erie long="Taken from the Mail LJ ] P, and 8, va, Bake lore tomorrow night, when they meet fifth time this season, The Baki the Parts and Service clan must record crowd at Cowan's game, * 3] 'Whithy Rovers The \Whithy Ravers will play at the Motor City Stadivim in a Friends won thelr only game from peat, . . in they . oo» Red Aces Defeat wits done won a good game wight and the Phillips defeated Columbia His "Sky He will have others doing have an almost impossible task ahead of them Park tomorrow night at 645 pm, to see this eile leagne game By Guo, Oamrnmia, Sports Bditer oes It Again 8 ro d for the Oshawa the fast and hoth teams el ton § again they won decision hy the nt ery I'he "zip rely mi 0 wil nll 8 und pep" displayed ing and the and "oot White look us if succeed in playing their thelr Hrawmp was the only heging to locals are Hable to Brampton are hest lage laurels unate penalties played an dmportant [ the Oshawa team tried. hard (0 tea which was just a shade better . » Old Friend Wht ve at Brampton was non al for the Winnipeg Argos last sea the splendid team back wired that goultending eit the Oshawa lume vertiinly glad to see him ' ' ! ) NL Gregory's Pawns out of the lust son in juvenile company and he was Wi erro hi night St Gregory's team wade got eight hye Acus scoreless for the Magill relieved Gutltinan and heavy nd runs in mnings fd remainder Jeyves and Gulltinan did some Hers * » Intermediate Softball Mlack Cats last Fondght The in the night cap, Parts and Serviee Art vinaniville a severe heating last night the from the Limes meet imes team; assisted hy Rodgers Rubber Town Vine First Place aughling the Oshawa sportsman, on the one to da same thing be Carer" was the and Empire, . * ry Tomorrow Night The Parts and Service juniors will have their bhagks to the wall the Oshawa Bakery Juniovs: for the ry have won three out of four and night they will There should be a Win tomorrow or * . Here Tomorrow the Chosen Friends tomorrow night The Chosen the Rovers and they are out to res » Ld Shamrocks in Campbeliford Tomorrow The Oshawa Shamrocks intermediate laerosse team will travel to Campliellford tomorrow to play a growp game in tht town, The | Veni Camphellford team is noted for giving visiting teams a warm reception ing" games, ' and the game should be very interesting, The Shamrocks like "interests Bobby Jones Picked to Win U.S, Open Title Minneapolis, July 10,==The hats te of the hunkered hilla of Inter Inonen with Hobby Jones defend. ing his National open golt orown Againgt the eream of the United Rtates amateur and professional orop, beging today, with every prows peot that the King of the roel and ancient realm will have a fight on hig hands as hot as the heat wave that has gripped these wide open PARLE of the Northwest, Once again, it 1a "Jones against the fleld.," With the monareh of the fairways baok from an atlsoons queriug invasion of Queat) Britain, fit for another stirugele hs follow: ore are confident he will sustain ha tefumphant marvel, But the sweltering gallery 'of vingalde exe ports, in addition ta a faly ahare af the field of 142 scheduled aiart: om themselves, wan not so sure that Bobby would win Walter Hagan, keen and wore anxions than ever to regain press tige he has lout on United slates 00UMEnE In Lhe past few years, ia generally regarded an the old guardsman most likely to make trouble, rr rrp PHILLIEN WIN IN NINTH Philadelphia, duly 10,=The Phillies put on a aindb=innipg rally againet Carl Hubbell yesterday that netted two. vans and a & to 4 Malory, ever the New York Glants, Vivid action pleture taken of Art Havensdale, phenomenal Colinnvy hu dler at recent Dominion Duy track meet at Orillia where, despite muddy track, the Cobourg champion nearly agunlled his best provieus records and ndded another gold mednl to his eo) oetion Havensdale practienlly trating Wimself, having only spare time conehing when at school and occasion tl workouts hy Ontario Athletic Com mission visitors, He is halled ag mo terial for Canada's next Olympie team 'which will go to Los Angeles in 1048, und Taronto is already endeavoring to the Cobourg youngster estubiish lenea there, und hegln training, #9 that he muy bring fresh laurels to that sport loving eify Leafs Divide Doubleheader With Orioles Faronto, July 10 Vincent "Hivpa' Harton, Toronto's eontri bution. to the Baltimore Orioles wlmost enveloped ahout 4,000 of his fellow eltigens in deep gloom over at Maple Leaf piadium in the seventh Inning of the sosoml game of yosterday's twin hill he tween the Leafs and Bivds, Als most, at net quite If Barton's tiple 40 right field had been ten foot longer or ten feet higher i would have cleared the wall and washed out a perfectly good five run lead which the Leats had painstakingly compiled off "Lafty" Halen and Monte Weaver, It was the final blow of a de luge of haso Knocks, which largely ran to teiples, that the Birds got off Prank Barnes in the last ehap fer, It seorad the fourth run of the tnning and put Harton on third with the tying counter, It alan won a sult of elothes for the Foaronto-harn Baltimore playor and drove Frank Hares from the mound after the big southpaw had olimaxed & fine pitching display hy a blowsup that rocked the stands and halted the eustomers in the exits, Johnny Prudhomme was hastened to the mound and sue ceeded In quelling the run riot hy vetiving the only man te face him, The Leats staggered to the showers with a 7 to 4 vietory te give them three out of four In the series with the league leaders They lost the firet game of the afternoon hy 7 te 0, TORONTO SCOTTISH AND ULSTER UNITED PLAY ONE/ALL TIE GAME Toronto, July 10, Toronto flieottish and Ulster United met at Conboy Park in thelr return game In the National League series, Hoot: tish had wen the first game by two goals to nil and Ulster were deters mined to turn the tables, hut after # strenuous struggle the result wasn draw of one goal each, Ulster wera the first to he ag: wvenslve and Hagan shot just past the post, Heottish then got thely passing game moving and forced two corners In quiek succession which were oleared, Not to he des nied, they came down again with A passing movement between Mes Intyre and Btevens which resulted In Melntyre putting the ball past Kirk for the fivat goal to Beottish, Parts and Service and Phillips Win Good Games Parts and "Service Defeat] Regiment Black Cats 7.2 and Phillips Win From Columbins, 6-2 -- Games Are Well Played and In-| {inning and singles in the third and teresting ana-- Both games in the Intermedipti uevien al the Meloy City Biudium were cul short hecause of he woather conditions, The fivel gin hotween Varig and Bervies and Ontario Regimeut went to the end of the sixth inning befobe festis| ties wera culled off, By that tin the Parts and Bervice crew PUR In T runs to the 4 reglsterad hy the Regiment, Good pitehin hy Wehster who struck out 7 his opponents, combined with rors hy the Hegiment at the Cl moments, seven errors helpp chalked np ngainst ham, ©, and # made a few honers themselves, do nating three to that column, Th wory of the game can he seen in tha seore hook that shows thal of Wix hits made by 1, and HB, thie were garnered hy Gummow aatehers had thelr awn roubles Howden having three passed hall und Hussell four The Regiment wail into the lead hy annexing a one run lead in Lhe gocond Inning hut that did not mean anything to V and HB, u they shoved four vy Neross In the third and gained the lead, which they never lost, addinn tingle tallies in the fourth, fifth and sixth for a total of seven, The Regiment soored agadn In Lhe fourth hut could not get more than one on that ocepsion The line ups Parte and Haryice hi CC, Eliott, ih Rowden Wetster, pi 7, Kilote, 1h; Bmith If; Hugh rey Atkinson Trotter, of, Ontario Regiment hi MW, Bnowdon I, Balmon, 8h, of} © 0, Nussell, ¢1 R. Bennett, Rutherford, pi Clary, 1h mplres Garrow and Dell pearer-=A, Walker Phillips Win In the second game, the Phil lips dofeated the Columbias by o peore of 6 to 2 In a good softball battle with tight playing and m or Gummo Zubkaviteh, Hall, rf Larnieh, rt rf, ly ih} I had | or | 'R. S, McLaughlin's Horse, Sky Gazer, 'Wins Both | | nem b=wind=up [the 1 he goog Witting, sspecially by the win. Hern he Columbians €id not gel going until the fourth inning snd they sored ones In the fourth and uiain in the (ith, the Phillips, on the other howd, had established #» nioe lend of four roms in the frst fourth gave them the decision, The ume wis called In the gixth ine ning due to the wind storm Thu teams Columblas==1uke, #h; Keenan, ty Levegue, 4h; phellenkoff, ss; Arnold, 65 Wowk, If; smerch, pi W, Var, th und Dainty, ef hillips=--Bpencer, MH; HB, Bone ham, 4h; A, Petrie, hy HK, Bones wm, els I, Bonehsm, 1h 8, Claus, ii I, Bowler, ¢; 1, Leveque, rf} 4 Bhewehik, p Umplres---=Dell and Garrow, hh First Prize Jul 10,101 the ard aL Fort Erle, Ulohn P, Melnerny" purse was best offering, This was a dash of six furlongs under ¢laiming eons ditions that attracted seven of the hatter elas, ©, 1", Woodward's Wave Top ran the fastest threes guuriers of the meeting to take the major award hy three paris of a length from N, N, Mooney's Oma aon, Three lengths farther back the Beagram Stahle's Sun Cralg led home Clearance hy a length, Elsa heth Bolla, Wrackell and Pithoohry sompleted the field and finished in that order The winner's time for the sprint was "1.18 «6 and with tha exception of un few yards at the break, Wive F'op led + the fleld throughout Oshiwn in Limelight RB Mebaughlin, Oshawa motop magnate, soored his first sucess since his advent Into racing elreles when Bly Gager carvied his colors to vietory over 11 other Canadian hyed juveniles in the second vice ty Guger had to he much the hest to overcome the erowding and humping which she suffered Fart Jovi healthy hoy would mueh go to a ball, park than a "A nthe saloon Bruce Barton, A Another Thrilling Detective Mystery E A PHILO VANCE STORY Here's the cleverest blend of drama, suspense, love and laughs you've ever seen, Van Dine's greatest baffler! With ADDER UNIT a Wwe A om wy '} RTS TODAY a3 WILLIAM POWELL as Philo Vance SS. VAN DINI FRIDAY 9.00 7.00 \ NEILL'S The Store of Better Values LADIES' BATHING SHOES 5c In ved and white and blue and white, Pair LADIES' WHITE STRAP SLIPPERS With rubber sole $1 60 1] and heels, Pair ..., MISSES' PATENT ONEs STRAP SLIPPERS For the smart miss, $1 i 49 Size 11.2, Pair , Boys' and Young Boys' Summer Oxfords Made from solid calf leather $1.65...81.95 Men's Black Dress Boots and Oxfords Made on gbod, comfortable BY rece $0.05 Pair aumisnnn R. NEILL LTD, 12 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Ladies' Arch Fitting Shoed In ties and straps, Priced, pr, $3.75..:85 00 Child's Patent and Kid ; © Strap Slippers 90¢ widl J0 pair Savé money by shopping at Neill's and enjoy comfort and satisfaction in good shoes, ; \

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