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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jul 1930, p. 1

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=] The Osh VOL. 7==NO, 9 (By Canadien Prose) POVIPITITIITIIIIIY Enesuted for Murders, : Canon Gity, Colos=Ralph ¥, Vier ngle has paid with his fe for Wi pirt in the slaying of four men and the $200,000 vobbery of the Viest Nas tonal Bank of Lamar i May, 19, The gallows trap was sheng on the white-haired Dbindit leader last ever ning fF Attack Birth Control Bragn, Vortugil=Birth sontrd, immaedest (ashions, divorce and free masonry were the subjects vf attacks during the sesond day's proceedings of the Congress of Apostelis Oration in session here, Ld Ld LJ One Killed, Pive Injured New York=A five-ton elevator motor fell 88 stoveys yesterday in a hullding under construction, landing among a group of workmen in an elevator on the second flooy, Killing one and injuring five others, 1] ¥ J Vive Killed in Crash Corpus Christl, Tex, =Vive pros minent Kansas Clty businessmen, on route home from a tarpon fish: ing trip, were killed when thelr plane exploded and crashed in flames in the wild country near Arkansas Paws, Ll LJ Another Body Found Brockville, ~The 14th bedy from the wreck of the drill boat J, B, King was vesovered near Ogden burg, 19 miles east of Brockville, and was identified as that of John Kruglek of Montvaal, a laborer on the drill host v L Teach Childven Bwimming London, Ont,== Advancing the successful campaign of the public playgrounds department to combat Bummer drownings, a scheme has heen launched to teach every child in London Lo swim, LJ LJ LJ Grain Tied Up Port. Colborne Crain alevators at Port Colborne ave again tied up, No canal -hoats are in "ah at the resent time to relieve the conges: fon and this Is expected to cons tinue for several days, LJ] » » Royal Hetrothal Amsterdam, Holland, == Reports were elveulated here to-day that Princess Ullamn only daughter of Queen Wilhelmens, 1s to he he: trathed to Prince Rigvard, 88 year old son of tha Bwedish Crown Prince and svandson of (he Duke nf Connaught, f , a BIG LIQUOR CARGO WELL DISGUISED, SEIZED AT WINDSOR (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, July 1le=A tinek loud of well disguised Quebes Commies pion liquor valued by the pelige at $10,000 was seized; by provipsial officers here early this morning Four men were arrested, They gave their names as R Lackner, Nornan Dickie, Charles Kaplan and Charles M, Maneerl, The first two claim Riverside, Ont, as their howe, nnd the others, Delrolt, ' : he truck wis loaded with 1530 hoxes of various sizes bearing the names of prominent manufaeiyrers of Taranto, Opened they were found to he filled to the brim with Tguor TURKS EXTERMINATE 1,000 REBEL KURDS (By Canadian Press Leased Wir) Istanbul, Turkey, July 11="Tur Kish soldiers, advices here today maid, tapped a hody of 1,000 res hellious Kurds near the Heyland viver and exterminated them, granting no Hae The battle lasted three days, ee: ouring north of Lake Van in the Vann provinee, near Mi, Ararat where the Turks have the prineiple hody of vehel tribesmen In a state of siege, _-- PEACOCK NOT PARTY TO TRADE MANIFESTO (By Canadian Pros fra Wow London, Eng, Tuly ek, R, Poa: Pook, Canadian bam financier, wis nounced, tuday he was not a party to the recent manifesto in favor of greater intersempive trade by means]. of Weilf against foreign JHoduets Tasped over the signatures of a yume her of leading nkery Me. Peas cools name was used In error Me, Peucosly, wha hs been, reeelvs ersgenoral of the Duehy of Cornwall since 1929, is a native of Glengarry, Ont, and was educated at Queen's University, Ningston, TEE p-- WEATHER PR and Te, oakeh Xi AIEEE pe Eh: %is) in southern Alberta and tehewan, LS HF LR MNT mua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the | News While It Is News" | Oy" Slay dt vibe tiller OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 16 Conts » Wesks 3 Cents » Copy TEN PACES BIG STEAMERS COLLID ---------- SENSATIONAL Round Yesterday, 1920 Titlcholder Loses to George Boeckh, Toronto, Today CARRICK EASILY DEFEATS CAMERON UPSET AS FORMER CHAMPION BEATEN IN FIRST ROUND OF After Winning Qualifying | OF PLAY France's Answer Not Sufficient (By Canadian Press Lon ' Win) Home, aly, July 11==Doubt was expressed in some elreles today that Pranee, In aunouneing that no new naval vessels would he begun with In the next six months has gone far enough to mateh Hallun olers Has 4 and 3. Margin on| 1928 Finalist =~ Farley | Beats Everitt (By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) Bourbora Golf Club, Toronto, July 1l==A startling upset oeony ved in the frst round of the On tario Amateur Golf Championship this morning when the titleholder and winner of the medal gunlifys Ing round, C, Ross Somerville, of the Lendon, Ont, Hunt Club, was defeated in the frst round by Geo, Boeckh of Toronto, The mate con eluded on the 15th green with Hoeehk one up, Homerville won the medal round when a score of 78, equalling par, yesterday, while Bosekh was sixth "mong the qualifiers with 16, Toronto, July 11=-The first of the shamplonship matehes to Anish In the Ontario Amateur Golf Tour nament today was that in which Phil Farley, of Tovenio, defeated T, Le B, Everitt, of Rouge Hills, 7 Fd) and ot Wy h Miniiew larly olf and w AW tony ¥ nl wag six up Carviok Boats Cameron Don Carriok, of Torontn, former provineial and Canadian champion, aocounted for Jack Cameron of Mis slasnuga, Toronto, Analist In 1988 by a 4 and § margin, The struggle ay determined on the fAyst nine 1018s, TWO ARE KILLED WHEN TRAPPED BY GOLD MINE FIRE Lond, B,D, July 11=="Two miners wera killed in a fire that destroyed three hulldings at the Homestake wold mine last night, They ware trapped in the elevator cage when the engineer at the top of the shaft had to run from the Names, The damage (0 the Homestake mines was upwards of $1,000,000 The mine, In the Northern Plack Hills, 1a the largest producer of §old in the United Hiates, : dehn R, Grant Diss Parontos=John RK, Grant, 83, for mora than 38 years an appralser in the eustoms dom riment here, flied siddenly at his home last night, He wan horn at Goderieh, Ti r-------------- BADLY INJURED, CANADIAN HELD IN U.S, HOSPITAL Father Refused Permission te Bring Son Home Until $8,000 Bail Posted (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Granby, Que, July 11,==Laurent Ponthriand, who wa takn to how pital In Newport, Vermont, after An Automobile aceldent fifteen miles from the hovder on the Cana dian wide in Quebeo and whose ves rn to Canada wan vefused hy Ver mont authorities han heen released and brought to the home of his father fn Bt, Pla de Bagot, Que Ponthriand wan the vietim of a peotiar wltuation, He 1s a com: merolal tvavellep and while d ving along the highway near Knowlton, Wednesday, hacame unconselous from the effects of an operation undergons two weeks aso, L] OAr awerved Into . headson oollls slon with a oar from Vermont, driven hy Hert Davie, of Nawport, When Pontheiand's father heard SL the nooldent he secured an ams bula Ald went (0 Newport to bring his son howe, He was ve fused custody of the patient but made a second effort and had his son In the ambulance when & sheps IF appeared and ordered the he ured man back inte the heoplial, 0 wan held for damages to the Davie oar and ocoupants, Release of Ponthriand was effected hy posts ing a 45,000 bond, | i of Indefinite suspension of the 1080 bullding program, The Vreneh move, announced by foreign minister Avistide Briand hefore the foreign relations com mittee of the chamber of deputies, Wis vagarded generally as insuf felant wnswaer to foreign minster {Grands move sweeping proposals Police Head Assassinated Baveelons, Bpain "Fhe under commissioner of police, Hartolome Porit, to-day was assassinated hy ao group of unidentified men Flav wih shot down us he emerged from 8 oelebration of the loeal Chaut feurs' Union, His body was rid dled with bullets, ' { \- Jibs / ™N J [3.0 a 'Somerville Is Defeated in Ontario Golf Series ONTARIO CHAMPION MEETS DEFEAT | fw After loading the field in the qual fying round of the Ontario Amateur Goll Championship yesterday, 'Sandy' Bennett Answers Chal lenge On Record of Help to Labor -- Canadians Do Well at Bisley One Has Highest Possible Score, Three Others Next to Highest (By Canndian Press Lonand Wire) Bisley Camp, Eng, Juiy 11 Canadians marked up some fine soores when they got down to veal oompetition In the National Hide Associations meet, Ideut J, Hien, of Bdmonton, Alta, scored highest ousible B06, In the Donegall Chal ona Cup qualifier, and In the Donegall Competition taelf there were threa Canadinn scores of #4 Lieut A, ©, Carter, Torantn] Come ny Bet, Malar W, A, Hawkins, oronta; and Bergt, WH, H, Repan, Vietoria, The weather was very cold for the first day of real heavy shooting on the two-week program, The sky was overclouded, there was a strong wind ta further hinmpey markmanship, And there was every probability of waln, a strong list of entries was shown for the Dene wall and Conan Doyle shoots, the diny's foatipen MARIAN CARSTAIRS DREAMS OF 90 M.P.H. aravenhurst, July 11,-=A speed of KO miles an hour was attainen by Miss Marian Capstalvs, British boat onthusisat in teinl with her "Watelle IV" on Linke Muskoka here yesterday, Miss Cavataley thinks she ean met 00 wiles an hour from the boat which she 1s entering In the Harmaworth trophy raoen next week at Detroit, Mich, CONAN DOYLE IS BURIED TODAY i------ Utmost . Simplicity Marks + Committal to Grave in His Garden (Wy Canon Fron Lonaed Win) Windleaham, Crowborough, fuss pox, Eng, July 11==With the ute most simplioity and soaveely a vias ible sign of morning Hiv Arthur Conan Doyle wan hurled today In the garden of hia epuntry home ore, The committal eevemon wan conducted by the Rev, Dr, Brayton Thomas, non-oanformint elorgyman and fellow apivitualist of Bir Are hur, his assistant being the Rey, Pr, € 0, Angell, a brothesin-law of the celebrated novelist, Denniy Conan Dayle, eldest son, wan {1 and unable to attend, Mrs, Doyle, her son Advian and two [a daughters ware the other members (By Conadinn Press Lonssd Wire) Moncton, NW, duly In probably the most vigorous speseh of his oampalgn, Hon, NK, B, Bons NOLL hore Test night sharply retort ed to the challenge of Premier King to state what the Conserve tive Party had done for Iahor Warmly dealaring that the Prime Minister was perhaps "unwise to ralse the question, Mr. Hennelt dealt with the whole record of the two parties In regard to Canadian Inhor "I promise you action," the Op position ehieftain declared al one sage, "He promises you eonsideras ton of the problem of unemploy- ment, I promise to end unemploys ment, Whieh plan do you Hike?" Mr, Hennett dealt at length on labor, "The dither night, he ex olaimed, "Mr, King ehallonged a strange word in the mouth of Mr, King==me, hy which | supposs he means the Conservative Party, to pay what we have done for labor, The Reeowl Ho that you may have the com plete ploture efore you, let us fivmh Jook at what Mr, King has done himself "1, Ho wan Minister of Labor in 1000-1011, "5, He wan employed Rockefoller Foundation in (Continued on Page 0) Australia in Troubled State All Financing in London Temporarily Suspended ==New Bank Proposed Canberra, Australia, July 11, The troubled state of Australia's finances heoame the immediate problem for consideration in goys arnment and politionl olvolen today, Prime Minister James Henry Rouls In anounced that all questions of Australian Ainancing in London will be left In abeyanoe pending dis ousslons with Kir Otta Niemeyer, leading Anancinl expert, The government 1 having a fight with the senate over passage of the bill for establishment of a oentrnl reserve hank, If the senate does not pase the bill during the present session of parliament, whieh ends In August, the govern: ment Will vegard such attitude an tantamount to rejection of the Bi, whieh It wanld then submit for a second time 10 the House of Reubrvantattéen oArly next year, he BI In question authorises the establishment of a central res serve hank, apart from the com- MOnWeRIth hank, on linea similar to those of the Houth Afeiesh cons tral reserve hank, rg Destroys Grain Hyora, LN of grain were destroyed by a fire which goeurred here dulng the Mt, The lows caused consider hla anxiety among the PANT hy the 1014 stoeka 108 the family prosent, OWIng fo 8 bread shortage whioh | making ltaelt felt, dim €. ROAS ROMERVILLE LOSES OUT IN FIR Bomerville of London lost to George Boechls of first | round today, 60 Injured as Police Charge Indian Rioters Serious Disorders Again Break Out in Bombay Rebel Leader Hurt (By Canadian Pross Lonard Wire) Bombay, India, July 11 Disord orn of a serious nature broke out along the Maidan Keplanads this evening in which 40 elvil disabed| enoe volunteers wore Injured when the pollea torelbly broke up a de monstration In sympathy with sol dlers Imprisoned for offenses In Peshawar The Nationalist demontrators througed Into the Beplanade from ovary direction hy a prosarvanged movement The Demonstrations had heen forbidden hy the author ton and large foroes of native po lea and mititia wore on guard Heitieh troops waited near the soens In conse the viola got out of the hands of the police, AL six o'0look thin evening the Gandhi followers still were arply ng In the Maldan and preparations wore made to extend the sone of polieing, The procession, which fneluded BO Rikh voluntears wan stopped hy the poliea at the edge of Hania ade, and ordered to disperse, An usual, the marchers refused, The notion ehareed. With (heir staves they knooked down great numbers Of the volunteers, Many were taken tn hoapltala, Boma simply sat on the street and refused to hudge AUSTRALIAN MAKES ANEW HIGH SCORE IN GRICKET MATCH Hangs Up Record of 304, Not Out, in Game Against England Leods, bis July Hs In a treme endous batting effort in the thivd origker test mately between England and Australia today Bon Bradinan, Fontilul Aun player, put up the ihest svore ever wade hy a hats: Man in international ovigket, He scored JO4 nat out, thereby heating the heat previous mark of 7 made hy PI Hw for Hngland, at Sydney in 1903, Other records made y Hradman were a century before neh, equalling the resord of CG otartney of Australia, and two double hundrads In eonseeutive tests, oquilling seores by Wally Hammond, the aglish player, in Austealia in 1000:2% Bradman with A, IY, Kippals put ip new figures for a thivd wicks 4 stand, beat " the 307 of W, I wrdoeh and HCL Seott, Australs fans, at the Kennington Oval in Faronte, in the "Anstelin today scored O78 for the lon of three wither ' Lo | Manitoba showed BT ROUND the LEFT above, whils at the RIGHT is Jask B, Nash, alse of Landon, whe was runnersup In the qualifying round yesterday No Playing Politics With U nemployment Question (By Canndion Press Lonasd Wire) Edmonton, July 11 If the Daminion Gavernment had wished to play polities with the unems ployment question, | could have asked Parliament (0 give us savers) millions to dole out to the unem ployed, Wa could have used those mitions of dollars to get yolos "When the day comes that 1 have to exploit the necessities of my fellow men In order to gain power, I want to retive from publie Hie, The unemployed will obtain a remedy for thely trouble much quicker hy the straightforward pol fotos which the present Govern mont fu pursuing than by un series af hrihes," Thin was the straight-from-thes shoulder statement of Rt, Hon, W Lo Maekonsio King last night to an Bdamonton audience which packed the Pantages Theatre, n statement Which evoked tremendous ap plauge from the thousands who heard It, and which apparently Mhtinhed a small group of unem ployed men who had met the Prime Minister's train earlier in the any hearing hanners with the words! "Wa demand work, Unem ployment In killing us Tory Faploltation Denounced Mr, King's declaration was In Hine with the attitude he has adopt of throughout the eampalgn, but he (Continued on Page 0) ---- -- Western Heat Is Fatal to 96 87 Suceumb in United States, Toll in Canada Reaches Nine (By Canadian Press Lonaed Wire) Chicago, July 11=The mid: wost's heat ogre, alter roasting the entire aren In temperatures flat tering around the 100-degyes mark, ohalked up BT deaths to his oredit last night, OF that number, 80 suceumbed to the heat jtaelt while A were drowned in attempts to cool off in Inlios, rivers and awimming pools, Other seoren onllapsed an the atreatn and in thelr homes while Hierally the whale population of the 14 affected states aweltared, Offolnl weather reparts indioated Mien Clty, Mont, wan the hotest Mace In the United Hiates when the temparature there touehed 108, Rewplte tn Canada Winnipen, duly 11 ee Hundown brought voller fast night to a swells oring Westland, and this morning promised a vesplta from the ops Pann ve heat of the last few days, 'Wo. drownings in Haskatohewan, indirectly due to the record hgh temperature af the last 48 hours, swelled the heal wave deith toll to nine within three days, Moderately warm weather in lower meroury Hatings, But in Baskatohowan and Alberta the sun vafused to cepus frowning down on parehed: wheat Innds, fay soattored wainstormg brought but meagre relief, Pe SEER LB A |} ' ) 4 3 ) . A ALL MEMBERS OF CREW OF STEAMER YORKTON SAVED AFTER ACCIDENT IN FOG War Settlements Not Satisfactory (By Canadian Proms Lonsed Wire) Paris, Veunee, July §1==Di | faction of Kuropean eountnie | they settlements and determin | ton that nothing must impr (he) Lengne of Nations authority fodiy | hecime evident ws the viistunding | venetions to Vranee's proposal for Linited Biute ul Kurope With repli ent of from half of the 2 nation forelgn winister Brisnd pte in tiseussions or ofl Kuropr tutes, the arnment toda announesd cemsidered the progres tian mr sitisfuctory" TAKE EMPIRE TRADE OUT OF POLITICS, COMMITTEE ADVISES London, England, July 1} he problem of devising an econ mie poliey tor the empire should ha studied in a selentifie spirit, and In an wtmosphern frea from all politienl has" This is Nal dietum pronounced hy a British commitiee preparing for the imperial confer ance of the autumn vit with Wilt m the wi anked hy | bo piri io federation Vreneh go | thit { Wn uf negotin | ia Abandon Diving At Brockville Only 13 Bodies Recovered and 17 Still Missing When Diving Stops (By Conndian Prose Leased Wire) Bravkville, July We=After having made every effort to bring shout the recovery of further hodies following the loss of the drill bout J, B, King wt Cockburn Island, near here, on June 26 with a loss of 30 lives, di vers gave up the work lust night and operations were suspended, In the course of thelr work, the hull of the drill bout was thoreughly ex» plored, as well ws adioining waters, In whieh yesterday, 1800 pounds of dynamite wus exploded without any thing daming 10 the surface, except timbers from the wreek and a few articles of clothing, Meven bodies wre still miss ing and munielpalities lying ta the eist of Brockville along the shares of the 8t. Lawrence are being naked to keep close witch for any remalng which may vise and float downs stream, Capt, 1 Dy Caldwell, repres senting the department of publie works, is remaining here for several days In order to diveet this search and to settle compensation with families of the vietima, BOY DROWNS WHILE SWIMMING IN TRENT (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Lindsay, July 11-=Carl Kvereil Wobatar, 18 your old won of Mp and Mes, James B, Wabster, Wasi Oakwond, was drowned yesterday sfternnon while attempting to AWim the Trent canal near Kirke field, Ont, LAUNCH DESTROYER FOR USE IN CANADA Saguenay " Christened by Madame Desbarats in Southampton (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Southampton, Eogland, Tuly 11 The new Canadian destroyer Sam penny was launched fram the Thornyeralt yards today, in the preds ehee of a largo and interested erowi, Madame Deshavats, wife of G, M, J Dosharats, Canadian deputy minister of national defense, . perfanhed the christening covemony, \ winter vessel, the Skee, fs to he launched fn September, The twa dostrnpers arp of special | san for use In Canadian waters, They we of LAO tons dlaplvesment, with longth of 310 feet and a speed of > diment of nduitey, Large Grain Freighter Coed Down Off Whitefish Point After Being Hit by Steam: or Mantadoc MANTADOC SAVES ALL YORKTON'S CREW Twenty Were Aboard, Ine cluding One Woman-- Heavy Fog at the Time, First Mate Says (By Canadian Pioan Leased Wire) Fault Muavie, Ont, July 11,0m he Steamer Yorktan of the Mats thaws Hine wae sink off Whitefish Point Inst night in & collision with the steamer funtudaos of the Pal tarson Hine which wa jivaceeding to the luke. head with con) The Yorkton downhound with graing wii in hadly damaged when hit ahvenst of the engine room thal whe sank after helng towed to the heneh Inside the point hy the Mans indore The crew of the Yorkion win taken nbourd the Mantadns whieh Hmped inte por thi morning and tied up al the Alghmn Bteel Companys doc) Ehe 18 In a hadly damaged condition Alter landing at the steel plang dock the members of the York ton's crew want (to a hotel awaiting word of the owners as to thelr mavemenis I In expecind thal ihe Will leave (he city this afters noon for the east winks in Vog Howes Just a bit of hard Tuek", a mamher of (the craw sald this morning "Wa got quite an wallep and she sank of course Wa can'y talk nhont it Fost. mote W, 0 Kingston, declared he was Asleap when the vessels collided and thay thors was quite a fog The Yorkton wes hard sald, and aldn't float long now les half a mile from heaeh In 46 feel of water Twenty Ahonrd Khe wan hound for Montreal witlg grain, Thera were 20 abosrd the Yorkton including one woman The crew i==Captain 1, M, Bipe master, Collingwood; My, and Mya, Beokitt, Verdun; KB, C, MoCennell George Farvell, Harry Gee, Kings aston; John Dickson, Toronto; Gore don Vanstone, L, H, Warner, B, Fup long, Godevioh Freq Wisner, Chess loy| B, Loagult, Montreali Charles Lott, Toronto; Jack Dickey, Robert Hurgess, Collingwood; Wm, Kvans, Fy Farlong, James Barvieand; Jy M Joarrie, A, Hy Bay, all of Monts Toni, 4 Hila here hit, ha Kha the BARRISTER GETS $400 FOR DRAWING WILL (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, duly 11==The dispute between J, H, Hokhardt, wealthy retired business man and R, 0, Moorehand, loon! Inwyer, as to how much the latter should receive for deawing "Mr, Bokhardi's will Wan settled by My, Justice Raney who today allowed barrister $400, Thin varied the Judgment of the inking officer who approved Mr, Moarahoad's hill of $750, Counsel for Mr, Moorahead sald he had shent 00 hours on the will, CONSERVATIVES OPPOSITION T0 AI UNENPLOYENT: British Public Works Bill Draws Heavy Fire From Party (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Kg, July 11==Heavy five fram the Conservative benches met the Government's Publis up In partinment eday for seoand roading, The hill wan designed to faellitate publio works fn an effors to remedy unemployment, Local" authorities alvendy had vary heavy commitments, Consers vitiven said, Rates were already 80 high In many parts of the eauns (ry an to definitely aifbot develops The Conserve Hyer would move amendments to onahle the objections of the munis olpalitien to ha properly heard, They would ali wive parligment affeotive econtrol and enable laeal MapaYers to challenge any project put forward, Al Hevhont samuel, hawevey des olured the Liberals eardially sum ported tha bill Knots ET Mallen MoConnell, af: Works Maoilittes Rill when it came

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