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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jul 1930, p. 5

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¥» Ns eta i wox THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930 PAGE FIVE omens Interests in the Home --- and the Community Social Number 35, and Personal Will those who wish to insert items in Social and Personal column kindly address letters containing the information to Editor of the Women's Page, Oshawa Daily Times, or Phone Miss Bert Preston, of Toronto, is visiting with Miss Dorothy Ho~ garth, King street cust, Miss Margaret McLellan, of Montrenl, 1s the guest of Miss Helen Mhefrield, Royal street, AL the annual meeting during the Inst week of May, Mrs. J, G Althouse, wife of u former prin cipal of the Oshawa Collegiate In- stitute was eldcted president of the Toronto Branch of the Canadian Women's Press Club, Miss Joan Merritt, Elgin Street, fs spending wn few days al Pine Point, Lake Scugog, Miss Irene * Mees, Neg. N., of Quincy 11, 1s the guest of her sine ter, Mrs, Hubert Cottingham, Allen Lancashire, Mr. Marston expects also to visit tho continent, Mrs, M, Crozier, Simcoe Wireet South, entertained on Tuesday ovening at a plenle at Lakeview Park, in honor of her gon Bernard, who was celebrating his fourth birthday, A large number of friends from Oshawn, Toronto, and some from the Hietes were among the guests, HO families In all, were re- presented, Those who nssisted with worving the ten wore: Miss Tessie Retterfparn, Toronto; Mrs, (Dr,) IAeberman, (nee Kster Halpern), Toronto, Mrs, A, Swartz and Mrs, A, Dime, of Oshawa, Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs, Von. wor and Mrs, Btelger, New York, Mrs, #, Drestine and daughters of Toronto, It wag a very happy oc Married Ladies, 60 yds, --~Mrs, D. Attersley, Mrs, Vickes, #ingle Ladies, 76 ydu~Misy Nor. ma Vreerer, Miss Margaret Spen- cer, Tug-of-War, Men Holy Trinity' vs ft, Xavier, Toronto-~Won by St, Xavier, Holy Trinity team---=Wm, Vv. Harmer, C, Wells L. Rowse, P, Rowe, P, Kilburn, A, Bellingham, T, Vitches, J. Pennington, Tug-of-War Ladies, Xaxior, Toronto vu Holy Trinity, Oshawa, won hy Holy Trinity, Holy Trin ity team-~Mrs, Metcalfe, Mrs, Hayes, Mrs. Pennington, Mrs Pickens, Mra, Turner, Mrs, C, Wells Mrs, Westlake, Mrs, Tyrrell, Mrs Laroeque, Mrs, Bergman, | Baseball ' Angliean Young Men's Club vi | Holy Trinjty--won by Holy 'I'rin ity, Bcore Holy Trinity, 10, A, ¥ MC 4 | NOTHING NEW IN FERGUSON SPEECH eave Toronto 11 p.m. Eastern 5. 1, Daily Arriving' Winnipeg 10.15 a.m. Calgory 8.45 a.m Vencouver 9.00 ¢.m, [ TRANS-CANADA LIMITED w servrce MAY |7%# SEPT 27% For convenience and travel comfort, Canada's premier trans-continental train will serve you for the twellth season. PLAN A LONGER STAY AT BANFF THIS YEAR . . . summer social centre of the Canadian Rockies... and Lake Louise, only forty miles away. Through the Canadian Rockies in day- light. EQUIPMENT MN sleeping cor train din ing ear, women's lounge and beth; men's bath; smoking room; buffet; observation solarium; valet NING DECLARES) wes. | Premier Makes Reply Statements on St. Law- rence Waterways vaslon and the guests were de- lounge, Hghted with the celebration in hon or of Master Bernard's fourth birth day. > al - , 3 -- a » 1 ¢ % y Kamloops, BC, July 10,--A | brief reply to the Kitchener speach | . of Premier GG, Howard Verguson | of Ontario bn the .8t, Lawrence waterways wig lesued in the form of a statement by rime Minister Mackenzie King on his arrival hero Inst evening "His speech Is merdly a repetl tion of hin pross statement of June 40, and requires no further com ment," sald Mr, King, "The public will need no asgistance in judging the policy of the Canadian Govern ment from the record of Its action and the correspondence as already made publie" Instend of going Into the power business itself, the Prime Minister ndds "The Dominion had Indicated that it would he prepared to agree {that a province or provineinl ngeney should wecure and utilize the power whather development he mada hy the province or by (he Dominion "It ha | ently clear, fale and practienl hansis Hoy | to 14, 12 yils Jan | for facilitating utilizing of power Approximately Eight Hun- Chappell, Russell Atttersley, Murs | by the provinee dred People Attend An. |v Gilli 4 Joys Snck Race 7 vdu, 50 vds nual Picnic at Lake- Noke, L Giibray, 1. Diteh- | ye POLICEMEN ARE view Park lore Suck Rusk 10. sav, 5 yan INJURED IN RIOT Bob udger, Walter Harmer, | Edward Crawley ; Boys Sack Race 19 to 16, 76 yds, [ Ciro Fgypt, yMurray Gillies, Russell Attergley, | Government riots Park vesterday afternoon and | Bob Fudge: Tanfah lant night avoning when St, Xavier's Church Girls Throe-Legged RacosIoar) A mob stormed the police of Toronto and Holy Trinity [Taylor and Lenn Fudger, Annie | tion, injuring 156 pollcomen Chureh of Oshawa, united for thelr [Tyrrell and Worenco Fitehes, Alles | police arrested 70 anual summer outing, The threo |dweet and Hester Waites, The demonstration was the hundred and fifty people from the Boys Three-Legged Boh | second such anti-Governmaent In Toronto Church came to Oshawn | Fndger and Walter Harmer, Byers |eident In two days, six persons on special buses and In private fett Harmer and Henry Kobernik, | having heen killed in clashes at oars and special street car, service [ Jas. Chappell and Murray CGillles. ' Mansurah Tuesday. wan glven them during the afters noon, Four hundred from Holy Trinity went to the lake for thi -- - - - gvent, The two churches com: ---- aon -~ hined for the sports, but on nt MEN J count of the vast erowd each ¢hurch served ity own supper The children in particuluy enjoy od the day Immensely, There wore foe cream cones, candy, rides | | Just imagine A New Style Gillette Razor | with a tube of Rexall { on | Shaving the merry-go-round and forriy | Cream service. Open observation car between Calgary and Kamloops. Hirveol , Rov, 1B, Harston sailed yostors day morning from Quebec on the Empress of Meotland for England where he will spend the simmer visiting his snlpr in Rochdale, NOTICE! Tenn blouse with un V neckedine slips | conservative and prefers to weap over the trousers In middy fushe | harseM dn a beach vobe, such os lon, I Is virtually backless, the | the one shown nt the vight in the tapuring shoulders forming crosses | sketch, of novelty cotton, cut with od suspendors In the back, And na munnish ale, On the vight Is » Jacket of polka dotted shantung | photograph of Bessie Love wears tops It all, as shown in the Vogue | jne a faue slipson printed ye whoteh at the Tete, This jacket haw | oF 5 WEAEE 5 AROR TREES : Suan seven-elghths length bellewhaped | "F Which Rh er Dathing sult, sleeves and a small standing cols hut which reveals the lowshack cut lar, But pevhaps milady Is more | of the sult Sketch Is hy Vogue, | HOLY TRINITY AND When we take to the water, we are quite uniformly clad In our swimming sults, but, when we hawk in the sun, we may express our personalities slong various lines For instance, we mony. adopt (rouse orw==long, full ones that fall lke n skirt, If. we would be smart, thiv seanon, And, of course, navy blue shantung sults the water perfectly in color and fabric, A white slecves "The Times" will publish re- ports of meetings of all Wo- men's Organizations in the community, Kindly address sm such to Women's Page Ed: | The monthly lodge meeting of itor or Telephone on | the Chosen Friends was held in Three New Candidates Re- ceive Initiation 35, When writing remember the rooms last evening. In the ab- i sence of Dr, Cary, the chief coun- to use only one side of PRPEY. || cillor, the Inftintlon exercises were in charge of O, I, Hall, Thres new candidates, J, Ormar, Mra Walker and Miss Plorence Birknell were initinted, A program provided by the social committes was an Joyed by all, A vooal solo was ren dered by Ray Ripley, Misses Wick [sight oit and Dalsy Ripley played a Perdita--"When Is your engnge- piano duet. Dr, Carr, arrived In|ment to be announesd? ST, XAVIER HOLD time to axtend his congratulations Phillippt-«*'Nover, | Look a wes T™ and a welcome to the new candi- [cond look." dates, Mr. Roscoe, manager of the baseball teams reported the pro Appreciation gress of the teams and announced Aspiring Youth some future games, It wan decided (employer) -«"You'll to hold a lodge plenie on August [I'm worth?" Ith ut Lakeview Park, when two Works Manmigor foronto lodges will be here to take [than that, I'll: glve part also, A dance of the Chosen [salary to start with,' | Friends Lodge will be held in the -- | hall on Wednesday of next week, Kuehre and dancing were also fon [ tures of lant evening's meeting, . R. JOHNSON, C.P.A., C.P.R. 11 King Bt. East, Oshawa wl nc ---- he Billy Taylor, Albert Waites, Char Fudger Boys 7 to tool, Tucker Noy 1H to 1 100 vad Victor reel], Bverett Harmer, Walter Harmer | Reconsidered Phillippl=<"You know love with Jack Hugging I fell in nt first 10 Albert Hownrd ho vids felding, July Clearance Our Prices Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Bimeoe ML. MN, Honny a "Yverything T'va succeoded 11 heen diffienit," Aristide Briand. "Understanding ench other joke is the ultimate test of mi-| ha tunl understanding.' - Vincont Masse) Boys 13, 125 yds Walter Har Edward Crawley, Henry Ko "To speak of the decline of op» an dead fon." | ern Is idle; good opera, well pros Hindenhuy duced, will always draw." forth an emin - enny to kick President von mor nlwo wet bhernik prospective me what (to pity -- Ee ---- 1'I do hetter you hn small ca Permanent Waves, LaMona i Oil Method $3.78 MANUFACTURER'S DEMONNTRATION A limited number 'of these $10 waves will be given at cost for the purpose of creating a demand for La Mena wave In this town, This method positively does net harm the hair. Satisfaction guaranteed or no. charge, Wave giving hy American artist of wide reputation, Our wave requires no finger waving or additional cost, FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY OPEN EVENINGN 11 1-2 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 936 Kdward man "Musle cornerstone of In the home Is the Very our elviligntion," Walter Damrosch 10. Ant! out at July One of the: largest plenies of the hroke sonson took place at Lakeview wn The race | Sunny 'Days are Saving Days At The Rexall Stores Certainly we do not think of the thrifty Housewife as a miser, he is always neatly dressed, her family Is always well kept up and her butcher and grocer are always pleased to see her, Watch It is taking advantage of such Specials as our N | Both for .... | Shop oftens=and with Safety at The Rexall Stores, su Lora Ln ||| BAWKEYE | incor uc: Rexalarm Wh and onsy (0 ops | Tooth Paste Clock orate sa 98¢ | Ladies! adies . Keep your hands soft and smooth with | Rubber Gloves ......60¢ French Balm .......28¢ wi 890 | wheel, and even for some the fun | of splashing around in the water he races attracted the largest at. tention' and 'with some of the ovents there wax keen compot| tion between tha two churches, On the whole It was a very suceessful affair, no mishaps of a serious na tue occurred which was another point In favor af Ita being the heat plenie held for some years, The lint of spopts and the winners of onch event In an follows Girle 7 years and under, 40 yds, Mina Pennington, "Dorothy (ihbe. Peggy Orr, Girls 7 to 10, B50 yds-=Greta Cheenobro, Julia Boyd, Helén Dime non, ' ' Girle 10 to y8, 60 ydu-~Kdith Barnes, Elleen Orr, Helen Dimaon, Girle 13 and over, 100 yd, Fivelyn Cheetham, Patricia Mat thews, Florence Fitehes, Girle Back Race 206 ydw.-=Normn Hudson Mary Rizah, Lena Fudger, Girls Ben, Sack Race, 26 ydw, IMlorence [Mtohes, Annie Tyrrell, Mavis Titley, Boys 7 and "TASTY" BREAD 2 LOAVES 1%7- : Every Loal Full-Sized--=Wrapped to Preserve Its Wonderful Flavor Brown or White where she shops! WeeksEind Sale that she is able to put money in the bank, BAYSIDE FRUITS for EXTRA CHOICE Apricots rviroraro 1b, 290 VICTORY Sweet Relish ror 190 COMET. UNCOATED Rice uiiious 3 ror 28e¢ 'Classic Cleanser ™ 8¢ Putfed Wheat mo 14¢ Pineapple 2. 25¢ 2 for 250 TABLET OR POWDER et SHIRRIFF'S PINEAPPLE WN 23e Hi §3e 2 Ibs. 25¢ Marmalade Vitone "J Currants FOR LIONTER PANTRY Wi 24e Herrings ru =m 280 HORNE'S Grape Punch rom 330 A 100% WHOLE . WHEAT BREAD SEE RT 7. 3 WHITE MEAT Tuna Fish AND FANCY JAPANESE Crabmeat "32 A HEALTHFUL CEREAL Post's Bran 2-21: Use It dally and keep your Teeth white and aparkling.. soe tor 39€ Hpocial Awnken you on time | Reg $1, : Hpeoial 98¢ hoe for Protect Your Eyes 850 From the wind and pid ' 5 Dodd's Dust, Woar Sun Lintorine Cantoria Kidney Pills Glassen, Prices 35¢ T5¢ wr Lh Krusohen sult 69¢ Hon Gin Pills 35¢ -------- Ste Ipana Paste 00e Virol 45¢ a nowest and Sanitary One dozen a 39 The best In Pads, in a Box Sloan's Liniment 29¢ 2We Chase's Mocen William's BOC '2% "age Cc C 4 Cc Bathing Have a _-- Shoes Shower-Bath Woodward's Gripe Water Protect your feet at Home while bathing, All With one of our slzew, All colorm Rath Sprays, Row Prise... 79¢ Hy vk 19¢ for \.. under, 060 yd Hho Bromo Selteer 25¢ $1.80 Soott'n Emulsion PURE ORANGE 780 Bisuratod Magnealn 63¢ 800 Robinson's pat, Barley "Skinny" Run-Down Violinist Gains Pep 10 Lbs. in 4 Weeks Weldon, Man -=Mr, Fred Dune luke, well known violinist, says! "Was badly run-down for months, Then tried Ivoniwed Yeast, New pep at once. Gained 10 thw In 4 weak," Ironiged Yoant adds 6 to 15 lbw, in 8 weeks, Ugly hollows, bony limba All out, RBlemished wkin plears' right up, "Nerves," indiges- tion, 'constipation end overnight, Avoids danger of serious ills, New pon firat day, Inonized Yenst In two great ton. fen In one, Welght<bullding brow or's Yeast plun strengthening] blood-enriching Iron, Many times more effective than unmedieatoed youut, Results in halt the time, Gain weight, healh quick," Avold 1 lak of serious {1ln, Tike these plea sant little tablets, No yoasty taste no gas, It not delighted with quick galing, manufacturer refunds money, Get Ironised Yeast from druggint today. Feel great tomors row. New pounds quick, aso Minard's Liniment "he Italian Nalm MACONOCHIR'S m-- wmenstcnseem Writing Paper Special Le Reve Stationery. Bowed Paper and Envelopes... Envelopes Lined in beautiful shades, Reg. $1.00 59 Special PETRI L LLL LLL CLEP CET LLL Cc clue A Giant Many Colored WATER-BALL And a 38¢ tube of Klenzo Tooth Paste. Both For ....... 49¢ td For SUNBURN Uso GRAY'S BALM 80c¢ aw Fancy Quality ------ AMMON oN 3 NIA i Ro. YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT JURY & LOVELL'S ne tw "The Rexall Stores" ios se PHONE 08 | VINOLIA | CASTILE SOAP Absolutely Pure Reg, So ate -25¢ MeCORMICK'S Biscuits it Zp Ge ROYAL ASSORTMENT CURLING IRONS Guaranteed, a

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