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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jul 1930, p. 9

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Lio io ) fhe onoe - "Solfeiiors, 18 he i Conant, BA, LLB; A Ee he ls THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 PAGE NINE meets D SECTION ller "939 \80\30 4 CONANT & ANNIS, BARRINTENS | C10 Notaries Pubile, Bie, | 9068 nr and amen Li South, C Be Wi Phone ta F_An- Ay LLB, N, SINCLAIR K.C, f merce as, sinter, Rolleitor ny "Publi, YConverancer, Money to lon, Of. flee 14% King St, Bast, Oshawa, Residence phone #57, N, CREI Vraser, Barris Conveyancers, Notaries HY ola, Offs over Biandard Bank, Kntrahoe Himeos Phone 18, 1. V, Grierson, B T, K, Creighton, A, N, GC K ¥ , BA; i [OU 5. OMAN RATE Boller, Notary, over Dewland's Store, Money to loan, 16 simeos airedt north, Phone 67, Tesi 61 ai 14) PHIAEYE BAN: risters, Jolisitom, ote, 24% Nim. doe ft, N, Phone 8160, Money to pre Sd Ler, ate, Conveyaneing and genera) aot 28% King #t, fist. hone #48487, A ; PARRHITEW ARTI |o ots, Money i loan, Alger oe op- 08h ee, Ph one | FRANK §, EBON, BARRISTRN, Holleltor, Notary 'ublle, Convey: Aner to loan, Third floor mone; new Alger Buildin: opposite Poa Office, Phone 29090 Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 8060, Of flee hours 0 am, to K80 pm, Dr, B. J. Haslewood, special atiention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B, HW, Harper, specinl attention to ehild- fone Hashes and Obstetrics, Mune ds an calls 4416 or 123, "PHYRICTAN, AUT goon, La Offige and resis dence, King Bt, Want, corner Vig tors Mt, Oshawa, Fhone 4, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and sesidonns, #7 Bond Kast, Phone oi. 1 . RVI ARCHIE, WI: if' ah: and 8, Bdinburgh, Phy- Eon urea And Oteiriolan, Office 148 Bimoos HL, N, Fhone §080, 1ramdence 40 Cadillae Ave, North, Phone #166, : BW. OW, CARR, PHYNIOTAN, Office and Surgeon, Obstetriglan residence, ad Himeoe Mireet north, Phone 8416, -- ROWN, PHY i vr din l A110 Simeoe ror BANK pt J ARCHER i eon and TOR ane phone 108, Rin Surgeon T VETERINARTAN Shoola eolalist Diseases Domestio Anime als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 3508 King West, Telephone 680, (July #1 mo.) ' BR. 7, 1, ARVANE 100 WLOOR fitreet West Toronto will be at his office over Jury Lovells Drug Ntore each Maturday from 1 til) 4 pm, for consultation and treats ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments ma be made at drug store, Phone 0 v ye, y at Office over Mitaell's tore, Phone 8000 and 403) Jank of Commerce, #imeoe and Ning. Ne, hw Mo Jug throat, 'Hours B, Tt "Vit 071 route (June 18-1 mo.) NAR attention to X-ray work, ' A extraction, Nurse In giton day, Phone 060, House 1 DR, HS GOOKH 1 RINGOR RT. north, over: Mitehell's Drug Htore, Gan for extraction, Phone 64, notes, fi olal Nitrous oxid oxyeen aan for extrans tions, Office, Royal Bank 'Bldg, Phone 048, pats a BLULY A Aimooe it, N, over Photo 1067, Res, 203W, Dewland's, Bvenings Yi oe DAVIES a oxi adtion on toa! | une urse in attendance, and 84, (t) Dentists, 87 attention to ray Phones Ni arhieets, fr it, » oolal Over Felt Bros . Watch Repairing ee IX PEN fwlse watohmaker iy Ir_shop " 144 King Street Your pats lonage | nine cents a oe doen Bt ane or ha \ Gl fh Shi Fa hure Mich A ol nu and Hy Lessons given SA0H eYeping ON AND 26 Ba A H RH Development, Rook o. opposite Post Offices, (June 16-1 mo) Engineering and Bvorind DONEVAN AND BMITH 0 io Land Surveyors and Civil ng eer, subdivisions, town plann muniaipnl engineers, #66 or Hit King #t, ©, Phones 2602 or 4 To Undertaking LUKE BURIAL C0.. 67 KING §T, Bast, Ambulance, Residence H42 Simeos street, north, Phone 210J and, 410W, OBMAWA BURIAL CO, Armstrong & Wom, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Bervics, day and night, Phone 1083W, #7 Celina, (4 , 7, Insurance DAVIE AND WON, INNUWANCH, 10 King Kt, west, Oshawa, The old. onl ire Agency in Oshawa, 50 Re- utabla Five Companies, TEN" PLACING INBUWANCE consult WK. N, Johns, KO Kimooe north, Your Insurance wants at tended to and your interests pros tected, Transportation CARTAGY AND STORAGE COLE- man's, 86 Bond west, Hpecialists In furniture moving storage wares house and moving van equipment, Phone #3, es ( TATAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders, Loos! and long distances hauling, Smith Phone 044, 10 Bond At, West, ONHAWA'N OLDENT ~ ENTAR: Hehed furniture movers, Park Road dartage, Looal and long distance, Frank Cowie: Prop, 6h Park Rd Bouth, Phone $16, (June 80-1 mo) #08 AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, ginders and grave) hauled, long distance moving, Cheap, Phone 074W, June 11-1 mo) Beauty Parfons TTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Nhop, Npeclalisty In permanent, finger and mares] waving, Vers manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $16, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone S068, Apply 80 A FLL street north, T M RCELLING BY a ard at Betty Lou Permen: ont Wav Shaage Mord and sham: "HANH AND Beauty Bhop, 0 Colina Bt, We apeg- Inlige In ladies' halr cutting, mars celling, shampooing, facials, Marvel 0 eonts, For appointments phone p60, (June 16-1 mo) ONHAWA TWADIO AERVICE AC- 8 {oessories for sale, repairs on elec: trio and battery wets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re- charged, rental supplied 1, Phone $860J, Charles Wain, 40 Kigin Fast, 0-1 n mo [] with rental #1.00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Htan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill Bt. Phone 1880W, (June 80-1 my) ' ed, Prices reasonable, batteries re charged B00, reutals 870 deliversd Phone 2800W, Geo Burroughs, Certitied Radiotriolan, (June 10-1 mo) "Money to Loan arma, appl A , Parks [Last po 4. gan arrange 4 first mortgage on your residence It it is well lo: cated, bradley Bron, over Ward's Wore, Blmooe Bt, Mouth, (June 28-1 mo) uctioneer erly a hla Ki il Bi i on loneer, imeoe St. 8. Oshawa, Ont attention househ urniture sa arm: Sool and Ja Implements. our -- ' grave for sale==To fnsure prompt elivery, plage wders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Phone 1618, x Byron Htreel, 8 June ¥1 bidlid M. Moltee, R, Phone 200, Whitby, Xia rhanger ting and sraining. pork rr 440 Pine Ave, phone 3066w or Jost. Awnings Alvninas, Hip o Fo QANOPY Wald Sha Frronta {all kind of canvas goods, 'om: lete enmp equipment for rent, x Hardware, phone 88 or 26, Agente for J. J, Turner and Sou, Vor 1 --ATI A al above vive oF mai, June 34-1 Ww) Peterboro, Ontario, lg uly 8 mo.) whe & Cox| Ih Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE s rule has been found necessary because oe arising from handling a large number oh of this nature, = All Beas Advertising and | srsounts For thy sonvenience of customers who find it insonvenient t some personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who and collest for same, "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT will recsive the advertisement Work Wanted CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewniks and road ways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris, Graham, Phone 4621M, (July 8-1 mo,) a "saan Articles For Sale MIXED HARD Wa BOF WOOD fabs. $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood Weterous Meek Limits (Apt oJ WALE--=HEINTZIA pianos, new and used pluie. Lerma Phone FOR Id. also radios, latest models; arranged. Apply ©, Trull, (11141) 1666), FOR WALD = PAINTH, VARN: fshes, We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishes, ete, In in the city, The Paint tore, LL King street west, re Ab tf) ON VEL, "RYONE, CIN ders, black loam, on 61 per yard, Vor quality ao and yaLviee phone Ke scry Bros. B0 | B (May 8.1) "FALE = BLIORTLY used bloyeles $14 up, New and envy terms, C.CM, Joycycles and flab: Ing tackle, 13 Tlehmond East Phone 8774, (June 13.1 mo) OWAVET, AND BAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel #160 Moresned sand $1.76, Prompl de livery, Phone 0B0R1Y after § p.m, (July 10+1 mo.) THEAP == FOUN 1 RATEER brand new throughout, or will ex change for good radio, #3 Qn, (hn) CEOTRIC WOVE, TWO BURN ors, Low, medium, high, Only ten days used, 86, Apply Herbal« ist, 460 MWimeoe Bouth, (hh) "Shoe Repairing WF PEACH WHER YOU ot your shoes fixed like new is b Meno, corner Wimeos N. and lam W, (June 304 mo) NITY, MENTS al and surglosl hulsing, reasonable Phone Whitby 6 "June 84:1 mo) Auto Accessories "| MOTOR ACOERIORY Co, 31 RING Street West, Auto parts and access sories for all makes oars, Autos mobiles bought for wrecking, Phone 8060J, (June #b+1mo,) airy AUTOMOBILE" WRECKING Co. New and used parts and ao oessories, oars, trucks, prices rea. sonable; oars wanted, Phone 2080W. 16. 1 Bond fitrest West, (June ¥6<1 mo) Contracting plastering, electri 04 Alterations, Phone 180 for estimates, (LULL) MAUANT "BROWN, "PALNIET. Phone appointments 2040F, OY Loulsa Hireet, (June 80-1 mo) MADAM Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone §484W, (dulyd=1 mo,) Spirelia Corsetiere YPTRELLE TARANTO THE {soriminating woman and mise, Phone Mrs, Hatter for demonstres tlon 81°0M, (Junef0-} mo) anted a8 nerveusness, paralyals, varicose veins, goltre, arthritis, heart 200 for a free treatment fn your home, Tune. ta on Theronold Health Talks, over station OFRY Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1,80 pm, Theronold of Oshkwa 104 Willlam Street Bast, (Juna 86:1 mo) oaulked around the door and wine dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, files, woot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, do HN, Lawson, Phone TRIRA, WOTURTRNAWS UIROUCATING library, You will enjoy reading the latest Plotlon at minimum ocost, Phone 1472, 87 Blmeoe Ht, North, STIR i) with some ohroule ailment, such (} weakness, rheumatism, eto, Phone § Luly 10=1mo.) |} | For Rent VOUT AND TIVE ROOMWD MOD- orn suites Including eleetrig refrig- oration stove, Iaundry conveni- enoes, ete, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 2671, The Trusts and Gunrantes Co, Ad, manager for owner, Toronto, » IT ---- _--. a -- (27 tf) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All fy hadley hardwood floors, Apply liradiey lirow, (LL { von WENT= APARTMENT, CHN- Lira}, 6 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, leasa or by the month, Nox 140 Times, (168tr) OHBERIUL APARTMEN NT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Wox 747 Times, (1680) APARTMENT, "FURNINH ED ON unfurnished, lKvery convenience, Phone 1660 or 204TW (8) MOD- Apply or Mr, TO NENT=VIVE ROOM orn house, all eonvenlences, to Lycett, #6 King #t. K, Hallie, phone J01w, (51) TWO ROOME FU TRNIBHED TO let, very conveniences for light housekeeping, Young couple, I'hone Huw, (ba) TO TINT =) ROOM ED AVANT ment, wloaly furnished, vonvens lences, reasonable rent, 07 Col borne street east, (of) ---- -------------------------------- TO RENT==TWO LARGK HOUNK keeping rooms, furnished, Kvery convenience, heat, writer, electric and telephone Included, newly decorated, private tollot, Apply 80 Broek street enst, (Te) FOR RENT-<IMMEDIATE EN. try, seven roomed house at 10V Albert street, Very central, Nowly reconditioned, Phone #71W, (Te) HOUNE TO RENT ON WEST. moreland Avenue, § rooms, bath, wired for electric range, furnace, vacant July. 81, Phone 2088W or onl at 801 Celina street, (To) All conveniences, somi-furs Reangnable (Te) WNT. "0 Westmoreland Avenue, Apply 70 Albert street, Jerry Hallowell (0-80) THE CARTE NOOMA TO rent, heat, water and eleotrio, $20 a month, Phone 1687TW, 211 Divi son Nt, (M6) FOR NENT=NOD EAN TTR 00M house, Apply 204 Oshawa Bivd, Phone 20387, (Te) HTX NOONED WOURE, WQUANTE plan, newly decorated, garage and aide Urive, S80, Immediate posses: slon, 803 Bruce Rtreet, (70) TWO MODERN FLATR WATCH rooms and bath, one partly furnish Hardwood floors throughout, children, Rents - moderate, Apply 287 Division Bt, middie fat, Phone 2777W (80) FURNTRHEY WEBROBK,AFPLY J31. Jimeoe Bt, North, Phone ment, nished or unfurnished, rent, Phone 1603W, TOON Hi Clagaified Ads. | Eh, I TG word, wp i Se Box number 10e Ie Sidietonns 80 per month dR Br wl ait Eg. TRLRPHONS ®0 Alk tor Clamified AQ Dapartisent For Rent on paved street, All conveniences, Ourago, At 212 Gibbs Bt, Vacant Aug, . Apply 209 Drew #t., or phone 2710M, (%¢) TWO HOUSES, CORNER DIVI- sion and Colborne, streets, Apply Lk Hancock, Phone 1318 (9h) i , VURN: ished or unfurnished, Phone 1686, (hh) ETO OOM NOURE To NENT, All eonveniences, garage, contral, Phone 1966J, (fe) |" Summer Cottages CABRARUA=COTTAGY TO WERT August, reasonable terms, Enquire Kleanor Taylor, Nestiston, Ontario, Phone Port Perry 18413, (hh) For Sale or Rent VOW BALE ON RENT=ET0T roomed house and garage, B64 Divislon street, Would rent upper fist weparate, Jaw, Honeywell, Castleton, Phone #9, (oh) Wanted To Rent YOUNG COUPLE WITH "BABY desires threw partly furnished rooms, central, Vhone 1001M, WANTED BY AUGURT VINRT, o or 7 roomed house, must he mod: orn and In first class condition, wall loeated, good wection, north ond preferred, Apply Bradley Bros, (he) Motor Cars OWT YOUN OA WABHED™ AT Dominion Garage, §% Bond strev! wont, Phone 8198, All cars AL one price #1,00, (June 16-1 mo) OARTAND BEDAN CAN, TATERT model, perfect condition, very low price, Terms can be arranged If dosired, W, A. Dewland, phone Oshawa 2606, or Whitby 800, (fh) YONTTAT COACH," 2% MOoDkL, splendid condi®on, cheap for cash Terms to responsible party, #. I Algor, Phone 1400, (Ke) AR ay. wa Position Wanted YOUNG ~ MAN LOOKING VOR Farm Work, Experienced Joseph 400 Albert Bt, Phone J084W (Rb) a Room and Board NOON "AND NO. RD, CENTIAT, reasonable, 04 Agues Birest Phonel 2342), (Ko) ROOM AND BOARD TN PRIVATS family, Very central, Also gare axe to rent, Phone 1028), (80 Real Estate For Sale FORT HALE = HOUSK, VALUE four thousand dollars, Mix rooms, garage, all conveniences, on paved street, Will take Chev or Pontlae and two und oed dollars as pays ment, leaving balance of twonty- four hundred. A bargain for some one, Apply 200 Drew Bt, Phone 8710M, (Ho) WHO WANT TO UY A LOVE: Iy home at a real bargain price, 7 rooms, hardwood floors, all mod« OFn conveniences, KArage, NoOAr High Behool and General Motors Worth six thousand, will sacrifice for quiok sale $4,300, Nee Holdon, #8 Nimeoe N. (hh) anted--Female w= HOURE PARLOR maid to go to Muskoka, Refer ences, No young girls need apply 201 Bimooe Bt, N, (8b) Male or Female Help HELI WANTED, MALE OR FT: male. Apply Immediately Box 761 Times, (0a ) Wanted To Buy WANTED, AUTO OR wall, reasonable for cash. Phone 1007TW, (hn) Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will bo offered for sale by Public Auction, Wed: nesday, July 80th at the hour of § o'clock (Daylight Having Time) In the afternoon on the premises 280 Ritson Road South by W, J Bulley, Auctioneer, the following property, namely, Lot No, 103 In the City of Oshawa, an marked on registered plan No, 140 for the County of Ontario, On the land Is said to stand a G-roomed brick veneer house, ail modern conveniences and in good state of repair, The land will be wold subject to a first mortgage of about $2804.85 repayable in halts yearly instalmen' of $50.00 each due on the 1st day of January and July, each year, tho whole to be due on the 1st of July, 1004, "th interest at 7 per cent, Terms 10 per cent, of the bal ance paid down at t"e timo of the anle, the balance in thirty days, The land will be sold subject to a reserve bid, For further partious late and conditions of wale apply' to Conant & Annis, Barristers, oto, Oshawa and W, J, Sulley, auctions oer, Dated at Oshawa this 10th day of July, AD, 1980, : (0:16:01) RR RL a A TICKLISH SUIWECT -- It in reported from Rdlnburgh Scotland, that a noted lawyer In addressing the bench on hehall of A certain i" Tlokle, said: "'Tiokle mi' ellent, mi* Lud," To whieh hig BENNETT ANSWERS CHALLENGE ON HIS HELP TO LABOR (Continued from Page 1) 1016 to dou! with disputes between employers and employees, The fol lowing is the estimate of (he Unitod Miates Government Com- mission of the value of his ser- Vices to labor, and Mr, King should be the lust to say that thiy ostimate Is unfair: 'It Is unneces sary to dwell here on the elrcume stances that Mr, King speaks of, tho shadow of recognition, indicat ing that he sees the labor problem as merely one of securing for the workers a decent deg .o of physi- onl wolfars, nd In a sense as a problem of democratising Industry, ung freeing the wage-enrnsrs from arbitrary economic control, Nor does Mr, King hesitate to advise Mr. Rockefeller as an omployer how he may take advantages of n situation produced by the war to defont the aspirations of the work. ors, and force them to take about what ho desires to give,' "I'hose are not my words, "9, He and Ws Government wtopped the grants for technical und 'agricultural education, for building chenp homes and for high ways, Old-Age Ponslons "4, He denen tho responsibility of the Federal Government in res pect to old-age pensions by calle Ing upon his friend, 'Mr. Conti titlonnl Problem,' to support him Against the plan, "Bb, He ald nothing for the hun- Ery last winter, and added insult to that grave Injury by a speech in Parliament whieh yo" have heard un great desl nhout, "6, He showed his complete misunderstanding of, and lack of sympahty for, today's growing problom of unemployment by de- neribing It, in his Brantford speech on June 16, in these words "While conditions of employment In Canada might not be all that we might wish, they are, happily, many times better than is the case In the United Mtates, or, for that matter, in Great Britain, "7. Ho showed his incapacity to deal with an urgent situation ny promising conferences of oxperis to gonsider the problem, instend of himself taking definite and im. mediate action to solve it." Lands Tories Mr. Bennett doclared that he kindly accepted the challenge of Mr, King to state what the Cons sorvutive Party had done for Inbor Proceeding, the Opposition ohjef- fain summarised the dots of hin party for the benefit of Canadian labor; "1, It has made trade legal, "4, 1 granted $1,000,000 a year for tochnleal education to ald workers, "8, It granted $1,000,000 a year for agricultural education, "4, It established a fund of $80,000,000 for the building of moderately priced homes for work. ors, "6. It established nation-wide employment bureaus, "0, It took a Cabinet Minister from the trade unions, "7. It first gave consideration to old-age pensions, and at the same time urged Investigation of unemployment and sloknoss (ne surance, "¢, It bound Canada to the elght-hour working day and six- day working week, at the Peace Conference in Versallles, "0. It mado avalluble over #1, 800,000 for relief during 1030.31 unemployment 'orisin, "10, It gave $20,000,000 highway construction," NO PLAYING WITH THE QUESTION OF UNEMPLOYMENT (Continued from Page 1) unions for went much further than formerly in hus scorching denounciation of Tory exploitation of the necessities of those workera who through no fault of Government or employers of labor are temporarity deprived of a vegular income, Tracing the underlying causes of the present situation, the Prime Minister reminded. his audience that "the unemployment fn this part of Canada ia due first of all to the fact that last year Western Canadian orops were not normal, The West had but halt a erop, but even the grop there was not mars keted to anything like the usual degree, That meant there was not the work for the transportation companies there otherwise would have been, And when the trans ortation companion throw off men t affects those at terminal elevas tors, stations, terminals, repalr shops and elsewhere, 0 Fault of Men "I will say that no man laid off under clroumatances such as thowe should be denied consideration, He in out of work through no fault of his own, The rallway companion ave not to blame, They have not the trafllo to haul, And when they have no trafie their demand for coal diminishes, miners are laid off, pure chasing power in the retail shops deolines, wholesalers and manufaos turers suffer, But Canada is not suffering alone, There In a great, lordship 1a sald to have roplied: "Tlokle her yersel', Harry; ye're better able to do it than I am." worldswide depression at the pres sont time, which han been on for pome time pasty In the United Mtates It has been estimated that between 5,000,000 and 4,000,000 men are out of work, In Detroit alone there are ss many unem- ployed as in the entire Dominion of Canada, In Germany, Italy, Britain thers ure millions of unemployed, The problem is a world groblem, internationsl, national, Provincial, municipal, and does not aflect ons Province or one locality only, "When the present Government came into office we wore faced with this problem of unemployment, That was In 1922, We voted #1, 000,000 or mors for relief, We con- tinued the polley which had been ndopted by our predecessors, An Order-in-Council was passes by the Meighen Government on Oet, 7, 1921, of which Hon, R, B, Bennstt was nu member, That Government ugrood to assist the Provinces and the municipalities upon which the duty und responsibil iy primarity rests, That is what their Order-n-Council said, Unemployment always has been and must continues to be a matter of municipality responsibility, and of it. hecomes Loo great a matter for the municipalities, then the Pro- vineal Governments must assume responsibility, The Iiheral Govern ment cams In in December, 1021, and continued unemployment re- Hef on the same basis as the Con- wervatives, The position Is exactly as stated there in the Order-in Councll, We are prepared to co- operate with the Provinces in un« employment relief to meet any omergent condition, but we must follow a certain definite course In doing that, Dominon Neady to Respond "If the muncipalities have too grout a problem and apply for as sistance to the Provinces aud the Inttor find they are unable to cope with the matter, if they will for- mally ask the Dominlop Govern ment to help them, the Dominion Government Is prepared to assist, Up to the present time the Ieder~ al Government hus received no for. mal representations from the Al- bertn Government asking for inane cin] nanistance to relieve unemploy- ment in this Provinee, Nor have wa. received such a request from any other Provines. " UNEARTH ANCIENT GULT OF CRETES Excavations Show Life of Over 4,000 Years Ago -- Candia, Croto--~Now excavations AL the Palace of Kenossos have further revonled the life of Cro« tans before 2,100 B.C. The bullds ings uncovered show how the ine habitants were a religious and a military people, Bir Arthur Kv- ans and other British solentists Are attompting to reconstruct the palace and the Imperial sanctuary fils spproach the divectors of the Citroen company #ng representa tives of the workers, who had all contributed to the gift, knelt down as ono man to receive the Papal blessing, In the course -of his speech expressing kratitude end pleasure the Vope said thet he al- ways felt, happy te find himwe'f smong workers, for he had been born among them, had grown up among them and, no slack worker himself, had puswed his life amidst work, He then invoked the bless ing of Heaven on them all, Ku. thusiastic applause followed the Holy Vather as he seated himpel! in the car and drove off toward the Vatican gardens, his hand raised In beiediction and a smile on his face, The interior of the car is dec orated in the Venetian wiyle of the eighteonth century, and upholsters od Amarantine damask, Electric Hghting and heating completes the comfort of the Hustrious tras veller, There Is an ingenious el- ecirienl arrangement by the Pope's chair, enabling him to commun cate his ordovs to the chauffeur, who finds them written on a June. fnous hoard at his side, It Is 1s teresting to compare this modern motor ear to the borlinos in which Mus IX used to drive through the streets of llome, Rastus=-What hoo shall uhh use de garden? fambho---Yo' hoe Rastup-=What? Sambo-=1 said, Yo' hos Rastus=Yos, and a bottle of rum; stop singing and answer mah question, in TTR FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT ignition, clean and ad« adjust carburetor Cars, 1028 to Check Just pointy, on Chevrolet 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 00 Mimcoo Wt, Kouth ' Men's and Boys' All Wool Bathing Bults, Bpocial Dominion Clothing Co. | 08 King St, W, TREE Ye CAREW umBir (© a ATHO AA IA Hi Iw) With a view to showing them exe actly an they were in the distant past, After six weeks' hard work, the solentints uncovered part of the original wall surrounding the pals noe, It was bullt of great blocks and enclosed a large and complex group of buildings, Where the two paved causeways of the pals fee court once met, there now ape pear the remains of a highly fore tified entrance ramp, This Is ape proached by a great roadway from the country, Within the enclosure are romans of great interest such as the ciroular pits where evis dence of early Creton art may be noon, These remains in turn are built over large houses of a preceding age with thelr brilliantly painted Wlueco pavements and stairs, In one room full equipment for the domestio snake cult has been dim covered, There are all kinds of vessels In unique shapes with snakes colling up around thom, A hitherto unknown rele of the Minoan religion has been supplied by the finding of a movable stone altar, which had apparently drifts od from the sanctuary hall to tho northswest sido of the palace, It bears the sacred horns and double axes in vellef; they were origin. ally conted with painted stucco, In the meanwhile, tho throne: room and ante<chamber are being roofed oves again, while a section of the painted rellet showing the bull-grappling scene has been set up in the portico over the sea gate, It stands as it stood at the coms ing of the Greeks, Diamonds ! Bascett's On Oshawa's Main Corner i A TART ROYAL YORK Tne Tea Pekoe nize 28¢| At all Superior Stores Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegle Ave. Phone 10i8 $3000-=8300 cash, balance $30 monthly securos 6 rooms od frame, oleotrie, water, Conant St, near Skinner Plant. Newly decorated, Ime mediate possession, DISNEY, 20 King B, POPE RECEIVES GIFT OF A CAR ished in 18th Century Style -- Rome, ltaly,==The tor car to the Pope by the "Olt= roen Italiana' as a record of the Lateran Treaty and of his savers dotal jublloe again brings up the question of whether Plus XI will not goon be "going abroad," Thiy new oar is luxurious enough to tempt him aeross the Alps, but it in more likely to take him to his summer villa on Lake Albano, and perhaps to Mor '+ Casino, the groat Benedictine sar "tuary of learning near Naples, The car was drive) Into the courtyard of Han Bamaso in the Vatican by Count Ressi-Boall aud was drawn up at the foot of the Interior of Limousine Fine i itt of a mo | ne ath mol Disses Bleak © Part Ofee HN atair-onse, down hich Hi oliness one to inapest jt. On A TR PO PTI TTI BAG ial ta

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